Dip histogram
- 指标
- Tomas Kremen
- 版本: 1.0
- 激活: 10
Big changes in prices (dips) can be opportunity for entering trend reversal trades. Dip histogram shows these big price movements. User can define minimal movement in %, as well as timeframe which will be used for calculation of price movement.
Dip histogram input settings:
- Dip period - timeframe which will be used for price change calculation
- Price to compare - price type to compare
- Indication method - percent (alert when price movent is > min. dip in %) / Dip MA (alert when price movement is > dip moving average)
- Min. dip in % - minimal value of price movement for alert
- Dip histogram MA period - period of Dip histogram moving average
- Bars limit - bars limit for drawing indicator objects
- Use alerts - turn on/off popup alert
- Use push notifications - turn on/off push notifications
- Use email notifications - turn on/off email notifications
- Show dip MA - turn on/off histogram moving
- Show info text - turn on/off info text