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Ticks and Points Candles MT4

This indicator is designed for M1 time-frame and shows:

  • Sum of ticks when the price goes up (color Green -The major component of a candlestick = the body).
  • Sum of points when the price goes up (color Green -The extension lines at the top of the candle).
  • Sum of points when the price goes down (color Red -The major component of a candlestick = the body).
  • Sum of points when the price goes down (color Red -The extension lines at the lower end of the candle).

Keep in mind that Sum of Points will be greater or equal to Sum of Ticks.

Market Profile
Artem Titarenko
5 (1)
The "Market Profile" indicator displays the profiles and volumes of periods – weekly, daily, session (8-hour), 4-hour, hour, summary. The VAH/VAL price area is automatically highlighted by a dotted line for each profile (except for the summary). The indicator includes chroma Delta, which colors the profile areas. The areas of prevailing Buys is colored in green, that of Sells - in red. The intensity histogram features blue/red respectively. In the filter mode, the indicator displays the volume a
ArchIntel Dashboard
Raphael Adetunji Olaiyapo
ArchIntel Strength meter is different from the conventional strength meter. It displays correlation index for currency pair and individual currencies, see image 4 and image 6 for the currency pair correlation index and currency strength index. This strength meter displays correlated pair. EURJPY is used to explain the formula, EURUSD and USDJPY must be going up before I can buy (Long ) EURJPY , vice-versa is for sell. When any of the currency pair is correlated using this formular the the rectan
Andriy Sydoruk
MoveWave - Moving waves are very handy indicators for determining pivot levels. Most Forex traders make decisions based on technical analysis. This type of analysis determines patterns and trends in the market. With the help of complex mathematical equations that are combined and made out in the form of this indicator, the trader will be able to more accurately determine the price reversal levels. Wave theory mathematically represents various behavioral models of the market. It is used as the ba
本指标是实践实战交易完善的波浪自动分析的指标   !  案例... 注: 波浪分级用西方叫法不习惯,因受到缠论(缠中说禅)命名方式习惯的影响,我是将基础波浪命名为 笔 ,将二级波段命名为 段 ,同时具有趋势方向的段命名为 主趋段 (以后笔记中都是这种命名方式,先告知大家),但是算法上和缠论关系不大切勿混淆.反映的是本人分析盘面总结的 千变万化纷繁复杂的运行规律 . 对波段进行了标准化定义,不再是不同人不同的浪  ,   对人为干扰的画法进行了排除,在严格分析进场起到了关键的作用 . 使用这个指标,等于将交易界面提升美感,抛弃最原始的K线交易带你进入新的交易层次.如果不是为了交易,在宣传上也将使客户观感提升层次. 指标内容: 1. 基础波浪 (笔) : 首先我们找出了价格波动过程中的基础波动拐点,当然他的有序性低,为下一步的计算提供基础. 2. 二级波段( 段 ) :在基础波浪的基础上,通过算法分析得到层级更明显的二级波段,二级波段为波浪提供了分析基础 3. 波浪( 浪 ): 有着更清晰的趋势,更清晰直观的方向.分析一个波浪是否延续,需要看二级波段的形态,分析二级的构成,可以得出波
Cool volumes
Yerzhan Satov
箭头指示器"冷量"是基于mt4上的滴答量。 指标本身跟踪在一段时间内买入或卖出的数量(时间框架选择)。 当卖家或买家的交易量出现异常过剩时,它会发出卖出或买入的信号。 在较低的窗口中绘制彩色直方图,其中绿色显示了当时买家的主导地位,这意味着在这个价格范围内可能立即逆转增加。 相反,红色表示卖方的优势,这意味着潜在的立即向下逆转。 此外,为了方便视觉感知,箭头已直接添加到主图表窗口。 为了方便用户,外部变量包含信号频率及其在历史记录(HistoryBars)上的编号的设置变量。 但不建议将值设置为1000以上。 更多的这将减慢您的终端的性能。 同样在"===<<箭头设置>>>==="部分中,您可以自己设置任何箭头和直方图参数。 直方图的厚度,箭头与蜡烛的距离,箭头代码及其颜色。 或者您可以完全禁用主图表窗口上的箭头。 箭头和信号根本不画。 即使在更改时间框架和更新终端之后。 但有必要在固定直方图和箭头后进入交易! 祝大家好运!!!
DayNight Fibonacci
Olalekan Gisanrin
This indicator detects trade direction and sends notification to your mobile phone so that you can  enter/exit a trade without having to be seated in front of desktop computer all day and night. Although you have to execute/send an order yourself, you can setup rules through the setting made available for proper lots size base on the available balance/fund you are trading with. The opportunity to take a profit at the right time and set reasonable stop loss that will not be overwhelming and gett
We Trade Live Trend Max
Ian Andrew Nicholson
We Trade Live Trend Max 500-1000 Pips Our team of engineers have programmed a great tool which we have used to success and will aid you in making better decisions when placing a trade, it is better than anything available on the market at the moment! try & Test Against other products and see for yourself how amazing this is. Our Main Objective is to help you as traders discover how you can take a simple trading setup and make consistent profits. We provide the fundamentals needed to trade the ma
R Var 移动平均线指标是为顽固的趋势追随者设计的趋势跟踪指标。 它是股票交易者和商品交易者中非常流行的外汇交易指标,它的流行源于它能够向用户提供真正的赚钱信号。 该指标由放置在黄褐色线上的绿色和红色点组成。 绿点指向看涨信号,而红点表示看跌信号。 基本交易信号 买入信号:当指标的黄褐色线上的点变为绿色时,做多。 卖出信号:当指标的黄褐色线上的点变为红色时做空。 退出买入交易:如果在看涨趋势持续期间,指标的西耶娜线上出现红点,则关闭所有买入订单。 退出卖出交易:如果在看跌趋势持续期间,R Var 移动平均线指标的西耶纳线上显示绿点,则关闭所有卖出订单。 尖端 在使用 R Var 移动平均线指标时,利用适度的止损来防止错误信号。 将其用于各种交易方式,包括剥头皮交易和日间交易。 特征 平台:MetaTrader 4 货币对:任何 自定义选项:变量(periodAMA、nfast、nslow、G、dK、UseSound、SoundFile)、宽度和样式。 时间范围:1 分钟、5 分钟、15 分钟、30 分钟、1 小时、4 小时、1 天、1 周、1 个月 类型:趋势
Master Max
Abdulkarim Karazon
MASTER MA 者,移平均线之指标也,用 3 异期之移平均线以成信号,策非常简单,然指标有计仪表板,见有用者回溯试之,如胜率/赢之总利...... 当指标以点数为 TP SL ,故君可以绿点文 TP 、 SL 之赤点 x 示所欲 TP SL,当指标将用此值来计赢/输百分比。 其指标于新柱开盘时严给信号。 信号永无重画迟。 议 : 用 m5 或益高版本... 有日者... 尝试用指标期以得其善。 参数: 3 移平均线期 警 TP/SL 直与每号打印图表,并据之 仪表板色位输之 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
