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Aura Black Edition


Aura Black Edition 是一款完全自动化的 EA,仅用于交易黄金。专家在 2011-2020 年期间在 XAUUSD 上表现出稳定的结果。没有使用危险的资金管理方法,没有马丁格尔,没有网格或剥头皮。适用于任何经纪商条件。使用多层感知器神经网络 (MLP) 训练的 EA 是一类前馈人工神经网络 (ANN)。术语 MLP 的使用含糊不清,有时松散地指任何前馈 ANN,有时严格指由多层感知器组成的网络(具有阈值激活)。多层感知器有时被通俗地称为“原始”神经网络,尤其是当它们只有一个隐藏层时。MLP 由至少三层节点组成:输入层、隐藏层和输出层。除了输入节点之外,每个节点都是使用非线性激活函数的神经元。MLP 利用一种称为反向传播的监督学习技术进行训练。多层结构和非线性激活使 MLP 与线性感知器区别开来。它可以区分非线性可分的数据。

此价格还剩 2 份,之后价格将上涨至 3000 美元

如何设定及参数说明 (阅读这里)

在此查看实时结果: https ://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2263480  

  • 工作符号 XAUUSD
  • 工作时间范围:D1
  • 最低存款:   $  500 
  • 最小杠杆 1:20 
  • 需要优秀的 ECN 经纪商


  • 无马丁格尔
  • 无网格
  • 无平均值
  • 不  使用危险的资金管理方法
  • 每个仓位均有严格的止损和止盈
  • 对经纪人条件不敏感 
  • 易于安装
  • FTMO 和 Prop 公司准备就绪  


  • 余额手数 - 自动计算手数
  • 余额 - 自动手数计算步骤
  • 固定批次(如果为 0,则自动)- 固定批次
  • 已开交易数量   - 最大订单数
  • 开始时间   -   开始交易的时间
  • 结束时间 -   结束交易的时间
  • 评论   -   评论
  • 魔法   -   魔法数字
  • 打开相反交易 -   启用相反方向逻辑
  • 最大价差 -   价差过滤器
  • 追踪开启关闭   -   追踪止损开启/关闭
  • 尾随开始   -   尾随开始点数
  • 尾随自   -   尾随自点数
  • 尾随步骤 -   尾随步骤点数
  • 使用盈亏平衡 -   盈亏平衡函数
  • 获利   -   获利点数
  • 止损 - 止损点数


  • 在购买 Aura Black Edition 之前,请注意所涉及的风险。
  • 过去的表现并不能保证未来的盈利能力(EA 也可能亏损)。 
  • 显示的回溯测试(例如屏幕截图)经过高度优化,可以找到最佳参数,但因此结果不能转移到实时交易。
  • 该策略将始终使用止损,但止损的执行仍取决于您的经纪人。

评论 18
pongsathron deesomsak
pongsathron deesomsak 2024.04.24 07:40 

is good expert and very nice support first order 1per profit it amazing

panchara60 2024.03.28 17:16 

It good EA .I like that it can control risks well. and very good profits

Matthias Bessler
Matthias Bessler 2024.03.02 09:52 

Good EA, but I run better with my own Expert Advisors.

