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FiboPlusWaves MT5


FiboPlusWave Series products

Ready-made trading system based on Elliott waves and Fibonacci retracement levels. It is simple and affordable.

  • Display of the marking of Elliott waves (main or alternative option) on the chart.
  • Construction of horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, a channel.
  • Superposition of Fibonacci levels on waves 1, 3, 5, A
  • Alert system (on-screen, E-Mail, Push notifications).   


  • without delving into the Elliott wave theory, you can immediately open one of the possible options for entering the market with a ready Stop loss (SL possible loss) and Take profit (TP profit) and see its graphical display. (Events & Trading Button.)
  • display of waves of the desired wave level (W, D, H) on any period of the chart, setting font types, font sizes, colors of any wave
  • forecast of market development with reference points, range of entry and exit points
  • position risk assessment (calculation of the profit factor for the first goal)
  • daily, at least, updates of the wave markings on the chart from the website or through the exchange file (in any electronic way)

Utility FiboPlusWaves MT5 (13 tools - EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, XAU/USD (GOLD), EUR/GBP, USD/CAD, USD/CHF, EUR/JPY, USD/JPY,  GBP/JPYOIL WTI, SPX 500 (Standard & Poor's 500)BitCoin)


Button to change the style of the color environment.

“Arrow” buttons. Transfer of the menu to an arbitrary place on the chart.

“X” button. Removing the utility from the current chart.

“Elliott Waves” Button.         

  • “Main/Alternative” - selection of the wave marking display option.
  • “Show All Waves” - to show all current waves.
  • ( [W], (W), W, [D], (D), D, [H], (H), H ) columns setting for each wave:
    • to show/hide current wave
    • font installation
    • font size in points
    • wave color
    • to show/hide the completed wave.
  • “Completed Waves” - to show all completed waves.

“Support & Resistance” button.

  • “Horizontal Line” construction of horizontal levels (fractals and RSI).
  • “Trend Line” trending line building (RSI)
    • “SUP” support.
    • “RES” resistance.
  • “Channel” a channel construction (waves 1-3, 2-4).

“Fibonacci retracement levels” button. 

  • ( [W], (W), W, [D], (D), D, [H], (H), H ) columns a selection of the wave with which the actions will be performed:
    • 1 apply Fibonacci to 1 wave
    • 3 apply Fibonacci to 3 wave
    • 5 apply Fibonacci to 5 wave
    • A apply Fibonacci to A wave
    • Forecast to show the forecast of price movement
    • Details  in more detail

“Events & Trading” Button.

Current trading signals or the message “no entry points”.

Built-in Alert system (on-screen, E-Mail, Push notifications). Settings allow you to set the number and frequency of repetitions.

    • “Bell” button the arrival of a new alert. After the time has passed, it changes to the Buy (Sell) icon. You can manually switch to the Buy (Sell) icon without waiting for the time to expire
    • “Buy”, “Sell” buttons.
    • Button signal profitability or profit factor (1: N.NN). The ratio of one part of the loss to N.NN parts of the possible profit.
    • “Sl, TP” buttons information for opening orders

Pressing any of the buttons “Buy”, “Sell”, the profitability of the signal, “Sl, TP” allows you to show/hide the target price movement.


  • Language (Russian, English, Deutsch, Espanol, Portugues)
  • Update Wave - (true) updates of the wave markings on the chart from the website or (false) – through the exchange file (in any electronic way)
  • Alert on/off - enable/disable alerts;
  • E-Mail on/off - send alerts to E-Mail;
  • Push on/off - send alerts via Push notifications
  • Minute repeat of Alerts - the number of minutes to repeat alerts
  • Number repeat of Alerts - the number of alert repetitions

It is recommended to update the data (successively clicking on the periods M1, M5, M15, M30, H1, H4, D1, W1, MN) before applying the utility to the current chart of the instrument.


- for comfortable work, you need to install the EliotWaveMine  font https://www.FiboPlus.ru/EliotWaveMine.ttf

- in the settings of MetaTrader 5  Ctrl+O (Tools -> Options -> 'Expert Advisers' tab)

v - Allow WebRequest for listed URL: - https://www.fiboplus.ru/

评论 1
Domenico Di Lernia
Domenico Di Lernia 2020.11.23 13:34 

Ottimo strumento semplice ed intuitivo.

