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Local Trade Copier EA MT5


通过Local Trade Copier EA MT5获得非常快速的交易复制体验。它的简单1分钟设置,使您可以在同一台Windows计算机或Windows VPS上在多个MetaTrader终端之间复制交易,具有闪电般快速的复制速度,低于0.5秒。

无论您是初学者还是专业交易者,Local Trade Copier EA MT5都提供了广泛的选项,可根据您的特定需求进行自定义。对于任何希望增加利润潜力的人来说,这都是终极解决方案。 今天就尝试一下,看看为什么它是市场上最快、最简单的贸易复印机!

提示:您可以在您的模拟账户中下载并试用 Local Trade Copier EA MT5 模拟版:这里

将下载的免费演示文件粘贴到您的 MT5 >> 文件 >> 打开数据文件夹 >> MQL5 >> 专家文件夹并重新启动您的终端。 免费演示版本每次可在 4 小时内发挥全部功能,仅限演示帐户。 要重置试用期,请转至 MT5 >> 工具 >> 全局变量 >> Control + A >> 删除。 请仅在非关键模拟账户上执行此操作,不要在挑战道具公司账户中执行此操作。

* 您必须购买本地贸易复印机 EA MT4 才能从/或向 MT4 终端复制


用户友好的界面:简单的 1 分钟设置即可直接使用。
兼容性:适用于 Windows 计算机和 Windows VPS。
可定制的手数大小和风险:为每笔交易提供 16 种手数大小和风险管理选项。
激活:提供 20 次激活,用于跨多个终端、计算机和 VPS 的安装。
自助复印模式:与自助复印模式下的 MQL5 VPS 兼容。
完全自动化:作为 100% 自动化的专家顾问运行。

如果您对购买感到满意,我将不胜感激。 如果您不是,请与我联系以找到解决方案



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评论 88
rommelhaddad 2025.02.25 07:41 

Amazing app 🙌🏻 thank you

Deivid 3
Deivid 3 2025.02.05 11:29 

Fácil de usar y muy buen soporte. Muy contento con la compra para replicar mis cuentas

Jan Kahlert
Jan Kahlert 2025.01.09 19:49 

The BEST copy tool for an unbeatable price! The support of Eleni Anna is outstanding!!! After a bit of struggle with my wired Broker prefix, anna was a huge help and did a great job! quick answers, alsways kind, 5/5