用于检测强势价格行动模式的技术指标:Pin Bar、Inside Bar 和 Outside Bar 介绍: 在技术分析领域,价格行动模式是潜在市场走势的重要指标。我们开发了一款先进的技术指标,可以在图表上简化强势价格行动模式的识别。我们的指标专门用于检测三种基本模式:Pin Bar、Inside Bar 和 Outside Bar。 检测到的关键模式: Pin Bar: Pin Bar 模式是单根蜡烛图形成,表示市场趋势可能发生反转。它的特点是小的实体和长的上引线或下引线。看涨的 Pin Bar 表示可能的看涨反转,而看跌的 Pin Bar 暗示看跌反转。 Inside Bar: Inside Bar 模式是指单根蜡烛的整个价格范围都在前一根蜡烛的价格范围之内。该模式表明市场暂时整理或无决策,通常会在两个方向中的一个发生突破之前出现。 Outside Bar: Outside Bar 模式,也称为“吞没”模式,出现在一根蜡烛的范围完全包围前一根蜡烛的范围时。看涨的 Outside Bar 可能预示看涨反转,而看跌的 Outside Bar 可能表明看跌反转。 指标功能: 我们的指标
移動平均線クロス、ボリンジャーと移動平均線のクロス、移動平均線の角度でサイン表示 MT5インジケータ こちらに サイト とがあります。 このインジケータは3つのパターンでサインを表示(切り替え可能)します。 ①   移動平均線のクロス ②   ボリンジャーバンドと短期移動平均線とのクロス ③   ボリンジャーバンドと短期移動平均線とのクロスと、中期移動平均線と長期移動平均線の角度 移動平均線のクロス 指定した短期移動平均線と長期移動平均線のゴールデンクロスでは買いサイン、デットクロスでは売りサインを表示します。 ディフォルトでは短期は5,長期は20となっています。 もちろん変更可能になります。 移動平均線の種類をEMA(指数平滑移動平均線)やSMMA(平滑化移動平均)などに変更可能で適する価格も変更可能になります。 ボリンジャーバンドと短期移動平均線のクロス ボリンジャーバンド(以降BB)と短期移動平均線のクロスでサインを表示します。 ディフォルトではBB+1σと5MAのゴールデンクロスで買いサイン、BB-1σと5MAのデットクロスで売りサインでサインを表示します。 BBの期間や、B
Cloud Power
Andriy Sydoruk
Implementation of indication of trend movement with moments for potential stops in the Cloud Power indicator. The transition to the shadow warns of a possible reversal. The entry of the price inside the shadow speaks of a flat movement. The indicator tracks the market trend with unmatched reliability, ignoring sharp market fluctuations and noise around the average price. Simple, visual and efficient use. The indicator does not redraw and does not lag. It can be easily used as an independent t
使用此交易工具,您可以同时扫描 15 个市场。 介绍新的交易指标 2024: ️ 仪表板多货币多时间框架随机。 我创建这个交易工具至少有两个原因: 首先,我厌倦了只观察一个市场。 其次,我不想失去进入另一个市场的时机。 这就是为什么我想同时了解其他市场状况。 因此,我需要一台可以同时扫描多个市场状况的扫描仪。 我经常寻找随机主线>(或<=)随机信号线从M1到H4(或只是M1到M30)的市场。 如果您同意我的分析,那么这就是您一直在寻找的交易指标。 不要错过市场状况满足上述要求的时刻。 这是一个随机扫描仪或仪表板,具有许多出色的功能: 可显示随机主线数据 可显示随机信号线数据 可以显示随机主线和信号线的位置(信号线上方主线或信号线下方主线) 可以显示随机主线和信号线的数据水平(看涨、看跌、趋势向上、趋势向下、超买但仍向上、超卖但仍向下) 可显示从M1到MN1的实时数据 可显示15种货币对的数据(多币种外汇/商品/加密货币/股票) 可定制参数 可定制颜色 OBOS 级别 漂亮的20仪表板配色方案 配备开/关货币对转换器 配备蜡烛高时间框架 配备时间点差利润信息 配
This indicator is designed for M1 time-frame and shows: Sum of ticks when the price goes up (color Green -The major component of a candlestick = the body). Sum of points when the price goes up (color Green -The extension lines at the top of the candle). Sum of points when the price goes down (color Red -The major component of a candlestick = the body). Sum of points when the price goes down (color Red -The extension lines at the lower end of the candle). Plus classical indicator Commodity Channe
RBCI hist
Sergey Zhukov
The RBCI hist indicator is an adaptive trend histogram, that eliminates noise using a Low-pass filter, which passes the lower frequencies and cuts off hight frequencies of the price fluctuations. The signal (depending on the strategy chosen by trader) is the intersection of the zero line by the indicator, as well as the change in the histogram color. The change in the histogram color serves as an early signal for opening positions towards the trend. The position of the indicator relative to the
Sean Christian Hammond
使用人工智能 AI 创建,用于将生物体可见的行为模式纳入趋势分析。 混沌理论与移动平均线相遇。 滤食性海葵将其卷须伸入营养物质的海洋以丰富自身。 我不会用太长的描述浪费你的时间,这个概念在这些术语上是可以理解的。 它是一个可自定义的周期旋转移动平均线,可在简单、指数、加权和平滑之间切换,在您指定的时间输入上。 轮换是半混沌的,由市场本身注入的随机性。 当这些 MA 一个叠加在一起时,其效果就像海葵滤食一样,其卷须伸入环境........................................................................................................................................................................................................
Rhino NW
Sergei Shishaev
Нестандартный индикатор определения текущего тренда. Альтернативный подход к определению текущей рыночной тенденции. В основе лежит уникальный алгоритм. Не используются   скользящие средние , осцилляторы , супер-тренды и прочие стандартные индикаторы. Для таймфреймов:   от M15 до D1 . Для стилей торговли:  интрадэй, свинг, долгосрок . Может стать готовой торговой стратегией совместно с любым канальным индикатором. Например таким, как индикатор   "Snake" . Внимание! Это индикатор, а не советник,
Sarangani Venom
Sherwin Dennis Tava Ruiz
sarangani venom is 100% profitable, easy to use indicator, a chart without indicator is stressful and will lead you to many losses, this indicator is pleasing to the eye that will gives you more confident to trade when there is signal, your computer will gives sound and the spider will animate, it can be used to all time frame and to all currency, you have many options, when the candlestick touches to upper line it is buy, when it touches to lower line it is sell, when the rope is pull to buy ar
Fibonacci CSM
Emir Revolledo
Fibonacci Currency Strength Meter (FCSM) Early Access Sale!! This new product is still in the process of adding new features and settings. For early bird buyers. The Price will be 50% Sale. In a few weeks, the product will be done. Go Grab your copy while it's still cheap. More details will be added soon. Things to be added. Alert Levels Mobile and Email Alert From it's name, Fibonacci Currency Strength Meter is a combination of Fibonacci levels and Currency Strength Meter. The plot of Fibona
This product works by detecting trend opportunities. So as shown in the screenshot when The indicator shows an upward arrow it shows the market is on an uptrend and when the indicator Shows a downward arrow it shows the market is on a downward direction. What makes this indicator Special is that it has additional signals just below the arrow signals. It is up to the trader to be  Creative and combine these signals with the arrow signal to get accurate forecasts.
