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Gold Trend Scalper

Accurate entry points for trades for currencies, crypto, metals, stocks, indices!

Bonus: When purchasing the indicator, Quantum Entry PRO is provided free of charge.

The indicator 100% does not repaint!!!

How to use the indicator!

If a signal appears, it no longer disappears! Unlike indicators with redrawing, which lead to loss of deposit, because they can show a signal and then remove it.

Trading with this indicator is very easy.

We wait for the signal from the indicator and enter the transaction according to the arrow

(Blue arrow - Buy, Red - Sell).

The indicator works great with Quantum Entry PRO, filtering signals only by trend.

This price is limited to the first 15 user copies, after which the price will be revised to 258$.

Write in a private message or in the telegram in the profile to receive the bonus.

History Pattern Search
Yevhenii Levchenko
该指标建立当前报价,可以与历史报价进行比较,并在此基础上进行价格走势预测。指示器有一个文本字段,用于快速导航到所需日期。 选项: 符号 - 选择指标将显示的符号; SymbolPeriod - 选择指标从中获取数据的时段; IndicatorColor - 指示器颜色; HorisontalShift - 由指标绘制的报价移动指定的柱数; Inverse - true 反转引号,false - 原始视图; ChartVerticalShiftStep - 图表垂直移动(键盘上的向上/向下箭头); 接下来是文本字段的设置,您可以在其中输入日期,您可以通过按“回车”立即跳转到该日期。 接下来是文本字段的设置,您可以在其中输入日期,您可以通过按“回车”立即跳转到该日期。
“信號直方圖剝頭皮”指標是一種以直方圖和信號形式呈現的通用指標,無需重繪或滯後。 “信號直方圖剝頭皮”指標在圖表上顯示趨勢上的最佳入場點。 最好將其與其他趨勢指標結合使用作為過濾器。 該指標在 M5 時間範圍內顯示出良好的結果。該信號在蠟燭收盤後生成,並以綠色和紅色圓圈的形式出現。 “信號直方圖剝頭皮”指標旨在以純粹的形式進行剝頭皮交易,並使用過濾器進行日內交易。 屏幕截圖顯示了持倉進入點和退出點的示例。 當使用“信號直方圖剝頭皮”指標進行交易時,您將始終獲利,因為該指標算法包含獨特的剝頭皮策略    “信號直方圖剝頭皮”指標是一種以直方圖和信號形式呈現的通用指標,無需重繪或滯後。 “信號直方圖剝頭皮”指標在圖表上顯示趨勢上的最佳入場點。 最好將其與其他趨勢指標結合使用作為過濾器。 該指標在 M5 時間範圍內顯示出良好的結果。該信號在蠟燭收盤後生成,並以綠色和紅色圓圈的形式出現。 “信號直方圖剝頭皮”指標旨在以純粹的形式進行剝頭皮交易,並使用過濾器進行日內交易。 屏幕截圖顯示了持倉進入點和退出點的示例。 當使用“信號直方圖剝頭皮”指標進行交易時,您將始終獲利,因為該指標算法包含獨特的剝
Trend Catcher with Alert
Issam Kassas
4.69 (62)
趋势捕捉器: 具有警示指标的趋势捕捉器策略是一种多功能的技术分析工具,可帮助交易员识别市场趋势和潜在的进出点。它采用动态趋势捕捉器策略,根据市场条件进行调整,清晰地呈现趋势方向。交易员可以自定义参数,以符合其偏好和风险容忍度。该指标有助于识别趋势,发出潜在的反转信号,充当跟踪止损机制,并提供实时警报,以便及时应对市场。 具有警示指标的趋势捕捉器策略是一种多功能的技术分析工具,可帮助交易员识别市场趋势和潜在的进出点。它采用动态趋势捕捉器策略,根据市场条件进行调整,清晰地呈现趋势方向。交易员可以自定义参数,以符合其偏好和风险容忍度。该指标有助于识别趋势,发出潜在的反转信号,充当跟踪止损机制,并提供实时警报,以便及时应对市场。 特点: 趋势识别:信号牛市趋势和熊市趋势。 趋势反转:当蜡烛颜色从牛市变为熊市,反之亦然时,提醒可能的反转。 实时警报:为新趋势识别生成警报。 建议: 货币和货币对:EURUSD,AUDUSD,XAUUSD... 时间框架:H1。 账户类型:任何ECN,低点差账户。
Binary sf
Roman Lomaev
Binary SF 二元期权指标专为 MetaTrader 4 交易平台设计,提供无重绘信号,使其成为交易者可靠的工具。适用于任何时间周期(从 M1 到日线),主要用于趋势交易,帮助交易者确定短期和中期交易的适当入场点。 工作原理和信号 指标分析市场,并以箭头形式生成信号(上箭头为买入,下箭头为卖出),信号会在当前蜡烛结束后显示在图表上。这有助于避免蜡烛形成期间可能出现的假信号。箭头信号通过缓冲生成,便于集成到自动交易系统中。信号旨在在下一根蜡烛上生效,交易到期时间为 1 到 3 根蜡烛,具体取决于交易策略和选定的时间周期。 特点 无重绘 :指示入场点的箭头在出现后保持不变,减少假信号的风险,帮助交易者严格遵守交易规则。 缓冲信号 :指标通过缓冲生成箭头信号,允许将其集成到自动交易系统中。信号可用于基于指标的市场进入。 灵活的时间周期 :指标适用于任何时间周期,从 M1 到日线。在较低时间周期适合激进的短期交易,而在较高时间周期适合使用更长的到期时间的相对平静的交易。 交易到期 :交易到期可以是 1 到 3 根蜡烛,这对于二元期权是最佳的,因为它允许根据当前市场波动性和趋势调整策略。
PipFinite Exit EDGE
Karlo Wilson Vendiola
4.83 (115)
Did You Have A Profitable Trade But Suddenly Reversed? In a solid strategy, exiting a trade is equally important as entering. Exit EDGE helps maximize your current trade profit and avoid turning winning trades to losers. Never Miss An Exit Signal Again Monitor all pairs and timeframes in just 1 chart www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/726558 How To Trade You can close your open trades as soon as you receive a signal Close your Buy orders if you receive an Exit Buy Signal. Close your Sell orders if
Andrey Spiridonov
1 (1)
NostradamusMT4 is a powerful indicator from the set of professional trader. The indicator is based on Andrei Spiridonov's original price calculation method (ESTIMATED PRICE) for the current candle price. Advantages The indicator does not redraw. It works on any timeframes. Works with any trading instruments. Perfectly suitable for scalping and trading binary options. Parameters Color - color of the ESTIMATED PRICE FUTURE line. How to work with the indicator The indicator forms the ESTIMATED P
Virtual Exchange Reserve Equity Monitor In an environment where exchanges offer increasingly high leverage ratios, it is all the more important for traders to tightly regulate their level of equity .  This software is designed to be run in the background on any virtual private server that can run Meta Trader 4/5.  It implements basic equity control functions ahead of the broker---allowing users to set their own equity trailing stop, an equity limit to lock-in a certain profit margin, and a unive
El indicador "MR BEAST ALERTAS DE LIQUIDEZ" es una herramienta avanzada diseñada para proporcionar señales y alertas sobre la liquidez del mercado basándose en una serie de indicadores técnicos y análisis de tendencias. Ideal para traders que buscan oportunidades de trading en función de la dinámica de precios y los niveles de volatilidad, este indicador ofrece una visualización clara y detallada en la ventana del gráfico de MetaTrader. Características Principales: Canal ATR Adaptativo: Calcula
