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Visual comparison of history and current patterns

The indicator compares pattern found on chart history with the current price movement. Since history repeats itself, then, by comparing the two patterns, indicator can predict the further movement of the price. The indicator allows you to overlay highlighted history pattern with current movement and you will visually see this movement and will be able to compare the past and the present.

To compare two patterns, you need:

  • It is necessary to find and highlight a pattern on the history chart of a currency pair
  • Then mark the beginning of price movement from which the historical pattern will be overlaid

How to work with the indicator

  1. If you have found a pattern that you want to overlay to current price movement, select this pattern using the rectangle tool. This rectangle must be called "parent". Open the parameters of the rectangle instrument and enter "parent" in the "Name" field. NB! all the letters are small!
  2. Next, you must indicate the beginning of the price movement, from which the found historical pattern will be overlaid. To do this, you can also use the rectangle tool. This rectangle must be called "child". Open the parameters of the rectangle and enter "child" in the "Name" field NB! all the letters are small!

It is better to compare one-way movements or patterns. For example, if the "parent" pattern is moving down with a rollback, then it should be applied to the current downward movement (possibly with a rollback). And vice versa for an upward movement or more complex patterns.

How to mark a pattern

To highlight a pattern on a  history chart, use the Rectangle tool. It can be stretched in length and width. The width of the rectangle determines how many candles should be in the pattern. The height of the rectangle determines the max/min of the selected pattern.

Select the pattern as follows, for example:

  • If there is a pattern with the down movement, then the rectangle should be drawn from the top candle and from the high of this candle.
  • If there is a pattern with the up movement, then the rectangle should be drawn from the lower candle and from the low of this candle.

Drawing "parent" and "child" rectangles must match, so if "parent" is drawn from top to bottom (from the high), then you should draw "child" from top to bottom of the high of first candle. For the upward movement, the opposite of the same rule is valid. Rectangles are drawn from the candlestick low.


  • showComments - specifies whether to show additional information or not. Information about the direction of the rectangles is shown. This information will help to quickly determine how a rectangle is drawn, it is important to correctly overlay the parent pattern on the analyzed pattern.
  • showCandlesOnBackground - Specifies how to draw an overlay parent chart on the analyzed graph. Draw behind the main (current) chart or in the background.
  • BullBarColor - Specifies the color of a bullish candle
  • BearBarColor - Determines the color of the bearish candles
This indicator Super Neuro Trend indicator.Indicator displays trend movement. Indicator helps to buy and sell. Features FiltPer- displays indicator period. deviation - displaus indicator deviation. Trend - displaus indicator trend.( true,false) Rectangle - displaus indicator rectangle. (true,false)  How to understand the status: If the trend color is green, trend is up. I f the trend color is red, trend is down. I f the trend waiting,trend waiting.     ///////////////////////////////////////////
NOTE: PRICE WILL RISE VERY SOON. DON'T SKIP THIS OFFER! Dear traders I am glad to introduce the " Market Swing Scanner Board" indicator to you. This indicator was made mainly to be used in combination with the Market Swing Index Indicator. You use the  "Market Swing Scanner Board"  indicator to scan for trading opportunities on the  Market Swing Index Indicator . This tool is designed for serious traders who have decided to make a difference through trading. Be the next person to witness this st
KT Asian Breakout Indicator
KT Asian Breakout 指标分析亚洲交易时段的关键部分,以生成双向买卖信号,并基于价格突破的方向进行交易。当价格突破该交易时段的最高点时,会出现买入信号;当价格突破最低点时,会出现卖出信号。 注意事项 如果交易时段的范围过大,建议避免新交易,因为大部分价格走势已在该时段内完成。 如果突破K线过大,价格通常会在继续沿信号方向运行之前发生短暂回调。 功能特点 买入/卖出信号包含止损和盈利目标。 KT Asian Breakout 指标持续监测其表现,并使用第一、第二或第三盈利目标作为成功标准。 显示三个关键性能指标,包括盈亏信号、成功率和每个信号的平均点数。 如果突破K线过大,图表上会显示警告信息。 推荐设置 时间周期: 15分钟。 交易货币对: 所有 JPY 货币对。 输入参数 绘制交易时段框 :  true/false 绘制止损和盈利目标 :  true/false 性能分析 : true/false 显示文本分析(左上角) :  true/false 成功率标准 :  第一目标 | 第二目标 | 第三目标 颜色和样式设置 :  可自定义 警报设置 :  可自定义
OFFER!   OFFER ! After 3 weeks the unlimited price will be 500$ and in the future you will regret why you didn't make a purchase at this lowest price. Dear Traders, the atomic power Entries Indicator is one of the indicators that if used wisely and correctly can help you to find an edge over the market.  The indicator will work for all forex pairs, all markets and all timeframes. Still it is your duty to find the most effective timeframe for you. When the sell or buy arrow appears you will get a
This indicator Super Channel Pro indicator.Indicator displays trend movement. Indicator calculates automatically line. Features FiltPer - displays indicator channel period. deviation - displays indicator channel deviation. deviation2 - displays indicator channel deviation. How to understand the status: If the arrow is green, trend is up. If the arrow is red, trend is down. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
The Bullish and Bearish Engulfing Pattern Screener for MetaTrader 4 is a powerful tool designed for traders looking to identify key reversal patterns in the financial markets. This indicator scans price charts for bullish and bearish engulfing patterns, which signal potential trend reversals. Key Features: Real-time Scanning : Continuously analyzes price data to provide instant alerts when engulfing patterns are detected. Customizable Settings : Allows users to adjust parameters to fit their tra
Swing trading is a method in which traders attempt to take advantage of market fluctuations. They buy a security when they believe the market will rise and sell if they feel the market will fall, which, as you can imagine, is common in most trading strategies, irrespective of trading style. The four most frequently occurring patterns in the swing trading domain are reversal, retracement (or pullback), breakouts, and breakdowns. it work all currency pair, and work all timeframe 100% non repaint
KT Support and Resistance Levels
Use of support and resistance in systematic trading is very subjective. Every trader has their own idea and way to plotting the support and resistance levels on the chart. KT Support and Resistance indicator take out this ambiguity out of the situation and automatically draws support and resistance levels following an algorithmic approach using a unique multi-timeframe analysis. When launched on the chart, It immediately scan the most significant extreme points across all the available timefra
Harmonic Trading is now much easy than ever before with Harmonic Master Scanner Pro you can now scan time frames from 5m to 1w for 17 harmonic patterns on all bares at the same time. Harmonic Master Scanner Pro works based on original MetaTrader4 Zigzag indicator and the standard harmonic patterns elements. This software send alert and email to you when a harmonic pattern is detected on any charts. If you want the scanner to draw the pattern just switch the time frame to the alert time frame. Th
KT Renko Patterns MT4
2.33 (3)
KT Renko Patterns scans the Renko chart brick by brick to find some famous chart patterns that are frequently used by traders across the various financial markets. Compared to the time-based charts, patterns based trading is easier and more evident on Renko charts due to their uncluttered appearance. KT Renko Patterns features multiple Renko patterns, and many of these patterns are extensively explained in the book titled Profitable Trading with Renko Charts by Prashant Shah. A 100% automated
Fibo Projection
Noor Ghani Rahman
5 (1)
This tools is design to easily forecast the projection of the current trend through the inputs of Zigzag and get out of the market when the trend do not the ability to maintain it's volatility to go further... the indicator gets the initial and final price from the value of zigzag automatically by adjusting the intdepth of zigzag. You can also switch from Projection to Extension from the inputs tab of indicator.