Market Ticker
John Louis Fernando Diamante
The only Market Ticker on the market! Add a professional novelty to your workspace, with built in mini-charts A scrolling Market Ticker that displays price changes from all symbols in the Market Watch list. Provides an easy snapshot of symbol prices, and keeps scrolling automatically while you trade and analyse the chart. The ticker color (+/- price changes) are based on either the current or completed candle, and the previous candle. Options include: - MTF, eg choose to show price changes of
ToolBox 360 is the swiss knife of all indicators. It is full packed with useful tools to help you with your trading. It can be used to find best entry and exit points and help you to decide if you should open a trade or not. It shows market trends, candlestick formations outside / inside bars and you can sett time based allerts. Main features: Time based Fibonacci lines Choose a start and end time and the indicator shows you Fibonacci lines within the selected time range including range high a
PX Trend
Vitalii Zakharuk
PX Trend is a technical indicator that mathematically transforms the price of a currency pair in the form of signaling arrows on the chart, it is used to predict the direction of the market movement. This tool is basic for the interpretation of the parameters of the graphs in technical analysis. PX Trend refers to an arrow indicator Forex - a tool that gives unambiguous signals to buy or sell currencies using arrows. An arrow directed upwards recommends buying, downward - selling. The indicato
BeST Trend Exploiter
Eleni Koulocheri
5 (4)
BeST_Trend Exploiter is a Metatrader Indicator  based on a smart proprietary algorithm which can detect the market Median Trend while it filters out the noise providing Buy and Sell Signals and also wherever it is applicable it provides us with TP Levels of High Probability. Additionally as it has Built Inside all the necessary features it can be used as a Complete Strategy of very Impressive Results. Essential Advantages of the Indicator Clear and Easily Understandable trading rules. Real Time
Rira VWAP Bands
Vitor Palmeira Abbehusen
VWAP Bands gives you the regular Volume-Weighted Average Price and also the deviation bands. Use this indicator to see the possible amount of market movement, find support and resistance lines, find good spots for entry and exit,  and the most important feature is to find possible pivot points. This indicator has been mathematically improved by Rira team. The calculation begins at the start of each trading day
TOMAD (Two Moving Average Distance) is an indicator that can scan multi pairs, the data displayed on the indicator is in the form of a range of PIPs. This indicator is also equipped with information on the movement of today's candle and the previous day's candle formation. In the input indicator settings, you can change it according to your needs, whether it's from the pair that will be displayed to setting the period, mode and MA price.
Why the RSI Alert Indicator is Essential for Your Trading Toolkit In the fast-paced world of trading, timely and accurate information is crucial. The RSI Alert Indicator is a powerful tool designed to help you stay ahead of the market by providing real-time alerts when the Relative Strength Index (RSI) reaches critical levels. Whether you're a novice trader or a seasoned professional, this indicator can significantly enhance your trading strategy by pinpointing potential market reversals with
拋物線轉向指標和支撐/阻力位不僅是外匯交易中用於識別潛在趨勢反轉和進入點和退出點的技術分析指標,而且還是一種現成的自主交易策略。 此指標以 PSAR 指標為基礎,在圖表中添加了動態支撐位和阻力位,這可以幫助交易者識別市場可能逆轉的關鍵價格水準。使用該指標,交易者可以深入了解市場的強度和方向,以及交易的潛在進入和退出點。 拋物線轉向指標和支撐/阻力位指標是一種技術分析工具,可在圖表上繪製各種拋物線支撐和阻力 (PSAR) 水平,為交易者提供潛在的趨勢反轉訊號。該指標在 MT4 主圖表視窗中顯示為一系列水平對齊的線,使交易者可以輕鬆識別實際的 PSAR 水平。它還可用於追蹤停損並根據一致的邏輯繪製支撐位和阻力位,從而允許交易者使用他們最喜歡的指標針對水平來尋找交易。儘管眾所周知該指標會重新繪製,但它仍然提供良好的準確性,並且可以用作獨立的外匯指標和交易策略。 以下是在外匯交易中使用拋物線轉向指標和支撐/阻力位指標的簡單策略: • 確定趨勢方向:第一步是使用指標來確定整體趨勢方向。 • 如果 PSAR 點位於價格條下方,則表示上升趨勢,而如果它們位於價格條上方,則表示下降趨勢。 •
CCI Dashboard
Pablo Mozo Bel
The CCI Dashboard is an information panel which allows you to have a global market vision through a Commodity Channel Index. CCI Dashboard analyzes and tracks all the actives you want to invest in. Take advantage of this useful dashboard where you can open in a few seconds the chart and quickly invest on it. Main Features of CCI Dashboard Graphic panel that allows you to know the situation of many assets. 7 Different Commodity Channel Index situations to discover when an asset is overbought or
To get access to MT5 version please click here . - This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "Twin Range Filter" by " colinmck ". - This is a light-load processing and non-repaint indicator. - All input options are available.  - Buffers are available for processing in EAs. - You can message in private chat for further changes you need. Here is the sample code of EA that operates based on signals coming from indicator: #property strict input string EA_Setting= "" ; input int magic_number= 12