Smart Reversal Signal
Evgeny Belyaev
3 (2)
Smart Reversal Signal  is a professional indicator for the MetaTrader 4 platform; it has been developed by a group of professional traders. This indicator is designed for Forex and binary options trading. By purchasing this indicator, you will receive: Excellent indicator signals. Free product support. Regular updates. Various notification options: alert, push, emails. You can use it on any financial instrument (Forex, CFD, options) and timeframe. Indicator Parameters Perod - indicator calculat
Abdulkarim Karazon
Binary Sniper 是一个 mt4 指标,为二元期权交易提供买入和卖出信号,该指标有不同的方法, 对于二元期权交易,该指标不会重新绘制或延迟信号。 参赛规则: 1. 看涨(买入),当红色蜡烛收盘时,二进制狙击条颜色在红色后变为绿色。(第一次颜色翻转) 2. 卖出(卖出),当绿色蜡烛收盘时,二进制狙击条颜色在绿色后变为红色(第一次颜色翻转)。 该指标适用于价格行为/交易量和蜡烛形态,因此设置受到限制。 ==========================================================================================================
Diamond Trend
Segundo Calvo Munoz
Indicator which identifies Trend and also buy/sell opportunities. Use for entries aligned to the Trend.  Although Diamond Trend is very accurate identifying entry points, it is always recommended to use a support indicator in order to reconfirm the operation. Remind to look for those Assets and Timeframes which best fit to your trader behavior/need... Valid for Scalping and Long Term operations. Please, set up a Bars Chart to be able to visualize the indicator properly...  ...And remind to give
M5 时间框架的机器人黄牛。交易 GBPUSD 货币对。该机器人是由一家专业交易商公司专门开发的,用于英镑交易。机器人每天大约打开 5 到 15 笔交易。最好与英镑兑美元点差低至 10 点的经纪商进行交易。建议的最低存款为 500 美元或更多。 优点: 不使用鞅。 不是网。 每笔交易都有止损。 专门针对 GBPUSD 对的专业机器人。 机器人黄牛,在 M5 时段进行盘中交易。 这个机器人如何交易? 为了分析市场,机器人使用两个指标的价格模型和战略市场模式:抛物线止损和反转系统以及布林带。机器人首先使用价格内插统计分析市场的价格变动。接下来,机器人读取这些指标并比较它们现在和过去的运动趋势。如果存在表明市场反转或回滚的模式巧合,那么机器人将进行交易。机器人将根据余额大小按比例计算每笔交易的手数。交易者可以使用“Percentage_of_lots”参数调整该比例。机器人开始交易后,它开始通过修改追踪止损来伴随它。此外,每笔交易都有自己的止损,设置为限制可能的损失。 机器人规格: 时间范围(期间) M5 货币对 GBPUSD 存款 500 美元起 建议点差高达 10 点。 建议:
A Boss Stats
Anthonius Soruh
Hi Trader, We are strategy development for Binary and Forex tools, our product have success for binary trading 1 min - 2 min experation. At the moment I build indicator for trading all day, not like Bonosu series with specific time. We launch A-Boss Stats Indicator for trading 1 minute to 5 minutes experation is mean can trade from 1 minutes - 5 minutes. Specification of A Boss Stats trading binary option: Work with all MT4 broker. Chart Time Frame M1 only, can use M5 Experation time for contact
Sergey Malysh
3.29 (7)
Expert.   Automatic and manual trading. Ready-made trading system based on   Elliott waves   and Fibonacci retracement levels . It is simple and affordable. Display of the marking of Elliott waves (main or alternative option) on the chart. Construction of horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, a channel. Superposition of Fibonacci levels on waves 1, 3, 5, A Alert system (on-screen, E-Mail, Push notifications).    visual panel for opening orders in manual trading. visual panel for sett
Blahtech Market Profile
Blahtech Limited
4.53 (15)
Was: $249  Now: $149   Market Profile defines a number of day types that can help the trader to determine market behaviour. A key feature is the Value Area, representing the range of price action where 70% of trading took place. Understanding the Value Area can give traders valuable insight into market direction and establish the higher odds trade. It is an excellent addition to any system you may be using. Blahtech Limited presents their Market Profile indicator for the MetaTrader community. In
Scalping Channel mq
适用于 MT4 的 Crypto_Forex 指标“Scalping_Channel”。 - 剥头皮通道具有基于 ATR 的波动边界。 - 非常适合用于剥头皮交易: - 通过安排中线的限价挂单进行交易。 - 当绿色稳定上行通道出现且至少有 1 根蜡烛在顶部边界上方关闭时,考虑看涨入场(见图片)。 - 当红色稳定下行通道出现且至少有 1 根蜡烛在底部边界下方关闭时,考虑看跌入场(见图片)。 ................................................................................................................... // 出色的交易机器人和指标可在此处获取: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
Trendiness Index
Libertas LLC
5 (3)
"The trend is your friend" is one of the best known sayings in investing, because capturing large trendy price movements can be extremely profitable. However, trading with the trend is often easier said than done, because many indicators are based on price reversals not trends. These aren't very effective at identifying trendy periods, or predicting whether trends will continue. We developed the Trendiness Index to help address this problem by indicating the strength and direction of price trend
Auto Fibo Pro m
