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Auto Trade Copier


自动交易复制器旨在以 100% 的准确度在多个 MT4/MT5 账户/终端之间复制交易。提供商和接收方账户必须位于同一台 PC/VPS 上。使用此工具,您可以将交易复制到同一台 PC/VPS 上的接收方账户。所有交易操作都将从提供商复制到接收方,不会有任何延迟。此版本仅适用于 MT4 账户。对于 MT5 账户,您必须使用 MT5 的自动交易复制器。参考:


  • 对于 MT4 接收器,请下载“Trade Receiver Free” 这里.
  • 对于 MT5 接收器,请下载“Trade Receiver Free MT5” 这里.
  • 对于同一台 PC/VPS 上的 MT5 提供商,请检查“Auto Trade Copier MT5” 这里.
  • 如果您需要通过互联网在不同的 PC/VPS 上进行账户复制,请查看“Trade Copier Pro” 这里.
  • 如果您需要通过互联网在不同的 PC/VPS 账户之间进行复制,且接收方数量不限,请查看“无限交易复制器专业版” 这里.
  • 在 MT4 和 MT5 账户之间复制。
  • 一个提供商可以将交易复制到多个接收者的账户。
  • 一个提供商可以通过不同的渠道复制不同的信号。
  • 一个接收者可以从多个提供商的账户复制交易。
  • 一个账户可以复制到自身,以此来扩大手数。这对于修改从 MQL5 信号复制的手数非常有用。
  • 复制 SL/TP 修改,而不仅仅是进入和退出,因此在连接丢失或终端关闭的情况下,接收器更加安全。
  • 接收方的账户仍然可以手动交易或使用其他 EA,不会发生任何冲突。
  • 自动识别并匹配不同经纪商之间的符号后缀。
  • 允许最多设置 5 个特殊符号(即:US500-->USA500,等等)。
  • 多种批量大小选择。
  • 保护接收者免受延迟和过期订单的影响。
  • 对接收方账户进行提款保护。
  • 允许过滤复制入口点、SL点、TP点和出口点。‌
  • 允许过滤要复制的订单类型。
  • 允许接收器处自定义 SL 和 TP。
  • 允许反向复印。
  • 过滤要复制的包含/排除对。
  • 通过订单注释和魔术数字过滤复制订单。
  • 允许接收方为复制的交易设置自定义注释和神奇数字,这与自营交易兼容。
  • 发送信号通知到电子邮件、手机和电报。
  • 终端关机或者断电后恢复以前的设置和状态。
  • 实时控制面板。
  • 使用方便,界面友好。
  • 将复印机安装到提供商的 MT4 终端的任意一个图表上,然后单击状态按钮将其打开。
  • 将复制器或接收器 EA 安装到接收方 MT4 终端的任意图表上,并将提供商的账号添加到“提供商列表”中,然后单击状态按钮将其打开。


  • 如需进一步帮助,请通过 Skype 联系我:autofxpro

评论 100
JohnNiceman 2024.09.20 21:42 

Hallo, I instaled the copier to my computer to MT4 , but I am not able move it to my VPS. Do you know how? If I copy the EA copy machine to the expert folder on my VPS it does not work. What should I do start it on my VPS? Thank you for help.

credodo 2024.07.15 10:20 

Great solution (MT4 to ctrader). Had an issue with the local ctrader receiver, fixed in 35 min. Five stars for the support as well!

Katharine Jones
Katharine Jones 2024.01.15 08:41 

I absolutely love this trade copier. No issues at all!