货币强度交易面板 EA MT5   是适合任何初学者或专家交易者的创新解决方案!它将货币强度概念提升到一个全新的水平,因为它将它与价格行为相结合,并且可以应用于任何符号/货币对,除了通常的 8 种主要货币的 28 种组合。这意味着您可以交易任何货币对的强弱,包括所有货币、商品和加密货币(不是指数)。这是一款真正的突破性产品,通过使用彩色条形图,让您一眼就能清楚地了解 16/32 符号,从而直观地告知您任何对的 2 个部分的强度/弱点平衡,而无需破译复杂的强度线或直方图,就像在其他传统的货币强度解决方案中一样。 货币强度交易面板 EA MT5   也是您可以找到的最简单易用的 MT5 交易面板。它的所有选项和功能都集中在一个表面上,无需打开额外的窗户或面板。它是一个订单管理、风险计算器、部分关闭和帐户保护实用程序的合一,使用起来极其方便!通过使用 货币强度交易面板 EA MT5 ,您可以比传统的手动交易方法更快、更准确地进行多次交易,这让您有更多时间和更清晰的头脑专注于您的交易决策。 货币强度交易面板 EA MT5  也是一个很好的账户保护实用程序,它可以在达到账户止盈或止损净值后关
Auto Trade Copier 被设计成多的MT5账户/端子,绝对精度之间复制交易。 有了这个工具,你可以充当要么提供商(源)或接收(目的地) 。每一个交易行为将由提供商克隆到接收器,没有延迟。 以下是亮点功能:     在一个工具提供商或接收器之间转换角色。     一个供应商可以交易复制到多个接收者的账户。     绝对兼容MT5的顺序/位置管理规则,该规则允许与调整容积为每个符号只有一个位置。     自动识别和同步代理之间的符号后缀。     允许高达5特殊符号的设置(即: GOLD - > XAUUSD ,等等) 。     多lotsize设置选项。     允许过滤的订单类型将被复制。     关断端子或电源关闭后恢复以前的设置和状态。     实时控制面板。     使用方便,界面友好。 用法: - 安装工具提供的MT5终端,并选择角色“提供者” ,然后启用它。 - 安装工具接收的MT5终端,并选择角色的“接收器” ,输入提供商的帐号,然后启用它(你可以有很多接收者的帐户,只要你想) 。 设置和参数:      特殊符号设置(菜单) : 配置高达5对特殊
用於自動訂單和風險管理的實用程序。讓您從利潤中獲得最大收益並限制您的損失。由執業交易員為交易員創建。該實用程序易於使用,適用於交易者手動打開的任何市場訂單或在顧問的幫助下。可以按幻數過濾交易。該實用程序可以同時處理任意數量的訂單。 具有以下功能: 1. 設置止損和止盈水平; 2. 通過追踪止損位平倉; 3. 設定盈虧平衡水平。 該實用程序可以: 1. 分別處理每個訂單(為每個訂單單獨設置級別) 2. 處理一籃子單向訂單(所有訂單的水平設置相同,買入和賣出分開) 3. 處理一籃子多向訂單(所有訂單的級別都設置為通用的,BUY 和 SELL 一起) 選項: STOPLOSS - 如果不使用 =-1,則以點為單位止損; TAKEPROFIT - 以點為單位獲利,不與 -1 一起使用; TRAILING_STOP - 價格變動的點數,如果不使用 =-1; TRAILING_STEP - 每一步利潤將增加的點數; BREAKEVEN_STOP - 將訂單轉移到盈虧平衡點的點數,如果不使用 =-1; BREAKEVEN_STEP - 關閉訂單時的利潤點數;
This is an easy-to-use trade copier with full functionality that I am using to copy my trades across multiple accounts. I use it to trade hundreds of accounts simultaneously. It can copy trades based on different magic numbers or comments from a master account. It also features time-based copying, automatic closure of trades at the end of the day or week. Additionally, it can manage prop firms according to profit targets or maximum daily loss limits Add it to the main account in master mode, and
CopyMaster mt5
Evgenii Aksenov
5 (2)
此实用程序将允许您将任何交易从一个具有主设置的终端复制到具有从设置的其他终端 与此同时,您可以选择要复制的对,通过几个参数设置复制顺序的大小。 通过回撤或只复制有利可图的交易来设定限额损失 您可以将mt4或MT5的交易复制到MT4或MT5其他经纪商 现在,将在MT4中工作的任何Ea交易的信号复制到MT5终端或返回将不难 使用复制主复制任何交易从其他信号,EAs,手动交易.  使用设置,您可以更改批量大小,交易方向,只复制利润交易和setdbvalue来保存您的存款  复制大师可以在一个帐户上统一不同订阅信号的几种策略 要复制MT4的交易,你需要复制主MT4版本: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/62132 有关复制主设置的更多信息: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/749356
The utility displays in a convenient form the historical trades made on the account. You can filter trades by magic or comcent, display only profitable or losing trades, and only buy or sell trades. Using this utility, you can see trade entry and exit points, stop loss and take profit levels, trade profit, magic number and comment, order ticket and order size - you only need to run the utility on the chart of the currency pair you want information on get and customize the input parameters. MT4
MeetAlgo internal copy trade EA MT5 is capable of copying your trade in the same account the same terminal. It is very useful if you have hired the website mql5.com signal to earn investment profits, the lot size on the MT4 software received from the primary signal will be limited to reduce the risk. It is because the lot size is very significant; the investment profits will, in turn, be tiny. The tool is used to increase the size of the order. This tool is set to duplicate the order from the in
Mcblastus Gicharu Ndiba
Forex Trade copier MT5.  It copies forex trades, positions, orders from any accounts to any other account,  MT5 even multiple accounts. The unique copying algorithm exactly copies all trades from the master account to your client account. It is also noted for its high operation speed and Tough error handling. It also can copy from demo account to live account too. It is one of the best free trade copiers that can do ,  MT5 or to multiple accounts  MT5 to multiple accounts  Features of Trade Copi
Reverse TradeCopier for Followers can copy trades from an account that is running   Reverse TradeCopier for Source . Features: Copies trades from one source (master) account to multiple following (slave) accounts. Allow investor (read only) password for source (master) account. There are no complicated settings and input parameters, everything is easy. Works with different brokers. Works with different quotes symbols (EURUSD_FX, eurusd_m, etc.). Can copy orders from 4-digit quotes platform to 5-
MT5Eezeorder 2
Tawanda Tinarwo
3 (1)
Open and close Multiple Trades on MT5 in 1 click at one price. Enter the Lot size Specify the number of trades you want to open Choose whether you want TP SL or Trailing Stop Once you are done, click Buy or Sell Create trailing stop for multiple trades  PLEASE NOTE: This is not a script, save it in the experts folder What to Always Note Check the minimum stop levels for the symbol you want to trade  Cross-Check your parameters  1. Make sure Auto trading is on 2. Make sure the SL and TP are great
KopierMaschine - локальный копировщик сделок между различными счетами MetaTrader 4 и MetaTrader 5 в любом направлении расположенных на одном компьютере с интуитивно понятным интерфейсом. Направления копирования: MT4 --> MT5 MT4 --> MT4 MT5 --> MT5 MT5 --> MT4 для копирования между терминалами MetaTrader 4 и   MetaTrader   5 необходимо приобрести версию продукта   KopierMaschine  для    MetaTrader  4 Особенности Программа работает в двух режимах Master и Slave На один подчиненный счет можно копир
Vladislav Andruschenko
4 (28)
MT5 交易复印机是 МetaТrader 5 平台的交易复印机 。 它复制外汇交易 之间   任何账户 MT5   -   MT5, MT4   -   MT5 对于 COPYLOT MT5 版本(或 MT4   - MT4 MT5   -   MT4 对于 COPYLOT MT4 版本) 值得信赖的复印机! MT4版本 详细描述   +DEMO +PDF 如何购买 如何安装     如何获取日志文件     如何测试和优化     Expforex 的所有产品 您还可以在 МТ4 终端 (   МТ4   -   МТ4, МТ5   -   МТ4   ) 中 复制交易: COPYLOT CLIENT for MT4 此版本包括在终端 МТ5   -   МТ5, МТ4   -   МТ5 之间 。 交易复制器用于在 2/3/10 终端之间复制交易/头寸。 支持从模拟账户和投资账户复制。 该程序可以在多个终端绑定上运行。 使用它作为您在一个账户上交易的各种投资者账户的交易的同步器, - COPYLOT 会将您的交易复制到其他终端。 从 多个 终端复制到一个; 从一个终端复
Breakevan Utility
Jose Luis Thenier Villa
BreakEvan Utility  Is a simple tool in a panel with this utilities: This utility will draw a Golden Line in the chart applied showing the breakeven price, considering all the positions opened for that specific symbol. Also the information panel shows: Balance Breakeven Price for that chart Force Breakeven (for that symbol) as ON/OFF Force Breakeven Global (takes into account all trades opened) as ON/OFF Total Lots opened for Symbol Total Lots opened Global And two buttons: Force Breakeven: Whe
Customized Copy MT5
Kyra Nickaline Watson-gordon
Customized Copy is a Multi-Terminal visual trade copying utility that supports Metatrader4 and Metatrader5 for Trade Copying.  You can activate EA on 10 different PCs/VPS. On each PC/VPS can install on Unlimited Terminals. Specifications :     Real Time, Multi Terminal - Multi Account - MT4/MT5 trade copying (support over 50 accounts at same time)     All settings are input visually.     Visual display and modify of copy map and network     Each copy path can be used with different settings
Maryna Kauzova
Only 1 copies at the price of 99 USD. Last price 999 USD   EURUSD ecn  - is a trading algorithm designed for trading on ecn accounts or any other accounts with small margins and small spread! EURUSD ecn trading strategy is based on historical axioms of breaking the daily price range. Why EURUSD ecn belongs to safe trading systems?! - each order has a short fixed Stop Loss - the EA will not open an order if the trading account conditions do not match the recommendations (if orders are not opene
Local Trade Copier is a professional utility designed to copy and synchronize trades between trading accounts. With its easy 1-minute setup, this trade copier allows you to copy trades between multiple MetaTrader terminals on the same Windows computer or Windows VPS with lightning-fast copying speeds of under 0.5 seconds. Guide:  https://youtu.be/QDhL_r8avzE
Trade copier MT5
Alfiya Fazylova
4.48 (27)
Trade Copier 是一种专业实用程序,旨在复制和同步交易账户之间的交易。 复制发生从供应商的帐户/终端到收件人的帐户/终端,安装在同一台计算机或 vps 上。 在购买之前,您可以在演示帐户上测试演示版本。 演示 这里 。 完整说明 这里 。 主要功能和优点: 支持复制MT5>MT5、MT4>MT5、MT5>MT4,包括МТ5 netting账户。 供应商和收件人模式在同一产品中实现。 简单直观的界面,允许您直接从图表中实时控制复制。 连接中断或终端重新启动时不会丢失设置和位置。 允许您选择要复制的符号,也可以替换接收者的符号,例如 EURUSD> USDJPY。 支持回拷贝。 能够仅复制某些订单。 允许您设置开仓交易价格的最大差异和最大时间延迟。 正确复制部分订单关闭的执行。 计算复制手数的几种方法。 同步止盈和止损。有几种方法可以计算它们的位置。 支持通过执行在“Market account”上工作,其中 SL / TP 仅在开仓后设置。 如何使用简单的设置复制交易 将供应商终端和接收终端安装在同一台计算机或 VPS 上。 在供应商终端上以“Master”模式安装复印机,然后
首先,值得强调的是,这个交易系统是一个非重绘、非重画和非滞后的指标,这使得它非常适合手动和机器人交易。 在线课程,手册和下载预设。 “智能趋势交易系统 MT5”是专为新手和经验丰富的交易者量身定制的综合交易解决方案。它结合了超过 10 个优质指标,具有 7 多个强大的交易策略,使其成为适用于各种市场条件的多功能选择。 趋势跟随策略:提供精确的入场和止损管理,以有效地跟随趋势。 反转策略:识别潜在的趋势反转,使交易者能够利用区域市场的机会。 剃头策略:专为快速准确的日内交易和短期交易而设计。 稳定性:所有指标都不会重绘、不会重画和不会滞后,确保可靠的信号。 定制:支持自定义策略,以满足个人交易偏好。超过 7 种策略和组合可帮助您找到最佳策略。 信号清晰度:提供箭头信号,以指示清晰的入场和退出点。 实时警报:通过交易进出警报使交易者保持了解。 深入分析:提供更高时间框架的趋势分析和实时交易监控。 自适应颜色编码:利用蜡烛颜色编码来显示成交量、趋势和反转蜡烛信号。通过蜡烛颜色分析市场方向。 “智能趋势交易系统 MT5”赋予交易者必要的工具,以便在各种市场条件下做出明智和战略性的交易决策。无论
Signal Indicator to Expert MT5
William Oswaldo Mayorga Urduy
您是否有提供信号的指标并且您想将其转换为专家? 有了这个专家,您可以转换它而无需重新编程或调整您的指标,您只需按照以下步骤正确配置它: 1) 指标必须在指标文件夹中。 2) 您必须仔细选择指标提供的买入和卖出缓冲。 3) 选择是要进行所有操作还是只进行 BUY 或 SELL 类型的操作。 4) 根据您的操作,选择您希望如何关闭操作,是按 SL 和 TP 还是按到期时间。 5) 根据选择,填写时间字段或 SL 和 TP 字段。 6) 仅当您需要时,填写 Volume、Comments、Magic 和 Deviation 字段。 7) 只有当您想管理指标给出的输入时,您才能设置最大利润和最大损失,启用并填写 EARNING MANAGER 字段 8) 启用或停用追踪止损,仅当价格超过入场价且在您配置的距离时才会启用。 不要忘记访问我的其他可能对您非常有用的指标。
Noize Absorption Index
Ekaterina Saltykova
Noize Absorption Index - is the manual trading system that measures the difference of pressure between bears forces and bulls forces. Green line - is a noize free index that showing curent situation. Zero value of index shows totally choppy/flat market.Values above zero level shows how powerfull bullish wave is and values below zero measures bearish forces.Up arrow appears on bearish market when it's ready to reverse, dn arrow appears on weak bullish market, as a result of reverse expectation.
Best Tested Pairs :-  Step Index (Also can use on other pairs which spread is lowest) How does the Magic Storm work The Magic Storm will commence only if the Initial Trade becomes a losing trade. In case the initial trade is a profitable one, or has been closed by the trader there is no need for the Magic Stormto be initiated. Let’s assume that the initial trade was a 1 lot buy trade with Recovery Zone Range Pips is 50 and Recovery Zone Exit Pips is 150 pips. The take profit for this tr
PROMO: ONLY 10 LEFT AT $90! Next price:        $199 Price will be kept high to limit number of users for this strategy. This EA starts trading at the open of   London (UK) Session . It is based on analysis of advanced statistical distributions combined with short to medium term reversal patterns which have mean-reversion attributes. The EA includes several smart features and allows you to trade with a fixed or automatic lot size. The EA is not sensitive to spreads but can be backtested on both
Mine Farm
Maryna Kauzova
Mine Farm is one of the most classic and time-tested scalping strategies based on the breakdown of strong price levels. Mine Farm is the author's modification of the system for determining entry and exit points into the market... Mine Farm - is the combination of great potential with reliability and safety. Why Mine Farm?! - each order has a short dynamic Stop Loss - the advisor does not use any risky methods (averaging, martingale, grid, locking, etc.) - the advisor tries to get the most
Trade Copier Pro MT5 is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTradfer accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will not be abl
Codez Hotkeys
Mzwandile Derrick Mkhonza
