Haskaya Correct Signal
- 指标
- Mehmet Bastem
- 版本: 1.2
- 更新: 2 一月 2020
- 激活: 5
This indicator is using two moving average , signal will be crated according to preset points on two Moving Average.
In general, First signal is immadiate entrence and second order is limit order.
color IndLevelColor=clrYellow; // Indicator Level Color
extern int ArrowGap=35; // Close+-Arrow Gap Pips
extern int SecondOrderEntryLevelPips=500;// Second Limit Order Entry Level Pips
extern int HareketliOrtalamaGiris1=5; // 1. Moving Average
extern int HareketliOrtalamaGiris2=35;// 2. Moving Average
extern double HareketliOrtalamaAlimGirisSeviyesi=0.003; // Correct Signal Entry Level
extern bool CepUyariGonder=false; // Notification
extern bool SesliAlarm=true; // Sound Alert
extern bool AktifGrafikGoster=true; // Change Chart when Signal Alert