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Добрый День уважаемые трейдеры! 

Вашему вниманию индикатор созданный и работающий на базе трендовика ADX,  для торговли на смене направления движения который учитывает коррекцию и даёт возможность на ней заработать. 

Применяю этот индикатор для скальпинга.

Рекомендую таймфреймы от 15 ти минутного(М15) до часового (Н1) периодов. 

Красный кружок сигнал на продажу- Sell)

Зелёный кружок  сигнал на покупку Buy)

Чем меньше ваш таймфрейм тем меньше пунктов вы зарабатываете.  

Важно выставлять стопы!

!Второй момент, он думаю известен всем. Индикатор не работает во время выхода важных новостей. 

!МОЖНО применять для всех валютных пар. 

Профита вам друзья! 

Auto Fibo Pro m
“Auto FIBO Pro” Crypto_Forex 指标 - 是交易中的绝佳辅助工具! - 指标自动计算并放置在图表斐波那契水平和局部趋势线(红色)上。 - 斐波那契水平指示价格可能反转的关键区域。 - 最重要的水平是 23.6%、38.2%、50% 和 61.8%。 - 您可以将其用于反转剥头皮或区域网格交易。 - 还有很多机会可以使用 Auto FIBO Pro 指标来改进您当前的系统。 - 它具有信息价差掉期显示 - 它显示所连接的外汇对的当前价差和掉期。 - 显示屏还显示账户余额、净值和保证金。 - 可以将信息价差掉期显示定位在图表的任何角落: 0 - 左上角,1 - 右上角,2 - 左下角,3 - 右下角。 // 出色的交易机器人和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
VR Cub
Vladimir Pastushak
VR Cub 这是获得高质量切入点的指标。该指标的开发是为了促进数学计算并简化对仓位入场点的搜索。多年来,该指标所针对的交易策略已被证明其有效性。交易策略的简单性是其巨大的优势,即使是新手交易者也能成功进行交易。 VR Cub 计算开仓点以及获利和止损目标水平,这显着提高了效率和易用性。查看使用以下策略进行交易的屏幕截图,了解简单的交易规则。 设置、设置文件、演示版本、说明、问题解决,可以从以下位置获取 [博客] 您可以在以下位置阅读或撰写评论 [关联] 版本为 [MetaTrader 5] 计算入场点的规则 开仓 要计算入场点,您需要将 VR Cub 工具从最后一个高点拉伸到最后一个低点。 如果第一个点在时间上早于第二个点,交易者等待柱线收于中线上方。 如果第一个点在时间上晚于第二个点,交易者等待柱线收于中线下方。 根据上述条件,严格在 柱线收盘 后建仓。 换句话说,如果我们在小时图上进行交易,那么从最高点到最低点的时间距离必须超过24小时,最高点和最低点之间的点数必须大于或等于平均价格变动每天。 维持和改变市场地位 可以有多个未平仓头寸;每个头寸都可以单独修改。 VR Cub
Alpha Trend sign Alpha Trend sign 是我么长期以来非常受欢迎的交易工具,它可以验证我们的交易系统,并且明确的提示交易信号,并且信号不会漂移。 主要功能: •  根据市场显示活跃区域,根据指标可以很直观的判断当前行情是属于趋势行情,还是震荡行情。    并根据指标的指示箭头切入市场,绿色箭头提示买入,红色箭头提示卖出。 •  建议使用5分钟以上的时间周期进行交易,避免因为小周期波动出现频繁的交易信号。 •  您也可以开启信号提示,以免错过最佳的交易时机。 •  本指标不但可以很好的预测趋势行情,也可以在宽幅震荡行情中获利。 •  本指标本着大道至简的原则,适合不同阶段的交易者使用。 注意事项: •  Alpha Trend sign 有明确的进出场信号,不建议逆势操作,以免造成损失。 •  Alpha Trend sign 是特别成熟的指标,我们团队人手一个,使用它可以实现稳定盈利。     
Owl smart levels
Sergey Ermolov
4.28 (36)
MT5版本  |  FAQ Owl Smart Levels Indicator   是一個完整的交易系統,包含   Bill Williams   的高級分形、構建正確的市場波浪結構的 Valable ZigZag 以及標記準確入場水平的斐波那契水平等流行的市場分析工具 進入市場和地方獲利。 策略的详细说明 指示灯使用说明 顾问-贸易猫头鹰助手助理 私人用户聊天 ->购买后写信给我,我会将您添加到私人聊天中,您可以在那里下载所有奖金 力量在於簡單! Owl Smart Levels   交易系統非常易於使用,因此適合專業人士和剛開始研究市場並為自己選擇交易策略的人。 策略和指標中沒有隱藏的秘密公式和計算方法,所有策略指標都是公開的。 Owl Smart Levels 允許您快速查看進入交易的信號,突出顯示下訂單的水平並向您發送有關已出現信號的通知。 優點很明顯: 清楚地顯示主要和更高時間框架的趨勢方向。 指示儀器信號的出現。 標記開單、止損設置和固定利潤的水平。 沒有多餘的,只有必要的結構! ZigZag   表示全球趨勢的方向,因此也表示貿易方向。 市場反轉點的短線清楚地表明在什
Signal From Level
Yaroslav Varankin
Binary Options Support Resistance Indicator This indicator is designed for binary options trading and effectively shows retracements from support and resistance levels. Signals appear on the current candle. A red arrow pointing downwards indicates a potential selling opportunity, while a blue arrow pointing upwards suggests buying opportunities. All that needs adjustment is the color of the signal arrows. It is recommended to use it on the M1-M5 timeframes as signals are frequent on these timef
Nadiya Mirosh
The Before indicator predicts the most likely short-term price movement based on complex mathematical calculations. Most of the standard indicators commonly used in trading strategies are based on fairly simple calculations. This does not mean that there were no outstanding mathematicians in the world at the time of their creation. It is just that computers did not yet exist in those days, or their power was not enough for the sequential implementation of complex mathematical operations. Nowad
Diamond Trend
Segundo Calvo Munoz
Indicator which identifies Trend and also buy/sell opportunities. Use for entries aligned to the Trend.  Although Diamond Trend is very accurate identifying entry points, it is always recommended to use a support indicator in order to reconfirm the operation. Remind to look for those Assets and Timeframes which best fit to your trader behavior/need... Valid for Scalping and Long Term operations. Please, set up a Bars Chart to be able to visualize the indicator properly...  ...And remind to give
Trend Oscillator mw
趋势振荡器 - 是一种高级自定义 Crypto_Forex 指标,高效的交易工具! - 使用高级新计算方法 - 参数“计算价格”有 20 个选项。 - 有史以来最平滑的振荡器。 - 绿色表示上升趋势,红色表示下降趋势。 - 超卖值:低于 5,超买值:超过 95。 - 使用此指标,有很多机会升级标准策略。 - 具有 PC 和移动警报。 .................................................................................................................... // 出色的交易机器人和指标可在此处获取: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
Crypto_Forex 指标 HTF Ichimoku 适用于 MT4。 - Ichimoku 指标是最强大的趋势指标之一。HTF 表示 - 更高时间框架。 - 此指标非常适合趋势交易者以及与价格行动条目的组合。 - HTF Ichimoku 指标允许您将更高时间框架的 Ichimoku 附加到当前图表。 - 上升趋势 - 红线高于蓝线(并且两条线都在云层上方)/ 下降趋势 - 红线低于蓝线(并且两条线都在云层下方)。 - 仅当价格突破 Ichimoku 云层顶部边界时才打开买入订单。 - 仅当价格突破 Ichimoku 云层底部边界时才打开卖出订单。 - HTF Ichimoku 指标提供了捕捉大趋势的机会。 // 出色的交易机器人和指标可在此处获取: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 它是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
