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Telegram Forwarder II


Telegram Forwarder can forward all activities related to trades and position taking as a signal to Telegram messenger. It can also forward indicators' alert to Telegram if you modify indicator code (I can do it for you too) to hand over alerts to Telegram Forwarder.

This EA is intended for business and professional usage. You can introduce your own Telegram bot and customize water mark in screenshots.

Telegram forwarder is able to forward signals for "new order", "modification of order", "Pending order", "Order close", "TP hit", "SL hit" or "Expiration" to any telegram ID, group or channel.

Please watch the provided video in youtube for How to Setup.


  • detect new order and order modification to send a relevant signal
  • detect closed orders and the closing reasons such as TP/SL hit, manual close or pending expiration
  • calculate profit or loss amount in pips or currency amount
  • send corresponing screen-shot in HD quality
  • able to send daily customized message
  • able to send a tailored trades report  in specified days interval
  • organize signal numbering
  • ability for custome tailoring of signal messages with emoji suport


  • forward message to Telegram (Enable/Disable)
  • Telegram Destination ID, (individual id, group id, channel id, or channel name)
  • Telegram Token (Access token to telegram API)
  • send chart screen (Enable/Disable and resolution setting)
  • chart screen timeframe
  • Channel label or screen shot label, imprinted in screen shot
  • load a template for screenshot
  • skip old orders (Enable/Disable)
  • send hour of daily message
  • interval in days to send trades report
  • message format of trades report which will be sent in periodic basis
  • show profit in pips (or amount of account base currency)
  • pipe line to indicators (Enable/Disable)
  • pipe line name to indicators, it's name for pipe line to supported indicator that want to use this EA to forward alerts to Telegram
  • ignore pipeline's old messages (seconds)
  • Magic (identification) number of orders


    Ten types of different customized formatting are available for a different type of signals

    1. New Signal
    2. SL modification
    3. TP modification
    4. SL/TP modification
    5. Pending orders modification
    6. Pending order activation
    7. Close, TP hit
    8. Close, SL hit
    9. Pending expiration
    10. Order close

    For customized formatting, make desired message phrase with special identifiers. Telegram Forwarder detects and replace identifiers with relevant value.

    The following tables are identifiers list:

    $sig# signal number
    $N new line
    $type type of order
    $symbol symbol of order
    $op open price
    $cp close price
    $opentime open time
    $closetime close time
    $exp expiration time
    $tp take profit
    $sl stop loss
    $pre_tp previous TP value
    previous SL value
    $loss loss amount of closed order
    $pre_op previous pending price
    $duration duration time of position
    profit amount of closed order
     $pip profit/loss amount in pips  

    Identifiers that are used in periodic messages:

    $NOO number of orders
    $NOPO number of profited orders
    $NOLO number of loss orders
    $TPA total profit amount
    $TLA total loss amount
    $ProFac profit factor
    $TPP total profit in pips
    $TLP total loss in pips
    $PipFac pip factor (profit pips/ loss pips)
    $NP amount of net profit
    account balance

    评论 4
    KD_New 2022.10.13 13:57 

    Fantastic Creation by Yaser, works like Charm... Thanks a Lot Yaser

    Benjamin Greulich
    Benjamin Greulich 2021.10.04 14:42 

    I like this telegram forwarder. A lot of setting possibilites. I miss only a possibility to get the current drawdown like a command or something

