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Waka Waka EA MT5


EA has a live track record with 4.5 years of stable trading with low drawdown:

Live performance

MT4 version can be found here

Waka Waka is the advanced grid system which already works on real accounts for years. Instead of fitting the system to reflect historical data (like most people do) it was designed to exploit existing market inefficiencies. Therefore it is not a simple "hit and miss" system which only survives by using grid. Instead it uses real market mechanics to its advantage to make profit

Supported currency pairs: AUDCAD, AUDNZD, NZDCAD

Recommended timeframe: M15


  • One Chart Setup: you only need one chart to trade all symbols
  • Multiple currency pairs support
  • Solid backtest and live performance
  • No need to adjust GMT
  • Very easy to use: just read 3 lines of instructions below
  • Much cheaper than available high-quality alternatives

How to install

  • The EA must be attached to ONLY one M15 chart, AUDCAD is recommended
  • If your broker uses a suffix (e.g. AUDCAD.a) you should update names in the Symbol parameter
  • Use recommended pairs only. You don't need .set files, all settings are stored internally in the EA
  • You need to give the EA access to the news list website and time server for news filter and time detection functionality to work correctly. Here is the link for the guide on how to do that (from 1:00 to 2:05)


  • Hedging account!
  • The EA is NOT sensitive to spread and slippage. But I advise using a good ECN broker
  • The EA should run on a VPS continuously
  • With only 1:30 leverage I advise not to use higher than low risk settings on a less than $6000 account, otherwise you might have problems with free margin. With 1:100 leverage it should be fine with up to significant risk setting on a $1000 account

MM & Risk settings

  • Allow Opening a new Grid - on/off opening of new grids. It does not affect the already open grids
  • Lot-sizing Method - select the lot sizing method according to the risk you want to take: Fixed Lots will use fixed lot size from the "Fixed lot" parameter, Dynamic Lots will use 'Dynamic Lot' parameter, Deposit load will calculate lots based on deposit load%, and 4 predefined presets will calculate risk automatically for you
  • Fixed Lot - fixed trading lot for the initial trade.
  • Dynamic Lot (Balance/Equity based) - balance/equity to be used per 0.01 lot
  • Deposit Load % - % of the deposit that will be totally used to open the initial trade
  • Maximum Lot - max allowed trading lot
  • Maximum Spread, in pips - maximal allowed spread
  • Maximum Slippage for a non-ECN acc, in pips - max allowed slippage
  • Maximum Symbols at a time - max allowed number of symbols that can be opened at the same time
  • Allow Hedging - allow opening multi-directional trades on the same symbol
  • Allow Trading on Holidays - on/off Christmas/New Year trading filter
  • Allow to Buy/Sell - on/off Buy/Sell trades
  • Maximum Drawdown Percent - if current floating drawdown exceeds the specified % the EA will close open positions


  • Symbols - symbols separated by comma (custom if empty)
  • Bollinger Bands Period - period of BB used to calculate the upper/lower levels
  • RSI Period - period of RSI used to filtering out trades with small potential.
  • Maximum RSI Value - value for the RSI filter
  • TakeProfit for Initial Trade, in pips - take profit for the initial trade (if no grid trades opened)
  • TakeProfit for Grid, in pips (weighted if zero) - take-profit for the grid. If zero, then TP is weighted, i.e. it is equal to TP of the initial order in money (not in pips!)
  • StopLoss for Grid, in pips (1000pips if zero) - stop-loss for the initial/grid trades
  • Hide StopLoss - on/off stop-loss hiding

Grid settings

  • Trade Distance - min. step in pips between grid(averaging) trades
  • Smart Distance - auto- adjusts the trade distance depending on market volatility
  • 2nd Trade Multiplier - multiplier for the 2nd trade
  • 3rd-5th Trade Multiplier - multiplier for the 3rd-5th trades
  • 6th- Trade Multiplier - multiplier for the 6th-.... trades
  • Maximum Trades - max number of grid(averaging) trades


  • Trade Comment - comment for orders
  • UID (0...9) - unique EA instance number. Usually no need to change it
  • ShowPanel - on/off Info-panel
评论 44
Maxim Maximciuc
Maxim Maximciuc 2023.09.10 18:53 

The best and safe EA! Good profit without risk, using 6m+. Лучший и безопасный Торговый Эксперт! Хороший профит без риска, использую более 6 мес.

ken 2023.06.05 01:17 

This is the best EA I've ever purchased. I bought it back in August 2022, set it to low-risk lot size, and since then it's been consistently turning profits for me.

Casper 2023.04.18 19:32 

I have tried several EAs, but none remotely compares to this. After much consideration and backtesting, I chipped in and bought it. And oh boy, I am so happy I did. This EA can be a life changer if you use it correctly. It definitely has for me since I no longer have to worry about the ups and downs in the stock market and the volatility that comes with most investments. Here I have a stable and steady income. I use it on a trading account with a low spread, where it works great. It is a grid-based EA, but since it is made cleverly and has many security measures built into it, I don't consider it riskier than other EAs. I want to thank Valeriia for making such a magnificent product.