Gann Made Easy
Oleg Rodin
4.81 (99)
Gann Made Easy 是一个专业且易于使用的外汇交易系统,它基于使用先生理论的最佳交易原则。 W.D.江恩。该指标提供准确的买入和卖出信号,包括止损和获利水平。您甚至可以使用推送通知在旅途中进行交易。 购买后请联系我!我将免费与您分享我的交易技巧和丰厚的红利指标! 您可能已经多次听说过江恩交易方法。通常 Gann 的理论不仅对于新手交易者而且对于那些已经有一定交易经验的人来说都是非常复杂的东西。这是因为江恩的交易方法在理论上并不那么容易应用。我花了几年时间来完善这些知识,并将最好的原则应用到我的外汇指标中。 该指标非常易于应用。您所需要的只是将其附加到您的图表并遵循简单的交易建议。该指标不断进行市场分析工作并寻找交易机会。当它检测到一个好的入口点时,它会为您提供一个箭头信号。该指标还显示止损和获利水平。 换句话说,当您像先生一样进行交易时,该指标会为您提供最佳江恩建议。江恩亲自告诉你此时此刻该做什么。但最好的部分是您不需要了解任何有关江恩交易原则的知识,因为该指标会为您完成整个市场分析工作。
Golden Trend Indicator
Noha Mohamed Fathy Younes Badr
5 (8)
Golden Trend indicator  is The best indicator for predicting trend movement this indicator never lags and never repaints and never back paints    and give  arrow buy and sell    before the candle appear  and it will help you and  will make your trading decisions clearer its work on all currencies and  gold and crypto and all time frame This unique  indicator uses very secret algorithms to catch the  trends, so you can trade using this indicator and see the trend clear on charts  manual guide and
- Real price is 80$ - 40% Discount ( It is 49$ now ) Contact me for instruction, add group and any questions! Related Products:  Bitcoin Expert , Gold Expert Non-repaint Introduction The breakout and retest strategy is traded support and resistance levels. it involves price breaking through a previous level.  The break and retest strategy is designed to help traders do two main things, the first is to avoid false breakouts. Many false breakouts start with a candlestick that breaks out of a leve
Easy Breakout
Mohamed Hassan
5 (6)
5 copies left before price increases to $120! After your purchase, feel free to contact me for more details on how to receive a bonus indicator called VFI, which pairs perfectly with Easy Breakout for enhanced confluence!   Easy Breakout is a powerful price action trading system built on one of the most popular and widely trusted strategies among traders: the Breakout strategy ! This indicator delivers crystal-clear Buy and Sell signals based on breakouts from key support and resistance zone
Roman Podpora
4.79 (19)
TPSpro TREND PRO 是一个趋势指标,可以自动分析市场并提供有关趋势及其每次变化的信息,并给出进入交易的信号而无需重新绘制! 该指标使用每根蜡烛,分别对其进行分析。指不同的脉冲——向上或向下脉冲。货币、加密货币、金属、股票、指数交易的准确切入点! MT5版本                 指标的完整描述   我们建议将其与 指示器 -   RFI LEVELS 一起使用 主要功能: 准确的输入信号,无需渲染! 如果出现信号,它仍然相关!这是与重提指标的一个重要区别,重提指标可以提供信号然后改变信号,这可能导致存款资金的损失。现在您可以以更高的概率和准确度进入市场。还有一个功能是在箭头出现后为蜡烛着色,直到达到目标(止盈)或出现反转信号。 显示止损/获利区域 为了提高搜索切入点时的视觉清晰度,创建了一个模块,该模块最初显示买入/卖出区域,在该区域中搜索进入市场的最佳点。用于处理止损水平的附加智能逻辑有助于随着时间的推移减小其大小,从而降低进入交易(移动 sl)时的初始风险。 显示较高时间范围内的最小值/最大值(MTF 模式) 添加了一项功能,可以显示较高时间间隔的最小/最
TPSpro RFI Levels
Roman Podpora
4.82 (22)
指示       俄罗斯 -        英语   建议 与指示器一起使用     -       TPSpro 趋势专业版 -   MT4版本       交易中的一个关键要素是做出买卖交易工具决定的区域或水平。尽管主要参与者试图隐藏他们在市场中的存在,但他们不可避免地会留下痕迹。我们的任务是学习如何识别这些痕迹并正确解释它们。 主要功能: 向卖家和买家显示活跃区域! 该指标显示所有正确的初始买入和卖出脉冲水平/区域。激活这些水平/区域后,开始寻找切入点,水平会改变颜色并填充特定阴影。此外,还会显示箭头,以便更直观地了解情况。 显示更高时间范围内的级别/区域(MTF 模式) 添加了使用更高时间间隔显示级别/区域的功能。此外,该指标还具有自动趋势检测功能(   TPSproTREND PRO   )。 用于交易的单独专业的逐步算法。 该算法专为日内交易而设计,既可顺势交易,也可逆势交易。每个活动模板均提供详细说明。 适用于多种时间范围 。 TPSpro RFI 水平指标可用于图表上的任何时间范围,从一分钟(M1)开始一直到每月(MN)。 图形和声音警报。 该指标提供图形和声音指示,
Dynamic Forex28 Navigator
Bernhard Schweigert
5 (4)
Dynamic Forex28 Navigator - 下一代外汇交易工具。 当前 49% 折扣。 Dynamic Forex28 Navigator 是我们长期流行的指标的演变,将三种功能合二为一: 高级货币强度 28 指标 (695 条评论)+ 高级货币 IMPULSE 带警报 (520 条评论)+ CS28 组合信号(奖励)。 有关指标的详细信息 https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/758844 下一代强度指标提供什么? 您喜欢的原始指标的一切,现在通过新功能和更高的精度进行了增强。 主要特点: 专有货币强度公式。  所有时间范围内的平滑和准确的强度线。 非常适合识别趋势和精确进入。 动态市场斐波那契水平(市场斐波那契)。  此指标独有的独特功能。 斐波那契应用于货币强度,而不是价格图表。 适应实时市场活动以获得准确的反转区域。 实时市场动量。  第 9 行显示市场是活跃还是被动。 对于定时交易至关重要。 全面的警报和显示。  每种货币最强的买入和卖出动量。 ​​28 对的双重动量买入和卖出。 超买/超卖警告外部范围和止损。 反转
趋势反转 – 帮助您在MT4上识别趋势反转的利器 您是否正在寻找一种强大且直观的工具来改进您的市场分析并做出更明智的决策?Trend Reversal 指标专为希望在MetaTrader 4平台上准确识别趋势反转点的交易者设计。 凭借先进算法与经过验证的技术结合,Trend Reversal 提供清晰可见的信号,帮助您识别关键市场时刻。 Trend Reversal的主要特点 简单与精准 指标通过箭头标识趋势反转:绿色箭头表示可能的上涨趋势,红色箭头表示可能的下跌趋势。这使您能够即时、直观地了解最重要的转折点。 可定制参数 为更好地适应您的交易风格,Trend Reversal支持全面配置: 快速和慢速移动平均线:设置移动平均线以优化信号。 RSI周期和布林带:控制对市场波动的敏感性。 魔术过滤器周期:添加额外的过滤器以减少虚假信号。 多空力量:基于多头和空头力量的计算,提升精准度。 可定制警报:接收视觉或声音通知,确保不错过任何机会。 多策略支持 结合RSI、布林带及多空力量等经典指标,此工具为创建个性化交易策略提供了坚实基础。 兼容性 优化适配MetaTrader 4,T
Scalper Inside PRO
Alexey Minkov
4.75 (60)
!!!CHRISTMAS SALE!!! An exclusive indicator that utilizes an innovative algorithm to swiftly and accurately determine the market trend. The indicator automatically calculates opening, closing, and profit levels, providing detailed trading statistics. With these features, you can choose the most appropriate trading instrument for the current market conditions. Additionally, you can easily integrate your own arrow indicators into Scalper Inside Pro to quickly evaluate their statistics and profitab
