Extended Traders Dynamic Index
- 指标
- Sergey Efimenko
- 版本: 1.6
- 更新: 28 十一月 2021
- 激活: 10
- Mode Osc - 估计振荡器选择
- Period Osc - 所用振荡器的计算周期
- Price Osc - 振荡计算的应用价格
- Osc volatility bands period - 振荡器的波动周期
- Osc volatility bands multiplier - 振荡器的波动率乘数
- Smoothing Osc price line period - 主线平滑期
- Smoothing Osc price line method - 主线的平滑方法
- Smoothing Osc signal line period - 信号线的平滑周期
- Smoothing Osc signal line method - 信号线的平滑方法
- Use original levels - 允许添加指标的初始水平水平
Have been using this for some time and it is very good . Would be even better if you could switch time frames in it so you could have the 5 min and 15 min on the 5 min chart .