PZ Triple Top Bottom
5 (1)
顶部和底部三重模式是一种用于预测趋势反转的图表模式。当价格在几乎相同的价格水平创建三个峰值时,就会出现这种模式。从第三个峰值附近的阻力反弹明确表明购买兴趣已耗尽,这表明将要发生逆转。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 清除交易信号 可自定义的颜色和尺寸 实施绩效统计 可定制的斐波那契回撤水平 显示适当的止损和获利水平 该指标可用于查找连续或反转形态 它实现了电子邮件/声音/视觉警报 这些图案可以扩展,并且指示器通过重新绘制跟随图案。但是,该指标采用了一种扭曲方式,以使其更容易交易:它在向交易发出信号之前等待Donchian突破,然后发出交易信号,使其信号非常可靠,并且几乎没有重涂。 输入参数 将指标加载到任何图表时,将显示一组选项作为输入参数。如果您认为它们太多,请不要感到失望,因为参数被分组为不言自明的块。这就是每个参数块的作用。 幅度-幅度表示替代价格点之间的最小柱线量。要找到大图案,请增加幅度参数。要查找较小的模式,请减小幅度参数。您可以在图表中多次加载具有不同幅度的指标。 闵。回撤-形态中所需的最小斐波那契回撤。 最大。回撤-形态
The indicator automatically builds Support/Resistance levels (Zones) from different timeframes on one chart. Support-resistance levels are horizontal lines. As a rule, the market does not respond to a specific price level, but to a price range around the level, because demand and supply of market participants are not formed clearly on the line, but are “spread out” at a certain distance from the level. This indicator determines and draws precisely such a price range within which strong positi
PZ Lopez Impulse
该指标同时评估波动率和价格方向性,从而发现以下事件。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 决定性和突然的价格变动 大锤子/流星图案 大多数市场参与者都支持强劲的突破 犹豫不决但动荡的市场形势 这是一个非常易于使用的指标... 蓝色直方图代表看涨的冲动 红色直方图代表看跌冲动 灰色直方图表示当前的波动率 移动平均线是平均波动率 该指标实施各种警报 指示器不重涂或重涂 ...具有直接的交易含义。 当看涨冲动超过平均波动率时,您可以购买 当看跌冲动超过平均波动率时,您可以卖出 该指标跟踪市场波动以及每个单个柱的看涨和看跌冲动。如果看涨的冲动超过平均波动率,那可能是做多空头的好机会。这些强劲的价格走势是可靠的,因为其他市场参与者可能会补仓。如果使用得当,此指示器功能非常强大。 作者 ArturoLópezPérez,私人投资者和投机者,软件工程师和Point Zero Trading Solutions的创始人。
Mean Reversion Supply Demand Indicator Mean Reversion Supply Demand is the indicator to detect the important supply demand zone in your chart. The concept of supply demand trading relies on the quantity mismatching between buying and selling volumes in the financial market. Typically, supply demand zone serves to predict the turning point. The wave pattern, for any supply demand zone to work as an successful trade, looks like the price must touch the base zone, move away and then return to zone
Holy Renko PRO
Bianca Seara
3.5 (2)
About  Holy Renko is a trend identifier capable of identify small and long market movements. This indicator should be use in Renko Charts. VIDEO (information and tips) [HERE] How to install Renko Charts [HERE] Features Developed for Renko Charts Easy to analyze Fast signals Not repaint (when candle close)  Statistics panel Filters false signals Alerts, emails and push notifications  Advantages of Renko Chart Easy to install Easy to analyze Filter out the noise of wicks  Easy identification
This indicator scans for you up to 30 trading instruments and up to 8 timeframes for occurrences of the high probability reversal patterns: Double Tops/Bottoms with fake breakouts . Please read also the blog post " Professional Trading With Double Tops/Bottoms And Divergences! " which explains the concepts behind the ULTIMATE Double Top/Bottom indicator and how you can use a professional top-down approach. This FREE Version of the Scanner scans only EURUSD and GBPUSD. The full version of the sca
Swing Master Indicator
Elias Mtwenge
5 (1)
Dear Traders this is my another tool called " Swing Master Indicator ". As the name above the indicator is designed to help you in swing trading by capturing the low and highs of the price. You may us this tool with any trading strategy and style from scalping to position trading. It is made for level of traders including newbies and advanced traders even prop-firms, hedge funds and banks to help them make sold market analysis. I create tools for serious traders who want to make a difference in
Introduction to Fibonacci Volatility Indicator Volatility indicator can help you to detect any statistical advantage for your trading. Especially, if you are trading with Price Action and Price Patterns, then we recommend to use the Volatility indicator together with your strategy. Especically, Fibonacci Volatility indicator combines the market volatiltiy with Fibonacci Analysis to provide you more advanced volatiltiy indicator. Main Features Fibonacci Volatility in Z score Configuration Mode Fi
KT Pin Bar
KT Pin Bar identifies the pin bar formation which is a type of price action pattern which depicts a sign of reversal or rejection of the trend. When combined with support and resistance, BRN and other significant levels, Pin Bar pattern proved to be a very strong sign of reversal. Basically, a pin bar is characterized by a small body relative to the bar length which is closed either in upper or lower 50% part of its length. They have very large wicks and small candle body. A pin bar candlestic
Pivot Points Daily MT4
Davide Zunino
5 (1)
The Indicator show Daily Pivot Points. It is possible to specify the number of days to display. For forex it doesn't consider the sunday session data. It is possibile to modify the color, style and  width for every level.It is better to use this indicator with timeframe not higher than Н1. 4 Levels of support and resistance with also Intermediate Levels that is possible to hide.