Gold Phoenix
Yaroslav Varankin
The perfect tool for Scalng in the Forex markets You can trade both from signal to signal and using take profit  The algorithm does not use Zigzag!  No redrawing!  This is a channel instrument that uses a moving average as a filter. Moving Average  There are 2 parameters for the settings Ma Period = 5 period Moving Average  Channel 1.0 distance of channel lines from the chart Price Signal Filter - calculation of signal opening and filter There is a complete set of Alert There is a multi-timefram
Trendiness Index
Libertas LLC
5 (3)
"The trend is your friend" is one of the best known sayings in investing, because capturing large trendy price movements can be extremely profitable. However, trading with the trend is often easier said than done, because many indicators are based on price reversals not trends. These aren't very effective at identifying trendy periods, or predicting whether trends will continue. We developed the Trendiness Index to help address this problem by indicating the strength and direction of price trend
Trend PA
Mikhail Nazarenko
5 (3)
The Trend PA indicator uses   Price Action   and its own filtering algorithm to determine the trend. This approach helps to accurately determine entry points and the current trend on any timeframe. The indicator uses its own algorithm for analyzing price changes and Price Action. Which gives you the advantage of recognizing, without delay, a new nascent trend with fewer false positives. Trend filtering conditions can be selected in the settings individually for your trading style. The indicator
FX Flow
Eva Stella Conti
FX Flow   indicator can be used as an anticipator of the next trend, preferably confirmed by Price Action or another oscillator (RSi, Stochastic ..). It takes the money flows of the major currencies USD EUR GBP AUD NZD CAD CHF JPY into account, and processes them. Excellent tool for indices, but also for correlations between currencies. Works on each timeframes.  Blue line: Bull market Yellow line: Bear market Note : if the indicator opens the window, but does not draw lines, load the historie
Insider Scalper Binary This tool is designed to trade binary options. for short temporary spends. to make a deal is worth the moment of receiving the signal and only 1 candle if it is m1 then only for a minute and so in accordance with the timeframe. for better results, you need to select well-volatile charts.... recommended currency pairs eur | usd, usd | jpy .... the indicator is already configured, you just have to add it to the chart and trade .... The indicator signals the next candle.
Trend Flasher
Amarnath K M
Trend Flasher Trend is your friend is the age old saying quote in trading arena, there are though many ways to gauge the trend and its direction, more scientific measure and logically meaningful will be an ATR break outs to identify and spot the trend and its acceleration, so we created this easy to use trend identification panel and optimized super trend based multi time frame panel entry system to aid and help the traders to make their trading decision. Unique Features of Trend Flasher 1. H
EARLY REMINDER: The Starting price is 65 price will rise soon up to 365$ and then 750$ after first 10 copies of sales. Grab this offer now! Introduction Hello, traders! Welcome to the demonstration of the Forex Beast Indicator , a comprehensive tool designed to assist aspiring traders in navigating the complexities of the forex market. This indicator incorporates seven essential components to provide a well-rounded trading experience: Moving Averages Colored Zones Support and Resistance Levels
Night ghost
Dmitriy Kashevich
Night Ghost - Arrow indicator for binary options. This is a reliable assistant to you in the future! - No redrawing on the chart -Works great on EUR/USD currency pairs! -Indicator accuracy up to 90% (Especially at night) -No long setup required (Perfectly set up for Binary Options) - Not late signals - The appearance of a signal on the current candle -Perfect for M1 period (No More!) - Eye-friendly candle color (Red and Blue) -Installed Alert Working with it: - Blue arrow shows signa
Strong Retracement Points Pro demo edition! SRP (Strong Retracement/Reversal Points) is a powerful and unique support and resistance indicator. It displays the closest important levels which we expect the price retracement/reversal! If all level are broken from one side, it recalculates and draws new support and resistance levels, so the levels might be valid for several days depending on the market! If you are still hesitating to start using this wonderful tool, you can check this link to see h
Indicador Taurus All4
Fabio Oliveira Magalhaes
