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BPS Panel

Breakout Pro Scalper Solution Panel

This indicator is part of the RPTrade Pro Solutions systems.

BPS Panel is a daily trend indicator using Price Action, Dynamic Support and Resistances.
  • It's designed to be used by anyone, even the absolute beginner in trading can use it.
  • NEVER repaints.
  • Indications are given from close to close.
  • Designed to be used alone, no other indicators are required.
  • Gives you the trend and potential Take Profit at the beginning of the day.

How does it work

  • BPS Panel is using a breakout strategy combined with price action and dynamic Support and Resistances.
  • The night trend and volatility are analyzed to be used during the next day.
  • From this analysis are determined the breakout limits (blue and dark orange lines) and also the Take Profit 
  • The "success" of the strategy and settings can be checked instantly thanks to the History data.
  • The historical part allows to see immediately if there are any "holes" in the strategy and eventually select another TimeFrame or Symbol that would fit better.
  • In real time from candle close to candle close the trend indicator waits for the signal conditions to be valid and then shows it by an arrow (green for buy and orange for sell).
  • The red dash dot lines shows where to place the Take Profit and eventual Stop Loss. 
  • Trades are indicated one by one, there are never two trades at the same time.
  • Most of the trades (80%) are finished during the day. 

BPS Panel indicates:

  • For All selected symbols on the cart:
    • Where to open your trades.
    • Take Profit and Stop Loss.
    • The potential quantity of pips that can be caught.

BPS Panel works

  • With any instrument like FX pairs, indexes, metals, futures or any other if the quotations are supplied overnight.
  • From M15 to H1. 
  • With any broker.

BPS Panel Features

  • Reliable Buy / Sell signals.
  • Very simple inputs.
  • On Screen Alert + Push notifications + Email Notifications
  • All notifications are very detailed and give also Take Profit, it allows to trade from a mobile device.
  • The buid-in indicator is displayed on a linked chart by clicking on a symbol.

How to use BPS Panel

  • Just put it on your chart(s).
  • Simply follow the arrows and Take Profit / Stop Loss indications.


  • ShowForex: [Bool] True will show, fasle will hide Forex symbols
  • ForexColor: [Color] Selects the color of Forex symbols
  • Fx Meat Start: [Integer] Enter here the time for the beginning of the night trend. Default value is 1 o'clock; it fits for most Fx pairs that are quoted from 0 to 23:59.
  • FX Meat End: [Integer] Enter here the time for the Ending of the night trend and beginning of the trade session. Default value fits most instruments.
  • ShowCFD: [Bool] True will show, fasle will hide CFD symbols
  • CFDColor: [Color] Selects the color of CFD symbols
  • CFD Meat Start: [Integer] Enter here the time for the beginning of the night trend. Default value is 1 o'clock.
  • CFD Meat End: [Integer] Enter here the time for the Ending of the night trend and beginning of the trade session. Default value fits most instruments.
  • CFD Session End: [Integer] Will not show trades after this time.
  • Same for Futures and Indexes.
  • Show Only Tradables: [Bool] True will only show symbols that allowed to be trades, false will show all the symbols
  • Lotsize [Double] Used for profit calculations
  • Divider: [Double] Divides the distance in between Trend Start and Trend End to calculate Take Profit and SL. Default is 3, means that TP and SL will be 1/3 of the night volatility distance.
  • Allow Trade returns [Bool] : True will allow trade to be returned if price is going the opposite way, False will keep the initial direction
  • Trading Mode: [Integer] Accurate = 0; Wild = 1; Super Accurate =2, Daily Strict =3
  • Show Profit Chart: [Bool] true = show the profit chart, false = don't show.


  • Be patient, MT4 must make calculations on several pairs at the same time, it's compliated.
    For Testing only AUDNZD, AUDUSD, CHFJPY, EURCHF, EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCAD and USDJPY are available in order to speed up the test.
    If you wish a complete symbols test like in the video please contact me.