Requiem MT5
Natalyia Nikitina
Attention! Contact me immediately after purchase to receive detailed setup instructions! Requiem MT5 Advisor is your reliable assistant in the Forex market. It uses key market patterns such as price reversal after a sharp movement in any direction. Simply run the advisor on the NZDCAD chart, and let the other currency pairs trade automatically. This is a fully automated trading system that requires no special knowledge or experience from you. Just start the advisor and enjoy your free time – it
Gold Super Trends AutoTrader Robot
Hesham Ahmed Kamal Barakat
5 (5)
60% Discount General description; This EA is made to be used in the Gold market. It's made for trading Gold in mind. This Trading Robot is based on more than 14 years of winning patterns and will open trades by the minute, 24 hours a day. It will handle everything, from opening positions, closing them, managing risk. Features; - Timeframe-Less Expert Advisor that works by the second and recalculate everything with whichever situation that might exist. - Dynamic market watcher that adjust itse
Introducing to your attention an innovative expert advisor created specifically for the most juicy and volatility  currency   basket: GBPUSD, XAUUSD and EURJPY. This EA is designed using the main features of this market's movement, making it an ideal choice for dynamic trading on high-trending and medium-volatile pairs. The advisor is focused on minimizing trading risks, aiming to reduce losses to a minimum. Main features: EA is designed to open and close orders at the begginning of trading ses
Boris- Полностью автоматический ,агрессивный советник основанный на математических расчетах, написанный специально под валютную пару EUR/USD. Период H1. Советник использует свой автоматический виртуальный стоплосс и тейкпрофит !  Ваш брокер не будет видеть ,задерживать модификацию,забыть поставить стоп и так далее. Тестировать рекомендую только с качеством 100% тиков у брокеров дающих реальные котировки. Входные параметры:  Magic=77777; - Магик ордеров  StartHour=1;  - Час начала Торговли  En
Gyroscopes mt5
Nadiya Mirosh
5 (2)
Gyroscope        professional forex expert   (for EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD, USDCHF, EURGBP, EURJPY, NZDUSD, USDCAD, EURCHF, AUDJPY, CADJPY pairs)   alyzing the market using the Elliot Wave Index. Elliott wave theory is the interpretation of processes in financial markets through a system of visual models (waves) on price charts. The author of the theory, Ralph Elliott, identified eight variants of alternating waves (of which five are in the trend and three are against the trend). The mov
Volatilities Scalper
Volatilities Scalper is an EA based on the High/Lows of a Candle, it uses lots of indicators to get an accurate entry, Hedges if the price was on opposite direction. See the Parameters Below and please dont use the default settings. Feel free to optimized also so you can see its capabilities on the live market. For Volatility Index 75 Use the settings Below : Autolots :0.0000001 SL : Optional TP : Optional Close All in Pips : 500000 ( it will close all the trades No Matter How on the Desired am
LazyBoy Scrapper Scalper EA
Hesham Ahmed Kamal Barakat
5 (2)
60% Discount From the makers of the Successful               Gold Super Trends AutoTrader Robot             - Comes this unique opportunity at a low price The Idea You think the days of scrapper scalping ended?! Think again. This Expert Advisor which is made for Gold trading is perfected to scrape ever tick by the second, timeframe independently. Comes along with account management and 6 safety settings for the most satisfied to the most greedy of us to choose from. Not based on indicators wh
Neuro Start
Dmytryi Voitukhov
4.67 (3)
UPD:   https://t.me/mql5_neuroExt   актуальная версия и обсуждение. -對於成功建立的培訓基地,我將免費提供臨時使用的顧問。 -培訓基地將隨著培訓的進行而佈局。 -訓練大約需要20個紀元。 因為EA交易會佔用大量資源,並且市場無法對其進行處理-已引入具有市場價值的TypeOfWork參數。 必須將其切換為任何其他所需的值! 出版用於協作學習! 輸入數據的設置深度為設置中指定的時間範圍的50條。 ThresholdOUT無效。 在某些情況下,速度只會影響很大的值。 在訓練模式下,僅以最小手數打開1個訂單,且SL和TP相等。時間表應統一。在這種模式下,利潤本身並不重要。 距離僅適用於MaxOrders> 1。 MaxOrders> 1會使速度大大降低。 LearnEpoch是用於循環優化的未使用參數。 刪除文件data_w1_ [TF] _ [INSTRUMENT] .csv和data_w2_ [TF] _ [INSTRUMENT] .csv或更改參數中的PeriodBar時,訓練將從頭開始。 文件位置C:\ Users \
Nusa Patterns MT5
John Folly Akwetey
Expert advisor trades by breaking up fractals or down fractals. It is used   “Fractals ST Patterns Strategy”   or   “4.0 Fractals Direction ST Patterns MT5”   fractal indicators. Also expert advisor uses standard trailing stop. Below is description of some inputs. Trade Order   – direction of trading (only buy, only sell or buy and sell) Fractal Indicator   – option of used fractal indicator (“Fractals ST Patterns” – indicator   “Fractals ST Patterns Strategy” , “Fractals Direction ST Patterns”
USDJPY Focused Breaker USDJPY Focused Breaker 专为USDJPY货币对的H1(1小时)时间框架设计,基于Channel-Break FX技术。该系统使用AI模型来识别趋势通道,采用1维卷积神经网络(CNN)来识别市场趋势。 主要特点: 优化: 提供了改进的开仓和闭仓策略。 时间框架和货币对: 可用于M30、H1、H4和D1时间框架,以及USDJPY、EURUSD、GBPUSD、USDCHF、AUDUSD、USDCAD和NZDUSD等多个货币对。不过,这个版本特别优化了USDJPY-H1时间框架,AI模型仅针对这一货币对和时间框架进行训练。 自动设置: 系统会自动设置止损(SL)并计算交易量,以利用复利效应。不使用止盈(TP),以避免过早平仓。 完全自动化: 完全自动化,无需人工操作。每4小时评估一次开仓,每小时调整一次止损。 单一头寸策略: 系统始终只操作一个头寸(多头或空头),不使用对冲策略,适合初学者。 该版本通过先进的计算机系统进行数据训练,确保了高精度和高效率的交易。
Introducing to your attention an innovative expert advisor created specifically for the most juicy and volatility    currency     basket: GBPUSD, XAUUSD and EURJPY. This system is designed using the main features of this market's movement, making it an ideal choice for dynamic trading on high-trending and medium-volatile pairs.   The signals are focused on minimizing trading risks, aiming to reduce losses to a minimum. Main features ESignals is designed to show open and close arrows at the beg
Robot Titan Rex
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
Asesor Experto (EA) totalmente automático, opera sin ayuda del usuario, se llama Titan T-REX Robot (TTREX_EA),actualizado a la versión 2, diseñado a base de cálculos matemáticos y experiencia del diseñador plasmado en operaciones complejas que tratan de usar todas las herramientas propias posibles. Funciona con todas las criptomonedas y/o divisas del mercado Forex. No caduca, ni pasa de moda ya que se puede configurar el PERIODO desde M1..15, M30, H1.... Utiliza Scalping de forma moderada busca
Agi FX V2
Iputu Agi Sumara Jaya
AGI FX V2 Trading activities often pose challenges, regardless of who you are. If you lack trading expertise and cannot control your emotions, you are likely to incur losses. Trading and investing can be daunting for you, but with an EA (Expert Advisor), you have the tools and guidance you need to make better, faster, and smarter decisions. Introducing AGI FX V2. AGI FX V2 is an automated trading tool that will replace you in conducting forex trading activities. AGI FX V2 utilizes a combination
Gold Crazy EA MT5
Gold Crazy EA   is an Expert Advisor designed specifically for trading Gold H1/ EU M15. It use some indicators to find the good Entry. And you can set SL or you can DCA if you want. It can be an Scalping or an Grid/ Martingale depend yours setting. This EA can Auto lot by Balance, set risk per trade. You also can set TP/ SL for earch trade or for basket of trade. - RSI_PERIOD - if = -1, then the default strategy works, if >0, then the RSI strategy works - MAX_ORDERS - to trade with only 1 order,
<<Gold Precise: A Multi-Timeframe and Dynamic Trend Identification Expert Advisor for XAU/USD>> BUY ONE FREE ONE,   contact me for your gift after purchase.  Live Signal: Link Join my free channel: https://www.mql5.com/en/channels/elitetradernce Features: Releasing my Secret Strategy 2:  Tested more than 5 months on live signal before release. Win Rate: 97% Coded by certified trader from 2 prop firms. Smart Entry & Exit FIFO Prop Firm Compatible (0.01 lot per $10k balance) No Grid, Martingale o
Mother Earth MT5
Natalyia Nikitina
Attention! Contact me immediately after purchase to receive detailed setup instructions! Advisor Mother Earth MT5 is your reliable assistant in the Forex market. It is based on key market patterns, such as price retracement after a sharp movement in any direction. Simply launch the advisor on a chart with the AUDCAD currency pair, and let the other pairs trade automatically. This is a fully automated trading system that requires no special skills from you. All you need to do is launch the advis
Restin RoboTrade MT5
Hakimi Bin Abdul Jabar
Restin RoboTrade FinTech Software MT5 This specifically designed Expert Advisor has time control in which one can set the time interval within a day and with a transition every other day. These parameters :  Use time control ,  Start hour  and  End hour  are responsible for  Time Control.   It has trailing. It also has expanded functions for opening positions. The RoboTrader and EA works at every tick. It can hold no more than one position in the market, so it will work on both netting and he
BitCoin MinerX
Godbless C Nygu
Join Deriv link on profile>>> BitCoin MinerX is a special EA tool created to trade the pair called BTC/USD, This robot is created by few indicators which is Donchian Channel and Bollinger Bands.  A Donchian channel is a   trading indicator that shows the highest high and the lowest low of a security over a given period  and  Bollinger Bands are a   technical analysis tool that show the prices and volatility of a financial instrument or commodity over time . We use all this tools because are he