HF Crosshair
Wong Sze Wai
4.5 (4)
For some trader's charts analysis use, specially for  multi timeframe trading strategies . When you need to check something of the time within different timeframe at the same symbol chart, even different symbol charts, this indicator will show the crosshair at sync moving. You just need to load this indicator into some charts, then the crosshair will shown automatic. 
Silver Bullet MT4
Saksham Solanki
5 (1)
Contact me for any queries or custom orders, if you want to use this in an EA. Key Features: Pattern Recognition : Identifies Fair Value Gaps (FVGs) Spots Break of Structure (BOS) points Detects Change of Character (CHoCH) patterns Versatile Application : Optimized for candlestick charts Compatible with any chart type and financial instrument Real-Time and Historical Analysis : Works seamlessly with both real-time and historical data Allows for backtesting strategies and live market analysis Vi
QuantumAlert Stoch Navigator is a free indicator available for MT4/MT5 platforms, its work is to provide "alerts" when the market is inside "overbought and oversold" regions in the form of "buy or sell" signals. This indicator comes with many customization options mentioned in the parameter section below, user can customise these parameters as needful. Join our   MQL5 group , where we share important news and updates. You are also welcome to join our private channel as well, contact me for the p
This indicator Pluuto Alert Plus indicator.Indicator displays trend movement. Indicator calculates automatically line.Alert = FiltPer.When the alert is up the next alert is down,when the alert is down the next alert is up (new bar). Features FiltPer - displays indicator period.Line1. FiltPer2 - displays indicator period.Line2. Multiplier - displays indicator multiplier.(FlitPer,Line1;step) Deviation1 - displays indicator deviation.(Line2) Deviation2 - displays indicator deviation.(Line2) Deviati
Candle GAP
Thushara Dissanayake
3 (1)
Candle GAP 指标是交易者使用 缺口交易策略的 重要工具,因为它会自动识别一周中每一天的蜡烛缺口。缺口是指连续两天的收盘价和开盘价之间的价格水平差异。该指标识别四种类型的缺口模式:常见、突破、延续和耗尽。通过将该指标纳入任何图表,交易者可以验证他们的信号并增强他们的交易决策。 Candle GAP 指标的主要特点之一是它的多功能性,因为它可用于 D1(每日)下的任何时间范围以及任何交易品种或工具。它提供易于使用的参数,使所有经验水平的交易者都可以使用它。该指标在图表上迅速绘制缺口形态,便于快速分析和决策。它的简单性增加了它的可用性,确保了简单高效的交易体验。 指标的数据显示参数允许交易者自定义缺口信息的外观。用户可以选择所需的字体系列和大小来显示与一周中的每一天相关的文本。此外,可以为星期一、星期二、星期三、星期四和星期五分配单独的颜色,提供视觉清晰度和易于解释。 总体而言,Candle GAP 指标是寻求利用缺口交易策略的交易者的强大工具。它有助于识别和确认缺口模式,使交易者能够跨各种时间框架和交易品种做出明智的交易决策。 参数 数据显示参数 - 自定义视觉外观和颜色。
The Indicator show Daily Pivot Points. It is possible to specify the number of days to display. For forex it doesn't consider the sunday session data. It is possibile to modify the color, style and  width for every level.It is better to use this indicator with timeframe not higher than Н1. 4 Levels of support and resistance with also Intermediate Levels that is possible to hide. Pivot trading: 1.pp pivot 2. r1 r2 r3, s1 s2 s3 Pivot points have been a trading strategy for a long time, orig
This indicator draws Horizontal Support and Resistance automatically. It works with any symbol and any timeframe. Stronger Support Lines are displayed in thicker green horizontal lines. In the same way, Stronger Resistance lines are displayed with thicker red lines. Change the timeframe to display the Support and Resistance Lines of various timeframes.