Owl Smart Levels MT5
Sergey Ermolov
4.07 (28)
MT4版本  |   FAQ Owl Smart Levels Indicator 是一個完整的交易系統,包含 Bill Williams 的高級分形、構建正確的市場波浪結構的 Valable ZigZag 以及標記準確入場水平的斐波那契水平等流行的市場分析工具 進入市場和地方獲利。 策略的详细说明 指示灯使用说明 顾问-贸易猫头鹰助手助理 私人用户聊天 ->购买后写信给我,我会将您添加到私人聊天中,您可以在那里下载所有奖金 力量在於簡單! Owl Smart Levels 交易系統非常易於使用,因此適合專業人士和剛開始研究市場並為自己選擇交易策略的人。 策略和指標中沒有隱藏的秘密公式和計算方法,所有策略指標都是公開的。 Owl Smart Levels 允許您快速查看進入交易的信號,突出顯示下訂單的水平並向您發送有關已出現信號的通知。 優點很明顯: 清楚地顯示主要和更高時間框架的趨勢方向。 指示儀器信號的出現。 標記開單、止損設置和固定利潤的水平。 沒有多餘的,只有必要的結構! ZigZag 表示全球趨勢的方向,因此也表示貿易方向。 市場反轉點的短線清楚地表明在什麼水平上構建斐波那
Maximum Trend Arrows OT MT5
Mulweli Valdaz Makulana
STRICTLY FOR BOOM INDEX ONLY!!!!! Here I bring the Maximum Trend Arrows OT1.0 MT5 indicator. This indicator is made up of a combination of different trend indicators for entries and exits, for entries an orange arrow will paint on the chart below the current market and a red flag for closing of trades and it produces buy arrows only. When the orange arrow appears, it will appear along with it's sound to notify you. The 1H timeframe is recommended, don't use it anywhere else than on the 1H timefr
PZ Penta O MT5
The Penta-O is a 6-point retracement harmonacci pattern which usually precedes big market movements. Penta-O patterns can expand and repaint quite a bit. To make things easier this indicator implements a twist: it waits for a donchian breakout in the right direction before signaling the trade. The end result is an otherwise repainting indicator with a very reliable trading signal. The donchian breakout period is entered as an input. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | A
SolarTrade Suite 金融机器人:LaunchPad 市场专家 - 专为开启交易而设计! 这是一个使用特殊创新和先进算法来计算其价值的交易机器人,是您在金融市场世界中的助手。 使用我们来自 SolarTrade Suite 系列的指标集来更好地选择启动此机器人的时机。 在描述底部查看我们来自 SolarTrade Suite 系列的其他产品。 您想自信地驾驭投资和金融市场的世界吗? SolarTrade Suite 金融机器人:LaunchPad 市场专家是一款创新软件,旨在帮助您做出明智的投资决策并增加您的利润。 SolarTrade Suite 金融机器人的优势:LaunchPad 市场专家: - 准确计算:我们的机器人使用先进的算法和分析方法来准确预测市场走势。 计算购买和出售资产的最佳时机。 - 用户友好界面:直观的界面将使您能够轻松掌握程序并在安装后立即开始享受其好处。 - 专家支持:我们的专业团队随时准备为您解答任何问题,并为您提供有关使用该程序的建议。 立即试用 SolarTrade Suite 金融机器人:LaunchPad Market
该指标建立当前报价,可以与历史报价进行比较,并在此基础上进行价格走势预测。指示器有一个文本字段,用于快速导航到所需日期。 选项: 符号 - 选择指标将显示的符号; SymbolPeriod - 选择指标从中获取数据的时段; IndicatorColor - 指示器颜色; HorisontalShift - 由指标绘制的报价移动指定的柱数; Inverse - true 反转引号,false - 原始视图; ChartVerticalShiftStep - 图表垂直移动(键盘上的向上/向下箭头); 接下来是文本字段的设置,您可以在其中输入日期,您可以通过按“回车”立即跳转到该日期。 接下来是文本字段的设置,您可以在其中输入日期,您可以通过按“回车”立即跳转到该日期。
趋势捕捉器: 具有警示指标的趋势捕捉器策略是一种多功能的技术分析工具,可帮助交易员识别市场趋势和潜在的进出点。它采用动态趋势捕捉器策略,根据市场条件进行调整,清晰地呈现趋势方向。交易员可以自定义参数,以符合其偏好和风险容忍度。该指标有助于识别趋势,发出潜在的反转信号,充当跟踪止损机制,并提供实时警报,以便及时应对市场。 具有警示指标的趋势捕捉器策略是一种多功能的技术分析工具,可帮助交易员识别市场趋势和潜在的进出点。它采用动态趋势捕捉器策略,根据市场条件进行调整,清晰地呈现趋势方向。交易员可以自定义参数,以符合其偏好和风险容忍度。该指标有助于识别趋势,发出潜在的反转信号,充当跟踪止损机制,并提供实时警报,以便及时应对市场。 特点: 趋势识别:信号牛市趋势和熊市趋势。 趋势反转:当蜡烛颜色从牛市变为熊市,反之亦然时,提醒可能的反转。 实时警报:为新趋势识别生成警报。 建议: 货币和货币对:EURUSD,AUDUSD,XAUUSD... 时间框架:H1。 账户类型:任何ECN,低点差账户。
Trend Lines Supports and Resistances is an indicator that analyses the market structure, identifies Pivot Points, displays active Support/Resistance zones and trend levels. Main Features: Defining and displaying Pivot Points. Analyse Pivot Points to build and display trend lines. Setting up visual display of trend lines. Setting up trend lines broken notifications. Analyse Pivot Points to define and display support and resistance levels. Setting up visual display of support and resistance leve
Bober Real MT5
Arnold Bobrinskii
4.76 (17)
Bober Real MT5 is a fully automatic Forex trading Expert Advisor. This robot was made in 2014 year and did a lot of profitbale trades during this period. So far over 7000% growth on my personal account. There was many updates but 2019 update is the best one. The robot can run on any instrument, but the results are better with EURGBP, GBPUSD, on the M5 timeframe. Robot doesn't show good results in tester or live account if you run incorrect sets. Set files for Live accounts availible only for cu
Isaac Wanasolo
1 (1)
A scalping indicator based on mathematical patterns, which on average gives signals with relatively small SL, and also occasionally helps to catch big moves in the markets (more information in the video) This indicator has three main types of notifications: The first type warns of a possible/upcoming signal on the next bar The second type indicates the presence of a ready signal to enter the market/open a position The third type is for SL and TP levels - you will be notified every time price re
Gyroscopes mt5
Nadiya Mirosh
5 (1)
Gyroscope        professional forex expert   (for EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD, USDCHF, EURGBP, EURJPY, NZDUSD, USDCAD, EURCHF, AUDJPY, CADJPY pairs)   alyzing the market using the Elliot Wave Index. Elliott wave theory is the interpretation of processes in financial markets through a system of visual models (waves) on price charts. The author of the theory, Ralph Elliott, identified eight variants of alternating waves (of which five are in the trend and three are against the trend). The mov
Follow The Line MT5
Oliver Gideon Amofa Appiah
4.52 (29)