Magic EA MT5
Kyra Nickaline Watson-gordon
Magic EA is an Expert Advisor based on Scalping, Elliot Waves and with filters such as RSI, Stochastic and 3 other strategies managed and decided with the robot smartly. Large number of inputs and settings are tested and optimized and embedded in the program thus inputs are limited and very simple. Using EA doesn't need any professional information or Forex Trading Knowledge. EA can trade on all symbols and all time frames, using special and unique strategies developed by the author. The EA w
Our team - @Supremacy_Lab - are glad to introduce our first product - EA_Supremacy_NT - a unique technical solution for day trading, scalping, and trend following. EA_Supremacy_NT is a non-trading version of our core automated advisor, that will be released later. It is a truly innovative product that is based on an unconventional approach to market data processing. The underlying algorithm allows traders to reap the maximum possible profit from short-term price movements. The system uses a si
Cypher invest
Arnold Byarufu
Introducing "CypherInvest," your trusted Expert Advisor in the dynamic world of financial markets.  With cutting-edge technology and advanced algorithms, CypherInvest analyzes market data, identifies patterns, and uncovers hidden opportunities to help you make informed investment decisions. Our innovative approach combines the power of cryptography and data analysis, unlocking the secrets of the market to maximize your returns. Powered by the Secret algorithm, CypherInvest leverages support an
EverGrowth Pro MT5
Canberk Dogan Denizli
如果您正在為未來的交易尋求一個務實的視角,請允許我介紹 EverGrowth。 您是否對使用成熟的專業 EA(包含大約 6800 行的廣泛代碼庫)進行交易活動的想法著迷? EverGrowth 擁有多種功能和指標,通過在真實市場條件下忠實地複制測試結果來優先考慮真實性。 它利用先進的功能,為交易者提供全面的工具集來增強他們的交易策略。 因此,EverGrowth 是終極 EA,適合在 M1 時間範圍內交易各種貨幣對。 目前,我們的活躍交易涉及美元加元和歐元兌美元貨幣對。 然而,隨著時間的推移,我們將修改這些貨幣對以適應市場,就像在變革的浪潮中衝浪一樣。 我們將根據 EA 的性能調整我們的方法,確保無縫適應。   請放心,我們的客戶服務體驗已經接近完美,因為我們 24/7 都會勤勉地監控我們的收件箱。 我們及時回複查詢和建議,保證最長 24 小時響應時間。 請允許我闡明許多交易者經常忽視的一個關鍵方面:優化。 女士們先生們,優化是關鍵! 交易模式的有效性可能會在一個月之間波動,具體取決於特定的貨幣對。 這一現實仍然是不可否認的。 如果我們的目標是維持盈利能力,我們就必須巧妙地駕馭市
Expert. Automatic and manual trading. Ready-made trading system based on Elliott waves and Fibonacci retracement levels . It is simple and affordable. Display of the marking of Elliott waves (main or alternative option) on the chart. Construction of horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, a channel. Superposition of Fibonacci levels on waves 1, 3, 5, A Alert system (on-screen, E-Mail, Push notifications).    visual panel for opening orders in manual trading. visual panel for setting up
EZ Fury Kite 5
Pengfei Zhang
EZ.Fury Kite is judged based on the trend indicator MA. The general setting period is 15M, the trading time is about 1-2 hours, and 1 hour is the best. Multi-currency transactions that support ECN accounts. Use the default settings for compound interest mode, this EA will increase revenue by 20%-40% per month. Set the parameters manually and make a fixed profit model. This EA generates revenues of 10%-20% per month. This EA gives time-limited attributes. In order to reduce the possibility of l
SpeedScalper AI MT5
Ankitbhai Radadiya
SpeedScalper AI MT5 is a next-generation scalping robot developed by a highly experienced team in trading and coding. It is designed for scalping on one of the most popular crypto pair BTCUSD . Unlock the power of automated trading with this advanced SpeedScalper AI MT5 specifically designed for the BTCUSD pair. Whether you're trading on the 1-minute or 4-hour chart, this bot adapts to any timeframe, making it a versatile tool for traders of all styles. This strategy has undergone extensive test
Somewhere over the rainbow It is a system that tries to operate the market from the exhaustion of the trend with a correction algorithm that tries to cut losses at the cost of increasing the margin This system makes all the adjustments automatically, analyzing the pair and the market to decide which is the most efficient step to reach your destination. Somewhere over the rainbow is a multiple trade and multi lot system(The maximum batch can be up to 5 times the initial batch distributed in mult
Osiris Royal Arises
Victor Chege Macharia
Osiris Royal Arises is an integration of the Python programming language, deep learning machine and mql5 code to be able to predict USDCAD,USDCHF and EURUSD price movements so as to produce the most profitable entries and exits with minimal average risk per order. Why  Osiris Royal Arises ? +   Osiris Royal Arises has been through the research and development stage for almost 1 year, and has passed the testing phase. +   Osiris Royal Arises uses martingale only when it is deemed to be an ideal
Andriy Sydoruk
ScalpelBarUVL is a new generation universal scalpel bot. It can work on any type of accounts. On any instrument, without exception. Advantages: Automatically adjusts all pip parameter values ​​for the instrument (stops, volatility, spread). That is, if you optimize your stop loss, for example, from 100 to 1000, then such a range will be on any instruments (on all currency pairs), the actual stop loss will be adjusted in accordance with the needs of this instrument. This is very convenient for
Extremum Save
Ruslan Papou
Version for MT4:  Extremum Save MT4  Community UP Group Join Extremum Save - is a fully automated scalping trading algorithm with the highest possible SL/PT ratio. Extremum Save does not need optimization. The strategy showed great results when tested on historical data with the best possible simulation quality for more than 10 years. Real trading proves the same results. Extremum Save does not use any risky trading methods such as martingale, grid, etc.   Every order is protected with low fix
Lhoussaine Ait Ben Mouh
Easy to Use: SentimentExpert Designed for traders of all levels, our EA comes with user-friendly settings and comprehensive documentation. Set it up in minutes and let it work tirelessly to grow your trading account. Consistent Performance: Backed by rigorous testing and optimization, the Enhanced Trading EA delivers reliable and consistent results. It’s like having a professional trader working around the clock, analyzing markets, and executing trades on your behalf. Take Your Trading to the Ne
Horus AI
Nestor Alejandro Chiariello
交易者您好,我根据我之前的几个策略,严格设计了这个工具,并以实际结果为基础,将其适应外汇市场,因此它适应了机器学习的人工智能,即AI会读取参数,然后参考我的策略,然后它会学习,以便条目具有更好的质量,它还有一个节点,您可以在其中恢复仓位,您会发现的另一个创新之处是,所有内容都将封装在一个虚拟方式,即不会有数据发送到止损、止盈等服务器,非常人性化的方式 Horus AI 拥有庞大的节点数据库,并与我的节点服务器连接,以继续存储有关市场结构和解构的更多信息,查阅我的特殊先知指标等。 这得益于其新的节点信息 API、指标和新闻,使其独一无二 重要提示:回测无法进行,因为 API 无法与回测一起使用,它只能在真实情况下工作,要查看性能,请查看真实信号 要真正工作,您必须将配置中的技术更改为基本! 2个主要的事情是我设计了extractFeatures和trainModel函数,这将负责设计蜡烛,破坏它的Slippage并学习它如何移动以适应Spread 需要说明的是,我的策略开发是我作为专业交易员多年来设计的,加入了人工智能的自适应来优化性能,使其变得更好。 应该高度注意的是,这是
NorthEastWay MT5
4.43 (7)
NorthEastWay MT5是一种完全自动化的“回撤”交易系统,在热门的“回撤”货币对交易中特别有效:AUDCAD、AUDNZD、NZDCAD。该系统在交易中使用了外汇市场的主要模式——价格在任何方向急剧波动后的回归。 时间框架:M15 基本货币对:AUDNZD、NZDCAD、AUDCAD 附加货币对:EURUSD、USDCAD、GBPUSD、EURCAD、EURGBP、GBPCAD 实时信号(不同设置): NEW2000 MT5 ICM FastWay MT5 Roboforex FastWay MT4 ICM NEW2000 MT4 Roboforex LittleeCrazyWay MT5 (新EA设置之一可能非常类似于LC EA,但不完全相同。) 购买EA后,务必私信我,我会将您添加到私人群组,发送设置文件和详细说明。 我愿意帮助每位买家安装和配置顾问。 如果您以前从未使用过EA,我会向您展示并教您如何使用。 EA设置: 您可以使用OneChartSetup(仅限M15时间框架)从单个图表运行所有货币对 该EA对点差、滑点或任何其他与经纪商相关的变量不敏感。 仅使用推荐
Robot autotrading forex yang bekerja secara full otomatis menggunakan Strategi Scalping yang sangat profitable.Tidak menggunakan metode strategi yang berbahaya dalam trading yang menyebabkan hilangnya seluruh Deposit secara tajam seperti Hedging, Martingale, Grid, Arbitrage, dll. Kelebihan RainScalper adalah memiliki status Live Development yang berkesinambungan dalam jangka panjang berbeda dengan robot lain yang sering berganti nama ketika terjadi crash/mc; serta memiliki kemampuan multi-strate
BenefitEA Mt5
Vsevolod Merzlov
Benefit EA Uses only hedging accounts.     Benefit EA is a non-indicative flexible grid adviser with special entry points that provide a statistical advantage, revealed through the mathematical modeling of market patterns. The EA does not use stop loss. All trades are closed by take profit or trailing stop. It is possible to plan the lot increments. The "Time Filter" function is set according to the internal time of the terminal as per the displayed time of the instrument's server, not the oper
Neurolite EA gbpusd
Aliaksandr Salauyou
The Neurolite Expert Advisor offers trade decisions based on a neural network trained using a 10-year history of real tick data. The trading is performed only on GBP/USD. Its main peculiarity is a small amount of input parameters so as to facilitate the working process of users. The Neurolite EA will fine-tune all the parameters for you. Trading Strategy The system does NOT use dangerous strategies such as averaging or martingale, but strictly adheres to the neural network instructions. Stop lo
Neurolite EA eurusd
Aliaksandr Salauyou
The Neurolite Expert Advisor offers trade decisions based on a neural network trained on 5-years of real tick data. Trading is performed only on the EUR/USD currency pair. Its main peculiarity is a small amount of input parameters so as to facilitate the working process of users. The Neurolite EA will fine-tune all the parameters for you. This Expert Advisor is based on the previously released Neurolite EA gbpusd , which was adjusted for successful trading on the EUR/USD currency pair. Trading