Owl smart levels
Sergey Ermolov
4.28 (36)
MT5版本  |  FAQ Owl Smart Levels Indicator   是一個完整的交易系統,包含   Bill Williams   的高級分形、構建正確的市場波浪結構的 Valable ZigZag 以及標記準確入場水平的斐波那契水平等流行的市場分析工具 進入市場和地方獲利。 策略的详细说明 指示灯使用说明 顾问-贸易猫头鹰助手助理 私人用户聊天 ->购买后写信给我,我会将您添加到私人聊天中,您可以在那里下载所有奖金 力量在於簡單! Owl Smart Levels   交易系統非常易於使用,因此適合專業人士和剛開始研究市場並為自己選擇交易策略的人。 策略和指標中沒有隱藏的秘密公式和計算方法,所有策略指標都是公開的。 Owl Smart Levels 允許您快速查看進入交易的信號,突出顯示下訂單的水平並向您發送有關已出現信號的通知。 優點很明顯: 清楚地顯示主要和更高時間框架的趨勢方向。 指示儀器信號的出現。 標記開單、止損設置和固定利潤的水平。 沒有多餘的,只有必要的結構! ZigZag   表示全球趨勢的方向,因此也表示貿易方向。 市場反轉點的短線清楚地表明在什
Auto Fibo Pro m
“Auto FIBO Pro” Crypto_Forex 指标 - 是交易中的绝佳辅助工具! - 指标自动计算并放置在图表斐波那契水平和局部趋势线(红色)上。 - 斐波那契水平指示价格可能反转的关键区域。 - 最重要的水平是 23.6%、38.2%、50% 和 61.8%。 - 您可以将其用于反转剥头皮或区域网格交易。 - 还有很多机会可以使用 Auto FIBO Pro 指标来改进您当前的系统。 - 它具有信息价差掉期显示 - 它显示所连接的外汇对的当前价差和掉期。 - 显示屏还显示账户余额、净值和保证金。 - 可以将信息价差掉期显示定位在图表的任何角落: 0 - 左上角,1 - 右上角,2 - 左下角,3 - 右下角。 // 出色的交易机器人和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
Trendiness Index
Libertas LLC
5 (3)
"The trend is your friend" is one of the best known sayings in investing, because capturing large trendy price movements can be extremely profitable. However, trading with the trend is often easier said than done, because many indicators are based on price reversals not trends. These aren't very effective at identifying trendy periods, or predicting whether trends will continue. We developed the Trendiness Index to help address this problem by indicating the strength and direction of price trend
The Th3Eng PipFinite indicator is based on a very excellent analysis of the right trend direction with perfect custom algorithms. It show the true direction and the best point to start trading. With StopLoss point and Three Take Profit points. Also it show the right pivot of the price and small points to order to replace the dynamic support and resistance channel, Which surrounds the price. And Finally it draws a very helpful Box on the left side on the chart includes (take profits and Stop loss
This is an arrow indicator without a future function,developed based on the most advanced profit trading algorithms.It has the most innovative and advanced dual trend analysis module, as well as the latest and highly effective market trend prediction algorithm.Trends are your friends, and following larger trends can earn the maximum profit in foreign exchange. This indicator helps traders identify current trends and track them. Someone once made a profit of 10 times in a week by relying on it.No
El indicador "MR BEAST ALERTAS DE LIQUIDEZ" es una herramienta avanzada diseñada para proporcionar señales y alertas sobre la liquidez del mercado basándose en una serie de indicadores técnicos y análisis de tendencias. Ideal para traders que buscan oportunidades de trading en función de la dinámica de precios y los niveles de volatilidad, este indicador ofrece una visualización clara y detallada en la ventana del gráfico de MetaTrader. Características Principales: Canal ATR Adaptativo: Calcula
Trade with Gann on your side!! MASTER CIRCLE 360 CIRCLE CHART, originally created by Gann admitted that this is “The Mother of all charts”. It is one of the last studies that this great trader left for us. The numeric tab le is apparently quite simple like all the tables and is based on square numbers, the SQUARE OF 12 and is by evolution, one of the most important square numbers. Here we can find CYCLE, PRICE AND TIME thanks to angles and grades, to show past and future support and resistance.
Atomic Analyst
Issam Kassas
5 (2)
首先值得强调的是,该交易指标是非重绘、非延迟的指标,这使其成为手动和机器人交易的理想选择。 用户手册:设置、输入和策略。 Atomic Analyst是一种PA价格行动指标,利用价格的力量和动量来寻找市场上更好的机会。配备了高级过滤器,可帮助去除噪音和假信号,并提高交易潜力。使用多层复杂的指标,Atomic Analyst扫描图表,并将复杂的数学计算转化为任何初学者都能理解并用来做出一致交易决策的简单信号和颜色。 “Atomic Analyst”是专为新手和经验丰富的交易者量身定制的综合交易解决方案。它将高级指标和一流功能融合为一体的交易策略,使其成为所有类型交易者的多功能选择。 日内交易和剥头皮策略:专为快速准确的日内交易和短期交易而设计。 日内和摆动交易策略:可用作追求价格大幅波动的日内和摆动交易者的可靠工具。 多货币和市场:凭借其可靠的精度,在不同的工具和市场上运作。 多个时间框架:可在多个时间框架上使用,性能良好。 稳定性:所有指标均不重绘、不重绘和不滞后,确保可靠的信号。 信号清晰度:提供箭头信号,用于清晰的入场和出场点。 实时警报:通过交易入场、SL和TP警报通知交易者
Chart Patterns Detect 15 patterns (Ascending Triangle, Descending Triangle, Rising Wedge, Falling Wedge, Bullish Flag, Bearish Flag, Bullish Rectangle, Bearish Rectangle Symmetrical triangle, Head and Shoulders, Inverted Head and Shoulders, Triple top, Triple Bottom, Double Top, Double Bottom) Use historical data to calculate the probability of each pattern to succeed (possibility to filter notification according to the chance of success) gives graphic indication about the invalidation level and
Crypto_Forex 指标“3 Black Crows 模式”适用于 MT4。 - 指标“3 Black Crows 模式”对于价格行为交易非常强大:无需重绘,无延迟。 - 指标检测图表上的看跌“3 Black Crows”模式:图表上的红色箭头信号(见图片)。 - 带有 PC、手机和电子邮件警报。 - 它的兄弟 - 看涨“3 White Soldiers 模式”指标也可用(请点击以下链接)。 - 指标“3 Black Crows 模式”非常适合与支撑/阻力位结合使用。 .................................................................................................................... // 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 它是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
PipFinite Trend PRO
Karlo Wilson Vendiola
4.88 (2246)
Breakthrough Solution For Trend Trading And Filtering With All Important Features Built Inside One Tool! Trend PRO's smart algorithm detects the trend, filters out market noise and gives entry signals with exit levels. The new features with enhanced rules for statistical calculation improved the overall performance of this indicator. Important Information Revealed Maximize the potential of Trend Pro, please visit www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/713938 The Powerful Expert Advisor Version Automatin
