版本 3.41
- 修复了加载设置模板后某些程序功能的功能问题。
- 修复了选择“手数”参数时的手动部分交易关闭功能。
版本 3.40
- 添加了保存和加载面板设置的功能 – 设置模板
- 在“平仓”部分中显示盈亏,可选择货币、点数或余额百分比
- 在“平仓”部分添加了按盈亏或买卖类别的选择
- 添加了打开价格修改窗口的快捷键
- 添加了使用回车键确认新开盘价格的功能
- 修复和改进
版本 3.39
- 改進了部分利潤收盤線的繪製
- 新增了指定交易風險精度的功能(從0到3位小數)
版本 3.38
- 增加了多層收支平衡
- 新增了多層次追蹤停損
- 增加跟隨高點和低點的追蹤停損
- 新增了基於移動平均線的追蹤停損
- 增加了基於拋物線轉向指標的追蹤停損
- 新增了基於 ATR 指標的追蹤停損
- 在交易的部分收盤價位後添加了追蹤停損
- 熱鍵改進
- 重建主面板中的手動收支平衡和部分 Cosing 部分
- 修復和改進
版本 3.37
- 添加虚拟/隐藏挂单
- 添加了追踪挂单
- 添加了限价回调订单
- 添加市价单下单后自动修正止损和止盈距离
- 在主面板中实现展开/折叠部分
- 增加了禁用(隐藏)传播的可能性
- 修复和改进
版本 3.36
- 添加熱鍵
- 添加交易提醒
- 在主面板中添加了可見的當前點差
- 在止損和獲利中包含價差的新功能
- 新標籤顯示當前利潤佔賬戶餘額/淨值的百分比
- 運行基於 ATR 的 SL 和 TP 距離循環刷新的可能性
- 僅修改一組訂單的 SL 或 TP 的可能性
- 一些修復和改進
版本 3.35
- 為 SL / TP 添加隱形模式 - 隱藏止損或獲利的可能性
- 增加了禁用 SL / TP 的可能性
- 新增無止損止盈開單自動止損/止盈設置功能
- 將追踪止損參數定義為風險回報(“rr”)的可能性
- 可以將部分收盤、追踪止損和盈虧平衡參數設置為價格/水平
- 添加了一個新標籤,顯示當前利潤與市價單初始止損的比率
- 可以修改 SL / TP 或關閉一組訂單(買單、賣單、所有訂單)
- 添加了將訂單分成選定大小的批次的可能性
- 修復了掛單的無限手數功能
版本 3.34
- 圖表上部分收盤價的可視化
- 新標籤已添加到文本配置中
- 打開/停止/目標塊操作的改進和優化
- 放棄打開/停止/目標塊中條形文字的透明度
- 增加打開/停止/目標塊中條形高度的可能性
- 正確使用圖表模板
- 增加了交易比最大值大得多的可能性。 允許手數(分為幾筆交易)。
版本 3.33
- fixed bugs and improved operation of the open / stop / target block
版本 3.32
- fixed the behavior of the bars at the order opening price when scrolling the chart (it keeps fixed localization)
- fixed the display of the open / stop / target block when scrolling and scaling the chart
- the location of the panel window was taken into account when adding information bars for orders. When the panel is displayed on the right, bars are added at the left edge of the chart and vice versa
版本 3.31
- fixed an issue with saving settings for a pending orders
版本 3.30
- information bar for each order placed
- the possibility of modifying the order by dragging the lines on the chart
- an additional panel for managing individual transactions, allowing you to set separate settings for each order.
- changing the operation rule for automatic Break Even. After the execution of the Break Even function, it is turned off, which allows for further "manual" control of the stop level.
- in the parameters of partial closing, you can use the "rr" unit when determining the activation level with the active Trailing Stop and Break Even (the program remembers the initial stop loss)
版本 3.20
- new additional options of panel zoom: 80%, 200%, 225%, 250%
- added a dialog box where you can set the exact level of the opening price (showing by a Ctrl+left-click on the open bar)
- including commission in lot calculations
- two pin states SL and TP: a single click on the pin is a SL / TP pinned that can be moved with the mouse; a double click is an SL / TP pinned without the possibility of moving the mouse
- support for symbols with lot lower than 0.01
- improvement of the prefix and suffix auto-detection procedure
- exclusion of the import of SL and TP values from the settings of other symbols
版本 3.1
- fixed issue with panel maximise at big screen resolution
- improved a block/lines drawing for some cases
版本 3.0
- new look for the open / stop / target line
- reverse button at the open line to flipping long / short position
- pin button at the stop and target for pinning levels separately
- no need to double-click the line with the left mouse button before moving
版本 2.41
- fixed issue with BreakEven (percent and RR option)
- improved display of text on buttons on high screen resolutions
- fixed problem of the panel hiding behind the char area with zoom greater than 100% and right alignment
- improved calculation formula for "Futures"
版本 2.40
- added OCO (One Cancels the Other) function
- drawing and clearing lines (open, stop and target) is on the one button
- trailing stop: activation parameter as % of distance to TP and parameter trailing as protection of % of earned profit.
- ability to disable button to open market orders when lines (open, stop and target) are drawn on the chart (pending orders only)
- ability to set max. lot size. If this size is exceeded, a warning message box will appear.
- display on the lines the amount value in the account currency of the stop and target without cents
- display stop and target as a % of the account balance or equity
- the third option for setting the distance of partial order closing and breakeven activation: Risk Reward (rr)
- break even offset as % of earned profit ("Profit" parameter)
版本 2.31
- fixed an issue with "Move SL to BE" option
版本 2.30
- added SL/TP fields to the panel
- add comment field into the panel
- add option to place open line x pips below/over candle
- handling different order filling types (only MT5 version)
- improved partial closing algorithm to handle also trades without SL/TP
- improved calculation formula for "Futures" and optimized orders closing procedure
版本 2.20
- added an option to automatically close a part of open orders
- added a button on the panel for manual closing a part of open orders
- added a button on the panel for manual moving Stop Loss to Break Even.
版本 2.11
- improved panel visibility on high screen resolution. In the Trade Manager's settings window there is possible to choose 1 of 4 variants of panel zoom: 100%, 125%, 150%, 175%
- bug fixes
版本 2.1
- flexible line texts configuration. Now it is possible to display distances as price, in pips and in points or in account currency. Also it is possible to display risk reward ratio value and lots;
- automatically hide lines after order fill (as an option default on);
- automatically minimize panel after order fill (as an option default off);
- possible set default distance of stop loss & take profit lines when drawing it on chart as fixed value in pips or a multiple of the ATR value. ATR parameters to set in Trade Manager settings window;
- moved "close" buttons set to the first tab to make all open and close buttons available without need to switch between tabs;
- new tab: config;
- moved Risk Reward Ratio parameter from settings window to config tab;
- moved Allowed Risk % from settings window to config tab;
版本 2.0
- adding break even and trailing stop options
- window reduction in a minimized state
版本 1.1
- buttons for quick open BUY/SELL orders (without drawing lines on chart)
- automatically adjust open price, stop loss and take profit to the nearest valid price. e.g. when price is quoted with 2 decimal points, but tick size is 0.25 (mainly for CFD)
- remembering state of panel when changing chart timeframe
Excellent for placing trades.Makes my life easier and I think it not a waste of money purchasing it. Keep up with the good work