EURUSD H1     (not a "get rich tonight" scheme but a real tool that will help your account equity to grow up steadly) -----    NEW VERSION 2.0 OUT !!!   ----- $ 200 Minimum Equity - Follow Trend Strategy - Non-Martingale Averaging with Stop Loss - Technical [MA] + [Candlestick Pattern] + Support / Resistance LOGIC: 1. A. SL_Percent_continue if true then the stop loss function works, and it is possible to continue trades even if hit by stop loss B. Risk_Percent_continue the value of stop lo
Робот Standard Oscilators в своей работе использует широкий набор стандартных индик а торов MT4. Торговые решения принимаются на основе комплексного анализа показаний индикаторов. Без мартингейла. Без сетки ордеров — в любой момент времени может быть открыта только одна сделка. Робот создан строго для пары EurUsd, для таймфрейма H1. Торговые решения принимаются после закрытия очередной свечи. Для минимизации неизбежной в определенных условиях просадки и восстановления из нее в роботе реализован
Nguyen Phuong Hoang
Zoom MAX AI Before you buy all of my products please be aware of the risks involved: 1) Please do not over believe in backtesting result . No one can 100% predict the future . 2) The best setting is default, but you can find the best by yourself each special conditions 3) Sometimes a confliction of market can cause the account a short period of Drawdown , Please get ready for it and wait for profit. 4) Super Trade AI are dependent on good brokerage conditions, like low spread and s
Waka Waka EA
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.31 (48)
EA has a live track record with 4.5 years of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT5 version can be found here Waka Waka is the advanced grid system which already works on real accounts for years. Instead of fitting the system to reflect historical data (like most people do) it was designed to exploit existing market inefficiencies. Therefore it is not a simple "hit and miss" system which only survives by using grid. Instead it uses real market mechanics to its advantage to make p
Insight Investor
Oleksii Ferbei
Insight Investor: The Advanced Multi-Currency Trading Bot for Forex Introduction In the dynamic world of Forex trading, having the right tools can significantly enhance your trading experience. Insight Investor is an advanced multi-currency bot meticulously designed to bring automation and efficiency to your trading activities. This expert advisor leverages cutting-edge algorithms to analyze market conditions and execute trades, all while aiming for consistent performance with controlled risks.
The EA’s unique algorithm calculates the average price (reflected in the form of a trend line on the chart), which is the center of price attraction in the framework of the traded timeframe. At times of increasing volatility, the adviser begins work with the goal of fixing profit in the region of the center of attraction of the price. Advisor does not use dangerous trading methods. It is recommended to install a trading expert on a remote server (VPS). Recommended Trading Instruments (TF 5M)
Evgeniy Zhdan
The strategy is based on the determination of the formed figures of technical analysis, candlestick patterns of higher time frames, the degree of volatility variability. The totality of the data obtained allows the adviser to decide on the start of trading. Dangerous trading methods are not used. Support: https://www.mql5.com/en/channels/TrendHunter Only 1 order can be opened at a time. The averaging system is not used. Each open transaction has a stop loss and take profit. Recommended trad
Dear Trader It is my pleasure to introduce to you my tool called the " Forex Sniper Indicator" . The major aim of this tool is to help serious traders and investors in all type of Financial Markets to catch price next movement right at the moment the price direction is about to change. This tool can be used to snipe the price direction in both down trend, uptrend and ranging markets. This tool can be used as the stand alone tool though it may be combined with other tools as well. My goal is to h
Golden Pickaxe
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.67 (6)
EA has high-performance live track records of different set files: XAU Risky Vol XAU Balanced Vol XAU Balanced MT5 version can be found here Golden Pickaxe is a mean-reversion grid trading system that uses machine learning technology to place high-profit potential trades on the Gold market. It uses real market inefficiencies to its advantage to have an edge over the market. The EA has 5 predefined set files, which are essentially 5 different trading systems on gold . You may choose the defaul
Anatoliy Lukanin
Limit orders are used on signals. Fully automated, which does not use grid strategies, martingale, averaging positions, waiting out a loss, etc. All positions have a fixed Take Profit and Stop Loss. Take Profit is relative, since the expert himself decides when to close or trawl Take Profit positions. Two Stop Losses are set, virtual and real., Virtual is set so that the stop is not knocked down by the dynamic spread., A real one for closing a position on the broker's server in unforeseen ci
Skillfully run awayEA是一款类似于马丁的EA,出自马丁的理论,但风险远远低于马丁,内置风险控制,让您不至于像纯马丁EA那样爆仓,经过十年的历史数据回测,反复的修改策略,至今我刚发布出来,本着对投资者和使用者的负责,谨慎在谨慎。 关于参数 如果您想在不同品种上挂此EA,请一定要设置参数“bm”、“sm”两个参数,互不干扰。 "zs"参数就是设置单个品种亏损x金额后全部平仓, 另设有多空开关,交易者可以灵活运用,自己掌握,把握风险。 “点差”参数,做交易的都知道,在每天临近收盘的时间段,点差会突然的增大,为保证使用者不至于受到影响,可以设置点差,当该品种的点差大于您所设置的点差的时候交易暂停,当点差回复正常的时候在进行交易。 建议 做为全球我是最了解这款EA的人,参数我已经设置成最优化的参数,使用者可直接使用,不用修改, EA设置: 使用默认设置或设置文件。 品种: 适合所有点差较小的品种。 时间框架: M15及以上。 经纪人: ECN经纪人,低传播/佣金,1:400杠杆,非FIFO或FIFO。 最低存款额:5000美元。 注意在重大新闻事件即将发
Mikhail Senchakov
Perfection is a multicurrency, fully automated and secure trading robot. The robot is designed for both portfolio trading and trading a single instrument. The EA does not use averaging methods, the volume of positions is strictly regulated. Orders are opened only in the direction of market movement in a grid. Due to this, the robot operates efficiently on any strong movements. The decision making algorithm does not use indicators. Instead, the robot automatically calculates the key levels, which