“Auto FIBO Pro” Crypto_Forex 指标 - 是交易中的绝佳辅助工具! - 指标自动计算并放置在图表斐波那契水平和局部趋势线(红色)上。 - 斐波那契水平指示价格可能反转的关键区域。 - 最重要的水平是 23.6%、38.2%、50% 和 61.8%。 - 您可以将其用于反转剥头皮或区域网格交易。 - 还有很多机会可以使用 Auto FIBO Pro 指标来改进您当前的系统。 - 它具有信息价差掉期显示 - 它显示所连接的外汇对的当前价差和掉期。 - 显示屏还显示账户余额、净值和保证金。 - 可以将信息价差掉期显示定位在图表的任何角落: 0 - 左上角,1 - 右上角,2 - 左下角,3 - 右下角。 // 出色的交易机器人和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
Mars 5 The Snake
Marta Gonzalez
Mars 5     is a powerful indicator of   TREND   for any par and any timeframe. It doesn't requires any additional indicators for the trading setup.The indicator gives clear signals about opening and closing trades.This Indicator is a unique, high quality and affordable trading tool. Perfect For New Traders And Expert Traders Low risk entries. Never repaints signal. Never backpaints signal. Never recalculates signal. For MT4 Only Great For Scalping Great For Swing Trading Arrow Entry Alerts Pop
Trend PA
Mikhail Nazarenko
5 (3)
The Trend PA indicator uses   Price Action   and its own filtering algorithm to determine the trend. This approach helps to accurately determine entry points and the current trend on any timeframe. The indicator uses its own algorithm for analyzing price changes and Price Action. Which gives you the advantage of recognizing, without delay, a new nascent trend with fewer false positives. Trend filtering conditions can be selected in the settings individually for your trading style. The indicator
P Y R A M I D   E X P E R T    This Forex utility is a complex exit strategy and order management tool that executes four trading methods; scalping, pyramid style, hedging, and scaling method to close trades with a profit.           V E R Y  I M P O R T A N T     This is not a stand alone expert advisor. Use it with your own volatility-based strategy. Once you found the currency pair to trade, you can just attach this tool to the chart of the chosen pair and it will do the
交易水平指标是一个交易系统,旨在确定入场点、持有仓位和趋势方向。 包括在一个复合体中工作的多种机制、趋势方向的波浪分析、构建信号时的水平分析、显示可能的 TP 和 SL 目标。 指标能力 信号箭头出现在当前蜡烛上并且不会重新着色。 使用特殊算法来搜索价格反弹的水平。 根据趋势进行工作。 该系统具有通用性,可适用于各种交易工具。 箭头警报有多种类型。 信号箭头的输入参数在自动模式下配置和运行。 根据时间范围更改“趋势波周期”参数 “目标水平 SL TP”参数是针对主要货币对定义的;用于其他交易工具时,可以增加 10 或更多。 指标如何工作 判断趋势,该指标有一条波浪线;如果它高于价格,则趋势看跌;如果低于价格,则趋势看涨。 红色信号箭头用于购买,黄色信号箭头用于销售。 水平虚线是构建信号的电平;构建该线时,信号处于活动状态。 目标水平 SL 和 TP 的存在是为了方便技术分析和选择趋势参数。
Manuscript mt4
Artur Razhabov
Manuscript is a time-tested indicator, many tests have been conducted in its use, I will tell all buyers my recommendations on using forex, cryptocurrency or binary options This indicator gives a signal exactly at the close of the candle of the selected period The arrow does not disappear after the signal, you can set up email notifications I recommend using it on the period H1,H4,daily If you are aware of its work, you will be able to trade in a plus In the future I will give you my recomm
Black series MT4
Dmitriy Kashevich
1 (1)
Black series MT4 - The indicator is designed for trading on binary options with Timeframe M1-M5-M15 Multicurrency (Works on cryptocurrency and currency pairs) The signal appears when the candle opens Up to 90% correct signals There is no signal redrawing at all Can be used with other indicators. Good for scalping! In Settings there is: -Indicator working methods -I Allert Arrow color Red signal down Blue signal up Also watch the video how the indicator works and signals appear or te
Binary Option Signal
Yaroslav Varankin
Indicator for binary options arrow is easy to use and does not require configuration works on all currency pairs, cryptocurrencies buy signal blue up arrow sell signal red down arrow tips do not trade during news and 15-30 minutes before their release, as the market is too volatile and there is a lot of noise it is worth entering trades one or two candles from the current period (recommended for 1 candle) timeframe up to m 15 recommended money management fixed lot or fixed percentage of the depo
PZ Trend Trading
4.8 (5)
许多盈利交易者不仅知道如何识别市场趋势,而且也能把握趋势建立后的交易机会。 Pz 趋势交易 指标设计用来在趋势行情中尽可能的赚取利润。 已建立的趋势提供了一揽子交易机会,但大多数趋势交易指标完全忽视了它们,让交易者在趋势行情时完全不知道该如何做!一般趋势指标只通知有关的趋势变化,但根本不足以得到卓越的回报. Pz 趋势交易 指标比一般趋势指标显示多达 20 倍的交易 , 因为它注重所谓的市场时机。它不仅显示当前的市场趋势,也有回调,内柱线的突破和调整。它令您在趋势回调之后介入,安全的柱线内突破金字塔加仓,以及发现潜在的反转,和已知的调整。 趋势改变 一个趋势改变在市场方向变化时发生。趋势变化在图表上用带数字的彩色圆圈显示。蓝色 (1) 信号为上涨开始, 而红色 (1) 信号为下跌开始。趋势变化并非评估当前价格动作的结果, 它意味着交易设置是不定时地。如果您正确使用本指标, 在趋势变化时, 您将将已经入场 (参看下面的调整)。 回调 但凡趋势在运动中,行情上下抖动,盈利者收割利润,且其它参与者入场。趋势回调代表好的买入机会,通常是由主力获利离场导致。如果行情在回调后回归上行, 指标将
Gold Pro Scalper
Aleksandr Makarov
5 (2)
Gold Pro Scalper Precise entry points for currencies, crypto, metals, stocks, indices! You can get this indicator for free - Quantum Entry PRO Indicator 100% does not repaint!!! If a signal appeared, it does not disappear! Unlike indicators with redrawing, which lead to loss of deposit, because they can show a signal, and then remove it. Trading with this indicator is very easy. Wait for a signal from the indicator and enter the deal, according to the arrow  (Blue arrow - Buy, Red - Sell).