Ska ZigZag BuySell
Ska ZigZag BuySell indicator determines the overbought and oversold regions within a trend. The indicator determines the overbought region by the candlestick high and the oversold region by the candlestick low. This indicator only gives signals with arrow and audible alerts each and every time when a new candlestick appear. To utilize the full strategy i recommend using "Ska ZigZag BuySell" together with "Ska ZigZag Line". The Ska ZigZag Line indicator is available for free. NOTE: Indicator is h
In the context of trading,   Malaysia SNR   (Support and Resistance) refers to the technical analysis of   support and resistance levels   in financial markets, particularly for stocks, indices, or other assets traded. There are three type of Malaysia SNR level Classic , GAP and Flipped 1. Classic Support   is the price level at which an asset tends to stop falling and may start to rebound. It acts as a "floor" where demand is strong enough to prevent the price from dropping further. Resistance
Dynamic Forex28 Navigator
Bernhard Schweigert
5 (4)
Dynamic Forex28 Navigator - 下一代外汇交易工具。 当前 49% 折扣。 Dynamic Forex28 Navigator 是我们长期流行的指标的演变,将三种功能合二为一: 高级货币强度 28 指标 (695 条评论)+ 高级货币 IMPULSE 带警报 (520 条评论)+ CS28 组合信号(奖励)。 有关指标的详细信息 https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/758844 下一代强度指标提供什么? 您喜欢的原始指标的一切,现在通过新功能和更高的精度进行了增强。 主要特点: 专有货币强度公式。  所有时间范围内的平滑和准确的强度线。 非常适合识别趋势和精确进入。 动态市场斐波那契水平(市场斐波那契)。  此指标独有的独特功能。 斐波那契应用于货币强度,而不是价格图表。 适应实时市场活动以获得准确的反转区域。 实时市场动量。  第 9 行显示市场是活跃还是被动。 对于定时交易至关重要。 全面的警报和显示。  每种货币最强的买入和卖出动量。 ​​28 对的双重动量买入和卖出。 超买/超卖警告外部范围和止损。 反转
Scalper Inside PRO
Alexey Minkov
4.76 (63)
!SPECIAL SALE! An exclusive indicator that utilizes an innovative algorithm to swiftly and accurately determine the market trend. The indicator automatically calculates opening, closing, and profit levels, providing detailed trading statistics. With these features, you can choose the most appropriate trading instrument for the current market conditions. Additionally, you can easily integrate your own arrow indicators into Scalper Inside Pro to quickly evaluate their statistics and profitability
Gold Venamax MT4
Sergei Linskii
5 (1)
Gold Venamax   - 這是最好的股票技術指標。 此指標演算法分析資產的價格變動並反映波動性和潛在的進入區域。 指標特點: 這是一個帶有 Magic 和兩個趨勢箭頭塊的超級指標,可實現舒適且有利可圖的交易。 圖表上顯示用於切換方塊的紅色按鈕。 Magic 在指標設定中進行設置,以便您可以將指標安裝在顯示不同區塊的兩個圖表上。 Gold Venamax 可以放置在具有不同箭頭緩衝區(GV 和 SD)的兩個圖表上。 為此,您需要在設定中選擇不同的 Magic,例如,一個具有 Magic = 999,另一個具有 Magic = 666。接下來,您可以使用圖表上的紅色按鈕選擇箭頭緩衝區。 進入的最佳訊號 = 遵循兩個緩衝區的訊號箭頭(GV 和 SD)+ 所有三個 MA 線(紅色或藍色)的方向 + TMA 通道邊界(下或上) 。 TMA 通道邊界(下限或上限)也可用於鎖定利潤和/或以較短的停損位進行逆勢風險交易。 此指標的優點: 1. 此指示器產生高精度訊號。 2. 確認 SD 緩衝區的箭頭訊號為非重繪。只有當趨勢強勁時,GV 緩衝區的確認箭頭訊號才能重建。 3. 您可以
PRO Renko System
Oleg Rodin
5 (26)
PRO Renko Arrow Based System for trading renko charts.  准确的信号交易任何外汇工具. 另外,我将免费提供系统的附加模块! PRO Renko系统是RENKO图表上高度准确的交易系统。该系统是通用的。 该交易系统可应用于各种交易工具。 该系统有效地中和了所谓的市场噪音,打开了获得准确反转信号的通道。 该指标易于使用,只有一个参数负责产生信号。 您可以很容易地使算法适应您感兴趣的交易工具和renko酒吧的大小。 我很乐意通过提供任何咨询支持来帮助所有客户有效地使用该指标。 祝您交易成功!购买后,立即写信给我! 我将与您分享我的建议和我的renko发电机。 另外,我将免费提供系统的附加模块!
Golden Trend Indicator
Noha Mohamed Fathy Younes Badr
4.9 (10)
Golden Trend indicator  is The best indicator for predicting trend movement this indicator never lags and never repaints and never back paints    and give  arrow buy and sell    before the candle appear  and it will help you and  will make your trading decisions clearer its work on all currencies and  gold and crypto and all time frame This unique  indicator uses very secret algorithms to catch the  trends, so you can trade using this indicator and see the trend clear on charts  manual guide and