The bot searches for 16 patterns of 4 bars at a strong support or resistance level. The levels are being searched on a higher timeframe.Moreover, patterns can be on M1, and levels are taken from M5 or M15. As testing has shown, levels from different timeframes are rarely duplicated, i.e. different returns are obtained. Therefore, the set files are separate and the Expert Advisor distinguishes between open transactions on Magik. The testing was conducted over the period of 15 years 2010-2024(12)
Continuous Trading RJS
Robert Jasinski-sherer
This Ea is for MT4 only, if you want the Mt5 version follow this link: Coming Soon. PLEASE READ THE WHOLE DESCRITPION BEFORE USE! This Ea will work on any symbol, and any time frame. The program comes set up to my preferences to trade Spot crude (WTI, oil) on a 1 min time frame.  To use my reccomended setting just turn risk managment to true as well as breakeven to true. If you start using this EA, please wait to turn on autotrading until the days finish trading is over 22:00 as program states,
Fatmaw Modifier
Chusnul Mubarok
This EA uses indicators to move the level line, the rules are if the price is below the level line then it is a buy signal, and if the price is above the level then a sell signal, trailing stop is to modify the stop loss, or to bring up a stop loss if previously sl = 0, this EA can accept manual orders via Android or home PC. if the condition is floating you can help this ea using manual orders which you think are good...
I will support only my client. สำหรับลูกค้า Parameters General Trade Settings Money Management  Lot : Fixed (can change) Strategies  - H4 Strategies it is fixed with MA, Bollinger band, Candlestick Levels Close Functions  - H4 Strategies MagicNumber  - individual magic number. The EA will only manage position of the chart symbol with this magic number. NextOpenTradeAfterMinutes  - 15 minutes is default, can change it MaxSpread  - upto currency pairs, MaxSlippage  - upto currency pairs, Push No
Hasan Abdulhussein
BreakBot: This expert advisor is specifically designed for traders seeking smart and secure solutions to transform small capital into substantial profits, reaching $100,000 or more. It employs professional strategies and precise risk management to achieve steady and safe growth. Key Features of the Expert Advisor ️ Smart Capital Management: Utilizes carefully calculated risk percentages to maximize profits while minimizing losses. Automatically adapts to account size, making it ideal for both b
--- Infinity Sniper: The Ultimate Trend Master Introducing Infinity Sniper, the most powerful and reliable Expert Advisor I have ever developed. This EA takes your trading to the next level, combining pure price action with smart money management and innovative trade strategies. It’s designed for traders who want consistent profits and long-term growth, with a proven track record of success. Why Infinity Sniper is a Game-Changer Infinity Sniper doesn’t just follow the trend—it masters i
Adaptive Trend Hunter
Andrii Holiev
5 (2)
Adaptive Trend Hunter is a professional fully automated Expert Advisor adapted for trading the most popular EURUSD currency pair on the H1 timeframe. It uses its own algorithms for recognizing stable trends, which are determined by proprietary trend indicators, that you will not find on sale. The Adaptive Trend Hunter Expert Advisor is an intelligently advanced automated trading tool. The Expert Advisor is notable for its self-renewing algorithm when trading conditions change. The Expert Advisor
Forex Go
Ivan Simonika
This development is a scalping system. The Forex Go bot shows excellent results, which can be seen in the screenshots. You can shamelessly start the protest and the bot with such a rite, self-confidently churning in your abilities. The bot can be tested on high currency pairs and high periods. In order to install the test tester so it is indicated on the screenshots, for correct test. You need to trade on timeframes M1-M15. Expert Advisor is designed to trade on any instrument. It is preferable
I will support only my client. สำหรับลูกค้า Parameters General Trade Settings Money Management  Lot : Fixed (can change) Strategies  - H4 Strategies you can using both it is fixed with MA, Bollinger band, Candlestick Levels Close Functions  - H1, H4 and D1 Strategies you can using both MagicNumber  - individual magic number. The EA will only manage position of the chart symbol with this magic number. NextOpenTradeAfterMinutes  - 8 minutes is default, can change it MaxSpread  - upto currency pa
Live Signal ForexSoul Hedge EA, is our strongest and most popular EA. - Automatic range calculation - Multi instrument trading possible - Easy to use and logic - To act very effectively and safely - Beginners and professionals to use - Optional Draw Down Reduction - Live signal available - Can also be traded with smaller leverage Recommendation: 1000 $ = 0.01 Lot 10000 $ = 0.1 Lot $1000000 = 1 Lot
Gurkamal Singh
This product is specially designed for serious traders who want to earn  stable and passive income .This will not provide 100 % percent profit. There are some months in which it gave losses but that losses are not as big as profits . Try this strategy yourself first and then apply it in real account . Gold4money 是一位专家,它有助于以非常低的风险轻松赚钱,因为它仅以 2% 的资金风险提供最大收益。 此策略的设置如下- 1) 时间范围必须不少于 4 小时。 2) 在手数选项中,根据您的账户余额指定手数。最多使用总资金的 4%,最少使用 2%。您可以使用 4% 以上,但这会增加您的风险。您也可以使用 2% 的资金。 3) 在专家设置中将止损设置为 4500 点。 4) 它适用于黄
Revolutionize Your Forex Trading with TrendSurfer Force Jurik! Are you ready to embark on a journey towards forex trading success? Introducing TrendSurfer Force Jurik—an advanced automated trading system that integrates the MetaTrader 4 indicator, Force Index, with custom moving averages based on Jurik. Let's explore why TrendSurfer Force Jurik is the ultimate solution for traders aiming for success in the forex market: Unlock the Precision of Jurik Moving Averages: Jurik moving averages are
