Cm limit
- 专家
- Vladimir Khlystov
- 版本: 15.2
- 激活: 5
我们用止损单捕捉初始价格走势. 订单的确切指导是通过拖网(在价格后面拉起)进行的。 接下来,将限价订单网格放置在彼此指定的距离(步长)处。 此外,距离是动态的,可以适应市场。 手数设定为固定或可用资金的百分比(RiskPercent)。 该策略的本质是价格不能在没有回滚的情况下永远向一个方向移动,如果我们没有猜测进入市场的方向,那么它将被平均化,并在下一次回调时以黑色收 但即使是无后坐力运动,顾问也会分析情况并在运动方向上下订单,以便补偿缩编(锁定)。 接下来,顾问关闭利润积累或股本增加的一切。...
StepStop = 25; / / distance to the first stop order
StepLimit = 10; / / distance between opened orders in the order grid
K_Step = 2.5; / / step multiplication
Lots = 0.0; / / lot, if=0 then the calculation from the balance by RiskPercent %
RiskPercent = 0.01; / / percentage of the balance when calculating the lot Lot = Balance * (RiskPercent / 100.0) / MARGINREQUIRED
K_Lot = 3.5; / /multiplying the lot
Max_Lot = 50; / / lot size limit
DigitsLot = 2; / / lot discreteness (2 - 0.01) (1 - 0.1)
OrdersNoTP = 6; //number of orders, after which we do not put a take profit to a profitable direction
ProfitClose = 0.1; / / closing profit in % of the deposit
Takeprofit = 45; / / takeprofit in points from breakeven
profit_division= true; //TR is divided by the cislo of open positions
VirtualTS = false; / / set a virtual trailing stop
TrailingStop = 0; / / length of the trawl, 0-off
Filter_Time = " time limit of the EA operation";
TimeStart = 9, / / start of trading
timeEnd = 20, / / end of trade
FridayHourClose = 12; / / end of trading on Friday
slippage = 3; //acceptable price deviation for market orders
Magic = 1000; / / unique order number of this Expert Advisor