Taurus All4 Taurus All4 is a high-performance indicator, it will tell you the strength of the trend, and you will be able to observe the strength of the candle. Our indicator has more than 4 trend confirmations. It is very simple and easy to use. Confirmation Modes Candle Trend Confirmations: When the candle switches to light green the trend is high. When the candle switches to light red the trend is reverting down. When the candle changes to dark red the trend is low. Trendline Trend Confirm
PABT Pattern Indicator - it's classical system one of the signal patterns. Indicator logic - the Hi & Lo of the bar is fully within the range of the preceding bar, look to trade them as pullback in trend. In the way if indicator found PABT pattern it's drawing two lines and arrow what showing trend way.  - First line - it's entry point and drawing at: 1. On the high of signal bar or on middle of the signal bar (depending from indicator mode) for buy; 2. On the low of signal bar or on middle of t
Trend Line Chart Pattern Signals  Is a traders Tool for Signals based on Strong  Patterns Formed By a pair of robust trend lines. They FOR WITH DIFFERENT POPULAR PATTERNS ON CHARTS LIKE – TRIANGLES, FLAGS,RANGE , ASCENDING TRIANGLES, DESCENDING PATTERNS, PENNANTS ETC. The TREND LINES  form  dynamically  on running bars. The  sensitivity  of the trend lines can be changed by custom settings. The  Buy and Sell Signals Generate upon Break Of the Trend Line + "Close" of the same bar above the previo
Crypto_Forex 指标“3 Black Crows 模式”适用于 MT4。 - 指标“3 Black Crows 模式”对于价格行为交易非常强大:无需重绘,无延迟。 - 指标检测图表上的看跌“3 Black Crows”模式:图表上的红色箭头信号(见图片)。 - 带有 PC、手机和电子邮件警报。 - 它的兄弟 - 看涨“3 White Soldiers 模式”指标也可用(请点击以下链接)。 - 指标“3 Black Crows 模式”非常适合与支撑/阻力位结合使用。 .................................................................................................................... // 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 它是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
This is an arrow indicator without a future function,developed based on the most advanced profit trading algorithms.It has the most innovative and advanced dual trend analysis module, as well as the latest and highly effective market trend prediction algorithm.Trends are your friends, and following larger trends can earn the maximum profit in foreign exchange. This indicator helps traders identify current trends and track them. Someone once made a profit of 10 times in a week by relying on it.No
Royal Dutch Skunk
Sayan Vandenhout
Super Reversal Pattern
Parfait Mujinga Ndalika
Super Reversal Pattern Indicator Unlock the power of advanced pattern recognition with our Super Reversal Pattern Indicator. Designed for traders seeking precision and reliability, this indicator identifies one of the most effective reversal patterns in technical analysis, offering a significant edge in your trading strategy. Key Features: Non-Repainting Accuracy: Enjoy the confidence of non-repainting technology. Once a Super Reversal Pattern is detected, it remains static, providing consiste
Noize Absorption Index MT4
Ekaterina Saltykova
5 (1)
Noize Absorption Index - is the manual trading system that measures the difference of pressure between bears forces and bulls forces. Green line - is a noize free index that showing curent situation. Zero value of index shows totally choppy/flat market.Values above zero level shows how powerfull bullish wave is and values below zero measures bearish forces.Up arrow appears on bearish market when it's ready to reverse, dn arrow appears on weak bullish market, as a result of reverse expectation. S
Harvest GOLD
Sayan Vandenhout
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The "Divergence Strategy Indicator" is an advanced technical analysis tool designed to identify potential trend reversals and trend continuation opportunities in the market. It leverages the concept of divergence, a powerful phenomenon that occurs when price action diverges from an oscillator, indicating underlying shifts in market sentiment. Spo
Forex Gump Trend 是一種通用指標,用於高效確定趨勢方向。如果您正確識別趨勢,這就是 95% 的交易成功,因為您將能夠在價格變動的方向上開倉並從中受益。 Forex Gump Trend 指標幫助交易者以高度的效率確定當前趨勢方向,以及趨勢反轉點。趨勢的方向在圖表上用彩色線表示,趨勢反轉點用箭頭表示。該指標有許多設置,允許您在幾乎所有時間框架和所有貨幣對上使用它。 如何與外匯阿甘趨勢交易? 交易策略取決於交易者的交易風格和他所使用的貨幣對。但在全球範圍內,使用該指標的交易策略始終基於趨勢方向的開單。該指標用彩色線條顯示趨勢。因此,當指標畫出藍線時,我們建立買入交易,當指標畫出紅線時,我們建立賣出交易。考慮到大多數交易者使用剝頭皮策略進行交易的事實,我們建議將 TakeProfit 放置在最小距離。大約15-25分。這是由於剝頭皮。在剝頭皮交易中,我們的目標是在短距離內打開許多訂單。止損設置在指標信號線的上方或下方或趨勢發生變化時。我們總是以小批量交易,這使我們能夠減少交易餘額的負擔。我們嘗試每天進行大量交易以平均結果。因此,如果我們開立大量短距離交易,我們會增加盈
Ivan Stefanov
5 (7)
ENIGMERA: 市场的核心 重要提示:MQL5.com 演示版本在策略测试器中运行,可能无法完全反映 Enigmera 的功能。请查看描述、截图和视频了解详细信息。如有任何问题,请随时联系我! 该指标的代码已完全重写。版本 3.0 增加了新功能并修复了自指标发布以来积累的错误。 简介 这个指标和交易系统是金融市场的一种独特方法。ENIGMERA 使用分形周期来精确计算支撑和阻力水平。它展示了真实的积累阶段,并提供了方向和目标。无论是在趋势中还是在修正中,这个系统都能工作。 它是如何工作的 指标的大部分功能通过图表左侧的按钮控制,使得能够快速响应不同的市场情况。 按钮 ON/OFF – 显示或隐藏整个指标。 Channel – 激活支撑通道,显示可接受的偏差范围。 Dev1 (第一偏差) – 指示价格在支撑偏差内的波动,信号表示市场正在整合或积累力量。 Dev2 (第二偏差) – 显示价格在偏差之间的波动,表示趋势形成和方向。 Dev3 (第三偏差) – 表示趋势的显著加速和高波动性。 45deg (45度) – 显示市场的节奏和相对于 45 度线的运动稳定性。 Tgt1/2