Sergii Onyshchenko
This is a rarely working EA.  I recommend this EA for institutional funds. I recommend it only for pair EURUSD. Working timeframe M1 . Orders 1-3 series per month - is optimal. Public monitoring https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/616195 Strategy EA sells when is expensive and buys when cheap. If % bulls in a moment  <x   EA is searching for buys. If % bulls in a moment  >y  EA is searching for sells. For opening EA orders, used Market Structure High (MSH) - Market Structure Low (MSL). Parameters
This strategy is characterized by simplicity and rudeness. Simple things, it is widely applicable, durable, strong stability. This is an advantage to having a certain amount of money, because the demand for big money is stable. The need for small capital is efficiency. Efficiency requires Intensive farming. There are a lot of things you can refine to increase your efficiency. But I’m not sure I can build a sophisticated EA money machine. Efficiency and stability are a dialectical relationship. H
Evgeniy Zhdan
The MT4 trading advisor calculates the formed Gartley Butterfly shapes and makes a decision at the start of trading. "Butterfly Gartley" - one of the figures of graphical analysis, popularized by technical analyst Larry Pesavento, taken from the author's publication "Profit in the stock market", published in the mid-thirties. To date, there are 12 basic "Gartley patterns" - graphic figures with the construction, based on the application of Fibonacci levels and ratios. The algorithm of trackin
This indicator prepared by using 311,1298 days Haskaya Trend Bandse and Calculates the strand ADX.    This system can be used for 5M time frame.     This system is for Long term and profitable.    Signals are shown as arrows. as an optional,    you can set a voice alarm or email notification    You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller    Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @Mehm
Tetiana Vieriutina
Unlock the power of precision and reliability with Clearwater, your ultimate trading companion. Clearwater Expert Advisor is an advanced automated trading system meticulously designed to navigate the complex waters of financial markets with finesse and accuracy. Live Signal Key Features: State-of-the-Art Algorithms: Clearwater harnesses cutting-edge algorithms to analyze market trends, identify opportunities, and execute trades with speed and precision. Our robust system is built on a founda
使用风险自负 Gawang Pinoy Black Gold 是当今最具创新性的 EA 之一,不仅因为它具有 1:1 风险回报率的适当风险管理。它还具有 80% 的资本保护,这意味着一旦您损失了总资本的 20%,EA 将自动关闭。不仅如此,该 EA 是趋势追随者,会进行选择性交易,赢得交易的可能性更高。 请仅使用符号 XAUUSDm 和 GOLD# 进行交易。 Exness(标准账户)和 XM(超低账户)外汇经纪商的最佳使用。 杠杆:仅限1:100(注意:请勿使用超过1:100的杠杆)。 图表时间范围:仅限 5 分钟。 仅限 MT4 EA 版本。 EA 具有 80% 的资本保护,一旦您的总资本损失 20%,它将自动关闭。 此外,此更新版本具有自动跟踪 80% 资本保护,以便您可以不时确保您的利润。 该 EA 仅在每周四和周五进行交易。每个星期一、星期二和星期三没有交易活动。 高影响力新闻过滤器已内置在源代码中。 使用风险自负 手数计算: 最低风险手数公式: 前任。 $100(资本)/10000 = 0.01(手数) 低风险手数公式: 前任。 $100(资本)/5000 = 0.02(手
Leopard Scalper EA v3.0 - 更新说明 针对 EURUSD 的优化,可在任意图表上交易 概述: Leopard Scalper EA 在此版本中进行了重大改进,经过精心调整以提升性能和稳定性。最初为 GOLD (XAUUSD) 的 M5 时间框架设计,现在在 EURUSD 上表现更佳,同时可用于其他交易品种,如 BTC、ETH、XRP、天然气、原油 (XTI)、US30 和 US100。然而,建议用户在 EURUSD 以外的资产上使用时谨慎操作并进行全面回测。本版本旨在充分利用市场波动性,新增了支持更强大的风险管理和交易执行的功能。 主要功能: 针对 EURUSD 的时间框架优化: EA 专为 EURUSD 交易优化,最佳运行在 M1 至 M5 时间框架。其他交易品种的性能无法保证,需通过回测有效调整参数。 损失对冲功能: 为保持账户权益的稳定增长和接近 100% 的胜率,EA 增加了损失对冲机制,降低了意外损失的风险。 Telegram 集成: EA 现支持实时发送 Telegram 消息,用于通知已开仓和已平仓的交易。用户可选择接收开仓、平仓通知,或两
Indra Maulana
Bonus: By purchasing this Expert, get 1 Expert as a gift (Only for the next 7 buyers) To receive the bonus, send a message after purchase A fully automatic expert Designed and produced 100% by artificial intelligence, with the world's most advanced technology All trades have profit and loss limits, with the best and least risky market strategy, without using dangerous strategies such as Martingale and hedges, etc. A specialist who has been trained by artificial intelligence for years to correct
MyGrid Scalper Ultimate
Ahmad Aan Isnain Shofwan
MyGrid Scalper Ultimate 是一款功能強大且令人興奮的外匯、商品、加密貨幣和指數交易機器人。 特徵: 多種手數模式:固定手數、斐波那契手數、Dalembert 手數、Labouchere 手數、Martingale 手數、序列手數、Bet 1326 系統手數 自動批量大小。 與汽車手數相關的平衡風險 手動 TP 或使用 ATR 取得止盈和網格大小(動態/自動) EMA 設定 繪製設定。透過資金或百分比監控和控制您的提款。 保證金檢查和過濾。 交易時段過濾器 螢幕上用於手動交易/操作的一些按鈕:開倉交易、掛單(限價和停損)、刪除交易、平倉交易、刪除所有 TP/SL 已開倉交易、SL= BE、SL +1 透過螢幕上的按鈕開啟的交易將由 EA 處理和處理。 格式化圖表。如果有的話,用藍色蠟燭棒列印十字架蠟燭棒。  如何安裝 EA 可以附加到任何時間框架圖表、任何貨幣對。 預設設定適用於 XAUUSD,但透過更改 TP 可以對任何貨幣對正常運作。 EMA 設定可以透過根據您的策略變更值來最大化。寫出每個時間範圍的建議值,但不限於此。 要求 地塊 0.01 售價 5,0
Perceptrader AI
Valeriia Mishchenko
EA has a live track record with 48 month of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT5 version can be found here Perceptrader AI is a cutting-edge grid trading system that leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence, utilizing Deep Learning algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to analyze large amounts of market data at high speed and detect high-potential trading opportunities to exploit. Supported currency pairs: NZDUSD, USDCAD, AUDNZD, AUDCAD, NZDCAD, GBPCHF Timefram
Btcusd Grid
Ahmad Aan Isnain Shofwan
1 (1)
BTCUSD GRID EA 是一款旨在使用网格交易策略的自动化程序 BTCUSD GRID EA 对于初学者和经验丰富的交易者都非常有用。 虽然您可以使用其他类型的交易机器人,但网格交易策略的逻辑性质使加密货币网格交易机器人可以轻松地执行自动交易而不会出现问题。 如果您想尝试网格交易机器人,BTCUSD GRID EA 是整体上最好的平台。 BTCUSD GRID EA 对于加密货币行业非常有效,因为即使在货币波动的情况下,它也能够以理想的价格点执行自动交易。 这种自动交易策略的主要目的是在 EA 内以预设的价格变动发出大量买卖订单。 这种特殊的策略很容易实现自动化,因此通常用于加密货币交易。 如果使用得当,网格交易策略可以让人们在资产价格变化时赚钱。 网格 交易策略已被证明是最有效的。 由于加密货币价格的波动。   -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------   ---------- --------------