Gold Stuff
Vasiliy Strukov
4.86 (247)
Gold Stuff 是专为黄金设计的趋势指标,也可用于任何金融工具。 该指标不会重绘,也不会滞后。 推荐时间框架 H1。 在它指标工作全自动专家顾问 EA Gold Stuff。 你可以在我的个人资料中找到它。 重要! 购买后立即与我联系,以获得说明和奖金!   您可以免费收到我们的强力支持和趋势扫描指标的副本,请私信。大部头书! 购买后立即联系我以获得设置和个人奖励!   设置 绘制箭头 - 打开关闭。 在图表上绘制箭头。 警报 - 打开关闭声音警报。 电子邮件通知 - 打开关闭。 电子邮件通知。 Puch-notification - 打开关闭。 推送通知。 接下来,调整色域。 Gold Stuff 是专为黄金设计的趋势指标,也可用于任何金融工具。 该指标不会重绘,也不会滞后。 推荐时间框架 H1。 在它指标工作全自动专家顾问 EA Gold Stuff。 你可以在我的个人资料中找到它。 购买后立即联系我以获得设置和个人奖励!   设置 绘制箭头 - 打开关闭。 在图表上绘制箭头。 警报 - 打开关闭声音警报。 电子邮件通知 - 打开关闭。 电子邮件通知。 Puch
FX Volume
Daniel Stein
4.58 (33)
利用外汇交易量在外汇交易中获得真正的优势:终极成交量指标 外汇交易量(FX Volume)是第一个也是唯一一个从内部人士的角度揭示真实市场情绪的交易量指标。通过对机构市场参与者和经纪商的定位提供独到的见解,FX Volume 使您能够以通常只为主要参与者保留的先见之明进行交易。告别 COT 报告的延迟,FX Volume 可以在您的图表上即时为您提供这些关键信息,使您能够做出更快、更明智的交易决策。 为什么外汇交易量对您的交易至关重要? 使用 FX Volume,您可以获得无与伦比的独特市场数据,为您提供一般交易量指标无法提供的洞察力。以下是您可以在图表上直接跟踪的数据: 仓位比率:查看各种货币的多空比率,清晰了解市场情绪。 比率变化:查看所选时间段内多头头寸的百分比变化。 总交易量:实时跟踪各货币的总交易量(多头和空头)。 详细的多头和空头交易量:准确了解每种货币的买卖量。 净多头交易量:查看多头和空头头寸之间的差额,以衡量净情绪。 净多头百分比变化:以百分比的形式了解净多头情绪的变化,以便快速比较。 成交量-价格相关性:跟踪成交量如何影响价格,找到潜在转折点。 如何访问外汇交
Trend Screener
4.81 (89)
趋势指标,趋势交易和过滤的突破性独特解决方案,所有重要趋势功能都内置在一个工具中! 它是 100% 非重绘多时间框架和多货币指标,可用于所有符号/工具:外汇、商品、加密货币、指数、股票。 限时优惠:支撑和阻力筛选指标仅售 50美元,终身有效。(原价 250 美元)(优惠延长) 趋势筛选器是有效的指标趋势跟踪指标,它在图表中提供带有点的箭头趋势信号。 趋势分析器指标中可用的功能: 1.趋势扫描仪。 2. 具有最大利润分析的趋势线。 3.趋势货币强度计。 4. 带有警报的趋势反转点。 5. 带有警报的强趋势点。 6. 趋势箭头 每日分析示例,每日信号表现...等与我们的趋势筛选指标,可以在这里找到: 点击这里 限时优惠:Trend Screener Indicator 仅售 50 美元且终身可用。原价 125$) 通过访问我们的 MQL5 博客,您可以找到我们所有的高级指标以及分析示例、每日信号表现...等。 : 点击这里 我们的趋势系统由 2 个指标组成: 1. Trend Screener Indicator:显示趋势仪表盘、图表中的趋势线、入场点...等。 2. Trend
Chart Patterns All in One
Davit Beridze
4.65 (17)
购买后留言即可获得4个高质量的指标作为赠品。 Chart Patterns All-in-One 指标帮助交易者可视化技术分析中常用的各种图表形态。它帮助识别潜在的市场行为,但不保证盈利。建议在购买前在模拟模式下测试该指标。 当前优惠 : “Chart Patterns All in One” 指标享受 50% 折扣。 包含的形态 : 1-2-3 形态 :通过三个关键点(高点或低点)检测市场反转。 买入 :连续两个低点后出现较低的高点。 卖出 :连续两个高点后出现较高的低点。 可视化 :线条和箭头连接识别的点。 双顶和双底 :当价格形成两个连续的高点(双顶)或低点(双底)且它们大致相等时,表明反转趋势。 双顶 :看跌反转。 双底 :看涨反转。 可视化 :线条连接峰值或低谷,箭头标记反转点。 三顶和三底 :与双顶/双底类似,但有三个连续的高点或低点,信号更强的反转趋势。 三顶 :看跌反转。 三底 :看涨反转。 可视化 :线条和箭头标记形态。 三角形 :在趋势延续前识别整合期(基于 Zig-Zag,有时可能会延迟出现或消失)。 上升三角形 :看涨延续。 下降三角形 :看跌延续。 可视化 :
FX Power MT4 NG
Daniel Stein
5 (14)
释放 FX Power NG 的全部威力:终极货币强度表 八年多来,FX Power 一直为全球交易者提供可靠、精确的货币强弱分析。 现在,FX Power NG 将这一值得信赖的工具提升到新的水平,提供先进的功能,为您的交易带来无与伦比的准确性、定制化和洞察力。 是什么让 FX Power NG 成为严肃交易者的必备工具? FX Power NG 以您喜爱的原版 FX Power 的所有功能为基础,进行了重要的添加和改进: 黄金强度分析 (XAU):现在,您可以在追踪货币对的同时追踪黄金的强弱,从而获得更广泛的市场洞察力。 精细计算:在每次分析中体验更精确、更可靠的结果。 自定义分析周期:调整分析周期以适应您的交易策略,从日内分析到长期洞察。 先进的多实例设置:运行多个实例以获得全面的视图,非常适合分析多个时间框架或策略。 无限图形定制:个性化每个图表的颜色和样式,以匹配您的交易环境。 增强的警报功能:设置自定义通知,让你不会错过重要的转变或机会。 现代设计和动态面板:享受专为最新操作系统设计的时尚、用户友好界面,以及流畅的交互式指标面板。 FX Power NG 的突出功能
Full Forex Market View Dashboard
Opengates Success International
5 (2)
完整的外汇市场视图仪表板指示器 这是一个自定义指标,旨在让交易者全面了解市场上正在发生的事情。 它使用实时数据访问市场并显示成功交易所需的每一点信息。 安装: 在将此指标附加到您的窗口图表之前,请转到您的 MT4 的市场观察面板并隐藏所有您不需要或交易的货币对,并将其余货币对留在那里。 原因是 FFMV 仪表板将显示出现在 MT4 市场观察中的所有货币对。 它最多可以显示 30 个或更少的货币对。 如果它超过您 MT4 的市场观察中的那个,它会模糊和毁坏 FFMV 仪表盘上的字体和图像! 它不会正确显示。 用法:      单人交易      对于篮子交易(见截图如何)      也可用于多单交易      确认从您自己的交易系统等收到的信号的有效性。 成分:      时间范围:从 M1 到 MN1 当前蜡烛状态(买入/卖出      趋势:币种整体走势      影响:货币变动的幅度/波动性,见下文:      建立:货币正在建立      好:货币越来越严重      高:币值值得关注      强:要考虑方向      非常强:这种货币近乎完美      优秀:
MTF Supply Demand Zones
Georgios Kalomoiropoulos
4.82 (22)
下一代自动化供需区。适用于任何图表的创新算法。所有区域都是根据市场的价格行为动态创建的。 两种类型的警报 --> 1) 当价格触及区域时 2) 当新区域形成时 你不会再得到一个无用的指标。您将获得一个完整的交易策略和经过验证的结果。     新的功能:     价格触及供需区时发出警报     创建新的供应/需求区时发出警报     推送通知警报     以点为单位的区域宽度标签     关于 MTF 的又一个时间表。因此,现在您将能够看到高于当前 3 个时间帧,而不是高于当前 2 个时间帧     启用/禁用警报/区域/MTF 功能的按钮 您获得的优势:     消除交易中的情绪。     客观化您的交易条目。     通过高概率设置提高您的利润。     节省绘图区域的时间。     像专业人士一样交易金融市场。     任何市场的即时多时间框架分析。 你在图表上看到了什么?     蓝色和红色矩形是当前时间范围的供需区。     虚线样式线是当前上方第一个时间范围内的供需区域。     实线样式线是当前上方第二个时间范围内的
Bull versus Bear
Mohamed Hassan
4.5 (18)
Enjoy a   50% OFF   Christmas holiday sale!   Send us a message after your purchase to receive more information on how to get your  BONUS  for FREE  that works in great combination with Bull vs Bear ! Bull versus Bear is an easy-to-use Forex indicator that gives traders clear and accurate signals based on clear trend retests . Forget about lagging indicators or staring at charts for hours because  Bull vs Bear provides real-time entries with no lag and no repaint, so you can trade with confide
Scalper Vault
Oleg Rodin
5 (27)
Scalper Vault 是一个专业的剥头皮系统,为您提供成功剥头皮所需的一切。该指标是一个完整的交易系统,可供外汇和二元期权交易者使用。推荐的时间范围是 M5。 该系统为您提供趋势方向的准确箭头信号。它还为您提供顶部和底部信号以及江恩市场水平。无论您拥有何种交易经验,该系统都易于使用。您只需要遵循简单的规则并每天重复该过程。 建议将此系统用于主要货币对。感谢您的关注! 请注意,该指标在策略测试器中可能无法正常工作。因此,我建议仅在模拟或真实账户的真实交易条件下使用该系统。 指示器提供所有类型的警报,包括推送通知。 购买指标后请与我联系。我将免费与您分享我的个人交易建议和出色的奖励指标! 祝您交易愉快,盈利!