Alpha Trend sign Alpha Trend sign 是我么长期以来非常受欢迎的交易工具,它可以验证我们的交易系统,并且明确的提示交易信号,并且信号不会漂移。 主要功能: •  根据市场显示活跃区域,根据指标可以很直观的判断当前行情是属于趋势行情,还是震荡行情。    并根据指标的指示箭头切入市场,绿色箭头提示买入,红色箭头提示卖出。 •  建议使用5分钟以上的时间周期进行交易,避免因为小周期波动出现频繁的交易信号。 •  您也可以开启信号提示,以免错过最佳的交易时机。 •  本指标不但可以很好的预测趋势行情,也可以在宽幅震荡行情中获利。 •  本指标本着大道至简的原则,适合不同阶段的交易者使用。 注意事项: •  Alpha Trend sign 有明确的进出场信号,不建议逆势操作,以免造成损失。 •  Alpha Trend sign 是特别成熟的指标,我们团队人手一个,使用它可以实现稳定盈利。     
Trend Scanner
Vladimir Kalendzhyan
4.33 (6)
By purchasing this indicator, you have the right to receive a free copy of one of   my other indicator's or advisor’s!  (All future updates are included. No limits) . To get it , please contact me by  mql5 message ! The Trend Scanner trend line indicator displays the trend direction and its changes. The indicator works on all currency pairs and  timeframes. The indicator simultaneously displays multiple readings on the price chart: the support and resistance lines of the currency pair, the exist
Infinity Trend Pro
Yaroslav Varankin
1 (1)
This is a trend indicator without redrawing Developed instead of the binary options strategy (by the color of the Martingale candlestick) Also works well in forex trading When to open trades (binary options) A signal will appear in the place with a candle signaling the current candle It is recommended to open a deal for one candle of the current timeframe M1 and M5 When a blue dot appears, open a deal up When a red dot appears, open a trade down. How to open trades on Forex. When a signal is rec
Wave Wolf MT4
Andrei Salanevich
Wave Wold MT4外汇指标旨在搜索狼波并将其显示在交易终端的当前窗口中。 对于在交易中使用狼波的交易者来说,这是一个很好的指标。 它在交易策略中的应用将显着提高其效率和盈利能力。 有关指标的信息 与其他Wolf wave指标不同,Wave Wold MT4外汇指标具有许多显着提高其有效性的功能: 第一个是打开的Windows5point参数(真值)提供信息支持,即扩展了狼波出现在其上的图表的窗口。 例如,如果EURUSD、AUDUSD和GBPUSD图表是开放的,并且每个图表都安装了Wave WOLD MT4指标,那么如果检测到欧元模型,相应的图表将自动被带到其他图表的顶部,这在交易大量工具时变得非常方便。  第二个功能是MACD上的内置发散分析,用户可以自己选择参数(默认设置(12,26,9))。 顺便说一下,通常振荡器的值不显示在工作窗口上,只反映在形成点(5)时的价格标签的颜色上,特别是,如果标签的颜色是蓝色,则没有发散,如果颜色是红 如何使用指标 Wave WOLD MT4指标显示第4个形成点的假设Wolf模型和第5个点的形成区域(所谓的甜区,以黄色显示)。 如
Stanislav Korotky
The main idea of this indicator is rates analysis and prediction by Fourier transform. The indicator decomposes exchange rates into main harmonics and calculates their product in future. The indicator shows 2 price marks in history, depicting price range in the past, and 2 price marks in future with price movement forecast. Buy or sell decision and take profit size are displayed in a text label in the indicator window. The indicator uses another indicator as an engine for calculations - FreqoMet
Spartan Mr Beast
Luis Mariano Vazquez Marcos
El Asesor de Experto "Spartan Mr Beast" es una herramienta avanzada y robusta diseñada para traders que buscan capitalizar las oportunidades del mercado aprovechando los rechazos de precios. Este asesor se especializa en identificar y explotar los momentos en los que el mercado muestra una resistencia o soporte significativo, sugiriendo posibles reversiones o cambios de tendencia. Características Principales: Detección de Rechazos de Mercado : "Spartan Mr Beast" utiliza algoritmos de última gene
Laser Trend
Nicolas Zouein
The trend is your friend! This is what this indicator is all about. Follow this famous saying and be safe. Characteristics: Buy/Sell signals fixed on the close of a bar. Works on all symbols and all timeframes. Clear visual market trend laser line, Buy/Sell signal arrows, market strength meter, TP1 & TP2 boxes. Visual signals when to enter, when to exit the market. No repainting. Compatible with Flexible EA for trading automation. (Ask for a free set file optimized to perform 2010-2018) Parame
Trend Ray
Andriy Sydoruk
The indicator shows the potential trend direction by cyclical-wave dependence. Thus, all the rays of the intersection will be optimal rays, in the direction of which the price is expected to move, taking into account the indicator period. Rays can be used as a direction for potential market movement. But we must not forget that the approach must be comprehensive, the indicator signals require additional information to enter the market.
Trend Monitor
Pavel Zamoshnikov
4 (4)
The indicator generates early signals basing on ADX reading data combined with elements of price patterns. Works on all symbols and timeframes. The indicator does not redraw its signals. You see the same things on history and in real time. For better visual perception signals are displayed as arrows (in order not to overload the chart). Features Easy to use. Filter configuration only requires selection of sensitivity in the " Sensitivity of the indicator " input. Signals can be filtered using
Noize Absorption Index MT4
Ekaterina Saltykova
5 (1)
Noize Absorption Index - is the manual trading system that measures the difference of pressure between bears forces and bulls forces. Green line - is a noize free index that showing curent situation. Zero value of index shows totally choppy/flat market.Values above zero level shows how powerfull bullish wave is and values below zero measures bearish forces.Up arrow appears on bearish market when it's ready to reverse, dn arrow appears on weak bullish market, as a result of reverse expectation. S