Fast Trade Copier
Volodymyr Hrybachov
4.2 (5)
The trade copier is designed for a fast and accurate copying of orders between the MetaTrader 4 terminals. The trade copier copies trades from the Master account to the Slave account by writing information to the total file, which is located in the common directory of the MetaTrader 4 terminals. This allows the trade copier to either customize various schemes for receiving and transmitting trade signals by changing the file name. Reading and writing the copier file is performed by timer. The tra
Vladislav Andruschenko
4.7 (63)
MetaTrader 4 的交易复制器。     它从任何账户复制外汇交易、头寸、订单。 它是最好的贸易复印机之一     MT4 - MT4,MT5 - MT4     为了   复制 MT4     版本(或     MT4 - MT5 MT5 - MT5     为了   复制MT5     版本)。 MT5版本 详细描述   +DEMO +PDF 如何购买 如何安装     如何获取日志文件     如何测试和优化     Expforex 的所有产品 复印机 版本       MetaTrader 5 终端 (   МТ5 - МТ5, МТ4 - МТ5   )-   Copylot 客户端 MT5 独特的复制算法将所有交易从主账户准确复制到您的客户账户。 该产品还以其高运行速度而著称,并且具有强大的错误处理能力。 一组强大的功能。 该程序可以在多个终端绑定上运行。 使用它作为您在一个账户上交易的多个账户的交易 的同步器 , - COPYLOT 会将您的交易复制到其他终端。 从已关闭的账户中复制 Invest 密码; 部分关闭仅从 mt4 到 mt4
Automatic Breakeven levels Using   this   utility ,   y ou can activate the automatic SL movement, when the trade reaches a desired profit.  Especially   important   for a   short -term   traders.   Offset option is also available: some profit may be protected. My  #1 Utility : 65+ features, including this tool  |   Contact me  if you have any questions  |   MT5 version The process of activating the automatic breakeven function: 1.   Select the Symbol or Trade   for which the Auto BE function w
VR Cub
Vladimir Pastushak
VR Cub 这是获得高质量切入点的指标。该指标的开发是为了促进数学计算并简化对仓位入场点的搜索。多年来,该指标所针对的交易策略已被证明其有效性。交易策略的简单性是其巨大的优势,即使是新手交易者也能成功进行交易。 VR Cub 计算开仓点以及获利和止损目标水平,这显着提高了效率和易用性。查看使用以下策略进行交易的屏幕截图,了解简单的交易规则。 设置、设置文件、演示版本、说明、问题解决,可以从以下位置获取 [博客] 您可以在以下位置阅读或撰写评论 [关联] 版本为 [MetaTrader 5] 计算入场点的规则 开仓 要计算入场点,您需要将 VR Cub 工具从最后一个高点拉伸到最后一个低点。 如果第一个点在时间上早于第二个点,交易者等待柱线收于中线上方。 如果第一个点在时间上晚于第二个点,交易者等待柱线收于中线下方。 根据上述条件,严格在 柱线收盘 后建仓。 换句话说,如果我们在小时图上进行交易,那么从最高点到最低点的时间距离必须超过24小时,最高点和最低点之间的点数必须大于或等于平均价格变动每天。 维持和改变市场地位 可以有多个未平仓头寸;每个头寸都可以单独修改。 VR Cu
KopierMaschine - локальный копировщик сделок между различными счетами MetaTrader 4 и MetaTrader 5 в любом направлении расположенных на одном компьютере с интуитивно понятным интерфейсом. Направления копирования: MT4 --> MT5 MT4 --> MT4 MT5 --> MT5 MT5 --> MT4 для копирования между терминалами MetaTrader 4 и MetaTrader   5 необходимо приобрести версию продукта KopierMaschine  для  MetaTrader   5 Особенности Программа работает в двух режимах Master и Slave На один подчиненный счет можно копирова
Local Trade Copier EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (83)
通过 Local Trade Copier EA MT4 获得非常快速的交易复制体验。它的简单1分钟设置,使您可以在同一台Windows计算机或Windows VPS上在多个MetaTrader终端之间复制交易,具有闪电般快速的复制速度,低于0.5秒。 无论您是初学者还是专业交易者, Local Trade Copier EA MT4 都提供了广泛的选项,可根据您的特定需求进行自定义。对于任何希望增加利润潜力的人来说,这都是终极解决方案。 今天就尝试一下,看看为什么它是市场上最快、最简单的贸易复印机! 提示: 您可以在您的模拟账户中下载并试用 Local Trade Copier EA MT4 模拟版: 这里 将下载的免费演示文件粘贴到您的 MT4 >> 文件 >> 打开数据文件夹 >> MQL4 >> 专家文件夹并重新启动您的终端。  免费演示版本每次可在 4 小时内发挥全部功能,仅限演示帐户。 要重置试用期,请转至 MT4 >> 工具 >> 全局变量 >> Control + A >> 删除。 请仅在非关键模拟账户上执行此操作,不要在挑战道具公司账户中执行此操作。 Local
用於自動訂單和風險管理的實用程序。讓您從利潤中獲得最大收益並限制您的損失。由執業交易員為交易員創建。該實用程序易於使用,適用於交易者手動打開的任何市場訂單或在顧問的幫助下。可以按幻數過濾交易。該實用程序可以同時處理任意數量的訂單。 具有以下功能: 1. 設置止損和止盈水平; 2. 通過追踪止損位平倉; 3. 設定盈虧平衡水平。 該實用程序可以: 1. 分別處理每個訂單(為每個訂單單獨設置級別) 2. 處理一籃子單向訂單(所有訂單的水平設置相同,買入和賣出分開) 3. 處理一籃子多向訂單(所有訂單的級別都設置為通用的,BUY 和 SELL 一起) 選項: STOPLOSS - 如果不使用 =-1,則以點為單位止損; TAKEPROFIT - 以點為單位獲利,不與 -1 一起使用; TRAILING_STOP - 價格變動的點數,如果不使用 =-1; TRAILING_STEP - 每一步利潤將增加的點數; BREAKEVEN_STOP - 將訂單轉移到盈虧平衡點的點數,如果不使用 =-1; BREAKEVEN_ST
Exp4 Duplicator
Vladislav Andruschenko
4.48 (21)
EA 在您的帐户 MetaTrader 4 上重复 交易和头寸或发出预设次数的信号。 它复制所有手动或由另一个“EA 交易”打开的交易。 复制信号并增加信号的数量 ! 增加其他 EA 的数量。 支持以下功能:复制交易的自定义手数、复制止损、获利、使用追踪止损。 MT5版本 详细描述 +DEMO +PDF 如何购买 如何安装     如何获取日志文件     如何测试和优化     Expforex 的所有产品 链接 MetaTrader 的交易复印机可在此处获得:   COPYLOT 注意力 注意:这不是终端之间交易的复印机。 您可以在策略测试器中测试“EA 交易”,并在可视模式下使用我们的 EAPADPRO 工具栏进行交易! 在 1 个货币对上安装 EA 就足够了。默认情况下,它将监视所有打开的符号。 这个怎么运作? Duplicator/Dublicator 助手 EA 重复在终端中打开的头寸。 EA 能够复制头寸和挂单。 要复制的位置或顺序称为 源 。重复位置是一个 副本 。 The EA repeats the source the specified numb
Trendiness Index
Libertas LLC
5 (3)
"The trend is your friend" is one of the best known sayings in investing, because capturing large trendy price movements can be extremely profitable. However, trading with the trend is often easier said than done, because many indicators are based on price reversals not trends. These aren't very effective at identifying trendy periods, or predicting whether trends will continue. We developed the Trendiness Index to help address this problem by indicating the strength and direction of price trend
Noize Absorption Index MT4
Ekaterina Saltykova
5 (1)
Noize Absorption Index - is the manual trading system that measures the difference of pressure between bears forces and bulls forces. Green line - is a noize free index that showing curent situation. Zero value of index shows totally choppy/flat market.Values above zero level shows how powerfull bullish wave is and values below zero measures bearish forces.Up arrow appears on bearish market when it's ready to reverse, dn arrow appears on weak bullish market, as a result of reverse expectation. S
Black Square
Maksim Neimerik
This is an Expert Advisor with the elements of graphics trading. It performs trading operations using the "Rectangle" (or "Square") shape. The Expert Advisor automatically draws a square and opens a Buy or Sell orders when the price crosses its lower or upper bounds respectively. The shape can be drawn manually. For this purpose you should disable the auto drawing feature in the Expert Advisor settings. If the price moves in the wrong direction, the Expert Advisor sets up to four orders in accor
TWO PAIRS SQUARE HEDGE METER INDICATOR Try this brilliant 2 pairs square indicator It draws a square wave of the relation between your two inputs symbols when square wave indicates -1 then it is very great opportunity to SELL pair1 and BUY Pair2 when square wave indicates +1 then it is very great opportunity to BUY pair1 and SELL Pair2 the inputs are : 2 pairs of symbols         then index value : i use 20 for M30 charts ( you can try other values : 40/50 for M15 , : 30 for M30 , : 10 for H1 ,
Trade Copier Pro
Vu Trung Kien
4.57 (14)
Trade Copier Pro 是一个强大的工具,多账户之间进行远程复制的贸易超过互联网不同的位置。这是一个信号提供商的理想解决方案,谁想要与全球范围内对自己规则的人分享他的贸易。一个供应商的交易可以复制到多接收器和一个接收器可以得到贸易额从多供应商也是如此。 供应商和接收器可与供电内置的数据库管理系统来管理他的合作伙伴名单。 这个工具允许全局配置模式(copy过来互联网)和本地模式(在同一台PC/服务器内复制)之间进行选择。 要求: MetaTrader4的4.00版构建670或以上。 参考: 如果你只需要在本地复制与更低的价格,你可以检查Auto Trade Copier在: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/4676 以下是亮点功能:     在一个工具提供商或接收器之间转换角色。     一个供应商的交易可以复制到多接收器和一个接收器可以从多个供应商收到交易。     供应/接收器可通过供电数据库管理系统,而无需额外的工具管理自己的接收器/供应商名单(添加,删除,编辑,启用/禁用)。     全球模式(copy过来互联
Syed Oarasul Islam
This utility is designed to help you with your Manual Trading. It allows different ways of closing trades. It can display total number of BUY and SELL orders individually and also their individual profits. It can enter trades without stopl loss and take profits. However upon selecting UseStopLossTakeProfit from the settings it can use best possible stop loss and take profits based on the market conditions. Upon selecting the CloseOppositeTrades  from the settings it can close opposite trades. Fo
Trade copier MT4
Alfiya Fazylova
4.52 (29)
Trade Copier 是一种专业实用程序,旨在复制和同步交易账户之间的交易。 复制发生从供应商的帐户/终端到收件人的帐户/终端,安装在同一台计算机或 vps 上。 在购买之前,您可以在演示帐户上测试演示版本。 演示 这里 。 完整说明 这里 。 主要功能和优点: 支持复制MT4>MT4、MT4>MT5、MT5>MT4,包括МТ5 netting账户。 供应商和收件人模式在同一产品中实现。 简单直观的界面,允许您直接从图表中实时控制复制。 连接中断或终端重新启动时不会丢失设置和位置。 允许您选择要复制的符号,也可以替换接收者的符号,例如 EURUSD> USDJPY。 支持回拷贝。 能够仅复制某些订单。 允许您设置开仓交易价格的最大差异和最大时间延迟。 正确复制部分订单关闭的执行。 计算复制手数的几种方法。 同步止盈和止损。有几种方法可以计算它们的位置。 支持通过执行在“Market account”上工作,其中 SL / TP 仅在开仓后设置。 如何使用简单的设置复制交易 将供应商终端和接收终端安装在同一台计算机或 VPS 上。 在供应商终端上以“Master”模式安装复印机,然后
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The "Currency Strength Meter Strategy" Indicator is a cutting-edge technical analysis tool that offers traders a unique perspective on the forex market. By analyzing the relative strength of different currencies, this indicator provides valuable insights into the market's dynamics, allowing traders to make informed decisions. Understanding Curren
FTMO Protector 7
Vyacheslav Izvarin
PROTECT YOUR FTMO Account in a simplest way Must-Have   Account Protector for any Prop-trading Account and Challenge MT4 / MT5 Expert Advisor that protects your Forex Prop Trading account from an unexpected drawdown! FTMO Protector  is a Tool that lets you manage trades and control your profit and loss across multiple Robots and currency pairs using a simple parameters and settings. Use as many EAs and Instruments you need, the Protector will: 1.   Calculate your midnight (01:00 System time) Bal
Intro to ProfitKeeper - Equity Basket CloseAll Script, Free edition This is an update from this script  ( mql4 forum | forexfactory :  There were many people requesting some type of equity monitoring tool that can lock in profits after a pre-determined account equity is reached (e.g. close all open trades when profit target is hit). Profitkeeper was built to fulfill this gap for professional and casual traders looking to focus on the bottom line of their equity. This was designed mainly for cos
The indicator displays the data of the Stochastic oscillator from a higher timeframe on the chart. The main and signal lines are displayed in a separate window. The stepped response is not smoothed. The indicator is useful for practicing "manual" forex trading strategies, which use the data from several screens with different timeframes of a single symbol. The indicator uses the settings that are identical to the standard ones, and a drop-down list for selecting the timeframe. Indicator Parame
Smart Volume
Issam Kassas
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . Technical indicators are crucial tools for analyzing market trends. Smart Volume, can help traders understand price movements and market strength. This indicator utilizes tick volume and price action to identify market trends and reversals. The Smart Volume indicator displays volume bars in blue, yellow, green, red, and white, each signifying dis
Trade with Gann on your side!! MASTER CIRCLE 360 CIRCLE CHART, originally created by Gann admitted that this is “The Mother of all charts”. It is one of the last studies that this great trader left for us. The numeric tab le is apparently quite simple like all the tables and is based on square numbers, the SQUARE OF 12 and is by evolution, one of the most important square numbers. Here we can find CYCLE, PRICE AND TIME thanks to angles and grades, to show past and future support and resistance.
Display Multipair
Kourosh Hossein Davallou
This is an indicator that allows displaying three currency pairs in one window. Input Parameters: Symbol1 - first currency pair. symbol1mirrior - mirror display of the first currency pair. s1color - color of the first currency pair. Symbol2 - second currency pair. symbol2mirrior - mirror display of the second currency pair. Symbol3  - third currency pair. symbol3mirrior -  mirror display of the third currency pair. Symbo4  - fourth currency pair. symbol4mirrior - mirror display of the fourth cur