Stefano Frisetti
5 (3)
note: this indicator is for METATRADER4, if you want the version for METATRADER5 this is the link:  https://www.mql5.com/it/market/product/108106 TRENDMAESTRO ver 2.4 TRENDMAESTRO recognizes a new TREND in the bud, he never makes mistakes. The certainty of identifying a new TREND is priceless. DESCRIPTION TRENDMAESTRO identifies a new TREND in the bud, this indicator examines the volatility, volumes and momentum to identify the moment in which there is an explosion of one or more of these data a
MetaBands M4
Vahidreza Heidar Gholami
5 (3)
MetaBands使用强大且独特的算法绘制通道并检测趋势,以便为交易者提供进出交易的潜在点。它是一个通道指标和强大的趋势指标。它包括不同类型的通道,可以通过使用输入参数简单地合并以创建新通道。MetaBands使用所有类型的警报通知用户市场事件。 功能 支持大多数通道算法 强大的趋势检测算法 能够合并不同类型的通道 多时间帧和多货币(信号矩阵) 所有类型的警报功能(声音、屏幕闪烁、推送通知、电子邮件、弹出窗口、箭头) 它永远不会重绘 趋势检测 MetaBands使用在通道内振荡的蓝色线来检测趋势。当该线遇到通道的上界时,表明开始下跌趋势,当它遇到下界时,表明开始上涨趋势。如果蓝线接近中线,则市场处于整理期。 该指标使用独特的方法来检测趋势。一开始可能看起来有些复杂,但如果您观看视频教程,您就会意识到它是多么强大且易于使用。 入场和出场信号 当趋势变化或价格穿过上下通道时,MetaBands会立即通过不同的方法提醒交易者,这些方法可以在指标设置中启用。 信号矩阵 要监视来自不同时间框架的多个符号并在一个地方查看信号,请单击右上角按钮或按键盘上的M键以打开信号矩阵。该矩阵可以快速概览
Ultimate Index Advisor
Nicola Capatti
5 (1)
Ultimate Index Advisor 是一款高级工具,旨在精准分析市场走势,并动态识别交易机会。该指标基于针对趋势、修正和反转优化的策略组合提供信号,使其适用于多种交易风格。 借助直观的界面,Ultimate Index Advisor 使用图表上的可见箭头突出显示明确的进场和出场点,消除交易决策中的模糊性。通过利用先进的技术分析策略,该工具适合所有时间框架,为偏好短期或长期操作的交易者提供灵活性。 主要功能: 自动识别趋势和反转。 清晰易读的视觉信号。 适用于各种金融市场和时间框架。 可自定义设置,以匹配您的交易策略。 试试 Ultimate Index Advisor,看看它如何通过清晰的信号和高级分析来支持您的交易决策。
首先,值得强调的是,这个交易工具是非重绘、非重画和非滞后的指标,非常适合专业交易。 在线课程,用户手册和演示。 智能价格行动概念指标是一个非常强大的工具,既适用于新手,也适用于经验丰富的交易者。它将超过20个有用的指标合并到一个指标中,结合了高级交易思想,如内圈交易员分析和智能资金概念交易策略。该指标侧重于智能资金概念,提供有关大型机构交易方式的见解,帮助预测它们的动向。 它在流动性分析方面尤其擅长,有助于理解机构的交易方式。它擅长预测市场趋势,并仔细分析价格波动。通过将您的交易与机构策略对齐,您可以更准确地预测市场走向。该指标多才多艺,擅长分析市场结构,识别重要的订单区块,并识别各种模式。 它擅长识别BOS和CHoCH等模式,理解动量的转变,并突出显示供需强劲的关键区域。它还擅长发现强大的不平衡,并分析价格创造更高高点或更低低点的模式。如果您使用斐波那契回撤工具,该指标可以满足您的需求。它还可以识别相等的高点和低点,分析不同的时间框架,并通过仪表板显示数据。 对于使用更高级策略的交易者,该指标提供了工具,如公平价值差指标和优惠和折扣区域的识别。它特别关注高时间框架订单区块,并
FX Gunslinger
Oleg Rodin
5 (1)
Forex Gunslinger 是一款买入/卖出反转信号指标,其设计理念是在 MTF 模式下结合支撑/阻力、交叉和振荡指标。当一切都对齐时,指标会生成买入或卖出信号。尽管该指标基于 MTF 思想,但该算法非常稳定并生成可靠的反转信号。这是一个 MTF 类型指标,它可以使用更高或更低的时间范围来计算当前图表的信号。但它也可以用于非 mtf 模式。尽管最初的想法是在 MTF 模式下使用该指示器,这样它才能真正发挥作用。 Forex Gunslinger 指标几乎可以与任何交易工具和时间框架一起使用。它可与货币、指数、股票、加密货币和金属一起使用。它适用于任何交易工具。 该指示器提供所有类型的警报,包括推送通知。 购买后请联系我以获得我的交易提示和丰厚奖金! 祝您交易愉快、盈利!
Currency Strength Exotics
Bernhard Schweigert
4.87 (31)
目前8折优惠! 对任何新手或专家交易者来说都是最好的解决方案! 这个指标是专门用来显示任何符号的货币强度,如异国货币对、商品、指数或期货。它是同类产品中的第一个,任何符号都可以添加到第9行,以显示黄金、白银、石油、DAX、US30、MXN、TRY、CNH等的真实货币强度。这是一个独特的、高质量的、负担得起的交易工具,因为我们已经纳入了一些专有的功能和一个新的公式。想象一下,你的交易将如何改善,因为你能够准确地确定新趋势或剥头皮机会的触发点? 用户手册:点击这里   https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/708876 它适用于所有时间框架。你将很快能够看到TREND! 根据新的基础算法设计,它使识别和确认潜在交易变得更加容易。这是因为它以图形方式显示了8种主要货币和一种符号的强弱。 该指标显示了8种主要货币(澳元加元瑞士法郎欧元英镑日元新西兰美元)的强弱线,再加上一个符号! 该指标显示了符号的真实价值。例如:对于XAUUSD(黄金):价格以美元报价。如果黄金在上涨,你怎么能知道是黄金的强势还是美元的弱势?只有当黄金走强时,我们才会进行交易。该指
PRO Renko System
Oleg Rodin
5 (26)
PRO Renko Arrow Based System for trading renko charts.  准确的信号交易任何外汇工具. 另外,我将免费提供系统的附加模块! PRO Renko系统是RENKO图表上高度准确的交易系统。该系统是通用的。 该交易系统可应用于各种交易工具。 该系统有效地中和了所谓的市场噪音,打开了获得准确反转信号的通道。 该指标易于使用,只有一个参数负责产生信号。 您可以很容易地使算法适应您感兴趣的交易工具和renko酒吧的大小。 我很乐意通过提供任何咨询支持来帮助所有客户有效地使用该指标。 祝您交易成功!购买后,立即写信给我! 我将与您分享我的建议和我的renko发电机。 另外,我将免费提供系统的附加模块!