只在亚洲盘进行剥头皮交易 几个独特指标用于检测市场波动 根据市场情况动态止盈止损 保护性硬止损,使得账户风险降低 不需要配置文件,对每一个货币对使用相同的设置 此EA适用于以下货币对: EURAUD 推荐在 M15 周期上使用此EA 建议在一个真正的 低点差 ECN平台上使用该EA 推荐将Risk参数设置为10以下 推荐使用99.9%模型质量的历史回测 信号 : https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/author/oodd008 回测 : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/oodd008/blog 参数 Lots - 使用固定手数 Risk - 根据账户净值自动计算手数,只有当Lots是0时才有效 Auto_GMT_Offset - 实盘交易时,如果设置为true,GMT_Offset会由EA自动计算 GMT_Offset - 历史回测时输入你的经纪商的GMT时间,实盘交易时不用设置此参数,系统会自动计算GMT时间 EA_Comment - 设置自己的评论信息 MAGIC - Magic数字,无需更改 Max_Spread - 开
Thurau Baerbel
Snake EURUSD Real EA is a fully automatic Forex Trading Expert Advisor. The robot can run on any pair, but the results are better on EURUSD M15. The system can run with any broker that also provides Floating Spread. Advantages The EA does not use systems like martingale, hedging, etc. The EA uses SL and Trailing Stop to make a profit. In addition, you can also set TP (EURUSD at 93 for me). Best test results with 99.0% in the backtest. It is not necessary to close the EA during the press release
Rajkumar Palanisamy
Updated latest version DD is below 30%    **Back Test in IC Markets,  EURUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD  Time Frame M30**  *USDCAD 1H * *AUDUSD H2*    **BE SAFE EA includes 9 Powerful Trend Indicators**    **99% Accuracy Super Strong BUY and SELL Signal entry**    **EA takes Super Strong BUY or SELL order, after 9 indicator confirmation in one bar** Super Strong BUY and SELL entry EA takes super STRONG BUY and SELL entry, after 9 indicator confirmation in single bar. When you receive the super strong
Be Safe Scanner MT5
Rajkumar Palanisamy
BE SAFE TURBO EA with indicator 24*7 Real deposit 3000$. Updated latest version DD is below 30%    **Back Test in IC Markets,  EURUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD  Time Frame M30**  *USDCAD 1H * *AUDUSD H2*    **BE SAFE EA includes 9 Powerful Trend Indicators**    **99% Accuracy Super Strong BUY and SELL Signal entry**    **EA takes Super Strong BUY or SELL order, after 9 indicator confirmation in one bar** Super Strong BUY and SELL entry EA takes super STRONG BUY and SELL entry, after 9 indicator confi
#Multicurrency #Hedging #Martingale #28Symbols  @AUD @CAD @CHF @JPY @NZD @USD @EUR @GBP  In the globalisation process that the world economy has undergone in the last two decades, financial markets have played a leading role. The easy and fast access to information, together with the growing economic interdependence between the different commercial blocks, have caused more and more economic agents to participate in non-national financial markets. Even small investors, thanks to the Internet and
On Control EA MT5 V2 Game-Changing Software For The Forex Market  On Control EA was created to help traders like you maximize their income. How would you like to gain access to a world-class proprietary piece of software designed for one purpose, to improve your Forex strategy? Let’s be honest, it can be hard to understand which technical analysis & trading signals you should follow. With On Control EA, you now have a powerful tool that will enhance your Forex trading strategy & elevate your in
EA Rx Five MT5
Ruslan Pishun
The adviser uses a strategy based on the use of 7 Envelopes  indicators, on each timeframe (M5, M15, M30, H1, H4) there are 7 Envelopes indicators. Trading is based on the “Price Action” strategy, the adviser searches for a simultaneous signal on 5 time frames: M5, M15, M30, H1, H4 and then opens an order. The EA uses the built-in Martingale and Averaging algorithm. The adviser uses economic news to achieve more accurate signals. Hidden Take Profit, Break Even and Trailing Stop are used. Attenti
MoneyMaker 稳定提款机 Lite 版本,是一款针对外汇的自动智能交易系统!以下简称本 EA 智能交易系统。Lite版本仅支持MetaTrader 5! 本 EA 智能交易系统的目的是稳定盈利,而不是让你拥有一夜暴富的能力! 本 EA 智能交易系统的 Lite 版本仅作用于 EUR/USD 货币兑,不能用于其他货币兑交易、其他 CFD 产品交易以及大宗商品交易或期指商品交易! 本 EA 智能交易系统,只适合运行在允许进行对冲交易的的外汇交易商平台! 本 EA 智能交易系统,采用马丁格尔与网格交易系统为基础,通过大数据分析对 EUR/USD 货币兑的多年历史数据进行各项特征进行层层分析,得到了精准的分析结果! 本 EA 智能交易系统的代码融入数据模糊处理技术,使得本 EA 智能交易系统在进行下单和平仓操作时自动处理价位而并非依靠限价订单来完成下单和止盈平仓操作! 本 EA 智能交易系统的特点在于稳定盈利!根据市场的情况,平均每日盈利 $60~$180 ! 本 EA 智能交易系统没有资金回撤!常规时期最大动态亏损$ 400 以内!对于 COVID-19 时的市场熔断机制, 500
Bonnitta EA MT5
Ugochukwu Mobi
3.38 (21)
Bonnitta EA 基于挂单策略 (PPS) 和非常先进的秘密交易算法。 Bonnitta EA 的策略是秘密自定义指标、趋势线、支撑和阻力位(价格行动)和上述最重要的秘密交易算法的组合。 不要在没有超过 3 个月的任何真实货币测试的情况下购买 EA,我花了超过 100 周(超过 2 年)在真实货币上测试 BONNITTA EA 并在下面的链接中查看结果。 BONNITTA EA 由爱和力量组成。 仅适用于少数买家,这是盗版算法的价格和实施的原因。 Bonnitta EA 在 22 年的时间内使用质量为 99.9% 的真实报价成功通过了压力测试,滑点和佣金接近真实市场条件。 Expert Advisor包含统计采集和滑点控制的算法,具有完整的统计控制; 此信息用于保护您免受经纪人的欺骗。 Bonnitta EA 在下订单之前控制经纪人执行的质量,它还成功地通过了历史数据和不同数据馈送的蒙特卡罗模拟方面的严格标准。 结果 策略测试器的 Expert Advisor 结果:初始存款为 1000 美元的 Bonnitta EA 在 2020 年 1 月 1 日至 2021 年
Shadow Legends MT5
Zarui Ogannisian
Shadow Legends MT5 EA.-it's a fully automated expert Advisor designed to trade EURUSD. It is based on machine learning analysis and genetic algorithms.  The Expert Advisor contains a self-adaptive market algorithm that uses price action patterns. The expert Advisor showed stable results for EURUSD in the period 2000-2021.  No dangerous money management techniques, no Martingale, no netting, scalping or hedging.  Suitable for any brokerage conditions.Test only on real accounts.Recommended broker
Reactor MT5是用于日内交易的全自动EA交易。它基于许多指标。专家顾问能够获得很高的获胜率。 专家在EURUSD,GBPUSD,USDCAD,AUDUSD和USDJPY M15货币对的整个可用历史时期内进行了测试,并获得了出色的结果。您可以下载演示并自己进行测试。我的测试使用的是实际报价日期,准确度为99.90%,实际价差和附加滑点。 基于EA分析,基本策略始于逆序趋势和跟随趋势的市场订单 最大跌幅将为%0,1-%15%。您可以检查图片上6年的回测结果。 反应堆是如此低风险的专家。系统正在使用不同类型的算法打开订单。 坦率地说,输入太多,但请放心,我会为您提供帮助。 Ea在星期一和星期五不开放任何订单。如果您愿意,可以自己打开它。 了解了输入之后,您可以找到最适合自己的设置。 请不要将ea与假回测ea进行比较。所有结果都是真实的。 在电报上关注我们: https://t.me/joinchat/RXjxgdlM1aRZA3A4 推荐建议 推荐的时间范围是M15- M30-H1-H4。 专家可以继续使用EURUSD,GBPUSD,USDCAD,AUDUSD和USDJPY。 从20
QuantXProTrader EA
Netlux Digital Kft.
QXS PRO TRADER Expert Advisor QuantXProTrader is an Expert Advisor based on Profitable Price Action strategy. It is compatible with our QXS Trend indicator and work automatically by Trend detection on Multiple assets. Each and Everything in this EA is perfect Just you need to set input parameters. Take Profit, Stop loss, Trailing Stop, Trailing Step, Lot Size Adjust it as per your account capital and equity. Recommended TIMEFRAMES are: M15, M30 and H1  Before Installing Expert Advisor on chart
Oxana Tambur
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more then 90% discount ($ 3750 >>> $ 345), Special offer is valid for 3 months from the start of sales <<<<<<<< <<<<<<<< The trading robot has been trading on a real account since 2018. We will show our account to everyone who plans to buy a trading robot. To do this, contact us. TickToker is a fully automatic Expert Advisor designed for the    EUR/GBP,EUR/SGD,AUD/NZD,EUR/CHF   currency pairs.  Does not use Martingale and Grid, all trades are covered by Stop Loss and Take Profit.
Dragon wing
Shinichi Ikeda
EAの概要 MACDとストキャス を使用したEA MACDとストキャス をベースにトレーディンストップ、 テイクプロフィットレベル などの設定及び機能を搭載しています。 特徴 新規エントリーをサーバー時間でトレードをタイムコントロール出来る機能を搭載しています。 利確幅、ロスカット幅を任意に設定可能です。 MT5であればブロカー関係なく、暗号資産(仮想通貨)、FX、CFD、株式等の使用可能なEAとなっております。 EAを稼働させる上での注意事項 当サイトでご提供しているEAは、利用者の収益を保証するものではありません。 当サイトで掲載しているロジック、損益シミュレーションと同じ結果になることを保証するものでもありません。利用者の環境等で結果が異なることもございます。 実際にEAを利用するか中止するかの判断は、必ずご自身で決定してください。
Shinichi Ikeda
EAの概要 一目均衡表を使用したEA 一目均衡表をベースにトレード時間帯、マーチン、トレーディンストップ、ロット計算などの設定及び機能搭載しています。 特徴 新規エントリーをサーバー時間でトレードをタイムコントロール出来る機能を搭載しています。 利確幅、ロスカット幅、マーチン倍率を任意に設定可能です。 典型的なマーチンタイプのEAですので、破綻リスクと上手く付き合いつつ利用することが必要です。 追加機能でリバースやオンリーワンなどの追加機能を搭載しました、通常はfalseですが必要であればtrueにしてください。 MT5であればブロカー関係なく、暗号資産(仮想通貨)、FX、CFD、株式等の使用可能なEAとなっております。 EAを稼働させる上での注意事項 当サイトでご提供しているEAは、利用者の収益を保証するものではありません。 当サイトで掲載しているロジック、損益シミュレーションと同じ結果になることを保証するものでもありません。利用者の環境等で結果が異なることもございます。 実際にEAを利用するか中止するかの判断は、必ずご自身で決定してください。
Marvelous EA MT5
Ugochukwu Mobi
介绍 Marvelous EA:您终极的交易伙伴 通过 Marvelous EA 释放外汇市场的全部潜力,这是一款最先进的自动化交易解决方案,旨在最大化您的利润并减少风险。这个精心设计的交易算法具有先进的功能,能够精确导航动态的外汇市场。GOLD - XAUUSD - M5 真实账户表现: https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/1973370 主要功能: 验证的交易策略: 由经验丰富的交易员开发,并在不同的市场条件下进行了测试。 自动化交易: 24/5 无需情绪干扰或人工干预自动执行交易。 风险管理: 复杂的风险管理系统保护您的资本。 自适应技术: 持续学习并适应不断变化的市场条件。 多货币支持: 使用优化的设置交易多个货币对。 实时监控: 随时了解性能和市场分析。 优势: 提高效率: 通过自动化交易节省时间和精力。 提高准确性: 减少情绪化交易决策并将损失降到最低。 增强盈利能力: 24/5 优化交易机会。 降低风险: 先进的风险管理保护您的投资。 体验 Marvelous EA 的力量 发现更聪明的外汇交易方式。今天试试 Marvelou
AI Nodiurnal EA MT5
Ugochukwu Mobi
5 (1)
AI Nodiurnal EA是一款先进的外汇机器人,利用尖端的机器学习技术优化交易策略,在动态的外汇市场中提升性能。术语“Nodiurnal”反映了它的适应能力,不仅在典型的白天交易时间内运行,而且在非标准时段也能持续运行,为外汇交易提供连续和适应性的方法。 设置:货币对的默认设置:EURUSD H1。特殊设置仅在购买后提供。 实时账号信号在这里: https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/1270367 MT4版本在这里: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/69905 市场推出促销!仅剩下10份中的3份,价格为:5,500美元,下一个价格为:7,500美元,最终价格为:10,000美元 主要特点: 机器学习算法:AI Nodiurnal EA的核心优势在于利用机器学习算法。这些算法分析大量的历史市场数据,识别模式、趋势和潜在的交易机会。通过不断学习,系统优化其策略,适应不断变化的市场条件。 适应性交易策略:与静态算法的传统交易机器人不同,AI Nodiurnal EA设计为适应不断变化的市场动态。它可以动态调整交易参
Shinichi Ikeda
概要 資金管理、トレーリングストップ、ポジション管理ができる トレンドフォローEAです。 特徴 一般的なトレンドの方向にポジションを開くことに基づいたトレンドフォロー戦略です。 テイクプロフィット注文とストップロス注文を使用してリスクを管理し、利益を確保します。 また、 EA はトレーリング ストップを採用し、価格が取引に有利に動くにつれてストップロスを動的に調整します。 MT5であればブロカー関係なく、暗号資産(仮想通貨)、FX、CFD、株式等の使用可能なEAとなっております。 ※スクリーンショットの模様は、フォワードテスト最適化の様子やフォワードテスト後の資産状況を載せています。 EAを稼働させる上での注意事項 当サイトでご提供しているEAは、利用者の収益を保証するものではありません。 当サイトで掲載しているロジック、損益シミュレーションと同じ結果になることを保証するものでもありません。利用者の環境等で結果が異なることもございます。 実際にEAを利用するか中止するかの判断は、必ずご自身で決定してください。
Yuriy Bykov