WanaScalper MT4
Isaac Wanasolo
1 (1)
A scalping indicator based on mathematical patterns, which on average gives signals with relatively small SL, and also occasionally helps to catch big moves in the markets (more information in the video) This indicator has three main types of notifications: The first type warns of a possible/upcoming signal on the next bar The second type indicates the presence of a ready signal to enter the market/open a position The third type is for SL and TP levels - you will be notified every time price re
PABT Pattern Indicator - it's classical system one of the signal patterns. Indicator logic - the Hi & Lo of the bar is fully within the range of the preceding bar, look to trade them as pullback in trend. In the way if indicator found PABT pattern it's drawing two lines and arrow what showing trend way.  - First line - it's entry point and drawing at: 1. On the high of signal bar or on middle of the signal bar (depending from indicator mode) for buy; 2. On the low of signal bar or on middle of t
Next level of trend trading here. Possibility 75%, the indicator analyzes the current market to determine short (small dot), middle (circle with a dot inside) and long (cross with a circle and a dot inside) trends.  Wingdings characters of  Aqua color represents the beginning of the UP trend. Wingdings characters of  Orange color represents the beginning of the DOWN trend. Possibility 75% Indicator will improve your trading in the world of forex, commodities, cryptocurrencies and indices.
For sure, this indicator has become very popular amongst traders. Through coding this indicator will give you the most accurate levels possible for your trading analysis. We have also added in the ability for you to receive alerts when the price breaks above or below a Support or Resistance lines! HOW TO USE The red rectangles represent your resistance/supply zone. The green rectangles represent your support/demand zone.  BONUS FEATURES We coded this indicator with the ability to switch between
This is a new strategy for SUPPLY DEMAND areas It is based on a calculation using the tick volume to detect the big price action in market for both bear /bull actions this smart volume action candles are used to determine the supply and demand areas prices in between main supply and demand lines indicate sideway market  up arrows will be shown when prices moves above the main supply and the secondary supply lines Down arrows will be shown when prices moves below the main demand and the secondary
VR Cub
Vladimir Pastushak
VR Cub 这是获得高质量切入点的指标。该指标的开发是为了促进数学计算并简化对仓位入场点的搜索。多年来,该指标所针对的交易策略已被证明其有效性。交易策略的简单性是其巨大的优势,即使是新手交易者也能成功进行交易。 VR Cub 计算开仓点以及获利和止损目标水平,这显着提高了效率和易用性。查看使用以下策略进行交易的屏幕截图,了解简单的交易规则。 设置、设置文件、演示版本、说明、问题解决,可以从以下位置获取 [博客] 您可以在以下位置阅读或撰写评论 [关联] 版本为 [MetaTrader 5] 计算入场点的规则 开仓 要计算入场点,您需要将 VR Cub 工具从最后一个高点拉伸到最后一个低点。 如果第一个点在时间上早于第二个点,交易者等待柱线收于中线上方。 如果第一个点在时间上晚于第二个点,交易者等待柱线收于中线下方。 根据上述条件,严格在 柱线收盘 后建仓。 换句话说,如果我们在小时图上进行交易,那么从最高点到最低点的时间距离必须超过24小时,最高点和最低点之间的点数必须大于或等于平均价格变动每天。 维持和改变市场地位 可以有多个未平仓头寸;每个头寸都可以单独修改。 VR Cub
Tatiana Savkevych
Distinctive is a forex trending arrow indicator for identifying potential entry points. I like it, first of all, because it has a simple mechanism of work, adaptation to all time periods and trading tactics. Created on the basis of a regression channel with filters. Plotting the Lawrence indicator signals on a price function chart using a mathematical approach. How it works - when the price breaks out in the overbought / oversold zone (channel levels), a buy or sell signal is generated. Everyt
Super Reversal Pattern
Parfait Mujinga Ndalika
Super Reversal Pattern Indicator Unlock the power of advanced pattern recognition with our Super Reversal Pattern Indicator. Designed for traders seeking precision and reliability, this indicator identifies one of the most effective reversal patterns in technical analysis, offering a significant edge in your trading strategy. Key Features: Non-Repainting Accuracy: Enjoy the confidence of non-repainting technology. Once a Super Reversal Pattern is detected, it remains static, providing consiste
这是最赚钱的指标。它的表现非常出色。无论市场上有什么兴趣,你都能看到。 几乎在所有情况下,它都只会给你一个长期的市场观点,但不要被愚弄,以为它是受事件约束的。不是这样的。它能找到市场上最大的利益所在,并将其展示给你。别忘了,最大的资金(利益)每天都不会在市场上出现。这是您没有遇到过的情况。月租金可能会给您一到两个信号,仅此而已。但当我们谈论大资金时,他们就是这样行事的。 如果您想了解更多,请点击这里。 这是最赚钱的指标。它的表现非常出色。无论市场上有什么兴趣,你都能看到。 几乎在所有情况下,它都只会给你一个长期的市场观点,但不要被愚弄,以为它是受事件约束的。不是这样的。它能找到市场上最大的利益所在,并将其展示给你。别忘了,最大的资金(利益)每天都不会在市场上出现。这是您没有遇到过的情况。月租金可能会给您一到两个信号,仅此而已。但当我们谈论大资金时,他们就是这样行事的。 如果您想了解更多,请点击这里。
Oni Scalper
Goh Cheng Wai
3.67 (3)
Dear Onis, This Indicator is used for   GBPUSD, US30 and GOLD on 1-Min Chart . For US30 , Depending on your broker, Minimum Lot Size will differ from 0.01 to 1.0 lots. My Current Account is trading at 1.0 lots at $1 per point . Please check with your Broker what's the Margin Required for your Minimum lot sizes before you trade on your Real account. I have Forward Tested the indicator for around 6 months before releasing it to the public. ( No Demo is available for the Indicator, Strategy Teste