This indicator obeys the popular maxim that: "THE TREND IS YOUR FRIEND" It paints a GREEN line for BUY and also paints a RED line for SELL. (you can change the colors). It gives alarms and alerts of all kinds. IT DOES NOT REPAINT and can be used for all currency pairs and timeframes. Yes, as easy and simple as that. Even a newbie can use it to make great and reliable trades. NB: For best results, get my other premium indicators for more powerful and reliable signals. Get them here: https://www.m
Mine Farm
Maryna Kauzova
Mine Farm is one of the most classic and time-tested scalping strategies based on the breakdown of strong price levels. Mine Farm is the author's modification of the system for determining entry and exit points into the market... Mine Farm - is the combination of great potential with reliability and safety. Why Mine Farm?! - each order has a short dynamic Stop Loss - the advisor does not use any risky methods (averaging, martingale, grid, locking, etc.) - the advisor tries to get the most
Flow Bookmap
Thalles Nascimento De Carvalho
Flow Bookmap:可视化市场流动并保护您的交易 ️ 想通过准确的买卖信息主宰市场吗? Flow Bookmap 是一款为希望深入了解市场行为的交易者设计的终极工具。它将订单流数据转化为 MT5 图表上的直观界面,突出显示对快速和安全决策至关重要的区域。 如何运作 Flow Bookmap 解释了市场上买家和卖家之间的互动,突出了关键的不平衡区域(imbalances): 当买方占主导地位时,价格往往会下跌,因为卖方在更有利的条件下调整价格。 当卖方占主导地位时,价格往往会上涨,基于相同的平衡逻辑。 此外,指标直接在图表上绘制信息,随着实时数据的收集创建历史。这意味着,随着计算的完成,指标会构建不平衡区和买卖双方的互动,允许动态且精准地可视化市场条件。大宗价格区间充当图表上的防守区域,帮助保护您的交易。 Flow Bookmap 的独特优势 1️⃣ 清晰直观的图形界面 直接在图表上查看: 突出的买卖双方。 不平衡区域(imbalances)使用特定颜色: 绿色:强烈的买方压力。 红色:强烈的卖方压力。 金色(Gold):关键的不平衡区域。 2️⃣ 利用兴
Blahtech Market Profile MT5
Blahtech Limited
5 (10)
Was: $249  Now: $149   Market Profile defines a number of day types that can help the trader to determine market behaviour. A key feature is the Value Area, representing the range of price action where 70% of trading took place. Understanding the Value Area can give traders valuable insight into market direction and establish the higher odds trade. It is an excellent addition to any system you may be using. Inspired by Jim Dalton’s book “Mind Over Markets”, this indicator is designed to suit the
Crypto to MT5
Rajesh Kumar Nait
Crypto.com 到 MT5 从 Crypto.com websocket 到 Metatrader 5 的实时烛台流 它是 OHCLV(高开低收真实交易量)实时汇率数据  交易者,如果在一分钟图表中,OHLC 数据不正确,那么它可能会在技术图表研究中给出错误的分析,该产品确保它提供实时准确的数据,有助于手动分析 您可以在我的个人资料中查看我的其他加密产品 https://www.mql5.com/en/users/rajeshnait/seller 1. OHLCV 数据 2.支持和创建多个符号 3. 您需要添加 Crypto.com websocket 和 api URL,如工具 > 选项 > 允许来自 URL 选项卡的 Webrequest 并勾选 Allow Webrequest 复选框 - Websocket URL:stream.crypto.com - API URL:api.crypto.com 4. 图表绘制于 GMT+0 时区(Crypto.com 的服务器时间) 5. 不进行 DLL 调用
The indicator detects and displays М. Gartley's Butterfly pattern. The pattern is plotted by the extreme values of the ZigZag indicator (included in the resources, no need to install). After detecting the pattern, the indicator notifies of that by the pop-up window, a mobile notification and an email. The pattern and wave parameters are displayed on the screenshots. The default parameters are used for demonstration purposes only in order to increase the amount of detected patterns. Parameters z
| Fully-automated Smart Money Concept (ICT) inspired trading solution with multi-strategy capabilities | Built by a grid trader >> for grid traders.  This is MT5 version, click  here  for  Blue CARA MT4  (settings and logics are same in both versions)     Real monitoring signal  -->  Cara Gold Intro Blue CARA EA   ('CARA') - short for  C omprehensive  A lgorithmic   R esponsive   A dvisor is a next-gen  multi-currency    multi-timeframe  EA base on the widely known (and perhaps the most popul
Expert. Automatic and manual trading. Ready-made trading system based on Elliott waves and Fibonacci retracement levels . It is simple and affordable. Display of the marking of Elliott waves (main or alternative option) on the chart. Construction of horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, a channel. Superposition of Fibonacci levels on waves 1, 3, 5, A Alert system (on-screen, E-Mail, Push notifications).    visual panel for opening orders in manual trading. visual panel for setting up
LT Rainbow Trend
Thiago Duarte
5 (1)
Do you, like me, like to trade with the trend? Then this indicator will help you! Rainbow Trend is a trend indicator, which uses several Moving Averages on the chart. It measures different trend strenght zones for different periods: very long term, long term, mid term, short term and very short term. Each zone has its color, and it is possible to have sound alert when the prices leaves a zone and enters another. Its configuration is very simple. If you find any bug or have any suggestions, conta
Free automatic Fibonacci is an indicator that automatically plots a Fibonacci retracement based on the number of bars you select on the BarsToScan setting in the indicator. The Fibonacci is automatically updated in real time as new highest and lowest values appears amongst the selected bars. You can select which level values to be displayed in the indicator settings. You can also select the color of the levels thus enabling the trader to be able to attach the indicator several times with differe
Gold instrument scanner is the chart pattern scanner to detect the triangle pattern, falling wedge pattern, rising wedge pattern, channel pattern and so on. Gold instrument scanner uses highly sophisticated pattern detection algorithm. However, we have designed it in the easy to use and intuitive manner. Advanced Price Pattern Scanner will show all the patterns in your chart in the most efficient format for your trading. You do not have to do tedious manual pattern detection any more. Plus you