易于设置和安装自动专家顾问. 不是网格,也不是鞅。 我把它忘了。 在同一时间交易几个工具。 分析波动性和趋势和单位的存在,以产生打开位置的信号.   5本售价30美元。 当存款从$100到$800时,使用一组积极的策略。 对于超过$800的帐户大小,EA会自动切换到适度策略。 建议安装在EURGBP M15上。 对于多货币交易,一个运行的专家顾问实例就足够了。 在参数中,指定幻数和已开仓位大小的乘数(建议使其等于1.0) 它同样适用于净额结算和对冲账户。 适合在小肩膀的帐户上工作。 在真实账户上启动之前,请务必在测试仪和模拟账户上测试Ea交易的工作。 对于翻译中可能存在的不准确之处,我深表歉意。 对于翻译中可能存在的不准确之处,我深表歉意。
Neuro Control EA
NEW: Rent this EA as a -> SIGNAL <- Neuro Control EA is a proportional–integral–derivative controller ( PID controller ) enhanced with: - a perceptron deep learning module - a grid module - a volume-based soft martingale - a money management system Neuro Control EA rental licenses come preconfigured and ready to drop on a H1 EUR/USD x500 $1000 mql5 no-hedging account. It is ready to use as is: simply drop it on a H1 EUR/USD x500 $1000 mql5 account no-hedging account and it works. Exists on other
Uche Celestine Obi
NorthSide 是一个交易算法,它交易追踪模式,主要在 NZDCAD, AUDNZD,AUDCAD 上工作,也可以在其他对上使用。 没有马丁格尔或冒险的策略。 时间框架: M1 至 M5 建议,但可在任何工作。 主要货币对: NZDCAD, AUDCAD,AUDNZD 将自动分配系统设置为固定分配的 false。 对冲系统作为一种保护作用,可以被禁用,而不会对战略产生重大负面影响。 输入设置简化,您可以在下面找到说明。 固定批量 - 如果自动批量设置为 false,则使用此批量大小 自动批量系统 - 自动放大批量并禁用固定批量 支持交易模式 - 启用用于支持交易账户的4%每日最大扣款系统 封锁 - 启用封锁恢复系统 贸易方向选项 - 只买,只卖,只买和卖 显示数据 - 显示图表上的信息 Magic - EA 识别号码       购买后给我留言,以获得建议或一般支持。       快乐的交易。
Robo executivo gjs
Gabriel De Jesus Santos
It is recommended to use the robot on a netting account. the robot works with the best configuration from the previous day on the current day. the robot works on the mini index. the robot works on the mini dollar. the robot works on forex. the robot works using indicators. the robot works using market orders and pending orders. before using the robot, put it into optimization and save the settings (in a .set file) to use for the current day. past history does not guarantee future profit, but is
Yuriy Bykov
一个多货币专家顾问,它结合了许多同时工作的简单策略。在波动性增加的市场时刻,每种策略都基于简单的交易算法。在过去五年中,每项策略都得到了优化。 EA 使用“人群的正确性”的统计原则:它平均来自不同策略的信号,并在首选方向上开仓。 这一原则,连同相关交易工具的同步工作,可以大大提高对不利市场阶段的抵抗力和增长期分布的均匀性。 选项 预期最大回撤 (%)       -- 预期的近似最大回撤。据此,自动选择开仓参数,使回撤不超过设定值。该参数基于过去 5 年的测试数据,在进一步工作期间可能发生的实际回撤可能与声明的回撤略有不同,无论是向上还是向下 交易定期存款     -- 设置用于交易的固定金额的资金。开仓的大小将根据指定的资金数额计算。要使用所有设施,请将此参数设置为 0。 推荐设置 预期最大回撤 (%) = 10 .. 30 交易定期存款 = 0
Golden Pickaxe MT5
Valeriia Mishchenko
3.56 (9)
EA has high-performance live track records of different set files: XAU Risky Vol XAU Balanced Vol XAU Balanced MT4 version can be found here Golden Pickaxe is a mean-reversion grid trading system that uses machine learning technology to place high-profit potential trades on the Gold market. It uses real market inefficiencies to its advantage to have an edge over the market. The EA has 5 predefined set files, which are essentially 5 different trading systems on gold . You may choose the defaul
Perceptrader AI
Valeriia Mishchenko
EA has a live track record with 48 month of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT5 version can be found here Perceptrader AI is a cutting-edge grid trading system that leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence, utilizing Deep Learning algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to analyze large amounts of market data at high speed and detect high-potential trading opportunities to exploit. Supported currency pairs: NZDUSD, USDCAD, AUDNZD, AUDCAD, NZDCAD, GBPCHF Timefram
Waka Waka EA
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.31 (48)
EA has a live track record with 4.5 years of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT5 version can be found here Waka Waka is the advanced grid system which already works on real accounts for years. Instead of fitting the system to reflect historical data (like most people do) it was designed to exploit existing market inefficiencies. Therefore it is not a simple "hit and miss" system which only survives by using grid. Instead it uses real market mechanics to its advantage to make p
Perceptrader AI MT5
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.6 (5)
EA has a live track record with 48 month of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT4 version can be found here Perceptrader AI is a cutting-edge grid trading system that leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence, utilizing Deep Learning algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to analyze large amounts of market data at high speed and detect high-potential trading opportunities to exploit. Supported currency pairs: NZDUSD, USDCAD, AUDNZD, AUDCAD, NZDCAD, GBPCHF Timefram
Relative Volatility MT5
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.83 (6)
Like most things that work in trading, it's really simple. However, it's one of the most powerful tools I have that makes entries of many systems much more precise.   In its essence, it measures the recent volatility against the medium-term average. How does it work? Markets tend to be prone to strong trending movements when relative volatility is low and tend to be mean-reverting when relative volatility is high.   It can be used with both mean-reversion systems (like the Golden Pickaxe) and mo
Relative Volatility
Valeriia Mishchenko
5 (4)
Like most things that work in trading, it's really simple. However, it's one of the most powerful tools I have that makes entries of many systems much more precise.   In its essence, it measures the recent volatility against the medium-term average. How does it work? Markets tend to be prone to strong trending movements when relative volatility is low and tend to be mean-reverting when relative volatility is high.   It can be used with both mean-reversion systems (like the Golden Pickaxe) and mo
Night Hunter Pro
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.37 (52)
EA has a  live track record  with many months of stable trading with  low drawdown : Best Pairs   (default settings) High-risk   performance Night Hunter Pro is the advanced scalping system which utilizes smart entry/exit algorithms with sophisticated filtering methods to identify only the safest entry points during calm periods of the market. This system is focused on a long-term stable growth . It is a professional tool developed by me years ago that is constantly updated, incorporating all t
News Catcher Pro
Valeriia Mishchenko
4 (8)
News Catcher Pro is a mean-reversion strategy that uses intraday seasonal volatility patterns caused by high-impact news events. It enters the market at a certain time shortly before a high-impact news event occurs . It does not trade frequently! Supported currency pairs: GBPUSD, EURUSD, EURGBP Recommended timeframe: M5 MT5 version can be found here EA is   FIFO compatible To backtest the EA you should download the news events data file ' NewsEvents.txt ' and copy it to the common MT4/5 direc
Golden Pickaxe
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.67 (6)
EA has high-performance live track records of different set files: XAU Risky Vol XAU Balanced Vol XAU Balanced MT5 version can be found here Golden Pickaxe is a mean-reversion grid trading system that uses machine learning technology to place high-profit potential trades on the Gold market. It uses real market inefficiencies to its advantage to have an edge over the market. The EA has 5 predefined set files, which are essentially 5 different trading systems on gold . You may choose the defaul
Evening Scalper Pro
Valeriia Mishchenko
4 (19)
EA has live track records with low drawdown: Live signal - Best Pairs Live signal - All Pairs Evening Scalper Pro is the state-of-the-art mean-reversion trading system that operates during the American trading session. It's very different from most other scalping systems, since it uses a unique trading logic on cross pairs that have a strong mean-reverting tendency with high profit targets. EA enters the market with market orders from 19 to 23h, it does not open trades during rollover (0:00-1:
Night Hunter Pro MT5
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.11 (36)
EA has a live track record with many months of stable trading with  low drawdown: Best Pairs (default settings) High-risk   performance Night Hunter Pro is the advanced scalping system which utilizes smart entry/exit algorithms with sophisticated filtering methods to identify only the safest entry points during calm periods of the market. This system is focused on a long-term stable growth. It is a professional tool developed by me years ago that is constantly updated, incorporating all the late
News Catcher Pro MT5
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.73 (15)
News Catcher Pro is a mean-reversion strategy that uses intraday seasonal volatility patterns caused by high-impact news events. It enters the market at a certain time shortly before a high-impact news event occurs . It does not trade frequently! Supported currency pairs: GBPUSD, EURUSD, EURGBP Recommended timeframe: M5 MT4 version can be found here EA is   FIFO compatible To backtest the EA you should download the news events data file ' NewsEvents.txt ' and copy it to the common MT4/5 direc
Evening Scalper Pro MT5
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.47 (15)
EA has live track records with  low drawdown : Live signal - Best Pairs Live signal - All Pairs Evening Scalper Pro is the state-of-the-art mean-reversion trading system that operates during the American trading session. It's very different from most other scalping systems, since it uses a unique trading logic on cross pairs that have a strong mean-reverting tendency with high profit targets. EA enters the market with market orders from 19 to 23h, it does not open trades during rollover (0:00-
Henka Combs
Henka Combs 2025.02.20 08:00 