MTF Qristalium箭头指标是一个半自动的现成交易系统。 它适用于所有货币对。  该指标使用三条规则:1)我们只交易趋势,2)"当每个人都卖出卖出,当每个人都买入卖出",3)价格总是违背人群。  MTF Qristalium箭头指标使用内置指标在多个时间周期上过滤这些规则。 如果趋势与所选时间间隔匹配,则指标将显示一个进入市场的箭头。 然后你自己做决定。 买-绿箭,卖-红箭头。 在指标中,您可以更改批次,设置EA的交易时间和关闭时间。 您还可以更改工作时间段和时间筛选器。 有一个蜂鸣声。  建议的工作周期D1。 滤波器H1和H4。 设置: TF-工作期间(建议D1) CCI_Period CCI LeveiUp CCI等级 CCI价格 SAR步骤 SAR最大值 TF Filter1-(推荐H1) TF FiIter2-(推荐H4) 工作时间 声音使用 最大酒吧 
Andrey Spiridonov
BinaryUniversal is a signal indicator for binary options and Forex. In its work, the indicator uses a complex algorithm for generating signals. Before forming a signal, the indicator analyzes volatility, candlestick patterns, important support and resistance levels. The indicator has the ability to adjust the accuracy of the signals, which makes it possible to apply this indicator for both aggressive and conservative trading. The indicator is set in the usual way, it works on any time period and
在快节奏的金融市场中,每一秒都至关重要,每一个决定都可能成败。进入 Binary Hacker Indicator,这是一个开创性的工具,将以每分钟为单位的方式改变交易者分析价格走势的方式。 揭示交易中的精准度: Binary Hacker Indicator 并非您的普通交易工具。它作为实时分析器运行,逐分钟分析图表,为交易者提供宝贵的见解。与需要大量手动分析的传统指标不同,Binary Hacker 消除了交易策略中的猜测,提供了一种基于纯粹数据的计算方法。 每一分钟的力量: 想象一下能够分析交易的每一分钟,了解买卖压力之间的微妙平衡。有了 Binary Hacker,这一愿景就变成了现实。这个巧妙的指标会持续监控市场并计算每一分钟的上升和下跌笔数,将价格走势的本质提炼为易于理解的信息。 独特的策略,无与伦比的结果: Binary Hacker Indicator 与众不同的是其独特的交易策略,这些策略经过精心调整,可以适应价格走势的细微差别。当您在图表上激活指标时,它会在每分钟的前十秒内耐心等待,让市场显示其初始情绪。如果上升笔数多于下跌笔数,则该指标会提示您考虑买入交易,反之亦
TPSpro RFI Levels
Roman Podpora
4.85 (26)
指示       俄罗斯 -        英语   建议 与指示器一起使用     -       TPSpro 趋势专业版 -   MT4版本       交易中的一个关键要素是做出买卖交易工具决定的区域或水平。尽管主要参与者试图隐藏他们在市场中的存在,但他们不可避免地会留下痕迹。我们的任务是学习如何识别这些痕迹并正确解释它们。 主要功能: 向卖家和买家显示活跃区域! 该指标显示所有正确的初始买入和卖出脉冲水平/区域。激活这些水平/区域后,开始寻找切入点,水平会改变颜色并填充特定阴影。此外,还会显示箭头,以便更直观地了解情况。 显示更高时间范围内的级别/区域(MTF 模式) 添加了使用更高时间间隔显示级别/区域的功能。此外,该指标还具有自动趋势检测功能(   TPSproTREND PRO   )。 用于交易的单独专业的逐步算法。 该算法专为日内交易而设计,既可顺势交易,也可逆势交易。每个活动模板均提供详细说明。 适用于多种时间范围 。 TPSpro RFI 水平指标可用于图表上的任何时间范围,从一分钟(M1)开始一直到每月(MN)。 图形和声音警报。 该指标提供图形和声音指示,
Dynamic Forex28 Navigator
Bernhard Schweigert
5 (4)
Dynamic Forex28 Navigator - 下一代外汇交易工具。 当前 49% 折扣。 Dynamic Forex28 Navigator 是我们长期流行的指标的演变,将三种功能合二为一: 高级货币强度 28 指标 (695 条评论)+ 高级货币 IMPULSE 带警报 (520 条评论)+ CS28 组合信号(奖励)。 有关指标的详细信息 https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/758844 下一代强度指标提供什么? 您喜欢的原始指标的一切,现在通过新功能和更高的精度进行了增强。 主要特点: 专有货币强度公式。  所有时间范围内的平滑和准确的强度线。 非常适合识别趋势和精确进入。 动态市场斐波那契水平(市场斐波那契)。  此指标独有的独特功能。 斐波那契应用于货币强度,而不是价格图表。 适应实时市场活动以获得准确的反转区域。 实时市场动量。  第 9 行显示市场是活跃还是被动。 对于定时交易至关重要。 全面的警报和显示。  每种货币最强的买入和卖出动量。 ​​28 对的双重动量买入和卖出。 超买/超卖警告外部范围和止损。 反转
目前八折优惠! 对任何新手或专家交易者来说都是最好的解决方案! 这个仪表板软件适用于28种货币对。它基于我们的两个主要指标(高级货币强度28和高级货币冲动)。它对整个外汇市场提供了一个伟大的概述。它显示高级货币强度值,货币运动速度和28个外汇对在所有(9)时间段的信号。想象一下,当你可以使用图表上的单一指标观察整个市场,以确定趋势和或剥头皮的机会时,你的交易将得到改善 我们已经在这个指标中建立了一些功能,使你更容易识别强势和弱势货币,同时识别和确认潜在的交易。该指标以图形方式显示货币的强势或弱势是增加还是减少,以及它在所有时间段的表现。 增加的新功能是动态市场斐波那契水平,它适应当前的市场条件变化,这是一个已经在我们的高级货币强度28和高级货币冲动指标中使用的成熟的加分项。 在交易时,总是将弱势货币和强势货币配对,这个新指标将帮助你做到这一点。 用户手册:点击这里  https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/708783 特点  显示每个时间段的ACS28和GAP-speed(冲动)的货币强度值。 列:颜色代码以7种颜色显示货币强度:强势
MTF Supply Demand Zones
Georgios Kalomoiropoulos
4.83 (23)
下一代自动化供需区。适用于任何图表的创新算法。所有区域都是根据市场的价格行为动态创建的。 两种类型的警报 --> 1) 当价格触及区域时 2) 当新区域形成时 你不会再得到一个无用的指标。您将获得一个完整的交易策略和经过验证的结果。     新的功能:     价格触及供需区时发出警报     创建新的供应/需求区时发出警报     推送通知警报     以点为单位的区域宽度标签     关于 MTF 的又一个时间表。因此,现在您将能够看到高于当前 3 个时间帧,而不是高于当前 2 个时间帧     启用/禁用警报/区域/MTF 功能的按钮 您获得的优势:     消除交易中的情绪。     客观化您的交易条目。     通过高概率设置提高您的利润。     节省绘图区域的时间。     像专业人士一样交易金融市场。     任何市场的即时多时间框架分析。 你在图表上看到了什么?     蓝色和红色矩形是当前时间范围的供需区。     虚线样式线是当前上方第一个时间范围内的供需区域。     实线样式线是当前上方第二个时间范围内的
介绍 ON Trade Waves Patterns Harmonic Elliot Wolfe,这是一款高级指标,旨在使用手动和自动方法检测各种市场模式。以下是它的工作原理: 谐波模式: 该指标可以识别出现在您图表上的谐波模式。这些模式对于练习谐波交易理论的交易者非常重要,正如Scott Carney的书《谐波交易第1卷和第2卷》所描述的那样。无论您是手动绘制它们还是依赖自动检测,ON Trade Waves Patterns都可以胜任。 控制面板: 我们配备了一个用户友好的控制面板,它会保存您的图表和时间帧设置,使您可以轻松切换不同配置。您甚至可以最小化它以最大化图表空间。如果您更喜欢使用其他分析工具,只需单击关闭按钮即可隐藏所有指标数据。 模板保存: 当您自定义设置或添加其他指标,如移动平均线或布林带时,该指标会自动保存您的模板。这意味着您可以随时轻松加载您喜欢的设置。 优化显示: 对于Windows 10用户,我们建议调整您的DPI设置以获得高清设备上的最佳屏幕体验。右键单击MetaTrader图标,选择“兼容性”,然后选择“更改高DPI设置”,将其设置为“系统(增强)”。
Blahtech Supply Demand
Blahtech Limited
4.64 (36)
Was: $299  Now: $149   Supply Demand uses previous price action to identify potential imbalances between buyers and sellers. The key is to identify the better odds zones, not just the untouched ones. Blahtech Supply Demand indicator delivers functionality previously unavailable on any trading platform. This 4-in-1 indicator not only highlights the higher probability zones using a multi-criteria strength engine, but also combines it with multi-timeframe trend analysis, previously confirmed swings