Stratos Pali
Michela Russo
5 (1)
Stratos Pali Indicator   is a revolutionary tool designed to enhance your trading strategy by accurately identifying market trends. This sophisticated indicator uses a unique algorithm to generate a complete histogram, which records when the trend is Long or Short. When a trend reversal occurs, an arrow appears, indicating the new direction of the trend. Important Information Revealed Leave a review and contact me via mql5 message to receive My Top 5 set files for Stratos Pali at no cost! Dow
目前八折优惠! 对任何新手或专家交易者来说都是最好的解决方案! 这个仪表板软件适用于28种货币对。它基于我们的两个主要指标(高级货币强度28和高级货币冲动)。它对整个外汇市场提供了一个伟大的概述。它显示高级货币强度值,货币运动速度和28个外汇对在所有(9)时间段的信号。想象一下,当你可以使用图表上的单一指标观察整个市场,以确定趋势和或剥头皮的机会时,你的交易将得到改善 我们已经在这个指标中建立了一些功能,使你更容易识别强势和弱势货币,同时识别和确认潜在的交易。该指标以图形方式显示货币的强势或弱势是增加还是减少,以及它在所有时间段的表现。 增加的新功能是动态市场斐波那契水平,它适应当前的市场条件变化,这是一个已经在我们的高级货币强度28和高级货币冲动指标中使用的成熟的加分项。 在交易时,总是将弱势货币和强势货币配对,这个新指标将帮助你做到这一点。 用户手册:点击这里  https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/708783 特点  显示每个时间段的ACS28和GAP-speed(冲动)的货币强度值。 列:颜色代码以7种颜色显示货币强度:强势
FX Levels MT4
Daniel Stein
探索外汇交易水平:您成功交易的终极支撑位和阻力位指标 FX Levels 不仅仅是一个支撑位和阻力位指标;对于那些希望在所有交易符号(无论是货币对、指数、股票还是商品)上获得精确性、可靠性和无缝功能的严肃交易者来说,它是一个改变游戏规则的工具。FX Levels基于成熟的灯塔(Lighthouse)方法,并增强了动态、实时的适应性,可将市场反转点直接显示在您的图表上,非常适合设定精确的盈利目标和优化您的交易条目。 为什么选择 FX Levels? Stein Investments 团队利用多年与经纪商及其不同数据源打交道的经验,使外汇交易水平在准确性和一致性方面脱颖而出。不同经纪商的水平几乎 100% 相同,FX Levels 为您提供无与伦比的可靠性,这是其他指标无法提供的。我们对细节的追求提升了 FX Levels 的水平,确保它不仅能满足您的期望,还能改变您进行支撑位和阻力位分析的方式。 FX Levels 的主要特点 两种分析方法:您可以选择经典的 "灯塔 "方法(适合静态、每日更新的水平),或者先进的动态方法(对蜡烛图形态做出实时反应,提供适应市场变化的可操作水平)。
Currency Strength Wizard
Oleg Rodin
4.84 (45)
货币强度向导是一个非常强大的指标,为您提供成功交易的一体化解决方案。该指标使用多个时间范围内所有货币的数据来计算这个或那个外汇对的力量。此数据以易于使用的货币指数和货币电力线的形式表示,您可以使用它们来查看这种或那种货币的力量。 您所需要的只是将指标附加到您要交易的图表上,该指标将向您显示您交易的货币的真实强度。该指标还向您显示买卖量压力的极值,您可以在顺势交易时利用这些压力。该指标还显示了基于斐波那契的可能目标。该指标可用于各种交易时间范围。该指标支持各种货币对的交易。 该指标为您提供所有类型的警报,包括推送通知。 购买后请联系我。我将与您分享我的交易技巧,并免费为您提供丰厚的红利指标! 祝您交易愉快,获利丰厚!
Order Block Hunter
Noha Mohamed Fathy Younes Badr
5 (9)
Order block hunter indicator is the best indicator for  hunt the order blocks that area where there has been a large concentration of limit orders waiting to be executed Order blocks are identified on a chart by observing previous price action and looking for areas where the price experienced significant movement or sudden changes in direction .This indicator does that for you by using very complicated codes and helps you to take the best areas To buy and sell because it make marks at the best a
This Multi TimeFrame indicator is based on the "Fractals" classical indicator. 2 Inputs: TimeFrame1; TimeFrame2; You can put any available TimeFrame values (from M1 (Period_M1) to MN1 (Period_MN1)) equal or greater ( >= ) than the Period of the current Time Frame. The last Fractals will shown as color lines (Dots Line) of Support and Resistance for the Price moving.
This is a Multi-Time indicator which allows to display RSI and Stochastic indicators from upper timeframes on a single chart. As an example: a single chart EURUSD M5 and RSI (blue line) and Stochastic (yellow line) from H1. Red Histogram is representing Lower trend and Green Histogram is representing Upper trend.
When you put this Multi TimeFrame Parabolic SAR indicator on the chart it will automatically use Parabolic SAR from next available 3 timeframes. Green arrow will show the beginning of Up trend and Red arrow will show the beginning of Down trend. If AlertsEnabled = true, the indicator will show the Alert (message window) with a text like this: "Price going Down on ", Symbol(), " - ", Period(), " min", " price = ", Bid; If eMailEnabled = true the Indicator will send you an eMail with the same text
The zero line is characterized the Flat trend. V-shaped impulse indicates the entrance to the opposite direction. U-shaped impulse = entry orders in the same direction. If AlertsEnabled = true, the indicator will show the Alert (message window) with a text like this: "Price going Down on ", Symbol(), " - ", Period(), " min", " price = ", Bid; If eMailEnabled = true the indicator will send you an eMail with the same text an Alert message with subject: "Trinity-Impolse" (of course you have to chec
The indicator displays the usual Moving Average with input parameters: maPeriod_1; maMethod_1; maAppPrice_1. Then it calculates and displays MA on MA1 with input parameters: maPeriod_2; maMethod_2. Then it calculates and displays MA on MA2 with input parameters: maPeriod_3; maMethod_3. If AlertsEnabled = true the Indicator will show the Alert (message window) with a text like this: "Price going Down on ", Symbol(), " - ", Period(), " min", " price = ", Bid; If eMailEnabled = true the Indicator w
Multi TimeFrame Indicator "MTF CCI Trigger" based on the Commodity Channel Index from the upper TF (input parameter "TimeFrame") yellow line. Aqua line is representing ATR envelopes from the current TF. Green and Red arrows is triggered by CCI and represented UP and DOWN trends accordingly.
The BBImpulse indicator is based on the standard Moving Average indicator. You have MA input parameters: maPeriod - Moving Average period; maMODE - Moving Average mode (0 = MODE_SMA; 1 = MODE_EMA; 2 = MODE_SMMA; 3 = MODE_LWMA); maPRICE - Applied price (0=PRICE_CLOSE; 1=PRICE_OPEN; 2=PRICE_HIGH; 3=PRICE_LOW; 4=PRICE_MEDIAN; 5=PRICE_TYPICAL; 6=PRICE_WEIGHTED). Green Histogram is representing an UP-trend, Red Histogram is representing a Down-trend.
Multi TimeFrame indicator MTF ADX with Histogram shows ADX indicator data from the TF by your choice. You may choose a TimeFrame equal or greater than current TF. Yellow line is representing a price trend from the upper TF. Green line is representing +DI from the upper TF. Red line is representing -DI from the upper TF. Green histogram is displaying an Up-trend. Red histogram is displaying a Down-trend.
This Indicator creates 2 white lines based on Exponential Moving Averag e of High and Low prices. You can regulate how many bars will be involved in the calculation with input parameter HL_Period. Red and Blue arrows are displaying the moment to go Short and Long trades accordingly.