CM = "DMF_AI_EA_ROBOT"; Strategy = 1   ElapsedSECONDS = 7 MaxDailyProfit = 3500 MaxDailyLoss = - 1500 MaxMonthlyProfit= 10000 LS= 1.3 CSL= 1.3   ESL= 1.3   PF= 50   STP= 50 CPF= 50 TND= 50 Lot= 15   BLS= 15   CLS= 15   TradingBetween = 16 : 30 - 23 : 30 Risk_Triger=+ 010 Mg = 2001   MAX Range Allowed = 100000   Bars For Range =     1 Kindly Note: our Robot Latest version has been uploaded to our Primary Dev Page we will be migrating soon kindly save our market profile link https://www.mql
除去暴力爆仓的观点,本ea以稳定盈利为中心 适用品种,audusd,usdchf,nzdusd,usdjpy等等走势相对平稳的货币 本ea提供图表参数,和快捷平仓按钮,桌面文字都是汉语和拼音拼写而成,更方便中国人观看,只需要简单拼读便可以理解变量意思,账户应该保持3000以上的资金,如果小于3000,请将xiadanlaing修改至0.01, 和jiacangjiange修改至900,如果不够可以用美分账户。如果资金量很大可以提高xiadanliang,但请不要高于0.2,jiacangjiange不要低于500. “如果ea盈利高于50%应当将盈利部分取出”保存利润才是交易的根本 解释“zuidazhisunjinekaiguan”最大止损金额开关.如果需要开启,请在输入栏输入“kai”当浮亏金额大于“zuidakuisunjine”就会清仓止损 xiadanliang----------------------------------------下单量 jiacangbeishu-------------------------------------加仓倍数 zhiyingdi
Check out my LIVE channel to see this EA in profitable action! Check My Profile. Or Check out a video of this EA in the screenshot section at the bottom of this page. Recover your MOST PRECIOUS assets: TIME and PEACE of MIND . Set-and-Forget, Plug-and-Play, autonomous, multifunction, DayTrading EA.    BING DayTrading Pro is a fully autonomous, intervention-free, day trading EA. Designed to take Low-Risk, High Win rate, Low DD trades, with advanced trade management, during the trading day. No
Win Sniper Follow
Nirundorn Promphao
1 (1)
I will support only my client. สำหรับลูกค้า Win Sniper Follow  is a fully automated Expert Advisor with no use of martingale. Night scalping strategy. The RSI indicator and an ATR-based filter are used for entries. Real operation monitoring as well as my other products can be found here :  https://www.mql5.com/en/users/winwifi/ General Recommendations The minimum deposit is 100 USD, the recommended timeframe is M15, H1, H4. Use a broker with good execution and with a spread of 2-5 points. A ver
Expert Sniper
Aleh Rabtsau
此交易机器人应用七个指标!交易在回滚时执行。本产品功能还有内置的资金管理系统。每笔订单均由双倍安全的网格以及十分平滑的马丁格尔支持。不要尝试设置过高的初始手数,以便降低风险。本机器人自动分析市场状况,并基于来自七个指标的一般信号制定入场决策。用于获取信号的指标是: PSAR, MACD, MA, Envelopes, CCI, RVI 和 Alligator!您应该在 H1 内进行交易, 因为趋势/横盘和回滚在此更明显。建议本金: 美分帐户至少 $50, 以及美元帐户最少 $500。在注册账户时要选择最大杠杆。最佳杠杆是 1:1 000。 设置 对于 5-位报价: MM = 5 000。此处设置手数 0.01。如果您设置 500, 则手数是 0.01, 本金是 $500。$1 000 - 0.02, 以此类推。 Lot = 0.01。如果 MM 为 0,则是手数。 K_Lot = 1.6。增加手数会同时增加回撤。 Take_Profit = 1。本币为单位的止盈。 Step = 500。订单间隔步长。对于 4-位报价 - 50, 对于 5-位报价 - 500。这是从大量的实验和测试中
Smart Advisor Calculation is designed for a very interesting method that is able finally to give the martingale a new positive way! At startup the Expert Advisor sets virtual orders and trades like the real deal. As soon as the drawdown of virtual orders reaches the set number, the robot immediately enters the market for real orders! Thus the price is going without setbacks such as 30-70 pips, with great probability will kick back at the entrance to the market! This is used by a robot! If the pr
Octopus Stability
Aleksandr Shurgin
After a thorough work and search for the optimal values of each of the Expert Advisor's parameters, the most stable settings of the algorithms have been selected, which do not require over large history periods. The robot uses a universal trading strategy, allowing the use of the currency pairs EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCHF, USDJPY and other pairs with low spread. The EA trades on a 5-minute timeframe , it uses levels defined automatically on the bases of multiple parallel price movement calculation me
Nikolaos Bekos
The Avato is one of our standalone tools. (A Signal based on it will also be provided on Mt4 Market in the future). It is designed around a combined form of hedging and martingale techniques and uses sophisticated algorithms and filters to place the trades. It uses Stop loss and Take profit levels while Lot size is calculated automatically following the according multiplier settings. We consider it a toolbox for every seasoned trader. Made with Gold market in mind, it can be tested in other inst
Channel Power
Aleh Rabtsau
This Expert Advisor trades flat breakouts. The EA plots a channel between important levels, or at a specified distance from the current price. As soon as the price start moving, the robot starts working. The recommended timeframe is H1 or above, currency pair - any. You can set the EA operation time in the settings. The EA is recommended for working during string market volatility or during news releases. This will allow you to avoid drawdown and will have a good effect on trading. Channel Power
Ssgy EA
Aleh Rabtsau
The Ssgy EA generates the main signal based on 10 indicators. The trading strategy has been tested manually and has shown excellent results on a real account, after which it was decided to automate the whole process and entrust the work to a robot. The robot trades only in the direction of the trend, trying to determine its beginning and end. If the trend reverses, the open orders are managed by a double safety grid, allowing you to exit the received drawdown. The recommended minimum deposit is
Helmsman JXR
Aleh Rabtsau
This Expert Advisor trades on the active market. The robot virtually analyzes the chart setting two levels at a specified distance from the price. Upon expiration of 5-15 seconds (set in the parameters), the levels are re-set. As soon as the price starts moving very fast and breaks through one of the levels, a buy or a sell order is placed at once depending on what level has been broken (upper one - buy, lower one - sell). The EA has a strict stop loss (if the bar the order has been opened at is
Digital Bee
Aleh Rabtsau
The EA works on the Envelopes indicator. When the price exits the channel and returns, orders are opened and then closed at the intersection of the maximum and minimum lines of the indicator. The EA uses two take profits, stop loss, auto lot and other settings that allow you to customize the robot to your needs. We recommend a deposit of 50 USD on a cent account, currency pair GBPUSD, leverage at least 1:500, timeframe H1 (or higher). The EA is able to work on any currency pairs, as well as on s