Time And Sales Delta
Evgeny Shevtsov
5 (2)
The indicator displays the delta and the cumulative delta based on the "Time & Sales" deals list data. In addition to the standard timeframes, the indicator displays data regarding the seconds timeframes (S5, S10, S15, S20, S30) to choose from. Using the rectangle, user can select an arbitrary area in the indicator subwindow to view the ratio of the volumes of deals of buyers and sellers within this area. Indicator features: The indicator works correctly only on those trading symbols for which
This indicator obeys the popular maxim that: "THE TREND IS YOUR FRIEND" It paints a Blue line for BUY and also paints a RED line for SELL. (you can change the colors). It gives alarms and alerts of all kinds. IT DOES NOT REPAINT COLOR and can be used for all currency pairs and timeframes. Yes, as easy and simple as that. Even a newbie can use it to make great and reliable trades. https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/115553
Terra Infinity
Ivan Simonika
Terra Infinity is a flat indicator. This improved version of the CalcFlat indicator has three additional lines that significantly increase its effectiveness. Unlike its predecessor with two static levels, Terra Infinity adds three dynamic lines above the main histogram, which are interpreted as follows: base signal line, minimum signal line, maximum signal line. These lines are formed using the additional parameter Avg, which is the average value of the histogram. Averaging produces a line cl
Quantum Lion MT5   is a very profitable expert advisor for trading US30, BRENT OIL and EURSGD that uses a proprietary indicator "Quantum Lion" bult-in.  Please download and test it against any top ea from the mql5 Marketplace. I think you will find Quantum Lion to be more stable and have less drawdown than most other ea. This powerful Expert Advisor can make regular profit every week with low drawdown while you sleep. No martingale is use, just grid trades!  The starting lot size is 0.01 and it
Atomic Analyst MT5
Issam Kassas
4.32 (19)
首先值得强调的是,该交易指标是非重绘、非延迟的指标,这使其成为手动和机器人交易的理想选择。 用户手册:设置、输入和策略。 Atomic Analyst是一种PA价格行动指标,利用价格的力量和动量来寻找市场上更好的机会。配备了高级过滤器,可帮助去除噪音和假信号,并提高交易潜力。使用多层复杂的指标,Atomic Analyst扫描图表,并将复杂的数学计算转化为任何初学者都能理解并用来做出一致交易决策的简单信号和颜色。 “Atomic Analyst”是专为新手和经验丰富的交易者量身定制的综合交易解决方案。它将高级指标和一流功能融合为一体的交易策略,使其成为所有类型交易者的多功能选择。 日内交易和剥头皮策略:专为快速准确的日内交易和短期交易而设计。 日内和摆动交易策略:可用作追求价格大幅波动的日内和摆动交易者的可靠工具。 多货币和市场:凭借其可靠的精度,在不同的工具和市场上运作。 多个时间框架:可在多个时间框架上使用,性能良好。 稳定性:所有指标均不重绘、不重绘和不滞后,确保可靠的信号。 信号清晰度:提供箭头信号,用于清晰的入场和出场点。 实时警报:通过交易入场、SL和TP警报通知交易者
Gecko EA MT5
Profalgo Limited
5 (1)
NEW PROMO: Only a few copies copies available at 349$ Next price: 449$ Make sure to check out our " Ultimate EA combo package " in our   promo blog ! Gecko runs a simple, yet very effective, proven strategy.  It looks for important recent support and resistance levels and will trade the breakouts.  This is a "real" trading system, which means it will use a SL to protect the account.  It also means it will not use any dangerous techniques like martingale, grid or averaging down. The EA shows its
ShSH: an Automated Trading Tool Discover the future of trading with our ShSH an Automated Trading Tool , meticulously designed to harness the unique characteristics of the daily market's volatility . This cutting-edge system leverages the price breakout method , Analizing on market movements during the low-liquidity hours to deliver consistent and reliable results. Core Features: 1. Intraday Market Volatility Mastery: The robot is fine-tuned to detect subtle price patterns and movements unique
Vyacheslav Izvarin
5 (2)
ADAM EA Special Version for FTMO Please use ShowInfo= false for backtesting ! Our 1st EA created using ChatGPT technology Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS  Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Tested on EURUSD and GBPUSD only  Use 15MIN Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading  before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3  Friday For Prop Firms MUST use special Protector  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94362 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FTMO Sniper 7
Vyacheslav Izvarin
Dedicated for FTMO and other Prop Firms Challenges 2020-2024 Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS  Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Best results on GOLD and US100  Use any Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading  before  US HIGH NEWS, reopen 2 minutes after Close all deals and Auto-trading  before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3  Friday Recommended time to trade 09:00-21:00 GMT+3 For Prop Firms MUST use special  Protector  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94362 --------------------
EAsiTrader: Advanced Strategy Creation & Automation for MetaTrader 5 EAsiTrader is designed for those who want to eliminate the hassle of programming and drastically accelerate the process of creating Expert Advisors, making strategy development faster and more efficient. EAsiTrader is a versatile trading tool designed specifically for MetaTrader 5, providing automation features and a comprehensive set of tools to help users build, test, and refine and run trading strategies. EAsiTrader adapts