Consistent returns for the past year and a bit (total gains at 265%). I am using much more aggressive custom settings, so my Sharpe ratio is below 1, which indicates a high level of risk, but profit factor is over 2. A risk I am willing to take while I grow this small investment. Support or responsiveness to queries can be lacklustre, but I think this is perhaps because of the recent political events.

Timur Iandiev
Timur Iandiev 2024.05.01 09:24 

не рекомендую. При просадке более 70 процентов, автор добавила 30 процентов капитала на свой счет с самым низким уровнем риска. В ином случае, сегодня ночью счет автора был бы обнулен. А что говорить о счетах пользователей у которых риск был выше?

Valeriia Mishchenko
来自开发人员的回复 Valeriia Mishchenko 2024.05.12 20:18
Добрый день, Тимур. Пожалуйста, используйте адекватные параметры риск- и мани-менеджмента с любыми советниками, включая моих. Это основы основ, без этого торговать в принципе не стоит. В гайде советника под настройку РМ и ММ выделен отдельный раздел. Кроме того, я пишу об этом в своем Telegram-канале и лично многим покупателям. Также отмечу, что мой небольшой аккаунт Waka Waka (основные средства находятся на сигнале "Smart TP", что видно в моих публичных сигналах) использует средний, а не самый низкий уровень риска. Счёт бы не был обнулен, т.к. риск на нём я всегда устанавливала для себя в деньгах, а не в процентах
Fanilo Andriamihari Raveloson
Fanilo Andriamihari Raveloson 2024.03.31 19:09 

Warning: It use grid + martingale logic. You're basically risking 100% of your account to win 0.1% on each trade. It keeps adding position to losing positions and doubling the lot size, in the expectation of a reversal.

Many customers already loss their accounts and it happens recently (march 2024) for some customers.

Historical drawdown of 50% has been reached recently on the developer account.

The max drawdown protection mechanism, once triggered will, indeed avoid your total account loss, but generate loss that would take multiple years to recover.

Don't be misleaded by official signal performance. Do not expect the same return as it involves taking suicidal level of risk that the developer herself does not take anymore.

If you dare to trade this EA only use the minimum risk settings (you have the choice between 4 pre-defined levels of risk) and only invest money you can afford to lose because it is not a safe EA even with low risk.

Valeriia Mishchenko
来自开发人员的回复 Valeriia Mishchenko 2024.05.12 20:14
All of my EAs have third-party verified long-term profitable track records. This on itself is a rare thing these days. One loss with any of them and people seem to completely forget about years of profit before. Also, please use money and risk management options presented in the EA. With these, losing the account is nearly impossible. Also, if you have MM and RM configured properly, it won't take multiple years to recover from a drawdown As for money that you can afford to lose - that's a part of pretty much any risk disclosure statement/risk warning of brokers, financial and investment companies as a part of their terms and conditions. That's always true for any trading or investment. I never recommend investing any money, losing which one will significantly impact one's life. That's true for any investment, not only trading or my EAs
Maxim Maximciuc
Maxim Maximciuc 2023.09.10 18:53 

The best and safe EA! Good profit without risk, using 6m+. Лучший и безопасный Торговый Эксперт! Хороший профит без риска, использую более 6 мес.

modi100 2023.06.12 18:39 

Waka Waka is a martingale grid system and like any other martingale grid system it can blow up the account, if the trend goes against you long enough, which has happened again in the last few days for some users, as market conditions have changed.

Valeriia Mishchenko
来自开发人员的回复 Valeriia Mishchenko 2023.06.13 19:40
Thank you for your honest opinion! A few things to consider here: 1. Waka Waka has tons of money and risk management parameters. If you use these, losing the account is impossible. 2. 60 months, or 5 years of profit in a row with thousands of percent of profit with little drawdown seems a bit too much to be just luck and nothing else. 3. If you sum the balance of all publicly available accounts of Waka Waka I have, you'll get about $23k. Not many people will say that this is a small sum
ken 2023.06.05 01:17 

This is the best EA I've ever purchased. I bought it back in August 2022, set it to low-risk lot size, and since then it's been consistently turning profits for me.

Casper 2023.04.18 19:32 

I have tried several EAs, but none remotely compares to this. After much consideration and backtesting, I chipped in and bought it. And oh boy, I am so happy I did. This EA can be a life changer if you use it correctly. It definitely has for me since I no longer have to worry about the ups and downs in the stock market and the volatility that comes with most investments. Here I have a stable and steady income. I use it on a trading account with a low spread, where it works great. It is a grid-based EA, but since it is made cleverly and has many security measures built into it, I don't consider it riskier than other EAs. I want to thank Valeriia for making such a magnificent product.

Moabon 2023.04.10 00:15 

hello, Can you add me to the telegram group? thank you

tonytaoo 2023.04.09 23:10 

Valeriia, I also sent you private message. I just purchased this EA. Could you add me to your channel?

2023-04-09, I will backtest this EA for 1-2 weeks. I bought here because everyone say Valeriia replies very fast.

2023-05-02, I've been backtesting and demoing the EA for nearly a month. There are numerous issues that must be solved; fortunately, Valeriia is really helpful. She generally got back to me within 24 hours. I can also find some answers in her PDF guide. 

The Demo account is performing well. I'll return to report on what happened to my real account. If not, it must be too good already set and then forgotten.😄

M Arul James
M Arul James 2023.02.28 03:41 


This is the #1 EA what I have in my collection. It never end up a day with loss till now. I highly recommend this EA. Thank you Valeriia for your support and work.

======== Update =============

I am running waka waka in multiple trading account in different settings (Real account with 2K balance)

account with High risk was washed out (AUDCAD from 2023-06-12 to 2023-06-23)

account with Significant risk was washed out (AUDCAD from 2023-06-12 to 2023-06-28)

account with Low risk was still running with 52% DD

paquito62 2023.01.12 21:50 

Como hay que hacer para cambiar el lotaje? con el cambio en la configuracion del asesor.. No funciona..

Valeriia Mishchenko
来自开发人员的回复 Valeriia Mishchenko 2023.01.13 10:44
Hi! There are private messages here on the MQL. Please, take a look there, I answered you in private messages
Ng Chu En
Ng Chu En 2023.01.03 12:21 

29 July 2023: Fantastic grid EA with a very customisable setup. Manage your multipler, grid distance & lot size per balance and everything can run set and forget for a few years. Market is constantly changing, not to forget end of May ordeal for NZDCAD, where many users lost money due to extreme trend.

Eric Vaillancourt
Eric Vaillancourt 2022.12.14 17:33 

Positive feedback!

saroq 2022.11.07 05:19 

Another price increase! Is the success of an EA measured by how frequent it plunges your account into deep drawdown and by how many accounts it blows up? If it is then I guess the increase in the price of the Waka Waka EA is justified. UPDATE 29 March 2024: I cannot in good conscience recommend Waka Waka EA to anyone. For all of the updates it is a simple and inflexible grid martingale system. The touted Machine Learning achieves nothing towards making this EA safer and has not prevented the EA opening trades at ridiculous levels that result in deep drawdowns and blown accounts. Once again almost a year after the last drawdown disaster Waka Waka is in deep drawdown and has destroyed many traders accounts. However, the drawdown is not the only terrible thing about this EA. To give my accounts some measure of safety I can only run the Waka Waka EA on low risk, 0.25% deposit load. On this risk setting my drawdown is about 20%. I could live with that if the EA generated decent profits but since 2023 the performance of the WakaWaka EA has deteriorated. The annual returns that my low risk settings will generate for the year is a pitiful 8.1%. It is past time to consign WakaWaka to the garbage bin of EAs. If you try to alert unfortunate new purchasers of this disastrous EA you will be banned from the group.

UPDATE May 2023: There are inherent dangers of trading with a grid / martingale strategy that many new traders may not know or understand. The greatest danger is that there will be a strong market trend without a significant enough pullback to close out the basket of trades. This has happened with the NZDCAD down trend. While I personally did not suffer any loss during this time many other trades have suffered significant losses or lost their entire accounts. Even moderate / medium risk accounts are in a 72% drawdown and may not survive. There may be ways to make Waka safer to trade but every customer needs to understand the risk that this strategy involves.

