Fibo Sequence
- 专家
- Mhd Amran Bin Lop
- 版本: 1.0
- 激活: 5
Fibo Sequence EA
The EA Strategy:
This EA strategy is based on Fibonacci Sequence number Calculations to produce it's own signals and trade automatically. It was built for those traders who loves and trust Fibonacci Levels. In finance, Fibonacci level is a method of technical analysis for determining support and resistance levels. They are named after their use of the Fibonacci sequence.
Fibonacci is based on the idea that markets will retrace a predictable portion of a move, after which they will continue to move in the original direction. It uses the standard sequence levels: 34 or 55 or 89.
MMType: 1;
SequenceNumber: 340;
MaxTrades: 17;
PipStep: 100.0;
LotExponent: 1.0;
TotalEquityRisk: 1.0;
Slippage: 3.0;
LotsDigits: 2.0;
AutoLot: true;
Lots: 0.01;
Risk: 1;