    Trade Report Pro
    Vu Trung Kien
    3.5 (2)
    交易报告专业版 是一款支持自动和手动创建帐户交易历史专业图形报告的 EA。它还可以在您的帐户余额发生变化时发送通知到您的移动终端或电子邮件。 报告保存为 HTML 和 CSV 格式, 如同在 MT4 内部打开快速摘要报告窗口。 注意: 用于测试的演示版本可在此下载: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/5054 。 以下是突出功能: 完整、专业的统计报告,它比 MT4 的内置报告更佳 (更多统计报告)。 自动实时报告,因此您可以帐户帐单持续更新。 在您的帐户余额发生变化时发送通知到移动终端或电子邮件。 实时上载图形报告文件 (作为 index.html) 至您的网站。因此您可以通过网站查看或共享您的报告。 报告在单一 HTML 文件里包含余额的图形图表。 报告保存为 HTML 和 CSV 两种格式。 在报告里剔除挂单,使报告更清洁,更容易跟踪。 可以手动导出全部或自定义区间的历史报告。 手动导出全部/单个/符号组的报告。 除了导出完整报告至 HTML/CSV 文件,还在 MT4 之内打开快速摘要报告以便即刻查看。 用法: 安装 交易报告专业版
    Every trader is watching over his account over and over.... trying to anlayse every system he or she has. With this tool you are able to  export your complete history of every account export withdrawls / deposits / rebates to a separate file export account status with balance / equity / current drawdown recalculate micro to standard lots / profits ...  export decimal by "." or ","  combine a series of Magic Numbers to one unique Magic Number   filter to ignore OrderComments.
    Roman Zhitnik
    5 (3)
    The Expert Advisor is a risk manager helping users to control their trading. In the settings, it is possible to specify the parameters at which the risk manager force closes the opened trades and closes the terminal as well, if it is needed to prevent opening trades on emotions, which do not correspond to the trading strategy. Link to Version for MetaTrader 5  Risk Manager settings Check limit to close   - check the equity limit Limit to close (account currency)   - equity limit that is checked
    AW Metatrader to Telegram
    AW Trading Software Limited
    用于发送通知的自动化系统,这样您的订阅者就不会错过您交易终端上的交易事件。一种实用程序,可向 Telegram Messenger 发送有关您账户上任何交易操作的通知。 将实用程序连接到 Telegram ->   HERE   / MT5 ->   HERE 中的频道的分步说明 优点: 简单的设置和详细的说明, 可以发送可调整的屏幕截图, 使用表情符号可定制的通知文本, 调整有关开仓、全部或部分平仓以及订单修改的通知, 默认发送通知时,会自动下载文本文件, 调整有关放置或删除挂单的通知, 通过符号和幻数方便地过滤。 输入变量: TELEGRAM BOT AND CHAT SETTINGS Telegram bot token - Enter the token number received after registering the bot in "BotFather" Telegram Chat ID - Enter the identification number received from "userinfobot" SETTING TRIGGERS SETTINGS
    AIP – MT4/MT5 To Telegram (Contact Telegram: @AutoInvestorPro) 1            Main features of MT4/MT5 EA To Telegram: Send all types of orders (Open Order/Close Order/Modify Order/Pending Order/Delete Order) Close and Modify Order with replies to the corresponding Open Order   Support sending to both private and public channels Support sending to multiple channels simultaneously Send Chart Screenshots Manage all symbols with a single EA on one terminal Automatic loading of templates, logos, and s
    EA can help you control your MT4 easilly  First you must create a bot on Telegram and get its TOKEN  link guide :  https://sendpulse.com/knowledge-base/chatbot/create-telegram-chatbot Copy folder Telegram into Data MT4 program (MQL4\Include), link download ( delete space ) :  https: //drive.google.com/file/d/1mCUaTzwvvUkF3JUcLRXnAW1Ls1Mu6xqk/view?usp=sharing You must add the URL “ https://api.telegram.org ” to Tools > Options > Expert Advisors > Allow Web Request for listed URL in order to load
    One Click Trader is a tool designed for MetaTrader 4 platform, which enables you to take your trading to the next level. It enables you to open, manage and close your trades in simple an efficient way by just one click of your mouse button. Up arrow minimizes the OCT panel Down arrow maximizes the OCT panel Right arrow displays the next panel with additional features Left arrow hides the panel with additional features Red SELL button enables you to open short market orders Red SELL STOP button e
    DepoControl – Full Control Over the Deposit Closers   Expert Advisor controls the overall account status and closes ALL market orders on the account when certain conditions occur. The trading robot closes ALL orders on the account in the following cases (by profit): Close ALL orders by a total profit on the account   in monetary terms . For example, suppose that the settings specify that   positions should be closed when profit of 100 is reached. In this case, the Expert Advisor closes all mark
    Telebot4 to Telegram
    Kwuemeka Kingsle Anyanwu
    ###   TeleBot4 - Trade Copier from MT4 to Telegram [MANUAL] TeleBot4 is an innovative MQL4 program designed to seamlessly bridge your MetaTrader 4 trading experience with Telegram. This powerful tool allows traders to send real-time trade notifications directly to their Telegram channels and groups, ensuring they never miss an important market move. **Key Features:** - **Real-Time Trade Alerts:** Instantly receive notifications for every trade executed on your MT4 account, including order op
    Partial Close MT4
    Ahmed Alaoui Chrifi
    This is a very simple, and easy-to-use Trade Manager with features like   Auto Partial Close, Auto Stop-loss, Breakeven. EA  closes a profitable position in partial closes when the price moves first in the direction of profits, and then comes back. EA monitors the position. If the price moves in the direction of profits, then ea establish the first level of rollback price at a distance. If the price continues to move in the direction of profits, this level of profit continues modifying this lev
    "Support or Resistance Alert Broken" is a simple and very intuitive tool that allows you to create or eliminate horizontal and trend supports and / or resistances with a simple click. When the support or resistance line is broken by the closing price at the end of the current candle, the "Support or Resistance Alert Broken" tool will send an alert with sound, as well as a notification to the MT4 or MT5 mobile application. This tool can send alerts from multiple pairs at the same time. Utility