The best way to place and close trades using your keyboard. Perfect for Scalpers, sniper entries. The default keys are as follows: 8= Buy (Lots set by user) 5= Sell  (Lots set by user) 9= Closes All Buy Positions 6= Closes All Sell Positions 2= Opens a Sell and a Buy position instantly. 0= CLOSES All Positions //These are the default keys, can be changed upon request.
F22 Raptor
Kiryl Rudovich
F22 Raptor is a highly reliable, low risk EA, based on  statistical arbitrage idea. Expert don't use any dangerous methods of money management and suitable for any broker conditions. The Expert Advisor tracks two correlated currency pairs at once and determines the moment, when a strong divergence occurs between the pairs. Then it opens opposite trades for each currency pair. Profit is formed during the reverse convergence of currency pairs. The Expert Advisor dynamically fixes profits and limi
Owl Smart Levels MT5
Sergey Ermolov
4.07 (28)
MT4版本  |   FAQ Owl Smart Levels Indicator 是一個完整的交易系統,包含 Bill Williams 的高級分形、構建正確的市場波浪結構的 Valable ZigZag 以及標記準確入場水平的斐波那契水平等流行的市場分析工具 進入市場和地方獲利。 策略的详细说明 指示灯使用说明 顾问-贸易猫头鹰助手助理 私人用户聊天 ->购买后写信给我,我会将您添加到私人聊天中,您可以在那里下载所有奖金 力量在於簡單! Owl Smart Levels 交易系統非常易於使用,因此適合專業人士和剛開始研究市場並為自己選擇交易策略的人。 策略和指標中沒有隱藏的秘密公式和計算方法,所有策略指標都是公開的。 Owl Smart Levels 允許您快速查看進入交易的信號,突出顯示下訂單的水平並向您發送有關已出現信號的通知。 優點很明顯: 清楚地顯示主要和更高時間框架的趨勢方向。 指示儀器信號的出現。 標記開單、止損設置和固定利潤的水平。 沒有多餘的,只有必要的結構! ZigZag 表示全球趨勢的方向,因此也表示貿易方向。 市場反轉點的短線清楚地表明在什麼水平上構建斐波那
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The Rate Of Change Cross Strategy with Alert Indicator is a valuable tool for traders seeking to identify potential trend reversals and capitalize on market opportunities. Based on the Rate of Change (ROC) indicator, this tool provides clear and timely buy or sell signals, helping traders make informed decisions in their trading endeavors. Key Fe
Reverse TradeCopier for Followers   can copy trades from an account that is running Reverse TradeCopier Source . Features: Copies trades from one source (master) account to multiple following (slave) accounts. Allows investor (read only) password for source (master) account. There are no complicated settings and input parameters, everything is easy. Works with different brokers. Works with different quotes symbols (EURUSD_FX, eurusd_m, etc.). Can copy orders from 4-digit quotes platform to 5-dig
Trade Assistant MT5
Evgeniy Kravchenko
4.41 (173)
它有助于计算每笔交易的风险,容易安装新的订单,具有部分关闭功能的订单管理, 7 种类型的追踪止损和其他有用的功能。   附加材料和说明 安装说明   -   应用程序说明   -   模拟账户应用程序的试用版 线条功能  - 在图表上显示开仓线、止损线、止盈线。 有了这个功能,就可以很容易地设置一个新的订单,并在开仓前看到它的附加特性。   风险管理  - 风险计算功能在考虑到设定的风险和止损单的大小的情况下,计算新订单的成交量。它允许你设置任何大小的止损,同时观察设定的风险。 批量计算按钮 - 启用 / 禁用风险计算。 在 " 风险 " 一栏中设置必要的风险值,从 0 到 100 的百分比或存款的货币。 在 " 设置 " 选项卡上选择风险计算的变量: $ 货币, % 余额, % 资产, % 自由保证金, % 自定义, %AB 前一天, %AB 前一周, %AB 前一个月。   R/TP 和 R/SL - 设置止盈和止损的关系。 这允许你设置相对于损失的利润大小。 例如, 1 : 1 - 这决定了 TP = SL 的大小。 2 : 1 - 这意味着 TP 是 SL 的两倍。 RR -
欢迎来到 Trade Manager EA——这是一个终极风险管理工具,旨在使交易变得更直观、精准和高效。它不仅仅是一个下单工具,而是一个用于无缝交易计划、仓位管理和风险控制的全面解决方案。不论您是新手交易员、资深交易员,还是需要快速执行的剥头皮交易员,Trade Manager EA 都可以满足您的需求,适用于外汇、指数、大宗商品、加密货币等各种市场。 借助 Trade Manager EA,复杂的计算已成过去。只需分析市场,在图表上用水平线标记入场、止损和止盈,设置您的风险水平,Trade Manager 就会立即计算出理想的头寸规模,并实时显示以点、账户货币计价的止损和止盈。每笔交易都得以轻松管理。 主要功能: 头寸规模计算器 :根据定义的风险瞬间确定交易规模。 简单的交易计划 :在图表上用可拖动的水平线直接计划交易,设置入场、止损和止盈。 实时显示 SL 和 TP :以账户货币、点或分显示止损和止盈,便于分析。 高级保护工具 盈亏平衡选项 : 基本盈亏平衡 :当您的交易达到设定水平时自动保护利润。 多级盈亏平衡 :设置多达 4 个级别以逐步保护利润。 尾随止损选项 : 基本尾随
TradePanel MT5
Alfiya Fazylova
4.85 (124)
交易面板是一个多功能的交易助手。该应用程序包含超过 50 个用于手动交易的交易功能,并允许您自动化大多数交易操作。 注意,该应用程序在策略测试器中不起作用。购买之前,您可以在模拟帐户上测试演示版本。演示版 这里 。 完整说明 这里 。 贸易。 让您一键执行交易操作: 通过自动风险计算打开挂单和仓位。 一键打开多个订单和仓位。 打开订单网格。 按组关闭挂单和持仓。 头寸反转(关闭买入并打开卖出或关闭卖出并打开买入)。 锁定头寸(开立额外头寸,以平衡买入和卖出头寸的交易量)。 一键部分平仓所有仓位。 为同一价格水平的所有头寸设置止盈和止损。 将所有头寸的止损设置为该头寸的盈亏平衡水平。 开单建仓时,您可以应用以下功能: 计算交易量的多个订单或仓位之间的分布(一键开仓多个订单或仓位时)。 图表上未来订单交易水平的可视化。 设置开仓时允许的最大点差大小。 止盈和止损之间的自动比率。 虚拟止损和止盈。 根据当前点差的大小自动增加止损和止盈的大小。 根据 ATR 指标的读数计算止盈和止损。 设置挂单的到期日期。 挂单设置为“追踪”(挂单自动跟随当前价格移动指定距离)。 管理通过移动终端(手机)开立
The product will copy all telegram signal to MT5 ( which you are member) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up, copy order instant, can work with almost signal formats, image signal,  s upport to translate other language to English Work with all type of channel or group, even channel have "Restrict Saving Content", work with  multi channel, multi MT5 Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. Support to backtest signal. How to s
Telegram To MT5 Receiver
Levi Dane Benjamin
4.9 (10)
将信号从您所属的任何渠道(包括私人和受限渠道)直接复制到您的 MT5。 该工具在设计时充分考虑了用户的需求,同时提供了管理和监控交易所需的许多功能。 该产品采用易于使用且具有视觉吸引力的图形界面。 自定义您的设置并在几分钟内开始使用该产品! 用户指南 + 演示  |   MT4版本  |   不和谐版本 如果您想尝试演示,请参阅用户指南。 Telegram To MT5 接收器在策略测试器中不起作用! Telegram 至 MT5 功能 一次复制多个通道的信号 从私人和受限频道复制信号 不需要机器人令牌或聊天 ID(如果出于某种原因需要,您仍然可以使用这些) 使用风险百分比或固定手数进行交易 排除特定符号 选择复制所有信号或自定义要复制的信号 配置单词和短语以识别所有信号(默认值应适用于 99% 的信号提供商) 配置时间和日期设置以仅在需要时复制信号 设置一次打开的最大交易量 交易和头寸管理 使用信号或自动设置的管理 通过设置每月、每周、每天、每小时或每分钟的最大交易次数,停止过度交易和报复性交易。 支持市价订单和挂单 每日最大利润目标(以美元为单位)以确保头寸并停止过度交易 确
Custom Alerts:同时监控多重市场,绝不错过任何关键机会 概述 Custom Alerts 为需要在多个交易品种间集中跟踪潜在信号的交易者提供了动态解决方案。通过整合 FX Power、FX Volume 和 IX Power 等旗舰工具的数据, Custom Alerts 会在您无需频繁切换图表或担心错失良机的情况下,自动通知您各种关键市场变化。如果您想使交易更加智能和高效, Custom Alerts 将大幅提升您的市场监控能力。 1. 为什么 Custom Alerts 对交易者非常有价值 全方位市场监控 • Custom Alerts 汇聚多种交易品种的信号,包括八大主要货币、黄金,及您可选择的最多七种指数或商品。 • 无需在多个图表间来回切换——只需接收集中且清晰的通知即可。 量身定制的警报策略 • 精准配置警报参数,无论您追踪的是成交量飙升、货币强度阈值,还是特定的价格形态, Custom Alerts 都能确保您不错过关键信号。 • 与 Stein Investments 的其他工具无缝整合,进一步提高您的交易精度。 省时且便捷 • 无需时刻盯盘,
HINN Lazy Trader
5 (2)
B e sure to watch this video before using A community for users, product discussion, update news, and first line of support  Use Webmoney For payments in cryptocurrencies. How I use this algo tool   Lazy Trader is NOT SUITABLE FOR SCALPING EVERY MINUTE MOVEMENT, ESPECIALLY IN CRYPTO. WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING WHAT IS HAPPENING ON THE CHART, THERE IS NO POINT IN BLINDLY HOPING FOR PROFITS! Lazy Trader does NOT USE openAI chat-gpt-4 technologies, which are added to descriptions for product promotion
MT5 to Telegram Signal Provider 是一个易于使用且完全可自定义的工具,它允许向 Telegram 的聊天室、频道或群组发送 指定 的信号,将您的账户变为一个 信号提供商 。 与大多数竞争产品不同,它不使用 DLL 导入。 [ 演示 ] [ 手册 ] [ MT4 版本 ] [ Discord 版本 ] [ Telegram 频道 ] 设置 提供了逐步的 用户指南 。 不需要了解 Telegram API;开发者提供了您所需的一切。 关键特性 能够自定义发送给订阅者的订单详情 您可以创建分层的订阅模型,例如铜、银、金。其中金订阅获得所有信号等。 通过 id、符号或评论过滤订单 包括执行订单的图表截图 在发送的截图上绘制已关闭的订单,以便额外核实 延迟发送新订单消息的可能性,以便在发送前对位置进行调整 订单详情完全透明: 新的市场订单*带截图 订单修改(止损、获利) 已关闭的订单*带截图 部分关闭的订单** 新的挂单 修改的挂单(进场价格) 挂单激活(作为新的市场订单附加) 已删除的挂单 历史订单报告*** 可自定义的评论 注意: * 发送截图时,您图
Trade Manager DaneTrades
Levi Dane Benjamin
4.74 (23)
交易管理器可帮助您快速进入和退出交易,同时自动计算风险。 包括帮助您防止过度交易、报复性交易和情绪化交易的功能。 交易可以自动管理,账户绩效指标可以在图表中可视化。 这些功能使该面板成为所有手动交易者的理想选择,并有助于增强 MetaTrader 5 平台。多语言支持。 MT4版本  |  用户指南+演示 交易经理在策略测试器中不起作用。 如需演示,请参阅用户指南 风险管理 根据%或$自动调整风险 可选择使用固定手数或根据交易量和点自动计算手数 使用 RR、点数或价格设置盈亏平衡止损 追踪止损设置 最大每日损失百分比,在达到目标时自动平仓所有交易。 保护账户免遭过多提款并阻止您过度交易 最大每日损失(以美元为单位)在达到目标时自动关闭所有交易。 保护账户免遭过多提款并阻止您过度交易 一键实现所有交易的盈亏平衡 自动计算从手机/电话发送的交易的风险 OCO 在设置中可用 交易和头寸管理 通过设置每月、每周、每天、每小时或每分钟的最大交易次数,停止过度交易和报复性交易。 高级挂单管理。 调整何时关闭挂单的规则 追踪挂单 支持市价订单和挂单 每日最大利润目标(以美元为单位)以确保头寸并停止
Grid Manual MT5
Alfiya Fazylova
4.76 (17)
Grid Manual是一个交易面板,用于处理订单网格。 该实用程序是通用的,具有灵活的设置和直观的界面。 它不仅可以在亏损方向上设置订单网格,还可以在盈利方向上设置订单网格。 交易者不需要创建和维护订单网格,实用程序会这样做。 打开一个订单就足够了,Grid manual会自动为它创建一个订单网格,并伴随它直到非常关闭。 完整说明和演示版 此處 。 该实用程序的主要特性和功能: 伴隨以任何方式打開的訂單,包括從移動終端打開的訂單。 適用於兩種類型的網格:“限制”和“停止”。 使用兩種方法計算網格間距:固定和動態(基於 ATR 指標)。 允許您更改未結訂單網格的設置。 顯示圖表上每個網格的盈虧平衡水平。 顯示每個網格的利潤率。 允許您一鍵關閉網格中的盈利訂單。 讓您一鍵關閉每個訂單網格。 允許您對訂單網格應用追踪止損功能。 允許您在訂單網格上應用將訂單網格的止損轉移到盈虧平衡水平的功能。 相對於訂單網格的盈虧平衡水平自動重新排列止盈(僅在限價網格模式下,距離取決於所選的計算類型:“保守”或“激進”)。 最多可管理 20 個訂單網格,每個網格最多可包含 100 個訂單。 計算初始手數時,
ShSH: an Automated Trading Tool Discover the future of trading with our ShSH an Automated Trading Tool , meticulously designed to harness the unique characteristics of the daily market's volatility . This cutting-edge system leverages the price breakout method , Analizing on market movements during the low-liquidity hours to deliver consistent and reliable results. Core Features: 1. Intraday Market Volatility Mastery: The robot is fine-tuned to detect subtle price patterns and movements unique
Yury Kulikov
4.93 (41)
Attention: You can view the program operation in the free version  YuClusters DEMO .  YuClusters is a professional market analysis system. The trader has unique opportunities to analyze the flow of orders, trade volumes, price movements using various charts, profiles, indicators, and graphical objects. YuClusters operates on data based on Time&Sales or ticks information, depending on what is available in the quotes of a financial instrument. YuClusters allows you to build graphs by combining da
立即在一張圖表上查看按日和按週的已平倉交易歷史記錄、當前未平倉交易以及外匯風險敞口!使用熱圖來識別有利可圖的交易以及您交易組合中的當前虧損情況。 快速關閉按鈕 使用快速關閉按鈕可以關閉單一符號的每筆交易、全部關閉單筆交易,或點擊按鈕以取得部分利潤或損失。不再需要在清單中尋找交易並研究如何關閉部分交易。儀表板還會顯示您在交易外匯對時目前對每種貨幣符號的風險敞口,這可以幫助您識別重大新聞事件發生前可能過度暴露的領域。您可以使用按鈕在新聞發布前立即快速降低您的風險,或者如果新聞已經發生並為您帶來利潤,只需單擊即可快速獲得該利潤! 開放交易熱圖 交易熱圖是一種視覺化工具,專為使用頭寸交易或波段交易策略的交易者設計,使用美元成本平均法來擴大和縮小交易規模。您可以快速識別您的投資組合中可以存入的單一交易,以及您可以部分平倉的虧損交易。只需使用全部或部分關閉按鈕即可立即賺錢並降低風險。 快速識別控制回撤的機會 虧損控制切換「D 按鈕」將突出顯示您的投資組合中所有虧損高於每個交易符號平均價格的交易。這是透過在所有符號的單一交易周圍添加一個矩形來實現的,這樣您就可以看到首先要關注哪些交易。 這使
Trade Manager MT5
Daniel Stein
4.33 (3)
你想成为一个持续盈利的五星级外汇交易商吗? 1. 阅读我们简单的 交易系统 的基本描述 , 以及它在2020年的主要策略更新 2. 发送您的购买截图,以获得您的个人邀请,参加我们的独家交易聊天 该交易管理器 是所有喜欢使用全自动交易管理的 FX趋势 用户的理想补充。 它立即检测您手动开启的交易,并沿FX趋势线自动管理其止损。 完全自由地浏览所有时间框架而不影响你的订单。 你的交易是根据你在交易经理属性中设置的固定计算设置来管理的。 一个非常特殊和强大的功能是检测和管理由外部专家顾问开出的订单。 设置正确的EA魔法号码,你就能够按照你的个人趋势交易风格管理这些EA订单 。 功能 介绍 自动检测有效订单 自动设置初始止损 自动跟踪止损 自动检测活跃的专家顾问订单 自动管理活跃的专家顾问订单 反趋势交易的安全止损 可选择使用盈亏平衡止损 可选择设置止盈 一些交易操作的通知选项 在所有种类的交易符号上运行,如外汇、股票、商品、债券等。 在所有种类的离线图表上运行,如Renko和范围条形图 主要设置 时间框架。从下拉列表中选择用于计算趋势线的时间框架 外汇趋势周期。选择你喜欢的趋势线计算的
Trade Assistant 38 in 1
Makarii Gubaydullin
4.9 (20)
多功能工具:超过65个功能,其中包括:手数计算,价格行为,盈亏比,交易管理,供需区域。 演示版   |   用户手册   |  MT5版 任何问题 / 改进意见 / 如果发生了故障或错误    都可以联系我 该实用程序在策略测试器中不起作用:您可以在此处下载 演示版来测 试产品。 Trading functions require permitted auto trading (including on the broker's side) 简化,加快并且自动化你的交易过程。利用这款工具的控制功能就能增强普通交易端的执行力。 建立一笔新的交易:手数 / 风险 / 盈亏计算 1. 手数计算工具 (基于风险规模的交易量计算) 2. 风险计算工具 (基于手数大小的风险额计算) 3. 盈亏比 4. 订单的激活和触发,买入或卖出限价/买入或卖出止损 5. 虚拟的止损/止盈 (隐藏的止损,止盈:交易商不可见) 6.  智能的止损/入场点:当价格柱在收盘时已超越了才入场 (避免无效触发) 7. 隐藏掉挂单 (虚拟的订单) 8. 预订挂单:在市场关闭的时候你也可以下挂单 (适合周末做计划的交易者)
Take a Break MT5
Eric Emmrich
4.79 (19)
The most advanced news filter on MQL market - free demo available Take a Break has transformed from a basic news filter into a comprehensive account protection solution. It seamlessly pauses any other Expert Advisors during news events or based on your custom filters, all while safeguarding your EA settings - restoring them automatically when trading resumes for complete peace of mind. Typical use cases: A single news filter for all your EAs. Stop trading during news/high volatility (+ close all
交易面板一键交易。 处理仓位和订单! 通过 图表 或 键盘 进行交易 。 使用我们的交易面板,您只需单击一下即可直接从图表中执行交易,执行交易操作的速度比使用标准 MetaTrader 控件快 30 倍。 参数和函数的自动计算使交易者的交易更加快捷、方便。 图形提示、信息标签和有关贸易交易的完整信息均位于图表 MetaTrader 上。 MT4版本 详细描述   +DEMO +PDF 如何购买 如何安装     如何获取日志文件     如何测试和优化     Expforex 的所有产品 打开和关闭、反转和锁定、部分关闭/Autolot。虚拟/真实止损/止盈/追踪止损/盈亏平衡,订单网格... МetaТrader 5 中主要订单的交易控制面板 :买入、卖出、buystop、buylimit、sellstop、selllimit、平仓、删除、修改、追踪止损、止损、获利。 有 5 个选项卡 可用:头寸、挂单、账户信息、信号和总利润。 Description on English VirtualTradePad在“  MQL5语言最佳图形面板  ”竞赛中 获得二等奖 。 注意!如果
50% off. Original price: $375 Reward Multiplier is a semi-automatic trade manager based on pyramid trading that opens additional orders with the running profit of your trades to maximize return exponentially without increasing the risk. Unlike other similar EAs, this tool shows potential profit/loss and reward to risk ratio before even entering the first trade! Download Demo here  (starting lot is fixed at 0.01) Guide + tips here MT4 version   here You only open the first order. When your trade
