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Arya Stochastic Moving Average

Arya Stochastic MA _MM

Description in English and Italian=

This Indicator is based on a very simple logic: using 2 level of Stochastic Oscillator and two different Moving Avarage, give you Buy and Sell Signal with Alerts and drawing Arrows. It work on every timeframe or Symbol ;

This Indicator is for traders that have a multioperative approach on different asset , to  controll  the operativity in a simple and effective way .


·         BUY=  when Stochastic Oscillator cross below 20 and the Fast Moving Avarage is up the Slow Moving Avarage, the indicator will draw a Blu Arrow and the Alert will have the Symbol and the Signal Example= “BuyEURUSD”;

·         SELL=  when Stochastic Oscillator cross above 80 and the Fast Moving Avarage is down the Slow Moving Avarage, the indicator will draw a Red Arrow and the Alert will have the Symbol and the Signal Example= “SellEURUSD”;

You can receive push notification of your signal on your mobile device with the MetaTrader5 App.
To turn this feature on follow this steps:
   · Download MetaTrader5 App from the store
   · Go on the Tool section of your MetaTrader5 Platform on your PC and click on Options(CTRL+O)
   · Go on the Notifications tab and click on "Enable Push Notifications"
   · Put your MetaQuotesID on the section( you will find the MetaQuotesID on your MetaTrader5 App)
   · Click on OK button and wait your notification on the next signal



Simply attach this indicator to the chart window of currency pairs; it will automatically adjust for the current pair and timeframe ;

Questo Indicatore è basato su una logica molto semplice: usando due livelli per lo Stochastic Oscillator e due diversi Moving Avarage, da un Segnale di Buy e di Sell, disegnando delle frecce sul grafico e mettendo un allarme. Funziona su tutti i cross e i timeframe;

Questo Indicatore è consigliato a  tutti i trader che hanno una multipoeratività su più asset per semplificare i loro controlli ed essere più efficaci.


·         BUY=  quando lo Stochastic Oscillator incrocia sotto il livello 20 e il Moving Avarage veloce  è maggiore del Moving Avarage lento , l'indicatore disegnerà una freccia Blu e si aprirà un Allarme con il Simbolo e il Segnale   Esempio= "BuyEURUSD";

·         SELL=  quando lo Stochastic Oscillator incrocia sopra il livello 80 e il Moving Avarage veloce  è minore del Moving Avarage lento , l'indicatore disegnerà una freccia Rossa e si aprirà un Allarme con il Simbolo e il Segnale   Esempio= "SellEURUSD";

Puoi ricevere le notifiche del segnale direttamente sulla tua App MetaTrader5.
Per ottenere il servizio basta seguire questi semplici passaggi:
   · Installa l'App MetaTrader5 dallo store
   · Vai nella sezione Tool sulla piattaforma MetaTrader5 del tuo PC e clicca su Options(CTRL+O)
   · Vai nel tab Notifications e clicca su "Enable Push Notifications"
   · Inserisci il tuo MetaQuotesID nel box MetaQuotesID (troverai il tuo MetaQuotesID nell'App MetaTrader5 del tuo cellulare)
   · Clicca su OK e attendi la notifica sul tuo cellulare al prossimo segnale dell'indicatore


Attaccare semplicemente l'indicatore alla finestra del grafico di riferimento: regolerà automaticamente i calcoli per il Simbolo e il Timeframe;
Modified Bollinger Bands
Gennadiy Stanilevych
The standard Bollinger Bands indicator has been improved by integrating additional indications from the Standard Deviation indicator (StdDev), which gives an additional filter for confirming trading signals. In addition, the color of the indicator's lines shows the beginning of a trend, its development and exhaustion. This indicator has a signal block that notifies the trader of the beginning of the trend on any time frame to which it is attached. Settings Type of messages - select the type of
Bober Real MT5
Arnold Bobrinskii
4.76 (17)
Bober Real MT5 is a fully automatic Forex trading Expert Advisor. This robot was made in 2014 year and did a lot of profitbale trades during this period. So far over 7000% growth on my personal account. There was many updates but 2019 update is the best one. The robot can run on any instrument, but the results are better with EURGBP, GBPUSD, on the M5 timeframe. Robot doesn't show good results in tester or live account if you run incorrect sets. Set files for Live accounts availible only for cu
Owl Smart Levels MT5
Sergey Ermolov
4.07 (28)
MT4版本  |   FAQ Owl Smart Levels Indicator 是一個完整的交易系統,包含 Bill Williams 的高級分形、構建正確的市場波浪結構的 Valable ZigZag 以及標記準確入場水平的斐波那契水平等流行的市場分析工具 進入市場和地方獲利。 策略的详细说明 指示灯使用说明 顾问-贸易猫头鹰助手助理 私人用户聊天 ->购买后写信给我,我会将您添加到私人聊天中,您可以在那里下载所有奖金 力量在於簡單! Owl Smart Levels 交易系統非常易於使用,因此適合專業人士和剛開始研究市場並為自己選擇交易策略的人。 策略和指標中沒有隱藏的秘密公式和計算方法,所有策略指標都是公開的。 Owl Smart Levels 允許您快速查看進入交易的信號,突出顯示下訂單的水平並向您發送有關已出現信號的通知。 優點很明顯: 清楚地顯示主要和更高時間框架的趨勢方向。 指示儀器信號的出現。 標記開單、止損設置和固定利潤的水平。 沒有多餘的,只有必要的結構! ZigZag 表示全球趨勢的方向,因此也表示貿易方向。 市場反轉點的短線清楚地表明在什麼水平上構建斐波那
Buy And Sell Arrow Signalss
Eugene Raymond Potgieter
Easy to use buy and sell signals with arrows. Non Repainting indicator. Non Lagging indicator. Down Arrows indicate sell and up arrows indicate buys. Works on any market and on any time frames. Arrow colors can be changed to match chart colors. Audible alerts. Periods can be changed to phase out false signals. Please remember to follow the trend like with any indicator.