    Pointer synchronization is an indicator with which the pointer can be synchronized in all the visible charts of the terminal. It shows a crossed cursor in all the visible charts of the terminal, in position relative to the cursor of the active chart. To activate the indicator, simply press the button that appears in one of the corners of the chart once the indicator is added to the chart. To deactivate the indicator, simply press the button again. Once the indicator has been deactivated, the cr
    风险控制专家顾问,该程序可让您控制交易顾问对您账户的总风险。 使用此程序,您可以控制所有顾问在账户上允许的最大风险。 例如,您设置了最大回撤的 30% 的风险,这意味着如果您的股票交易机器人超过 30% 的风险,风险控制员将关闭顾问的所有仓位,也可以关闭所有打开的图表,从而防止顾问进一步工作。 当您用鞅交易平均机器人并希望在不可抗力或其他不可预见的情况下限制机器人的最大损失时,EA 将是“安宁睡眠”所必需的,因为与其希望市场逆转。 The Risk Controller Expert Advisor is a very important and, in my opinion, necessary program for every trader who trades robots. 可以以账户上最大损失的限制货币美元等值和百分比来进行控制。 为了让顾问工作,只需将其附加到货币对的图表上,并以存款货币或当前余额的百分比设置最大允许风险。 顾问功能 在达到指定的总损失水平后平仓所有头寸 $ 和% 在达到以美元和百分比表示的总利润后平仓所有头寸 当达到指定的亏损/盈利时删除挂单 达到指定
    使用革命性的交易时间管理器轻松控制您的交易程序。这个强大的工具可以在指定时间自动执行订单,从而改变您的交易方式。 为不同的交易行为(从购买到设置订单)制定个性化任务列表,所有这些都无需人工干预。 交易时间管理器安装和输入指南 如果您想获取有关 EA 的通知,请将我们的 URL 添加到 MT4/MT5 终端(参见屏幕截图)。 MT4版本     https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/103716 MT5版本     https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/103715 告别人工监控,拥抱精简效率。直观的界面允许您设置精确的参数,包括交易品种、执行时间、价格、止损 (SL)、止盈 (TP) 点和手数大小。 该工具的灵活性通过与市场行为相匹配的适应性重复选项来凸显。通过视觉主题个性化您的体验,并减少长时间交易期间的眼睛疲劳。 摆脱手动交易程序,拥抱“交易时间管理器”的强大功能。提高交易的准确性、组织性和自由度。简化您的日常工作并重新体验交易。 主要特点: 自动订单执行:按指定时间间隔无缝自动执行订单,从而节省您的
    「Binary Lab Simulator」是一个用于练习和验证交易策略的工具。 该工具全天候运行,包括周末和非交易时间,并支持多种到期时间,如30秒、1分钟和3分钟,创建类似真实交易的环境。 它兼容外部工具以分析进入结果。 可以轻松保存多个模板,从在线环境无缝测试到模拟器。 「Binary Lab Simulator」可以单独使用,但与「SpeedManager」、「Practice Simulator Sync」和「ArwByIdx」结合使用时功能更强大。 「SpeedManager」在指定的进入点自动停止 「Practice Simulator Sync」允许同步不同时间框架和货币对的图表 「ArwByIdx」与外部指标和信号工具集成,自动关联进入点 与Signal Tool结合使用时,它可以在指定的交易次数后进行进入、关闭或自动停止。 您还可以跟踪连续的赢/输次数或保存交易结果的图像。 该工具提供了一个真实的训练环境。 优点: 周末和节假日的操作 可调节的交易到期时间 高效练习的速度调整 不同时间框架和货币对的同步 与其他指标的兼容性 与信号工具协调的进入 输出结果图像的能力
    Telegram MT4 Order Channel Manager is a tool to manage order and send text message to channel through Telegram chat app . Attention: This EA can only work for One Telegram Bot in One MT4 Account . If you want to attach to another account, you should make new Telegram Bot and use new token for that account . It does not work in backtest. Watch the video to see how it works. There are 9 menu to choose: 1. Account Info - Gives information about Balance, Equity, Profit, Order List. 2. Quotes - Gives
    Send periodic (Health Check) notification from your MT4 terminal to your mobile phone to be sure that your MT4 terminal is still running. When you did not receive the notification, it means that your terminal is unavailable. Optional information like Account Equity and Trading Pairs are also available. Notification Period - 1 Hour, 2 Hours, 4 Hours, 8 Hours, 12 Hours, 24 Hours Attach EA to any H1 chart
    This indicator allows you to monitor the vitals of your account and notifies of some events, in accordance with user settings. Keep your finger on the pulse of trading. Control elements Main panel of the indicator shows the following values: chart symbol, bid/ask prices, spread, free margin, equity, total number of orders and total profit/loss. There are also two buttons: "Alarm" and "Mute". "Alarm" button starts up a timer, which will notify user in a period of time, defined in the settings. I
    Close at time
    Yaotang Liu
    5 (1)
    Close at time is a very useful EA to close specific positions at specific time. It also provides additional condition to setup. Close specific positions at time. Close specific positions which currently profits. Close specific long positions only. Close specific short positions only. Close specific pending orders. It is useful to support your trading strategies. Parameters description magic : Target magic number to close. close_time_hr: Hour to close. (MetaTrader 4 terminal time) close_time_min
    This EA helps to Close all Positions opened. It saves you the time of closing multiple positions manually. Parameters: Buy:  Close Buy Positions Only Sell:  Close Sell Positions Only Buy & Sell: Close Buy & Sell Positions Pending: Close Pending Orders More Advanced MT4 version available at:   https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/93468?source=Unknown%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.mql5.com%2Fen%2Fmarket%2Fmy More Advanced MT5 version available at:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/93301?source=Unk
    MQL Tool "Ofir Email to Telegram": Never Miss a Trading Alert Again! Tired of missing important alerts from your indicators and Expert Advisors (EAs)? Ofir Email to Telegram   is the solution you've been waiting for!   This revolutionary MQL tool automatically forwards all email alerts from your indicators and EAs directly to your Telegram account. Never again will you miss a trading opportunity or important notification! Here are just a few of the benefits of Ofir Email to Telegram: Quick and e
    This tool monitors your current Expert Advisors and manages stop losses and take profits. You can customize which EAs and/or which currencies to monitor. It is primarily meant for EAs that you feel manage stop losses and/or take profits poorly. If you want this tool to be able to monitor manual trades, please use '0' (zero) as the magic number. Supports hidden stoploss and take profit Supports ATR-calculated dynamic stoploss Supports Breakeven for individual trades Supports Trailing stop Lower r
    This tool working You can buy or sell from the button of this tool, the lot size can be filled manually, as for the close all buy button to end all buy positions, close all sell button to end all sell positions, Close All profit button to end  All  profit position, Close All Loss button to end all loss position, Delete Pending button to delete all Pending order, close all orders to end all orders. The variable, you can use close all percent for close all orders when profit in percent, if close