Leandro Sanchez Marino
我自动其商业策略的使用二进制 MT5 和我们 Mt5BridgeBinary 我发送的命令其二进制账户和我名单: 开始使用这种方式容易! 专家顾问也容易形成、优化和实现抗寒试验; 还在测试中我们可以预测其长期盈利能力,所以我们创造了 Mt5BridgeBinary 连接其最佳战略二进制文件。 特点: 它可以使用很多战略如我所愿。 (专家顾问)。 他不需要额外的程序。 随函附上我方- EA 没有导入的时限。 它可以想象所有的公开行动。 他只需要执行我们 EA 只在一个图形采取所有的订单。 -它不需要复杂的配置,以使我们的就业工作。 输入参数: 电子邮件: 有关其电子邮件帐户的二进制文件。 -标记: 代码访问它生成的二进制来操作。 -数量操作: 该合同价值。 位置警报: 会启用/禁用警报作业时开放。 -小组菲尔斯滕: 它显示所有打开的行动。 注: -期限的合同: 请参阅《资产指数来了解这笔总额中,最小和最大期限的合同。 - Volatile 性质指标不能在德国、法国、西班牙、新加坡、澳大利亚、意大利和卢森堡。
Xrade EA
Yao Maxime Kayi
Xrade EA is an expert advisor as technical indicator. For short period trade it's the best for next previsions of the trend of the market. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Very Important Our robot(data anylizer) does'nt take a trade procedure. If using only our robot you must take positions by yoursels +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The technical indiator provide for a given sma
Technical confluence zones is a very popular tool for traders. This EA detects such zones by studying chart patterns, naked price levels, fib levels, SMA/EMA over multiple timeframes and more. The source data is loaded from Mytradingpet.com. To find out what are factored in when determining such zones, visit https://mytradingpet.com - a free service for all traders. The zones are color coded. Purple indicates the highest level of confluence.
PROMOTION!! $499 until 1 Mar. After that, EA will be $1,050 Developed and tested for over 3 years, this is one of the safest EAs on the planet for trading the New York Open. Trading could never be easier.  Trade On NASDAQ US30 (Dow Jones Industrial Average) S&P 500  What Does The EA do? The EA will open a Buy Stop Order and a Sell Stop Order(With SL and TP) on either side of the market just a few seconds before the NY Open.  As soon as 1 of the 2 trades is triggered, the EA automatically delete
Saving data from the order book. Data replay utility: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/71640 Library for use in the strategy tester: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/81409 Perhaps, then a library will appear for using the saved data in the strategy tester, depending on the interest in this development. Now there are developments of this kind using shared memory, when only one copy of the data is in RAM. This not only solves the memory issue, but gives faster initialization on each
这个自定义终极狙击手仪表盘是原始终极狙击手仪表盘指标的一个EA升级。它与多达98种不同的算法一起工作,以确保它能捕捉到你工作的资产类别上的趋势的真实性质。 它是对我们几个月来从大多数客户那里得到的很多建议和意见的直接回应。   这个自定义版本是完全可定制的。 由98个独立的自定义算法提供。 非常漂亮的视觉界面,因此你可以轻松和自信地跟踪任何货币对或时间框架的整体市场趋势 可以向telegram发送实时警报 允许你根据你所交易的货币对创建自己的指数 可以向你的手机实时发送警报,所以你不必在电脑前就知道有一个动作正在酝酿。 让你从输入设置中设置8个指数 让你设置你想获得警报的指数和时间框架 当检测到没有互联网连接时,会显示警报   自定义终极狙击手仪表盘已经进行了大量的优化,在动作开始后立即显示。这样,你就不会错过你感兴趣的货币对的任何变动。它的速度非常快,可以在移动发生时迅速捕捉到,并实时向你发送警报,这样你就可以利用移动的优势,而不必整天坐在办公桌前。 它是任何交易策略的一个超级补充,你可以将这个工具与任何其他交易策略和指标一起使用。它主要是为了与我们的其他指标配合使用。 它是完全可定
一款实时显示点差的工具.非常好用. 是日常看价格的好帮手. 一款实时显示点差的工具.非常好用. 是日常看价格的好帮手. 一款实时显示点差的工具.非常好用. 是日常看价格的好帮手.   一款实时显示点差的工具.非常好用. 是日常看价格的好帮手. 一款实时显示点差的工具.非常好用. 是日常看价格的好帮手. 一款实时显示点差的工具.非常好用. 是日常看价格的好帮手. 一款实时显示点差的工具.非常好用. 是日常看价格的好帮手. 一款实时显示点差的工具.非常好用. 是日常看价格的好帮手. 一款实时显示点差的工具.非常好用. 是日常看价格的好帮手. 一款实时显示点差的工具.非常好用. 是日常看价格的好帮手. 一款实时显示点差的工具.非常好用. 是日常看价格的好帮手.
Key levels are psychological price levels on the forex chart where many traders base their technical analyses on. These traders are likely to place their bullish or bearish entries, and exit points around these levels. And as a result, key levels tend to be crowded with a high trading volume. Key levels also attract so much trading volume because that is where institutional traders make their trades as well. And thanks to their big-money moves, key levels are often resilient and lasting. How t
Introducing TEAB Builder - The Ultimate MT5 Expert Advisor for Profoundly Profitable and Customizable Trading!     Are you ready to take your trading to the next level? Meet TEAB Builder, an advanced MT5 Expert Advisor designed to provide unparalleled flexibility, high-profit potential, and an array of powerful features to enhance your trading experience. With TEAB Builder, you can effortlessly trade with any indicator signal, allowing you to capitalize on a wide range of trading strategies.  
The Wall Street Player (Master version). This EA tailored as a Discipline, Money and Risk Management tool is a powerful Trade Station utility designed for Forex, Cryptos, Commodities, Shares, Deriv synthetic pairs and any CFDs Market. It is designed to fit your strategy as a winner, and take your Edge of the market to the NEXT-LEVEL. The only thing to do is to get It on your chart and appreciate the possibilities and chart management abilities it has to offer for realizing that discipline and a
The Wall Street Player (Ultimatum version). This EA tailored as a Discipline, Money and Risk Management tool is a powerful Trade Station utility designed for Forex, Cryptos, Commodities, Shares, Deriv synthetic pairs and any CFDs Market. It is designed to fit your strategy as a winner, and take your Edge of the market to the NEXT-LEVEL. The only thing to do is to get It on your chart and appreciate the possibilities and chart management abilities it has to offer for realizing that discipline and
