Multiple MA Ind
- 指标
- 版本: 1.0
- 激活: 5
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Multiple Moving Average (MA) indicator is used to find the direction of the trend using multiple Moving Average indicators. It calculates using the following rules:
· Ask < MA, it is SELL
· Bid > MA, it is BUY
· Ask > MA > Bid, it is None (no signal)
After you attached the indicator to a chart it will show the following information on the chart:
- Multiple MAs arranged by their method
- Buy and Sell count
- Summary: Conclusion
You can hide all the information displayed in the chart by setting false to Show On Chart.
Indicator Setting
MA Setting
- Period: Number of periods
- Method: Method
- Simple
- Exponential
- Smoothed
- Linear-Weighted
- Price: Applied Price
- Close
- Open
- High
- Low
- Median
- Typical
- Weighted
Notification Settings
- Show Alert: Show Alert box
- Email Notify: Send an Email