    Program for automatic placement of stop loss and take profit orders. Values are calculated as points distance from open price. BreakEven option is also included. all options could be applied to BUY, SELL separately or together. Enter values ​​in points in the fields on the right side of the menu and press dedicated button to aplly your settings. If in doubt, The instruction is displayed in the tooltip.
    Pending Orders Grid Complete System opens any combination of Buy Stop, Sell Stop, Buy Limit and Sell Limit pending orders and closes all existing pending orders. You will have a possibility to put a legitimate Open Price for the first position in the grid. Usually it should in the area of Support/Resistance lines. You just need to drop this script on the chart of a desired currency pair. Input Parameters Before placing all pending orders, the input window is opened allowing you to modify all in
    Andrey Chiganaev
    The script allows you to quickly and easily open trades (place orders) on the market. Features Buy and sell at a market price; Place pending orders: Buy/Sell Limit and Buy/Sell Stop; Open a trade with a custom volume; Calculate and set TakeProfit; Calculate and set StopLoss; Auto defining the number of decimal places; Auto defining a symbol the script has been applied to. What you get with the script Ability to calculate each trade instantly; Ability not to enter all calculated values manually
    It contains four major utilities:  ZeroRisk   Trade Pad  to open and manage trades,  ZeroRisk Manual Trader , a ssistant for manual traders to control the trading plan and prop firm rules, ZeroRisk Algo Trader , assistant for algo traders to control and monitor EAs and ZeroRisk Telegram Signal Provider  to send manual or EA signal to telegram. This assistant supports news filter from top 3 trusted news website ( Investing.com, Daily FX ,  Forex Factory ) and auto GMT offset from  Worldtimeserve
    The professional utilities "Ichimoku Waves Meter" to analyse graphs using the correct interpretation of Ichimoku kinkōhyō! Is a graphic program that allows traders to quickly and easily measure the proportions between the indicated points on the price graph. This time and price indicator is a basic tool for analysing the chart according to the Ichimoku strategy on the MT4 platform. Using this tool allows an insightful and complete analysis of time waves as well as price waves in a very short ti
    Telegram to Discord
    Yassine El Maamouni Rahali
    Streamline your trading communication with our Telegram to Discord Trade Forwarder, a powerful Python-based tool designed for traders who want to effortlessly share trade information from Telegram to Discord. No more tedious copy-pasting—our software automates the process, ensuring that every crucial message, image, or video is seamlessly forwarded to your Discord community. Key Features: Effortless Trade Sharing: Instantly share trade updates, images, and videos from your Telegram channels to
    Agus Wahyu Pratomo
    MultiStopOrder Tis Script will help us to put multiple stop order with single one click. This is a script not an EA Will place BUYSTOP and SELLSTOP with single click Main Feature 1. Put Multiple Stop Order 2. Specify how much stop orders will make 3. Set distance from current price 4. Set distance for each stop order 5. Set Take Profit dan Stop Loss  6. Use it on MT4 7. Set lot size with minmum 0.01 lots 8. Use with single one clicks
    Trade Assistant MT4
    Evgeniy Kravchenko
    4.43 (181)
    它有助于计算每笔交易的风险,容易安装新的订单,具有部分关闭功能的订单管理, 7 种类型的追踪止损和其他有用的功能。 附加材料和说明 安装说明 - 应用程序说明 - 模拟账户应用程序的试用版 线条功能  - 在图表上显示开仓线、止损线、止盈线。 有了这个功能,就可以很容易地设置一个新的订单,并在开仓前看到它的附加特性。   风险管理  - 风险计算功能在考虑到设定的风险和止损单的大小的情况下,计算新订单的成交量。它允许你设置任何大小的止损,同时观察设定的风险。 批量计算按钮 - 启用 / 禁用风险计算。 在 " 风险 " 一栏中设置必要的风险值,从 0 到 100 的百分比或存款的货币。 在 " 设置 " 选项卡上选择风险计算的变量: $ 货币, % 余额, % 资产, % 自由保证金, % 自定义, %AB 前一天, %AB 前一周, %AB 前一个月。   R/TP 和 R/SL - 设置止盈和止损的关系。 这允许你设置相对于损失的利润大小。 例如, 1 : 1 - 这决定了 TP = SL 的大小。 2 : 1 - 这意味着 TP 是 SL 的两倍。 RR - 它禁用比率。  
    Local Trade Copier EA MT4
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    5 (86)
    通过 Local Trade Copier EA MT4 获得非常快速的交易复制体验。它的简单1分钟设置,使您可以在同一台Windows计算机或Windows VPS上在多个MetaTrader终端之间复制交易,具有闪电般快速的复制速度,低于0.5秒。 无论您是初学者还是专业交易者, Local Trade Copier EA MT4 都提供了广泛的选项,可根据您的特定需求进行自定义。对于任何希望增加利润潜力的人来说,这都是终极解决方案。 今天就尝试一下,看看为什么它是市场上最快、最简单的贸易复印机! 提示: 您可以在您的模拟账户中下载并试用 Local Trade Copier EA MT4 模拟版: 这里 将下载的免费演示文件粘贴到您的 MT4 >> 文件 >> 打开数据文件夹 >> MQL4 >> 专家文件夹并重新启动您的终端。  免费演示版本每次可在 4 小时内发挥全部功能,仅限演示帐户。 要重置试用期,请转至 MT4 >> 工具 >> 全局变量 >> Control + A >> 删除。 请仅在非关键模拟账户上执行此操作,不要在挑战道具公司账户中执行此操作。 Local
    欢迎来到 Trade Manager EA——这是一个终极风险管理工具,旨在使交易变得更直观、精准和高效。它不仅仅是一个下单工具,而是一个用于无缝交易计划、仓位管理和风险控制的全面解决方案。不论您是新手交易员、资深交易员,还是需要快速执行的剥头皮交易员,Trade Manager EA 都可以满足您的需求,适用于外汇、指数、大宗商品、加密货币等各种市场。 借助 Trade Manager EA,复杂的计算已成过去。只需分析市场,在图表上用水平线标记入场、止损和止盈,设置您的风险水平,Trade Manager 就会立即计算出理想的头寸规模,并实时显示以点、账户货币计价的止损和止盈。每笔交易都得以轻松管理。 主要功能: 头寸规模计算器 :根据定义的风险瞬间确定交易规模。 简单的交易计划 :在图表上用可拖动的水平线直接计划交易,设置入场、止损和止盈。 实时显示 SL 和 TP :以账户货币、点或分显示止损和止盈,便于分析。 高级保护工具 盈亏平衡选项 : 基本盈亏平衡 :当您的交易达到设定水平时自动保护利润。 多级盈亏平衡 :设置多达 4 个级别以逐步保护利润。 尾随止损选项 : 基本尾随
    Vladislav Andruschenko
    4.7 (64)
    MetaTrader 4 的交易复制器。     它从任何账户复制外汇交易、头寸、订单。 它是最好的贸易复印机之一     MT4 - MT4,MT5 - MT4     为了   复制 MT4     版本(或     MT4 - MT5 MT5 - MT5     为了   复制MT5     版本)。 MT5版本 详细描述   +DEMO +PDF 如何购买 如何安装     如何获取日志文件     如何测试和优化     Expforex 的所有产品 复印机 版本       MetaTrader 5 终端 (   МТ5 - МТ5, МТ4 - МТ5   )-   Copylot 客户端 MT5 独特的复制算法将所有交易从主账户准确复制到您的客户账户。 该产品还以其高运行速度而著称,并且具有强大的错误处理能力。 一组强大的功能。 该程序可以在多个终端绑定上运行。 使用它作为您在一个账户上交易的多个账户的交易 的同步器 , - COPYLOT 会将您的交易复制到其他终端。 从已关闭的账户中复制 Invest 密码; 部分关闭仅从 mt4 到 mt4 从模拟账户复制到