Ivan Stefanov
5 (7)
ENIGMERA: 市场的核心 重要提示:MQL5.com 演示版本在策略测试器中运行,可能无法完全反映 Enigmera 的功能。请查看描述、截图和视频了解详细信息。如有任何问题,请随时联系我! 该指标的代码已完全重写。版本 3.0 增加了新功能并修复了自指标发布以来积累的错误。 简介 这个指标和交易系统是金融市场的一种独特方法。ENIGMERA 使用分形周期来精确计算支撑和阻力水平。它展示了真实的积累阶段,并提供了方向和目标。无论是在趋势中还是在修正中,这个系统都能工作。 它是如何工作的 指标的大部分功能通过图表左侧的按钮控制,使得能够快速响应不同的市场情况。 按钮 ON/OFF – 显示或隐藏整个指标。 Channel – 激活支撑通道,显示可接受的偏差范围。 Dev1 (第一偏差) – 指示价格在支撑偏差内的波动,信号表示市场正在整合或积累力量。 Dev2 (第二偏差) – 显示价格在偏差之间的波动,表示趋势形成和方向。 Dev3 (第三偏差) – 表示趋势的显著加速和高波动性。 45deg (45度) – 显示市场的节奏和相对于 45 度线的运动稳定性。 Tgt1/2
Smart Set up Levels
Mohit Dhariwal
5 (1)
Smart Set up leve l is a very powerful indicator based on the concept of order blocks and set up entries with proper fvg and breakouts to make a very nice level to enter like a pro trader. Very easy to use interface and friendly to enter on buy and sell signals. Works Best on M15 Time frame on Gold, Bitcoin and Fx pairs. Daily 4-5 trades on each pair  Works great on gold like a pro on M15 It is non repainting nor lagging It is very powerful indicator giving precise entries and prop acts can be c
Quantum Entry PRO
Aleksandr Makarov
Bonus: when you buy or rent the indicator, you get Gold Pro Scalper  or  System Trend Pro absolutely free(of your choice).(Write in a private message or in telegram in the profile to receive a bonus) Quantum Entry is a powerful price action trading system built on one of the most popular and widely known strategies among traders: the Breakout Strategy! This indicator produces crystal clear buy and sell signals based on breakouts of key support and resistance zones. Unlike typical breakout indi
目前有26%的折扣!! 这个指标是我们两个主要指标( Advanced Currency Strength 28   &  Advanced Currency IMPULSE with ALERT )的一个超级组合。它显示了28个外汇对的TICK-UNITS货币强度值和警报信号。可以使用11种不同的Tick-Units。它们是1、2、3、4、5、6、10、12、15、20和30秒。子窗口中的Tick-Unit栏将被显示并向左移动,当在一秒钟的定时器中至少有一个Tick。 只用一个图表,你就可以剥28个外汇货币对的头皮!想象一下,你的剥头皮将如何提高。想象一下,你的剥头皮将如何改善,因为你能够准确地确定剥头皮机会的触发点? 这是市场上第一个在比1分钟更短的时间内工作的货币强度指标! 它是为那些希望快速进出并从市场中切出小点数的快速剥头皮者准备的。 用户手册:点击这里 https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/727178 特点。 为28个货币对提供嘀嗒单位的卖出/买入警报,有一个按钮可以快速打开目标图表。 在3种敏感模式中选择一种(慢-中-快
Gold Channel XAUUSD
Paulo Rocha
5 (4)
Gold Channel is a volatility-based indicator, developed with a specific timing algorithm for the XAUUSD pair, which consists of finding possible corrections in the market. This indicator shows two outer lines, an inner line (retracement line) and an arrow sign, where the theory of the channel is to help identify overbought and oversold conditions in the market. The market price will generally fall between the boundaries of the channel. If prices touch or move outside the channel it is a tradi
Beast Super Signal
Dustin Vlok
4.73 (89)
正在寻找可以帮助您轻松识别有利可图的交易机会的强大外汇交易指标? Beast Super Signal 就是您的不二之选。 这个易于使用的基于趋势的指标持续监控市场状况,寻找新的发展趋势或跳入现有趋势。当所有内部策略一致且彼此 100% 融合时,Beast Super Signal 会发出买入或卖出信号,无需额外确认。当您收到信号箭头警报时,只需买入或卖出。 购买后给我留言,让我加入我的私人 VIP 群组! (仅限购买完整产品)。 购买后给我发消息以获取最新的优化设置文件。 此处提供 MT5 版本。 在此处 获取 Beast Super Signal EA。 查看评论部分以查看最新结果! Beast Super Signal 根据您偏好的 1:1、1:2 或 1:3 风险回报率建议入场价、止损和获利水平,让您放心交易。这个 Beast Super Signal 是 100% 不可重新绘制的,这意味着它永远不会重新计算或重新绘制,每次都能为您提供可靠的信号。 Beast Super Signal 指标适用于所有时间范围,包括货币对、指数、商品和加密货币对。 Beast Su
TakePropips Donchian Trend Pro
Eric John Pajarillaga Aldana
4.44 (16)
TakePropips Donchian Trend Pro   (MT4) 是一款功能强大且有效的工具,可使用 Donchian 通道自动检测趋势方向,并为您提供进场和退场交易信号! 这个多功能指标包括趋势扫描器、交易信号、统计面板、筛选器、交易时段和警报历史仪表板。它旨在为您提供交易信号并节省您分析图表的时间! 您可以在我们的博文中下载用户手册和安装指南:   https   :// www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/751368 您可以在 Strategy Tester 上测试该指标(启用可视模式) 视频教程也可在说明下方获得更多详细信息。 如果您有任何问题或需要任何帮助,请与我联系。 TakePropips Donchian Trend Pro 指标适用于所有外汇对、金属、商品、指数和加密货币。 主要特点 交易信号 - 检测多个时间范围内所有货币对的买卖机会。它将为您提供警报并在图表上绘制交易信号,最多 3 个止盈价和一个止损价。 Trend Scanner   - 用于快速扫描和识别跨多个时间范围内每对的趋势方向。趋势扫描仪显示绿色表示上升趋势,红色表示下
Supply and Demand Dashboard PRO
Bernhard Schweigert
4.8 (20)
目前八折优惠! 这个仪表板是一个非常强大的软件,可用于多个符号和多达9个时间段。 它是基于我们的主要指标(最佳评论:高级供应需求)。 Advanced Supply Demand 该仪表板提供了一个伟大的概述。它显示。   筛选后的供需值,包括区域强度评级。 区间内和区间外的点位距离。 它突出了嵌套的区域。 在所有(9个)时间段内,它对所选符号发出4种警报。 它是高度可配置的,以满足您的个人需求! 您的利益! 对每个交易者来说,最重要的问题是。 什么是入市的最佳水平? 在强大的供应/需求区域内或附近进入你的交易,以获得最佳的成功机会和风险/回报。 我的止损的最佳位置是哪里? 把你的止损放在强势供应/需求区的下方/上方是最安全的。 我的最佳盈利目标是什么? 你的退出策略和你的进入策略一样重要,了解更高的时间框架图可以帮助你。对于买入,使用下一个供应区作为目标,对于卖出,使用下一个需求区作为目标。在回撤到供应区或需求区时进场,以确保有足够的利润空间,达到更高的时间框架的供应和需求,将增加你的利润。 为什么我们要过滤强区和弱区? 不平衡性越大,价格的变动就
GOLD Impulse with Alert
Bernhard Schweigert
4.6 (10)
这个指标是我们2个产品 Advanced Currency IMPULSE with ALERT  +   Currency Strength Exotics 的一个超级组合。 它适用于所有时间框架,并以图形方式显示8种主要货币和一种符号的强势或弱势冲动! 该指标专门用于显示任何符号的货币强度加速,如黄金、异国货币对、商品、指数或期货。这是它的第一个指标,任何符号都可以被添加到第9行,以显示黄金、白银、石油、DAX、US30、MXN、TRY、CNH等的真实货币强度加速(冲动或速度)。 建立在新的基础算法上,它使识别和确认潜在的交易更加容易。这是因为它以图形方式显示了一种货币的强势或弱势是否正在加速,并测量了这种加速的速度--把它想象成你汽车中的速度表。当你加速时,事情显然会发生得更快,这在外汇市场上也是一样的,即如果你配对的货币正在向相反的方向加速,你就会发现一个潜在的有利可图的交易。 动态市场斐波那契28水平被用作警报触发器,将适应市场活动。如果冲动击中黄色触发线,你将收到警报。然后你就知道作为一个交易员应该做什么。货币对和方向已经给出。只需点击警报按钮,就可以切换到该货