Trend Screener
4.78 (93)
趋势指标,趋势交易和过滤的突破性独特解决方案,所有重要趋势功能都内置在一个工具中! 它是 100% 非重绘多时间框架和多货币指标,可用于所有符号/工具:外汇、商品、加密货币、指数、股票。 限时优惠:支撑和阻力筛选指标仅售 50美元,终身有效。(原价 250 美元)(优惠延长) 趋势筛选器是有效的指标趋势跟踪指标,它在图表中提供带有点的箭头趋势信号。 趋势分析器指标中可用的功能: 1.趋势扫描仪。 2. 具有最大利润分析的趋势线。 3.趋势货币强度计。 4. 带有警报的趋势反转点。 5. 带有警报的强趋势点。 6. 趋势箭头 每日分析示例,每日信号表现...等与我们的趋势筛选指标,可以在这里找到: 点击这里 限时优惠:Trend Screener Indicator 仅售 50 美元且终身可用。原价 125$) 通过访问我们的 MQL5 博客,您可以找到我们所有的高级指标以及分析示例、每日信号表现...等。 : 点击这里 我们的趋势系统由 2 个指标组成: 1. Trend Screener Indicator:显示趋势仪表盘、图表中的趋势线、入场点...等。 2. Trend
MTF Supply Demand Zones
Georgios Kalomoiropoulos
4.83 (23)
下一代自动化供需区。适用于任何图表的创新算法。所有区域都是根据市场的价格行为动态创建的。 两种类型的警报 --> 1) 当价格触及区域时 2) 当新区域形成时 你不会再得到一个无用的指标。您将获得一个完整的交易策略和经过验证的结果。     新的功能:     价格触及供需区时发出警报     创建新的供应/需求区时发出警报     推送通知警报     以点为单位的区域宽度标签     关于 MTF 的又一个时间表。因此,现在您将能够看到高于当前 3 个时间帧,而不是高于当前 2 个时间帧     启用/禁用警报/区域/MTF 功能的按钮 您获得的优势:     消除交易中的情绪。     客观化您的交易条目。     通过高概率设置提高您的利润。     节省绘图区域的时间。     像专业人士一样交易金融市场。     任何市场的即时多时间框架分析。 你在图表上看到了什么?     蓝色和红色矩形是当前时间范围的供需区。     虚线样式线是当前上方第一个时间范围内的供需区域。     实线样式线是当前上方第二个时间范围内的
Easy Breakout
Mohamed Hassan
5 (9)
After your purchase, feel free to contact me for more details on how to receive a bonus indicator called VFI, which pairs perfectly with Easy Breakout for enhanced confluence!   Easy Breakout is a powerful price action trading system built on one of the most popular and widely trusted strategies among traders: the Breakout strategy ! This indicator delivers crystal-clear Buy and Sell signals based on breakouts from key support and resistance zones. Unlike typical breakout indicators, it levera
Smart Set up Levels
Mohit Dhariwal
5 (1)
Smart Set up leve l is a very powerful indicator based on the concept of order blocks and set up entries with proper fvg and breakouts to make a very nice level to enter like a pro trader. Very easy to use interface and friendly to enter on buy and sell signals. Works Best on M15 Time frame on Gold, Bitcoin and Fx pairs. Daily 4-5 trades on each pair  Works great on gold like a pro on M15 It is non repainting nor lagging It is very powerful indicator giving precise entries and prop acts can be c
FX Volume
Daniel Stein
4.59 (34)
FX Volume:从经纪商视角洞察真实市场情绪 简要概述 想要提升您的交易策略? FX Volume 可提供零售交易者和经纪商的持仓实时数据——远早于诸如 COT 之类的延迟报告。不论您希望获得持续稳定的收益,还是想在市场中多一分制胜的砝码, FX Volume 都能帮您识别重大失衡、确认突破以及完善风险管理。立即开启体验,让真实的成交量数据为您的交易决策带来革新! 1. 为什么 FX Volume 对交易者格外有用 极具准确度的早期预警 • 快速捕捉有多少交易者正在买入或卖出某个货币对——比大多数人提前一步。 • FX Volume 是 唯一 能够整合多家零售经纪商真实成交量数据并以简洁方式呈现的工具。 强力风险管理 • 及时识别多头或空头仓位的巨大不平衡,这往往预示着潜在的趋势反转,帮助您更自信地设置止损和目标位。 • 独家而真实的数据让每一次交易决策更具可靠性。 优化进场与出场点 • 发现“过度集中”的交易(大多数交易者都在同一方向),并通过真实成交量来确认突破。 • 避免依赖常见指标可能带来的误导信号,而是利用真实的实时成交量。 适配各种交易策略 • 将 FX
Gold Trend 4
Sergei Linskii
黄金趋势   - 这是一个很好的股票技术指标。该指标算法分析资产的价格走势,并反映波动性和潜在进入区。 最佳指标信号: - 卖出 = 红色柱状图 + 红色短指针 + 同方向黄色信号箭头。 - 买入 = 蓝色柱状图 + 蓝色多头指针 + 同方向水蓝色信号箭头。 该指标的优点 1. 该指标生成的信号准确度高。 2. 只有当趋势发生变化时,才能重新绘制已确认的箭头信号。 3. 您可以在任何经纪商的 MetaTrader 4 交易平台上进行交易。 4. 您可以交易任何资产(货币、金属、加密货币、股票、指数等)。 5. 最好在 H1 时间框架(中期交易)上进行交易。 6. 在指标设置中可更改个别参数(TF、颜色等),以便每位交易者都能轻松定制适合自己的指标。 7. 该指标既可作为交易系统的主要补充,也可作为独立的交易系统使用。   注意:交易的入市准确性和盈利能力仅取决于交易者的技能。任何指标都只是交易者的助手,而非行动指南。 MetaTrader 5 黄金趋势指标版本  祝大家交易好运,稳定盈利!
Beast Super Signal
Dustin Vlok
4.73 (89)
正在寻找可以帮助您轻松识别有利可图的交易机会的强大外汇交易指标? Beast Super Signal 就是您的不二之选。 这个易于使用的基于趋势的指标持续监控市场状况,寻找新的发展趋势或跳入现有趋势。当所有内部策略一致且彼此 100% 融合时,Beast Super Signal 会发出买入或卖出信号,无需额外确认。当您收到信号箭头警报时,只需买入或卖出。 购买后给我留言,让我加入我的私人 VIP 群组! (仅限购买完整产品)。 购买后给我发消息以获取最新的优化设置文件。 此处提供 MT5 版本。 在此处 获取 Beast Super Signal EA。 查看评论部分以查看最新结果! Beast Super Signal 根据您偏好的 1:1、1:2 或 1:3 风险回报率建议入场价、止损和获利水平,让您放心交易。这个 Beast Super Signal 是 100% 不可重新绘制的,这意味着它永远不会重新计算或重新绘制,每次都能为您提供可靠的信号。 Beast Super Signal 指标适用于所有时间范围,包括货币对、指数、商品和加密货币对。 Beast Su