    MT4 至 Telegram 信号提供者 是一款易用、可完全自定义的工具,它使发送信号到 Telegram 成为可能,将您的账户变成信号提供者。 消息的格式 可以完全自定义! 但是,为了简便使用,您也可以选择一个预设模板,并能够启用或禁用消息的特定部分。 [ 演示 ]  [ 手册 ] [ MT5 版本 ] [ Discord 版本 ] [ Telegram 频道 ] 设置 可通过 用户指南 获取逐步说明。 无需了解 Telegram API;开发者提供所需的一切。 主要特性 自定义发送给订阅者的订单详情的能力 您可以创建分层订阅模型,例如铜牌、银牌、金牌。金牌订阅可获得所有信号等。 按订单号、符号或备注过滤订单 包括执行订单的图表的屏幕截图 在发送的屏幕截图上绘制已关闭的订单,以便额外验证 推迟发送新订单消息的可能性,以便在发送前对位置进行调整 订单详情的全透明度: 新的市场订单 *附带屏幕截图 订单修改(止损、获利点) 已关闭订单 *附带屏幕截图 部分关闭订单 ** 新的挂起订单 修改的挂起订单(进场价格) 挂起订单激活(作为新的市场订单) 已删除的挂起订单 历史订单报告
    Trade Manager MT4 DaneTrades
    Levi Dane Benjamin
    4.33 (9)
    交易管理器可帮助您快速进入和退出交易,同时自动计算风险。 包括帮助您防止过度交易、报复性交易和情绪化交易的功能。 交易可以自动管理,账户绩效指标可以在图表中可视化。 这些功能使该面板成为所有手动交易者的理想选择,并有助于增强 MetaTrader 4 平台。多语言支持。 MT5版本  |  用户指南+演示 交易经理在策略测试器中不起作用。 如需演示,请参阅用户指南 风险管理 根据%或$自动调整风险 可选择使用固定手数或根据交易量和点自动计算手数 使用 RR、点数或价格设置盈亏平衡止损 追踪止损设置 最大每日损失百分比,在达到目标时自动平仓所有交易。 保护账户免遭过多提款并阻止您过度交易 最大每日损失(以美元为单位)在达到目标时自动关闭所有交易。 保护账户免遭过多提款并阻止您过度交易 一键实现所有交易的盈亏平衡 自动计算从手机/电话发送的交易的风险 OCO 在设置中可用 交易和头寸管理 通过设置每月、每周、每天、每小时或每分钟的最大交易次数,停止过度交易和报复性交易。 高级挂单管理。 调整何时关闭挂单的规则 追踪挂单 支持市价订单和挂单 每日最大利润目标(以美元为单位)以确保头寸并停止
    Telegram To MT4 Receiver
    Levi Dane Benjamin
    5 (4)
    将信号从您所属的任何渠道(包括私人和受限渠道)直接复制到您的 MT4。 该工具在设计时充分考虑了用户的需求,同时提供了管理和监控交易所需的许多功能。 该产品采用易于使用且具有视觉吸引力的图形界面。 自定义您的设置并在几分钟内开始使用该产品! 用户指南 + 演示  |     MT5版本  |     不和谐版本 如果您想尝试演示,请参阅用户指南。 Telegram To MT4 接收器在策略测试器中不起作用! Telegram 至 MT4 功能 一次复制多个通道的信号 从私人和受限频道复制信号 不需要机器人令牌或聊天 ID(如果出于某种原因需要,您仍然可以使用这些) 使用风险百分比或固定手数进行交易 排除特定符号 选择复制所有信号或自定义要复制的信号 配置单词和短语以识别所有信号(默认值应适用于 99% 的信号提供商) 配置时间和日期设置以仅在需要时复制信号 设置一次打开的最大交易量 交易和头寸管理 使用信号或自动设置的管理 通过设置每月、每周、每天、每小时或每分钟的最大交易次数,停止过度交易和报复性交易。 支持市价订单和挂单 每日最大利润目标(以美元为单位)以确保头寸并停止过度
    Custom Alerts:同时监控多重市场,绝不错过任何关键机会 概述 Custom Alerts 为需要在多个交易品种间集中跟踪潜在信号的交易者提供了动态解决方案。通过整合 FX Power、FX Volume 和 IX Power 等旗舰工具的数据, Custom Alerts 会在您无需频繁切换图表或担心错失良机的情况下,自动通知您各种关键市场变化。如果您想使交易更加智能和高效, Custom Alerts 将大幅提升您的市场监控能力。 1. 为什么 Custom Alerts 对交易者非常有价值 全方位市场监控 • Custom Alerts 汇聚多种交易品种的信号,包括八大主要货币、黄金,及您可选择的最多七种指数或商品。 • 无需在多个图表间来回切换——只需接收集中且清晰的通知即可。 量身定制的警报策略 • 精准配置警报参数,无论您追踪的是成交量飙升、货币强度阈值,还是特定的价格形态, Custom Alerts 都能确保您不错过关键信号。 • 与 Stein Investments 的其他工具无缝整合,进一步提高您的交易精度。 省时且便捷 • 无需时刻盯盘,
    The Expert Advisor will help you forward all pop-up alert with screenshot from  MetaTrader 4 to Telegram channel/ group, also forward all notifications to Telegram. Parameters  -  Telegram Bot Token - create bot on Telegram and get token.  -  Telegram Chat ID  - input your Telegram user ID,  group / channel ID  -  Forward Alert - default true, to forward alert.  -  Send message as caption of Screenshot - default false, set true to send message below Screenshot  How to setup and guide  - Telegram
    一旦您確定了要進行交易的關鍵區域,就會自動交易支撐和阻力或供需區域。該 EA 允許您只需單擊即可繪製買入和賣出區域,然後將它們準確地放置在您預期價格轉向的位置。然後,EA 會監控這些區域,並根據您為這些區域指定的價格行為自動進行交易。一旦進行初始交易,EA 就會在您放置的相反區域(即目標區域)獲利。然後,您有兩種選擇,要么關閉交易並繪製新的區域進入,要么獲利退出並立即反向反向交易,創建「始終在」的市場風格策略。 包含輸入和策略的完整手冊位於: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/760256 該 EA 專為在市場上不使用固定或硬止損的頭寸交易者或美元成本平均交易策略而設計。相反,它的目的是透過在下一個可用支撐或阻力區域以相同方向進行新交易來縮小不正確的交易,並調整您在市場中頭寸的平​​均價格。如果需要的話,還有備用退出標準,形式為每筆交易的最大損失金額或基於時間的退出。 只需按下按鈕即可繪製準備放置在感興趣等級的區域。 關閉按鈕和關閉最舊的按鈕可退出所有交易,或僅退出舊交易(如果它們跌幅過大而無法立即調整您的平均頭寸)。 適用於任何時間範圍內的
    The product will copy all telegram signal to MT4   ( which you are member  ) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up, copy order instant, can work with almost signal formats, image signal, s upport to translate other language to English Work with all type of channel or group, even channel have "Restrict Saving Content", work with  multi channel, multi MT5 Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. Support to backtest signal. How to
    FX28 Trader
    Tsvetan Tsvetanov
    5 (1)
    介绍FX28 Trader Dashboard – 您的终极交易管理工具 通过FX28 Trader Dashboard,解锁您交易体验的全部潜力,这是一款全面而直观的交易管理工具,旨在将您的外汇交易提升到新的水平。无论您是经验丰富的交易员还是刚刚开始您的金融之旅,这个强大的工具旨在简化您的交易活动并提高您的决策过程。 主要特点: 用户友好界面: FX28 Trader Dashboard拥有用户友好的界面,适应各个层次的交易员。通过几次点击轻松导航各种功能和工具,确保您只需轻松几下就完全掌控了交易。 实时市场数据: 利用实时市场数据源,始终保持领先地位,为您提供有关货币对、趋势和市场波动的最新信息。做出明智的决策,充满信心地执行交易。 高级交易分析: 通过高级分析深入了解您的交易绩效。跟踪交易历史,分析趋势,并识别模式,以优化您的策略和改善您的结果。 风险管理工具: 用我们强大的风险管理工具保护您的投资。轻松设置止损和获利订单,自定义仓位大小,并轻松实施风险收益比,确保自律和受控的交易方法。 多时间框架分析: FX28 Trader Dashboard允许您同时分析不同时间框架的市
    Summer 40% discount ($149 -> $88) Everything for chart Technical Analysis indicator mt4 in one tool Draw your supply demand zone with rectangle and support resistance with trendline and get alerts to mobile phone or email alert -  Risk reward indicator Video tutorials, manuals, DEMO download   here .  Find contacts on my   profile . 1.   Extended rectangles and trendlines Object will be extended to the right edge of the chart when price will draw new candles on chart. This is rectangle extende
    TPSpro Trade PRO
    Roman Podpora
    4.6 (5)
    下载演示版本 说明 -  https://www.mql5.com/ru/blogs/post/758419 一款能够根据给定的止损水平即时计算头寸规模或风险的工具对于专业交易员和新手交易员来说都至关重要。TRADE PRO 交易实用程序提供快速准确的计算,帮助您在时间敏感且波动的市场中做出决策。 主要功能: 原创。简单。有效。 原始、方便地打开主交易面板:将鼠标移到图表右侧,然后单击适当的方向即可下达未来订单。 快速安装市价单 使用 TRADE PRO 设置您的余额或资本的风险百分比,或指定具体的风险金额。在图表上直观地定义止损水平,让该工具自动计算每种货币对的最佳头寸规模。该工具还可以根据指定的风险/回报率自动设置利润目标(止盈)。 下达多个限价订单以分担总风险     (网格模式)。 无论您进行多笔买入或卖出交易还是遵循网格策略,交易面板都提供了下达多笔限价订单的功能,让您可以将主要风险分散到各个部分,并可进行调整。 在现有的市价单上添加额外的限价单。 为了您的方便,如果您已经有未结订单,我们添加了一项功能,可让您快速添加更多具有共同止损和止盈的限价订单。 设置额外的获利水平,
    Trade Dashboard MT4
    Fatemeh Ameri
    5 (43)
    疲于复杂的订单下达和手动计算?Trade Dashboard 是您的解决方案。凭借其用户友好的界面,订单下达变得轻而易举,只需点击一下,您就可以开设交易、设置止损和止盈水平、管理交易手数,并计算风险回报比,让您只需专注于您的策略。告别手动计算,使用 Trade Dashboard 简化您的交易体验。 立即下载演示版本 。 您可以在这里找到仪表盘功能和特性的详细信息 。 加入 Telegram 频道 。 购买后请给我发消息以获取支持。如果您需要添加更多功能,可以在产品的评论区留下您的想法,我愿意听取任何建议,希望您能在使用我的产品时获得最佳体验 。 这是 MT5 版本。 风险管理:使用 Trade Dashboard,可以将您的风险设置为账户余额或权益的百分比,或将风险设置为总金额。在图表上直观地定义您的止损,让工具准确计算每个货币对的适当手数。该工具还可以根据您期望的风险回报比自动设置止盈水平。它甚至可以在手数计算中涵盖佣金和点差费用。此外,您的止损和止盈可以转变为虚拟水平,隐藏于经纪商。通过 Trade Dashboard 的高级风险管理功能,掌控风险,保护您的资本。 交易线
    TradePanel MT4
    Alfiya Fazylova
    4.9 (86)