Automatic, live & interactive picture of all trendlines. Assign push, email and sound alerts to the lines of your choice and be informed about price rollback, breakout, rollback after breakout, number of rollbacks, line expiration by double breakout. Correct, drag or delete the lines and interactively tune the line system. https://youtu.be/EJUo9pYiHFA . Chart examples https: //www.mql5.com/en/users/efficientforex Price Interaction Events All events are effective immediately and only after one
The indicator displays the probable ( Support and resistance ) levels. The indicator draws horizontal and trend levels of support and resistance. The indicator settings: Trends - the mode for displaying trend lines or horizontal lines of support and resistance Yes - display trend lines only No - display horizontal lines only UseResource - use the resources built into the indicator. Yes - use the ZigZag indicator from the resources of the product. No - use a custom ZigZag indicator. HistoryBar -
Antonin Skaryd
The [GRAFF] III manual trading system is based on multiple MetaTrader (MT4) indicators. Together, the entire PACK of GRAFF III indicators makes an advanced trading tool. The system consists of over 20 different custom-built indicators which have been carefully selected and tested in the long term to produce strong and efficient trading signals. The particular indicators are based on different mathematical formulas, so the entire system is calibrated to remove false signals from its own indicator
You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller   Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem    on telegram application This indicator is used to determine the trend. Standard Three Moving Average and ADX indicators are used. It has the indicator warning system (audio, e-mail) and three types of alerts, including messages to mobile phone. It shows the best performance on M5. When
This indicator is used to determine the trend. Standard Three Moving Average and ADX indicators are used. It has the indicator warning system (audio, e-mail) and three types of alerts, including messages to mobile phone. It shows the best performance on M5. When the trend value reaches the value set, the warning system is activated. This indicator works only with Forex symbols. Inputs SoundAlarm = true - Sound Alert Sendmail=true - Send an e-mail in case of a buy or sell signal Sendnotification
You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller   Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem    on telegram application This indicator is used to determine the trend. Standard MACD indicator is used. It has the indicator warning system: beep, e-mail and has three types of alerts, including messages to mobile phone. It shows the best performance on the chart of 5 minutes. When the
A simplistic indicator informing a user on RSI divergence by sending messages to mobile device and email. The indicator draws 2 vertical lines, marking two RSI extrema that formed the divergence. You get the alert, open the charts and make a decision. The indicator does not show past divergences, thus when you attach it to a chart for the first time you see nothing. Graphics and alerts will appear as soon as divergences do. Drop it in Tester to see how it works. Parameters: RSIPeriod - number of
Pan PrizMA CD Phase is an analogue of the МetaТrader 5 indicator , and is an option based on the Pan PrizMA indicator. Details . Averaging by a quadric-quartic polynomial increases the smoothness of lines, adds momentum and rhythm. Extrapolation by the sinusoid function near a constant allows adjusting the delay or lead of signals. The value of the phase - wave status parameter (which is close in meaning to the trigonometric phase or the angle of the radius-vector rotation in the trigonometric p
Andrey Spiridonov
1 (1)
NostradamusMT4 is a powerful indicator from the set of professional trader. The indicator is based on Andrei Spiridonov's original price calculation method (ESTIMATED PRICE) for the current candle price. Advantages The indicator does not redraw. It works on any timeframes. Works with any trading instruments. Perfectly suitable for scalping and trading binary options. Parameters Color - color of the ESTIMATED PRICE FUTURE line. How to work with the indicator The indicator forms the ESTIMATED P
REX complete 3in1
Christophe Godart
This is the complete REX package. It consists of the lite, pro and ULTRA version.  Perfect for beginners and intermediates. REX complete is 100% non repaint. The strategy is based on a mix of different strategies, statistics, including pivot points, oscillators and patterns.  As the trading idea consists of a variety of some classic indicators like Momentum, Williams Percent Range, CCI, Force Index, WPR, DeMarker, CCI, RSI and Stochastic, it is clear that the fundamental indicators have being u
Sweet Waffle
Christophe Godart
The arrows are calculated with: -     2 Parabolic  parameters -     2 ADX parameters -     4 Stochastic parameters We recommend to combine it with Parabolic, ZigZag or Elliot waves indicator. Always trade the trend! If you make sure to draw your trend lines and support/resistance zones you will just have to wait for the signal to appear. Take the trade. For Binary Options it is advisable to set the expiry time to 5-15 min in M1 chart. THIS INDICATOR IS ZERO REPAINT Best assets to trade: - EUR