介绍 ON Trade Waves Patterns Harmonic Elliot Wolfe,这是一款高级指标,旨在使用手动和自动方法检测各种市场模式。以下是它的工作原理: 谐波模式: 该指标可以识别出现在您图表上的谐波模式。这些模式对于练习谐波交易理论的交易者非常重要,正如Scott Carney的书《谐波交易第1卷和第2卷》所描述的那样。无论您是手动绘制它们还是依赖自动检测,ON Trade Waves Patterns都可以胜任。 控制面板: 我们配备了一个用户友好的控制面板,它会保存您的图表和时间帧设置,使您可以轻松切换不同配置。您甚至可以最小化它以最大化图表空间。如果您更喜欢使用其他分析工具,只需单击关闭按钮即可隐藏所有指标数据。 模板保存: 当您自定义设置或添加其他指标,如移动平均线或布林带时,该指标会自动保存您的模板。这意味着您可以随时轻松加载您喜欢的设置。 优化显示: 对于Windows 10用户,我们建议调整您的DPI设置以获得高清设备上的最佳屏幕体验。右键单击MetaTrader图标,选择“兼容性”,然后选择“更改高DPI设置”,将其设置为“系统(增强)”。
System Trend Pro
Aleksandr Makarov
5 (2)
System Trend Pro - This is the best trend trading indicator!!! The indicator no repaint!!!  The indicator has   MTF   mode, which adds confidence to trading on the trend (   no repaint   ). How to trade? Everything is very simple, we wait for the first signal (big arrow), then wait for the second signal (small arrow) and enter the market in the direction of the arrow. (See screens 1 and 2.) Exit on the opposite signal or take 20-30 pips, close half of it, and keep the rest until the opposite s
Advanced Supply Demand
Bernhard Schweigert
4.91 (294)
现在优惠 33%! 任何新手或专业交易者的最佳解决方案! 该指标是一款独特、高质量、且价格合理的交易工具,因为我们已经整合了许多专有功能和新公式。 依据此更新,您将能够显示双重时间帧区域。 您不仅可以显示一个较高的时间帧,还可以同时显示图表时间帧,加上更高的时间帧:显示嵌套时区。 供需双方所有交易者都会喜欢它。 :) 重要信息披露 高级供需的最大潜力,请访问 https://www.mql5.com/zh/blogs/post/720245   想象您的交易如何得以改善,是因为您能够精准定位入场或目标位吗? 构建于新的底层算法,它可以更轻松地识别出买卖双方之间的潜在失衡。 这是因为它以图形方式展示供需最强劲区域,及其过去的表现(显示旧区域)。 这些功能旨在帮助您更轻松地发现最佳入场区域和价位。 现在您可以针对您的交易品种和时间帧来优化和编辑区域强度! 高级供需指标适用于所有产品和时间帧。 它是一个新的公式,非常新的功能是两个区域强度函数可由用户输入进行调整! 这在交易中是一大优势。 当您学习如何使用专有功能,例如带有价格游离最小 X 因子的区域强度时,您能够判断该区域强劲与否。 供需
MetaBands M4
Vahidreza Heidar Gholami
5 (3)
MetaBands使用强大且独特的算法绘制通道并检测趋势,以便为交易者提供进出交易的潜在点。它是一个通道指标和强大的趋势指标。它包括不同类型的通道,可以通过使用输入参数简单地合并以创建新通道。MetaBands使用所有类型的警报通知用户市场事件。 功能 支持大多数通道算法 强大的趋势检测算法 能够合并不同类型的通道 多时间帧和多货币(信号矩阵) 所有类型的警报功能(声音、屏幕闪烁、推送通知、电子邮件、弹出窗口、箭头) 它永远不会重绘 趋势检测 MetaBands使用在通道内振荡的蓝色线来检测趋势。当该线遇到通道的上界时,表明开始下跌趋势,当它遇到下界时,表明开始上涨趋势。如果蓝线接近中线,则市场处于整理期。 该指标使用独特的方法来检测趋势。一开始可能看起来有些复杂,但如果您观看视频教程,您就会意识到它是多么强大且易于使用。 入场和出场信号 当趋势变化或价格穿过上下通道时,MetaBands会立即通过不同的方法提醒交易者,这些方法可以在指标设置中启用。 信号矩阵 要监视来自不同时间框架的多个符号并在一个地方查看信号,请单击右上角按钮或按键盘上的M键以打开信号矩阵。该矩阵可以快速概览
Ivan Stefanov
5 (7)
ENIGMERA: 市场的核心 重要提示:MQL5.com 演示版本在策略测试器中运行,可能无法完全反映 Enigmera 的功能。请查看描述、截图和视频了解详细信息。如有任何问题,请随时联系我! 该指标的代码已完全重写。版本 3.0 增加了新功能并修复了自指标发布以来积累的错误。 简介 这个指标和交易系统是金融市场的一种独特方法。ENIGMERA 使用分形周期来精确计算支撑和阻力水平。它展示了真实的积累阶段,并提供了方向和目标。无论是在趋势中还是在修正中,这个系统都能工作。 它是如何工作的 指标的大部分功能通过图表左侧的按钮控制,使得能够快速响应不同的市场情况。 按钮 ON/OFF – 显示或隐藏整个指标。 Channel – 激活支撑通道,显示可接受的偏差范围。 Dev1 (第一偏差) – 指示价格在支撑偏差内的波动,信号表示市场正在整合或积累力量。 Dev2 (第二偏差) – 显示价格在偏差之间的波动,表示趋势形成和方向。 Dev3 (第三偏差) – 表示趋势的显著加速和高波动性。 45deg (45度) – 显示市场的节奏和相对于 45 度线的运动稳定性。 Tgt1/2
Blahtech Supply Demand
Blahtech Limited
4.64 (36)
Was: $299  Now: $149   Supply Demand uses previous price action to identify potential imbalances between buyers and sellers. The key is to identify the better odds zones, not just the untouched ones. Blahtech Supply Demand indicator delivers functionality previously unavailable on any trading platform. This 4-in-1 indicator not only highlights the higher probability zones using a multi-criteria strength engine, but also combines it with multi-timeframe trend analysis, previously confirmed swings
SSM ZakopiecFX Follow The Trend
4.83 (23)
使用我们的自定义MT4指标发现成功外汇交易的秘诀! 您是否曾经想过如何在外汇市场上取得成功,一贯赚取利润,同时降低风险? 这是您一直在寻找的答案! 允许我们介绍我们的专有MT4指标,该指标将彻底改变您的交易方法。 独特的多功能性 我们的指标专为喜欢Renko和Rangebar Candle编队的用户而设计。 我们了解到,这些图表类型受到许多经验丰富的交易者的青睐,这就是为什么我们的指标与它们无缝集成,从而提供无与伦比的市场分析。 清晰的趋势信号 忘记复杂的分析! 我们的指标利用鲜艳的色彩和清晰的点结构来明确指示市场趋势。 红色和蓝色的点毫无疑问地对价格变动的方向留下了疑问,从而可以在您的交易中快速决策。 与HH/HL HL/LL策略对齐 如果您正在寻求一个指标,该指标无缝地与基于HH/HL和HL/LL结构的策略无缝合作,则不需要更多。 我们的工具不仅确定了这些形式,而且还促进了它们在投资过程中的有效利用。 绝对的清晰度和简单性 我们的首要任务是为您提供一种不仅有效而且易于使用的工具。 我们的指标是为了清晰而设计的,使您可以专注于做出投资决策,而不是花时间分析复杂的数据。 由专
