Average Buy Sell and Breakeven price
- 指标
- Richard Kurta
- 版本: 10.0
- 更新: 14 二月 2018
- 激活: 5
This Indicator Shows 5 lines:
- Avg Buy - Average Buy price line & total size for all open long positions in your chart
- Avg Sell - Average Sell price line & total size for all open short positions in your chart
- B / E - Breakeven price line & total size for all open (long & short) positions in your chart
- S / L - Stop Loss price line
- T / P - Take Profit price line
- Calculation includes Commissions and Swaps
- Works for a specific Magic Number trades or all trades on chart
- All currency pairs and all currency accounts
- Tick Size / Tick Value are displayed as well
- Magic Number: Enter Magic Number or leave it at default (-1) for all trades on chart
- Account Currency: Your account currency
- Line: Show/Hide each from 5 available lines (1 - Avg Buy, 2 - Avg Sell, 3 - B / E, 4 - S / L, 5 - T / P)
- Text: Show/Hide line's description (Name, Price, Size)
- Line Color: Choose line's color (by default Avg Buy is green, Avg Sell is red, B / E is white, T / P & S / L are magenta)
- Line Width: Choose line's width (all lines by default are 3)
- Line Style: Choose line's style (Solid, Dash, Dot, Dashdot, Dashdotdot)
- Text Color: Change text color for line's description (by default white)
- Text Size: Change text size for line's description (by default 8)
- Text Offset: Distance between line and text (by default 5 pips)