-25% discount ($149 -> $111) Everything for chart Technical Analysis indicator mt5 in one tool Draw your supply demand zone with rectangle and support resistance with trendline and get alerts to mobile phone or email alert -  Risk reward indicator mt5 Video tutorials, manuals, DEMO download   here .   Find contacts on my   profile . 1.   Extended rectangles and trendlines Object will be extended to the right edge of the chart when price will draw new candles on chart. This is rectangle extende
The News Filter MT5
Leolouiski Gan
4.73 (15)
这个产品在新闻时间过滤所有的专家顾问和手动图表,因此您不必担心突然的价格波动会破坏您的手动交易设置或其他专家顾问输入的交易。此产品还带有完整的订单管理系统,可在任何新闻发布前处理您的持仓和挂单。一旦您购买了   The News Filter ,您将不再需要依赖以后的专家顾问内置的新闻过滤器,因为这个产品可以从此过滤它们所有。 新闻选择 新闻来源于Forex Factory的经济日历。 选择可以基于任何一种货币,如USD,EUR,GBP,JPY,AUD,CAD,CHF,NZD和CNY等。 选择也可以基于关键识别,例如Non-Farm (NFP),FOMC,CPI等。 能够选择新闻影响级别的筛选,从低、中、到高影响。 自动模式只选择与图表相关的新闻。 新闻来源每小时自动刷新,以确保最新的新闻数据。 为每个新闻影响级别提供单独的输入,以确定您要过滤掉的新闻发布前后的分钟数。 订单管理选项 在新闻发布前关闭未平仓头寸的选项,并在新闻发布后恢复它们。 在新闻发布前删除挂单的选项,并在新闻发布后恢复它们。 在新闻发布前移除止损和止盈水平的选项,并在新闻发布后恢复它们。 在新闻发布前移动止损和
2025 happy new year -25% discount ($199 -> $149) Advanced trading tool: One click smart orders that execute under your conditions Developed by trader for trading community:  position size calculator (lot size), open position after price action, strategy builder, set and forget trading, mobile notifications... Risk Management -  Risk percentage position size calculator, gain percentage, target risk reward ratio, spread and commissions are included in calculations 7 Advanced order types  - Set a
Mentfx Mmanage mt5
Anton Jere Calmes
4.25 (8)
The added video will showcase all functionality, effectiveness, and uses of the trade manager. Drag and Drop Trade Manager. Draw your entry and have the tool calculate the rest. Advanced targeting and close portions of a trade directly available in tool (manage trades while you sleep). Market order or limit order on either side with factored spread. Just draw the entry, the tool does the rest. Hotkey setup to make it simple. Draw where you want to enter, and the stop loss, the tool calculates al
Trader Evolution
Siarhei Vashchylka
5 (5)
" Trader Evolution " - A utility designed for traders who use wave and technical analysis in their work. One tab of the utility is capable of money management and opening orders, and the other can help in making Elliott wave and technical analysis. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) | Version for MT4 Advantages 1. Trading in a few clicks. Immediate and pending orders are available in the panel 2. Money management. The program automatically selects the appropriate lot size 3. Simplifies
DrawDown Limiter
Haidar, Lionel Haj Ali
5 (19)
Drawdown Limiter EA You are in the right place if you were searching for Drawdown control, Drawdown limiter, Balance protection, Equity Protection or Daily Drawdown Limit related to Prop Firm, FTMO, or Funded account trading, or if you want to protect your trading account. Have you suffered from controlling your drawdown when trading funded accounts? This EA is meant for you. Prop firms usually set a rule called “Trader Daily Drawdown”, and if it is not respected, you are disqualified.  I am an
Telegram to MT5 Coppy
Sergey Batudayev
5 (3)
Telegram to MT5: The Ultimate Signal Copying Solution Simplify your trading with Telegram to MT5 , the modern tool that copies trading signals directly from Telegram channels and chats to your MetaTrader 5 platform, without the need for DLLs. This powerful solution ensures precise signal execution, extensive customization options, saves time, and boosts your efficiency. [Instructions ] [ DEMO ] Key Features Direct Telegram API Integration Authenticate via phone number and secure code. Easily man
MT4 to Discord Signal Provider 是一款用户友好、完全可定制的工具,专为直接向 Discord 发送交易信号而设计。这个工具将您的交易账户转变为一个高效的信号提供者。 自定义消息格式以适应您的风格!为了方便使用,您可以从预先设计的模板中选择,并决定包括或排除哪些消息元素。 [ 演示 ] [ 手册 ] [ MT4 版本 ] [ Telegram 版本 ] 设置 遵循我们详细的 用户指南 进行简单设置。 不需要预先了解 Discord API;我们提供所有必要工具。 主要特性 为订阅者更新自定义订单详情。 实施分层订阅模型,如铜牌、银牌、金牌,每一层都提供不同级别的信号访问。 附加执行订单的图表截图。 在这些截图上显示已关闭的订单,以增加清晰度。 提供延迟发送新订单消息的选项,以便在发送前进行最后调整。 透明和详细的订单信息: 带截图的新市场订单。 订单修改(止损、获利)。 已关闭和部分关闭的订单。 新的和修改的挂起订单。 挂起订单的激活和删除。 关于历史订单的详细报告。 每个订单的可定制评论。 注意: * 截图包括图表上的任何对象,如指标。 ** 在报告中
Click and Go Trade Manager, the ultimate solution for seamless trading execution. With a simple click on the chart, you can effortlessly define your stop loss, entry price, and target levels. No more hassle of inputting values manually - it's made incredibly intuitive and easy. Embedded risk management is a key feature of our Trade Manager. We understand the importance of protecting your investments, which is why the Click and Go Trade Manager incorporates risk management. When placing orders, y
Comprehensive on chart trade panel with the unique ability to be controllable from mobile as well. Plus has a library of downloadable configuration, e.g. exit rules, extra panel buttons, pending order setup and more. Please see our product video. Works with all symbols not just currency pairs. Features On chart panel plus controllable from free app for Windows, iPhone and Android Built-in script engine with library of downloadable configuration, e.g. add 'Close All Trades in Profit' button, exit
Risk Manager for MT5
Sergey Batudayev
4.53 (15)
MT5 的 Expert Advisor 风险管理器是一个非常重要的程序,我认为对每个交易者来说都是必要的程序。 使用此 EA 交易,您将能够控制您交易账户中的风险。风险和利润控制可以以货币形式和百分比形式进行。 要让智能交易系统工作,只需将其附加到货币对图表并以存款货币或当前余额的百分比设置可接受的风险值。 PROMO BUY 1 GET 2 FREE -   https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/754725 顾问功能 该风险经理将帮助您控制风险: - 交易 - 每天 - 一个星期 - 一个月 你也可以控制 1) 交易时允许的最大手数 2) 每天最大订单数 3) 每天最大利润 4) 设置 Equity 的获利了结 不仅如此,如果您在设置中指定自动设置,顾问还可以为您设置默认的止损和止盈。 顾问会在每个事件中附上警报,并向您解释删除订单的原因。比如你开了,你开了第6个订单,按照你的规则你每天只允许开5个订单,顾问会立即删除6个并说明原因。 例如,您开仓的手数比您最初向自己指示的手数大,顾问将删除订单并解释原因。例如,您每天赚取 5
Unlimited Trade Copier Pro MT5 is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will n
Local Trade Copier EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (87)
通过 Local Trade Copier EA MT4 获得非常快速的交易复制体验。它的简单1分钟设置,使您可以在同一台Windows计算机或Windows VPS上在多个MetaTrader终端之间复制交易,具有闪电般快速的复制速度,低于0.5秒。 无论您是初学者还是专业交易者, Local Trade Copier EA MT4 都提供了广泛的选项,可根据您的特定需求进行自定义。对于任何希望增加利润潜力的人来说,这都是终极解决方案。 今天就尝试一下,看看为什么它是市场上最快、最简单的贸易复印机! 提示: 您可以在您的模拟账户中下载并试用 Local Trade Copier EA MT4 模拟版: 这里 将下载的免费演示文件粘贴到您的 MT4 >> 文件 >> 打开数据文件夹 >> MQL4 >> 专家文件夹并重新启动您的终端。  免费演示版本每次可在 4 小时内发挥全部功能,仅限演示帐户。 要重置试用期,请转至 MT4 >> 工具 >> 全局变量 >> Control + A >> 删除。 请仅在非关键模拟账户上执行此操作,不要在挑战道具公司账户中执行此操作。 Local
Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (13)
矩阵箭头指标 MT5   是一种独特的 10 合 1 趋势,遵循   100% 非重绘多时间框架指标 ,可用于所有符号/工具: 外汇 、 商品 、 加密货币 、 指数 、 股票 。 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5 将在其早期阶段确定当前趋势,从多达 10 个标准指标中收集信息和数据,它们是: 平均定向运动指数 (ADX) 商品渠道指数 (CCI) 经典 Heiken Ashi 蜡烛 移动平均线 移动平均收敛散度 (MACD) 相对活力指数 (RVI) 相对强弱指数 (RSI) 抛物线SAR 随机振荡器 威廉姆斯的百分比范围 当所有指标给出有效的买入或卖出信号时,相应的箭头将打印在图表上,在下一根蜡烛/柱线开盘时,指示强劲的上升趋势/下降趋势。用户可以选择使用哪些指标,并可以单独调整每个指标的参数。 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5 仅从选定的指标中收集信息,并仅根据其数据打印箭头。   Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5   还可以为所有新信号发送终端、推送通知或电子邮件警报。无论您是黄牛、日内交易者还是波段交易者, Mat
Heiken Ashi EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
4.94 (17)
Heiken Ashi EA MT5   是一款全自动交易系统,将经典或平滑版的 Heiken Ashi 蜡烛提升到新水平。它根据 Heiken Ashi 颜色变化进场交易,并提供高度可定制的设置,以适应不同的交易风格。该 EA 具有极高的灵活性,允许您选择第 2 根到第 10 根 Heiken Ashi 蜡烛作为首个交易信号。此外,它包含距离限制功能,以防止在相似价格水平上过度交易。内置的 Heiken Ashi 移动止损会根据过去的 Heiken Ashi 蜡烛动态调整止损水平,以适应不同的市场条件。为了提高交易质量,EA 还包含移动平均线和 MACD 过滤器,以减少虚假信号。与高风险策略(如马丁格尔或网格交易)不同, Heiken Ashi EA MT5   侧重于稳定、可控的交易,并具有强大的风险管理功能。 建议 :  我的交易专家顾问(EA)并非神奇产品,无法预测市场走势。相反,它们是经过精心编写的可靠交易工具,旨在让胜率高于亏损率。它们不使用马丁格尔或网格策略,因此其收益曲线不会始终保持完美向上的趋势,而是会有起伏波动。使用这些EA取得成功需要耐心和纪律。我的建议是,在策
Moving Average EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (1)
移动平均线 EA MT5   是一款全自动智能交易系统,可将移动平均线交易提升到一个全新的水平。   移动平均线 EA MT5   可以在 MA 向上(蓝色 MA)时打开一个买入交易,或者在 MA   向下(红色 MA)时打开一个卖出交易,或者可以在每个新蜡烛上打开一个新的相同方向的交易,只要斜率 移动平均线的方向保持不变。 一系列独特的设置使这款 EA 用途极为广泛。 此 EA 附带为许多符号提供的设置文件,专门针对 ECN Raw Spread ICMarkets 帐户(基于纽约的 GMT+3 时区服务器)进行了优化。 可以使用其他经纪人或账户类型,但您可能需要进行任何必要的时间调整以适合您的经纪人/账户。 建议: 我的 EA 都不是能够预测市场的神奇产品。 相反,他们是诚实的、编码良好的专家顾问,旨在赢得更多而不是失去。 他们不采用鞅或网格策略,这意味着他们的结果不会始终显示出向上的利润曲线; 可能会有起伏。 他们的成功需要耐心和纪律。 我的一般建议是在策略测试器中测试所有提供的设置文件。 如果您发现任何有趣的结果,请考虑购买。 我定期优化所有 EA 并每年发布两次新的设置文件。
Heiken Ashi EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (15)
Heiken Ashi EA MT4 是一款全自动交易系统,将经典或平滑版的 Heiken Ashi 蜡烛提升到新水平。它根据 Heiken Ashi 颜色变化进场交易,并提供高度可定制的设置,以适应不同的交易风格。该 EA 具有极高的灵活性,允许您选择第 2 根到第 10 根 Heiken Ashi 蜡烛作为首个交易信号。此外,它包含距离限制功能,以防止在相似价格水平上过度交易。内置的 Heiken Ashi 移动止损会根据过去的 Heiken Ashi 蜡烛动态调整止损水平,以适应不同的市场条件。为了提高交易质量,EA 还包含移动平均线和 MACD 过滤器,以减少虚假信号。与高风险策略(如马丁格尔或网格交易)不同, Heiken Ashi EA MT4 侧重于稳定、可控的交易,并具有强大的风险管理功能。 建议 :  我的交易专家顾问(EA)并非神奇产品,无法预测市场走势。相反,它们是经过精心编写的可靠交易工具,旨在让胜率高于亏损率。它们不使用马丁格尔或网格策略,因此其收益曲线不会始终保持完美向上的趋势,而是会有起伏波动。使用这些EA取得成功需要耐心和纪律。我的建议是,在策略测试器
Matrix Arrow EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (5)
Matrix Arrow EA MT5   是一款独特的智能交易系统,可以通过图表上的交易面板手动或 100% 自动交易   Matrix Arrow Indicator 的 MT5   信号。   Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5   将在其早期阶段确定当前趋势,从多达 10 个标准指标中收集信息和数据,它们是: 平均定向运动指数 (ADX) 商品渠道指数 (CCI) 经典 Heiken Ashi 蜡烛 移动平均线 移动平均收敛散度 (MACD) 相对活力指数 (RVI) 相对强弱指数 (RSI) 抛物线SAR 随机振荡器 威廉姆斯的百分比范围 当所有指标给出有效的买入或卖出信号时,相应的箭头将打印在图表上,在下一个蜡烛/柱线的开盘时表示强劲的上升趋势/下降趋势。用户可以选择使用哪些指标,并可以单独调整每个指标的参数。使用   Matrix Arrow EA MT5 ,您可以直接从图表上的交易面板手动交易   Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5   信号,或使用 100% 算法交易选项   100% 自动交易! 注意力:   如果您想用您的  
Rsi EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (2)
RSI EA ΜΤ5   是一种独特的全自动智能交易系统,用于交易众所周知且极其高效的相对强度指标,能够同时控制您的交易账户在篮子级别的利润和/或亏损,对于您所有未平仓头寸的组合.   RSI EA MT5   有 4 种不同的交易相对强度指标的策略,在实时柱线的 RSI 极端值上开仓交易,在闭合蜡烛上的 RSI 极端值开仓交易和 RSI 水平交叉上的开仓交易。最后一种策略是相对强度指标的一种独特方法,因为它是一种趋势跟踪策略,而不是逆转策略。此 EA 附带为许多符号提供的设置文件,专门针对 ECN Raw Spread ICMarkets 帐户(基于纽约的 GMT+3 时区服务器)进行了优化。可能会使用其他经纪商或账户类型,但您可能需要进行任何必要的时间调整以适应您的经纪商/账户。 建议: 我的 EA 都不是能够预测市场的神奇产品。 相反,他们是诚实的、编码良好的专家顾问,旨在赢得更多而不是失去。 他们不采用鞅或网格策略,这意味着他们的结果不会始终显示出向上的利润曲线; 可能会有起伏。 他们的成功需要耐心和纪律。 我的一般建议是在策略测试器中测试所有提供的设置文件。 如果您发现任何有
货币强度交易面板 EA MT5   是适合任何初学者或专家交易者的创新解决方案!它将货币强度概念提升到一个全新的水平,因为它将它与价格行为相结合,并且可以应用于任何符号/货币对,除了通常的 8 种主要货币的 28 种组合。这意味着您可以交易任何货币对的强弱,包括所有货币、商品和加密货币(不是指数)。这是一款真正的突破性产品,通过使用彩色条形图,让您一眼就能清楚地了解 16/32 符号,从而直观地告知您任何对的 2 个部分的强度/弱点平衡,而无需破译复杂的强度线或直方图,就像在其他传统的货币强度解决方案中一样。 货币强度交易面板 EA MT5   也是您可以找到的最简单易用的 MT5 交易面板。它的所有选项和功能都集中在一个表面上,无需打开额外的窗户或面板。它是一个订单管理、风险计算器、部分关闭和帐户保护实用程序的合一,使用起来极其方便!通过使用 货币强度交易面板 EA MT5 ,您可以比传统的手动交易方法更快、更准确地进行多次交易,这让您有更多时间和更清晰的头脑专注于您的交易决策。 货币强度交易面板 EA MT5  也是一个很好的账户保护实用程序,它可以在达到账户止盈或止损净值后关
Orca EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
Orca EA ΜΤ5   是一款全自动智能交易系统。其先进的基于价格行为的算法试图预测下一根蜡烛的方向并打开(或不打开)适当的交易。它具有独特数量的设置,使其在所有市场条件下都极为通用。   Orca EA ΜΤ5   随附提供的 2022 年设置文件,专门针对 ECN Raw Spread ICMarkets 账户(基于纽约的 GMT+3 时区服务器)进行了优化。可能会使用其他经纪商或账户类型,但您可能需要测试   Orca EA MT5   并进行任何必要的时间调整以适合您的经纪商/账户。 建议: 我所有的 EA 都不是预测市场的奇迹产品,而是诚实、编码良好的专家顾问,他们试图赢多于输。 他们不使用 mar 或网格策略,因此他们的结果不是直线盈利线,而是有起有落,需要耐心和纪律才能成功。 我的一般建议是在您的策略测试器中测试我提供的所有设置文件,如果您发现任何有趣的东西,请考虑购买。 如果您决定购买,请仅交易过去几个月在策略测试器中表现良好且每笔交易风险低 0.5% 至 1% 的交易品种,而不是所有提供的设置文件。 我建议每 2-3 个月对所有提供的设置文件重复此回测,然后选择在
Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (3)
矩阵箭头指标 MT4 是一种独特的 10 合 1 趋势,遵循 100% 非重绘多时间框架指标 ,可用于所有符号/工具:外汇、商品、加密货币、指数、股票。  Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 将在其早期阶段确定当前趋势,从多达 10 个标准指标中收集信息和数据,它们是: 平均定向运动指数 (ADX) 商品渠道指数 (CCI) 经典 Heiken Ashi 蜡烛 移动平均线 移动平均收敛散度 (MACD) 相对活力指数 (RVI) 相对强弱指数 (RSI) 抛物线SAR 随机振荡器 威廉姆斯的百分比范围 当所有指标给出有效的买入或卖出信号时,相应的箭头将打印在图表上,在下一根蜡烛/柱线开盘时,指示强劲的上升趋势/下降趋势。用户可以选择使用哪些指标,并可以单独调整每个指标的参数。 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 仅从选定的指标中收集信息,并仅根据其数据打印箭头。 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 还可以为所有新信号发送终端、推送通知或电子邮件警报。无论您是黄牛、日内交易者还是波段交易者, Matrix Arrow Indicat