Sabira Reactive
Gounteni Dambe Tchimbiandja
Introducing the Lets Easy Order Panel: Easy Forex and CFD Trading Experience a game-changing approach to Forex and CFD trading with the Lets Easy Order Panel. This innovative tool streamlines your trading process, allowing you to focus on what truly matters. Key Features: All-in-one order functionality Intuitive and user-friendly interface Swift order execution Enhanced focus on trading strategies With the Lets Easy Order Panel, you can: Execute all necessary trades from a single, convenient pan
GT Trade Manager
Alexander Martin Koenig
This Utility is designed for price action strategies, trading flags and retests, such as Guerrilla Trading and similar strategies It allows to: place pending orders for retests (on the Retest line or x PIPs away from the retest line) place orders for flag formations calculate lotsizes based on account size, currency pair and risk percentage split trades and place multiple trades if lot size exceeds max lot size given by broker manage trades with a trailing SL/TP behind the most recent highs/lows
Unicorn Ultimate EA
Harifidy Razafindranaivo
BRIEF INTRODUCTION : This new product is a complete application developed to automate trader trading tasks with a winning trading strategy modern. This new brand product provides two types of functionality such as a manual and a fully automatic trading. Unicorn is adapted with multicurrency. This application utilizes Moving Average indicator as market price trend directional and Stochastic indicator as price Oscillator. Unicorn possesses an automatical Breakeven BE Checker and an automate CRASH
Kwuemeka Kingsle Anyanwu
Centage: Your Smart Trading Bot for Risk Management. Centage is a cutting-edge trading bot designed to automate your trading strategy with precision and efficiency. Unlike typical trading bots, Centage prioritizes risk management by incorporating an essential feature: it closes all open trades when your account balance reaches a predefined threshold. This helps lock in profits and prevents overexposure to the market, giving you greater control over your financial goals.  With Centage, you can tr
Crash and Boom Panel
Harifidy Razafindranaivo
INTRODUCTION : This new brand product is an application capable of catching spikes automatically in real time of trade session. The report of the test shows how this panel brings a great profitable advantage in action. This robot functions autonomousely with a minimum risk. This trading Panel permits users to proceed a Copy trading. IMPORTANT : It is recommended to use Virtual Hosting Server VPS to optimize the trading Panel methods implemented and to operate 24h a day. REQUIREMENTS : Relev
BOLA 8 Trend and Rebounds
Danny Alexander Rozo Fuquen
"BOLA 8 #1 Only Present" EXPERT ADVISOR Key Features and Benefits: This EA is designed to draw hidden lines and levels to help find price-candle bounce points for scalping or catch big trends. The colors and sequences of the signals are key to anticipating favorable market movements, both in forex, binary options and synthetic indices. Some combinations are closing movements or trend changes. Have you ever wondered why the price rises to a point and bounces? but there is no apparent logic? Do
1. BOLA 8 Trend and Rebounds - #8ball EA #expertadvisort  TYPE ONE for the PRESENT CANDLES and 2. BOLA 8 Trend and Rebounds - #8ball EA #expertadvisort   TYPE TWO for the PAST CANDLES    The 2 EA’s are sold separately in MQL5.com MARKET, please watch the video in MQL5.com MARKET   - Too many lines? load your clean template and load the EA's again,    choose another number like 222 or 111, last 2 hours = 120 candles in M1 TIMEFRAME. - Only with one click this EA draws all the lines and signals to
Algorithmic Trading Panel
Harifidy Razafindranaivo
A - Genesis: Redefining Trading Efficiency and Precision Genesis is a cutting-edge trading panel crafted to empower traders with unmatched precision and versatility. Featuring two graphical modes : the Main Window Graph offers a comprehensive view of the market's dynamics,  while the Sub Window Graph provides a focused analysis of specific indicators and patterns. This dual-mode visualization enables traders to switch seamlessly between a macro and micro perspective of the market, ensuring they
BRIEF INTRODUCTION   : This Panel is made for Volatility 50 (1s) Index Synthetic indices instrument. It offers an ultimate and complete  auto trading with an optional money management Controls. This application is an automated panel who works on strategy tester. It is equiped with an automatic indicator attached on the bottom of the Panel. There are another functionalities like   Martingale strategy   when the price reaches the   threshold level,   it triggers automatically when the control is
CRT Alert
Austin John Ifeanyi Ogbormeh
使用实时 CRT 警报让交易更智能! CRT Alert EA 专为使用 K线范围理论 (CRT) 识别交易机会的交易者而设计。这个强大的工具 监测多个时间框架的价格走势 ,并在 第三根K线形成时通知您 ,帮助您自信地执行交易。 主要功能: 实时警报 – 当有效的 CRT 形态出现时,立即收到通知。 多时间框架监测 – 适用于 1分钟到月线 的所有周期。 可自定义设置 – 选择您要监测的时间框架。 MT5 推送通知 – 支持桌面和移动端提醒。 即将推出更多新功能! 使用方法: 1️⃣ EA 监测连续三根K线 ,基于 K线范围理论。 2️⃣ 如果检测到有效的形态 ,将在 第三根K线 时触发警报。 3️⃣ 交易者会在电脑和手机上收到通知, 以便手动分析市场并决定入场。 无自动交易 – 交易决策由您掌控! 该 EA 适用于希望 手动执行交易 的交易者。 如需更多信息,请在 Telegram 联系我: @osteeenx 即将推出自动交易功能! 它将基于 低时间框架的订单流,在 CRT 形成后进行交易。 了解更多关于 Ca