Trade Invest Pro
Dmitriy Kashevich
Trade Invest Pro - Boss in the world of cryptocurrency! This indicator is ideal for cryptocurrency trading! Work on Trade Invest Pro took us half a year! But not in vain! Now only accurate signals near support - resistance levels! He showed himself well on timeframes m5 m15 for binary options! Optionally, it can be configured for forex for timeframes m30 and more! Reacts well to news! Doesn't paint! and does not disappear from the schedule! As soon as a red arrow appears, open a deal fo
IQ FX Gann Levels
5 (1)
CONTACT US  after purchase to get the Indicator Manual. Try Now—Limited 50% Discount for First 10 Buyers! Download the  Metatrader 5 Version Read the product description carefully before purchasing the product.  Due to regulatory restrictions, our service is unavailable in certain countries such as India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. William Delbert Gann (W.D. Gann) was an exceptional market analyst, whose trading technique was based on a complex blend of mathematics, geometry, astrology, and anc
Bomb Bank Signal
Igor Pereira Calil
5 (1)
炸彈銀行訊號:您對 MetaTrader 4 的信心指標 Bomb Bank Signal 是 MetaTrader 4 的一個強大指標,旨在識別金融市場中最相關的趨勢。如果您正在尋找一種能夠準確預測運動的工具,那麼炸彈庫就是您需要的盟友。 運作原理: 該指標結合了三種不同的方法——成交量分析、蠟燭收盤價和對稱趨勢——來偵測和發出買賣機會訊號。當炸彈銀行識別出買入機會時,它就像一顆「炸彈」;當它偵測到賣出訊號時,它就像一個「頭骨」。 為什麼炸彈銀行不一樣? 完全可靠性:炸彈庫訊號不會刪除訊號。訊號一旦發出,就會一直存在,確保您不會錯過任何機會。 極為準確:炸彈庫不會發出錯誤訊號。它會即時更新您的訊息,隨著市場的變化進行調整,但保持先前訊號的透明度。 即時更新:訊號被即時識別並在必要時更新,使您能夠快速響應市場變化。 最大化您的結果: 炸彈銀行訊號是識別趨勢持續走勢的理想選擇。例如,如果您已經做空並且指標在 M15 發出買入訊號,那麼現在就是平倉或部分下單的最佳時機,反之亦然。 此外,經過仔細分析,我們建議您遵循M30、H1和H4上的訊號,停損僅50點。這使得價格朝著有利
Dark Sniper
Dmitriy Kashevich
Dark Sniper pointer indicator.  Complete absence of redrawing   The percentage of correct indicator forecasts depends on your settings; the default is period 7 (performed better) The arrow indicates the direction of the next candle and the possible direction of the trend in the future.  Suitable for small timeframes m1 and m5  It is recommended to open transactions from 1 to 2 candles.  The signal appears on the current candle. Open a trade on the next one since the signal is being generat
NAM Order Blocks
5 (1)
MT4多時限訂單塊檢測指示器。 特徵 -在圖表控制面板上完全可自定義,提供完整的交互。 -隨時隨地隱藏和顯示控制面板。 -在多個時間範圍內檢測OB。 -選擇要顯示的OB數量。 -不同的OB用戶界面。 -OB上的不同過濾器。 -OB接近警報。 -ADR高低線。 -通知服務(屏幕警報|推送通知)。 概括 訂單塊是一種市場行為,它指示從金融機構和銀行收取訂單。著名的金融機構和中央銀行帶動了外匯市場。因此,交易者必須知道他們在市場上正在做什麼。當市場建立訂單塊時,它會像發生大多數投資決策的範圍一樣移動。 訂單建立完成後,市場將朝著上升和縮小的方向發展。訂單大宗交易策略的關鍵術語是它包括機構交易者正在做的事情。由於它們是主要的價格驅動因素,因此包括機構交易在內的任何策略都可以。 您將在任何時間範圍內實時看到訂單塊,使用我們的控制面板,您將能夠在所選的歷史記錄週期內檢測常規,拒收和未大寫的訂單塊。 現在您可以接收到訂單塊接近警報,我們在MT4上顯示屏幕通知,並將通知推送到您的手機!
Quantum Trend Sniper Indicator MT4
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.68 (40)
介绍   量子趋势狙击指标 ,突破性的 MQL5 指标,正在改变您识别和交易趋势反转的方式!由拥有超过13年交易经验的资深交易员团队开发,     量子趋势狙击指标   旨在通过其创新的方式以极高的准确度识别趋势反转,将您的交易之旅推向新的高度。 ***购买量子趋势狙击指标,即可免费获得量子突破指标!*** 当量子突破指标识别出趋势反转时,它会向您发出警报和信号箭头,并建议您三个止盈水平。 它既适合新手交易者,也适合专业交易者。 量子 EA 通道:       点击这里 MT5版本:       点击这里 建议: 时间范围:  所有时间范围。为了获得最佳结果,我们建议在 M15、M30 和 H1 时间范围内使用它。 货币对:欧元兑美元、英镑兑美元、澳元兑美元、欧元兑英镑, EURAUD, XAUUSD 账户类型:ECN、Raw 或 Razor,点差极低 经纪时间:任意 经纪商:IC Markets、Pepperstone with Raw 和 Razor 的点差最低 建议止损:50 点 建议止盈水平:20 点、50 点和 100 点 规格: 不重漆! 最多
Stefano Frisetti
5 (3)
note: this indicator is for METATRADER4, if you want the version for METATRADER5 this is the link:  https://www.mql5.com/it/market/product/108106 TRENDMAESTRO ver 2.4 TRENDMAESTRO recognizes a new TREND in the bud, he never makes mistakes. The certainty of identifying a new TREND is priceless. DESCRIPTION TRENDMAESTRO identifies a new TREND in the bud, this indicator examines the volatility, volumes and momentum to identify the moment in which there is an explosion of one or more of these data a
Cyclic Impulse
Vitalyi Belyh
构建图表并识别周期性价格变动的技术指标。 可以在任何图表上工作。 几种类型的通知。 图表本身还有额外的箭头。 无需重新绘制历史记录,只需关闭蜡烛即可。 建议使用 M5 及以上的 TF。 易于使用和配置参数。 当使用 2 个具有不同参数的指标时,您可以单独使用它们,而无需其他指标。 有 2 个输入参数 周期性和信号持续时间 这两个参数处理图表结构的处理。 Cyclicity 调节反转周期的变化频率,平滑周期。 Signal duration 为最小数字,检测价格变动中的脉冲,最大长期趋势变动。    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PZ Harmonacci Patterns
3.17 (6)
可以说,这是您可以为MetaTrader平台找到的最完整的谐波价格形成自动识别指标。它检测19种不同的模式,像您一样认真对待斐波那契投影,显示潜在的反转区域(PRZ),并找到合适的止损和获利水平。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 它检测19种不同的谐波价格形态 它绘制了主要,衍生和互补的斐波那契投影(PRZ) 它评估过去的价格走势并显示每个过去的形态 该指标分析其自身的质量和性能 它显示合适的止损和获利水平 它使用突破来表明合适的交易 它在图表上绘制所有样式比率 它实现了电子邮件/声音/视觉警报 受斯科特·M·卡尼(Scott M. Carney)的书的启发,该指标旨在满足最纯粹和最熟练的交易者的需求。但是,它采取了一种使交易更容易的方式:在向交易发出信号之前,它会等待Donchian朝正确方向突破,从而使交易信号非常可靠。 斐波那契投影与向量无关 它实现了电子邮件/声音/推送警报 它绘制了ABCD投影 重要提示: 为了符合 Scott M. Carney先生 的商标申诉,某些图案名称已重命名为不言自明的替代方式, Scott M.