Exp TickSniper PRO FULL
Vladislav Andruschenko
3.95 (57)
Exp-TickSniper - 具有自动为每个货币对自动选择参数的高速蜱黄牛。 您是否梦想有一位顾问会自动计算交易参数?自动优化和调整? MetaTrader 4 系统的完整版:       TickSniper   黄牛 为MetaTrader 4 TickSniper - 完整说明     + 演示 + PDF EA 是根据近 10 年的 EA 编程经验开发的。 EA 策略适用于任何符号。 时间范围无关紧要。 机器人基于当前报价、分时到达速度、点差大小和其他合约规范参数。 系统自动定义有利的止损和获利水平,以及平均持仓距离、追踪止损距离等。 EA 应用针对趋势的额外开仓系统(“平均”)。 它的设置已经过优化,可以在我们的真实账户上进行测试。 Expert Advisor 可以处理任何货币对。 交易系统的所有参数都是自动计算的,并取决于货币对的当前点差。 推荐交易账户: 建议存款 LOW   RISK 1,000 美元,最低手数为 0.01 3 个货币对(例如,EURUSD USDCHF USDJPY); 建议存款 300 美元的中等 风险,1 个货币对(例如 EURUSD)的
关于指标 该指标基于金融工具收盘价的蒙特卡罗模拟。按照定义,蒙特卡罗是一种统计技术,用于通过基于之前观察的结果的随机数来模拟不同结果的概率。 它是如何工作的? 该指标通过基于历史数据模拟随时间变化的随机价格变动,为证券生成多个价格情景。每次模拟试验使用随机变量来有效地模拟未来在给定时间范围内的市场波动,重点在 收盘价 的波动。 蒙特卡罗模拟的优势 - 蒙特卡罗模拟通过在多种可能的未来情景下进行测试,有助于分析不同交易策略的风险。 - 它有助于确定策略在不同市场条件下的表现,包括罕见的极端事件(尾部风险)。 - 与依赖单点预测不同,蒙特卡罗提供了具有相关概率的潜在结果范围。这有助于理解盈利或亏损的可能性。 对于希望基于不同结果的概率而不是绝对预测来管理风险的交易者来说,蒙特卡罗是一个有用的工具。
Maximum Trend Arrows OT MT5
Mulweli Valdaz Makulana
STRICTLY FOR BOOM INDEX ONLY!!!!! Here I bring the Maximum Trend Arrows OT1.0 MT5 indicator. This indicator is made up of a combination of different trend indicators for entries and exits, for entries an orange arrow will paint on the chart below the current market and a red flag for closing of trades and it produces buy arrows only. When the orange arrow appears, it will appear along with it's sound to notify you. The 1H timeframe is recommended, don't use it anywhere else than on the 1H timefr
PipFinite Trend PRO MT5
Karlo Wilson Vendiola
4.84 (551)
Breakthrough Solution For Trend Trading And Filtering With All Important Features Built Inside One Tool! Trend PRO's smart algorithm detects the trend, filters out market noise and gives entry signals with exit levels. The new features with enhanced rules for statistical calculation improved the overall performance of this indicator. Important Information Revealed Maximize the potential of Trend Pro, please visit www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/713938 The Powerful Expert Advisor Version Automatin
This strategy combines  Bollinger Bands  and the  Relative Strength Index (RSI)  to identify optimal trade opportunities. It is designed for  mean-reversion and trend-following trading , making it effective in various market conditions. How It Works: • Bollinger Bands help determine volatility and overbought/oversold conditions. • RSI  measures momentum and confirms potential reversals. • Trade Entry: • Buy: When the price touches or moves below the lower Bollinger Band, and the RSI is in the
Heiken Ashi Smoothed Strategy is a very simple but powerful system to get forex market trend direction. This indicator is actually 2 indicators in 1 pack, Heiken Ashi and Heiken Ashi Smoothed Moving Average both included. Because HA (Heiken Ashi) and HAS (Heiken Ashi Smoothed) are calculated in the same one system event with necessary buffers and loop only, so it is the FAST, OPTIMIZED and EFFICIENT HA having the combined indicator of MetaTrader 5. You can choose to display HA and HAS in the sam
Atomic Analyst MT5
Issam Kassas
4.32 (19)
首先值得强调的是,该交易指标是非重绘、非延迟的指标,这使其成为手动和机器人交易的理想选择。 用户手册:设置、输入和策略。 Atomic Analyst是一种PA价格行动指标,利用价格的力量和动量来寻找市场上更好的机会。配备了高级过滤器,可帮助去除噪音和假信号,并提高交易潜力。使用多层复杂的指标,Atomic Analyst扫描图表,并将复杂的数学计算转化为任何初学者都能理解并用来做出一致交易决策的简单信号和颜色。 “Atomic Analyst”是专为新手和经验丰富的交易者量身定制的综合交易解决方案。它将高级指标和一流功能融合为一体的交易策略,使其成为所有类型交易者的多功能选择。 日内交易和剥头皮策略:专为快速准确的日内交易和短期交易而设计。 日内和摆动交易策略:可用作追求价格大幅波动的日内和摆动交易者的可靠工具。 多货币和市场:凭借其可靠的精度,在不同的工具和市场上运作。 多个时间框架:可在多个时间框架上使用,性能良好。 稳定性:所有指标均不重绘、不重绘和不滞后,确保可靠的信号。 信号清晰度:提供箭头信号,用于清晰的入场和出场点。 实时警报:通过交易入场、SL和TP警报通知交易者
PipFinite EA Breakout EDGE MT5
Karlo Wilson Vendiola
5 (1)
The Official Automated Version of the Reliable Indicator PipFinite Breakout EDGE EA Breakout EDGE takes the signal of PipFinite Breakout EDGE indicator and manages the trade for you. Because of numerous financial instruments to consider, many traders want the signals to be fully automated. The EA will make sure all your trades are executed from entry to exit. Saving you time and effort while maximizing your profits. The Edge of Automation Effortless price action trading is now possible acros
Daying Cao
DYJ BoS EA 使用 DYJ BoS 指标作为识别市场结构趋势变化的基本策略。 一旦上升和下降趋势线突破这些UN或DN线,相应的品种将自动从市场上开仓。 通常,为了提高关闭准确性,建议不设置止损和止盈,结束位置一般在相同方向的下一个突破点位置 关闭 ,或者是在反方向的突破点关闭 当您获得某个品种 足够 交易的经验时,你可以使用SL=7*TP的比率, 对于外汇交易品种,设置TP=500(5美元/最小交易量)和SL=3500(35美元/最小贸易量);每单位点数。 对于 Volatility 75 Index ,设置TP=500000(5美元/最小交易量)和SL=3500000(35美元/最小贸易量);每单位点数。 对于Boom 1000 Index,设置TP=30美元/最小交易量 和 SL=30美元/最小交易量; DYJ BoS EA适用于各种图表周期。 参数模版请参考截图红色方块内设置。 参数可以优化,或者用此模版继续优化 其他品种 参数。 参数 InpUseLanguage  =  English -- Use Language InpVolume = 0.01 --   V