Trade Assistant MT5
Evgeniy Kravchenko
4.4 (169)
它有助于计算每笔交易的风险,容易安装新的订单,具有部分关闭功能的订单管理, 7 种类型的追踪止损和其他有用的功能。   附加材料和说明 安装说明   -   应用程序说明   -   模拟账户应用程序的试用版 线条功能  - 在图表上显示开仓线、止损线、止盈线。 有了这个功能,就可以很容易地设置一个新的订单,并在开仓前看到它的附加特性。   风险管理  - 风险计算功能在考虑到设定的风险和止损单的大小的情况下,计算新订单的成交量。它允许你设置任何大小的止损,同时观察设定的风险。 批量计算按钮 - 启用 / 禁用风险计算。 在 " 风险 " 一栏中设置必要的风险值,从 0 到 100 的百分比或存款的货币。 在 " 设置 " 选项卡上选择风险计算的变量: $ 货币, % 余额, % 资产, % 自由保证金, % 自定义, %AB 前一天, %AB 前一周, %AB 前一个月。   R/TP 和 R/SL - 设置止盈和止损的关系。 这允许你设置相对于损失的利润大小。 例如, 1 : 1 - 这决定了 TP = SL 的大小。 2 : 1 - 这意味着 TP 是 SL 的两倍。 RR -
欢迎来到 Trade Manager EA——这是一个终极风险管理工具,旨在使交易变得更直观、精准和高效。它不仅仅是一个下单工具,而是一个用于无缝交易计划、仓位管理和风险控制的全面解决方案。不论您是新手交易员、资深交易员,还是需要快速执行的剥头皮交易员,Trade Manager EA 都可以满足您的需求,适用于外汇、指数、大宗商品、加密货币等各种市场。 借助 Trade Manager EA,复杂的计算已成过去。只需分析市场,在图表上用水平线标记入场、止损和止盈,设置您的风险水平,Trade Manager 就会立即计算出理想的头寸规模,并实时显示以点、账户货币计价的止损和止盈。每笔交易都得以轻松管理。 主要功能: 头寸规模计算器 :根据定义的风险瞬间确定交易规模。 简单的交易计划 :在图表上用可拖动的水平线直接计划交易,设置入场、止损和止盈。 实时显示 SL 和 TP :以账户货币、点或分显示止损和止盈,便于分析。 高级保护工具 盈亏平衡选项 : 基本盈亏平衡 :当您的交易达到设定水平时自动保护利润。 多级盈亏平衡 :设置多达 4 个级别以逐步保护利润。 尾随止损选项 : 基本尾随
TradePanel MT5
Alfiya Fazylova
4.84 (121)
交易面板是一个多功能的交易助手。该应用程序包含超过 50 个用于手动交易的交易功能,并允许您自动化大多数交易操作。 注意,该应用程序在策略测试器中不起作用。购买之前,您可以在模拟帐户上测试演示版本。演示版 这里 。 完整说明 这里 。 贸易。 让您一键执行交易操作: 通过自动风险计算打开挂单和仓位。 一键打开多个订单和仓位。 打开订单网格。 按组关闭挂单和持仓。 头寸反转(关闭买入并打开卖出或关闭卖出并打开买入)。 锁定头寸(开立额外头寸,以平衡买入和卖出头寸的交易量)。 一键部分平仓所有仓位。 为同一价格水平的所有头寸设置止盈和止损。 将所有头寸的止损设置为该头寸的盈亏平衡水平。 开单建仓时,您可以应用以下功能: 计算交易量的多个订单或仓位之间的分布(一键开仓多个订单或仓位时)。 图表上未来订单交易水平的可视化。 设置开仓时允许的最大点差大小。 止盈和止损之间的自动比率。 虚拟止损和止盈。 根据当前点差的大小自动增加止损和止盈的大小。 根据 ATR 指标的读数计算止盈和止损。 设置挂单的到期日期。 挂单设置为“追踪”(挂单自动跟随当前价格移动指定距离)。 管理通过移动终端(手机)开立
Sergey Malysh
3.29 (7)
Expert.   Automatic and manual trading. Ready-made trading system based on   Elliott waves   and Fibonacci retracement levels . It is simple and affordable. Display of the marking of Elliott waves (main or alternative option) on the chart. Construction of horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, a channel. Superposition of Fibonacci levels on waves 1, 3, 5, A Alert system (on-screen, E-Mail, Push notifications).    visual panel for opening orders in manual trading. visual panel for sett
FiboPlus MT5
Sergey Malysh
自动生成并跟踪斐波那契线,适用于图表内任何时期买入或卖出任意工具(代码)。 FiboPlus指标 显示: 价格上升或下降 预期 趋势斐波那契水平; 进场点见“上箭头”、“下箭头”符号,信息在 SELL, BUY 按钮内重复显示; 以0至100为界的矩形区域。一水平至另一水平交易(无趋势). 特点 价格走势预测、进场点、下单用 stop loss 和 take profit. 现成的交易系统. 可使用管理按钮选择斐波那契选项. 隐藏买入或卖出选项. 查看图表其它时期. «+» «-» 按键放大、缩小图表,并自动重新计算各水平. 任意斐波那契水平. 任意颜色方案. 可在图表上移动按键以方便使用. 参数 Language (Russian, English, Deutsch, Espanol, Portugues) 添加斐波那契水平: Best - 沿一色蜡烛线至第一个互补色蜡烛线; Standard - 标准构图; debt of flow - 市场大变动时做市商的流动负债. 配色方案(预设颜色) : White background - 白色背景. Black background
Sergey Malysh
5 (1)
FiboPlusWave Series products Ready-made trading system based on Elliott waves and Fibonacci retracement levels . It is simple and affordable. Display of the marking of Elliott waves (main or alternative option) on the chart. Construction of horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, a channel. Superposition of Fibonacci levels on waves 1, 3, 5, A Alert system (on-screen, E-Mail, Push notifications).    Features: without delving into the Elliott wave theory, you can immediately open one of
A ready-made multitimeframe trading system based on automatic plotting and tracking of Fibonacci levels for buying and selling any symbol. Demo version - calculation of the last 390 bars is not performed. Advantages Determines the trend direction based on a complex of 14 indicators ( Cx ), extremums of ZigZag ( Z ), RSI ( R ), Impulse ( I ) Displaying the values of 14 indicators comprising the trend direction ( Cx ) Plotting horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, channels View the plo
Sergey Malysh
The FiboPlusSignal Expert Advisor. Automatic and manual trading on any instrument (symbol) and on any chart period. The operation algorithm is based on: Fibonacci retracement (5 different methods); calculation of trend direction using 14 indicators; support and resistance lines; horizontal support/resistance levels. Additional features: locking of orders (instead of setting stop loss); trailing stop based on Fibonacci retracement; alert system; visual panel for opening orders in manual trading –
A ready-made trading system based on automatic plotting and tracking of Fibonacci levels for buying and selling any symbol on any timeframe. Demo version - calculation of the last 290 bars is not performed. Advantages Determines the trend direction (14 indicators) Displays the trend strength and the values of indicators comprising the trend direction Plotting horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, channels Selection of the Fibonacci levels calculation type (6 different methods) Alert
A ready-made multitimeframe trading system based on automatic plotting and tracking of Fibonacci levels for buying and selling any symbol. Demo version - calculation of the last 390 bars is not performed. Advantages Determines the trend direction based on a complex of 14 indicators ( Cx ), extremums of ZigZag ( Z ), RSI ( R ), Impulse ( I ) Displaying the values of 14 indicators comprising the trend direction ( Cx ) Plotting horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, channels View the plo