Best Currency Strength Indicator
Tumelo Patrick Rakotsoane
4.5 (46)
Advanced Currency Strength Indicator The Advanced Divergence Currency Strength Indicator. Not only it breaks down all 28 forex currency pairs and calculates the strength of individual currencies across all timeframes , but, You'll be analyzing the WHOLE forex market in 1 window (In just 1 minute) . This indicator is very powerful because it reveals the true movements of the market.  It is highly recommended to  analyze charts knowing the performance of individual currencies or the countries eco
Please send me Direct message on MQL5 CHAT after purchasing the Indicator for Training and Installation Support There are some additional files that is important to use with the Indicator . So be sure to contact me after purchasing the Indicator So that I can add you for training and support . If you find any difficulty with installation then send me Direct message here So that I can connect with you via Anydesk or Teamview for the product installation. " Smart Order Block Indicator " to find m
Andrey Kozak
5 (1)
The "Nostradamix" indicator is designed to analyze short-term market movements on lower timeframes (e.g., M1), while simultaneously considering trend direction on higher timeframes (e.g., M30). This tool identifies key trend reversal points, displays volatility levels, and generates buy/sell signals based on market dynamics. The indicator automatically plots: Current trend lines. Volatility bands to assess movement strength. Visual markers (arrows) for entry signals. Forecast Accuracy and Mathem
POWR Rise Coming
Trade Indicators LLC
This indicator is SO SIMPLE… when the green Rise Coming arrow appears, a price drop may be on the way! Plain and easy profits! As you receive more than one 'Rise Coming' text signal in a downtrend, it means momentum is building larger for a bull run. HOW TO USE 1. When the green "Rise Coming" text appears, a price jump may be on the way! This indicator Never Repaints! To get the best setting it's a matter of tweaking the indicator until it gives you the best results. Our recommendation, and what
5 (2)
BONUS AUX VIP Club 2024 : Include EA Airbag and Load Data History to enhance the performance of this tool to its maximum potential  Click Here to Download Files   ( for users only )   Hello World! Introducing.. SMCpro VIP tool and Indicator for MetaTrader 4, designed to revolutionize your trading experience with the ICT Smart Money Concept. This system is meticulously crafted to empower traders with advanced insights and precision in navigating the dynamic forex markets. This innovative
Ultimate Sniper Dashboard
Hispraise Chinedum Abraham
4.82 (22)
折扣价为299美元! 未来可能会涨价! 请阅读下面的描述! 终极狙击手仪表盘的最佳进入系统。终极动态水平。(请查看我的产品) 由于MT4多币种测试的限制,终极狙击手仪表盘只适用于实时市场。 介绍Ultimate-Sniper Dashboard! 我们最好的产品包括HA-狙击手、MA-狙击手和许多特殊模式。终极狙击手仪表盘是一个绝对的野兽! 对于任何新手或专家交易者来说,这是最好的解决方案! 永远不要再错过任何一个动作! 对于那些喜欢简单和点数的交易者,我们有一个特别的产品给你。本质上很简单,该仪表板根据多种自定义算法查看28种货币对,完成所有工作。只需一张图表,你就可以像专家一样阅读市场。试想一下,如果你能在任何外汇对开始移动时准确地确定其方向,你的交易会有多大的改善。   我们的系统是为了寻找高概率信号并实时向用户发送警报。没有滞后或错误的信号。 为了保持图表的清洁,你可以在不需要时隐藏Ultimate-Sniper。只需按下箭头按钮即可隐藏仪表板。 Ultimate-Sniper适用于从1分钟到月度的所有时间框架,因此你可以在你选择的任何时间框架上快速发现趋势。 高概率信号
System Trend Pro
Aleksandr Makarov
5 (2)
System Trend Pro - This is the best trend trading indicator!!! The indicator no repaint!!!  The indicator has   MTF   mode, which adds confidence to trading on the trend (   no repaint   ). How to trade? Everything is very simple, we wait for the first signal (big arrow), then wait for the second signal (small arrow) and enter the market in the direction of the arrow. (See screens 1 and 2.) Exit on the opposite signal or take 20-30 pips, close half of it, and keep the rest until the opposite s
Quantum Entry PRO
Aleksandr Makarov
Bonus: when you buy or rent the indicator, you get Gold Pro Scalper  or  System Trend Pro absolutely free(of your choice).(Write in a private message or in telegram in the profile to receive a bonus) Quantum Entry is a powerful price action trading system built on one of the most popular and widely known strategies among traders: the Breakout Strategy! This indicator produces crystal clear buy and sell signals based on breakouts of key support and resistance zones. Unlike typical breakout indi
Gold Pro Scalper
Aleksandr Makarov
5 (2)
Gold Pro Scalper Precise entry points for currencies, crypto, metals, stocks, indices! You can get this indicator for free - Quantum Entry PRO Indicator 100% does not repaint!!! If a signal appeared, it does not disappear! Unlike indicators with redrawing, which lead to loss of deposit, because they can show a signal, and then remove it. Trading with this indicator is very easy. Wait for a signal from the indicator and enter the deal, according to the arrow  (Blue arrow - Buy, Red - Sell).
Trend Arrow Super
Aleksandr Makarov
5 (2)
Trend Arrow Super The indicator not repaint or change its data. A professional, yet very easy to use Forex system. The indicator gives accurate BUY\SELL signals. Trend Arrow Super is very easy to use, you just need to attach it to the chart and follow simple trading recommendations. Buy signal: Arrow + Histogram in green color, enter immediately on the market to buy. Sell signal: Arrow + Histogram of red color, enter immediately on the market to sell.
Global Parabolic MT4
Aleksandr Makarov
5 (2)
Global Parabolic MT4 Indicator for scalping on M1-M5. A very good indicator for your trading system, it can be used as a standalone trading system, I recommend using it together with - System Trend Pro The indicator does not repaint and does not change its data. Settings: Change the FILTER parameter for accurate market entries. Any questions? Need help?, I am always happy to help, write me in private messages or In telegram
Scalper Box MT4
Aleksandr Makarov
Scalper Box MT4 Fully ready strategy for trading on all markets (Stocks, Futures, Forex and Cryptocurrencies). Indicator signals are not repaint!!! How to trade? Wait for a signal from the indicator Scalper Box MT4 (blue arrow - buy, red arrow - sell). After the signal we immediately enter the market, SL set behind the formed box. Using trend filter indicator and template Recommended timeframe: M5 - Ideal for Scalping. M15 - Suitable for Daytrading. H1 - Suitable for Swing Trading.