Roman Podpora
4.68 (25)
TPSpro TREND PRO 是一个趋势指标,可以自动分析市场并提供有关趋势及其每次变化的信息,并给出进入交易的信号而无需重新绘制! 该指标使用每根蜡烛,分别对其进行分析。指不同的脉冲——向上或向下脉冲。货币、加密货币、金属、股票、指数交易的准确切入点! MT5版本                 指标的完整描述   我们建议将其与 指示器 -   RFI LEVELS 一起使用 主要功能: 准确的输入信号,无需渲染! 如果出现信号,它仍然相关!这是与重提指标的一个重要区别,重提指标可以提供信号然后改变信号,这可能导致存款资金的损失。现在您可以以更高的概率和准确度进入市场。还有一个功能是在箭头出现后为蜡烛着色,直到达到目标(止盈)或出现反转信号。 显示止损/获利区域 为了提高搜索切入点时的视觉清晰度,创建了一个模块,该模块最初显示买入/卖出区域,在该区域中搜索进入市场的最佳点。用于处理止损水平的附加智能逻辑有助于随着时间的推移减小其大小,从而降低进入交易(移动 sl)时的初始风险。 显示较高时间范围内的最小值/最大值(MTF 模式) 添加了一项功能,可以显示较高时间间隔的最小/最
Automated Trendlines
Georgios Kalomoiropoulos
5 (16)
趋势线是外汇交易中最重要的技术分析工具。不幸的是,大多数交易者没有正确绘制它们。自动趋势线指标是专业交易者的专业工具,可帮助您可视化市场的趋势运动。 有两种类型的趋势线看涨趋势线和看跌趋势线。 在上升趋势中,外汇趋势线是通过价格变动的最低摆动点绘制的。 连接至少两个“最低点”将创建一条趋势线。 在下跌趋势中,趋势线是通过价格走势的最高摆动点绘制的。 连接至少两个“最高点”将创建一条趋势线。 趋势线何时突破? 当看跌蜡烛收于看涨​​趋势线下方并且蜡烛的高点在趋势线上方时,看涨趋势线会被打破。 当看涨蜡烛收于看跌趋势线上方并且蜡烛的低点低于趋势线时,看跌趋势线会被打破。 趋势线何时删除? 当一根完整的蜡烛在看涨趋势线下方形成时,看涨趋势线将被删除。 当完整的蜡烛在看跌趋势线上方形成时,看跌趋势线将被删除。 您可以从输入参数更改看涨和看跌趋势线的颜色和宽度。
IQ FX Gann Levels
5 (1)
CONTACT US  after purchase to get the Indicator Manual. Try Now—Limited 50% Discount for First 10 Buyers! Download the  Metatrader 5 Version Read the product description carefully before purchasing the product.  Due to regulatory restrictions, our service is unavailable in certain countries such as India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. William Delbert Gann (W.D. Gann) was an exceptional market analyst, whose trading technique was based on a complex blend of mathematics, geometry, astrology, and anc
TPSpro RFI Levels
Roman Podpora
4.85 (26)
指示       俄罗斯 -        英语   建议 与指示器一起使用     -       TPSpro 趋势专业版 -   MT4版本       交易中的一个关键要素是做出买卖交易工具决定的区域或水平。尽管主要参与者试图隐藏他们在市场中的存在,但他们不可避免地会留下痕迹。我们的任务是学习如何识别这些痕迹并正确解释它们。 主要功能: 向卖家和买家显示活跃区域! 该指标显示所有正确的初始买入和卖出脉冲水平/区域。激活这些水平/区域后,开始寻找切入点,水平会改变颜色并填充特定阴影。此外,还会显示箭头,以便更直观地了解情况。 显示更高时间范围内的级别/区域(MTF 模式) 添加了使用更高时间间隔显示级别/区域的功能。此外,该指标还具有自动趋势检测功能(   TPSproTREND PRO   )。 用于交易的单独专业的逐步算法。 该算法专为日内交易而设计,既可顺势交易,也可逆势交易。每个活动模板均提供详细说明。 适用于多种时间范围 。 TPSpro RFI 水平指标可用于图表上的任何时间范围,从一分钟(M1)开始一直到每月(MN)。 图形和声音警报。 该指标提供图形和声音指示,
Cycle Sniper
Elmira Memish
4.39 (36)
NEW YEAR SALE PRICE FOR LIMITED TIME!!! Please contact us after your purchase and we will send you the complimentary indicators to complete the system Cycle Sniper is not a holy grail but when you use it in a system which is explained in the videos, you will feel the difference. If you are not willing to focus on the charts designed with Cycle Sniper and other free tools we provide, we recommend not buying this indicator. We recommend watching the videos about the indiactor and system before pu
Advanced Currency Strength28 Indicator
Bernhard Schweigert
4.9 (652)
目前26%的折扣 任何新手或专家交易者的最佳解决方案! 这个指标是一个独特的、高质量的、可负担得起的交易工具,因为我们纳入了一些专有的功能和一个新的公式。只需一个图表,你就可以读出28个外汇对的货币强度!想象一下,你的交易将如何得到改善,因为你的交易是在你的手中进行的。想象一下,你的交易将如何改善,因为你能够准确地确定新趋势或剥头皮机会的触发点? 用户手册:点击这里  https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/697384 这是第一本,原版的! 不要买一个毫无价值的崇拜者的克隆品。 特别的 子窗口中的箭头显示强劲的货币势头GAP将指导你的交易! 当基础货币或报价货币处于超卖/超买区域(外盘斐波那契水平)时,在个人图表的主窗口中出现警告信号。 当货币力量从外围区间回落时,回撤/反转警报。 十字星模式的特别警报 可选择多个时间框架,以快速查看趋势! 货币强度线在所有的时间框架中都非常平稳,当使用较高的时间框架来识别总体趋势,然后使用较短的时间框架来确定精确的入口时,效果非常好。你可以根据自己的意愿选择任何时间框架。每个时间框架都由其自身进行了优化。
Quantum Entry PRO
Aleksandr Makarov
