HaskayaFx Less snow for comfortable TFM15
- 指标
- Mehmet Bastem
- 版本: 1.1
- 激活: 5
You can also use this signal with expert advisor with below code
double v1=0; v1=GlobalVariableGet(Symbol()+string(Period())+"HSKLESSSNOWM15"); if(v1==0 ) return(0); // No Signals if(v1==1) { //Send BUY Order... GlobalVariableSet(Symbol()+string(Period())+"HSKLESSSNOWM15",0); } if(v1==2) { //Send SELL Order... GlobalVariableSet(Symbol()+string(Period())+"HSKLESSSNOWM15",0); }
Below you can find indicator inputs.
RangeLimit=35; // Price +(High Low) Arrow
LimitOrdersPips01=2000;// 1.Limits Orders
LimitOrdersPips02=3000;// 2.Limits Orders
LimitOrdersPips03=4000;// 3.Limits Orders
MALimitGnl=474; // Minimum difference degree Pips between MA(2840) - Price Close
MAFarkLimit=666;// Minimum difference Pips between EMA(2840) - SMA(2840)e
ENVMAGiris2=2840;// envolpes Period
ENVSapma2=0.27;// envolpes devitiaiton
BBandGiris=800; // Bolligner Bands Period
BBandSapma=2;// Bolinger Band devitiation
BBandLimit=883;//Minimum difference Band Up-BandDown
SendAnEmail=false; // Send E-Mail
CepUyariGonder=false; // Send Cell Phone Notificatiom
SesliAlarm=true; // Sound Alert
AktifGrafikGoster=true; // Change Chart. Actively loads the graphic at the time of signal generation
note22 = "0=OPEN, 1=CLOSE, 2=HIGH, 3=LOW";
MA1Mode1 = 1; //0=sma, 1=ema, 2=smma, 3=lwma
note1 = "First Moving Average";
MA1 = 311;
note2 = "0=sma, 1=ema, 2=smma, 3=lwma";
MA1Mode = 1 ;//0=sma, 1=ema, 2=smma, 3=lwma
note4 = "Second Moving Average";
MA2 = 2840;
note5 = "0=sma, 1=ema, 2=smma, 3=lwma";
MA2Mode = 1;//0=sma, 1=ema, 2=smma, 3=lwma