Smart Trading Edge MT 5 is a very profitable 5 stars expert advisor for trading EURSGD and US30 that uses a proprietary indicator "Quantum Cycle" bult-in. With just $500 starting balance I was able to achieve $1,566 or 213% profit trading on a Fusion Market demo account. Please download the demo version for free using the set file from the comment section and test ea for yourself.. I think you will find Smart Trading Edge to be more stable and have less drawdown than most other ea. This powerfu
MA Cross Scalper
Vladimir Shumikhin
MA Cross Scalper: 通用的MetaTrader 5交易顾问 MA Cross Scalper是一款多功能交易顾问,适合初学者和经验丰富的交易者。它通过结合技术分析的关键元素(包括K线形态和移动平均线交叉信号过滤)实现交易自动化。 主要优势 移动平均线交叉过滤器 基于两条移动平均线分析信号。 买入信号:快速移动平均线高于慢速移动平均线;卖出信号:快速移动平均线低于慢速移动平均线。 灵活的参数设置:周期、计算方法(SMA、EMA等)和应用价格。 K线形态识别 支持11种流行的价格行为模型: 看涨吞没(Bullish Engulfing)。 看跌吞没(Bearish Engulfing)。 锤子线(Hammer)。 倒锤子线(Inverted Hammer)。 上吊线(Hanging Man)。 流星线(Shooting Star)。 十字星(Doji)。 晨星(Morning Star)。 黄昏星(Evening Star)。 刺透线(Piercing Line)。 乌云盖顶(Dark Cloud Cover)。 交易仅在信号得到形态确认后开仓,从而最大限度地减少虚假信号。
News Scope EA Pro MT5
Lachezar Krastev
5 (2)
WINTER Mega SALE! --> Buy News Scope EA PRO with -60% OFF and get a BONUS EA -> Pips Master PRO - with amazing results! NOTE: Promo price: $127 (Regular Price: $327) - The offer ends soon! For Settings, Instructions and LIVE Results Click Here! News Scope EA PRO is a fully automated trading system which takes much of the work out of trading, leaving you free to do other things! News Scope EA PRO is a very effective and potentially highly profitable strategy for high impact news trading. Usually
Fractal 358 Plus
Renato Fridschtein
Fractal 358 Plus is a predictive indicator that provides the clearest sight of price movements. Identifying graphic patterns such as Caixote (Crate), Pivot and Inside Candle , it shows entries and exits spots, as well as threats to your trades in the markets. It comes ready to use with B3 Mini Index (WIN$ series) and can be adjusted to use with any asset and timeframe. Fractal 358 unravels price movement Based on the Fibonacci sequence, Fractal 358 is a new and different way of reading and und
Inputs controller
Maryna Shulzhenko
I want again that the wedge light on all the indicators did not converge. No matter how hard you search, you still will not find an indicator that will always and in all conditions give you exclusively profitable signals. As you can see, everything is quite simple, and you don’t even need to analyze anything, in fact. In general, I would say that the Signal No Problem indicator can be a great help for creating your own trading system. It goes without saying that you don’t need to trade only by a
Rainbow EA MT5
Jamal El Alama
Description : Rainbow EA MT5 is a simple Expert advisor based on   Rainbow MT5 indicator witch is based on Moving average with period 34. The indicator is incorporated in the EA, therefore, it is not required for the EA to operate, but if you wish, you can download it from   my product page . The Expert Advisor settings are as follows : Suitable for Timeframes up to H1 The parameters below can be set according to your trading rules. StopLoss ( Stop Loss in pips) TakeProfit ( Take Profit in pips
LT Rainbow Trend
Thiago Duarte
5 (1)
Do you, like me, like to trade with the trend? Then this indicator will help you! Rainbow Trend is a trend indicator, which uses several Moving Averages on the chart. It measures different trend strenght zones for different periods: very long term, long term, mid term, short term and very short term. Each zone has its color, and it is possible to have sound alert when the prices leaves a zone and enters another. Its configuration is very simple. If you find any bug or have any suggestions, conta
Noize Absorption Index
Ekaterina Saltykova
Noize Absorption Index - is the manual trading system that measures the difference of pressure between bears forces and bulls forces. Green line - is a noize free index that showing curent situation. Zero value of index shows totally choppy/flat market.Values above zero level shows how powerfull bullish wave is and values below zero measures bearish forces.Up arrow appears on bearish market when it's ready to reverse, dn arrow appears on weak bullish market, as a result of reverse expectation.