Let´s try to make some real money! Call me profit addicted. I thought why not try to make THE dream come reality. With discipline, a clear strategy and this indicator I focus on entering the perfect trades. This indicator is very easy to use as you will get perfect entry points for Put or Call trades. The arrows are calculated with: -     Momentum  parameters -     Candle stick patterns -     Fundamental Price action We recommend to combine it with Parabolic, ZigZag or Elliot waves indicator
Pisces TheProfitZone
Nuttawut Khiawkiri
Pisces TheProfitZone "Pisces TheProfitZone MT4 Indicator Powered byFxGangster" This indicator will calculate new support and resistant zone everyday, and that give us a trading zone such as thats telling us TP and SL, So it still telling us for where should the price will go reach? Fore Example. Uptrend : If Price can stay upper a Line and price close higher above a Line, then the price will continue go up to reach next Line. Downtrend : If Price can't pass to stay upper a Line and the price
Golden Chip
Daishon Cotman
Golden Chip provides Basic Market Structure, Fibonacci, supply and Demand Zones. Letting you identify when a sell off point is approaching or whne a buy opportunity is arriving. The awesome thing about Golden Chip is that, you will see rejection levels or continuation before ANYBODY ! This indicator moves directly with price and lines up perfectly with the Chart. Some indicators would lag but NOT this one ! Golden Chip is amazing for Clean chart (Naked Chart). GOLDEN CHIP IS ONLY ON METATRADER (
Quants Forex Zones
Ferhat Mutlu
5 (1)
購買後請通過MQL5與我聯繫。因此,我們可以確保儀表板在您的平台上正常工作。 嵌套外匯區域旨在獲取一張圖表中的所有關鍵水平,以找到反彈和突破區域。 您可以想像的所有內容都從多個時間範圍提取到一個儀表板中,以發現嵌套的匯合和供應需求區域。 如果儀表板顯示高分,則其對支撐和阻力的清晰識別以及價格可能會得到該區域的反應。請查看更多示例以獲得清晰的理解或給我發送消息 它計算什麼:     支撐阻力     供應需求     整數     分形     博林格     偏差區     超買和超賣區域     動量指標     方向指示器     移動平均線     相對強弱指數     斯托克     每日平均值     每周平均值     月平均值     雙頂     雙底     每日高低     每周高低     每月高低     默里數學水平     樞軸水平和阻力 好處 :     一個屏幕中有 60 個不同的反彈和突破水平     速度和動量指標     長期定向強度 它解決了什麼問題:     它將幫助您發現牆壁並預測反彈 - 以獨特的方式準確地破壞區域     該儀
You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller   Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem    on telegram application This system created by using Corrected MACD, Different time zone support and resistant points,  Parabolic Sars, Bollinger band, 4 moving average, stochastic oscillator and ADX. In this system, Using parabolic Sars reverse bar count,  Pips difference between clos
This indicator prepared by using 57 days moving averagr and least square method. It can only work for 1 hr time interval. Once a signal created. It is creating order and 2 limit orders. It works in CFD pairs as well as in Forex pairs. You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem on telegram application This system is for Long term and pr
This system created by using Corrected MACD,ADX, Different time zone support and resistant points,  Parabolic Sars, Bollinger band, 9 moving average, stochastic oscillator and ADX. In this system, Using parabolic Sars reverse bar count,  Pips difference between closing price and last parabolic Sars in the direction of signal and Trend strength.   Note that this system is not martingale, this system is creating limit order.    Best result for the orders are 25 Pips in USD, 50 Pips in GBP. Best
This system created by using Corrected MACD,ADX, Different time zone support and resistant points,  tree Parabolic Sars,two Bollinger band, 3 moving average, stochastic oscillator and ADX. In this system, Using parabolic Sars reverse bar count,  Pips difference between closing price and last parabolic Sars in the direction of signal and Trend strength.   Note that this system is not martingale, this system is creating limit order.    Best result for the orders are 45 Pips in USD, 75 Pips in G
This system created by using  Stochastic oscillator and moving average.  Entrance value and take profit values can be seen by system.  This is system for Long term and profitable. this system can be used for 15 minutes time frame. This system is not  repaints.         This system is for Long term and profitable.  Signals are shown as arrows. as an optional,  you can set a voice alarm or email notification  You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller
This indicator prepared by using 311,1298 days moving average and Calculates the Envelopes.    This system can be used for 5M time frame.     This system is for Long term and profitable.    Signals are shown as arrows. as an optional,    you can set a voice alarm or email notification    You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller    Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem   
This indicator prepared by using 311,1298 days Haskaya Trend Bandse and Calculates the strand ADX.    This system can be used for 5M time frame.     This system is for Long term and profitable.    Signals are shown as arrows. as an optional,    you can set a voice alarm or email notification    You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller    Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @Mehm
This indicator is created by considering volume divergence with price that is outcome of Bollinger band and Envolpes indicators crossing. It won’t repaint.  It is providing 1 market and three pending orders.  If it is followed with patient, it is providing remarkable profit at the end.  This indicator will be on sale soon on expert advisor. Target is calculated for buy orders as follow 1. 50 pips standard 2. Top Bollinger band 3. Sell Signal Target is calculated for buy orders as follow 1. 50