Matrix Arrow EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (8)
Matrix Arrow EA MT4 是一款独特的智能交易系统,可以通过图表上的交易面板手动或 100% 自动交易 Matrix Arrow Indicator 的 MT4 信号。 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 将在其早期阶段确定当前趋势,从多达 10 个标准指标中收集信息和数据,它们是: 平均定向运动指数 (ADX) 商品渠道指数 (CCI) 经典 Heiken Ashi 蜡烛 移动平均线 移动平均收敛散度 (MACD) 相对活力指数 (RVI) 相对强弱指数 (RSI) 抛物线SAR 随机振荡器 威廉姆斯的百分比范围 当所有指标给出有效的买入或卖出信号时,相应的箭头将打印在图表上,在下一个蜡烛/柱线的开盘时表示强劲的上升趋势/下降趋势。用户可以选择使用哪些指标,并可以单独调整每个指标的参数。使用 Matrix Arrow EA MT4 ,您可以直接从图表上的交易面板手动交易 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 信号,或使用 100% 算法交易选项 100% 自动交易! 注意力:   如果您想用您的   Matrix Arrow EA M
Partial Closure EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
部分关闭 EA MT5 可以部分关闭您交易账户上的任何交易,手动关闭一定百分比的手数和/或交易单或自动以 TP/SL 水平的百分比百分比为初始手数的百分比10 个止盈和 10 个止损水平。它可以通过指定或排除某些幻数或符号交易来管理您账户的所有或任何交易。 提示: 下载部分关闭 EA MT5 的免费演示版并在您的演示账户上试用: 这里 将下载的免费演示文件粘贴到您的 MT5 >> 文件 >> 打开数据文件夹 >> MQL5 >> 专家文件夹并重新启动您的终端。  免费演示版本每次可在 4 小时内发挥全部功能,仅限演示帐户。 要重置试用期,请转至 MT5 >> 工具 >> 全局变量 >> Control + A >> 删除。 请仅在非关键模拟账户上执行此操作,不要在挑战道具公司账户中执行此操作。 部分关闭 EA MT5 安装和用户指南     |    购买产品的更新 特征 极其简单直接的界面 可在任何图表、账户类型或经纪商上顺畅运行 通过交易单手动部分关闭所有管理交易或任何单个交易,以手数的百分比值 在 10 个 TP 和 10 个 SL 水平中,以 TP/SL 水平百
Signal Multiplier EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
4.92 (13)
警告: 由于MetaQuotes最近的变更,现在限制复制和倍增信号订阅的交易。因此, Signal Multiplier EA MT5 不再能够倍增您信号订阅的交易 !!! 信号乘数 EA MT5   不仅仅是另一个手数乘数。 除了通过专家顾问或手动输入乘以您账户交易的手数之外,它还会主动监控您的交易。 EA 可以向您发送关于每笔新的原始交易和倍增交易的电子邮件和推送通知,并且如果需要,还可以在预定义的时间提供每日通知。 这些每日通知包括您账户的基本详细信息,例如余额、净值和保证金水平。 最重要的是, 信号乘数 EA MT5   将自动关闭所有未平仓交易(包括原始交易和乘数交易),并在达到您的紧急净值水平时启动新交易的对冲。 此功能可以保护您的交易账户免受进一步损失,并为您提供时间来删除您的专家顾问并关闭任何剩余交易。 需要注意的是,紧急对冲需要对冲账户,这意味着您的经纪商应该允许对冲。 此外, 信号倍增器 EA MT5   可通过多种方式有效管理倍增交易。 它可以复制原始交易的止盈和止损水平,应用您的自定义止盈、止损、盈亏平衡和追踪止损水平,或在篮子级别对所有乘法交易使用篮子设置。
Basket EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (5)
篮子 EA MT4 是最好的利润收割机和终极账户保护器,是一个非常简单易用的解决方案。 篮子 EA ΜΤ4 背后的理念是能够在篮子级别控制您的整体交易账户的利润和/或损失,针对您所有的未平仓头寸。 它以账户余额的百分比或账户货币(货币)为所有托管头寸提供篮子获利、止损、盈亏平衡和追踪止损设置。 它允许根据其幻数或符号对某些交易进行管理或排除在管理之外。 它还具有账户保护设置,当账户达到止盈或止损净值时,关闭所有未平仓交易,删除所有挂单并关闭所有图表,删除附加在其上的任何其他 EA。 提示 :您可以下载 篮子 EA MT4 演示版并在您的模拟账户上试用: 这里 将下载的免费演示文件粘贴到您的 MT4 >> 文件 >> 打开数据文件夹 >> MQL4 >> 专家文件夹并重新启动您的终端。  免费演示版本每次可在 4 小时内发挥全部功能,仅限演示帐户。 要重置试用期,请转至 MT4 >> 工具 >> 全局变量 >> Control + A >> 删除。 请仅在非关键模拟账户上执行此操作,不要在挑战道具公司账户中执行此操作。 产品安装     |    Basket EA MT4 设置/
Basket EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (5)
篮子 EA MT5   是最好的利润收割机和终极账户保护器,是一个非常简单易用的解决方案。   篮子 EA ΜΤ5   背后的理念是能够在篮子级别控制您的整体交易账户的利润和/或损失,针对您所有的未平仓头寸。 它以账户余额的百分比或账户货币(货币)为所有托管头寸提供篮子获利、止损、盈亏平衡和追踪止损设置。 它允许根据其幻数或符号对某些交易进行管理或排除在管理之外。 它还具有账户保护设置,当账户达到止盈或止损净值时,关闭所有未平仓交易,删除所有挂单并关闭所有图表,删除附加在其上的任何其他 EA。 提示 :您可以下载 篮子 EA MT5   演示版并在您的模拟账户上试用: 这里 将下载的免费演示文件粘贴到您的 MT5 >> 文件 >> 打开数据文件夹 >> MQL5 >> 专家文件夹并重新启动您的终端。   免费演示版本每次可在 4 小时内发挥全部功能,仅限演示帐户。 要重置试用期,请转至 MT5 >> 工具 >> 全局变量 >> Control + A >> 删除。 请仅在非关键模拟账户上执行此操作,不要在挑战道具公司账户中执行此操作。 产品安装      |    Basket
Japanese Candlestick Patterns EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (2)
Japanese Candlestick Patterns EA MT5 是一款完全自动化的 Expert Advisor,具有 8 种内置策略,基于众所周知的 Japanese Candlestick Patterns。 它具有独特的设置数量,使其在所有市场条件下都非常灵活。 此 EA 附带许多符号/工具的新设置文件,特别针对 ECN Raw Spread ICMarkets 账户(纽约 GMT+3 时区服务器)进行了优化。 可以使用其他经纪人或账户类型,但您可能需要进行任何必要的时间调整以适合您的经纪人/账户。 建议: 我的 EA 都不是能够预测市场的神奇产品。 相反,他们是诚实的、编码良好的专家顾问,旨在赢得更多而不是失去。 他们不采用鞅或网格策略,这意味着他们的结果不会始终显示出向上的利润曲线; 可能会有起伏。 他们的成功需要耐心和纪律。 我的一般建议是在策略测试器中测试所有提供的设置文件。 如果您发现任何有趣的结果,请考虑购买。 我定期优化所有 EA 并每年发布两次新的设置文件。 此外,在每个月底,我都会评估所有提供的设置文件的性能,并根据过去 2-3 个月表现最佳的符号提供
Manual Trade Panel EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (2)
手动交易面板 EA MT5   是您可以找到的最简单易用的 MT5 交易面板。它的所有选项和功能都集中在一个表面上,无需打开额外的窗户或面板。它是一个订单管理、风险计算器、部分关闭和帐户保护实用程序,都在一个极其方便的界面中使用! 通过使用 手动交易面板 EA MT5 ,您可以比传统的手动交易方法更快、更准确地进行多次交易,这让您有更多时间和更清晰的头脑专注于您的交易决策。 账户保护是我们的首要任务,因此 手动交易面板 EA MT5  也是一个很好的账户保护实用程序,它可以在账户止盈或止损后关闭所有未平仓交易、删除所有挂单并关闭所有附加有任何 EA 的终端图表已达到亏损净额。这在盈利情况下非常方便,当您的资产低于您想要的止损水平时,可以避免您的交易账户进一步亏损。 提示: 您可以在您的模拟账户中下载并试用 手动交易面板 EA MT5   模拟版: 这里 将下载的免费演示文件粘贴到您的 MT5 >> 文件 >> 打开数据文件夹 >> MQL5 >> 专家文件夹并重新启动您的终端。 免费演示版本每次可在 4 小时内发挥全部功能,仅限演示帐户。 要重置试用期,请转至 MT5 >> 工具
Moving Average EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
4 (4)
移动平均线 EA MT4 是一款全自动智能交易系统,可将移动平均线交易提升到一个全新的水平。 移动平均线 EA MT4 可以在 MA 向上(蓝色 MA)时打开一个买入交易,或者在 MA 向下(红色 MA)时打开一个卖出交易,或者可以在每个新蜡烛上打开一个新的相同方向的交易,只要斜率 移动平均线的方向保持不变。 一系列独特的设置使这款 EA 用途极为广泛。 此 EA 附带为许多符号提供的设置文件,专门针对 ECN Raw Spread ICMarkets 帐户(基于纽约的 GMT+3 时区服务器)进行了优化。 可以使用其他经纪人或账户类型,但您可能需要进行任何必要的时间调整以适合您的经纪人/账户。 建议: 我的 EA 都不是能够预测市场的神奇产品。 相反,他们是诚实的、编码良好的专家顾问,旨在赢得更多而不是失去。 他们不采用鞅或网格策略,这意味着他们的结果不会始终显示出向上的利润曲线; 可能会有起伏。 他们的成功需要耐心和纪律。 我的一般建议是在策略测试器中测试所有提供的设置文件。 如果您发现任何有趣的结果,请考虑购买。 我定期优化所有 EA 并每年发布两次新的设置文件。 此外,在每个月
Matrix Arrow Indicator Multi Timeframe Panel MT5 是一个免费的附加组件,是您的 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5 的重要资产。它显示了当前 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5 信号,用于 5 个用户自定义的时间范围和总共 16 个可修改的符号/工具。用户可以选择启用/禁用 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5 包含的 10 个标准指标中的任何一个。所有 10 个标准指标属性也是可调整的,如 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5 。 Matrix Arrow Indicator Multi Timeframe Panel MT5 还提供了更改它所附加的当前图表的选项,方法是单击 16 个可修改符号按钮中的任何一个。这将使您能够更快地在不同符号之间工作,并且不会再次错过交易机会。 如果您想使用这个免费的 Matrix Arrow Indicator Multi Timeframe Panel MT5 插件,您需要在此处单独购买 Matrix Arrow Indicato
Colossus EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (3)
Colossus EA ΜΤ5 是一款全自动智能交易系统,将交易具有重大影响的新闻,在每根新蜡烛前几秒钟放置买入/卖出止损挂单,以捕捉价格任一侧的任何剧烈动作。 Colossus EA MT5 将在蜡烛诞生几秒钟后取消这些停止挂单,如果这些订单尚未触发。一系列独特的设置将帮助您调整所有潜在方面,以利用突然的价格波动。 Colossus EA MT5 带有适用于 EURUSD M15 时间范围的现成默认策略,专门针对 ECN 原始点差 ICMarkets 账户(位于纽约的 GMT+3 时区服务器)进行了优化。可以使用其他经纪商或账户类型,但您可能需要测试 Colossus EA MT5 并进行任何必要的时间调整以适合您的经纪商/账户。 注意: 在您测试或交易 Colossus EA MT5 之前,您必须加载此设置文件( 在此处下载 )。 为了让 Colossus EA MT5 通过 MQL5.com 市场验证测试,需要默认设置。 Colossus EA MT5 对交易条件高度敏感,强调选择正确的经纪商和账户类型以成功测试和使用推荐的设置文件进行交易的重要性。 强烈建议使用 IC Ma
Chart Symbol Changer for MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (10)
MT5 的图表符号更改器是一个指标/实用程序,它为您提供更改当前图表符号的选项,该选项通过单击其面板上的符号按钮来更改。 MT5 的图表符号转换器让您可以选择根据个人喜好配置 32 个符号按钮,方法是添加您想要密切关注和交易最多的货币对。这样您就不会错过任何机会,因为只需点击几下,您就可以在图表上更快地查看市场。 MT5 安装/用户指南的图表符号转换器     |      更新购买的产品 特征 面板上有 32 个可自定义的符号,让您可以在同一图表上监控您喜欢的工具 在任何交易品种/工具、账户类型或经纪商上顺利运行 MT5 的图表符号转换器也以交易面板的形式出现,以帮助您进行交易和风险管理以及一般的手动交易。 手动交易面板 MT5: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/72965 如果您对购买感到满意,我将不胜感激。 如果您不是, 请与我联系以找到解决方案 。 检查我所有的产品: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/eleanna74/seller 联系我以获得支持: https://www.mq
Japanese Candlestick Patterns EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (1)
Japanese Candlestick Patterns EA MT4 是一款完全自动化的 Expert Advisor,具有 8 种内置策略,基于众所周知的 Japanese Candlestick Patterns。 它具有独特的设置数量,使其在所有市场条件下都非常灵活。 此 EA 附带许多符号/工具的新设置文件,特别针对 ECN Raw Spread ICMarkets 账户(纽约 GMT+3 时区服务器)进行了优化。 可以使用其他经纪人或账户类型,但您可能需要进行任何必要的时间调整以适合您的经纪人/账户。 建议: 我的 EA 都不是能够预测市场的神奇产品。 相反,他们是诚实的、编码良好的专家顾问,旨在赢得更多而不是失去。 他们不采用鞅或网格策略,这意味着他们的结果不会始终显示出向上的利润曲线; 可能会有起伏。 他们的成功需要耐心和纪律。 我的一般建议是在策略测试器中测试所有提供的设置文件。 如果您发现任何有趣的结果,请考虑购买。 我定期优化所有 EA 并每年发布两次新的设置文件。 此外,在每个月底,我都会评估所有提供的设置文件的性能,并根据过去 2-3 个月表现最佳的符号提供
Signal Multiplier EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (15)
警告: 由于MetaQuotes最近的变更,现在限制复制和倍增信号订阅的交易。因此, Signal Multiplier EA MT4/5 不再能够倍增您信号订阅的交易 !!! 信号乘数 EA MT4   不仅仅是另一个手数乘数。 除了通过专家顾问或手动输入乘以您账户交易的手数之外,它还会主动监控您的交易。 EA 可以向您发送关于每笔新的原始交易和倍增交易的电子邮件和推送通知,并且如果需要,还可以在预定义的时间提供每日通知。 这些每日通知包括您账户的基本详细信息,例如余额、净值和保证金水平。 最重要的是, 信号乘数 EA MT4   将自动关闭所有未平仓交易(包括原始交易和乘数交易),并在达到您的紧急净值水平时启动新交易的对冲。 此功能可以保护您的交易账户免受进一步损失,并为您提供时间来删除您的专家顾问并关闭任何剩余交易。 需要注意的是,紧急对冲需要对冲账户,这意味着您的经纪商应该允许对冲。 此外, 信号倍增器 EA MT4   可通过多种方式有效管理倍增交易。 它可以复制原始交易的止盈和止损水平,应用您的自定义止盈、止损、盈亏平衡和追踪止损水平,或在篮子级别对所有乘法交易使用篮子
Rsi EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
4 (4)
RSI EA ΜΤ4 是一种独特的全自动智能交易系统,用于交易众所周知且极其高效的相对强度指标,能够同时控制您的交易账户在篮子级别的利润和/或亏损,对于您所有未平仓头寸的组合. RSI EA MT4 有 4 种不同的交易相对强度指标的策略,在实时柱线的 RSI 极端值上开仓交易,在闭合蜡烛上的 RSI 极端值开仓交易和 RSI 水平交叉上的开仓交易。最后一种策略是相对强度指标的一种独特方法,因为它是一种趋势跟踪策略,而不是逆转策略。此 EA 附带为许多符号提供的设置文件,专门针对 ECN Raw Spread ICMarkets 帐户(基于纽约的 GMT+3 时区服务器)进行了优化。可能会使用其他经纪商或账户类型,但您可能需要进行任何必要的时间调整以适应您的经纪商/账户。 建议: 我的 EA 都不是能够预测市场的神奇产品。 相反,他们是诚实的、编码良好的专家顾问,旨在赢得更多而不是失去。 他们不采用鞅或网格策略,这意味着他们的结果不会始终显示出向上的利润曲线; 可能会有起伏。 他们的成功需要耐心和纪律。 我的一般建议是在策略测试器中测试所有提供的设置文件。 如果您发现任何有趣的结果,请
Matrix Arrow Indicator Multi Timeframe Panel MT4 是一个免费的附加组件,是您的 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 的重要资产。它显示了当前 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 信号,用于 5 个用户自定义的时间范围和总共 16 个可修改的符号/工具。用户可以选择启用/禁用 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 包含的 10 个标准指标中的任何一个。所有 10 个标准指标属性也是可调整的,如 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 。 Matrix Arrow Indicator Multi Timeframe Panel MT4 还提供了更改它所附加的当前图表的选项,方法是单击 16 个可修改符号按钮中的任何一个。这将使您能够更快地在不同符号之间工作,并且不会再次错过交易机会。 如果您想使用这个免费的 Matrix Arrow Indicator Multi Timeframe Panel MT4 插件,您需要在此处单独购买 Matrix Arrow Indicato
Manual Trade Panel EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (5)
手动交易面板 EA MT4 是您可以找到的最简单易用的 MT4 交易面板。它的所有选项和功能都集中在一个表面上,无需打开额外的窗户或面板。它是一个订单管理、风险计算器、部分关闭和帐户保护实用程序,都在一个极其方便的界面中使用! 通过使用 手动交易面板 EA MT4 ,您可以比传统的手动交易方法更快、更准确地进行多次交易,这让您有更多时间和更清晰的头脑专注于您的交易决策。 账户保护是我们的首要任务,因此 手动交易面板 EA MT4 也是一个很好的账户保护实用程序,它可以在账户止盈或止损后关闭所有未平仓交易、删除所有挂单并关闭所有附加有任何 EA 的终端图表已达到亏损净额。这在盈利情况下非常方便,当您的资产低于您想要的止损水平时,可以避免您的交易账户进一步亏损。 提示: 您可以在您的模拟账户中下载并试用 手动交易面板 EA MT4 模拟版: 这里 将下载的免费演示文件粘贴到您的 MT4 >> 文件 >> 打开数据文件夹 >> MQL4 >> 专家文件夹并重新启动您的终端。   免费演示版本每次可在 4 小时内发挥全部功能,仅限演示帐户。 要重置试用期,请转至 MT4 >> 工具 >>
Partial Closure EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (3)
部分关闭 EA MT4 可以部分关闭您交易账户上的任何交易,手动关闭一定百分比的手数和/或交易单或自动以 TP/SL 水平的百分比百分比为初始手数的百分比10 个止盈和 10 个止损水平。它可以通过指定或排除某些幻数或符号交易来管理您账户的所有或任何交易。 提示: 下载部分关闭 EA MT4 的免费演示版并在您的演示账户上试用: 这里 将下载的免费演示文件粘贴到您的 MT4 >> 文件 >> 打开数据文件夹 >> MQL4 >> 专家文件夹并重新启动您的终端。  免费演示版本每次可在 4 小时内发挥全部功能,仅限演示帐户。 要重置试用期,请转至 MT4 >> 工具 >> 全局变量 >> Control + A >> 删除。 请仅在非关键模拟账户上执行此操作,不要在挑战道具公司账户中执行此操作。 部分关闭 EA MT4 安装和用户指南     |    购买产品的更新 特征 极其简单直接的界面 可在任何图表、账户类型或经纪商上顺畅运行 通过交易单手动部分关闭所有管理交易或任何单个交易,以手数的百分比值 在 10 个 TP 和 10 个 SL 水平中,以 TP/SL 水平百
Chart Symbol Changer for MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (8)
MT4 的图表符号更改器是一个指标/实用程序,它为您提供更改当前图表符号的选项,该选项通过单击其面板上的符号按钮来更改。 MT4 的图表符号转换器让您可以选择根据个人喜好配置 32 个符号按钮,方法是添加您想要密切关注和交易最多的货币对。这样您就不会错过任何机会,因为只需点击几下,您就可以在图表上更快地查看市场。 MT4 安装/用户指南的图表符号转换器     |    更新购买的产品 特征 面板上有 32 个可自定义的符号,让您可以在同一图表上监控您喜欢的工具 在任何交易品种/工具、账户类型或经纪商上顺利运行 MT4 的图表符号转换器也以交易面板的形式出现,以帮助您进行交易和风险管理以及一般的手动交易。 手动交易面板 MT4: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/72964 如果您对购买感到满意,我将不胜感激。 如果您不是, 请与我联系以找到解决方案 。 检查我所有的产品: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/eleanna74/seller 联系我以获得支持: https://www.mql5.
Price Action Indicator MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (1)
价格行为指标 MT5 根据指定(默认为 8 个)过去蜡烛的纯价格行为数据计算任何符号/工具的买入/卖出力量水平平衡。通过监控指标面板上可用的 32 个符号/工具的价格行为,这将为您提供最接近的市场情绪。超过 60% 的买入/卖出力量水平为买入/卖出特定符号(使用默认设置)提供了相当稳固的水平。价格行为指标 MT4 有 3 种计算模式,可用于标准、快速或缓慢接近价格行为,还提供可调整数量的价格行为蜡烛,以便更清晰或更平滑地适应实时变动。 价格行为指标 MT5 为您提供了根据个人喜好配置 32 个符号按钮的选项,通过添加您想要密切关注和交易最多的货币对。这样您就不会错过任何机会,因为您只需看一眼就可以在图表上全面了解当前的市场情绪。此外,当您在当前时间范围内监控的 32 个交易品种中的任何一个达到您想要的价格行为买入/卖出力量水平时,您可以向您发送终端、推送或电子邮件通知。 价格行为指标 MT5 安装和用户指南     |    更新购买的产品 特征 适合任何初学者或专家交易者的创新解决方案 根据纯价格行为数据计算任何品种/工具的买/卖力水平 3 种计算模式可用于标准、快速或
Price Action Trade Panel EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (4)
价格行为交易面板 MT5 根据指定(默认为 8 个)过去蜡烛的纯价格行为数据计算任何符号/工具的买入/卖出力量水平平衡。通过监控指标面板上可用的 32 个符号/工具的价格行为,这将为您提供最接近的市场情绪。超过 60% 的买入/卖出力量水平为买入/卖出特定符号(使用默认设置)提供了相当稳固的水平。价格行为交易面板 MT5 有 3 种计算模式,可用于标准、快速或缓慢接近价格行为,还提供可调整数量的价格行为蜡烛,以便更清晰或更平滑地适应实时变动。 价格行为交易面板 MT5 也是您可以找到的最简单易用的 MT5 交易面板。它的所有选项和功能都集中在一个表面上,无需打开额外的窗户或面板。它是一个订单管理、风险计算器、部分关闭和帐户保护实用程序的合一,使用起来极其方便!通过使用价格行为交易面板 MT5,您可以比传统的手动交易方法更快、更准确地进行交易,这让您有更多的时间和更清晰的头脑专注于您的交易决策。价格行为交易面板 MT5 也是一个很好的账户保护实用程序,它可以在达到账户止盈或止损净值后关闭所有未平仓交易、删除所有挂单并关闭所有带有任何 EA 的终端图表。 提示 :您可以在您的模拟账户中
rommelhaddad 2025.02.25 07:41 