With the Multiday Overlay Strategy EA you can trade in parallel all major/minor/cross pairs in Forex. This EA is rather unique, as it is capable to "follow the market", this means: no optimization is needed; the same set of input parameters is good for all pairs; you do not need to change the input parameters even if market conditions change. This 3 features mean that the EA is not "manually adapted" to a specific pair in a specific timeframe, as it normally happens when you optimize a pair with
Price Action EA V3
Mehmet Haluk Tunc
Price Action EA for scalping. Open trades by bar height when bar height meet complex math calculations. Timerame is fundamentally M1 and works all forex symbols. Percentage trailing system. Time limitation. Autolot by percentage of balance. Settings by ea automatically. Close safety by time in minutes and close your order after x minute even if it is not in profit or loss by you. Set stoploss and takeprofit values automatically market price. Every major settings can be set automatically by robo
Night scalper based on the Quiet Market indicator. It does not use martingale, sets a tight stop loss for each order. Trade is performed in a calm market based on strong overbought and oversold levels. The EA has a lot of settings, which allows you to manage the strategy at your discretion. Recommended timeframe - H1, leverage - 1:100, initial - 20 USD and more. It is advisable to disable the EA during high-impact news releases. To stop trading, simply press the PAUSE button. The robot uses a vi
CSM System
Michal Milko
The CSM System is currently fully automated with all the special features and functions, controlled and regularly monitored. Its evolution, parameters and the individual algorithms are professionally evaluated and optimized by experienced development group of programmers who are developing new updated versions of system. Unlike the other systems, we focused to create the system where the backtesting successful results matching the real life situation. Our core lies in identification of these bi
注意這一點很重要:不要使用此系統進行貨幣對交易。 注意這一點非常重要:如果沒有針對所選代理的單獨設置文件,請不要使用此系統進行交易和測試。 Marrykey股指 - 黃牛系統是建立在一種混合組合學一目均衡表配備了6個不同的策略和設計主要是為了在美國股市指數,如S&P500,NASDAQ,道瓊斯,Russell2000工作。該系統能夠在從M5到W1的幀上操作,並具有靈活的設置。系統可以在任何時間框架上安裝,默認情況下我們使用D1。 Marrykey股指 - 已通過增加大量的具體時間框架選擇訂單的補償虧損交易的功能,該功能是基於系統的數理統計。 Marrykey股票指數 - 配備自動風險管理。系統的穩定性是由兩個參數(每筆交易和止損風險)控制,提高止損,如果你想添加的系統穩定性降低交易的風險。 Marrykey股票指數 - 建議的最低存款額為500美元,系統操作有限,可以減少存款 您還可以交易沒有掉期的期貨指數,您需要啟用期貨交易選項,以便您可以更有效地使用對沖系統。 注意很重要:每個代理都需要適當的配置。利用槓桿1:10,1:20,1:30及以上。該系統具有版權保護,可防止訂單
The seed of a big tree 这是一个基于价格波动性的全自动 EA ,采用价格与金额双重识别的特殊买卖原则。参数简单,适应性强,能够自如应对震荡、趋势、数据和新闻等各类行情,表现稳定。 运行周期:任意周期获得的结果相同。 EA的实时交易记录在下面链接可以查看: https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/470101 要求和建议: 请在EURUSD H1时间周期使用这个EA,强烈建议每周7天,每天24小时在VPS上运行。 参数说明: explanation:The seed of a big tree 0.01/12/$2000, 关于参数的简单说明。 Magiccode : 113301, 魔术码,主要用于区分不同 EA 的订单。 startposition : 0.05, 按照 10000 美元设计,根据实际账户资金每 2000 美元为 0.01。 profit : 60, 按照 10000 美元设计,实际使用时根据余额按比例自行调整,12—120都是适当的。 distance : 15, 挂单间距,也可适当调整,15—50都是适当的。 bun
Chicken peck rices 这是一个基于价格突破的短线EA,参数简单,适应性强。 要求: 运行时间周期:H1; 账户类型:ECN,货币对点差≤3,如欧美,美日等品种; 挂单最小点差:0,即设置止损或止盈与现价的最小距离为0。 请用符合要求的账户挂EA以保障盈利的可靠性。 参数说明: explanation=chicken peck rices—EA名称。 Magiccode=112201—魔术码,用于区别不同EA的订单。 lots=1.0—仓位系数,1.0对应1万美元开单1手,根据余额自动调整比例开单,如余额为1.5万美元时,仓位自动调整为1.5手。 riskline=0—风控线,可根据账户资金自己设置,当账户净值低于设定值会平掉所有订单以控制最大风险。
Big Hunter
Mehdi Sabbagh
5 (1)
The Multi Strategy Trading Robot This automated trading robot always uses stop loss. Big Hunter is specially designed to trade gold , but you can test it on other pairs since you have the access to the parameters. The robot uses different strategies like swing trading ,  momentum trading , position trading and more. It's backtested for the last 10 years under the harshest, simulated market conditions. Each trade has  unique SL, TP, Trailing stop, and breakeven. These parameters are variable a
THE REVOLUTION Simple Trade is suitable for all type of traders whether you are a Swing Trader, Day Trader or Scalper. THE REVOLUTION Package consist of 3 EAs which combine into a Single EA which can create many stategies depend on the trading skills used/known by each traders. We provide AUTO_SETTING expecially for beginner or no experience investors which this AUTO_SETTING will trade to achieve 1000 Points or 10%/month, and for traders/investors who have experiences in trading can develop thei
Kryptosystém automaticky   Automatický kryptosystém je v súčasnosti plne automatizovaný so všetkými špeciálnymi vlastnosťami a funkciami, je kontrolovaný a pravidelne monitorovaný. Jeho vývoj, parametre a jednotlivé algoritmy sú odborne vyhodnotené a optimalizované skúsenou vývojovou skupinou programátorov, ktorí vyvíjajú nové aktualizované verzie systému. Na rozdiel od ostatných systémov sme sa zamerali na vytvorenie systému, v ktorom je spätné testovanie úspešných výsledkov zodpovedajúce situ
The Revolution Target Achiever FT -  Auto_Setting 1000 Points  Hi all Investors and traders, We've just updated this EA to a new version 3.0, which has a much more benefits , for Investors who want to run this EA 24 hours using vps can try the Auto_Setting to achieved 1000 Points or 10 %, for traders who have their own set up and target 1-100% can use the manual_setting, THE REVOLUTION Target Achiever is suitable for the investor who want to have a simple and ready to use Expert Advisor (EA). Th
Tera Page EA 123X3是一個專家顧問,幾乎沒有交易和高命中率。僅交易德國股票指數Dax30。時間到4小時非常重要。停止服務器時間交易!!!!! 平台:Meta Trader 4或Meta Trader 5 儀器:Dax30 交易時間:服務器時間 等級:1:30 時間範圍:H4 Tera Page EA 123X3是一個專家顧問,幾乎沒有交易和高命中率。僅交易德國股票指數Dax30。時間到4小時非常重要。停止服務器時間交易!!!!! 平台:Meta Trader 4或Meta Trader 5 儀器:Dax30 交易時間:服務器時間 等級:1:30 時間範圍:H4 Tera Page EA 123X3是一個專家顧問,幾乎沒有交易和高命中率。僅交易德國股票指數Dax30。時間到4小時非常重要。停止服務器時間交易!!!!! 平台:Meta Trader 4或Meta Trader 5 儀器:Dax30 交易時間:服務器時間 等級:1:30 時間範圍:H4