    交易面板是一个多功能的交易助手。该应用程序包含超过 50 个用于手动交易的交易功能,并允许您自动化大多数交易操作。 注意,该应用程序在策略测试器中不起作用。购买之前,您可以在模拟帐户上测试演示版本。演示版 这里 。 完整说明 这里 。 贸易。 让您一键执行交易操作: 通过自动风险计算打开挂单和仓位。 一键打开多个订单和仓位。 打开订单网格。 按组关闭挂单和持仓。 头寸反转(关闭买入并打开卖出或关闭卖出并打开买入)。 锁定头寸(开立额外头寸,以平衡买入和卖出头寸的交易量)。 一键部分平仓所有仓位。 为同一价格水平的所有头寸设置止盈和止损。 将所有头寸的止损设置为该头寸的盈亏平衡水平。 开单建仓时,您可以应用以下功能: 计算交易量的多个订单或仓位之间的分布(一键开仓多个订单或仓位时)。 图表上未来订单交易水平的可视化。 设置开仓时允许的最大点差大小。 止盈和止损之间的自动比率。 虚拟止损和止盈。 根据当前点差的大小自动增加止损和止盈的大小。 根据 ATR 指标的读数计算止盈和止损。 设置挂单的到期日期。 挂单设置为“追踪”(挂单自动跟随当前价格移动指定距离)。 管理通过移动终端(手机)开立
    Grid Manual MT4
    Alfiya Fazylova
    4.71 (17)
    Grid Manual是一个交易面板,用于处理订单网格。 该实用程序是通用的,具有灵活的设置和直观的界面。 它不仅可以在亏损方向上设置订单网格,还可以在盈利方向上设置订单网格。 交易者不需要创建和维护订单网格,实用程序会这样做。 打开一个订单就足够了,Grid manual会自动为它创建一个订单网格,并伴随它直到非常关闭。 完整说明和演示版 此處 。 该实用程序的主要特性和功能: 伴隨以任何方式打開的訂單,包括從移動終端打開的訂單。 適用於兩種類型的網格:“限制”和“停止”。 使用兩種方法計算網格間距:固定和動態(基於 ATR 指標)。 允許您更改未結訂單網格的設置。 顯示圖表上每個網格的盈虧平衡水平。 顯示每個網格的利潤率。 允許您一鍵關閉網格中的盈利訂單。 讓您一鍵關閉每個訂單網格。 允許您對訂單網格應用追踪止損功能。 允許您在訂單網格上應用將訂單網格的止損轉移到盈虧平衡水平的功能。 相對於訂單網格的盈虧平衡水平自動重新排列止盈(僅在限價網格模式下,距離取決於所選的計算類型:“保守”或“激進”)。 最多可管理 20 個訂單網格,每個網格最多可包含 100 個訂單。
    Auto Trailing Assistant
    Emmanuel Lovski Ijeawele Maduagwuna
    介紹自動追蹤助理 - 您的終極外匯自動追蹤管理解決方案 自動追蹤助手是一款非常先進的程序,旨在徹底改變您透過追蹤停損管理交易的方式。憑藉其全面的功能,這個強大的工具使您能夠輕鬆、精確地優化交易結果。 ATA  在下面的說明中代表 自動追蹤助理 。  (*)常規設定概述: 價格單位選擇 :使用者可以選擇 PIP 或 POINTs 尾隨選項來處理部位(無論您喜歡哪一種)。因此,如果您為 EURUSD(x ...) 頭寸輸入 200 點,則該實用程式在該頭寸上執行的追蹤距離通常會轉換為 20 點。 尾隨模式 :有六種尾隨模式。預設模式設定為百分比鎖定尾隨模式,模式一。這種模式最適合簡單的利潤保留。在某些情況下,市場方向會發生逆轉,並且有利可圖的貿易變得無利可圖。此模式確保當前市場價格與鎖定利潤價格水準之間保持合理的價差,以便在趨勢有利的情況下可以累積更多的利潤,在趨勢有利的情況下交易也不會造成損失。其次,如果趨勢顯著逆轉,交易者可以開始另一個頭寸,並滿足於最後一個頭寸以盈利告終的事實。 基於點的動態模式與眾所周知的典型 Meta Trader 追蹤功能相同。無需右鍵單擊每筆正在進行的交易來
    VirtualTradePad mt4 Extra
    Vladislav Andruschenko
    4.88 (57)
    一键交易的交易面板。处理头寸和订单!通过图表或键盘进行交易 交易小组进行人工交易。您可以从图表(图表窗口)或键盘进行交易。打开和关闭,反向和锁定。处理职位和订单! МetaТrader4中主要订单的交易控制面板:买入,卖出,买入,买入,卖出,卖出限制,收盘,删除,修改,追踪止损,止损,止损。 MT5版本 详细描述   +DEMO +PDF 如何购买 如何安装     如何获取日志文件     如何测试和优化     Expforex 的所有产品 从符号窗口交易并从键盘交易! 您正在为MetaTrader 4终端提供一个独特的插件 - 虚拟控制面板VirtualTradePad。 Description on English 注意!如果您想学习如何交易 策略测试器  ,请查看我们的免费 TesterPad 实用程序 VirtualTradePad在“  MQL5语言最佳图形面板  ”竞赛中 获得二等奖 。 工作标签 职位标签   -使用职位: 开/关买入和卖出, 冲销所有头寸, 锁定一个共同的立场, 更改止损/获利, 设定一般的止损/获利的位置, 启用追踪止损, 实现盈亏平衡 只平
    Riskless Pyramid
    Snapdragon Systems Ltd
    5 (1)
    Introduction This powerful MT4 trade mangement EA offers a way potentially to aggressively multiply trade profits in a riskfree manner. Once a trade has been entered with a defined stoploss and take profit target then the EA will add three pyramid add-on trades in order to increase the overall level of profit. The user sets the total combined profit target to be gained if everything works out. This can be specified either as a multiple of the original trade profit or as a total dollar amount. Fo
    Virtual KillerTrade
    Antonis Michos
    5 (12)
    -40% OFF Telegram Group: Find the link in my profile or contact me Welcome. Virtual Killer Trade is an exceptional EA which : Guides you WHEN to open the FIRST trade. After that an intelligent system starts to manage that trade and you do not have to worry when to close it neither when you must open a second or third etc one !!! Attach the EA, wait for the signal,open the trade and then go to sleep !!! FOR more experienced traders,you do not have to wait for a signal.Open the first tra
    Trade copier MT4
    Alfiya Fazylova
    4.52 (29)
    Trade Copier 是一种专业实用程序,旨在复制和同步交易账户之间的交易。 复制发生从供应商的帐户/终端到收件人的帐户/终端,安装在同一台计算机或 vps 上。 在购买之前,您可以在演示帐户上测试演示版本。 演示 这里 。 完整说明 这里 。 主要功能和优点: 支持复制MT4>MT4、MT4>MT5、MT5>MT4,包括МТ5 netting账户。 供应商和收件人模式在同一产品中实现。 简单直观的界面,允许您直接从图表中实时控制复制。 连接中断或终端重新启动时不会丢失设置和位置。 允许您选择要复制的符号,也可以替换接收者的符号,例如 EURUSD> USDJPY。 支持回拷贝。 能够仅复制某些订单。 允许您设置开仓交易价格的最大差异和最大时间延迟。 正确复制部分订单关闭的执行。 计算复制手数的几种方法。 同步止盈和止损。有几种方法可以计算它们的位置。 支持通过执行在“Market account”上工作,其中 SL / TP 仅在开仓后设置。 如何使用简单的设置复制交易 将供应商终端和接收终端安装在同一台计算机或 VPS 上。 在供应商终端上以“Master”模式安装复印机,然后
    MT4 To Telegram Sender
    Levi Dane Benjamin
    3.5 (4)
    将完全可定制的信号从 MT4 发送到 Telegram,并成为信号提供商! 该产品采用易于使用且具有视觉吸引力的图形界面。 自定义您的设置并在几分钟内开始使用该产品! 用户指南 + 演示   |   MT4版本 |   不和谐版本 如果您想尝试演示,请参阅用户指南。 MT4 电报发送器在策略测试器中不起作用。 MT4 转 Telegram 功能 通过大量选项根据您的喜好完全定制信号 在信号之前或之后添加您自己的自定义消息。 这可以是标签、链接、频道或其他任何内容 在信号中添加、删除、自定义表情符号。 或者您可以将它们全部删除。 按交易品种或幻数过滤要发送的交易 排除发送特定符号 排除发送特定幻数 自定义与信号一起发送的交易详细信息 发送带有信号的屏幕截图 自定义要发送的信号类型 发送信号性能的每日、每周、每月和自定义时间报告 我总是愿意改进产品,所以如果您有想要看到的功能,请发表评论或给我留言。
    Layer Master Toolbox
    Peter Andrew Thomas
    5 (4)
    Layer Master:MT4 专业网格交易工具 使用 Layer Master 改变您的网格交易 - 专为专业交易者设计的最直观、最强大的订单管理工具包。 MT5 版本: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/129705 精准掌握网格交易 Layer Master 彻底改变了您下达和管理网格交易的方式。借助我们的可视化界面,您可以: 立即部署数百个订单 轻松管理多个头寸 精准控制风险 实时监控性能 核心功能 高级订单管理 Layer Master 工具箱可帮助交易者一键部署多个订单。它可以让您绘制可视化区域图,以便精确下达网格订单。 Layer Master 支持所有订单类型(买入/卖出止损、买入/卖出限价),并通过提供实时价格水平和点差显示帮助您了解您的仓位 专业风险管理 我们通过可视化止损和获利管理、一键盈亏平衡功能、总风险计算、目标利润监控和批量仓位修改执行(更改止损、获利甚至部分退出)帮助交易管理风险。 实时交易信息 作为网格交易者,我们明白了解关键交易指标至关重要。因此,我们向您展示:总仓位和交易量、累计盈亏跟踪
    The News Filter
    Leolouiski Gan
    5 (24)
    这个产品在新闻时间过滤所有的专家顾问和手动图表,因此您不必担心突然的价格波动会破坏您的手动交易设置或其他专家顾问输入的交易。此产品还带有完整的订单管理系统,可在任何新闻发布前处理您的持仓和挂单。一旦您购买了 The News Filter ,您将不再需要依赖以后的专家顾问内置的新闻过滤器,因为这个产品可以从此过滤它们所有。 新闻选择 新闻来源于Forex Factory的经济日历。 选择可以基于任何一种货币,如USD,EUR,GBP,JPY,AUD,CAD,CHF,NZD和CNY等。 选择也可以基于关键识别,例如Non-Farm (NFP),FOMC,CPI等。 能够选择新闻影响级别的筛选,从低、中、到高影响。 自动模式只选择与图表相关的新闻。 新闻来源每小时自动刷新,以确保最新的新闻数据。 为每个新闻影响级别提供单独的输入,以确定您要过滤掉的新闻发布前后的分钟数。 订单管理选项 在新闻发布前关闭未平仓头寸的选项,并在新闻发布后恢复它们。 在新闻发布前删除挂单的选项,并在新闻发布后恢复它们。 在新闻发布前移除止损和止盈水平的选项,并在新闻发布后恢复它们。 在新闻发布前移动止损和止盈
    Ultimate MT4 to Telegram (UMT) sends controlled trades (via symbol, magic, comment) to your telegram channel. It sends open and closed trades, including pending orders and TP/SL modifications, along with chart screenshots, to any telegram channel. Additionally, you can send trade reports of open trades and summary profit/pip reports for day, week, or month. You can customize the design of the trade actions or reports with variables and emoticons.  A beautiful panel allows you to visualize all t
    CloseIfProfitorLoss with Trailing