Amazing app 🙌🏻 thank you

Juvenille Emperor Limited
来自开发人员的回复 Eleni Anna Branou 2025.02.25 07:46
Thank you very much for your excellent review for the Local Trade Copier EA! I really appreciate it.
Edwin Rivera
Edwin Rivera 2025.02.05 12:09 


Juvenille Emperor Limited
来自开发人员的回复 Eleni Anna Branou 2025.02.05 15:01
Thank you so much for your fantastic review, Edwin! I’m really happy to hear that you find Local Trade Copier EA fast, affordable, and effective. It’s great to know that the documentation and support have been helpful. I truly appreciate your kind words and support!
Deivid 3
Deivid 3 2025.02.05 11:29 

Fácil de usar y muy buen soporte. Muy contento con la compra para replicar mis cuentas

Juvenille Emperor Limited
来自开发人员的回复 Eleni Anna Branou 2025.02.05 11:37
Thank you very much for your great review, David! I’m glad that you’ve found Local Trade Copier EA and my support to be up to your expectations!
Jan Kahlert
Jan Kahlert 2025.01.09 19:49 

The BEST copy tool for an unbeatable price! The support of Eleni Anna is outstanding!!! After a bit of struggle with my wired Broker prefix, anna was a huge help and did a great job! quick answers, alsways kind, 5/5

Juvenille Emperor Limited
来自开发人员的回复 Eleni Anna Branou 2025.01.09 20:01
Jan, I’m truly delighted to read your amazing review! It makes me so happy to know you consider my Local Trade Copier EA the best copier at an unbeatable price. I’m glad I could assist you and that my support met your expectations. Your kind words and this excellent rating mean the world to me—thank you so much!
Michael Arthur Schorr
Michael Arthur Schorr 2025.01.07 20:39 

Best solution for copying your trades across multiple platforms and accounts dev is indredible!!! helpful and goes the extra mile to make sure you ahve a working product!

Juvenille Emperor Limited
来自开发人员的回复 Eleni Anna Branou 2025.01.07 20:41
Michael, I truly appreciate your amazing review! It means so much to me that you find my Local Trade Copier EA the best solution for copying trades. I’m always here to go the extra mile and ensure everything works perfectly for you. Thank you for your kind words and support!
A V 2024.12.21 18:46 

This EA has too many options (that is good!). It is a blank canvas for any copy trading needs. Also, the developer answered almost immediately the few questions I had.

Juvenille Emperor Limited
来自开发人员的回复 Eleni Anna Branou 2024.12.21 19:15
Thank you very much for your kind words and excellent review for the Local Trade Copier EA Andre! Please do not hesitate to contact me for anything else you may need in the future.
Borja Mayoral Arauz
Borja Mayoral Arauz 2024.12.18 14:14 

I have been testing at least 5 copiers, and this one by far is the best of all, I have been testing it for over a month, works perfectly with several accounts, and is not missing a trade. Also you have all configurations you can wish for. So as a developer yself, congrats to the seller.

Juvenille Emperor Limited
来自开发人员的回复 Eleni Anna Branou 2024.12.18 14:25
Thank you so much for your kind words, Borja! I’m delighted to hear that your Local Trade Copier EA has outperformed others you’ve tested and that it’s meeting your expectations so well. I really appreciate your recognition of the comprehensive configurations I’ve included, especially coming from a fellow developer. Thank you very much for choosing this product!
Nigel Lai
Nigel Lai 2024.12.15 04:28 

So far, I just bought this trade copier, with the intent of testing out the reverse trading system, for an EA with losing trades. The star ratings are left at 3/5 for now. The main thing I wish was possible, is the trade copier being able to run alongside a trading EA too. Otherwise, I have to use an online service to copy trades for me, while the EA runs on a MT5 chart like EURUSD. And some of these online trade copiers, do not permit the type of trading, that I'm trying to perform reverse trading with, like high frequency trades or scalping.

Edit as of 17/12/2024:

The creator of this bot answered promptly and gave me a solution for the use of multiple EAs alongside the Trade Copier EA. Granted I had already figured that out on my own, but I appreciate the help regardless. Now I need to see if the suggestion that the creator has offered me, will work for my current problem.

Juvenille Emperor Limited
来自开发人员的回复 Eleni Anna Branou 2024.12.16 21:19
Hello Nigel and thank you for your purchase. Local Trade Copier EA can run alongside your EA, you simply need to open another chart, any chart of any symbol and attach Local Trade Copier EA on it as a transmitter. Then attach it on a chart, any chart of any symbol, in the receiver account too, as a receiver and perform your copying setup, following the quick setup video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYI4xazOMFo ). If you want to copy the transmitter trades of your other EA in reverse in the receiver side, you need to put in the receiver settings 'Reverse Copying: true' and if you desire the TP/SL distances of the receiver reversed trades to be the same like in the transmitter original trades, you also need to put in the receiver settings 'Keep Original TP/SL Distances: true'. I would be happy to help you with anything else you may need with your purchase. If you see that you can do what you want, I would appreciate if you could update your review too!
Edit as of 17/12/2024: Thank you very much Nigel for updating your review to 5 stars, I really appreciate it! I have answered your message and questions and I have sent you some advice and tips to help you copy as quickly as possible. I am always here to help you in any way that I can.
Inrexea Limited
Yip Sin Hang 2024.12.13 20:44 

Best of the best copier on mql market

Juvenille Emperor Limited
来自开发人员的回复 Eleni Anna Branou 2024.12.13 20:46
I am really touched by your excellent review and warm hearted comments Yip! I really appreciate it.
Uncle Bo
Uncle Bo 2024.12.10 15:15 

is this a bug?there are existing positions then i restarted the terminal where my transmitter account is, and then all the receiver accounts close all the open positions. thoae accounts are at loss..

Juvenille Emperor Limited
来自开发人员的回复 Eleni Anna Branou 2024.12.10 15:53
Hello, there is no bug. After contacting me, you realized that the receiver's copied trades were closed because the original trades on the transmitter side were closed first. This prompted the receiver's Local Trade Copier EA to close the corresponding copied trades, which is the expected behavior.
CHUN KIU CHEUNG 2024.11.04 18:09 

The quality of the products is outstanding and exceeded my expectations. Overall, I am very satisfied with this shopping experience and highly recommend it to everyone!

Juvenille Emperor Limited
来自开发人员的回复 Eleni Anna Branou 2024.11.19 14:10
I'm delighted you had such a positive experience with your Local Trade Copier EA, Chun! I’m glad I could assist you in resolving the purchasing issues and make the process easier for you. Knowing that the product quality exceeded your expectations means a lot to me. Thank you for recommending it to others, I truly appreciate your support!
Gabriel Paul Ange Perrin
Gabriel Paul Ange Perrin 2024.10.31 10:14 

I never post a comment, but of all the sellers on the platform this is really the best! His product is perfect, and above all the seller helped me with very complex problems that I have never managed to solve myself. Everything works perfectly Thank you!

Juvenille Emperor Limited
来自开发人员的回复 Eleni Anna Branou 2024.10.31 10:19
Thank you so much, Gabriel, for taking the time to share your experience with your Local Trade Copier EA! It truly means a lot to hear such positive feedback. If you ever need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Rafal Krzysztof Manuszewski
Rafal Krzysztof Manuszewski 2024.10.15 13:02 

perfect tool, works perfectly, I recommend it, great. fantastic contact with the developer!

Juvenille Emperor Limited
来自开发人员的回复 Eleni Anna Branou 2024.10.15 13:15
Thank you so much, Rafal, for your kind words and excellent review of the Local Trade Copier EA! I’m really happy that you found my support fantastic, and I’m always here if you need anything else.
IoannisK37 2024.09.27 07:54 

Installed with 7 different MT5 accounts from 3 different prop firms, so far it works amazing!!!!

Juvenille Emperor Limited
来自开发人员的回复 Eleni Anna Branou 2024.09.27 11:35
Thank you so much, Ioannis, for sharing your experience! It’s fantastic to hear that the Local Trade Copier EA is performing so well across multiple prop firms. I’m glad it's meeting your expectations! If you ever need assistance or have any questions, feel free to reach out. Wishing you continued success with your trading!
Farid Yandouz
Farid Yandouz 2024.09.24 16:51 

As always: very swift support with high customer orientation. We always learn new things from Eleni !!!!

Juvenille Emperor Limited
来自开发人员的回复 Eleni Anna Branou 2024.09.24 17:00
Thank you so much for your kind words! It's always a pleasure to provide support and share new insights with valued customers like you. Your feedback truly motivates me to continue delivering the best service possible!
Piotr Dabrowski
Piotr Dabrowski 2024.09.09 11:06 

Really great. best copier with lots extra's

Juvenille Emperor Limited
来自开发人员的回复 Eleni Anna Branou 2024.09.09 11:11
Thank you very much Piotr for your excellent feedback and review for your Local Trade Copier EA! Your evaluation means a lot to me and I really appreciate your approval!
manasvi.sriram 2024.08.29 16:12 

Fantastic Product! I own both MT4 and MT% versions. Great product! Most of all, the author's support is A++++. I will never hesitate to purchase from this Author!