Unfortunately now, Billy, the Admin person in the Telegram group, has begun to threaten to remove people from the group, some of them have paid $2,000 to be there, if they say anything negative about about the Waka Waka EA.

Alexander Konov
Alexander Konov 2022.10.05 07:31 

Хороший стабильный советник

mt5boy 2022.10.05 07:26 

I have followed the author's signals for a long time and have used them in real accounts for some time. Currently, WAKA is performing well. WAKA is an EA with high transaction frequency. Although WAKA is a Martin strategy, it is relatively safe in AUDNZD, AUDCAD and NZDCAD, because they rarely have a big trend. WAKA has built-in risk management. You can select the corresponding initial lot according to your own risk preference. Other settings can be default. You don't need complex settings at all, so it is convenient to use. WAKA recommends to use the ENC account with low spreads, which can achieve better results. The developers were also very friendly and could reply to our questions as soon as possible. It is recommended to buy WAKA. Finally, I would like to remind you to control risks.

Mohammed Lee
Mohammed Lee 2022.10.04 09:49 

good ea 👍

Fabricio Caldiero
Fabricio Caldiero 2022.10.04 05:29 

Excellent results in backtest and real account, you need to keep risk low since it´s a grid system and it could have big DD if you set more than 1% Deposit Load. so far i´ve been making nice profits with it. Good Job Valery, keep working and improving your EAs.

Ting Wei Wu
Ting Wei Wu 2022.09.30 14:56 

good EA

Michaelxuhaigang 2022.09.28 08:51 

Waka Waka is really one of the best EA in MQL5 market in terms of my using for 3 month. Although Waka Waka use Martingale and grid strategy, but if you set EA parameters under Author's instruction, the EA will still run under very low risk. Author Valeriia gave me a lot of help, she instructed how to set EA with safest and best parameters. This EA is very honest, not like other EA in MQL5, full of fraud as we know. Very appreciate for Valeriia's work and hope she can continue to give us valuable help.

版本 4.43 2024.03.01
Bug fix release
版本 4.39 2024.01.11
- Fixed a bug in the News Filter that prevented backtesting later than 2024. The bug does not affect LIVE trading.
版本 4.37 2023.12.18
Optional update

- Minor bug fixes.
版本 4.29 2023.11.29
Added new parameters and features by requests of customers:

- Portfolio Mode - allows you to run more than one set file (instance of the EA) and/or my other EAs (instances of Perceptrader AI and Golden Pickaxe) on the same account so that the EAs do not open new initial trades simultaneously.
- Initial Delay for Portfolio Mode, ms - time delay, which will be set automatically based on the UID value. This delay is necessary to ensure one set file recognizes the opened trades of another and skips the trading signal.

Please note that set files of the same EA must have a unique UID!
For example, if you run 2 set files on the same account and want to prevent the same pair from being opened by both set files simultaneously, then I recommend setting as follows:

First set file: Portfolio Mode=true, UID=0
Second set file: Portfolio Mode=true, UID=1

- Consider PAI Orders (Portfolio only) - the EA will take into account open trades of Perceptrader AI in portfolio mode.
- Consider GP Orders (Portfolio only) - the EA will take into account open trades of Golden Pickaxe in portfolio mode.

- Basic Magic Number - this option allows you to change the basic magic number of all trades. Magic numbers of trades/orders are calculated according to the following formula: [Direction][BasicMagicNumber+UID][TradeNumber], where
- Direction - 1 for Buy, 2 for Sell
- TradeNumber - the number of trades from 00 to 99. 00 - for the initial trade, 01 - for the first averaging trade, and so on.
For example: 28457000, 18457003.

- Pause Between Grid Trades, in min - a minimum pause between grid trades in minutes.
- Cover Swaps - if true, the EA adjusts the TP to cover any possible loss due to the swap. Set it to false if you want to deactivate this option.
- ML-based Pattern Recognition & Filtering - enable/disable filtering of trades using ML-based candlestick pattern filter. The filter increases the trading quality, but reduces the number of trades.
- ML-based Pattern Filter Threshold - the minimal predicted probability that a trade will result in profit.
- Reverse Strategy - allows you to take the order in the other direction on a signal. For example, you can set the EA to follow the trend instead of countering it.
- Open Opposite Trade - if true, the EA will open an additional initial trade in the opposite direction as soon as the initial order/trade is executed.
- Max Daily Drawdown Type FTMO - allows you to customize the daily drawdown calculation.
- Do Nothing if During Rollover - set to true if you want to ignore max. drawdown checks during rollover.
- Increase Take Profit, in pips [0-disabled] - specified number of pips to be added to TP during news events.
- Hour to Close & Stop Trading on Friday [0-disabled] - possibility to stop the EA on Friday at a specified hour.
- Max Open Lots Adjusted For... - allows you to adjust Max Open Lots for balance or equity so that it will grow proportionately.
- Force Basket Closure once the Initial Order is Closed - option to force basket closure once the initial order/trade is closed by TP or by manual intervention.
- Send Push Notifications after this Level [0-disabled] - sends a push notification if a trade above the specified level is opened. You need to allow push notifications in the terminal settings and specify your MetaQuotes ID.
- Max Floating Drawdown % for each Symbol, separated by comma - allows you to specify the max. drawdown % separately for each symbol.

Added News Filter Actions:

- Prohibit opening of the initial trade - the news filter only prohibits opening new initial trades.
- Prohibit opening of all trades - the news filter prohibits both the initial trades and the averaging ones.
- Close all open trades - the EA will close all trades before the news is released.

Three separate exit levels have been added. By combining them, you can fine-tune the exit rules:

TakeProfit #1/2/3 after this Level [0-disabled] - adjusts the TP once the specified Grid level is reached.
TakeProfit #1/2/3 after X bars [0-disabled] - adjusts the TP after reaching a specified number of bars.
TakeProfit #1/2/3 [can also be negat., 0-breakeven] - take profit for grid after reaching a specified number of bars or grid level. Values can be positive, negative, or 0 – breakeven.

Deleted parameters (as they duplicate the separate exit levels):

- Break Even (TP) after this Level [0-disabled]
- Break Even (TP) after X bars [0-disabled]
版本 3.55 2023.03.28
Mandatory update

- Disable Trades on the Same Side of a Currency - this option disables the opening of new initial trades on the same side of a currency. For example, it can help prevent having 2 shorts for CAD at the same time to protect accounts from a strong trend for the CAD currency.

- Show the Next Grid's Price & Volume - displays the price along with volume level where the next grid trade will be opened.

- Calculate Levels from Initial Trade - if true, then entry prices of grid levels will be calculated based on the entry price of the initial trade. In this case, if the distance of the previous grid is very large, the next grid can be formed shorter than 35 (by default) or even inside the previous grid. If false, then the entry price of a grid level will be calculated based on the entry price of the previous grid to form grids with distances greater than 35 (by default).

- Added a function that allows you to set "only long" or "only short" on a respective pair. To set "only long"/"only short", put the prefix L:/S: before trading symbols. For example, L:AUDCAD, S:AUDNZD, NZDCAD.

- Break Even (TP) after X Bars [0-disabled] - time-based rule that automatically moves the Take Profit (TP) to breakeven after a certain number of bars.

- Only One Symbol if Grid Reaches this Level [0-disabled] - this option allows you to temporarily reduce the "Maximum Symbols at a Time" to one if an open grid reaches the specified level.

- Fixed problems with news filter and automatic GMT detection.

- Added a new backup URL for the news filter and GMT detection: http://valerytools.com

Please allow web requests to it here: Tools -> Options -> Expert Advisors -> Allow WebRequests for listed URL.
版本 3.28 2022.11.16
- Minor bug fixes.
版本 3.17 2022.10.27
- 'Allow sending SL & TP along with an order (for a non-ECN acc.)' - if true, then the EA will send SL & TP along with orders. If false, then SL & TP will be set after the order is sent and executed.

- 'Randomize TP/SL Levels' - if enabled, the EA will randomly slightly change the TP/SL levels. This option allows you to have a unique TP/SL.

- 'Max Random Delay before sending Orders, sec [0-disabled]' - maximum random delay in seconds before sending an order. Values over 15 seconds are not recommended.

- 'Trade on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday' - enable/disable trading on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday.

- 'Check Margin for all Grid Levels' - if true, the EA will check if there is enough free margin to open all grid levels at the same time. If not enough, the initial lot size will be reduced.

- 'Check Bars for Errors' - if true, the EA will check the relevance of historical data and bar opening time. Turn it off if your broker uses non-standard bar opening time (for example hh:02, hh:17, hh:32, hh:47).

- 'Show Stats' - show a panel with statistics.

- 'Font Size (1...8)' - reduce this value if you're having trouble with the info panel.

- 'Disable Automatic GMT Detection' - set it to 'true' to disable automatic GMT detection. You can use the GMT Test/Manual' and 'DST Test/Manual' parameters to manually set the GMT offset in live trading.
- 'GMT(DST) Test/Manual' - GMT offset in winter and DST in Tester.