This copier was originally developed for the professional order management of a team of traders and therefore, first of all, a risk manager was built into it. For simple operation, you need to configure the following settings: For the master! 1. Select the program type ''Program mode'' - master 2. Enter a new name for the ''Folder name'' folder, in which the EA will record information on working with orders. The name must be the same for both master and slave!!! 3. In the ''Feedback from
Description: Please tick "Show object descriptions" in chart properties to enable hrays views That utility converts a trendline into a horizontal ray known as tool for drawing supply and demand zones. Simply create a trendline on a chart and once selected, it will get converted. Ray remains horizontal while dragging.  Quick ray plot: press "R" key to create horizontal ray. It will be snapped to the nearest OHLC value Further versions will be improved. For feature request please post new c
Copy MT4
Denis Vasyutin
Утилита предназначена для копирования ордеров с одного счета на другой. Поддерживается копирование с множителем, копирование с реверсом позиции, копирование с префиксами и суффиксами. Отложенные ордера, TakeProfit и StopLoss не копируются. Поддерживается копирование на несколько счетов. Входные параметры: Mode - Режим копирования, master, slave NumMaster - Номер файла обмена данных в общей папке timer1 - Частота обмена данных между master и slave счетом, в секундах Настройки для режима копиров
The Candlestick Pattern Detector is an advanced MetaTrader 4 indicator designed to identify and highlight candlestick patterns on your charts. Currently, the indicator detects one specific candlestick pattern - the pinbar, known for its significance in technical analysis and trading strategies. This tool provides traders with visual cues, making it easier to spot potential market reversals or continuations. Features: Customizable Colors: Users can customize the colors of the bullish and bearish
Owl smart levels
Sergey Ermolov
4.34 (35)
MT5版本  |  FAQ Owl Smart Levels Indicator   是一個完整的交易系統,包含   Bill Williams   的高級分形、構建正確的市場波浪結構的 Valable ZigZag 以及標記準確入場水平的斐波那契水平等流行的市場分析工具 進入市場和地方獲利。 策略的详细说明 指示灯使用说明 顾问-贸易猫头鹰助手助理 私人用户聊天 ->购买后写信给我,我会将您添加到私人聊天中,您可以在那里下载所有奖金 力量在於簡單! Owl Smart Levels   交易系統非常易於使用,因此適合專業人士和剛開始研究市場並為自己選擇交易策略的人。 策略和指標中沒有隱藏的秘密公式和計算方法,所有策略指標都是公開的。 Owl Smart Levels 允許您快速查看進入交易的信號,突出顯示下訂單的水平並向您發送有關已出現信號的通知。 優點很明顯: 清楚地顯示主要和更高時間框架的趨勢方向。 指示儀器信號的出現。 標記開單、止損設置和固定利潤的水平。 沒有多餘的,只有必要的結構! ZigZag   表示全球趨勢的方向,因此也表示貿易方向。 市場反轉點的短線清楚地表明在
Unlimited Trade Copier Pro is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will not b
Trade Manager MT4 DaneTrades
Levi Dane Benjamin
4.33 (9)
交易管理器可帮助您快速进入和退出交易,同时自动计算风险。 包括帮助您防止过度交易、报复性交易和情绪化交易的功能。 交易可以自动管理,账户绩效指标可以在图表中可视化。 这些功能使该面板成为所有手动交易者的理想选择,并有助于增强 MetaTrader 4 平台。多语言支持。 MT5版本  |  用户指南+演示 交易经理在策略测试器中不起作用。 如需演示,请参阅用户指南 风险管理 根据%或$自动调整风险 可选择使用固定手数或根据交易量和点自动计算手数 使用 RR、点数或价格设置盈亏平衡止损 追踪止损设置 最大每日损失百分比,在达到目标时自动平仓所有交易。 保护账户免遭过多提款并阻止您过度交易 最大每日损失(以美元为单位)在达到目标时自动关闭所有交易。 保护账户免遭过多提款并阻止您过度交易 一键实现所有交易的盈亏平衡 自动计算从手机/电话发送的交易的风险 OCO 在设置中可用 交易和头寸管理 通过设置每月、每周、每天、每小时或每分钟的最大交易次数,停止过度交易和报复性交易。 高级挂单管理。 调整何时关闭挂单的规则 追踪挂单 支持市价订单和挂单 每日最大利润目标(以美元为单位)以确保头寸并停
The utility displays in a convenient form the historical trades made on the account. You can filter trades by magic or comcent, display only profitable or losing trades, and only buy or sell trades. Using this utility, you can see trade entry and exit points, stop loss and take profit levels, trade profit, magic number and comment, order ticket and order size - you only need to run the utility on the chart of the currency pair you want information on get and customize the input parameters. MT5
Trade Assistant MT4
Evgeniy Kravchenko
4.44 (180)
它有助于计算每笔交易的风险,容易安装新的订单,具有部分关闭功能的订单管理, 7 种类型的追踪止损和其他有用的功能。 注意,该应用程序在策略测试器中不起作用。 Manual, Description, Download demo 线条功能  - 在图表上显示开仓线、止损线、止盈线。 有了这个功能,就可以很容易地设置一个新的订单,并在开仓前看到它的附加特性。   风险管理  - 风险计算功能在考虑到设定的风险和止损单的大小的情况下,计算新订单的成交量。它允许你设置任何大小的止损,同时观察设定的风险。 批量计算按钮 - 启用 / 禁用风险计算。 在 " 风险 " 一栏中设置必要的风险值,从 0 到 100 的百分比或存款的货币。 在 " 设置 " 选项卡上选择风险计算的变量: $ 货币, % 余额, % 资产, % 自由保证金, % 自定义, %AB 前一天, %AB 前一周, %AB 前一个月。   R/TP 和 R/SL - 设置止盈和止损的关系。 这允许你设置相对于损失的利润大小。 例如, 1 : 1 - 这决定了 TP = SL 的大小。 2 : 1 - 这意味着 TP 是
欢迎来到 Trade Manager EA——这是一个终极风险管理工具,旨在使交易变得更直观、精准和高效。它不仅仅是一个下单工具,而是一个用于无缝交易计划、仓位管理和风险控制的全面解决方案。不论您是新手交易员、资深交易员,还是需要快速执行的剥头皮交易员,Trade Manager EA 都可以满足您的需求,适用于外汇、指数、大宗商品、加密货币等各种市场。 借助 Trade Manager EA,复杂的计算已成过去。只需分析市场,在图表上用水平线标记入场、止损和止盈,设置您的风险水平,Trade Manager 就会立即计算出理想的头寸规模,并实时显示以点、账户货币计价的止损和止盈。每笔交易都得以轻松管理。 主要功能: 头寸规模计算器 :根据定义的风险瞬间确定交易规模。 简单的交易计划 :在图表上用可拖动的水平线直接计划交易,设置入场、止损和止盈。 实时显示 SL 和 TP :以账户货币、点或分显示止损和止盈,便于分析。 高级保护工具 盈亏平衡选项 : 基本盈亏平衡 :当您的交易达到设定水平时自动保护利润。 多级盈亏平衡 :设置多达 4 个级别以逐步保护利润。 尾随止损选项 : 基本尾随
一旦您確定了要進行交易的關鍵區域,就會自動交易支撐和阻力或供需區域。該 EA 允許您只需單擊即可繪製買入和賣出區域,然後將它們準確地放置在您預期價格轉向的位置。然後,EA 會監控這些區域,並根據您為這些區域指定的價格行為自動進行交易。一旦進行初始交易,EA 就會在您放置的相反區域(即目標區域)獲利。然後,您有兩種選擇,要么關閉交易並繪製新的區域進入,要么獲利退出並立即反向反向交易,創建「始終在」的市場風格策略。 包含輸入和策略的完整手冊位於: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/760256 該 EA 專為在市場上不使用固定或硬止損的頭寸交易者或美元成本平均交易策略而設計。相反,它的目的是透過在下一個可用支撐或阻力區域以相同方向進行新交易來縮小不正確的交易,並調整您在市場中頭寸的平​​均價格。如果需要的話,還有備用退出標準,形式為每筆交易的最大損失金額或基於時間的退出。 只需按下按鈕即可繪製準備放置在感興趣等級的區域。 關閉按鈕和關閉最舊的按鈕可退出所有交易,或僅退出舊交易(如果它們跌幅過大而無法立即調整您的平均頭寸)。 適用於任何時間範
The product will copy all telegram signal to MT4   ( which you are member  ) , also it can work as remote copier.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Price 169$ until Jan 01 2025 Easy to set up, copy order instant, can work with almost signal formats, image signal, s upport to translate other language to English Work with all type of channel or group, even channel have "Restrict Saving Content", work with  multi channel, multi MT5 Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will co
Telegram To MT4 Receiver
Levi Dane Benjamin
5 (4)
将信号从您所属的任何渠道(包括私人和受限渠道)直接复制到您的 MT4。 该工具在设计时充分考虑了用户的需求,同时提供了管理和监控交易所需的许多功能。 该产品采用易于使用且具有视觉吸引力的图形界面。 自定义您的设置并在几分钟内开始使用该产品! 用户指南 + 演示  |     MT5版本  |     不和谐版本 如果您想尝试演示,请参阅用户指南。 Telegram To MT4 接收器在策略测试器中不起作用! Telegram 至 MT4 功能 一次复制多个通道的信号 从私人和受限频道复制信号 不需要机器人令牌或聊天 ID(如果出于某种原因需要,您仍然可以使用这些) 使用风险百分比或固定手数进行交易 排除特定符号 选择复制所有信号或自定义要复制的信号 配置单词和短语以识别所有信号(默认值应适用于 99% 的信号提供商) 配置时间和日期设置以仅在需要时复制信号 设置一次打开的最大交易量 交易和头寸管理 使用信号或自动设置的管理 通过设置每月、每周、每天、每小时或每分钟的最大交易次数,停止过度交易和报复性交易。 支持市价订单和挂单 每日最大利润目标(以美元为单位)以确保头寸并停止
使用自定义警报,领先于市场走势:您的终极多市场扫描器 Custom Alerts 是功能强大的多合一市场监测工具,能让您轻松识别多个市场的高潜力设置。 Custom Alerts 涵盖所有八种主要货币(美元、加元、英镑、欧元、瑞士法郎、日元、澳元、新西兰元)、黄金 (XAU),以及多达七种关键指数(包括 US30、UK100、WTI 和比特币),让您随时了解各种资产的关键变化。 该工具无缝整合了我们先进的 FX Power、FX Volume 和 IX Power 指标的 数据,以完全可定制的格式为您提供重大市场事件的实时警报。 自定义警报可确保您随时准备好对潜在交易采取行动,而无需不断查看图表。 自定义警报的主要优势 多市场覆盖:一站式洞察货币、指数、商品和加密货币。 实时事件警报:通过重要市场变化通知,不错过任何关键动向。 完全定制:根据您独特的交易风格定制警报,让您只获得所需的信息。 数据驱动的洞察力:利用来自 FX Power、FX Volume 和 IX Power 指标的数据,提供强大的数据驱动信号。 设置简单 要充分释放 Custom Alerts 的潜力,请
TradePanel MT4
Alfiya Fazylova
4.9 (86)
交易面板是一个多功能的交易助手。该应用程序包含超过 50 个用于手动交易的交易功能,并允许您自动化大多数交易操作。 注意,该应用程序在策略测试器中不起作用。购买之前,您可以在模拟帐户上测试演示版本。演示版 这里 。 完整说明 这里 。 贸易。 让您一键执行交易操作: 通过自动风险计算打开挂单和仓位。 一键打开多个订单和仓位。 打开订单网格。 按组关闭挂单和持仓。 头寸反转(关闭买入并打开卖出或关闭卖出并打开买入)。 锁定头寸(开立额外头寸,以平衡买入和卖出头寸的交易量)。 一键部分平仓所有仓位。 为同一价格水平的所有头寸设置止盈和止损。 将所有头寸的止损设置为该头寸的盈亏平衡水平。 开单建仓时,您可以应用以下功能: 计算交易量的多个订单或仓位之间的分布(一键开仓多个订单或仓位时)。 图表上未来订单交易水平的可视化。 设置开仓时允许的最大点差大小。 止盈和止损之间的自动比率。 虚拟止损和止盈。 根据当前点差的大小自动增加止损和止盈的大小。 根据 ATR 指标的读数计算止盈和止损。 设置挂单的到期日期。 挂单设置为“追踪”(挂单自动跟随当前价格移动指定距离)。 管理通过移动终端(手机)开立
News Trapper EA
Noha Mohamed Fathy Younes Badr
4.86 (14)
Hi, all.  News trapper EA It is an expert for trading news very safe expert  Automated Trading on the news of the economic calendar. It shows stable trading during last 10  years. EA doesn't use dangerous technologies like martingale, grid. The Expert is very simple to use.      sale will end after 48 h how to install it     and set files     read the blog         after purchase contact me to add you to   VIP   channel  The program contains flexible settings for trading on the news of the econ
This adds an easy to use trading panel to your MetaTrader4 chart, enabling you to enter the market at lightning speed with your risk automatically calculated. Plus, it will help you automate your trade management with automatic & one click partial profits, stop loss to breakeven and more. Click here for the full Trade Buddy user guide If you want to test Trade Buddy before you purchase, please message us by visiting our profile and we will provide you with a 7 day free trial. Best of all, it’s c
The Expert Advisor will help you forward all pop-up alert with screenshot from  MetaTrader 4 to Telegram channel/ group, also forward all notifications to Telegram. Parameters  -  Telegram Bot Token - create bot on Telegram and get token.  -  Telegram Chat ID  - input your Telegram user ID,  group / channel ID  -  Forward Alert - default true, to forward alert.  -  Send message as caption of Screenshot - default false, set true to send message below Screenshot  How to setup and guide  - Telegram
TakePropips TradePad Pro
Eric John Pajarillaga Aldana
5 (4)
TakePropips TradePad Pro 包括一个强大的交易管理器、货币强度计、账户报告工具、风险管理工具等等! 它是您将遇到的最先进的外汇交易经理和交易助手之一!对于想要更有效地管理贸易交易的交易者来说,它是完美的解决方案。 您可以在我们的博文中下载用户手册: User Manual 您可以在 Strategy Tester 上测试此交易系统(启用可视模式)。如果您喜欢在实时图表上进行测试,也可以给我发消息以获取 7 天试用版。 视频教程也可在说明下方获得更多详细信息。 如果您有任何疑问或需要帮助,请随时与我联系,我很乐意提供帮助。 TradePad Pro 适用于所有外汇对、金属、商品、指数和加密货币。 主要特点 订单管理 - 公开市场或挂单,轻松调整止盈、止损和手数大小。 获利计算 - 手动点数、ATR 乘数和风险回报率。 止损计算- 手动点,   ATR 乘数和供应/需求。 批量计算 - 手动点,   每笔交易的风险百分比和风险金额。 账户保护 - 回撤保护允许您设置账户回撤的最大限额以避免进一步损失。利润保护为您的账户设置最大利润限额以避免过度交易。 编辑订
ADAM for FTMO 40
Vyacheslav Izvarin
5 (1)
ADAM EA Special Version for FTMO  Our 1st EA created using ChatGPT technology Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS  Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Tested on EURUSD and GBPUSD only  Use 15MIN Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading  before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3  Friday For Prop Firms MUST use special Protector  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94887 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
價格行為工具包 EA 主要為剝頭皮而設計,但可用於所有時間框架,以根據您的止損水平正確計算手數大小來快速進入市場,它允許您快速進入交易(即時或在蠟燭高點和低點掛起訂單),然後隨著市場的變化調整止損並獲利了結。 如需使用的所有功能、設置和最佳實踐策略的完整列表,請單擊此處: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/748072 基於風險的進入 快速下單按鈕可根據您賬戶的風險百分比讓您進入頭寸。它會根據您選擇的風險和止損距離自動計算您的手數。因此,您需要確保您的經紀商允許您使用 0.01 手大小,如果您被迫使用 0.10 或 1.00 手增量,它將不起作用。 快速交易執行按鈕 它在您的圖表上放置了快速交易執行按鈕,這些按鈕會立即自動打開、關閉或調整交易。除了正常的進場按鈕外,您還有一個快速關閉按鈕來退出所有頭寸,將您的止損移動到盈虧平衡(或您的平均盈虧平衡,如果您有多個交易未平倉),將買入和賣出止損設置在當前或最後一根蠟燭高點之上並且能夠僅平倉您最有利可圖的頭寸,這樣您就可以在多筆交易開始為您工作時從您擴大的頭寸中獲得部分利潤。 止損模式按鈕可讓
Discord To MT4 Receiver
Levi Dane Benjamin
5 (1)