The REVOLUTION Great Achiever FT - AUTO 1000 POINTS / 10 %   ANOTHER EXCELLENT EA FOR YOU TO CONSIDER USING IT TO GROW YOUR INVESTMENT !!! THE REVOLUTION Great Achiever is suitable for the investors who want to have a simple and ready to use Expert Advisor (EA). This fixed EA Setting is modified and created from The REVOLUTION Simple Trade which has free customized Setting or Strategy Build EA which is suitable for experienced/advanced traders who have many ideas and strategies innovated  system
Aura Neuron MT5
Stanislav Tomilov
5 (14)
Aura Neuron 是一款独特的 EA 交易系统,延续了 Aura 系列交易系统。通过利用先进的神经网络和尖端的经典交易策略,Aura Neuron 提供了一种具有出色潜在性能的创新方法。这款 EA 交易系统完全自动化,旨在交易  XAUUSD (GOLD) 等货币对。从 1999 年到 2023 年,它在这些货币对中表现出了一致的稳定性。该系统避免了危险的资金管理技术,例如马丁格尔、网格或剥头皮,使其适用于任何经纪商条件。Aura Neuron 由多层感知器 (MLP) 神经网络驱动,利用它来预测市场趋势和走势。MLP 是一种前馈人工神经网络 (ANN),通常被称为“原始”神经网络,尤其是当它们由单个隐藏层组成时。MLP 包括三个基本层:输入层、隐藏层和输出层。除输入节点外,每个神经元都使用非线性激活函数。该网络使用称为反向传播的监督学习技术进行训练。 MLP 的多层结构和非线性激活使其有别于线性感知器,使其能够识别数据中非线性可分的模式。通过其复杂的 NN 智能,Aura Neuron 能够识别模式并适应不断变化的市场条件,例如汇率或交易者行为的变化。其处理复杂数据的能力使其能
Vortex Gold EA
Stanislav Tomilov
5 (10)
Vortex - 您对未来的投资 Vortex Gold EA 专家顾问专门用于在 Metatrader 平台上交易黄金(XAU/USD)。该 EA 使用专有指标和作者的秘密算法构建,采用全面的交易策略,旨在捕捉黄金市场中的盈利走势。其策略的关键组成部分包括 CCI 和抛物线指标等经典指标,这些指标共同作用,准确地发出理想的进入和退出点信号。Vortex Gold EA 的核心是先进的神经网络和机器学习技术。这些算法持续分析历史和实时数据,使 EA 能够更准确地适应和应对不断变化的市场趋势。通过利用深度学习,Vortex Gold EA 可以识别模式,自动调整指标参数,并随着时间的推移不断提高性能。Vortex Gold EA 是专有指标、机器学习和适应性交易算法的强大组合。使用 Vortex Gold EA 为您的未来投资。 售价 675 美元(还剩 1/10),下一个价格 795 美元 实时信号(策略 2) https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2269077 Live Signal (Strategy 1)   https://www.mql5.com
Aura Neuron MT4
Stanislav Tomilov
5 (4)
Aura Neuron 是一款独特的 EA 交易系统,延续了 Aura 系列交易系统。通过利用先进的神经网络和尖端的经典交易策略,Aura Neuron 提供了一种具有出色潜在性能的创新方法。这款 EA 交易系统完全自动化,旨在交易 XAUUSD (GOLD) 等货币对。从 1999 年到 2023 年,它在这些货币对中表现出了一致的稳定性。该系统避免了危险的资金管理技术,例如马丁格尔、网格或剥头皮,使其适用于任何经纪商条件。Aura Neuron 由多层感知器 (MLP) 神经网络驱动,利用它来预测市场趋势和走势。MLP 是一种前馈人工神经网络 (ANN),通常被称为“原始”神经网络,尤其是当它们由单个隐藏层组成时。MLP 包括三个基本层:输入层、隐藏层和输出层。除输入节点外,每个神经元都使用非线性激活函数。该网络使用称为反向传播的监督学习技术进行训练。 MLP 的多层结构和非线性激活使其有别于线性感知器,使其能够识别数据中非线性可分的模式。通过其复杂的 NN 智能,Aura Neuron 能够识别模式并适应不断变化的市场条件,例如汇率或交易者行为的变化。其处理复杂数据的能力使其能够
Oracle MT5
Stanislav Tomilov
5 (18)
预言机:交易的未来 Oracle Trading Expert for Meta Trader 旨在利用最新的编程技术和机器学习工具,在 GBPUSD 和黄金市场上提供可靠的性能。借助专有算法和集成神经网络,Oracle 可以有效地分析数据,帮助用户做出明智的交易决策。Oracle 的设计还强调稳定性:其策略经过精心设计,避免过度优化,使其能够适应各种市场条件而无需过度调整。该系统将机器学习模块与 RSI 和布林带等关键指标相结合,创造了一种全面的市场分析和入场时机方法。经过历史数据测试,Oracle 显示出令人鼓舞的结果,为重视稳定性能的交易者提供了一个实用的选择。对于任何交易 GBPUSD 和黄金的人来说,Oracle Trading Expert 都是一款可靠的工具,旨在帮助您自信而平衡地驾驭市场。 此价格仅剩 1 份,之后价格将升至 999 美元 安装(如何设置) 专家的主要优势是超级简单的安装。将 EA 附加到图表,选择每笔交易的风险作为存款的百分比,然后享受专家顾问的工作。  信息: 工作符号:XAUUSD(GOLD)、GBPUSD 工作时间范围:M5 最低存款额100美元
One Gold MT5
Stanislav Tomilov
4.65 (23)
介绍 One Gold EA,这是 Meta Trader 平台上一种先进的黄金交易机器人,旨在帮助交易者进行高级市场分析。我们的专有技术利用神经网络和数据驱动算法来分析历史和实时黄金市场数据,提供有助于决策的见解。与传统的手动策略不同,One Gold EA 以最少的干预运行,简化了交易流程并旨在降低相关风险。虽然使用先进的神经插件可以增强机器人的分析能力,但需要注意的是,与任何交易工具一样,One Gold EA 并不保证盈利。然而,它被设计为具有通过提供更明智和数据支持的见解来提高交易绩效的潜力。One Gold EA 持续监控黄金市场,以检测人类交易者可能难以发现的模式和趋势。该系统能够适应各种市场条件,提供更一致的交易方法,尤其是在黄金交易等高度波动的环境中。无论您是经验丰富的交易员还是市场新手,One Gold EA 都旨在通过提供全面的市场分析和减少手动工作量来支持您的决策过程。虽然 One Gold EA 旨在简化交易体验,但将机器人与深思熟虑的交易计划和适当的风险管理策略结合使用至关重要。我们相信我们的技术有潜力为交易员提供支持,但鼓励负责任地使用和持续监控结果以获
Aura Black Edition MT5
Stanislav Tomilov
4.43 (35)
Aura Black Edition 是一款完全自动化的 EA,仅用于交易黄金。专家在 2011-2020 年期间在 XAUUSD 上表现出稳定的结果。没有使用危险的资金管理方法,没有马丁格尔,没有网格或剥头皮。适用于任何经纪商条件。使用多层感知器神经网络 (MLP) 训练的 EA 是一类前馈人工神经网络 (ANN)。术语 MLP 的使用含糊不清,有时松散地指任何前馈 ANN,有时严格指由多层感知器组成的网络(具有阈值激活)。多层感知器有时被通俗地称为“原始”神经网络,尤其是当它们只有一个隐藏层时。MLP 由至少三层节点组成:输入层、隐藏层和输出层。除了输入节点之外,每个节点都是使用非线性激活函数的神经元。MLP 利用一种称为反向传播的监督学习技术进行训练。多层结构和非线性激活使 MLP 与线性感知器区别开来。它可以区分非线性可分的数据。 此价格还剩 2 份,之后价格将上涨至 3000 美元 如何设定及参数说明 (阅读这里) 在此查看实时结果: https ://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2263480     信息 工作符号 XAUUSD 工作时间范围:D1
Vortex Gold MT4
Stanislav Tomilov
Vortex - 您对未来的投资 Vortex Gold EA 专家顾问专门用于在 Metatrader 平台上交易黄金(XAU/USD)。该 EA 使用专有指标和作者的秘密算法构建,采用全面的交易策略,旨在捕捉黄金市场中的盈利走势。其策略的关键组成部分包括 CCI 和抛物线指标等经典指标,这些指标共同作用,准确地发出理想的进入和退出点信号。Vortex Gold EA 的核心是先进的神经网络和机器学习技术。这些算法持续分析历史和实时数据,使 EA 能够更准确地适应和应对不断变化的市场趋势。通过利用深度学习,Vortex Gold EA 可以识别模式,自动调整指标参数,并随着时间的推移不断提高性能。Vortex Gold EA 是专有指标、机器学习和适应性交易算法的强大组合。使用 Vortex Gold EA 为您的未来投资。 售价 675 美元(还剩 7/10),下一个价格 795 美元 实时信号(策略 2) https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2269077 Live Signal (Strategy 1)   https://www.mql5.com
Aura Superstar MT4
Stanislav Tomilov
4.71 (7)
Aura Superstar  is a fully automated EA designed to trade  currencies during rollover time .  It is based on machine learning cluster analysis and genetic scalping  algorithms. The first multi-currency scalper using deep machine learning mechanism, a multi-level perceptron and an adaptive neuro filter combined with classic indicators. Expert showed stable results since 2003 year. No dangerous methods of money management used, no martingale, no grid, or hedge. Suitable for any good ECN broker.  I
One Gold MT4
Stanislav Tomilov
4.64 (11)
介绍 One Gold EA,这是 Meta Trader 平台上一种先进的黄金交易机器人,旨在帮助交易者进行高级市场分析。我们的专有技术利用神经网络和数据驱动算法来分析历史和实时黄金市场数据,提供有助于决策的见解。与传统的手动策略不同,One Gold EA 以最少的干预运行,简化了交易流程并旨在降低相关风险。虽然使用先进的神经插件可以增强机器人的分析能力,但需要注意的是,与任何交易工具一样,One Gold EA 并不保证盈利。然而,它被设计为具有通过提供更明智和数据支持的见解来提高交易绩效的潜力。One Gold EA 持续监控黄金市场,以检测人类交易者可能难以发现的模式和趋势。该系统能够适应各种市场条件,提供更一致的交易方法,尤其是在黄金交易等高度波动的环境中。无论您是经验丰富的交易员还是市场新手,One Gold EA 都旨在通过提供全面的市场分析和减少手动工作量来支持您的决策过程。虽然 One Gold EA 旨在简化交易体验,但将机器人与深思熟虑的交易计划和适当的风险管理策略结合使用至关重要。我们相信我们的技术有潜力为交易员提供支持,但鼓励负责任地使用和持续监控结果以获得
Aura Superstar MT5
Stanislav Tomilov
5 (2)
Aura Superstar  是一款全自动 EA,旨在  在展期期间交易货币 。  它基于机器学习聚类分析和遗传剥头皮  算法。第一个使用深度机器学习机制、多级感知器和自适应神经过滤器结合经典指标的多货币剥头皮交易器。自 2003 年以来,专家表现出稳定的结果。不使用危险的资金管理方法,没有马丁格尔,没有网格或对冲。适用于任何优秀的 ECN 经纪商。  在不久的将来,EA 的价格将会大幅上涨,以保持其独特性和有限的用户数量。 下一价格为 750 美元,最终价格为 1000 美元,以此价格还剩下 2/10 份。 在此处查看实时结果: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/1757335 *如果您在测试时得到不好的结果,请联系我,我会帮助您在设置中设置正确的时间。 适用于 MT4 的 Aura Superstar    https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/86495 信息: 工作符号 EURUSD、USDCAD、GBPUSD、EURCHF、USDCHF、EURAUD、EURGBP  工作时间范围:M15 最低存款额: 
pongsathron deesomsak
pongsathron deesomsak 2024.04.24 07:40 