https://youtu.be/t3SLLgcEEPM This indicator prepared by  using Moving Averages, Bollingers Bands .    This system can be used for 5M time frame and Gold Symbols (XAUUSD).     This system is for Long term and profitable.    Signals are shown as arrows. as an optional,    you can set a voice alarm or email notification    You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller    Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90
This indicator prepared by  using Haskayafx Target Line Indicators .    This system can be used for 30M time frame and All Symbols.     This system is for Long term and profitable.    Signals are shown as arrows. as an optional,    you can set a voice alarm or email notification    You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller    Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem 
Seconds timeframe generator for MT4  (S1, S5, S10, S15, S20, S30). Features  1. Indicator generates timeframes in real time, with each new tick on the spot. 2. Indicator is also measuring point distance from extreme to extreme when hovered "This additionally shows us how strong movements are". Advantages 1. Easy to spot best entry and exit points. 2. You can easily trade news releases where market is very volatile. 3. You can also easily trade very slow market conditions and spot tre
This indicator is only working in M1 period.it is predicting end of horizantal trend by using envolepes indicator.   After takeprofit predicted, this indicator will open 4 orders as buy and sell.   One of the order is market type, others are limit type.   There are 25.5 and 70 pips range between these limit type orders.   After  market type order reach its target other limit orders will be deleted automatically.   Note that this system is not martingale, this system is creating limit order.   T
This system never paints.   This system created by using Envolpes bands and reverse bar count.   This indicator is only working in M5 period.   This system is for long term and profitable.   Signals are shown as arrows. as an optional limit orders.   You can set a voice alarm or email notification.   You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller   Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @Meh
Remi Passanello
趋势迅捷 它旨在供任何人使用,即使是交易的绝对初学者也可以使用它。 切勿重新粉刷。 指示是从接近到接近给出的。 设计为单独使用,不需要其他指标。 它是如何工作的 TrensSwift 使用内部趋势指标结合价格行为和斐波那契系统。 该策略被严格应用,没有任何后期重新计算、平滑或插值。 通过评论部分的统计数据可以立即检查该策略的“成功” 从蜡烛收盘到蜡烛收盘,趋势指标实时等待信号条件有效,然后用箭头显示(绿色表示买入,橙色表示卖出) 该指标在交易机会开始时显示止损和止盈,并在整个交易过程中保持它们。 没有惊喜。 TrendSwift 表明 在哪里开启您的交易。 何时关闭它们。 止盈和止损 TrendSwift 有效 使用任何仪器,不受限制。 在任何时间范围内 与任何经纪人。 TrendSwift 功能 没有优化。 非常简单的输入。 非常强大和准确的策略 如何使用TrendSwift 只需将其放在您的图表上即可。 只需遵循箭头和趋势线指示即可。 输入 交易机会时播放声音:当交易机会临近时播放声音(以警告交易者)
Remi Passanello
3 (2)
PipsMinerFast is mainly a trend follower with a bit of price action. At first sight, you will think: "Oh well, one more indi showing everything I've missed today but not giving a clue about what will happen..." Okay, you can believe this when just looking at it but start a test it and you will see that PipsMinerFast: Shows you the trend immediately Is not repainting Has minimum lagging Counts pips immediately Adapts to your spread level Works from M1 to H1 Is heading in the right direction 90% o
Scalp Tool
Remi Passanello
5 (1)
头皮工具是一个非常有效的反趋势指标。 它旨在供任何人使用,即使是交易新手也可以使用它。 头皮工具不会重新绘制。 指示从接近到接近或从接近到可见水平给出。 头皮工具可单独使用,无需其他指标。 头皮工具指示 在哪里打开您的交易。 何时关闭它们。 在哪里下止损单。 在现场测试期间准确率超过 80%。 头皮工具工作 使用任何工具,如外汇对、指数、金属、期货或其他... 在任何时间范围内。 与任何经纪人。 头皮工具特点 TradeType Wise:将进行短暂的交易以限制风险和风险。箭头将指示您何时停止。 TradeType Medium:平衡的配置文件,通过中等长度的交易产生更多的点数。停止由灰色带和箭头指示。 TradeType 最大值:通过相当长的交易产生更多的点数。停止由绿色和红色色带和箭头指示。 如果交易是积极的,则在止损箭头上显示检查。 如果交易为负,则在止损箭头上显示十字。 显示支撑和阻力 显示盈亏平衡 如何使用头皮工具 只需将其放在您的图表上即可。 选择你最喜欢的颜色。 确定您希望使用的交易类型:明智、中等或最大。 是否设置警报。 只需按照箭头指示即可。 支撑
Trend Wave
Remi Passanello
5 (5)
Trend Wave 是一种先进的交易工具;基于支撑和阻力的趋势和反向交易指标。 Trend Wave 旨在随时进行活跃交易 趋势波并不落后 在新蜡烛的开头给出指示 趋势波表示 指标窗口显示 S 和 R 的实际计数以获取总体趋势 白线显示即时趋势。 在主图表窗口上,彩色箭头显示最后一个有效的 S 和 R。这也有助于查看趋势。 趋势波作品 在任何时间范围内 与任何乐器 与任何经纪人 趋势波功能 主动 R/S 的直方图表示 平均 R/S 线 带彩色箭头的 R/S 直方图上的反转指示 如何使用趋势波 非常容易设置... 把它放在你的图表上 调整输入 跟随趋势直到出现反转(白线离开主要趋势的边缘) 很高兴知道 不要将彩色箭头视为“设置交易”指示,因为它们显示 R/S。当支撑或阻力被打破时,你会看到它们消失了,所以只剩下完整的 R 或 S;这就是“波”的概念。 如果您打算使用箭头作为交易指标(我不推荐),最好是为每笔交易使用非常小的手数(1% 的风险就足够了) 输入(针对 V1.4 更新) 在图表上显示箭头:[bool] true = 在图表上显示趋势箭头 fals
Trend Compound
Remi Passanello
3 (2)
Trend Compound is a trend indicator using a mix of 3 internal other indicators. Please have a look at "how to test in the tester" at the bottom of this page before to test. It's designed to be used by anyone, even the complete newbie in trading can use it. Trend Compound does not repaint . Indications are given from close to close. Trend Compound can be used alone , no other indicators are required. Trend Compound indicates Where to open your trades. When to close them. The potential quantity o
Breakout Pro 黄牛解决方案 该指标是 RPTrade Pro Solutions 系统的一部分。 Breakout Pro Scalper 解决方案是使用价格行为、动态支撑和阻力的每日趋势指标。 它旨在供任何人使用,即使是绝对的交易初学者也可以使用它。 从不重新粉刷。 指示是从接近到接近给出的。 设计为单独使用,无需其他指标。 在一天开始时为您提供趋势和潜在的获利。 特定图表根据历史数据向您显示潜在利润。 它是如何工作的 Breakout Pro Scalper 解决方案使用结合价格行为和动态支撑和阻力的突破策略。 分析夜间趋势和波动性以在第二天使用。 通过该分析确定突破限制(蓝色和深橙色线)以及止盈 由于图表上的图表,可以立即检查策略和设置的“成功”。 OnChart 图表允许立即查看策略中是否存在任何“漏洞”,并最终选择另一个更适合的时间帧或符号。 实时从蜡烛收盘到蜡烛收盘,趋势指标等待信号条件有效,然后通过箭头显示(绿色表示买入,橙色表示卖出) 红色点划线显示了止盈和最终止损的位置。 交易是一一指示的,永远不会同时进行两笔交易。 大多数交易(80%)在白天完成