将信号从任何您是会员的渠道(无需机器人令牌或管理员权限)直接复制到您的 MT4。 它的设计以用户为中心,同时提供您需要的许多功能 该产品采用易于使用且具有视觉吸引力的图形界面。 自定义您的设置并在几分钟内开始使用该产品! 用户指南 + 演示  | MT5版本 | 电报版本 如果您想尝试演示,请参阅用户指南。 Discord To MT4 在策略测试器中不起作用。 Discord MT4 功能 从您是会员的任何频道复制。 无需机器人令牌或聊天 ID 使用风险百分比或固定手数进行交易 排除特定符号 选择复制所有信号或自定义要复制的信号 配置单词和短语以识别所有信号(默认值应适用于 99% 的信号提供商) 配置时间和日期设置以仅在需要时复制信号 设置一次打开的最大交易量 交易和头寸管理 使用信号或自动设置的管理 通过设置每月、每周、每天、每小时或每分钟的最大交易次数,停止过度交易和报复性交易。 支持市价订单和挂单 每日最大利润目标(以美元为单位)以确保头寸并停止过度交易 确保仓位的每日最大利润目标(%) 最大开放交易以限制风险和敞口。 使用 RR、点数或价格自动获取部分内容 使用固
BBMA Oma Ally Signals Scanner (BBMA Oma Ally Analyzer Dashboard EA) This is a multi-pair and multi scanner dashboard to find the key signal of BBMA Oma Ally Strategy BBMA consists of the use of 2 indicators: Moving Averages Bollinger Bands BBMA consists of many types of entries: Reentry Extreme Rejection EMA50 GAP (EMA50 to Upper/Lower BB) MHV Full Setup (CSE>TPW>MHV>Direction>Reentry) There are many multi timeframe signals based on this strategy. RRE (Reentry - Reentry - Extreme) REE (Reentry
Telegram Signal pro
Sara Sabaghi
4.88 (8)
What is it? Think about it, you can send all the orders/positions info to your telegram channel or group to create your community or VIP signals on telegram. Position info means this EA forward all of your new positions open details (Open price, Open time, Position Type, position Symbol and volume), positions changes ( SL or TP modifying or pending price changes) and position close (Close price, profit or loss, position duration time) and also EA Send NEWS alert (Economic calendar event) on your
Comprehensive on chart trade panel with the unique ability to be controllable from mobile as well. Plus has a library of downloadable configuration, e.g. exit rules, extra panel buttons, pending order setup and more. Please see our product video. Works with all symbols not just currency pairs. Features On chart panel plus controllable from free app for Windows, iPhone and Android Built-in script engine with library of downloadable configuration, e.g. add 'Close All Trades in Profit' button, exit
The Best One Scalping Trade Panel functional manual trade panel with risk reward, auto SL by candle ( original solution), lot size calculation, one-click trading, scale in and out of trades (partial close),  Works with all symbols not just currency pairs, perfect works on DAX, NASDAQ, GOLD, ...... I earn every day during live stream on ZakopiecFX - join Me Risk by lot Risk by percent SL by points SL by Candle, Renko, RangeBar ( original solution) TP by point TP by Risk/Reward Auto Trailing b
Ultimate Trade Copier
5 (1)
This trade copy utility allows you to instantly and seamlessly replicate and synchronize unlimited orders from multiple master accounts to multiple slave accounts on your local machine. You can create custom channels (or portfolios) with advanced filtering capabilities to copy from multiple master accounts to multiple slave accounts. Moreover, you can tailor these channels with a range of lot sizing and trade condition options to ensure that copied trades outperform the original source. You can
The product will copy all  Discord  signal   to MT4   ( which you are member  ) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up. Work with almost signal formats, support to translate other language to English Work with multi channel, multi MT4. Work with Image signal. Copy order instant, auto detect symbol. Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. How to setup and guide: Let read all details about setup and download Discord To MetaTrade
Click and Go Trade Manager
Victor Christiaanse
5 (8)
Click and Go Trade Manager, the ultimate solution for seamless trading execution. With a simple click on the chart, you can effortlessly define your stop loss, entry price, and target levels. No more hassle of inputting values manually - it's made incredibly intuitive and easy. Embedded risk management is a key feature of our Trade Manager. We understand the importance of protecting your investments, which is why the Click and Go Trade Manager incorporates risk management. When placing orders,
Mentfx Mmanage
Anton Jere Calmes
5 (15)
The added video will show you the full functionality, effectiveness, and simplicity of this trade manager. Drag and Drop Trade Manager. Draw your entry and have the tool calculate the rest. Advanced targeting and close portions of a trade directly available in tool (manage trades while you sleep). Market order or limit order on either side with factored spread. Just draw the entry, the tool does the rest. Hotkey setup to make it simple. Draw where you want to enter, and the stop loss, the tool c
Summer 40% discount ($149 -> $88) Everything for chart Technical Analysis indicator mt4 in one tool Draw your supply demand zone with rectangle and support resistance with trendline and get alerts to mobile phone or email alert -  Risk reward indicator Video tutorials, manuals, DEMO download   here .  Find contacts on my   profile . 1.   Extended rectangles and trendlines Object will be extended to the right edge of the chart when price will draw new candles on chart. This is rectangle extend
Trade Assistant Pro 36 in 1
Makarii Gubaydullin
4.95 (19)
多功能工具:超过65个功能,其中包括:手数计算,价格行为,盈亏比,交易管理,供需区域。 演示版   |   用户手册   |  MT5版 该实用程序在策略测试器中不起作用:您可以在此处下载 演示版来测 试产品。 任何问题 / 改进意见 / 如果发生了故障或错误  都可以联系我 Trading functions require permitted auto trading (including on the broker's side) 简化,加快并且自动化你的交易过程。利用这款工具的控制功能就能增强普通交易端的执行力。 建立一笔新的交易:手数 / 风险 / 盈亏计算 1. 手数计算工具 (基于风险规模的交易量计算) 2. 风险计算工具 (基于手数大小的风险额计算) 3. 盈亏比 4. 订单的激活和触发,买入或卖出限价/买入或卖出止损:MT4也适用 5. 虚拟的止损/止盈 (隐藏的止损,止盈:交易商不可见) 6.  智能的止损/入场点:当价格柱在收盘时已超越了才入场 (避免无效触发) 7. 隐藏掉挂单 (虚拟的订单) 8. 预订挂单:在市场关闭的时候你也可以下挂单 (适
Auto Trade Driver
Vu Trung Kien
4.87 (15)
自动交易驾驶员 是一款强力工具 (作为 EA 运行),帮助您管理风险,控制订单,以及通过多重保护/尾随停止规则来最大化您的盈利。 此工具对于剥头皮和趋势跟随交易者都很有用。它不仅计算交易的准确风险,而且还可以实时地保护并最大限度地提高您的利润。 拥有这个工具,您所要做的唯一一件事就是根据您自己的策略入场交易,它会按照您选择的出场策略自动驱动您的持仓。 用于测试的演示版在此下载: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/4660 自动交易驾驶员结合了两种工具: 我的资金经理: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/5398 交易控制器: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/5405 以下是主要功能: 1. 下单面板 这个面板用来计算您能够接受的风险范围内的交易量。您可以选择指定的余额百分比作为入场价和止损,即您可承受的亏损点数 (包括佣金), 此工具将自动计算所需交易量。 之后, 您只需在 BUY, SELL, 或 PLACE ORDER (挂单) 按钮上点击一次,
!!! New faeture sending Signals as VIP EMAILS MT4 Telegram Signal is tool, which sends selected trades via magicno to telegram channel , sms and email to user. Tool sends trades when open and close with chart to telegram chanel. It also sends every modification from trades to telegram. Tool can send multiple charts and magicno and pairs from a single chart. For this you have to fill in on the chart corresponding magic number to be sent by the chart. You must add the URL “ https://api.telegram
RedFox Copier Pro
Rui Manh Tien
4.73 (11)
Time saving and fast execution Whether you’re traveling or sleeping, always know that Telegram To Mt4 performs the trades for you. In other words, Our   Telegram MT4 Signal Trader  will analyze the trading signals you receive on your selected Telegram channels and execute them to your Telegram to MT4 account. Reduce The Risk Telegram To Mt4   defines the whole experience of copying signals from   Telegram signal copier to mt4 platforms. Users not only can follow all instructions from the sign
2024 50% discount ($199 -> $99) Advanced trading tool: One click smart orders that execute under your conditions Developed by trader for trading community:  position size calculator (lot size), open position after price action, strategy builder, set and forget trading, mobile notifications... Risk Management -  Risk percentage position size calculator, gain percentage, target risk reward ratio, spread and commissions are included in calculations 7 Advanced order types   - Set and forget tradi
Live Bot Maker
Nabeel Zafar
5 (4)
Let Your Ideas Earn For You. Convert your Ideas and Strategies in to automated trading bots directly on MT4. Visual Strategy Builder with Instant Results on the chart. This One of a kind strategy builder, allows you to specify rules and visually see the signals based on those rule as you create them. Visit the link for Group, User Manual, Video Examples Why Use LBM LBM is an essential tool for traders of all levels. It allows traders to create strategies quickly and easily, and to test th
Custom Ultimate Sniper Dashboard
Hispraise Chinedum Abraham
5 (2)
这个自定义终极狙击手仪表盘是原始终极狙击手仪表盘指标的一个EA升级。它与多达98种不同的算法一起工作,以确保它能捕捉到你工作的资产类别上的趋势的真实性质。 它是对我们几个月来从大多数客户那里得到的很多建议和意见的直接回应。   这个自定义版本是完全可定制的。 由98个独立的自定义算法提供。 非常漂亮的视觉界面,因此你可以轻松和自信地跟踪任何货币对或时间框架的整体市场趋势 可以向telegram发送实时警报 允许你根据你所交易的货币对创建自己的指数 可以向你的手机实时发送警报,所以你不必在电脑前就知道有一个动作正在酝酿。 让你从输入设置中设置8个指数 让你设置你想获得警报的指数和时间框架 当检测到没有互联网连接时,会显示警报   自定义终极狙击手仪表盘已经进行了大量的优化,在动作开始后立即显示。这样,你就不会错过你感兴趣的货币对的任何变动。它的速度非常快,可以在移动发生时迅速捕捉到,并实时向你发送警报,这样你就可以利用移动的优势,而不必整天坐在办公桌前。 它是任何交易策略的一个超级补充,你可以将这个工具与任何其他交易策略和指标一起使用。它主要是为了与我们的其他
Unlimited Trade Copier Pro MT5 is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will n
News Trader Pro is a unique robot that allows you to trade the news by your predefined strategy. It loads every piece of news from several popular Forex websites. You can choose any news and preset the strategy to trade it, and then News Trader Pro will trade that news by selected strategy automatically when the news comes. News release gives opportunity to have pips since the price usually has big move at that time. Now, with this tool, trading news becomes easier, more flexible and more exciti
Auto Trade Copier 被设计成多的MT5账户/端子,绝对精度之间复制交易。 有了这个工具,你可以充当要么提供商(源)或接收(目的地) 。每一个交易行为将由提供商克隆到接收器,没有延迟。 以下是亮点功能:     在一个工具提供商或接收器之间转换角色。     一个供应商可以交易复制到多个接收者的账户。     绝对兼容MT5的顺序/位置管理规则,该规则允许与调整容积为每个符号只有一个位置。     自动识别和同步代理之间的符号后缀。     允许高达5特殊符号的设置(即: GOLD - > XAUUSD ,等等) 。     多lotsize设置选项。     允许过滤的订单类型将被复制。     关断端子或电源关闭后恢复以前的设置和状态。     实时控制面板。     使用方便,界面友好。 用法: - 安装工具提供的MT5终端,并选择角色“提供者” ,然后启用它。 - 安装工具接收的MT5终端,并选择角色的“接收器” ,输入提供商的帐号,然后启用它(你可以有很多接收者的帐户,只要你想) 。 设置和参数:      特殊符号设置(菜单)
Trade Copier Pro
Vu Trung Kien
4.57 (14)
Trade Copier Pro 是一个强大的工具,多账户之间进行远程复制的贸易超过互联网不同的位置。这是一个信号提供商的理想解决方案,谁想要与全球范围内对自己规则的人分享他的贸易。一个供应商的交易可以复制到多接收器和一个接收器可以得到贸易额从多供应商也是如此。 供应商和接收器可与供电内置的数据库管理系统来管理他的合作伙伴名单。 这个工具允许全局配置模式(copy过来互联网)和本地模式(在同一台PC/服务器内复制)之间进行选择。 要求: MetaTrader4的4.00版构建670或以上。 参考: 如果你只需要在本地复制与更低的价格,你可以检查Auto Trade Copier在: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/4676 以下是亮点功能:     在一个工具提供商或接收器之间转换角色。     一个供应商的交易可以复制到多接收器和一个接收器可以从多个供应商收到交易。     供应/接收器可通过供电数据库管理系统,而无需额外的工具管理自己的接收器/供应商名单(添加,删除,编辑,启用/禁用)。     全球模式(copy过来互联
Auto Trade Driver
Vu Trung Kien
4.87 (15)
自动交易驾驶员 是一款强力工具 (作为 EA 运行),帮助您管理风险,控制订单,以及通过多重保护/尾随停止规则来最大化您的盈利。 此工具对于剥头皮和趋势跟随交易者都很有用。它不仅计算交易的准确风险,而且还可以实时地保护并最大限度地提高您的利润。 拥有这个工具,您所要做的唯一一件事就是根据您自己的策略入场交易,它会按照您选择的出场策略自动驱动您的持仓。 用于测试的演示版在此下载: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/4660 自动交易驾驶员结合了两种工具: 我的资金经理: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/5398 交易控制器: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/5405 以下是主要功能: 1. 下单面板 这个面板用来计算您能够接受的风险范围内的交易量。您可以选择指定的余额百分比作为入场价和止损,即您可承受的亏损点数 (包括佣金), 此工具将自动计算所需交易量。 之后, 您只需在 BUY, SELL, 或 PLACE ORDER (挂单) 按钮上点击一次,
Unlimited Trade Copier Pro is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will not b
Trade Copier Pro MT5
Vu Trung Kien
3.67 (3)
Trade Copier Pro MT5 is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTradfer accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will not be abl