Gold Channel XAUUSD
Paulo Rocha
5 (4)
Gold Channel is a volatility-based indicator, developed with a specific timing algorithm for the XAUUSD pair, which consists of finding possible corrections in the market. This indicator shows two outer lines, an inner line (retracement line) and an arrow sign, where the theory of the channel is to help identify overbought and oversold conditions in the market. The market price will generally fall between the boundaries of the channel. If prices touch or move outside the channel it is a tradi
Quantum Entry PRO
Aleksandr Makarov
Bonus: when you buy or rent the indicator, you get Gold Pro Scalper  or  System Trend Pro absolutely free(of your choice).(Write in a private message or in telegram in the profile to receive a bonus) Quantum Entry is a powerful price action trading system built on one of the most popular and widely known strategies among traders: the Breakout Strategy! This indicator produces crystal clear buy and sell signals based on breakouts of key support and resistance zones. Unlike typical breakout indi
Trade Invest Pro
Dmitriy Kashevich
Trade Invest Pro - Boss in the world of cryptocurrency! This indicator is ideal for cryptocurrency trading! Work on Trade Invest Pro took us half a year! But not in vain! Now only accurate signals near support - resistance levels! He showed himself well on timeframes m5 m15 for binary options! Optionally, it can be configured for forex for timeframes m30 and more! Reacts well to news! Doesn't paint! and does not disappear from the schedule! As soon as a red arrow appears, open a deal fo
Bomb Bank Signal
Igor Pereira Calil
5 (1)
炸彈銀行訊號:您對 MetaTrader 4 的信心指標 Bomb Bank Signal 是 MetaTrader 4 的一個強大指標,旨在識別金融市場中最相關的趨勢。如果您正在尋找一種能夠準確預測運動的工具,那麼炸彈庫就是您需要的盟友。 運作原理: 該指標結合了三種不同的方法——成交量分析、蠟燭收盤價和對稱趨勢——來偵測和發出買賣機會訊號。當炸彈銀行識別出買入機會時,它就像一顆「炸彈」;當它偵測到賣出訊號時,它就像一個「頭骨」。 為什麼炸彈銀行不一樣? 完全可靠性:炸彈庫訊號不會刪除訊號。訊號一旦發出,就會一直存在,確保您不會錯過任何機會。 極為準確:炸彈庫不會發出錯誤訊號。它會即時更新您的訊息,隨著市場的變化進行調整,但保持先前訊號的透明度。 即時更新:訊號被即時識別並在必要時更新,使您能夠快速響應市場變化。 最大化您的結果: 炸彈銀行訊號是識別趨勢持續走勢的理想選擇。例如,如果您已經做空並且指標在 M15 發出買入訊號,那麼現在就是平倉或部分下單的最佳時機,反之亦然。 此外,經過仔細分析,我們建議您遵循M30、H1和H4上的訊號,停損僅50點。這使得價格朝著有利
Dark Sniper
Dmitriy Kashevich
Dark Sniper pointer indicator.  Complete absence of redrawing   The percentage of correct indicator forecasts depends on your settings; the default is period 7 (performed better) The arrow indicates the direction of the next candle and the possible direction of the trend in the future.  Suitable for small timeframes m1 and m5  It is recommended to open transactions from 1 to 2 candles.  The signal appears on the current candle. Open a trade on the next one since the signal is being generat
Stefano Frisetti
5 (3)
note: this indicator is for METATRADER4, if you want the version for METATRADER5 this is the link:  https://www.mql5.com/it/market/product/108106 TRENDMAESTRO ver 2.4 TRENDMAESTRO recognizes a new TREND in the bud, he never makes mistakes. The certainty of identifying a new TREND is priceless. DESCRIPTION TRENDMAESTRO identifies a new TREND in the bud, this indicator examines the volatility, volumes and momentum to identify the moment in which there is an explosion of one or more of these data a
PZ Harmonacci Patterns
3.17 (6)
可以说,这是您可以为MetaTrader平台找到的最完整的谐波价格形成自动识别指标。它检测19种不同的模式,像您一样认真对待斐波那契投影,显示潜在的反转区域(PRZ),并找到合适的止损和获利水平。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 它检测19种不同的谐波价格形态 它绘制了主要,衍生和互补的斐波那契投影(PRZ) 它评估过去的价格走势并显示每个过去的形态 该指标分析其自身的质量和性能 它显示合适的止损和获利水平 它使用突破来表明合适的交易 它在图表上绘制所有样式比率 它实现了电子邮件/声音/视觉警报 受斯科特·M·卡尼(Scott M. Carney)的书的启发,该指标旨在满足最纯粹和最熟练的交易者的需求。但是,它采取了一种使交易更容易的方式:在向交易发出信号之前,它会等待Donchian朝正确方向突破,从而使交易信号非常可靠。 斐波那契投影与向量无关 它实现了电子邮件/声音/推送警报 它绘制了ABCD投影 重要提示: 为了符合 Scott M. Carney先生 的商标申诉,某些图案名称已重命名为不言自明的替代方式, Scott M.
PZ Trend Trading
4.8 (5)
许多盈利交易者不仅知道如何识别市场趋势,而且也能把握趋势建立后的交易机会。 Pz 趋势交易 指标设计用来在趋势行情中尽可能的赚取利润。 已建立的趋势提供了一揽子交易机会,但大多数趋势交易指标完全忽视了它们,让交易者在趋势行情时完全不知道该如何做!一般趋势指标只通知有关的趋势变化,但根本不足以得到卓越的回报. Pz 趋势交易 指标比一般趋势指标显示多达 20 倍的交易 , 因为它注重所谓的市场时机。它不仅显示当前的市场趋势,也有回调,内柱线的突破和调整。它令您在趋势回调之后介入,安全的柱线内突破金字塔加仓,以及发现潜在的反转,和已知的调整。 趋势改变 一个趋势改变在市场方向变化时发生。趋势变化在图表上用带数字的彩色圆圈显示。蓝色 (1) 信号为上涨开始, 而红色 (1) 信号为下跌开始。趋势变化并非评估当前价格动作的结果, 它意味着交易设置是不定时地。如果您正确使用本指标, 在趋势变化时, 您将将已经入场 (参看下面的调整)。 回调 但凡趋势在运动中,行情上下抖动,盈利者收割利润,且其它参与者入场。趋势回调代表好的买入机会,通常是由主力获利离场导致。如果行情在回调后回归上行, 指标将
Please send me Direct message on MQL5 CHAT after purchasing the Indicator for Training and Installation Support There are some additional files that is important to use with the Indicator . So be sure to contact me after purchasing the Indicator So that I can add you for training and support . If you find any difficulty with installation then send me Direct message here So that I can connect with you via Anydesk or Teamview for the product installation. " Smart Order Block Indicator " to find m