is good expert and very nice support first order 1per profit it amazing

panchara60 2024.03.28 17:16 

It good EA .I like that it can control risks well. and very good profits

Matthias Bessler
Matthias Bessler 2024.03.02 09:52 

Good EA, but I run better with my own Expert Advisors.

Faustine Reyes
Faustine Reyes 2024.02.22 22:39 

Awesome customer service from Stanislav. He is very responsive to all my questions. I knew this EA from a recommendation of a friend and it did not disappoint. I highly recommend this for those who want safe trading and good returns!

ebel 2024.02.19 12:32 

This is a super reliable EA and the author is responsive, open and extremely helpful. I have been running it live on an ECN account for just over a month and can confirm that the forward test results match the backtests I ran using tick data suite (99.8% data). It had incredible backtest results when simulating an unlimited time, scalable prop account and so I have just put it live keeping my fingers crossed MT4 will remain available. It isn't one to sit and watch in front of the screen however, all of this author's EAs place very few trades but they have a very high win rate with low DD if you keep the risk level low. So go out and enjoy yourself while it does the work at its own pace. I am also using Aura White alongside it.

Steven De Sousa
Steven De Sousa 2023.12.30 15:39 

Just stumbled on this Metatrader Expert Advisor, and it's a game-changer! Super easy setup, crazy accurate signals, and you can tweak it to match your style. Real-time monitoring, top-notch support – it's like having a trading wingman. Boosted my profits big time. Trust me, you need this in your toolkit!

110861 2023.10.07 18:17 

The precision of this neural network is not the work of chance, it shows extensive work of advanced mathematical calculations for each node (neuron), adjusting the weights and biases in a thoughtful manner. Therefore, the neural network is an added instrument like an indicator within a robot, but just as a poorly adjusted indicator would give wrong results. In the case of Aura Black Edition the results are surprising and I think it is worth much more than what it costs. You do not believe me? just try it.

Pips Hunter
Pips Hunter 2023.07.27 13:35 

This EA works somewhat differently from the EA that is circulating in general and Stanislav provides the best support. So overall I really like this bot.

Rob Mirlach
Rob Mirlach 2023.06.06 01:54 

Been running version 3.5 for a few weeks so far, this EA has performed very well and the developer has been very helpful with having my questions answered! Highly recommended

Nick Buttgereit
Nick Buttgereit 2023.02.07 10:08 

This is the best Gold EA i have ever bought. Im using it for about 3 months now. Im using a medium risk set and maked about 20 % gain with a low DD of 10%. The EA manages everything by himself. I can give a big recommandation to everyone who is searching for a good and constant gold EA in a long term run.

swiftphoenix 2023.02.02 19:18 

Phenomenal Author - Great customer service - Out of the 1000's of EA's on this site, this is one of the best I've ever used. No dangerous money management and very long track record. Highly Recommend!

carry207 2022.11.11 05:17 

It has been in operation since September 2022, but although there are fluctuations, there is almost no deviation from the backtest, so I have high expectations for the future. Thanks to Stanislav Tomilov for his quick response.

Andrew Hobbs-ray
Andrew Hobbs-ray 2022.11.06 13:43 

Great EA, very stable and showing great potential so far

José Martinez
José Martinez 2022.09.23 17:22 

a que se refiere con numero magico?

Magic - Magic number

Stanislav Tomilov
来自开发人员的回复 Stanislav Tomilov 2025.03.06 21:54
Magic Number -This parameter is responsible for the identification of trades, it does not affect the trading. You can put any one value you want.
Let's say you have two different EAs, or one EA, which trades with different settings on two charts, with the same trading pair. They should have a different magic number in the settings, so as not to mix up the trades.
Cristian Mihail Pauna
Cristian Mihail Pauna 2022.09.23 08:16 

Negative feedback!

Stanislav Tomilov
来自开发人员的回复 Stanislav Tomilov 2024.03.15 18:49
Hello, I send you private messages many times, you have never answered to me, you have not asked for any recommendations or settings.
Apparently you are using the advisor incorrectly. UPDATE! Most likely the review was left by competitors since the person does not respond to personal messages and has never written to me directly.
fabriciotrentini 2022.08.11 18:24 


Stanislav Tomilov
来自开发人员的回复 Stanislav Tomilov 2022.08.11 19:13
Te he escrito en un mensaje privado.
Tim Rijnbeek
Tim Rijnbeek 2022.03.23 22:37 

Stanislav is a very helpfull person ! Good EA

vovan336699 2022.01.09 18:25 


版本 6.9 2025.02.16
- Added trading panel
- Improved algorithm
版本 6.8 2025.01.14
-Optimization of the advisor code*

*Not a very important update, is not mandatory to update.
版本 6.7 2024.12.18
- Some small logic adjustments and eliminating minor bugs

*the update is not mandatory and important
版本 6.6 2024.11.10
- improved logic
- NN adaptation to the current gold market
版本 6.5 2024.10.03
-Improved performance and AI core update
版本 6.4 2024.08.20
Improved expert performance
版本 6.3 2024.07.13
- Minor bugs fixed
- Daily Limit Loss option added
版本 6.2 2024.06.17
-Max lot parameter added
-Improved logic
版本 6.1 2024.04.08
-Retraining of the neural network due to the entry of gold into a new price range
版本 6.0 2024.03.05
Added Options

-Close At Friday - closing trades at a given time on Friday before the weekend (disabled by default)
-Delay of Open the Deal (disabled by default)*

*Delay in opening trades in seconds. The parameter is set in seconds. For example, you need trades to be unique and not coincide with trades of other users of the same Expert Advisor by opening time. You can set the delay in seconds and your trade will be opened with a time delay. Actual when used in proprietary trading.

-Upgraded News Filter

-Bugs Fixed
版本 5.8 2024.02.07
-Fixed incorrect work of news filter!
If you use the news filter, please update.
版本 5.7 2024.02.02
Fixed a bug with the magic number.
*Not an important update
版本 5.6 2024.01.24
-Added calculation of risk in percent(disabled by default)
*Not important update
版本 5.5 2024.01.13
-Improved logic and entry point of trades
版本 5.0 2023.12.17
-Input NN filters correction
版本 4.8 2023.11.21
-Minor update
-Fixed minor issues
-Slightly modified filters
版本 4.7 2023.10.28
-Instant Trailing Option Added*

For the option to work correctly, you need to turn off the regular trailing stop and breakeven.
- Instant Trailing (True)
- Trailing (False)
- Use Breakeven (False)

This option allows you to move Stop Loss immediately, after the price has moved towards take profit.

版本 4.6 2023.09.27
-Minor update
-Fixed minor issues
-Slightly modified filters
版本 4.5 2023.08.27
-Improvement of the Expert Advisor algorithm
版本 4.0 2023.06.05
-Improved trading logic
-News filter fixed*

*New link for news filter works correct
版本 3.5 2023.03.25
-Logic improved and minor bugs fixed

-Added recovery mode, increase trade lot after a loss by a given multiplier (disabled by default)

-Parameter Stop trading after a loss for a set time (disabled by default)
版本 3.0 2023.01.14
-Seriously improved entry point
-Important update
版本 2.8 2022.11.01
-Bug fixes
-Slightly reconfigured filters

*If you are satisfied with the current settings you do not need to update the Expert Advisor
版本 2.7 2022.08.22
-Improved performance
-Changed default settings
-Added news filter (disabled by default)
版本 2.6 2022.07.15
-Small correction of trading parameters
-Open Opposite Deals (Hedge logic on/off)
-Slippage Control Filter
-Only Buy/Only Sell option
版本 2.5 2022.06.20
-Bug fixed
-Optimized code
版本 2.4 2022.05.25
-Сorrection of trading parameters
-Added slippage filter
版本 2.3 2022.03.17
-Improved Expert Advisor Core
-Volatility filter reconfigured
版本 2.2 2022.01.21
-Reworked EA logic
-Improved strategy
版本 2.1 2021.11.24
-Re-training the neural network
-Improving performance and logic
版本 2.0 2021.09.22
-Improving performance and logic
-Bug fixed