| Fully-automated Smart Money Concept (ICT) inspired trading solution with multi-strategy capabilities | Built by a grid trader >> for grid traders.  This is MT5 version, click  here  for  Blue CARA MT4  (settings and logics are same in both versions)     Real monitoring signal  -->  Cara Gold Intro Blue CARA EA   ('CARA') - short for  C omprehensive  A lgorithmic   R esponsive   A dvisor is a next-gen  multi-currency    multi-timeframe  EA base on the widely known (and perhaps the most popul
Point Black
Ignacio Agustin Mene Franco
Black Card Pack indicator 5/1 point black It has the strategy of professional bollingers where each arrow gives you a different entry signal. It is used to operate in m1 and in d1 It is used for scalping and intraday, modified for forex markets ! suitable for all pairs modified for synthetic index markets suitable for all pairs! Ideal for volatility and jumps!
This robot operates based on the Parabolic SAR indicator. Verion for MetaTrader4 here . The advanced EA version includes the following changes and improvements: The EA behavior has been monitored on various account types and in different conditions (fixed/floating spread, ECN/cent accounts, etc.) The EA functionality has been expanded. Features better flexibility and efficiency, better monitoring of open positions. Works on both 4 and 5 digits brokers. The EA does not use martingale, grid or arb
Super Bollinger EA
Renato Takahashi
Super Bollinger EA is an exclusive expert advisor that uses Bollinger Bands as indicator. It´s possible to configure the EA to trade as a low frequency or high frequency one - Scalping expert advisor. A Stochastic Oscillator filter is implemented to have some specific trades on Bollinger Bands. Takeprofit and Stoploss are calculated according to Bollinger Bands width or even with fixed TP and SL ( in points ). A trail and trade out system can also be configured and optimized. A number of orders
Технический индикатор Universal Oscillator является комбинацией торговых сигналов самых популярных и широко используемых осцилляторов. Индикатор представлен гистограммами, а также линиями fast и slow MA, что позволяет расширить список получаемых торговых рекомендаций и работать как по тренду, так и в боковом движении рынка. Таким образом, гистограммы позволяют определить момент пробоя ценовых значений и движение в новой фазе рынка, а линии указывают на зоны перекупленности и перепроданности.  Ос
Bullet indicator x
Dorah Zandile Mahesu
The bullet indicator gives accurate direction of the market structure, it will indicate to you the exact direction whether it be the market is in a downtrend or if it's in an uptrend it will give you that information which will inturn benefits you by saving you the time it takes to analyse that structure, this indicator works on a timeframes and it's most favourable on higher timeframes. How it works: -The green arrow will be at the support of the structure indicating buys -The red arrow will b
Visual Keltner Volatility Expansion
Visual Keltner Volatility Expansion Indicator Unleash the Power of Volatility with Precision! The Visual Keltner Volatility Expansion Indicator is a cutting-edge tool meticulously crafted for traders who seek to master market volatility and identify high-probability trading opportunities. Priced at just $65, this indicator offers an unparalleled combination of simplicity and effectiveness, empowering you to adapt and optimize it to your unique trading style. What Does It Do? This indicator
Orbit Rage Final 2
Note : i only sell this EA on MQL5, any other sellers is fake. Orbit Rage Final, a cutting-edge trading strategy meticulously designed around the bull/bear candle approach and divergence analysis. This powerful tool is engineered to empower you to shape the life you desire. To embark on this transformative journey, simply download and seamlessly integrate it into your MetaTrader 4 platform by placing it in the experts advisors folder. Orbit Rage Final revolutionizes trading by offering a risk-f