Sergey Malysh
4.29 (7)
自动生成并跟踪斐波那契线,适用于图表内任何时期买入或卖出任意工具(代码)。 FiboPlus指标 显示: 价格上升或下降 预期 趋势斐波那契水平; 进场点见“上箭头”、“下箭头”符号,信息在 SELL, BUY 按钮内重复显示; 以0至100为界的矩形区域。一水平至另一水平交易(无趋势). 特点 价格走势预测、进场点、下单用 stop loss 和 take profit. 现成的交易系统. 可使用管理按钮选择斐波那契选项. 隐藏买入或卖出选项. 查看图表其它时期. «+» «-» 按键放大、缩小图表,并自动重新计算各水平. 任意斐波那契水平. 任意颜色方案. 可在图表上移动按键以方便使用. 参数 Language (Russian, English, Deutsch, Espanol, Portugues) 添加斐波那契水平: Best - 沿一色蜡烛线至第一个互补色蜡烛线; Standard - 标准构图; debt of flow - 市场大变动时做市商的流动负债. 配色方案(预设颜色) : White background - 白色背景. Black background
Sergey Malysh
4.5 (2)
A ready-made trading system based on automatic construction and maintenance of Fibonacci levels for buying and selling on any instrument (symbol) and on any period of the chart. Determination of trend direction (14 indicators). The display of the trend strength and the values of the indicators that make up the direction of the trend. Construction of horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, channels. Choosing a variant for calculating Fibonacci levels (six different methods). Alert system
Sergey Malysh
5 (1)
A ready-made multitimeframe trading system based on automatic plotting and tracking of Fibonacci levels for buying and selling any symbol. Advantages Determines the trend direction based on a complex of 14 indicators ( Cx ), extremums of ZigZag ( Z ), RSI ( R ), Impulse ( I ) Displaying the values of 14 indicators comprising the trend direction ( Cx ) Plotting horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, channels View the plotting option of Fibonacci levels on any timeframe, with the abilit
Fibo + Elliott + CME The Expert Adviso r is designed as an assistant for manual trading. Ready-made trading system based on  Elliott waves   and Fibonacci retracement levels . It is simple and affordable. Display of the marking of Elliott waves (main or alternative option) on the chart. Construction of horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, a channel. Superposition of Fibonacci levels on waves 1, 3, 5, A Display data from CME (CME - Chicago Mercantile Exchange Chicago Mercantile Excha
自动生成并跟踪斐波那契线,适用于图表内任何时期买入或卖出任意工具(代码)。 FiboPlus Trend 指标 显示: 在所有的時間框架和指標值的趨勢。 价格上升或下降 预期 趋势斐波那契水平; 进场点见“上箭头”、“下箭头”符号,信息在 SELL, BUY 按钮内重复显示; 以0至100为界的矩形区域。一水平至另一水平交易(无趋势). 特点 指標趨勢的計算 (RSI, Stochastic, MACD, ADX, BearsPower, BullsPower, WPR, AO, MA - 5, 10 , 20, 50, 100, 200). 价格走势预测、进场点、下单用 stop loss 和 take profit. 现成的交易系统. 可使用管理按钮选择斐波那契选项. 隐藏买入或卖出选项. 查看图表其它时期. «+» «-» 按键放大、缩小图表,并自动重新计算各水平. 任意斐波那契水平. 任意颜色方案. 可在图表上移动按键以方便使用. 参数 Language (Russian, English, Deutsch, Espanol, Portugues) 添加斐波那契水平: Bes
A ready-made trading system based on automatic plotting and tracking of Fibonacci levels for buying and selling any symbol on any timeframe. Advantages Determines the trend direction (14 indicators) Displays the trend strength and the values of indicators comprising the trend direction Plotting horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, channels Selection of the Fibonacci levels calculation type (6 different methods) Alert system On-screen Email Push notifications Buttons Changing the co
A ready-made multitimeframe trading system based on automatic plotting and tracking of Fibonacci levels for buying and selling any symbol. Advantages Determines the trend direction based on a complex of 14 indicators ( Cx ), extremums of ZigZag ( Z ), RSI ( R ), Impulse ( I ) Displaying the values of 14 indicators comprising the trend direction ( Cx ) Plotting horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, channels View the plotting option of Fibonacci levels on any timeframe, with the abilit
Expert. Automatic and manual trading. Ready-made trading system based on Elliott waves and Fibonacci retracement levels . It is simple and affordable. Display of the marking of Elliott waves (main or alternative option) on the chart. Construction of horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, a channel. Superposition of Fibonacci levels on waves 1, 3, 5, A Alert system (on-screen, E-Mail, Push notifications).    visual panel for opening orders in manual trading. visual panel for setting up
Fibo + Elliott + CME The Expert Adviso r is designed as an assistant for manual trading. Ready-made trading system based on  Elliott waves   and Fibonacci retracement levels . It is simple and affordable. Display of the marking of Elliott waves (main or alternative option) on the chart. Construction of horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, a channel. Superposition of Fibonacci levels on waves 1, 3, 5, A Display data from CME (CME - Chicago Mercantile Exchange Chicago Mercantile Excha
Domenico Di Lernia
Domenico Di Lernia 2020.11.23 13:34 

Ottimo strumento semplice ed intuitivo.

Sergey Malysh
来自开发人员的回复 Sergey Malysh 2020.11.23 15:25
Grazie per l'ottima recensione.
版本 3.2 2022.08.14
update 3.2
版本 3.1 2022.07.24
update 3.1
版本 2.7 2022.01.08
update 2.7
版本 2.6 2021.10.20
markup update - dotted lines to the next point.
版本 2.5 2021.02.28
Any Windows font for the control panel
版本 2.4 2021.02.14
Update 2.4
版本 2.2 2021.01.21
update 2/2
版本 2.0 2020.10.26
update protocol https
版本 1.9 2020.08.21
update 1.9
版本 1.8 2020.08.08
update 1.8