Trade Receiver Free is a free tool to copy trades/signals from multiple MT4/MT5 accounts. The provider account must use copier EA to send the signal. This version can be used on MT5 accounts only. For MT4 accounts, you must use Trade Receiver Free . Reference: - For MT4 receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free . - For MT5 receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free MT5 . - For cTrader receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free cTrader . - If you only need copy from MT4 accoun
News Loader Pro is a tool that automatically updates every economic news in real time with detailed information from several online data sources. It uses the unique technology to load data with full details from popular Forex websites. An alert will be sent to your mobile/email before an upcoming news release. Moreover, it also marks the news release points on the chart for further review and research. In Forex trading, news is one of the important factors that move the market. Sticking with ne
Currency Power Meter
Vu Trung Kien
4.69 (16)
Currency Power Meter shows the power of major currencies against each other. The indicator shows the relative strength of currency/pair at the current moment in a period of time (H4, daily, weekly, monthly). It is useful for day traders, swing traders and position traders with suitable period options. Currency power is the true reason of market trend: The strongest currency against the weakest currency will combine into a most trending pair. As we know, trend makes money and all traders love tre
My Money Manager like a risk controller, which places your trades with the exact volume that meets your desired stop loss risk percentage. It can also help you to preview your EP/SL/TP levels before placing an order by dragging these levels directly on a chart, and keep reporting about them during the position opening. With this tool, you will feel more comfortable when deciding to open orders, as well as forecasting your profit/loss with your orders. Placing orders is a very precise and profess
Trade Receiver Free is a free tool to copy trades/signals from multiple MT4/MT5 accounts. The provider account must use copier EA to send the signal. This version can be used on MT4 accounts only. For MT5 accounts, you must use Trade Receiver Free for MT5 . Reference: - For MT4 receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free . - For MT5 receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free MT5 . - For cTrader receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free cTrader . - If you only need copy from MT
Binary Options Receiver Free is a free tool to copy binary options trades from other traders at different locations over internet, who use Remote Binary Options Copier to send. To start copying via this tool, provider must add a free license in his list first. That means you can use this free tool to copy binary options trades from a provider, who authorized you to do so and issued a free license. Reference : If you need both sending and receiving features, please check Remote Binary Options Cop
Trade Report Pro
Vu Trung Kien
3.5 (2)
交易报告专业版 是一款支持自动和手动创建帐户交易历史专业图形报告的 EA。它还可以在您的帐户余额发生变化时发送通知到您的移动终端或电子邮件。 报告保存为 HTML 和 CSV 格式, 如同在 MT4 内部打开快速摘要报告窗口。 注意: 用于测试的演示版本可在此下载: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/5054 。 以下是突出功能: 完整、专业的统计报告,它比 MT4 的内置报告更佳 (更多统计报告)。 自动实时报告,因此您可以帐户帐单持续更新。 在您的帐户余额发生变化时发送通知到移动终端或电子邮件。 实时上载图形报告文件 (作为 index.html) 至您的网站。因此您可以通过网站查看或共享您的报告。 报告在单一 HTML 文件里包含余额的图形图表。 报告保存为 HTML 和 CSV 两种格式。 在报告里剔除挂单,使报告更清洁,更容易跟踪。 可以手动导出全部或自定义区间的历史报告。 手动导出全部/单个/符号组的报告。 除了导出完整报告至 HTML/CSV 文件,还在 MT4 之内打开快速摘要报告以便即刻查看。 用法: 安装 交易报告专业版
My Money Manager
Vu Trung Kien
5 (5)
我的资金管理 像是一个风险控制器, 它用符合您期望的亏损风险的确定交易量下单。 它也可以帮助您在下单之前预览您的入场/止损/止盈价位,只需在图表上拖拽这些价位即可,并在持仓期间持续报告。 拥有此工具, 您在决定开单时感觉更舒适, 而且可以预测您的订单的盈利/亏损。现在,下单将是十分精确和专业的工作。 此工具是从自动交易驱动器 https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/4217 中分离出来的资金管理部分。 注: 用于测试的演示版可在此找到: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/5400 突出特点 计算精确的交易量以符合您期望的亏损风险 (余额 %), 包括经纪商收取的佣金费用。 允许在图表上直接拖拽入场/止损/止盈价位,可以在下单前预览。 提供所有订单类型的一键交易。 开单之后持续报告止损/止盈价位的评估。 实时控制面板。 停机或断电后恢复之前的设置。 设置参数 Commission Setting (Menu): 设置您的经纪商如何收取每手交易的佣金。它对于计算符合您的亏损风险期望的所需交易量很重要
Trade Controller
Vu Trung Kien
5 (2)
Trade Controller provides multiple methods to protect and maximize your profits. This powerful weapon helps you to set the protect and trailing-stop rules on your trade automatically in many effective methods. Once it is set and turned on, you don't need to monitor your orders anymore, the software will keep watching and control your orders with your predefined rules. It's designed to support multi-protection and trailing strategy: Protect by break-even, protect by percentage, protect by pip, pr
News Loader Pro
Vu Trung Kien
4.2 (5)
新闻加载机专业版 是一款从若干在线数据源获取实时的详细信息,并自动更新财经新闻的工具。它采用了独特的技术,加载来自流行外汇交易网站的数据详情。在即将发布新闻时,发送提示到您的移动终端或邮箱。此外,它也在图表上标记新闻发布点,用于进一步查验和研究。 在外汇交易中,新闻可以说是推动市场的重要因素之一。关注新闻可以帮助您更好地做出交易决策, 如果您是新闻交易者, 更能助您进行正确的交易。 利用这款工具,整个新闻中心现在就可以加载到您的 MT4。 演示版: 由于这不是一个交易机器人, 您需要下载单独的演示版本: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/5897 参考: 高级版的新闻操盘手专业版, 可以自动进行新闻交易, 它在此提供: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/5558 注: 您必须添加数据源的 URL, 选项 -> 智能程序 -> '允许 WebRequest 访问列出的 URL', 以便新闻加载机能够从数据源加载新闻数据。 请调整您的计算机时钟,以便新闻装载机可依据正确的定时器运行。 突出特点
News Trader Pro
Vu Trung Kien
4.41 (17)
新闻操盘手专业版 是一个独特的机器人,让您使用您预先定义的策略进行消息交易。它从几个流行的外汇网站加载的每条消息的片断。您可以选择任何消息和预设的策略进行交易,之后新闻操盘手专业版根据选定的策略,在新闻来临时自动进行交易。 新闻发布给出了赚点数的机会,因为在那个时刻,价格通常有大动作。现在,利用这款工具,新闻交易变得比以往任何时候更容易,更灵活,更令人兴奋。不要等待,不要错失,不要再迷惑了。每周只需针对重要新闻设置一次,这个工具将完全按照您的计划进行精准交易。 演示版: 由于这不是一个自动交易机器人 (它是半自动), 您需要下载单独的演示版本: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/5931 参考: 如果您只需要加载新闻 (无需交易), 您可以购买新闻加载机专业版: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/5463 功能 包括所有 新闻加载机专业版 的功能 (查看详情)。 针对每条新闻构建您自己的策略,具有非常灵活的参数。 支持五种高级策略,带有大量控制参数 (止损, 止盈, 尾随, 网格间隔, 手数缩放
Binary Options Trading Pad is a very useful tool for trading binary options on the MT4 platform. No need to setup plugins outside MT4 anymore. This is a simple and convenient panel right on MT4 chart. Demo: For testing purpose, please download the free demo version here: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/9981 Features One-click trading buttons on the panel. Trade multi-binary option symbols in one panel. Auto recognize all binary options symbols. Show order flow with expiration progress. M
Binary Options Copier Local is an EA that allows to copy binary options trades between MT4 accounts on the same computer. With this copier, you can act as either a provider (source) or a receiver (destination). All binary options trades will be copied from the provider to the receiver with no delay. Demo : Demo version for testing can be downloaded at: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/10047 Reference : If you need to copy between different computers over Internet, please check Binary Optio
Binary Options Copier Remote is an EA that allows to copy binary options trades between MT4 accounts at different computers. This is an ideal solution for signal provider, who want to share his trade with the others globally on his own rules. Provider can give free bonus license to 10 receivers. That means those 10 receivers can copy from provider by using Binary Options Receiver Free (no cost). From 11th one, receiver have to buy Binary Options Receiver Pro (paid version) in order to copy from
Unlimited Binary Options Copier Remote is a powerful tool to copy binary options trades remotely between multiple accounts at different locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for signal provider, who want to share his binary options trades with the others globally on his own rules. One provider can copy trades to unlimited receivers and one receiver can get trade from unlimited providers as well. The provider can set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will no
Forex Night Trader
Vu Trung Kien
5 (1)
This robot works hard silently and trades while you are sleeping. That is why it is called Forex Night Trader . The Forex Night Trader only trades when the market has low volatility at night, so it is not affected by sharp price swings on the market. This robot can trade multiple pairs at the same time on a single chart. It was backtested and optimized using real ticks with 99.9% quality. Its backtest passed the hardest periods of the market over 6 years (from 2010). Features Fully automated
Super Custom Indicator allows you to design trading signals on your own without coding knowledge. You just need to input the trading rules and it will scan multiple symbols at multiple time frames to find the signals for you in real-time as well as in history chart. Real-time signals will be sent to your mobile and email also. The indicator can calculate and analyze every technical indicators, even custom indicators, with complex operations to give the signal exactly. Normally, it is hard for yo
Auto Trade Driver is an automatic powerful tool (run as Expert Advisor) that helps you to manage risk and control orders and maximize your profit in multi-protect/trailing-stop rules. This tool is very useful for both scalpers and trend followers. It not only calculates the trade risk exactly, but also protects and maximizes your profits in real-time. With this tool, the only thing you have to do is to enter trade by your own strategy, then it will auto-drive your position with exit strategy you
Currency Power Meter 显示了主要货币对彼此的力量。该指标显示货币/对当前时刻在一段时间内的相对强度(每天,每周,每月)。它是日间交易,波段交易和适期期权头寸交易者有用。 货币的权力是市场走势的真正原因:对最弱货币最强的货币将结合成一个最趋势对。我们知道,趋势使得货币和所有的交易者喜欢趋势。 你 有没有问过自己,为什么有些行业似乎有一个良好的信号,但仍然会失败?原因是你只看到个别的信号在您喜欢的一双,但没有对所有的人,这是更好地做出决定货 币权力的忽视。因此,这一指标显示哪些货币是最强的,哪些是最薄弱的,因此最趋势对。它也让你知道哪些货币(因而对)是中性的,你应该避免进行交易了。 突出特点:     实时和主要货币的视觉存在对他人的权力。     每日,每周,每月:分析周期之间切换。     提示信息时,货币或对改变它的电源。     通知发送到移动和电子邮件时货币或对改变它的电源。     选择字号以适应你的屏幕分辨率。 注: 指标可能需要一段时间来分析和安排货币细胞在第一次加载新的时间表,所以请等待,直到它完成。 用户指南:     指标得出的主要
Trade Controller provides multiple methods to protect and maximize your profits. This powerful weapon helps you to set the protect and trailing-stop rules on your trade automatically in many effective methods. Once it is set and turned on, you don't need to monitor your orders anymore, the software will keep watching and control your orders with your predefined rules. It's designed to support multi-protection and trailing strategy: Protect by break-even, protect by percentage, protect by pip, pr
This robot works hard silently and trades while you are sleeping. That is why it is called Forex Night Trader . The Forex Night Trader only trades when the market has low volatility at night, so it is not affected by sharp price swings on the market. This robot can trade multiple pairs at the same time on a single chart. It was backtested and optimized using real ticks with 99.9% quality. Its backtest passed the hardest periods of the market over 6 years (from 2010). Features Fully automated t
JohnNiceman 2024.09.20 21:42 