CBT Quantum Maverick 高效的二元期权交易系统 CBT Quantum Maverick 是一款精心设计的高性能二元期权交易系统,专为追求精准、简单和纪律的交易者打造。无需自定义,该系统经过优化,可直接使用并产生高效结果。只需遵循信号操作,稍加练习即可掌握。 主要特点: 信号精准度: 基于当前K线生成下根K线交易信号,无频繁重绘。 市场多样性: 专为二元期权交易设计,兼容多种经纪商和资产类别,适应不同交易偏好。 兼容性: Deriv Synthetic Charts :适用于任何时间框架。 OTC Charts :来自如 Quotex、PocketOption、Binomo、Stockity、IQOption、Exnova、OlympTrade、Deriv、Binolla 和 Homebroker 的经纪商,可导入 MT5(一周内提供免费导入支持,之后需支付服务费用)。 外汇、加密货币和商品市场 :扩展资产利用。 高收益二元资产 :建议使用90%以上的高回报率资产。 额外优势: 全面的交易计划: 提供系统化和纪律性交易的分步支持计划。 高效时间利用: 每天仅需一
TPSpro RFI Levels MT5
Roman Podpora
4.53 (19)
指示       俄罗斯 -        英语   建议 与指示器一起使用     -       TPSpro 趋势专业版 -   MT4版本       交易中的一个关键要素是做出买卖交易工具决定的区域或水平。尽管主要参与者试图隐藏他们在市场中的存在,但他们不可避免地会留下痕迹。我们的任务是学习如何识别这些痕迹并正确解释它们。 主要功能: 向卖家和买家显示活跃区域! 该指标显示所有正确的初始买入和卖出脉冲水平/区域。激活这些水平/区域后,开始寻找切入点,水平会改变颜色并填充特定阴影。此外,还会显示箭头,以便更直观地了解情况。 显示更高时间范围内的级别/区域(MTF 模式) 添加了使用更高时间间隔显示级别/区域的功能。此外,该指标还具有自动趋势检测功能(   TPSproTREND PRO   )。 用于交易的单独专业的逐步算法。 该算法专为日内交易而设计,既可顺势交易,也可逆势交易。每个活动模板均提供详细说明。 适用于多种时间范围 。 TPSpro RFI 水平指标可用于图表上的任何时间范围,从一分钟(M1)开始一直到每月(MN)。 图形和声音警报。 该指标提供图形和声音指示,
RelicusRoad Pro MT5
Relicus LLC
4.78 (18)
现在$ 147(更新后增加到$ 499) - 无限帐户(PC或Mac) RelicusRoad 用户手册 + 培训视频 + 访问 Private Discord Group + VIP 身份 一种看待市场的新方式 RelicusRoad 是世界上最强大的外汇、期货、加密货币、股票和指数交易指标,为交易者提供保持盈利所需的所有信息和工具。我们提供技术分析和交易计划,帮助每一位交易者取得成功,从初学者到高级。它是一个关键的交易指标,可以提供足够的信息来预测未来的市场。我们相信一个完整的解决方案,而不是图表上几个没有意义的不同指标。这是一个多合一指标,显示无与伦比且非常准确的信号、箭头 + 价格行为信息。 RelicusRoad 基于强大的人工智能,提供缺失的信息和工具来教育您并使您成为交易专家,成为成功的交易者。 几乎所有技术指标都滞后,这意味着它们只能报告已经发生的事情。因此,他们只确认您过去可以看到的价格已经在哪里。我们相信领先指标可以预测未来价格,而无需重新绘制,也不要过度依赖可能改变并导致重新绘制的滞后指标。如果您根据滞后指标进行交易并建立头寸,您就知道您已经大部分时间
BookMap HeatMap
Roberto Spadim
1 (2)
This Indicator creates a heatmap based on depth of market of the current symbol or another symbol. Other symbol is useful when you trade futures market and a contract has 'mini' and 'full' split. For example, in Brazil (B3 - BMF&Bovespa), WDO and DOL are future Forex contract of BRL/USD (where 1 DOL = 5 WDO) and big banks work mostly with DOL (where liquidity is important). Please use with M1 timeframe , objects are too small to be displayed at higher timeframes (MT5 limit). The number of level
Waterfall by Kratus
Justine Kelechi Ekweh
5 (1)
Overview The Waterfall Trading Indicator is a powerful momentum detection tool designed to identify high-probability trading opportunities across multiple timeframes. Built on pure price action analysis, this indicator provides clear, non-repainting signals that are especially effective for binary options and forex trading. Key Features Non-Repainting Signals : Based on real-time price action, ensuring reliable trade signals Multi-Timeframe Compatibility : Effective across all timeframes, with o
Shiv Raj Kumawat
WHY IS OUR FXACCCURATE LS MT5 THE PROFITABLE ? PROTECT YOUR CAPITAL WITH RISK MANAGEMENT Gives entry, stop and target levels from time to time. It finds Trading opportunities by analyzing what the price is doing during established trends. POWERFUL INDICATOR FOR A RELIABLE STRATEGIES We have made these indicators with a lot of years of hard work. It is made at a very advanced level. Established trends provide dozens of trading opportunities, but most trend indicators completely ignore them! The
Stefano Frisetti
note: this indicator is for METATRADER4, if you want the version for METATRADER5 this is the link:  https://www.mql5.com/it/market/product/108106 TRENDMAESTRO ver 2.4 TRENDMAESTRO recognizes a new TREND in the bud, he never makes mistakes. The certainty of identifying a new TREND is priceless. DESCRIPTION TRENDMAESTRO identifies a new TREND in the bud, this indicator examines the volatility, volumes and momentum to identify the moment in which there is an explosion of one or more of these data a