5 (2)
BONUS AUX VIP Club 2024 : Include EA Airbag and Load Data History to enhance the performance of this tool to its maximum potential  Click Here to Download Files   ( for users only )   Hello World! Introducing.. SMCpro VIP tool and Indicator for MetaTrader 4, designed to revolutionize your trading experience with the ICT Smart Money Concept. This system is meticulously crafted to empower traders with advanced insights and precision in navigating the dynamic forex markets. This innovative
PZ Divergence Trading
5 (2)
棘手的发现和频率稀缺是最可靠的交易方案之一。该指标使用您喜欢的振荡器自动查找并扫描常规和隐藏的发散。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 容易交易 发现常规和隐藏的分歧 支持许多知名的振荡器 根据突破实现交易信号 显示适当的止损和获利水平 可配置的振荡器参数 可自定义的颜色和尺寸 按条形过滤大小差异 实现绩效统计 它实现了电子邮件/声音/视觉警报 为了提供广阔的市场前景,可以使用不同的振荡器在同一张图表中多次加载该指标,而不会产生干扰。该指标支持以下振荡器: RSI CCI MACD OSMA 随机 动量 很棒的振荡器 加速器振荡器 威廉姆斯百分比范围 相对活力指数 由于差异可能会扩大很多,尤其是在外汇市场中,因此该指标产生了转折:它在等待交易突破之前等待donchian突破确认差异。最终结果是带有非常可靠的交易信号的重新粉刷指示器。 输入参数 幅度:用于寻找差异的之字形周期 振荡器-选择要加载到图表的振荡器。 突破期-交易信号的突破期,以柱为单位。 发散类型-启用或禁用发散类型:隐藏,常规或两者。 最小散度单位为条形-最小散度单位为条形
这是最赚钱的指标。它的表现非常出色。无论市场上有什么兴趣,你都能看到。 几乎在所有情况下,它都只会给你一个长期的市场观点,但不要被愚弄,以为它是受事件约束的。不是这样的。它能找到市场上最大的利益所在,并将其展示给你。别忘了,最大的资金(利益)每天都不会在市场上出现。这是您没有遇到过的情况。月租金可能会给您一到两个信号,仅此而已。但当我们谈论大资金时,他们就是这样行事的。 如果您想了解更多,请点击这里。 这是最赚钱的指标。它的表现非常出色。无论市场上有什么兴趣,你都能看到。 几乎在所有情况下,它都只会给你一个长期的市场观点,但不要被愚弄,以为它是受事件约束的。不是这样的。它能找到市场上最大的利益所在,并将其展示给你。别忘了,最大的资金(利益)每天都不会在市场上出现。这是您没有遇到过的情况。月租金可能会给您一到两个信号,仅此而已。但当我们谈论大资金时,他们就是这样行事的。 如果您想了解更多,请点击这里。
RelicusRoad Pro
Relicus LLC
4.64 (103)
RelicusRoad 用户手册 + 培训视频 + 访问 Private Discord Group + VIP 身份 一种看待市场的新方式 RelicusRoad 是世界上最强大的外汇、期货、加密货币、股票和指数交易指标,为交易者提供保持盈利所需的所有信息和工具。我们提供技术分析和交易计划,帮助每一位交易者取得成功,从初学者到高级。它是一个关键的交易指标,可以提供足够的信息来预测未来的市场。我们相信一个完整的解决方案,而不是图表上几个没有意义的不同指标。这是一个多合一指标,显示无与伦比且非常准确的信号、箭头 + 价格行为信息。 RelicusRoad 基于强大的人工智能,提供缺失的信息和工具来教育您并使您成为交易专家,成为成功的交易者。 几乎所有技术指标都滞后,这意味着它们只能报告已经发生的事情。因此,他们只确认您过去可以看到的价格已经在哪里。我们相信领先指标可以预测未来价格,而无需重新绘制,也不要过度依赖可能改变并导致重新绘制的滞后指标。如果您根据滞后指标进行交易并建立头寸,您就知道您已经大部分时间在赌博。我们相信,在您考虑建仓之前,您需要了解市场并了解价格变动的位置和原
PTS Precision Index Oscillator V2
5 (1)
精密指数振荡器(Pi-Osc)由Precision Trading Systems的Roger Medcalf开发 版本2经过精心重新编码,以在您的图表上加载速度非常快,还加入了一些其他技术改进,以提高体验。 Pi-Osc旨在提供准确的交易定时信号,旨在找到极端的耗尽点,这些点是市场被迫去触及,以清理每个人的止损单。 该产品解决了一个古老的问题,即知道极端点在哪里,这使得交易员的生活变得更加简单。 这是一个高度复杂的共识指标,与行业标准的振荡器相比,具有一些强大的区别。 它使用的一些特征包括需求指数、资金流动、RSI、随机指标、模式识别、成交量分析、标准偏差极端点以及不同长度上述各种变化的分歧。 乍一看,对于未经培训的人来说,它似乎与任何其他振荡器没有什么不同,但当与其他振荡器(如RSI或动量等)相对比时,这个指标的真正威力开始显现。 据我所知,没有其他振荡器可以频繁地精确指出顶部和底部,具有相同的定期效率。 精密指数振荡器由许多不同的数学方程组成,用于测量多个时间框架采样中的价格和成交量变动,从而高度准确地预测趋势可能发生转折的位置。 PTS Pi-Osc V2非
The Nihilist 5.0 Indicator includes Forexalien and Nihilist Easy Trend trading strategies and systems. It is composed of an MTF Dashboard where you can analyze the different input possibilities of each strategy at a glance. It has an alert system with different types of configurable filters. You can also configure which TF you want to be notified on your Metatrader 4 platform and Mobile application The indicator has the option to view how could be a TP and SL by using ATR or fixed points, even w
ZO Trend
Trung Le Hoang
4 (4)
Important!! ZO Trend can't work on MN timeframe. /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZO Trend an indicator used to search for entry point. With the session candle algorithm on many timeframe, ZO Trend creates an area for traders find good Entry Point. ZO SYSTEM BASIC SETUP :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdNOXHWozNw ZO TREND User guide : 
Gann Zone Pro
Kirill Borovskii
This indicator identifies and displays zones, as it were areas of strength, where the price will unfold. The indicator can work on any chart, any instrument, at any timeframe. The indicator has two modes. The indicator is equipped with a control panel with buttons for convenience and split into two modes. Manual mode: To work with manual mode, you need to press the NEW button, a segment will appear. This segment is stretched over the movement and the LVL button is pressed. The level is displayed
Clever Order Blocks
Carlos Forero
5 (2)
Description Very precise patterns to detect: entry signals as well as breakout, support and resistance reversal patterns. It points out zones in which, with a high probability, institutional orders with the potential to change the price’s direction and keep moving towards it, have been placed.  KEY LINKS:   Indicator Manual  –  How to Install   –  Frequent Questions  -  All Products  How is this indicator useful? It will allow you to trade on the order’s direction, once its direction has been id
Gann Swing Structure
Kirill Borovskii
5 (1)
This indicator is based on the mathematics of the great trader W.D. Ganna. With its help, you can easily find strong levels by analyzing swings to find the optimal entry point. The indicator works on all instruments and all timeframes. The indicator is fully manual and has control buttons. All you need to do is press the NEW button, a segment will appear, which you can place on any movement, swing or even 1 candle that you want to analyze. By placing the segment, press the OK button. A grid (th