- 'News Filter Enabled' - on/off News Filter.
- 'Wait Minutes Before/After Event' - suspend trading before/after the news.
- 'Disable Trading on Holidays' - enable/disable trading on bank holidays according to the real-time Economic Calendar (https://www.investing.com). This filter is currency-specific. For example, with it, EA won't take trades on USD pairs during bank holidays in the USA. It also works in Strategy Tester.
- 'Medium Impact News' - enable/disable news events with medium impact (2 stars news).
- 'Low Impact News' - enable/disable news events with low impact (1 star news).
- 'Speaks' - if false, then the EA will not take into account news events marked as Speeches/Speaks.
- 'News List Refresh Rate' - news events list update frequency (selection from the drop-down list).
- 'Show News List' - displays a list of upcoming news events to the right of the info panel.
- 'Disable Built-in News Filter Settings' - disables the built-in news filter settings, allowing you to fine-tune the news filter.
- 'Custom Events (separated by a comma, disabled if empty)' - custom rules allowing you to fine-tune the news filter.

Format: Key[-Currency pair],Key[-Currency pair],.........,Key[-Currency pair]

Key – the currency of the news event or keyword in the news header. You can use multiple currencies without a separator, for example, USDAUDGBP.
If you specify a keyword, the letter case does not matter. For example, FOMC.

[-Currency pair] - optional parameter specifying which currency pair the rule applies to. For example -EURUSD.


USD, - takes into account all news events for USD on all currency pairs
AUDGBP-GBPUSD-NZDUSD, - takes into account all news events for AUD and GBP on GBPUSD and NZDUSD currency pairs
CHFEUR-EURUSD, - takes into account all news events for CHF and EUR on the EURUSD currency pair
FOMC, - takes into account news events with the word (or part of the word) FOMC in the header on all currency pairs
Rate-AUDCAD - takes into account news events with the word (or part of the word) Rate in the header on AUDCAD currency pair

Each rule must be separated by a comma. if 'Disable Built-in News Filter Settings'=false, then the custom rules are in addition to the built-in ones. The built-in settings are as follows:
- 'Stock Market Crash Filter Enabled' - enable/disable the stock market crash filter.
- 'Stock Market Symbol' - symbol name of the S&P500 stock index of your broker. It is usually called something like US500 or SPX500 (press Ctrl+U to see all symbols).
- 'Filter Period' - period of the stock market crash filter.
- 'Max Historical Volatility (HV)' - max. annualized standard deviation of H1 returns (HV in %).
- 'Block Trading for the Entire Day' - prohibits opening new trades throughout the day if HV hits the specified level just once at any moment during the day.

- 'Check for Instances of the EA' - checks that only one instance of the EA is running at a time. If EA detects other instances with the same UID, trading will be disabled.

- 'Symbol Suffix' - here you can specify a symbol suffix if your broker uses one.

- 'Max Open Lots (Filter)' - the EA will not send new initial orders if the volume of all positions opened by the EA exceeds the specified value.

- 'Max Daily Drawdown Limit % FTMO Rules' - maximum daily drawdown limit, calculated according to the FTMO rules. Non-trading operations (like withdrawals) during the day are not taken into account.
- 'Max Daily Drawdown Limit in Money FTMO Rules [0-disabled]' - maximum daily drawdown limit in MONEY, calculated according to the FTMO rules. Non-trading operations (like withdrawals) during the day are not taken into account.
- 'Max Daily Drawdown Reset Hour FTMO Rules (Broker time)' - hour to reset the max. drawdown with the prop firm.
- 'Handle Max Drawdown Events on Every Tick' - enable/disable drawdown event handling on every tick (instead of once a minute which is used by default, it may consume more CPU resources).

- 'Minutes to Start Trading' - minutes to start trading (for initial orders only).
- 'Minutes to Stop Trading' - minutes to stop trading (for initial orders only).

- 'Allow Manual Trading Buttons' - enable/disable manual trading buttons that allow you to manually open an initial trade: the EA will pick up the manually opened trade and manage it as usual. The buttons are affected by the following parameters: Symbols, Maximum Spread, and Maximum Symbols at a time.

- 'Rounding Method' - allows you to choose the method of rounding fractional lots to calculate trading lot sizes.

- 'Rollover Start Hour' - rollover start hour.
- 'Rollover Start Minutes' - rollover start minutes.
- 'Rollover End Hour' - rollover end hour.
- 'Rollover End Minutes' - rollover end minutes.
- 'Send Orders During Rollover Time' - enable/disable sending orders (including grid trades) during rollover time.
- 'Remove TakeProfit During Rollover' - removes TP for all orders at the specified rollover time. This option helps to avoid closing trades via TP during bad trading conditions since slippage can turn a profitable trade into a losing one.

- 'Custom Symbol Multipliers separated by comma' - here you can set multipliers to calculate trading lots for each pair, for example, 1.0,0.7,0.9. This means that the first pair (specified in the 'Symbols separated by comma' parameter) will be open normally, but the second and third will have smaller lots, multipliers 0.7x and 0.9x.

- 'Working TF for BB and RSI' - allows you to set working TF for BB and RSI indicators.

- 'Percentage Pips Mode' - enable/disable percentage pips mode. 1 percentage pip = 0.0001 * Current Price.

- 'Custom Multipliers sep. by comma' - custom multipliers for each GRID step separated by a comma, for example - 1,2,4,8,12,18,27,41. This parameter has a higher priority.

- 'Trailing SL Size, in pips [0-disabled]' - trailing stop in pips based on the grid breakeven point (=weighted average entry price of all orders including SWAPs and commissions).
- 'Trailing SL Start, in pips' - number of pips in profit at which the trailing SL is activated.

- 'Tester Withdrawal (Tester only)' - the withdrawal will take place if the account equity exceeds the specified value.
- 'Withdrawal Amount (Tester only)' - amount to withdrawal.
版本 2.15 2022.02.16
Fixed problems with commission for some brokers.
版本 2.12 2021.10.21
Major Update

Added new parameters and features by request of customers:

- 'TF for OPO method' - timeframe for the 'Use OPO method to handle TP' feature: the EA will close trades using open prices only on the TF of your choosing;
- 'Break Even after this Level' - break even feature after the specified Grid level is reached;
- 'TakeProfit for Grid' - now it allows any value including zero and negative. The weighted TP can be set with a separate 'Weighted TakeProfit' option;
- 'Do not adjust TP unless new grid level opened' - if true, the EA will adjust TP of open positions only when a new grid level is opened. The user can manually set their own TP, which will stay current until the EA opens a new grid level;
- 'Fixed Initial Deposit (Tester only)' - lot size will be calculated based on the initial deposit, new profits will not be taken into account;
- 'HourToStartTrading' - hour to start trading;
- 'HourToStopTrading' - hour to stop trading;
- 'Keep Original Profit Level & Lot Size' - when skipping grid level, the EA will keep profit target from the original (standard) strategy. It helps boost performance. The EA still needs 'marker orders'. A feature that allows skipping levels without such orders will be added later.

Improved performance;

Minor bugs fixed.
版本 1.96 2021.09.25
Fixed bug related to displaying Info Panel
版本 1.95 2021.09.24
- Added a new button to the information panel: "New grids (NOT) allowed". It allows you to prohibit opening new grids. The button does not affect already open grids. Green button means that EA works as usual, red button means that opening new grids is prohibited. Button duplicates the 'Allow Opening a new Grid' parameter, but in a more visualized manner. This feature was added by a customer's request

- Added "Auto Split" option allowing the EA to trade with any lot size/volume without limits. Most brokers have a limit of 100 lots per order, so if the option is enabled, the EA will automatically split a large trading volume (e.g. 10000 lots) into multiple smaller orders (not more than 100 lots per the child order). It is intended to be used in tester to allow testing the EA on all the available history

- Added new parameter: "Use OPO method to handle TP". If enabled, the EA will use a virtual TP handled only when a new bar opens. It will sometimes allow the EA to catch more profit from a trade. This feature was added by a customer's request, but I won't use it on my accounts

- Added new feature: "Smart TakeProfit". If enabled, the TP will be based on the current volatility, with the first 2 trades having different TP levels. It increases EA results in tester due to more trades being opened. However, default version of the EA (the one working from 2018) won't use it. This feature was added by a customer's request
版本 1.89 2021.09.10

Optional update

- Added new feature 'Manual Trading Buttons'. It allows you to manually open an initial trade: the EA will pick up the manually opened trade and manage it as usual. The buttons are affected by the following parameters: Symbols, Maximum Spread, Maximum Symbols at a time.

- Added new parameters:

Minimum Free Margin % - if Free Margin% falls below the specified value, the EA will not place new pending orders and will cancel already placed ones.
Hide TakeProfit - allows you to hide take profit.

Grid Level to Start - allows you to skip a certain number of grid levels, trading will start from the specified level. To calculate entries correctly, the EA opens "marker" orders at skipped levels with a minimum lot size.

- Several small improvements that do not affect performance.
版本 1.71 2021.08.25
Bug fix release
版本 1.67 2021.08.23
Recommended update

- Added new feature 'Max Floating Drawdown in Money'. If the floating drawdown in money exceeds the specified value, the EA will perform actions specified in the 'Max Drawdown Action' parameter.
- Added new parameter 'Max Drawdown Action' which allows specifying actions to be taken after the max. drawdown is reached (in money or %):

'Close trades & stop trading for 24h' - the EA will close all open trades/grids and will not open new ones for 24 hours;
'Close trades & stop trading until restart' - the EA will close all open trades/grids and will not open new ones until the EA/MT restarts;
'Prohibit opening new trades' - new grids will be prohibited as long as the floating drawdown is above a specified value;
'Prohibit opening new trades until restart' - new grids will be prohibited until the EA/MT restarts.

- Added new parameter 'Max Drawdown Calculation' allowing specify how the maximum drawdown is calculated:

'The account' - takes into account all positions opened on the account, including trades opened manually or by other EAs;
'This strategy' - takes into account only positions opened by this EA.