Hallo, I instaled the copier to my computer to MT4 , but I am not able move it to my VPS. Do you know how? If I copy the EA copy machine to the expert folder on my VPS it does not work. What should I do start it on my VPS? Thank you for help.

Vu Trung Kien
来自开发人员的回复 Vu Trung Kien 2024.09.21 03:38
You cannot copy EA file (.ex4) from a device to another. You must download the EA directly from MQL5 market to MT4 terminal on your VPS.
credodo 2024.07.15 10:20 

Great solution (MT4 to ctrader). Had an issue with the local ctrader receiver, fixed in 35 min. Five stars for the support as well!

estratega 2024.05.30 16:39 

where do I download the receiver?

Vu Trung Kien
来自开发人员的回复 Vu Trung Kien 2024.05.30 18:40
Please read the overview information, you can find receiver EA download link here.
sutrabayu 2024.05.06 08:49 


Jeremy Carrard
Jeremy Carrard 2024.04.24 11:49 

No longer works on MT4, on MT5, no worries. Support is trying to get hold of my VPS to resolve the problem, via Skype. No way !

It worked very well before their damn update: the transmitter and the receiver were one and the same program, we just had to choose what role we wanted it to be. Now you have to install two. And it doesn't work! Even though I installed and reinstalled, it didn't get any better. I tested on 5 different MT4 terminals and nothing works! When we see the number of updates since Version 6.38 dated 2023.12.02, that's a minimum of 2 updates per month! This is rarely a good sign! Move on, even though the MT5 version works for the moment!