    Vladislav Andruschenko
    4.86 (28)
    在 MetaTrader 4 中使用利润跟踪功能在达到总利润/亏损时平仓。 您可以启用 虚拟停止(单独订单)   , 分别计算和平仓 买入和卖出头寸 (Separate BUY SELL)   , 关闭和计算 所有交易品种或仅当前交易品种(所有交易品种)   , 启用追踪获利( 追踪 利润) 关闭存款货币、点数、余额百分比的总损益。 该应用程序旨在与任何其他 EA 一起用于任何账户或与手动交易结合使用。 MT5 版本 详细描述   +DEMO +PDF 如何购买 如何安装     如何获取日志文件     如何测试和优化     Expforex 的所有产品 一旦某些货币对或所有货币对的交易总余额大于或等于设置中指定的值,所有头寸将被关闭并删除订单。 此版本不仅能够在指定的利润水平平仓,而且还可以追踪利润以获得更好的结果。 我们实用程序的主要功能 按所有交易品种的总利润平仓; 按单独交易的总利润结算。 (虚拟模式); 按总利润结算并追踪利润; 按总利润以点数、百分比或货币结算; 所有交易或单独交易均以总亏损结束; 关闭交易后关闭图表和终端、风险管理器、包含关闭信息的邮件、推送通
    Take a Break
    Eric Emmrich
    5 (29)
    The most advanced news filter on MQL market Take a Break has transformed from a basic news filter into a comprehensive account protection solution. It seamlessly pauses any other Expert Advisors during news events or based on your custom filters, all while safeguarding your EA settings - restoring them automatically when trading resumes for complete peace of mind. Typical use cases: A single news filter for all your EAs. Stop trading during news/high volatility (+ close all trades before). Stop
    Exp SafetyLock PRO
    Vladislav Andruschenko
    4.7 (27)
    SAFETYLOCK 允许交易者通过为已开立的头寸设置相反的挂单来避免市场的剧烈逆转。 当交易者或 EA 开仓时,SAFETYLOCK 会立即为该头寸设置一个相反方向的挂单。 如果头寸进入亏损状态,挂单将被激活,形成锁仓保护。 该 EA 还提供多种功能,您可以选择关闭初始头寸、使用追踪止损进行利润保护,或通过增加手数来优化您的交易策略。 此外,您还可以根据市场的波动动态调整挂单的开仓价格,使其随持仓价格变化,灵活应对市场变化。 SAFETYLOCK 为您的交易提供更加稳健的风控支持与灵活性。 详细描述 +DEMO +PDF 如何购买 如何安装     如何获取日志文件     如何测试和优化     Expforex 的所有产品 参数基本(我们博客中对参数的完整描述) MilliSecondsTimerForMonitoring – 算法执行的持续时间,以毫秒为单位(默认是1000 = 1秒)。 SymbolMonitoring – 监控所有账户中的符号和交易。如果在任意货币对图表上启动EA,它将监控所有货币对。 Type_Monitoring – EA应监控的交易类型:买入、卖
    The product will copy all  Discord  signal   to MT4   ( which you are member  ) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up. Work with almost signal formats, support to translate other language to English Work with multi channel, multi MT4. Work with Image signal. Copy order instant, auto detect symbol. Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. How to setup and guide: Let read all details about setup and download Discord To MetaTrader
    Set TP and SL like Financial Institutions Traders' TP expectations do not often occur and their SL often hits when they only rely on primitive indicators like pivot-points and Fibonacci or classic support or resistance areas. There are a variety of indicators for support/resistance levels, whereas they are seldom accurate enough. Classical support/resistance indicators, often present miss levels and are not noteworthy based on current market volatility dynamic. Fibonacci is good but not enough
    Intelligent CCI
    Yaser Sabbaghi
    4.2 (5)
    It is CCI indicator with very smooth and noiseless movement that calculates four levels of buy, sell, overbought and oversold dynamically. Professional traders know well that level of 100, 200 or -100 and -200 are not always right and need fine adjustments. This indicator calculates those levels dynamically by using mathematics and statistic methods in addition to shows divergence between indicator and price. Like original CCI, for best result you have better to set proper value for CCI period b
    Triangle Trader
    Yaser Sabbaghi
    5 (3)
    Triangle Trader ( Triangile Trader ) This EA assist professional traders for semi-auto trading. It takes position when the price break out the hypotenuse and adjacent leg of TRIANGLE in the chart. When the trader can not distinguish the trend and possibility of both BULLISH and BEARISH break out are expected, this EA will be trader magic stick. At this EA, trader needs to adjust two plotted Trade Lines in the chart as Hypotenuse and Adjacent Leg of a TRIANGLE . The opposite leg will be draw by
    Realistic Trend
    Yaser Sabbaghi
    This indicator shows the realistic and precise trend. The plotted line as a trend indicator is the best secure place to set the stop-loss. In case that trend is bullish you will see the plotted line under the candles and in the case of the bearish market, the plotted line is on the upper side of candles. Buy paid version of this indicator which it is Statistical Support Resistance .
    Smart Safe Steady Free
    Yaser Sabbaghi
    4.2 (5)
    This SMART Expert Advisor trades SAFE and STEADY a nd manages all position's risk. This is why we call it Smart Safe Steady . Features Scalper: It is Scalper EA, but does not accept risk a lot to trade over sized, although you can bypass it's default setting in your own risk. Conservative: It is not going to keep trades open in high volatile market so it is SAFE and would close the trades even in zero profit. Martingale: This is not loss accepting so in case of loss, it runs special type of Mar
    Exponential Momentum
    Yaser Sabbaghi
    5 (1)
    Advanced and affordable momentum indicator that fade the fake move of market. It is smoothed because of special sophisticated exponential averaging calculation. It is also similar to special type of CCI with more tolerance to overbought or oversold conditions with built-in momentum indication. This indicator is able to empower your trading as a trend detector, CCI and market momentum scale measurement. Features Smoothed to filter uncomfortable noises. Non-Lagging Exponential averaging. Line or
    Smart Safe Steady
    Yaser Sabbaghi
    5 (1)
    You may see how Martingale EAs crudely re-open doubled size new trades in fixed steps and continue this rudimentary decisions until to reach account call margin; this is a big problem. The resolution to this problem is a Smart EA that calculates accurate entry points for every single order, a Safe EA that observes market volatility to exit from high risk situations and conditions, and finally a Steady   EA to satisfy traders and investors for a long period. This is why this EA is called Smart Sa
    KD_New 2022.10.13 13:57 

