RSI Signals Manager
- 专家
- Oleg Papkov
- 版本: 1.0
- 激活: 5
The RSI Signals Manager Expert Advisor trades the signals of the RSI indicator. Trades are performed in an appropriate direction when the indicator reaches the value of RSI_Level_Down or RSI_Level_Up. If the indicator exceeds RSI_Level_Up, Short direction is selected for initial trades. If the indicator falls below RSI_Level_Down, Long one is selected. If Inversion = true, the trades are opened in the reverse direction. Profitable trades are closed by take profit. Loss-making ones are averaged by the EA. An order grid is created in the same direction, a breakeven level is calculated, and the grid is closed by take profit when the price reaches it, also in the plus. The EA is fairly easy to optimize.
- MAGICB - Long magic number.
- MAGICS - Short magic number.
Trading hours
- Hours_to_GMT_Offset - known server time shift hours (GMT).
- Hours - if true, the EA trades with a specified Begin_hour parameter (GMT) up to End_hour (GMT). If false, the EA trades constantly.
- Begin_hour - start hour (initial trades).
- End_hour - end hour (initial trades).
Initial conditions
- Inversion - inverse the direction of trades.
- Deals - number of initial trades opened simultaneously.
- NumbLot - the number of decimal places for the lot values.
- Lot – the initial lot value for trades.
- TP - take profit in points from the open price or breakeven level.
- SLPLUS - the total stop loss for the averaging grid.
- CoefLot - lot increase ratio when increasing the number of levels in the averaging grid. If set to 1, the lot size does not increase for the subsequent trades in the grid.
- RSI - RSI indicator period. If the indicator exceeds 70, Short direction is selected, if it falls below 30, Long one is used.
- RSI_Level_Up - level for opening the initial Short position.
- RSI_Level_Down - level for opening the initial Long position.
- Step - step (in points) between the averaging grid levels.
- OnOffUnLine - if true, the mode of uneven averaging grid step increase is activated.
- ULсoef - averaging grid step growth ratio.
- MinPauseNetUp - the minimum pause in minutes between any Long trades.
- MinPauseNetDown - the minimum pause in minutes between any Short trades.
Forced direction selection modes
- SELL - if true, SELL direction is allowed.
- BUY - if true, BUY direction is allowed.
TrailingStop and TrailingStep - trailing parameters.
The EA is fairly easy to optimize using the initial setting, and they allow you to set EA into different modes according to your objectives.