Bonus: when you buy or rent the indicator, you get Gold Pro Scalper   and  System Trend Pro absolutely free.(Write in a private message or in telegram in the profile to receive a bonus) Quantum Entry is a powerful price action trading system built on one of the most popular and widely known strategies among traders: the Breakout Strategy! This indicator produces crystal clear buy and sell signals based on breakouts of key support and resistance zones. Unlike typical breakout indicators, it use
Currency Strength Exotics
Bernhard Schweigert
4.87 (31)
目前8折优惠! 对任何新手或专家交易者来说都是最好的解决方案! 这个指标是专门用来显示任何符号的货币强度,如异国货币对、商品、指数或期货。它是同类产品中的第一个,任何符号都可以添加到第9行,以显示黄金、白银、石油、DAX、US30、MXN、TRY、CNH等的真实货币强度。这是一个独特的、高质量的、负担得起的交易工具,因为我们已经纳入了一些专有的功能和一个新的公式。想象一下,你的交易将如何改善,因为你能够准确地确定新趋势或剥头皮机会的触发点? 用户手册:点击这里   https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/708876 它适用于所有时间框架。你将很快能够看到TREND! 根据新的基础算法设计,它使识别和确认潜在交易变得更加容易。这是因为它以图形方式显示了8种主要货币和一种符号的强弱。 该指标显示了8种主要货币(澳元加元瑞士法郎欧元英镑日元新西兰美元)的强弱线,再加上一个符号! 该指标显示了符号的真实价值。例如:对于XAUUSD(黄金):价格以美元报价。如果黄金在上涨,你怎么能知道是黄金的强势还是美元的弱势?只有当黄金走强时,我们才会进行交易。该指
目前八折优惠! 对任何新手或专家交易者来说都是最好的解决方案! 这个仪表板软件适用于28种货币对。它基于我们的两个主要指标(高级货币强度28和高级货币冲动)。它对整个外汇市场提供了一个伟大的概述。它显示高级货币强度值,货币运动速度和28个外汇对在所有(9)时间段的信号。想象一下,当你可以使用图表上的单一指标观察整个市场,以确定趋势和或剥头皮的机会时,你的交易将得到改善 我们已经在这个指标中建立了一些功能,使你更容易识别强势和弱势货币,同时识别和确认潜在的交易。该指标以图形方式显示货币的强势或弱势是增加还是减少,以及它在所有时间段的表现。 增加的新功能是动态市场斐波那契水平,它适应当前的市场条件变化,这是一个已经在我们的高级货币强度28和高级货币冲动指标中使用的成熟的加分项。 在交易时,总是将弱势货币和强势货币配对,这个新指标将帮助你做到这一点。 用户手册:点击这里  https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/708783 特点  显示每个时间段的ACS28和GAP-speed(冲动)的货币强度值。 列:颜色代码以7种颜色显示货币强度:强势
Reversal Master
Alexey Minkov
4.92 (13)
!SPECIAL SALE! The Reversal Master is an indicator for determining the current direction of price movement and reversal points. The indicator will be useful for those who want to see the current market situation better. The indicator can be used as an add-on for ready-made trading systems, or as an independent tool, or to develop your own trading systems. The Reversal Master indicator, to determine the reversal points,  analyzes a lot of conditions since the combined analysis gives a more accura
Supply and Demand Dashboard PRO
Bernhard Schweigert
4.8 (20)
目前八折优惠! 这个仪表板是一个非常强大的软件,可用于多个符号和多达9个时间段。 它是基于我们的主要指标(最佳评论:高级供应需求)。 Advanced Supply Demand 该仪表板提供了一个伟大的概述。它显示。   筛选后的供需值,包括区域强度评级。 区间内和区间外的点位距离。 它突出了嵌套的区域。 在所有(9个)时间段内,它对所选符号发出4种警报。 它是高度可配置的,以满足您的个人需求! 您的利益! 对每个交易者来说,最重要的问题是。 什么是入市的最佳水平? 在强大的供应/需求区域内或附近进入你的交易,以获得最佳的成功机会和风险/回报。 我的止损的最佳位置是哪里? 把你的止损放在强势供应/需求区的下方/上方是最安全的。 我的最佳盈利目标是什么? 你的退出策略和你的进入策略一样重要,了解更高的时间框架图可以帮助你。对于买入,使用下一个供应区作为目标,对于卖出,使用下一个需求区作为目标。在回撤到供应区或需求区时进场,以确保有足够的利润空间,达到更高的时间框架的供应和需求,将增加你的利润。 为什么我们要过滤强区和弱区? 不平衡性越大,价格的变动就
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Risk manager Risk manager - it will simplify the tracking of drawdown and will notify you (alert) when the specified risk is reached, and close/lock orders when the critical DD risk level is reached. If the specified drawdown is exceeded, you can choose two options for actions: All orders will be closed that mean loss will be fixed on depo. The terminal also closes. Instead of fixing the loss on depo, the opposite order will be opened - orders locking will occure. Not a single order will be c
How to work with an expert adviser: “Double Paired moving averages” This is a trend strategy and has simple rules of risk management, so I advise you to study this strategy in more detail and keep it in your portfolio. If you don’t have time to constantly sit at your computer or constantly get your phone out to monitor the state of the market, then this strategy is for you! An expert advisor will help you track signals and inform you about it. The idea of ​​using this strategy is very simple