Full Forex Market View Dashboard
Opengates Success International
5 (2)
完整的外汇市场视图仪表板指示器 这是一个自定义指标,旨在让交易者全面了解市场上正在发生的事情。 它使用实时数据访问市场并显示成功交易所需的每一点信息。 安装: 在将此指标附加到您的窗口图表之前,请转到您的 MT4 的市场观察面板并隐藏所有您不需要或交易的货币对,并将其余货币对留在那里。 原因是 FFMV 仪表板将显示出现在 MT4 市场观察中的所有货币对。 它最多可以显示 30 个或更少的货币对。 如果它超过您 MT4 的市场观察中的那个,它会模糊和毁坏 FFMV 仪表盘上的字体和图像! 它不会正确显示。 用法:      单人交易      对于篮子交易(见截图如何)      也可用于多单交易      确认从您自己的交易系统等收到的信号的有效性。 成分:      时间范围:从 M1 到 MN1 当前蜡烛状态(买入/卖出      趋势:币种整体走势      影响:货币变动的幅度/波动性,见下文:      建立:货币正在建立      好:货币越来越严重      高:币值值得关注      强:要考虑方向      非常强:这种货币近乎完美      优秀:
Pair Trading Station MT4
Young Ho Seo
3.67 (3)
How to use Pair Trading Station Pair Trading Station is recommended for H1 time frame and you can use it for any currency pairs. To generate buy and sell signal, follow few steps below to apply Pair Trading Station to your MetaTrader terminal. When you load Pair Trading Station on your chart, Pair Trading station will assess available historical data in your MetaTrader platforms for each currency pair. On your chart, the amount of historical data available will be displayed for each currency pai
Robot Choppiness
Diego Mauricio Padilla Mendez
3 (2)
Choppines 機器人作為指標載入到 MT4 指標資料夾中 建議使用5分鐘的蠟燭計時,建議的機器人到期時間為5分鐘。 機器人可設定為向 MT2、MX2、PRICEPRO 平台發送訊號。要發送訊號,您必須使用我們要使用的平台的連接器程式。 若要在連接器上安裝,請執行下列程序(隨附映像描述 MT2 平台連接器的配置):  1.- 在 MT4 平台上載入任何貨幣對 2.- 將蠟燭放在 M5 時間上 3.- 載入或拖曳 Robot-Chopiness.ex4 檔案到螢幕上開啟的貨幣對。 4.- 將MT2 連接器(MX2,或PRICEPRO,一次一個)載入到螢幕上,設定檔名稱、訊號名稱、買入緩衝區(0)、賣出緩衝區(1),設定機器人到期時間= 5 分鐘。 5.- 將此配置保存在模板中,以便模板將其自動加載到您要使用的所有貨幣對中。 波動機器人也可以在場外交易市場工作,您現在可以使用我們的指標來操作綜合指數
Introduction to X3 Chart Pattern Scanner X3 Cherart Pattern Scanner is the non-repainting and non-lagging indicator detecting X3 chart patterns including Harmonic pattern, Elliott Wave pattern, X3 patterns, and Japanese Candlestick patterns. Historical patterns match with signal patterns. Hence, you can readily develop the solid trading strategy in your chart. More importantly, this superb pattern scanner can detect the optimal pattern of its kind. In addition, you can switch on and off individu
IMPORTANT; Price is subject to rise at any time from now! Do not miss this offer! Dear trader I am glad to introduce my new tool called Trend Analyser Dashboard to you. The design, style, and settings of this indicator  have been made simple to make its users not take too much time in understanding the indicator itself.   The purpose is to help traders in analysing the direction of the major trend and the status of the trend whether in weak trend or its strong trend. The indicator will also prov
PZ Mean Reversion MT4
3 (4)
采用专业和量化方法进行均值回归交易的独特指标。它利用了价格以可预测和可衡量的方式转移并返回均值这一事实,这允许明确的进入和退出规则大大优于非量化交易策略。 [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] 清晰的交易信号 非常容易交易 可定制的颜色和尺寸 实现性能统计 优于大多数交易策略 显示合适的止损和止盈水平 它实现了电子邮件/声音/视觉警报 这个怎么运作 该指标从更高的时间范围测量完全可定制的移动平均线的标准偏差,并使用趋势跟踪方法精确地找到交易。交易是通过深入当前图表的价格行为发现的,并在价格返回到平均价格区间时关闭,根据您选择的更高时间范围计算。由于其编码方式,该指标将远离高波动性和强劲趋势市场,并且仅在可预测的情况下进行交易,在可接受的波动性与方向性比率范围内,回归均值是可行的。 指标剖析 绿线是更高时间范围内的移动平均线(也就是平均值) 虚线区域是移动平均线周围的典型价格区间 蓝线是看涨交易的突破价格 红线是看跌交易的突破价格 交易是针对均值进行的,并在典型的价格
ATC AlgoZone Indicator
Ameur Boudenne
5 (2)
Algo Trading Indicaor  With this indicator , you’ll have zones and trends that hight probability the price will reverse from it. so will gives you all the help that you need  Why should you join us !?  1-This indicator is logical since it’s working in previous days movement , to predict the future movements. 2-Algo trading indicator will help you to draw trends which is special and are too strong than the basics trend , trends will change with the frame time that you work on . 3-We can use
Smooth price for Monarch MT4
Konstantin Gruzdev
3.67 (3)
The Smooth Price technical indicator is used for plotting a smoothed line as close to the price of the financial instrument as possible, and serves to eliminate its noise components. The indicator is part of the Monarch trading system, but here it is presented as an independent technical analysis tool. The indicator is based on the cluster digital filter , which, unlike the ClusterSMA , is applied directly to the price time series. Smooth Price does not redraw (except the very last, zero bar) an
Phillimon Shumbusho
The real market buy/Sell signals, you can trust.  This indicator tracks the trend strength, the market strength, the real current volume, and the price direction to give traders and investors the optimum point for entry in the form of signals. The time frames range from 5 minutes to one (1) hour chart. Trading on higher time frames produce the best outcomes, but also do produce less frequent trades, compared to trading on lower time frames.