Juvenille Emperor Limited
来自开发人员的回复 Eleni Anna Branou 2024.08.29 16:17
I greatly appreciate your kind words and your excellent review for the Local Trade Copier EA! That is the best reward for my hard work! Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future for anything you may need. Thank you !!!
Ramiro Del Carpio Penares
Ramiro Del Carpio Penares 2024.08.26 19:25 


Juvenille Emperor Limited
来自开发人员的回复 Eleni Anna Branou 2024.08.26 21:08
Thank you for the amazing review Ramiro! I'm delighted to hear that you find Local Trade Copier EA to be the best and that it's meeting all your needs with its professional features. Your satisfaction is my top priority, and I appreciate your support!
hypertrade724 2024.07.26 17:24 

Unfortunately, sometimes, for no reason, the robot shows that it is active, but it does not work, and Metatrader needs to be closed and opened several times.

In addition, to manage the capital of the sender's account, we need to open two metatraders, one to control the account of the sender, and the other to copy from the sender's account to the receiver's account.

Please upgrade the money management features for the sender's account:

1- The number of transactions that the sender can open at the moment

2- The number of transactions that the sender can open on each symbol at the same time

3- The total amount that can be opened on a specific symbol at the moment

4- The total amount that can be opened on each of the symbols at the moment

5- Display the maximum balance of the day and the balance at the beginning of the day in the information on the chart, based on which the maximum equity of the day is calculated.

Juvenille Emperor Limited
来自开发人员的回复 Eleni Anna Branou 2024.07.26 17:35
I am surprised to read your review, because you have not contacted me at all so far. The problem you are describing is a sign of a frozen, stuck or corrupted MT5 terminal or that your PC or VPS is not powerful enough to handle your open transmitter and receiver terminals. Also your requested features for the sender/transmitter account are not possible. No copier can interfere or affect the transmitter account and the number of trades it opens, all copiers can only control the number of trades and all other features in the receiver account only! Please contact me to give you instructions and advice to solve the issue that you are having and how to make the most out of your Local Trade Copier EA and I am sure that you will be happy to update your review afterwards.
Sante M.
Sante M. 2024.07.22 16:16 

Very cool

Juvenille Emperor Limited
来自开发人员的回复 Eleni Anna Branou 2024.07.22 16:21
Thank you very much for your excellent 5 star review for your Local Trade Copier EA MT5. I really appreciate it!
版本 3.80 2024.04.18
!!! I strongly advise you to make this update with no open trades on the receiver account side, when all receiver copied trades have been closed !!!

The Local Trade Copier EA for MT4/5 has undergone a major update, featuring numerous fixes, improvements, and additions. It's crucial to implement this update across all your MT4/5 terminals. However, ensure there are no open trades before updating. Wait until all previously copied trades have been closed.

The copy engine and the recording of copied trades have been completely overhauled in this new version. It's essential to note that this updated version will not be compatible with any older versions of the Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5.

To reiterate, update Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5 in all your MT4/5 terminals only when there are no open trades on the receiver account side and after all receiver copied trades have been closed.

1. The 'Transmitter Comment' setting now includes a new option: typing the symbol % will include the magic number of the original Transmitter trade as a comment on the copied trade in the Receiver account.

2. In the 'Magic Numbers to Copy' and 'Magic Numbers Not to Copy' settings, you now have the option to specify whether to copy or not copy variations of magic numbers that contain a specific number. For example, if you enclose a magic number within parentheses, such as (14), the EA will either copy or not copy any trades containing '14' in their magic number (like 214 or 3146). Additionally, you now have the option to copy or not copy a range of magic numbers using the format 'first-last'. For instance, entering 3245,100-200,0 will determine whether the receiver copies or not trades with the magic number 3245, trades with magic numbers ranging from 100 to 200, and manual trades.

3. In the 'Comments to Copy' and 'Comments Not to Copy' settings, you now have the option to specify whether to copy or not copy variations of comments containing a specific part.
For example, if you enclose a comment within parentheses, such as (Expert), in this setting, it will determine whether the receiver copies or not trades containing 'Expert' in their comment (like Expert 12, Expert 20, Expert 35, etc.).

4. A new 'Transmitter Server Offset Hours' setting is now available, which determines the time difference between the transmitter's Marketwatch time and the receiver's Marketwatch server time in MT4/5. This setting addresses issues that may arise in transmitter and receiver accounts with different Marketwatch server times, particularly when using the 'Copy Current Trades', 'Copy New Trades', 'Copying Expiration in Seconds', and 'Copying Delay in Seconds' settings in the receiver account.

5. A new 'Min Distance in Points for Same Symbol/Direction Trades/Orders' setting is available that restricts the copying of market trades or pending orders with the same symbol and direction based on their proximity to each other. Its purpose is to prevent the copying of numerous and closely spaced trades/orders involving the same symbol and direction.

6. A new 'Proportional by Free Margin' lot size type is introduced. With this feature, trades from the transmitter account will be copied onto the receiver account(s), with a lot size proportional to the receiver account(s) free margin only.

7. A new 'Risk per Trade in % of Free Margin' lot size type is introduced. With this lot size type, each receiver copied trade will risk the desired percentage of the receiver account free margin when the applied SL is hit.

8. In the 'Copying from Symbol Trade/Order Number' setting, it is now possible to configure separate settings for individual symbols. For example, if you input 2,GBPUSD3,USDJPY4 the receiver will copy trades/orders for all symbols starting from the second trade/order onwards. Specifically, it will copy GBPUSD trades/orders from the third trade/order onwards and USDJPY trades/orders from the fourth trade/order onwards.

9. In the 'Maximum Risk % per Symbol' setting, you can now configure separate settings for individual symbols. For example, if you input 2,GBPUSD3,USDJPY4 the receiver will copy trades/orders for each symbol with a combined risk of up to 2%. Specifically, it will copy GBPUSD trades/orders with a combined risk of up to 3% and USDJPY trades/orders with a combined risk of up to 4%.

10. A new 'Maximum Risk % per Currency' setting is now available. This setting enables you to establish a percentage-based limit on the cumulative risk associated with all trades/orders copied for the same currency. If the total risk for that currency reaches this predefined limit, the copying process will temporarily pause. For example, if you input 2 into this setting, the receiver will copy trades/orders for each currency with a combined risk percentage of up to 2%. You can also customize settings for individual currencies. For instance, if you enter 2,EUR3,GBP4 the receiver will copy trades/orders for each currency with a combined risk percentage of up to 2%. Specifically, it will copy EUR trades/orders with a combined risk percentage of up to 3% and GBP trades/orders with a combined risk percentage of up to 4%.

11. In the 'Synchronized Trade Closure' setting now there are these options available: True: Automatically closes or deletes copied market trades and pending orders on receiver accounts immediately after the corresponding original trades/orders on transmitter accounts are closed or deleted. False: Receiver trades/orders remain open or pending even after their corresponding transmitter trades/orders are closed or deleted. True for Market Trades Only: Receiver market trades will be closed only if the corresponding transmitter positions are also market trades at that time. True for Pending Orders Only: Receiver pending orders will be deleted only if the corresponding transmitter positions are also pending orders at that time. True for Same Trade/Order Type: When a transmitter market trade is closed, the corresponding position in the receiver account will be closed if it's also a market trade. Similarly, when a transmitter pending order is deleted, the corresponding receiver position will be deleted if it's also a pending order. However, if the receiver position differs (e.g., market trade vs. pending order), it will not be affected.

12. Now, you can close all receiver copied market trades and delete all receiver copied pending orders separately, at different times, using the updated 'Close All Copied Market Trades' and 'Delete All Copied Pending Orders' settings.

13. In the 'Emergency Trade Management' section, a new 'Maximum Daily Profit' option has been added. This feature allows you to close all receiver copied trades if a desired daily profit, either in percentage of balance (or equity) or in money, is reached. This setting operates similarly to the existing 'Maximum Daily Drawdown' setting.

In conclusion, it is crucial to implement this update across all your MT4/5 terminals, ensuring that there are no open trades before updating. Wait until all previously copied trades have been closed.

This new version includes a complete overhaul of the copy engine and the recording of copied trades. It's important to note that this updated version will not be compatible with any older versions of the Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5.

To reiterate, update the Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5 in all your MT4/5 terminals only when there are no open trades on the receiver account side and after all receiver copied trades have been closed.
版本 3.70 2023.09.18
Fix of issues.
版本 3.60 2023.09.09
Local Trade Copier EA MT5 had a major update with many fixes, improvements and additions and I strongly advise you to make this update with no open trades on the receiver account side, when all receiver copied trades have been closed.

1. ​A new 'Maximum Receiver Account Magic Numbers' setting has been added, that represents the maximum number of different magic numbers that can be present in the receiver account, including trades initiated by other EAs or manual trading. This setting is useful when you have multiple receivers across different charts in the receiver account, each with different magic numbers, but you only want to copy a specified number of them simultaneously.

2. A new 'Maximum Receiver Account Symbols' setting has been added, that represents the maximum number of different symbols that can be present in the receiver account, including trades initiated by other EAs or manual trading. This setting is useful when you have multiple receivers across different charts in the receiver account, each copying different symbols, but you only want to copy a specified number of them simultaneously.

3. From now on, if you set Copy Current Trades=false, trades that were opened on the transmitter side outside of the copying hours will not be copied to the receiver account when copying resumes.

4. A new 'Retry Attempts in Seconds' setting has been added, that when it is set to 0, Local Trade Copier EA MT5 will continuously attempt to copy a trade if it is not copied instantly, for any reason (such as the market being closed or insufficient funds). If you specify a larger number of seconds, for example 30, the receiver will attempt to copy the trade every 30 seconds.

5. From now on, when the 'Keep Original TP/SL Distances' setting is enabled, Local Trade Copier EA MT5 will adjust the TP/SL levels based on the differences in open price. For example, if a buy transmitter trade at 1.08700 with a 1.08900 TP and a 1.08500 SL is copied to the receiver side at 1.08720, the TP will be 1.08920, and the SL will be 1.08520. This adjustment applies to both normal and reverse copying.

6. Three new lot size types have been added. When 'Same Lot Size' lot size type is selected, Local Trade Copier EA MT5 will copy the receiver trades with the same lot size as the original transmitter trades. When 'Multiplier by Balance' lot size type is selected, Local Trade Copier EA MT5 will use the 'Multiplier by Balance' setting for calculating the multiplier that will be used for the receiver copied trades as follows. If the receiver account balance is $10000 and the 'Multiplier by Balance' setting is 1000, the multiplier that will be used for the receiver copied trades will be 10 (10000/1000). When 'Multiplier by Equity' lot size type is selected, Local Trade Copier EA MT5 will use the 'Multiplier by Equity' setting for calculating the multiplier that will be used for the receiver copied trades as follows. If the receiver account equity is $10000 and the 'Multiplier by Equity' setting is 1000, the multiplier that will be used for the receiver copied trades will be 10 (10000/1000).

7. A new 'Automatic Split of Copied Trades' setting has been added, for automatically splitting receiver copied trades when the lot size about to be copied exceeds the maximal volume allowed for the specific symbol/instrument. For instance, if a 25-lot BTCUSD trade is about to be opened on the receiver side, and the maximal volume for BTCUSD in the receiver account is 10 lots, the receiver Local Trade Copier EA MT5 will split it into two 10-lot BTCUSD trades and one 5-lot BTCUSD trade, in order to comply with the maximal volume limitation.

8. A new 'Split Copied Trades in Parts of' setting has been added, that allows you to divide your receiver copied trades into smaller parts, each below a specified lot size, in compliance with any restrictions imposed by your broker, typically applicable to prop firms, regarding the maximum lot size for opened trades in your receiver account. For instance, if you input 0.15 into this setting and a 0.7 lot trade is about to be copied into the receiver account, it will be copied as four 0.15 lot trades and one 0.1 lot trade.

9. A new 'Custom Symbol Fixed Lot Sizes' setting has been added, that allows for different fixed lot sizes to be applied to various symbols, thereby overriding the universal fixed lot size specified in the receiver settings. For example, if a 0.2 fixed lot size is set universally, and you input EURUSD0.15,GBPUSD0.3 in this setting, the copied trades for EURUSD will use a 0.15 fixed lot size, while GBPUSD trades will use a 0.3 fixed lot size. All other symbol trades will be copied with the universal 0.2 fixed lot size setting.

10. A new 'Copying from Symbol Trade/Order Number' setting has been added, that allows you to copy trades/orders for all symbols, starting from a point later than the first trade/order. For instance, if you enter 4 into this setting, the Local Trade Copier EA MT5 will refrain from copying the initial three trades/orders of each symbol from the transmitter account to the receiver account. Instead, it will commence copying from the fourth trade/order onward. In the event that any trade/order with the same symbol as the first three transmitter trades/orders is closed, the counting will reset, and the receiver will resume counting the number of trades/orders, only considering the still open transmitter trades/orders.

11. A new 'Maximum Risk % per Symbol' setting has been added, that enables you to establish a percentage-based limit on the cumulative risk associated with all trades/orders copied for the same symbol. If the total risk for that symbol reaches this predefined limit, the copying process will temporarily pause. Please note that this setting applies only to receiver copied trades with an applied Stop Loss. If you enter a non-zero value in this setting, it will prevent any trade/order without an applied SL from copying to the receiver account.

12. A new 'Maximum Account Risk %' setting has been added, that allows you to set a percentage limit on the total risk of all receiver copied trades/orders. Copying will pause if this limit is reached. Please note that this setting applies only to receiver copied trades with an applied Stop Loss. If you enter a non-zero value in this setting, it will prevent any trade/order without an applied SL from copying to the receiver account.

13. The 'Synchronized Trade Closure' setting will now enable you to specify whether you want to automatically close all copied trades or delete pending orders placed by the Local Trade Copier EA MT5 on receiver accounts immediately after the corresponding original trades on the transmitter accounts are closed or deleted, separately.

14. A new 'Closure Better Price' setting has been added, with the option to determine whether receiver copied trades should be closed at a better, worse, or the same price compared to the transmitter trades when they close, as per your configuration. Warning: Enabling this option may result in missing the closure of a receiver copied trade completely, if the market moves rapidly against you, potentially leaving an unmanaged trade.

15. A new 'No Copying if Transmitter Drawdown %>' setting has been added, that allows you to temporarily halt the copying of new trades to the receiver account if the current drawdown in the transmitter account exceeds a specified level. Copying will resume once the drawdown in the transmitter account improves beyond the value set in this setting. For example, if No Copying if Transmitter Drawdown %>=20 the Local Trade Copier EA MT5 will cease copying new trades to the receiver account if the transmitter's current drawdown surpasses 20%. Copying will resume when the transmitter's drawdown falls below 20%.

16. A new 'Copy Only if Transmitter Drawdown % per Symbol>' setting has been added, that allows the user to copy trades for each symbol from the transmitter account to the receiver account only when the combined drawdown of all transmitter trades for that specific symbol exceeds a specified threshold. For example, if Copy Only if Transmitter Drawdown % per Symbol>=2 the receiver account will start copying the transmitter's trades for each symbol only when the combined drawdown of all trades for that symbol in the transmitter account surpasses 2%. Once this condition is met, all transmitter trades for that symbol will be copied. If the combined drawdown for those symbol trades in the transmitter account subsequently falls below 2%, new transmitter trades for that symbol will not be copied until the combined drawdown for those symbol trades rises above 2% again.