Vu Trung Kien
来自开发人员的回复 Vu Trung Kien 2024.04.24 12:01
It is working for all others. I asked for check the issue directly (even just view it) because I suspect that there is something wrong with your setup. But you didn't allow me to check. I have some clients as you before and the problems were solved after my checking within few minutes.
Evgenii Kiappiev
Evgenii Kiappiev 2024.04.15 03:43 

последняя версия полный отстой!!! верни старую!!!

Katharine Jones
Katharine Jones 2024.01.15 08:41 

I absolutely love this trade copier. No issues at all!

Chiratchaphum Suriyasongsak
Chiratchaphum Suriyasongsak 2024.01.08 09:48 

Pls update version It’ now can not use on mt4

Vu Trung Kien
来自开发人员的回复 Vu Trung Kien 2024.01.11 02:18
It is still working on MT4.
Why can you not use it on MT4? What is the issue? Can you send me the screenshot of the issue?
phan trung
phan trung 2022.08.01 07:58 


maal16889 2022.07.14 07:14 

The author is helping me to have correct settings of the copier.

Vu Trung Kien
来自开发人员的回复 Vu Trung Kien 2022.07.14 10:42
Hello, I have never received any message from you. I have sent you a message to check the issue. It's probably from your settings. The copier is still working normally. Please answer my message and I will check the issue for you. Best regards, Kevin
Richard LEGRAND 2022.05.18 15:10 

Missing an important function: Filter Lot Size - "This will help to filter the lot sizes, for example you want to copy only lot sizes more 0.5 and higher then it will drop all other smaller lot sizes to be copied. This is useful when master is running multiple trades and you want to copy certain trades only." In the current version there is only max lot size and no min lot size. That's why it deserves just 1 star.

NN 2022.05.11 10:01 

The Auto Trader Copier (M4) is really amazing. It can copy Trades between MT4 Accounts of different Brokers, as well as from an MT4 to a MT5 using Trade Receiver Free. It has so many great Features, like Multiplied by Providers Lots, Provider Risk Scaling, Ratio with Receiver's Balance, Fixed Lotsize and Stoploss Risk Percentage. Additionally, the Trade Copier can add custom TP and SL. Even the Support is Amazing, since the Developer helped me chatting via Skype. I am so happy that I found the Trade Copier that I was looking for.

Lee Teong Hoe
Lee Teong Hoe 2021.12.17 09:19 


买了很多 MQL5主流 EA,欢迎合作交流请联 QQ 2903744720

Nice tool for manual traders

I bought many trendy EA in MQL5, welcome study and cooperation can contact me via Telegram @hoelee

Bayu Sugeng
Bayu Sugeng 2021.10.04 04:15 

good tools

Michele Meggiolaro
Michele Meggiolaro 2021.07.24 17:13 

just perfect

ow1977mt5 2021.07.15 13:01 

Good product.

Hamid Trader
Hamid Trader 2021.06.23 11:30 

Very Good Trade Copier that works easily and Very good Support!

Алексей Верховых
Алексей Верховых 2021.06.18 17:13 


costas constantinou
costas constantinou 2021.06.08 15:08 

Excellent product.

Pedrofx 2021.06.04 15:59 

Não recomendo. É extremamente lento.