ECM Elite Channel is a volatility-based indicator, developed with a specific time algorithm, which consists of finding possible corrections in the market. This indicator shows two outer lines, an inner line (retracement line) and an arrow sign, where the channel theory is to help identify overbought and oversold conditions in the market. The market price will generally fall between the boundaries of the channel. If prices touch or move outside the channel, it's a trading opportunity. The ind
Mikhail Bilan
Трендовый индикатор предназначенный для поиска так называемого  разворота цены.  Который точно показывает трейдеру момент разворота цены. Данный индикатор лучше всего подходит для выставления стоп ордеров, а также для установления движения тренда или настроения рынка.Лучше всего работает в момент установления на рынке сильных трендовых направлений движения , которые происходят приблизительно 40% времени.   مؤشر الاتجاه المصمم للبحث عن ما يسمى بالنقاط المحورية ، الذي يبين بدقة للتاجر لحظة الانعكا
Mikhail Bilan
Moving indicator. It is written so that it doesn't signal when two moving averages cross. Easy to operate.  It performed well on European and Asian currencies. Designed for long-term and medium-term types of trading.  Индикатор мувингов. Написан так что даёт сигнал при пересечении двух скользящих. Прост в управлении.   Хорошо себя показал на европейских и азиатских валютах.  Рассчитан  на долгосрочный тип торговли. 
Mikhail Bilan
3 (3)
圓點表示強烈的運動方向。它不會自動工作,您需要手動打開交易並關閉它。看到自己的利潤點,我想你可以在屏幕截圖中弄清楚。我每 150-200 點後關閉。指標訂閱可以作為預測單獨協商。寫信給您的私人消息,或您的個人資料中指定的聯繫人。我只交易外匯股票,其他東西也可以接受。盈利或虧損取決於您如何使用它。從現在開始租賃。沒有關於測試儀的報告,因為該指標僅給出信號並顯示趨勢的強度。在出現第 2 個藍色圓圈後,您可以在 2 個黃色圓圈后買入或打開賣出訂單。 已經做出改變!!! 23.07.2021年 朋友們下午好!應買家的要求,現在當滿足買入或賣出條件時,指標將發送警報和推送通知。只要您安裝了 MQL 應用程序,推送通知就會傳到手機上。您只需要在應用程序中輸入您的 MetaQuoteID。您可以在 MT4 平台的服務 - 設置 - 通知部分找到它。 我在截圖1-2照片部分以截圖的形式展示了信號的條件。同樣在第三張照片中,您可以看到信號並標記在圖表上。 BYU 信號的條件 1. 燭台向上穿過 MA 線並以綠色圓圈收於該線上方。 2. 上一根蠟燭收盤後,下一根蠟燭預計將以綠色信號圈收盤,
Mikhail Bilan
Данный индикатор Форекс построен на теории оценки силы тренда и расчёта, когда нужно входить в рынок. Как только появляется сигнал захода в рынок над свечёй вырисовуется стрелка которая и показывает дальнейшее направление цены. . Это полноценный индикатор который поможет вам принимать решение о входе в рынок и о позиции которую необходимо занять при открытии ордера. 
Mikhail Bilan
TRADING INDICATOR SHOWS AS JUDGING FROM the NAME BEGINNING AND the END of the THREE TRADING SESSIONS in the FOREX market : ASIAN(RED),EUROPEAN (GREEN), AMERICAN (PURPLE) COLOR. This indicator applies a color marking on the chart of any currency pair, in the form of squares. Each square corresponds to the duration of the session and its height corresponds to the trading range. 
Good day! To your attention the ForexdivergencePS indicator may not be the newest in the trading strategy The Forex indicator detects and displays descending and ascending divergences on the chart. When a new pattern is formed, a pop-up window is triggered. An arrow is formed on the chart that shows the type of phenomenon and helps to open an order in the optimal direction. Friends of traders rate the effectiveness of the tool as above average. You can change settings, including the sensitiv
Skalping即时指indicator. 该信号与地下室的购买或销售值指示器箭头结合。 当箭头和显示四个时间帧的基底指标在预测中重合时,会考虑强信号。 例如卖出信号: 1. 红色箭头给出了卖出头寸的初始信号 2. 所有时间框架中的红色方块-确认打开卖出头寸。 我建议保留指标的默认设置。 适用于所有货币对。 我建议在主要货币对上使用它 : 澳元/美元澳元兑美元 欧元/美元欧元兑美元 英镑/美元英镑兑美元 美元/加元美元兑加元 美元/瑞士法郎美元兑瑞士法郎 美元/日元美元兑日元。 AUD / USD Австралийский доллар против доллара США EUR / USD Евро против доллара США GBP / USD Британский фунт против доллара США USD / CAD Доллар США против канадского доллара USD / CHF Доллар США против швейцарского франка USD / JPY Доллар США про
FEATURES OF THE HELPTRADER TO ENTER THE MARKET INDICATOR ! four types of moving averages for building a channel; ! ability to select the width of the flat (Central MA) and the margin for the channel borders; ! four options for the display channel; ! three settings for the appearance of the arrow signal; !customizable notification system. The arrow channel indicator HelpTrader to Enter the Market, due to its variability, can become a fairly effective tool for trading in combination with other in
Trend Change
Mikhail Bilan
The Trend Change indicator allows you to use the moving average to indicate to the trader a change in the direction of the trend movement. This is a modified indicator, the advantage of which is the ability to keep up with rapid changes in price dynamics in the presence of excellent SMA smoothing over the period. I recommend the standard indicator settings. Apply on a timeframe not lower than M30 
Mikhail Bilan
Характеристики советника Платформа : MetaTrader 4 Версия : 1.0 Обновлён до : 1.1 Валютные пары : USDCHF и прочие инструменты с умеренной волатильностью Таймфрейм : Н1 Тип робота :  сеточник Время работы : не ограничено Принцип торговли Отличие  в том, что здесь лот при построении сетки ордер в( при желании можно не увеличивать) увеличивается не в геометрической, а в арифметической прогрессии. Это снижает нагрузку на депозит и позволяет переживать сильные тренды. В остальном ProPribl стандартный
Mikhail Bilan
Indicator without redrawing Divergent MAX The DivirgentMAX indicator is a modification based on the MACD. The tool detects divergence based on OsMA and sends signals to buy or sell (buy|sell), taking into account the type of discrepancies detected. Important!!!! In the DivirgentMAX indicator, the optimal entry points are drawn using arrows in the indicator's basement. Divergence is also displayed graphically. In this modification of the MACD, the lag problem characteristic of its predecessor i
Mikhail Bilan