17. The 'Maximum Daily Drawdown' setting can now be calculated based on your receiver account's balance or equity as of 23:59:59 the previous day, allowing you to choose between a percentage or a specific amount, offering greater flexibility.

** I strongly advise you to make this update with no open trades on the receiver account side, when all receiver copied trades have been closed. **
版本 3.50 2023.04.24
Local Trade Copier EA MT5 had a major update with many changes and additions and I strongly advise you to make this update with no open trades on the receiver account side, when all receiver copied trades have been closed.

1. Copy Long/Short true/false settings are now applied correctly to pending orders too.

2. Split Copied Trades in Parts setting works smoothly now, overriding maximal volume issues on the receiver accounts.

3. Maximum Number of Copied Magic Numbers and Maximum Number of Copied Symbols settings have been added, that allow to copy only a certain number of magic numbers or symbols at the same time on the receiver accounts.

4. Add/Subtract Points in TP/SL Levels settings have been added that can add or subtract certain number of points in the TP/SL levels of the original transmitter trades on the receiver copied trades.

5. The option not to copy transmitter trades to the receiver side if these don't have an applied stop loss level, has been added.

6. A Copy Market Trades=true/false setting has been added, allowing the user to copy only pending orders and not market trades.

7. Copying Delay in Seconds and Closure Delay in Seconds settings have been added, that allow the user to copy and close the transmitter trades to the receiver side with a certain number of seconds delay.

8. All lot size types that were previously calculated based on the account's balance can now also be calculated based on the account's equity.

9. A Reopen Closed Copied Trades setting has been added that allows the user to reopen receiver closed copied trades instantly or at the opening price if these are still running in the transmitter side.

10. Take profit can now be applied on the receiver copied trades based on risk/reward ratio of the copied stop loss.

11. New automatic partial closure settings have been added, that allow the user to close automatically and partially all receiver copied trades at 3 % take profit and 3 % stop loss levels for 3 % levels of the copied lot size.

12. Finally, a new Maximum Daily Drawdown % setting has been added that will close all receiver copied trades and pause copying until the next day, when it is reached. This will allow users to work with LTC on prop firms more effectively.

** I strongly advise you to make this update with no open trades on the receiver account side, when all receiver copied trades have been closed. **
版本 3.40 2023.01.21
Fix of an issue with lot size rounding.
版本 3.30 2022.12.19
Local Trade Copier EA MT5 had a major update with many changes and additions and I strongly advise you to make this update with no open trades on the receiver account side, when all receiver copied trades have been closed.

1. The opening/placement of copied trades/orders has been changed, applying TP/SL levels along with the trade opening. This will make trade copying even faster and will allow LTC to be used smoothly with prop firms.

2. The copy time settings format has been changed, allowing to put time periods that copying will be allowed, excluding specific times. For example if a user wants to pause copying 1 hour before and 1 hour after the NFP announcement on Friday (GMT+2 time) he can put Copy on Friday=00:00:00-14:30:00,16:30:00-23:59:59 and that way LTC will copy up to 14:30, then will pause copying until 16:30 and will copy normally again from 16:30 till midnight.

3. Take Profit and Stop Loss Multipliers have been added that will give the user the opportunity to increase or decrease the copied TP/SL levels of the original transmitter trades. These multipliers are 1 by default in order to copy the original TP/SL levels, but if the user puts for example Take Profit Multiplier=1.5 and Stop Loss Multiplier=2 the receiver copied trade will increase the applied take profit level by 150% and the applied stop loss level by 200%. In other words a 100 points transmitter TP will be copied as a 150 points receiver TP and a 200 points transmitter SL will be copied as a 400 points receiver SL.

4. Opposite Logic has been renamed Reverse Copying and a new Keep Original TP/SL Distances has been added that if it is true will apply the original transmitter TP/SL levels in points on the receiver opposite trade, but reversed of course. For example until now if a buy transmitter trade was opened with 100 points TP and 200 points SL, the opposite receiver trade was copied with a 100 points SL and 200 points TP, in order the receiver trade to close at the same time with the original transmitter trade. Now with Keep Original TP/SL Distances=true LTC will apply the original 100 points TP and 200 points SL on the receiver copied trade.

5. Two new lot size types have been added, Risk per Trade in % of Balance and Risk per Trade in Money. When any of these are selected the lot size of the receiver copied trades will be such that when the original SL is hit the receiver copied trade will lose a predefined by the user % of receiver account balance or a sum in money. These 2 new lot size types will work only if the receiver copied trades have a SL level of course, otherwise they can't be calculated properly.

6. A new Split Copied Trades in Parts setting has been added, which is 1 be default, giving the opportunity to copy the receiver copied trades in many lot size parts, overcoming brokers limitations in this area. If your broker has a small maximum lot size limit or the market liquidity is thin and you can't open large trades with their original lot size, you can split your receiver copied trades into smaller parts. If for example Split Copied Trades in Parts=3 a 1 lot transmitter trade with a Multiplier=1 lot size type setting in the receiver side, will be copied as three 0.33 0.33 and 0.34 trades.

7. Two new Ignore Transmitter Lot Size Below and Ignore Transmitter Lot Size Above settings have been added that will allow the user to filter the transmitter original trades by their lot size and to be copied or not on the receiver side.

8. Partial closure has been re-coded and will work perfectly and smoothly on the receiver copied trades from now on, exactly as it works on the transmitter side. Also partial closure can now be turned off if the user puts Apply Partial Closure=false in the receiver side settings.

9. Until now the user of LTC could apply its own TP/SL/BE and trailing SL levels in points onto the receiver copied trades. Now new TP/SL/BE and trailing SL levels in money have been added, making it easier to apply your desired TP/SL levels in account currency. These new levels in money will not work with the new Risk per Trade in % of Balance and Risk per Trade in Money lot size type settings, because its not possible to calculate the lot size and stop loss in money at the same time for a given copied trade. One variable of them has to be fixed.

10. A new Closing Copied Trades in Minutes setting has been added, that will allow the user to close each receiver copied trade after a certain number of minutes.

11. A No Copy if Transmitter Drawdown %> has been added that will allow the user to copy the transmitter original trades on the receiver side, only if the transmitter account has reach a certain drawdown. For example if No Copy if Transmitter Drawdown %>=5 the receiver account will start copying the transmitter trades only when the transmitter account drawdown exceeds the 5% level. If it does all transmitter trades will be copied, if later the transmitter drawdown goes below 5% new opened transmitter trades will not be copied until the transmitter drawdown goes above 5% again.

** I strongly advise you to make this update with no open trades on the receiver account side, when all receiver copied trades have been closed. **
版本 3.20 2022.11.09
Fix of an issue with CPU efficiency and other improvements.
版本 3.10 2022.11.08
Fix of an issue.
版本 3.0 2022.11.08
Fix of an issue.
版本 2.90 2022.10.31
Local Trade Copier EA MT5 will now enable automatically only the symbols that are about to be copied on the receiver account.
版本 2.80 2022.10.29
Local Trade Copier EA MT5 has been updated with the following improvements:

1. Comments to Copy and not to Copy settings have been added, to filter the receiver copied trades by the transmitter comment.

2. A new Lot Size Type option has been added, the Lot Size per 1000 of Balance, that allows you to apply your desired lot size based entirely on the receiver account's balance size.

3. Total Symbol Copied Trades and Total Account Copied Trades settings have been added, that give the option to limit the receiver copied trades by number.

4. A Max Drawdown % from Balance High setting has been added, that can close all receiver copied trades and disable copying when a certain drawdown value has been reached from the highest level of receiver account's balance.

5. A No Copying if Drawdown %> setting has been added that gives the option to suspend copying new trades on the receiver account if the current drawdown exceeds a certain level. Copying will resume when the drawdown level improves above the inserted value in this setting.

6. Closing of receiver copied trades due to basket or emergency account protection settings will be done following the FIFO rule from now on, making the Local Trade Copier EA MT5 FIFO compatible.
版本 2.70 2022.08.14
Hello dear friends,

Local Trade Copier EA MT5 has been updated:

1. New Basket settings in Money have been added to close all receiver account copied trades, when the desired Basket TP/SL in Money levels have been reached.

2. An issue with Better Price Difference in Points has been fixed and now Local Trade Copier EA MT5 applies the correct open price and TP/SL levels when Better Price is used, even when Opposite Logic is true or Pending Orders are placed.

3. Another issue that Local Trade Copier EA MT5 opened the transmitter trades again on the receiver account, if the computer was restarted, has been fixed.

Please update your Local Trade Copier EA MT5.
版本 2.60 2022.06.03
Local Trade Copier EA MT5 has been updated with the following additions:

1. A Receiver Comment setting has been added, that gives the user the option to print the desired comment on the receiver account copied trades, overriding any transmitter comment.

2. Better Price option now allows the input of negative values, giving the use the opportunity to copy transmitter trades onto the receiver account, when a certain level or profit has been reached on the transmitter opened trades.

3. A Close All Copied Trades on certain day and time option has been added, that allows the user to close all receiver account copied trades at a specific day (or very day) and time.

4. Prefix and Suffix of the Transmitter Account settings have been added that make the copying from brokers with non dot prefixes and suffixes (like mEURUSD or EURUSDm) much easier. Automatic mapping of dot prefixes and suffixes (like r.EURUSD or EURUSD.r) continues to work as before.

For more details on these new settings please read carefully the settings/inputs guide: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/745681
版本 2.50 2022.05.01
Local Trade Copier EA MT5 has been updated with the following additions:

1. An extra option has been added to the Transmitter Comment setting, now the user can type the symbol @ in the transmitter side setup and the trade ID of the transmitter trades will be printed as a comment in the receiver copied trades.

2. An Allow TP/SL Manual Change true/false setting has been added that when it is true allow the user to modify the TP/SL levels of the copied receiver trades, after the transmitter TP/SL levels have been applied.

3. Finally Total Symbol Copied Volume and Total Account Copied Volume settings have been added, that give the user the opportunity to set total lot size limits for the receiver copied trades on symbol and account level.

For more details on these new settings please read carefully the settings/inputs guide: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/745681
版本 2.40 2022.04.04
Fix of a Copying Expiration in Seconds issue.
版本 2.30 2022.03.24
Addition of a Minimum Volume Step setting to allow the copying of smaller than 0.01 lot sizes, for example binary volatility indexes.
版本 2.20 2022.03.14
Fix of a bug with the Self Copier option.
版本 2.10 2022.03.08
Local Trade Copier EA MT5 has been updated with the following additions:

1. Magic Numbers to Copy setting has been added to make it easier to copy some magic numbers only, without the need to exclude all others in the Magic Numbers Not to Copy setting.

2. Symbols to Copy setting has been added to make it easier to copy some symbols only, without the need to exclude all others in the Symbols Not to Copy setting.

3. Copying Start Time and Copying End Time settings have been added, to allow time control of copying onto the receiver account.

4. Copy on Monday to Sunday true/false settings have been added to allow control over the days copying is allowed to the receiver account.

5. Maximum Spread in Points settings has been added to filter the copying of trades onto the receiver account, based on spread.

6. A Better Price Difference in Points setting has been added to make it possible to open copied receiver trades with a certain number of points improvement in opening price. For example if the transmitter buy open price is 1.08800 and this setting is 50, the receiver copied buy trade will be opened at 1.08750.

7. Custom Symbol Multipliers setting has been added, to allow different multipliers for various symbols, overriding the universal multiplier applied in the receiver settings. If for example a 2 multiplier has been set and in this setting you put: EURUSD3,GBPUSD4 the EURUSD receiver copied trades will be copied with a 3 multiplier and the GBPUSD trades with a 4 multiplier.

8. Minimum and Maximum Copying Lot Size settings have been added, to allow control over the minimum and maximum lot size that will be copied onto the receiver account. If for example you have a Maximum Copying Lot Size=5 setting and a receiver trade is about to be copied with a 7.50 lot size, it will be limited and opened as a 5 lots trade.

9. Ignore Copying Lot Size Below and Above settings have been added, to allow control over the size of trades that the user may not want to copy over the receiver account. So any size below or above these settings will NOT be copied at all.

10. Finally the option to use Virtual/Hidden TP, SL, BE and trailing SL levels has been added, to allow the user to hide these levels on the receiver account. There is also an option to show these virtual levels on chart, but this is only possible to the chart the Local Trade Copier EA MT5 is attached onto.
版本 2.0 2022.02.10
Fix of an issue with updating the open price of pending orders on the receiver account side, that didn't work properly.
版本 1.90 2022.02.09
Fix of a bug.
版本 1.80 2022.02.02
Fix of a bug with opposite logic.
版本 1.70 2022.01.26
Fix of an issue with copying of binary volatility indexes.
版本 1.60 2022.01.21
Addition of Proportional Multiplier lot size calculation in Lot Size Types of the Local Trade Copier EA MT5. This new algorithm calculates the lot size of the receiver copied trades based on the balances of the transmitter and receiver account with an extra multiplier that can increase or decrease the final copied lot size. The Proportional Multiplier value has been also added in the settings.
版本 1.50 2021.12.07
Local Trade Copier EA MT5 was updated with the following improvements:

1. Partial closure algorithm was updated in order to address some issues and now works smoothly in all cases.

2. A Use Copying Expiration in Seconds: true/false option was added in order not to get in the way of copying current/already opened trades and missed trades that weren't copied after a network disruption.

3. Transmitter account apostrophe ' suffix will now be mapped automatically as all other prefixes/suffixes.

4. When both transmitter and receiver accounts use the same prefix/suffix, mapping will be done automatically, without the need of any special setup in the receiver account side.

5. 20 extra Special Symbols have been added, so a total of 30 Special Symbols are now available for cases of symbols and instruments that can't be mapped automatically or through the Prefix/Suffix of the Receiver Account setting.
版本 1.40 2021.10.11
Fix of an issue.
版本 1.30 2021.09.17
Improvements and addition of the option to have the original comment of the transmitter trade copied to the receiver account. Now the Transmitter Comment setting has 3 options: to leave it empty and that way there will be no comment on the receiver side, to write your own comment and that will be printed in the comment section of the receiver copied trade or type # and this will copy the original comment of the transmitter trade to the receiver account.
版本 1.20 2021.09.02
版本 1.10 2021.07.28
Local Trade Copier EA MT5 was updated with the following additions:

1. Certain symbols can be excluded from copying onto the receiver account (Symbols not to Copy).

2. Trade, daily and emergency notifications can now work independently.

3. In the daily and emergency equity notifications, multiple times and equity levels can now be entered, separated by commas (for example 00:00,12:00 or 8000,12000).

4. Addition of transmitter account comment. Now the comment of each copied trade will come from the transmitter account side and not the receiver.

5. Addition of the Account Take Profit Equity setting. This is the equity amount of the receiver account over which the Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5 will close all open trades and disable copying. This must be a higher level than current equity.