SMC Probability
Aleksandr Makarov
SMC Probability -  is an indicator designed to track the actions of institutional investors, commonly known as “smart money”. This tool calculates the probability that smart money will actively participate in buying or selling in the market, which is referred to as smart money order flow. The indicator measures the probability of three key events: Change of Character ( CHoCH ), Shift in Market Structure ( SMS ), and Break of Structure ( BMS ).   These probabilities are displayed as percentages a
Signal Trend Super
Aleksandr Makarov
Signal Trend Super Indicator of accurate market entry. Very good entry indicator for your trading system, I recommend to use it together with - System Trend Pro  and    Professional Trade Arrow The indicator does not redraw and does not change its data. Wait until the candle closes. Any questions? Need help?, I am always happy to help, write me in private messages or In Telegram
Trend Filter Pro
Aleksandr Makarov
5 (1)
Trend Filter Pro Trend filter indicator. Very good filter for your trading system, I recommend to use it together with - System Trend Pro   and  Professional Trade Arrow The indicator no repaint!!! Settings: Change the Period parameter for better filtering ( default is 90) Any questions? Need help?, I am always happy to help, write me in private messages or In Telegram: https://t.me/Trader35_Admin
Professional Trade Arrow   Non-repaint  MT4 technical indicator. works on all timeframes 1 minute to the monthly timeframe  the trade vision buy and sell arrow is a multi currency and synthetic indicator Aqua arrow look for selling opportunities Crimson arrow look for buying opportunities.  wait for candle to close and arrow to appear before taking any trades. Settings: Key value - 3.0 ( This parameter is adjusted for a better signal.) We recommend a trend indicator -    Trend Arrow Su
Binary Reverse
Aleksandr Makarov
5 (1)
This is a powerful system for binary options and intraday trading. The indicator neither repaints, nor changes its readings. Binary Reverse is designed to determine the points where the price reverses. The indicator fixes both reversals and roll-backs considerably expanding your analytical capabilities. It not only clearly shows correction and reversal points, but also tracks the overall trend dynamics. Trading recommendations Coincidence of two signals (arrow and cross) is a strong entry signa
BotM5 MT5
Aleksandr Makarov
BotM5 MT5  Exact entry points for currencies, crypto, metals, stocks, indices! Indicator 100% does not repaint!!! If a signal appeared, it does not disappear! Unlike indicators with redrawing, which lead to loss of deposit, because they can show a signal, and then remove it. Trading with this indicator is very easy. Wait for a signal from the indicator and enter the deal, according to the arrow  (Aqua arrow - Buy, Red - Sell). Indicator parameters: Deviation - 4 (you can change thi
Gold Level MT4
Aleksandr Makarov
Gold Level MT4 A great helper for trading Gold. Levels do not repaint and do not change their data We recommend using it with the indicator - Professional Trade Arrow Levels are built every day, so you will trade every day with the indicator. Gold Level. Price markups are shown on the chart, after reaching TP1 or SL1, close half of the position, and the rest is transferred to breakeven. Any questions? Need help?, I am always happy to help, write me in private messages or in telegram.
AMS Scalper
Aleksandr Makarov
AMS Scalper An excellent indicator for the entry point into the market; we use indicator signals only according to the trend. Settings: Range - 50 (range size for signal search.) Maximum candles Back - 3 (after how many candles to set a signal) P.S. For the signal to appear on the zero candle, set 0. We recommend a trend indicator -  Trend Arrow Super Still have questions? do you need help?, I'm always happy to help, write to me in private messages or In telegram
Buy Sell Storm MT4
Aleksandr Makarov
Buy Sell Storm Professional indicator for trading on financial markets, designed for   MT5 platform . Trading on the indicator is very simple,   Blue arrow to buy ,   Red arrow to sell. The indicator does not redraw and does not change its values. ( see the video of the EA on the indicator). In the default settings the   Period   parameter is set to - 1 You can change this parameter for more accurate signals. If you have any questions, please contact me. Good luck trading!!!
BotM5 MT4
Aleksandr Makarov
BotM5 MT4  Exact entry points for currencies, crypto, metals, stocks, indices! Indicator 100% does not repaint!!! Version MT5 -  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/123028 If a signal appeared, it does not disappear! Unlike indicators with redrawing, which lead to loss of deposit, because they can show a signal, and then remove it. Trading with this indicator is very easy. Wait for a signal from the indicator and enter the deal, according to the arrow  (Aqua arrow - Buy, Red - Sell).
Smart Level Pro
Aleksandr Makarov
Smart Level Pro is a very powerful indicator based on the concept of order blocks and set entries with the right fvg and breakouts to create a very good entry level like a professional trader. Very easy to use interface and easy to enter on buy and sell signals. Bonus: When purchasing the indicator, Quantum Entry PRO is provided free of charge. The indicator does not repaint and does not change its data! Works best on M5-M15 timeframe for gold, bitcoin and currency pairs. 4-5 deals daily for eac
Trend Arrow Super The indicator does not redraw and does not change its data. Professional but very easy to use Forex system. The indicator gives accurate BUY\SELL signals. Trend Arrow Super is very easy to use, you just need to attach it to the chart and follow simple trading recommendations. Buy signal: Arrow + histogram in green color, enter immediately on the market to buy. Sell signal: Arrow + Histogram in red color, enter immediately on the market to sell.
Buy Sell Storm
Aleksandr Makarov
Buy Sell Storm Professional indicator for trading on financial markets, designed for MT5 platform . Trading on the indicator is very simple, Blue arrow to buy , Red arrow to sell. The indicator does not redraw and does not change its values. ( see the video of the EA on the indicator). In the default settings the Period parameter is set to - 1 You can change this parameter for more accurate signals. If you have any questions, please contact me. Good luck trading!!!
AI GoldX M1
Aleksandr Makarov
Introducing AI GoldX M1 - a groundbreaking EA that changes your approach to trading the prestigious XAUUSD pair! AI GoldX M1 - uses a sophisticated trading methodology including cross-market analysis to find scalping entry points with XAUUSD , one of the most dynamic pairs on the market. The Expert Advisor uses stop loss for all orders, does not use any dangerous trading methods. Technical details: Strategy: Scalping Strategy with Artificial Intelligence     Pair: XAUUSD (Gold)     Timeframe:
AI MapeX
Aleksandr Makarov
The mean absolute percentage error   ( MAPE ), also known as   mean absolute percentage deviation   ( MAPD ), is a measure of prediction accuracy of a forecasting method in   statistics .   It usually expresses the accuracy as a ratio defined by the formula: MAPE = 100 1 n ∑ t = 1 n | A t − F t A t | where   A t   is the actual value and   F t   is the forecast value.   Their difference is divided by the actual value   A t .   The absolute value of this ratio is summed for every forecasted poi