This type of arrow indicator works without redrawing signals. The signal on the indicator is shown as arrows (in the direction of movement). It is very simple and effective to use in the Forex market. Type of trading: "Scalping" It is applicable and performs well in intraday trading, as well as long-term trading.  Сигнал на индикаторе показан в виде стрелок ( по направлению движения). Очень прост и эффективен в применении на рынке Форекс. Вид торговли: " Скальпинг"   Применим и хорошо себя по
Mikhail Bilan
The IndicatorPivot indicator is suitable for using forex trading strategies designed for intraday trading. "IndicatorPivot" displays on the price chart of a currency pair the Pivot level (average price for the current day) and the three closest support and resistance levels, calculated based on Fibonacci levels. The "Indicator Pivot" indicator uses Fibonacci levels to solve the problem of building support and resistance levels in Forex trading. This indicator is very easy to understand and to ap
Mikhail Bilan
The PatternMMB trading indicator finds the most common candlestick analysis patterns and provides trading recommendations based on them. The PatternMMB trading indicator is designed to search for candlestick patterns on the price chart and issue trading recommendations depending on the nature of the found candlestick pattern. It is also possible to send sound notifications when all or any of the selected patterns appear, with an explanation of the pattern and its interpretation. In addition, th
Mikhail Bilan
Similarly with sales. Additionally, the indicator contains a buy or sell signal in the form of arrows.  Power type indicator.  Test it in a tester to make sure that it works. It is important to select settings depending on the volatility of the asset. Good for scalping and long-term trading. Lots of settings. The most interesting thing is the ability to set in the indicator for moving on timeframes from 1 minute on the timeframes of the main chart. The signals become even more accurate) It
Script risk management, which calculates for you the potential profit, possible loss, risk percentage, on the entire account and for each instrument. Shows where stop-losses and take-profits are not set. Each line summarizes the number of open transactions for a specific instrument and calculates the percentage of loss from the total deposit. Beyond the line, the final calculation of the balance is summarized, if all transactions are triggered by stop loss; Potential loss, as the sum of all st
Multi Information Panel
Mikhail Bilan
5 (1)
Multi Information Panel designed to give alot more precision to both trade entries and exits and provide an instant snapshot of a currency pair’s movement. Multi Information Panel works on any currency or timeframe (or it should) and displays the following in the bottom right corner of the chart.. A graph of Stochastic Oscillators on timeframes M1 up to D1. An indication of the market trend using EMA’s on timeframes M1 to D1. The direction of the MACD on the current chart, and crossing of the
Volume solution
Mikhail Bilan
5 (1)
Volume, momentum, and market strength are key indications that price is about to move in a certain direction. The Volume-solution indicator is one indicator which can help traders objectively classify a momentum type of trade setup as one having volume and strength or not. What is the Volume-solution Indicator? The Trading Volume indicator is a custom technical indicator which works somewhat like a market sentiment indicator. It indicates the strength of the bulls and the bears of the market. Wh
Mikhail Bilan
Description of ZiqScalping The ZiqScalping indicator is designed to trade both currencies with high volatility and trend-oriented currencies. Recommended time frame for scalping: М5, М15, М30. Recommended timeframe for intraday trading and above: H1, D1. Works on all pairs! Settings : See screenshots. Decision principle! The indicator is based on 2MA, MACDI,OSMA. Arrows with trend directions and 2MA lines are shown graphically. Calculations of volumes by positions are entered into the fo
Индикатор RSI MT5 - это индикатор Metatrader 5, и суть этого технического индикатора заключается в преобразовании накопленных исторических данных на основе индикатора RSI. Сигналы показаны разными цветами свечей. Смотрите настройки, тестируёте. Это очень полезный индикатор и он точно должен быть у вас . The RSI in candlelight MT5 indicator is a Metatrader 5 indicator, and the essence of this technical indicator is to transform the accumulated historical data based on the RSI indicator. Signals a
Trend Corridor
Mikhail Bilan
Описание индикатора будет крайне коротким. Индикатор Коридор тренда показывает трейдерам зону в которой находится валюта и даёт понимание по какому тренду движется рынок. Визуально очень хорошо воспринимается. Уровни взяты и просчитаны не просто. Полезный индикатор для арсенала индикаторов трейдера. The description of the indicator will be extremely short. The Trend Corridor indicator shows traders the zone in which the currency is located and gives an understanding of which trend the market is
This indicator uses a mathematical calculation algorithm . This algorithm calculates the remainder between the updated model and the actual values and produces the possible progress of the graph on the graph. It is not a super prophet in trading, but it is very good for the trader when entering the market and to analyze it before entering. Applicable for all currencies. Данный индикатор использует алгоритм математических вычислений . Данный алгоритм вычисляет остаток между обновленной моделью и
Mikhail Bilan
About the Proinsta78MT5 Indicator The dots show a strong direction of movement, if there are no dots, then the movement changes or there will be a trading corridor with an exit. The profit depends on the timeframe, the larger it is, the more you can earn on the movement. I close on average after every 150-200 points. I have shown the conditions for the signal in the form of screenshots in the screenshots 1-2photo section. Also in the third photo, the signals are visible and marked on the grap