版本 6.64 2024.12.07
- Improved: Increase speed with heavy history accounts.
版本 6.63 2024.08.27
- Adaption: Use alternative function to replace malfunction MathRound() and MathCeil() of MT4 platform version 4.00 build 1421 on 22 Jul 2024.
版本 6.62 2024.07.30
- Adaption: MT4 platform version 4.00 build 1421 on 22 Jul 2024 has a bug that makes many EAs not work correctly. So, we have to change something in the code to avoid this bug of MT4 platform.
版本 6.61 2024.07.25
- Improved: Better interface rendering.
版本 6.60 2024.05.20
- Fixed: Change default value of copy SL & TP to true.
版本 6.59 2024.05.18
- Added: Filter for copy SL and TP independently.
- Improved: Optimize the panel design to always show ON/OFF button even with small chart.
版本 6.58 2024.04.28
- Improved: Better connection to cTrader receiver.
版本 6.57 2024.04.28
- Improved: Support provider to send separate signals through separate channels.
版本 6.56 2024.04.06
- Improve: Compatible with cTrader Receiver.
- Improve: Faster connection.
版本 6.55 2024.03.20
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 6.54 2024.03.16
- Improved: Code optimized.
版本 6.53 2024.03.16
- Improved: Faster data I/O.
版本 6.52 2024.03.11
- Improved: Auto select between SL/TP price and SL/TP distance in copying.
版本 6.51 2024.03.10
- Fixed: Interface adjustment bugs.
版本 6.50 2024.03.09
- Improved: Better font-size adjustment.
- Improved: Better order matching.
- Improved: FIFO compliance.
版本 6.49 2024.02.17
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 6.48 2024.02.12
- Fixed: Over-size font.
- Improved: Better orders matching.
版本 6.47 2024.01.29
- Fixed: Correct over-size text.
版本 6.46 2024.01.28
- Improved: Auto-correct font size.
版本 6.45 2024.01.26
- Improved: Still work if MT4 terminal startup in minimize mode.
版本 6.44 2024.01.25
- Fixed: Infinity loops when adjusting font size on some rare computers.
版本 6.43 2024.01.24
- Improved: Make interface always on top layer of the chart.
版本 6.42 2024.01.23
- Improved: Code optimized.
版本 6.41 2024.01.23
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 6.40 2024.01.23
- Improved: Better detect trading activities.
- Improved: Auto-adjust font size.
- Added: Allow to choose interface size (support up to 4K screen).
- Removed: Remove receiver features to make the EA lighter (receiver account will use Trade Receiver Free EA).
版本 6.39 2023.12.16
- Improved: Better signal synchronization.
版本 6.38 2023.12.02
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 6.37 2023.10.22
- Improved: Code optimized.
版本 6.36 2023.10.14
- Improved: Better order matching.
版本 6.35 2023.08.11
- Improved: Add more matching symbols into library.
版本 6.34 2023.04.12
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 6.32 2023.04.03
- Fixed: Better recognize when change to new device.
版本 6.31 2023.02.19
- Improved: Correct with abnormal lot size step.
版本 6.30 2023.02.08
- Improved: Better special symbol name matching.
版本 6.29 2023.02.04
- Improved: Auto matching index symbol names between brokers.
版本 6.28 2022.11.12
- Improved: Better operation.
版本 6.27 2022.09.13
- Fixed: Updated telegram bot.
版本 6.26 2022.07.02
- Improved: Better sync.
版本 6.25 2022.06.18
- Improved: Code optimized.
版本 6.24 2022.06.09
- Improved: Slippage updated.
版本 6.23 2022.06.08
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 6.22 2022.06.08
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 6.21 2022.06.08
- Improved: Faster speed.
版本 6.20 2022.06.07
- Improved: Code optimized.
版本 6.19 2022.06.06
- Improved: Speed optimized.
版本 6.18 2022.06.06
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 6.17 2022.06.05
- Improved: Lower resource consumption.
版本 6.16 2022.04.26
- Fixed: Correct "W/o comment" filter.
版本 6.15 2022.04.10
- Improved: Better wildcard recognization.
版本 6.14 2022.03.19
- Improved: Faster interaction.
版本 6.13 2022.01.16
- Improved: Code optimized.
版本 6.12 2021.12.25
- Improved: Performance optimized.
版本 6.11 2021.12.18
- Improved: Better comment filter.
版本 6.10 2021.10.23
- Improved: Code optimized.
版本 6.9 2021.10.13
- Fixed: Copy partial close with comment filter.
版本 6.8 2021.09.25
- Improved: Code optimized.
版本 6.7 2021.07.15
- Fixed: Non-latin character issue.
版本 6.6 2021.07.11
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 6.5 2021.06.12
- Added: Allows to filter order comments with wildcard *.
版本 6.4 2021.04.03
- Fixed: Issue when the pending order at provider get triggered before copied pending order at receiver.
版本 6.3 2021.03.30
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 6.2 2021.03.30
- Improved: Better performance.
版本 6.1 2021.03.18
- Improved: Code optimized.
版本 6.0 2021.03.13
- Improved: Better operation.
版本 5.99 2021.03.07
- Improved: More convenient to connect to Telegram.
版本 5.98 2021.03.02
- Improved: Better copying actions.
版本 5.97 2021.01.29
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 5.96 2021.01.29
- Improved: Code optimized.
版本 5.95 2021.01.14
- Improved: Code optimized.
版本 5.94 2021.01.13
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 5.93 2020.12.26
- Improved: Codes optimized.
版本 5.92 2020.12.13
- Improved: More beautiful signal message.
版本 5.91 2020.12.08
- Improved: More beautiful signal message format.
版本 5.90 2020.11.12
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 5.89 2020.11.07
- Improved: Better performance.
版本 5.88 2020.09.29
- Improved: Code optimized.
版本 5.87 2020.09.16
- Improved: Send Telegram message to public group.
版本 5.86 2020.08.24
- Fixed: Receiver can still follow the last online signal.
版本 5.85 2020.08.17
- Improved: Better connection.
版本 5.84 2020.08.11
- Improved: Code optimized.
版本 5.83 2020.07.19
- Improved: Stop trying to copy when market closed.
版本 5.82 2020.07.08
- Improved: Code optimized.
版本 5.81 2020.07.04
- Improved: Better symbol matching.
版本 5.80 2020.07.01
- Improved: Works with lot size smaller than 0.01.
版本 5.79 2020.06.29
- Added: Add more auto-matched CFD symbols.
版本 5.78 2020.05.26
- Fixed: Set millisecond timer issue.
版本 5.77 2020.05.19
- Improved: Code optimized.
版本 5.76 2020.05.11
- Improved: Better Telegram sending.
版本 5.75 2020.05.09
- Fixed: Match with long order ticket number of MT5 accounts.
版本 5.74 2020.05.02
- Improved: Codes optimized.
版本 5.73 2020.04.18
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 5.72 2020.04.13
- Fixed: Correct Telegram sending.
版本 5.71 2020.04.12
- Improved: Send signal notification to Telegram.
版本 5.70 2020.03.23
- Improved: Interface optimization.
版本 5.69 2020.03.13
- Added: Allow to enable/disable Email & Mobile notification options.
- Added: Custom SL & TP options.
版本 5.68 2020.01.23
- Fixed: Exit option correction.
版本 5.67 2020.01.11
- Improved: Better data structure.
版本 5.66 2019.10.03
- Fixed: Correct CloseBy function copying.
版本 5.65 2019.09.28
- Improved: Auto recognize market close/open.
版本 5.64 2019.09.27
- Fixed: MarketInfo() function gives FALSE value with some weird brokers.
版本 5.63 2019.09.26
- Improved: Data reading optimized.
版本 5.62 2019.09.16
- Improved: Support credit accounts.
版本 5.61 2019.09.14
- Fixed: Still keep market orders that transformed from copied pending orders even provider disable "Buy" and "Sell" filter.
版本 5.60 2019.09.09
- Improved: More attempts when EventSetMillisecondTimer() function failed.
版本 5.59 2019.08.29
- Fixed: Partial close with small volume.
版本 5.58 2019.07.30
- Fixed: Custom Prefix & Suffix input correction.
版本 5.57 2019.07.20
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 5.56 2019.07.10
- Fixed: Bug when huge provider account (millions of account balance) trade with minimum lot size.
版本 5.55 2019.07.01
- Improved: Better connection recover.
版本 5.54 2019.06.26
- Fixed: Partial close copy.
版本 5.53 2019.06.25
- Improved: Code optimized.
版本 5.52 2019.06.21
- Added: Prefix and Suffix parameters.
- Added: Notify to mobile and email when the copier is disabled/enabled or disconnected.
版本 5.51 2019.06.18
- Fixed: Color fix.
版本 5.50 2019.06.16
- Fixed: Minor fix about color.
版本 5.49 2019.06.14
- Improved: Parameters optimized.
版本 5.48 2019.06.13
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 5.47 2019.06.12
- Changed: Minor interface changes.
版本 5.46 2019.06.10
- Improved: Interface optimized.
版本 5.45 2019.06.10
- Change: Added "No Copy Later Than" option/parameter.
版本 5.44 2019.05.29
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 5.43 2019.05.25
- Improved: Auto recognize CFD and Metal symbols between different brokers.
版本 5.42 2019.05.04
- Improved: Add input parameters for simple control mode, which supports MQL5 VPS.
版本 5.41 2019.03.15
- Improved: Code optimized.
版本 5.40 2019.03.13
- Improved: Code optimized.
版本 5.38 2019.02.14
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 5.37 2019.02.13
- Improved: Code optimized.
版本 5.36 2019.01.24
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 5.35 2019.01.24
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 5.34 2019.01.21
- Improved: Better partial close and closeby management from MT5 to MT4.
版本 5.33 2019.01.04
- Fixed: Adapt if provider use old version.
版本 5.32 2018.12.31
- Improved: Convert contract size of CFDs and Indexes between different brokers.
版本 5.31 2018.12.19
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 5.30 2018.12.17
- Improved: Code optimized.
版本 5.29 2018.12.16
- Improved: Load saved order faster after restarted.
版本 5.28 2018.12.15
- Improved: Auto hide Prefix&Suffix setting if the account has only one symbol for each pairs.
- Improved: Better copied order management.
版本 5.27 2018.11.24
- Improved: Faster speed.
版本 5.26 2018.11.22
- Improved: Better prefix & suffix recognition.
版本 5.25 2018.11.19
- Improved: Code optimized.
版本 5.24 2018.11.12
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 5.23 2018.11.05
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 5.22 2018.11.03
- Improved: Add Prefix & Suffix option for receiver if there are more than one symbol for the same currency pair.
版本 5.21 2018.10.21
- Improved: Support duplicate trades within the same account.
版本 5.20 2018.10.15
- Fixed: Minor bug with copy same order comment from MT5 to MT4.
版本 5.19 2018.10.04
- Improved: Better copied orders management.
版本 5.18 2018.10.02
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 5.17 2018.09.22
- Improved: Better orders management when switching between multiple PCs/VPSs.
版本 5.16 2018.09.08
- Fixed: "Stoploss Risk Percent" with small lotsize.
版本 5.15 2018.09.04
- Improved: Adapt with some brokers that set their profit currency in pair incorrectly.
版本 5.14 2018.08.24
- Fixed: "Can not set millisecond timer" error fixed.
版本 5.13 2018.08.16
- Improved: Faster copying due to shorter account checking.
版本 5.11 2018.05.31
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 5.1 2018.05.04
- Fixed: Fixed lotsize bugs.
版本 5.0 2018.03.06
- Improved: Copy between MT5.
- Improved: Code optimized.
版本 4.38 2017.11.30
- Fixed: corrected custom pairs filter.
版本 4.37 2017.07.05
- Improved: Recognize Forex pairs if even some brokers define them as CFD mistakenly.
版本 4.36 2017.04.19
- Fixed: Correct symbols matching when a broker has more than one symbols of the same pair.
版本 4.35 2017.04.18
- Improved: Allow different settings for different providers on each chart.
版本 4.34 2017.03.24
- Added: "Do Nothing" option to Equity Drawdown.
版本 4.32 2017.03.10
- Added: "Entry" to copy filter. So, receiver can choose to not copy new trades from provider while still follow the current copied trades.
- Added: Equity drawdown protection. So, receiver account can be protected when a specific drawdown of equity reached.
版本 4.31 2017.02.28
- Improved: Faster update to copied trades when provider changes settings.
版本 4.30 2016.12.22
- Fixed: Save custom comment setting after reload.
版本 4.29 2016.12.13
- Improved: Allows multiple comments filter by putting comments into quote mark. E.g: "Comment 1","Comment 2", "Comment 3"...
- Improved: Allows multiple magic numbers filter by separated semicolon. E.g: 123;456;789;
- Added: Same comment option -> the receiver will have the same order comment as provider.
版本 4.28 2016.11.08
- Improved: Allows negative slippage value (better copied entry).
- Improved: Allows excluded custom pairs by adding exclamation (!) before the pair symbol. E.g: !EURUSD, !USDJPY, ...
版本 4.27 2016.10.24
- Fixed: Copy SL/TP modification when provider remove SL/TP.
版本 4.26 2016.09.28
- Improved: Better handle with copy invalid entry pending orders.
版本 4.25 2016.08.22
- Fixed: Avoid non-stop loop of error #130 when EP/SL/TP is invalid.
版本 4.24 2016.07.18
- Improved: Auto recognize the difference of metal symbols between brokers (XAUUSD <-> GOLD, XAGUSD <-> SILVER).
版本 4.22 2016.06.27
- Added: Scale factor for "Provider risk scaling" lotsize option, allow receiver to scale the risk of provider.
- Removed: "Trade Timeout" is removed. Orders will be copied at anytime as long as it has the same or better price of source's order.
版本 4.21 2016.05.31
- Added: User can edit the provider/receiver list by .csv file outside of MT4.
- Improved: Auto calculate lotsize scale if provider's account currency is different from receiver's account currency.
- Improved: Can concect to all other versions of my copier.
版本 4.20 2016.05.06
- Improved: Allows multiple magic numbers filter-in/out by separate symbol ";". E.g: 1234;5678;
版本 4.19 2016.02.25
- Added: Filter in/out for order comment and order magic number.
版本 4.18 2015.11.30
- Improved: Allow to copy large volume by mutiplying maximum lotsize per order.
版本 4.17 2015.09.04
- Improved: Allow multiples custom pairs to copy.
版本 4.12 2015.05.12
- Improved: Only show trading symbol in Market Watch if necessary.
版本 4.11 2015.04.28
- Fixed: Conflict if maximum allowed order amounts between provider and receiver are different.
版本 4.1 2015.03.27
- Fixed: Unpredicted "array out of range" error.
版本 4.0 2015.03.05
版本 3.99 2015.03.03
- Fixed: Removed untradeable symbols in Market Watch with some brokers (like Exness).
- Improved: A receiver is able to set different options for each providers group by loading the copier on different charts.
- Added: A provider is able to set comments for copied orders.

Caution: All existing copied orders need to be closed before updating this version.
版本 3.98 2015.02.24
- Fixed: Removed untradeable symbols in Market Watch with some brokers (like Exness).
版本 3.97 2015.02.18
- Fixed: Minor bug.
版本 3.96 2015.02.11
- Improved: Slightly faster data transfering.
- Added: Notification if internet connection is lost.
版本 3.95 2015.02.04
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
版本 3.94 2015.02.03
- Fixed: Force to display all graphic objects to the front of the chart. They could be hidden at few low RAM computers with previous version.
版本 3.91 2015.01.21
- Reduced memory consumption.
版本 3.9 2015.01.16
- Fixed: Expert Advisor's status message correction.
- Fixed: Eliminate potential zero divides.
版本 3.8 2015.01.08
- Fixed: Allow provider role for investor account login.
版本 3.7 2015.01.06
- Added: Copy filter options for receiver.
版本 3.1 2014.12.24
- Added: Hiden mode for provider.
- Added: Balance ratio option for lotsize.
- Added: Support "Close By" function.
- Added: Support "Partial Close" function.
版本 3.0 2014.11.21
Improved: Faster copying speed.
版本 2.95 2014.11.18
- Improved: More stable for data transferring.
Note: Please make sure that there is no copied order processing before upgrade.
版本 2.90 2014.11.14
Increased the number of decimal points in lotsize multiply factor.
版本 2.80 2014.10.01
Fixed minor bugs about symbol recognition (reported from users).
版本 2.70 2014.09.30
- Fixed: minor bugs.
版本 2.65 2014.08.27
Fixed forgotten bug.
版本 2.6 2014.08.25
- Fixed minor bugs.
版本 2.4 2014.08.19
- Improved: Better recognition for long symbols
版本 2.3 2014.08.11
- Improved: Anti-requote, anti-offquote for receiver.
版本 2.2 2014.08.05
- Improved: Set virtual SL/TP within receiver's Stop/Limit level.
- Added: Max. lotsize option.
版本 2.1 2014.08.01
Improved display speed.
版本 2.0 2014.07.28
Now one receiver can copy from multi-providers.
版本 1.91 2014.07.23
Minor optimization.
版本 1.9 2014.07.17
Some improvements.
版本 1.8 2014.07.16
Improved: copies even if SL/TP within broker's stop/limit level.
版本 1.7 2014.07.10
Improved recognition speed.
版本 1.6 2014.07.01
版本 1.5 2014.06.26
Compatible with more symbols.
版本 1.4 2014.06.23
Fixed hang-up when account login changed.
版本 1.3 2014.06.20
Improved symbols recognition.