MetaForecast M5
Vahidreza Heidar Gholami
5 (2)
MetaForecast能够根据价格数据中的谐波来预测和可视化任何市场的未来走势。虽然市场不总是可预测的,但如果价格中存在模式,MetaForecast可以尽可能准确地预测未来。与其他类似产品相比,MetaForecast通过分析市场趋势可以生成更精确的结果。 输入参数 Past size (过去的尺寸) 指定MetaForecast用于创建生成未来预测模型的柱数量。该模型以一条黄色线绘制在所选柱上。 Future size (未来的尺寸) 指定应预测的未来柱数量。预测的未来以粉色线表示,并在其上绘制了蓝色回归线。 Degree (程度) 此输入确定了MetaForecast将在市场上进行的分析级别。 Degree 描述  0 对于程度0,建议使用较大的值来设置“过去的尺寸”输入,以覆盖价格中的所有高峰、低谷和细节。  1 (建议的) 对于程度1,MetaForecast可以理解趋势,并通过较小的“过去的尺寸”生成更好的结果。  2 对于程度2,除了趋势,MetaForecast还可以识别反转点。对于大于1的程度,必须使用较高的“细节”和“噪音减少”输入值。  大于2 不建议使用大于
Elliot Waves Analyzer Pro
Viktor Weidenthal
2.67 (3)
Elliot Waves Analyzer Pro calculates Elliot Waves to Help Identify Trend direction and Entry Levels. Mainly for Swing Trading Strategies. Usually one would open a Position in trend direction for Wave 3 or a Correction for Wave C . This Indicator draws Target Levels for the current and next wave. Most important Rules for Elliot Wave Analysis are verified by the Indicator.  The Pro version analyzes Multiple Timeframes and shows the Subwaves and Target-Levels.   For an Overview  " Elliot Waves Anal
Arman Belassarov
AriMax   – AI-Powered Trading Robot AriMax is a cutting-edge AI-powered trading robot designed to help traders maximize profits while minimizing risk. Utilizing advanced machine learning algorithms and real-time market analysis, AriMax identifies high-probability trade opportunities with precision and speed. Key Features:     AI-Driven Market Analysis   – Analyzes market trends and patterns to make data-driven trading decisions.     Automated Execution   – Places trades seamlessly with optimiz
Vadym Zhukovskyi
5 (6)
我们向您介绍iVISTscalp5指标,它不仅独特,而且在交易操作中也非常有效。该指标基于时间数据,是多年金融市场经验和深入分析的结果。iVISTscalp5指标是手动交易的优秀工具。便利性、简单性和可视化 - 所有的复杂性都隐藏在内部。我们将iVISTscalp5指标的设置和使用简化到了最大程度。该指标适用于MT5终端中您所拥有的所有金融工具。 操作时间为UTC+3的早上4点到晚上8点。 iVISTscalp5指标菜单(见截图1): History - 计算行情的周数 dT_min - 选择时间间隔的时间(分钟) TFline - 绘制水平成交量(时间帧) BARSline - 绘制水平成交量(条数) TFtrend1 - 绘制日线通道(时间帧) BARStrend1 - 绘制日线通道(条数) TFtrend2 - 绘制周线通道(时间帧) BARStrend2 - 绘制周线通道(条数) ALERT_TIMER - 设置闹钟 ALERT - 开启/关闭闹钟 Save - 开启/关闭将时间记录到文本文件。 图表上的红色和蓝色旗帜表示时间(VIST智能剃须系统的信号)。卖出信号为红旗,买入
EXCLUSIVE! JUST  10 COPIES  AVAILABLE!   BONUS AUX VIP Club 2024 : Include EA CAP, CEP, LDH, PSC307 & AO4C to enhance the performance of this tool to its maximum potential  Click Here to Download Files   ( for users only ) FREE Trading Education Available Daily via Zoom --- For More Info or Instant Message Click link ---  https://t.me/abcdwave Transform your trading with the "Five Magic Bullets" Indicator, tailored for traders who embrace the power of Elliott Wave Chaos Theory.
Elliott Wave Trend MT5
Young Ho Seo
4 (3)
Elliott Wave Trend was designed for the scientific wave counting. This tool focuses to get rid of the vagueness of the classic Elliott Wave Counting using the guideline from the template and pattern approach. In doing so, firstly Elliott Wave Trend offers the template for your wave counting. Secondly, it offers Wave Structural Score to assist to identify accurate wave formation. It offers both impulse wave Structural Score and corrective wave Structure Score. Structural Score is the rating to sh
Introduction to X3 Chart Pattern Scanner X3 Cherart Pattern Scanner is the non-repainting and non-lagging indicator detecting X3 chart patterns including Harmonic pattern, Elliott Wave pattern, X3 patterns, and Japanese Candlestick patterns. Historical patterns match with signal patterns. Hence, you can readily develop the solid trading strategy in your chart. More importantly, this superb pattern scanner can detect the optimal pattern of its kind. In addition, you can switch on and off individu
Weis Wave with Alert MT5
Trade The Volume Waves Single Member P.C.