    Fantastic Creation by Yaser, works like Charm... Thanks a Lot Yaser

    Benjamin Greulich
    Benjamin Greulich 2021.10.04 14:42 

    I like this telegram forwarder. A lot of setting possibilites. I miss only a possibility to get the current drawdown like a command or something

    Squad8823 Boom
    Squad8823 Boom 2021.08.13 21:43 

    Fraud this is not the Product Advertised Screenshots are Wrong this is FALSEEEEEEE took me a while to Purchase but i did and i keep getting an error Message everytime i try "Token id is Empty' & Destination ID not found , i did not rent i went and purchased and i need you to fix or assist me at getting it to work i tried everything over and over and same error i regret that i actually Purchased this

    Yaser Sabbaghi
    来自开发人员的回复 Yaser Sabbaghi 2021.08.14 01:49
    Thank you for purchasing the product and I am sorry that you got a problem using the EA. Actually it is not easy doing plug and play when you want to connect MT4 to Telegram API core. You need to have an API key which is known as a bot token. I can see that you have purchased the EA and in half an hour I received multi messages stating that you are frustrated with "Token id is Empty" or "Destination ID not found". My friend, you need to make a Telegram BOT. Obviously, it takes time to do that via chatting with BotFather@telegram. I recommend watching the videos that are available and show you how to make Telegram Bot at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pt8m74tPTUk
    After that you can watch another video that helps you understand how to retrieve your channel ID. If you channel is public you can just use channel name as "Destination ID".
    Mohd Azlan Bin Mohd Nor
    Mohd Azlan Bin Mohd Nor 2020.06.10 01:47 


    版本 2.68 2022.10.14
    - $pip is added as identifiers. After this, the user can use $pip inside the custom messages to show the amount of profit/loss in pips for the closed orders.
    版本 2.67 2022.02.07
    - Improvement is message forwarding
    版本 2.65 2021.10.01
    - Bugfix for signal sending in partial close and complete close
    版本 2.62 2021.07.08
    -bugfix for Reporting message
    版本 2.60 2021.02.21
    -Minor bug fix
    版本 2.59 2021.02.10
    -few bug fixed
    版本 2.57 2020.12.12
    - Bugfix for Trade Report sending on day interval
    - Delay option added to postpone signal forwarding for new orders (it gives convenient time to set TP or SL)
    版本 2.56 2020.11.24
    - Emoji support added
    - Results of trades will be drawn on the chart and the amount of profit/loss in pips (points) will be indicated
    - Bugfix for Trade Report sending on day interval
    版本 2.55 2020.10.22
    - EA takes screenshot as PNG file instead of GIF and it increases the quality of the screenshot
    - Bugfix: "How to forward messages" just work with "Get confirmation" not other options
    版本 2.53 2020.10.07
    - support to send order size in custom messages with $size token
    - bug fixed, when the MT4 failed to open a new chart for taking a screenshot
    - bug fixed, when a pending order is closed, EA show profit/loss amount at Not available
    - added feature for getting confirmation before to forward a message
    版本 2.52 2020.06.04
    -Better interactive Token check and channel id verify
    版本 2.50 2020.05.21
    - support to send order size in custom messages with $size token
    - bug fixed, when the MT4 failed to open a new chart for taking a screenshot
    版本 2.48 2020.05.01
    -Bug fix when the file of the screenshot was not available
    版本 2.47 2020.04.24
    -better support for Channel name and Channel id
    版本 2.46 2020.04.24
    -bugfix for message send issue in some specific situations
    版本 2.44 2020.03.25
    -Bugfix for trade report message
    版本 2.43 2020.03.25
    -improvement for user convenience; EA can fetch Channel ID by itself now. The user needs to add @Telegram_Forwarder_II bot as a channel member. Then the user should type /initiate account_number when account_number is MT4 trading account number of the user.
    版本 2.42 2020.03.18
    - Support to take a screenshot with defined Metatrader template file
    - Support to send trade reports in customized text
    版本 2.41 2020.03.11
    - It draws the closed position over the chart
    - It deletes the unused file of screenshots by itself to keep your terminal directory clean
    版本 2.4 2020.03.11
    - It draws the closed position over the chart
    版本 2.3 2020.03.07
    - Possible to disable the message by setting it to empty
    - Possible to use Channel name instead of ChannelID
    版本 2.2 2020.03.02
    - In the profit, when SL is hit, the forwarded message shows a profit, not lost
    - In the loss, when TP is hit, the forwarded message shows a loss, not profit
    - Resolved the bug that in some cases forwarded screenshot did not belong to the supposed symbol
    版本 2.0 2019.07.03
    -Add trades report feature (user can set days in an interval for report)