Waxter D1
Remi Passanello
瓦克斯特 D1 该机器人是 RPTrade Pro Solutions 系统的一部分。 WAXTER 是一个使用趋势指标、振荡器和价格行为的机器人。 它旨在供任何人使用,即使是绝对的交易初学者也可以使用它。 主要为D1设计,最终也可用于H4 使用获利、止损和追踪止损。 也可作为无止损/止盈的开关 为玩家提供鞅和反鞅系统。 适用于任何对 很多 .Set 文件可用。 它是如何工作的 WAXTER 是 Trend-Wise EA,意味着它的策略是顺着趋势的方向进行交易。 WAXTER 使用结合价格行为和动态支撑和阻力的趋势策略。 特定的嵌入式 WAX 指标用于确定趋势 当检测到趋势时,根据参数,在其方向上开始交易 交易被 TP/SL/TS 或下一个相反的交易停止。 没有对冲,没有平均。 一笔交易必须在下一笔交易开始之前结束。 WAXTER 仅控制柱线开盘,意味着它在开盘价模式下工作。 瓦克斯特作品 使用任何工具,如外汇对、指数、金属、期货或任何其他工具。 每种不同的工具都需要优化和回测 在 D1 和 H4 中(使用前的回测)。 与任何经纪人。 无论如何。 WAXTER 特点 屏
每日趋势黄牛 (DTS) 该指标是 RPTrade Pro Solutions 系统的一部分。 DTS 是使用价格行为、动态支撑和阻力的每日趋势指标。 它旨在供任何人使用,即使是绝对的交易初学者也可以使用它。 从不重新粉刷。 指示是从接近到接近给出的。 设计为单独使用,无需其他指标。 在一天开始时为您提供趋势和潜在的获利。 它是如何工作的 DTS 正在使用结合价格行为和动态支撑和阻力的突破策略。 分析夜间趋势和波动性以在第二天使用。 通过该分析确定突破限制(蓝色和深橙色线)以及止盈 由于历史数据,可以立即检查策略和设置的“成功”。 历史部分允许立即查看策略中是否存在任何“漏洞”,并最终选择另一个更适合的时间框架或符号。 实时从蜡烛收盘到蜡烛收盘,趋势指标等待信号条件有效,然后通过箭头显示(绿色表示买入,橙色表示卖出)。 红色点划线显示了止盈和最终止损的位置。 交易是一一指示的,永远不会同时进行两笔交易。 大多数交易(80%)在白天完成。 DTS 表示: 对于购物车上所有选定的符号: 在哪里打开您的交易。 获利和止损。 可以捕获的潜在点数。 DTS 作品 如果报价是隔夜提
Market Shaver
Remi Passanello
市场剃须刀   市场黄牛 该指标是 RPTrade Pro Solutions 系统的一部分。 Market Scalper 是使用价格行为、动态支撑和阻力的每日趋势指标。 它旨在供任何人使用,即使是绝对的交易初学者也可以使用它。 从不重新粉刷。 指示是从接近到接近给出的。 设计为单独使用,无需其他指标。 为您提供清晰简单的指示 它是如何工作的 Market Shaver 正在使用 Dual TimeFrames 系统。 主要趋势由较高的 TF 采取,而较快的 TF 用于关闭交易 交易是一一指示的,永远不会同时进行两笔交易。 市场剃须刀表示: 何时进行交易 何时停止它,盈利或亏损。 交易奖励 许多统计数据可帮助您设置正确的 Period end TF 市场剃须刀工作 使用任何工具,如外汇对、指数、金属、期货或任何其他工具。 从 M1 到 H1。 与任何经纪人。 (较低的点差会给您带来更多的点数) 市场剃须刀功能 可靠的买入/卖出信号。 非常简单的输入。 (默认的应该适用于几乎所有的乐器) 屏幕提醒 + 推送通知 + 电子邮件通知 所有通知都非常详细,并且还提供获利,它允许
The Daily Trader
Remi Passanello
每日交易者   该指标是 RPTrade Pro Solutions 系统的一部分。 每日交易者是仅使用统计数据的每日指标。 它旨在供任何人使用,即使是绝对的交易初学者也可以使用它。 从不重新粉刷。 指示是从接近到接近给出的。 设计为单独使用,无需其他指标。 为您提供清晰简单的指示 它是如何工作的 统计系统分析历史以发现符号行为中的冗余。 交易是一一指示的,永远不会同时进行两笔交易。 它表示: 何时进行交易 在哪里放置止盈 未来 24 小时内要进行的交易 作品 使用任何工具,如外汇对、指数、金属、期货或任何其他工具。 仅在 H1 与任何经纪人。 (较低的点差会给您带来更多的点数) 特征 可靠的买入/卖出信号。 非常简单的输入。 屏幕提醒 + 推送通知 + 电子邮件通知 所有通知都非常详细,并且还提供获利,它允许从移动设备进行交易。 帮助您找到正确设置的利润图表 只需启用/禁用每日交易,即可直接在图表上调整设置 如何使用它 ? 只需将其放在您的图表上即可。 只需遵循指示即可。 输入 UsePush: [Bool] true 将发送推送通知。 UseMail: [Boo
GannRS Trend Scalper   GannRS is an advanced trading tool based on Gann Law and Supports and Resistances. designed to have an   active trading at any time not lagging Indications are given at the beginning of a new candle Please watch the full tutorial video. How to use GannRS Very easy to set up... Put it on your chart Adjust inputs Inputs Show Resistance and support : [bool]  true = Shows R/S on chart false = does not show Show Levels :[bool]  true = Shows levels on the chart false = does n
Trendy Scalper
Remi Passanello
该指标是 RPTrade Pro Line 系统的一部分。 Scalper Pro Line 是使用价格行动的短期趋势指标。 它旨在供任何人使用,即使是绝对的交易初学者也可以使用它。 从不重新粉刷。 指示是从接近到接近给出的。 设计为单独使用,无需其他指标。 特定图表根据历史数据向您显示利润和最终回撤。 它是如何工作的 Scalper Pro Line 使用内部趋势指标与价格行为系统相结合。 在启动时,系统正在分析 10000 条历史记录以找到最佳设置。 然后将这些设置应用于整个历史记录并实时使用;这是获得最可靠的准确性和稳定的交易信号的保证。 由于图表上的图表,可以立即检查策略和设置的“成功”。 OnChart 图表允许立即查看策略中是否存在任何“漏洞”,并最终选择另一个更适合的时间帧或符号。 实时从蜡烛收盘到蜡烛收盘,趋势指标等待信号条件有效,然后通过箭头显示(绿色表示买入,橙色表示卖出) 然后,当价格走势告诉停止或趋势耗尽时,指标会显示一条趋势线,这意味着是时候停止交易了。 然后显示“虚拟交易”的结果并将其添加到 OnChart Graph 数组中。 有时无法立即关闭交易
Remi Passanello
4.64 (11)
通用交易平台(UT) 该EA是RPTrade Pro解决方案系统的一部分。 UT是使用趋势和振荡器指标的交易机器人。 它旨在供任何人使用,即使是交易的绝对初学者也可以使用它。 专为每个时间表而设计 用途止盈,止损和尾随止损。 也可以作为不带SL / TP的交换机使用 适用于任何一对 它是如何工作的 UT是趋势追随者。 它使用A内置的超级趋势指标来查找交易条目,并使用抛物线SAR来止损/追踪/折损甚至头寸 TP / SL / TS或下一个相反的交易将停止交易。 不套期保值,不求平均。 在下一个交易开始之前,交易必须结束。 UT控制每个刻度线或每个柱线,可以以实际刻度线或开盘价进行优化。 测试中 在测试之前必须进行优化。专门的支持站点将很快提供完整的描述和指导。 输入项 IsMicroAccount:[布尔] True将最小手数设置为0.01 False将最小手数设置为0.1 CompletedBars:[布尔] True将仅在新的柱线开盘时交易(开盘价模式) 虚假将交易每一刻 GlobalTimeFrame:[ENUM TIMEFRAME]选择整个EA的时间范围 FiveDig
Netting Scalper
Remi Passanello
5 (2)
该机器人是 RPTrade Pro Solutions 系统的一部分。 Netting Scalper 是一个使用动态动态和净额结算系统的快速交易机器人。 它旨在供任何人使用,即使是绝对的交易初学者也可以使用它。 专为 M1 设计 使用获利、止损和追踪止损。 也可作为无止损/止盈的开关 适用于任何对 它是如何工作的 Netting Scalper 是一款快速的 M1 黄牛。 它没有使用任何指标。 它遵循经纪人的分时分布。 交易被 TP/SL/TS 或下一个相反的交易停止。 没有对冲,没有平均。 一笔交易必须在下一笔交易开始之前结束,但它可以进行多笔交易。 Netting Scalper 控制每个分时,有必要仅在实际分时对其进行优化。 净剥头皮工作 使用任何工具,如外汇对、指数、金属、期货或任何其他工具。 每种不同的工具都需要优化和回测 与任何经纪人。 在 NETTING 帐户上。 测试 在测试之前观看教程视频 检查“最大手数”和“每笔交易输入手数”,最好都输入 100。手数将由资金管理系统自动调整,以适应下面所示的百分比风险。 另请查看“在 x% 处停止交易”,默认值为 1
GannRS Trend Scalper   GannRS is an advanced trading tool based on Gann Law and Supports and Resistances. designed to have an   active trading at any time not lagging Indications are given at the beginning of a new candle Please watch the full tutorial video. How to use GannRS Very easy to set up... Put it on your chart Adjust inputs Inputs Show Resistance and support : [bool]  true = Shows R/S on chart false = does not show Show Levels :[bool]  true = Shows levels on the chart false = does n
Straddle Scalper
Remi Passanello
概述: 跨式剥头皮交易是一种 EA 在特定时间和/或日期开盘跨式交易。 止盈是使用 ATR 比率动态生成的。 要求: 开立跨式交易需要一个对冲账户。 严格的优化(在公开价格中)是强制性的。 什么是跨骑? 跨式交易是同时打开买入和卖出的操作。 这个 EA 是如何工作的? 成功优化后,EA 将在优化指定的每个新柱(H1 时间框架)处打开一个跨式。 开立新交易的决定是根据所需的最小波动率做出的(由 ATR 衡量并在交易历史上进行统计) 止盈将根据优化计算的 ATR 比率动态放置。 同时只能有 1 或 2 笔交易,以获利或新柱关闭。 此 EA 不使用以下系统:对冲、网格、鞅。 如何优化? 看一下图片,有一张显示优化集文件的基本设置。 始终在 H1 中优化和使用,它不适用于任何其他时间范围。 首先,优化开盘价,因为 EA 只在新柱上设置交易。 (明确适用于开盘价) 安全的长期交易: 如果你想真正安全,最好是长期优化,比如几年。 尝试找到具有许多交易和最低回撤的结果。 观察利润曲线,它必须尽可能稳定地呈现上升趋势,尤其是在最后。 潜在快速大回报的风险交易: 使用像 100
版本 5.3 2020.07.02
Faster calculations
版本 5.2 2020.06.30
Improved testing features.