The most common way to interpreting the price Moving Average is to compare its dynamics to the price action. When the instrument price rises above its Moving Average, a buy signal appears, if the price falls below its moving average, what we have is a sell signal. To avoid a spontaneous entries one may use this update from Moving Average Indicator = Stepper-MA.
Envelopes technical Indicator is formed with two Moving Averages one of which is shifted upward and another one is shifted downward. Envelopes define the upper and the lower margins of the price range. Signal to sell appears when the price reaches the upper margin of the band; signal to buy appears when the price reaches the lower margin. To avoid a spontaneous entries one may use this update from Envelopes Indicator = Envelopes-Stepper.
The interpretation of the Bollinger Bands is based on the fact that the prices tend to remain in between the top and the bottom line of the bands. Abrupt changes in prices tend to happen after the band has contracted due to decrease of volatility; If prices break through the upper band, a continuation of the current trend is to be expected; If the pikes and hollows outside the band are followed by pikes and hollows inside the band, a reverse of trend may occur; The price movement that has starte
Fibonacci sequence is defined by integer sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 34, 55, 89, 144, ... By definition, it starts from 0 and 1, the next number is calculated as a sum of two previous numbers. Instead of the standard moving average, the indicator uses the caluclation of average price in form: Bar0 + Bar1 + Bar2 + Bar3 + Bar5 + Bar8 + Bar13 +... Input parameters:  FiboNumPeriod (15) - Fibonacci period; nAppliedPrice (0) - applied price (PRICE_CLOSE=0; PRICE_OPEN=1; PRICE_HIGH=2; PRICE_LOW=
This indicator present a main Moving Average line with input parameters maPeriod_1, maMethod_1 and maAppPrice_1. The second line will be a calculation of the Moving Average data of a first line with input parameters maPeriod_2, maMethod_2. The third line will be a calculation of the Moving Average data of a second line with input parameters maPeriod_3, maMethod_3. To avoid a spontaneous entries one may use this indicator-stepper.
Average Bar
Leonid Basis
This indicator (as almost all others) is based on classical Moving Averages. It shows the Average Bar under the current bar colored in aqua or over the current bar colored in orange. Input Parameters: ma_Period and ma_Method. The Average Bar maybe helpful to predict where the price will move in the nearest future. Of course, this "near future" depends of the current time frame.
Buy when the market is falling and sell when the market is rising. When the market is moving down you start observing and looking for buy signals. When the market is moving up you start looking for sell signals. This indicator points to the moments to Buy (Blue arrow) and to Sell (Orange arrow). Two input parameters: barsNumber and step for optimization (depending on symbol and Time Frame).
This indicator shows: A green light in case the price goes up; A red light in case the price goes down; A yellow light in case there are a sideways trend. A sideways trend is the horizontal price movement that occurs when the forces of supply and demand are nearly equal. This typically occurs during a period of consolidation before the price continues a prior trend or reverses into a new trend
Sum of Ticks
Leonid Basis
This indicator is created for M1 timeframe. It shows how many ticks has occurred during current minute and ( after the slash) the sum of points Up (aqua color) and Down (orange color). In times of a high trading activity a grow up number of ticks Up and Down will signal of a big move of the price in the near future. In times of a high trading activity a grow up number of sum of points Up and Down will signal of a big move of the price in the near future too.
CCI Envelopes
Leonid Basis
Two yellow lines. This is similar to classical Envelopes but with automatic deviation. The Envelopes indicator is   a tool that attempts to identify the upper and lower bands of a trading range. Aqua line. This is a classical Commodity Channel Index added to the Envelopes on the chart, not in a separate window. The Commodity Channel Index ( CCI ) is a technical   indicator   that measures the difference between the current price and the historical average price.
Leonid Basis
Probability deals with the likelihood of an event happening.   Forex   probability indicates a possibility at a specific time. This is because the forex market is highly volatile, and predicting future events affecting it is impossible. This indicator will show a positive number above the current High or negative number under the current Low as a probability of the trend. Higher time frames usually show a higher probability, even more then 100%.
Envelopes is an excellent indicator when the market is trending. Open Long position when the ClosePrice crossed the upper Aqua band. Close Long position when the Price crossed the upper Yellow band moving down. Open Short position when the ClosePrice crossed the lower Aqua band. Close Short position when the Price crossed the lower Yellow band moving up.
Moving Average Bars is a self-explanatory indicator with one input parameter: nPeriod. When the previous Price Close is above the previous indicator Bar, the probability to go Long is very high.   When the previous Price Close is under the previous indicator Bar, the probability to go Short is very high.
This indicator is based on the same idea as https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/2406 , but instead of Average Bars it uses series or Fibonacci sequence. When the previous Price Close is above the previous indicator Bar, the probability to go Long is very high. When the previous Price Close is under the previous indicator Bar, the probability to go Short is very high.
This indicator is based on two ideas: Correlations between 5 main currency pairs: EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCHF, USDJPY, USDCAD; US Dollar Index = the value of the United States dollar relative to a basket of foreign currencies. The use of the indicator is the same as classical  Commodity Channel Index  (CCI) indicator. CCI is calculated with the following formula:  (Typical Price - Simple Moving Average) / (0.015 x Mean Deviation) (Typical Price - Simple Moving Average) / (0.015 x Mean Deviation)
Tick by Tick
Leonid Basis
A  tick  is a measure of the minimum upward or downward movement in the  price  of a security. A  tick  can also refer to the change in the  price  of a security from one trade to the next trade.  This indicator will show amounts of ticks when the price goes up and down. This indicator is designed for M1 time frame and shows: Sum of points when the price goes up (Green Histogram). Sum of points when the price goes down (Red Histogram). 
This indicator is a combination of 2 classical indicators MA and RVI. The Relative Vigor Index (RVI) is a momentum indicator used in technical analysis that measures the strength of a trend by comparing a security's closing price to its trading range while smoothing the results using a simple moving average   The input parameter  counted_bars  determines how many bars the indicator's lines will be visible. The input parameter MaRviPeriod  is used for MA and RVI calculation.
This indicator is a combination of 2 classical indicators: MA and Force Index. The input parameter  counted_bars  determines on how many bars the indicator lines will be visible. The input parameter  MaForcePeriod  is used for MA and Force calculation. You may go Long if the current price crossed Up the Ribbon (HISTOGRAM)  and you may go Short if the current price crossed Down the Ribbon (HISTOGRAM)
This indicator is a combination of 2 classical indicators: MA and CCI. Two moving averages form Upper and Lower bands. The input parameter  counted_bars  determines on how many bars the indicator's lines will be visible. The input parameter  barsNum  is used for MA and CCI calculation.
This indicator is using 2 classical indicators: Commodity Channel Index from the higher TF (which you may change using input parameter TimeFrame ) and Average True Range from the current TF. The Green ribbon indicates the upper trend and the Red ribbon indicates the down trend. Buy when the Yellow line crosses the Upper bound (Aqua line). Sell when the Yellow line crossover the Lower bound (Aqua line).
Flat Market
Leonid Basis
This is a self-explanatory indicator - do nothing when the current price in the "fence" (flat) mode. Definition of a flat market: A market price that is neither Up nor Down. The input parameter  counted_bars  determines on how many bars the indicator's lines will be visible starting from the current Bar backward. The input parameter  barsNum  is used as a Period for aqua "fence" calculation.
版本 4.12 2020.04.24
A new version, compiled by the latest MetaEditor build.