4.94 (16)
Rental/Lifetime Package Options and Privileges  Rent Monthly Six Months   Yearly/Lifetime Weis Wave with Speed with Alert+Speed Index x x x Manual  x x x Quick Set up Video x x x Blog x x x Lifetime Updates x x x Setup and Training Material x x Discord Access Channel "The SI traders"          x Rectangle Break Alert Tool      x How to trade with it:    http://www.tradethevolumewaves.com   ** If you purchase please contact me to setup your  : Two hour  webinar and  training Room and  complet
Seconds Charts
Aleksandr Goryachev
Micro  ******************* Секундные графики MT5 ********************** Более точного инструмента для входа в сделку вы не найдёте. Входные параметры: Timeframe, sek - период построения графика, секунды Displayed bars - отображаемые бары Step of price levels, pp, 0-off - шаг отрисовки ценовых уровней, пункты Scale points per bar, 0-off - масштаб в пунктах на бар Show lines - отображение текущих уровней Show comment - отображение комментария Standard color scheme - стандартная цветовая сх
SMC Trading Pro Tool
The Anh Pham
5 (1)
Welcome to the world of SMC (Smart Money Concepts) Trading, where we empower traders with the tools and knowledge to make smarter trading decisions. Our latest addition to our suite of trading tools is the SMC Trading Pro indicator, version 1.0. Key Features: Major Market Structure Identification with BODY break. Order Block must be in Major Swing ( not Small Swing ). Order Block with Fair Value Gap Detection. Order Block in Discount | Premium zone. Filter for only Bullish, Bearish or All Order
当然可以!以下是您提供的文本的中文翻译: 引入   MT4 / MT5 天文指标:您的终极天体交易伙伴 您准备好将交易体验提升到天文高度了吗?不用再寻找,就在我们的革命性 MT4 天文指标中。这个创新工具超越了传统的交易指标,利用复杂的算法提供无与伦比的天文洞察力和精确计算。 指尖上的宇宙信息:   瞻仰一个详尽的面板,展示了一宝藏般的天文数据。了解行星的地理/太阳心坐标,太阳/地球距离,亮度,伸长度,星座,黄道和赤道坐标,甚至是水平坐标——每个细节都经过精心计算并呈现得美轮美奂。指标生成的垂直线对应于时间值,为您的交易旅程提供了宇宙的视角。 行星线条与关系:   在您的图表上欣赏行星线条的魔力,具有可自定义的比例和角度。通过直观的控制面板轻松切换每个行星线条的可见性。通过连结、六分、四分、三分、对冲和逆行等指标,发现行星关系的艺术。在您选择的时间范围内探索这些宇宙构造,使您能够识别重要的交易机会。 揭示甘恩的智慧:   通过受甘恩启发的平方垂直线揭示潜在的反转时机。这种创新修改将甘恩历经考验的原则带入现实,帮助您提前了解市场的转向和趋势。 月亮引导:   在您的图表上优雅地导航月相,
Hurst Cycles Diamonds
Fillipe Dos Santos
Hurst Cycles Diamonds Description This indicator is an alternative version inspired by the pioneering work of David Hickson and the Hurst Cycles Notes indicator developed by Grafton. The main objective is to provide a clear and intuitive view of the Hurst cycles. Credits Original Concept : David Hickson - Hurst Cycles Theory Inspiration : Grafton - Hurst Diamond Notation Pivots Alternative Version : Fillipe dos Santos Main Features Identifies and displays pivots in multiple time cycles Visual t
TSO Fibonacci Chains MT5
Dionisis Nikolopoulos
Fibonacci retracement is a method of technical analysis for determining support and resistance levels. The TSO Fibonacci Chains Indicator is different from a simple Fibonacci Retracements indicator in that it provides the targets for each retracement level. In other words, there is an Extension Level (D) for every Retracement Level (C). In addition, if an Extension Level is reached, then a new Fibonacci setup is created automatically. These consecutive Fibonacci setups create a chain that reveal
Isaac Wanasolo
1 (1)
A scalping indicator based on mathematical patterns, which on average gives signals with relatively small SL, and also occasionally helps to catch big moves in the markets (more information in the video) This indicator has three main types of notifications: The first type warns of a possible/upcoming signal on the next bar The second type indicates the presence of a ready signal to enter the market/open a position The third type is for SL and TP levels - you will be notified every time price re
Big Player Range
Thalles Nascimento De Carvalho
5 (3)
释放 "BigPlayerRange" 的力量:市场技术分析的利器 我们隆重推出 BigPlayerRange ,一款先进的技术分析工具,专为揭示 市场中机构投资者的兴趣区域 而设计。借助该工具,您可以精准识别大玩家的活跃区域,从而提升您的交易策略的效果。 主要特性: 机构兴趣区域映射 : BigPlayerRange 突出显示金融机构的高活动区域,提供关于市场可能走势的重要见解。 目标退出点的预测 :此指标使用两步预测建议潜在退出点,助您基于价格未来方向规划策略。 回调概率分析 :评估当价格回到识别范围时的 回调概率 ,此功能有助于风险管理和策略调整。 如何使用 BigPlayerRange: 识别兴趣区域 :利用此指标锁定机构活跃的关键区域,从而预测重要市场变动。 目标退出点的预测 :根据指标提供的预测制定退出决策,以实现策略性平仓。 回调概率评估 :监测价格回到兴趣范围时的回调可能性,并据此调整策略。 核心触发点:监控价格相对于绿色和红色线的位置 BigPlayerRange 的中心区域 展示了 机构集中的市场能量 。监控价格相对于 绿色和
VIP Buy Sell Signals
Hapu Arachchilage Tharindu Lakmal
Contact me through this email aaddress to download the FREE strategy PDF for this indicator tharindu999lakmal@gmail.com Introduction   The   "Buy Sell Signals"   is designed to provide BUY and SELL trade signals based on the current market conditions.   A   Trading Strategy   (Chee sheet)  has been  provided for this trading indicator.   (Read the description). This indicator has time tuned e ntry signals . so,   you will enter the market at the very best price level   with this indicator .  
Dinapoli Package MT5
Samil Bozuyuk
5 (2)
All in One package includes the  Oscillator Predictor ,  MACD Predictor ,  Thrust Scanner  and  Advanced Fibonacci  indicators which are mandatory for applying  Dinapoli  trade plans.  Please visit below links for detailed explanations of indicators. Advanced Fibonacci Indicator =>  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/107933 Thrust Scanner Indicator =>  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/52829 Overbought /Oversold Predictor indicator => https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/52628 Macd
5 (2)
Indicator USER MANUAL, trade setups, solving issues, etc :  Direct Download Here     ( for users only ) Hello World! Introducing.. SMCpro tool and Indicator for  MetaTrader 5 , a cutting-edge feature designed to revolutionize your trading experience. With innovative ICT Smart Money Concept, you gain unparalleled insight into market dynamics, empowering you to make informed trading decisions like never before. SMC Indicator built on the foundation of advanced algorithms and real-time dat
The indicator is designed to close positions on the market in time. For example: to take profits ahead of schedule if the price has not reached TakeProfit, and the market is turning around. The indicator analyzes the momentum, not the trend. He does not give any information about the trend. The indicator is well suited for finding divergence. The Ershov 38 Parrots indicator dynamically adjusts to the market and detects price movement impulses of medium and high amplitude. It almost does not rea
VTrende Pro
Andrii Diachenko
5 (1)
VTrende Pro - MTF indicator for trend trading with a display panel for MT5 *** Videos can be translated into any language using subtitles (video language - Russian) Although the signals of the VTrende Pro indicator can be used as signals of a full-fledged trading system, it is recommended to use them in conjunction with the Bill Williams TS. VTrende Pro is an extended version of the VTrende indicator. Difference between Pro version and VTrende: - Time zones - Signal V - signal 1-2 waves -    S
The Volume Spread Analysis indicator is based on the original Volume Spread Analysis method. It was designed for quick and easy recognition of VSA patterns. Even though this indicator looks very simple, it is the most sophisticated tool we've ever made. It is a really powerful analytical tool that generates very reliable trading signals. Because it is very user-friendly and understandable, it is suitable for every type of trader, regardless of his experience. What is VSA? VSA - Volume Spread A
Meco Ultimate Channel
Thapelo Kapwe
5 (1)
This indicator belongs to the family of channel indicators. These channel indicator was created based on the principle that the market will always trade in a swinging like pattern. The swinging like pattern is caused by the existence of both the bulls and bears in a market. This causes a market to trade in a dynamic channel. it is designed to help the buyer to identify the levels at which the bulls are buying and the bear are selling. The bulls are buying when the Market is cheap and the bears a
SYSTEM INTRODUCTION:   The Binary Options Conqueror System Is Specifically Designed For Binary Options Trading. Unlike Other Systems And Indicators That Were Adopted From Other Trading Environments For Binary Options. Little Wonder Why Many Of Such Systems Fail To Make Money . Many End Up Loosing Money For Their Users.     Forward Testing Of The System Has Shown Remarkable Results . The Results Of Forward Testing On Live Trading Account Is Consistent With The Results Obtained By Back Testing .
KijunSen vs Price Ichimoku Strategy MM Description in English and Italian = This Indicator is based on one of the Strategies with Ichimoku Indicator, in particular is the cross of the KijunSen with the Current Price; it will give you of Buy and Sell when they Cross, with Arrows and Alerts. When you attach the indicator on the chart , a window will open where , in the INPUT section, you can also choose to change the main Ichimoku values. SIGNAL INPUT =    · BUY = when Price cross above the K
KijunSen VS Price MM
Maria Erica Costagliola
KijunSen vs Price Ichimoku Strategy  Description in English and Italian = This Indicator is based on one of the Strategies with Ichimoku Indicator, in particular is the cross of the KijunSen with the Current Price; it will give you of Buy and Sell when they Cross, with Arrows and Alerts. When you attach the indicator on the chart , a window will open where , in the INPUT section, you can also choose to change the main Ichimoku values. SIGNAL INPUT =    · BUY = when Price cross above the Ki
Sansa MovingAvarage Cross MM
Maria Erica Costagliola
Sansa MovingAvarage Cross MM Description in English and Italian = This Indicator is based on the cross of two Moving Avarage, and gives you the signal of Buy and Sell when they Cross, with Arrows and Alerts. What’s the best about it? You can set up the two Moving Avarage just as you need! When you attach the indicator on the chart , a window will open where , in the INPUT section, you can choose the MATimeFrame(H1,H4,M30 ....),  the MaMethod ( Simple, Exponential.....),SlowMa Periods( 50 as
Ichimoku KumoTwist MM
Maria Erica Costagliola
Ichimoku KumoTwist M_M Description in English and Italian = This Indicator is based on one of the Strategies with Ichimoku Indicator, in particular the KUMO TWIST! The Kumo Twist  is the cross of the Senkou Span A  with the Senkou Span B; The Senkou Span A and the Senkou Span B are the two lines that create the Cloud in the Ichimoku Indicator; it will give you of Buy and Sell when they Cross, with Arrows and Alerts.   When you attach the indicator on the chart , a window will open where , i
版本 1.1 2020.11.23
Push Notification added