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Ultima Trader U5

Ultima Trader is a multi-currency advisor that can effectively operate on different time frames and in a variety of market scenarios thanks to its advanced non-geometric progression averaging system. This feature allows him to build trading grids and determine the moments of entry into the market with high accuracy.

Main characteristics of Ultima Trader:
  • Security systems: The advisor is equipped with special filters, spread control and trading time limits to ensure safety and reliability.
  • Accounting for levels: When constructing a trading grid, important internal levels are taken into account, which ensures accurate market entries.
  • Aggressiveness Adaptability: Users can customize the level of aggressiveness of trading to suit individual preferences.
Ultima Trader Features:
  • Multi-currency: The advisor works with a wide range of currency pairs, including EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD, NZDJPY, NZDUSD, EURJPY, GBPJPY and others.
  • Automated trading: Ultima Trader independently finds trends in the market and opens positions on pullbacks, using mathematical algorithms without martingale or other risky methods.
  • Integrated Security Systems: The EA uses both real and virtual stop orders to protect profits and ensure trading reliability.
Advantages of Ultima Trader:
  • Automated system: Trading is based on mathematical calculations, which minimizes the influence of emotions on decision making.
  • Round-the-clock operation: The advisor operates on various currency pairs at any time of the day, provided you have access to the Internet.
  • Eliminates the need for analysis: Ultima Trader makes trading decisions independently, freeing the trader from the need to conduct fundamental and technical analysis.
Bot settings and parameters:
  • Timeframe: Hourly (H1).
  • Currency Pairs: Works with most currency pairs, usually selecting those that perform best on the hourly chart.
  • Advanced Signal System: Used for more accurate market analysis and trading decisions, helping to determine entry and exit points for positions.
Bot parameters:
  • SetupFilling: Remaining fill type.
  • Magic: Magic number.
  • Lot: Fixed trading volume.
  • Risk: Automatic determination of volume depending on the deposit.
  • LimitTrades: Limit the number of orders in the grid.
  • GridStep: Minimum grid step.
  • RealStopLoss: Real stop loss.
  • RealTakeProfit: Real take profit.
  • RealTrailingStart: Trailing start.
  • RealTrailingStop: Trailing stop.
  • setLength: Wavelength of the leading indicator.
  • setDeviation: Deviation for the leading indicator.
  • setCorrection: Correct values after the specified one.
The bot is recommended to be used in conjunction with established stop loss and take profit, as well as the ability to activate trailing stop and trailing start to optimize trading.

Neuro Start
Dmytryi Voitukhov
4.67 (3)
UPD:   https://t.me/mql5_neuroExt   актуальная версия и обсуждение. -對於成功建立的培訓基地,我將免費提供臨時使用的顧問。 -培訓基地將隨著培訓的進行而佈局。 -訓練大約需要20個紀元。 因為EA交易會佔用大量資源,並且市場無法對其進行處理-已引入具有市場價值的TypeOfWork參數。 必須將其切換為任何其他所需的值! 出版用於協作學習! 輸入數據的設置深度為設置中指定的時間範圍的50條。 ThresholdOUT無效。 在某些情況下,速度只會影響很大的值。 在訓練模式下,僅以最小手數打開1個訂單,且SL和TP相等。時間表應統一。在這種模式下,利潤本身並不重要。 距離僅適用於MaxOrders> 1。 MaxOrders> 1會使速度大大降低。 LearnEpoch是用於循環優化的未使用參數。 刪除文件data_w1_ [TF] _ [INSTRUMENT] .csv和data_w2_ [TF] _ [INSTRUMENT] .csv或更改參數中的PeriodBar時,訓練將從頭開始。 文件位置C:\ Users \
Mikhail Sergeev
4.15 (20)
简单的开始 :一切都已经设置好了。 最低存款额为$50。 用户友好的界面。 黑皇后是 一个全自动,专业的交易系统。 基于全球价格走势的稳定切入点。 多货币交易,选择策略的能力,任何交易工具的无限定制潜力。 主要特点:账户:对冲。 在自动模式下工作时的货币对:EURUSD,GBPUSD,AUDUSD,NZDUSD,USDCHF,USDCAD,USDJPY。 它适用于每小时酒吧,对互联网连接的质量并不挑剔。 不使用超空头交易(剥头皮,流水线)。 专家中实现了3种交易模式  Auto - 7 pairs : 从一个图表进行多货币交易,使用7种货币对。 不需要配置。 此模式非常适合初学者。 Auto(THIS CHART) - 7 pairs : 仅与专家所连接的货币对进行交易,您可以从七种货币对中进行选择。 不需要配置。 MANUAL : 可在任何仪器上使用。 给出了设置参数的无限选项。 仅在其附加的图表上进行交易。 需要参数设置。 您可以选择交易策略 BQ:   在亏损的情况下,专家在相反交易的帮助下赢回。 有可能增加很多。 OneOrder:   收到损失后,专家接受并等待下一次
Srfire Hedge Position
Javier Antonio Gomez Miranda
SRFire Hedge Position - Automated Trading Strategy SRFire Hedge Position is an Expert Advisor (EA) designed to ensure trades always close in profit using a hedging and scaling technique. Here’s how it works: How It Works: Trade Initiation: The EA opens a Buy position within a predefined channel. Simultaneously, it places a Sell Stop order below the channel with double the lot size of the Buy position. If the Buy position hits the Take Profit (TP), the Sell Stop order is canceled, and the proces
Introducing to your attention an innovative expert advisor created specifically for the most juicy and volatility  currency   basket: GBPUSD, XAUUSD and EURJPY. This EA is designed using the main features of this market's movement, making it an ideal choice for dynamic trading on high-trending and medium-volatile pairs. The advisor is focused on minimizing trading risks, aiming to reduce losses to a minimum. Main features: EA is designed to open and close orders at the begginning of trading ses
Daytrade Pro Algo MT5
Profalgo Limited
4 (9)
推出促銷: 以當前價格提供的副本數量有限 最終價格:990$ 新:免費獲得 1 個 EA! (2 個交易賬戶) Ultimate Combo Deal   ->   click here LIVE RESULTS:   https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/1949810 JOIN PUBLIC GROUP:   Click here Set Files 歡迎來到 DayTrade Pro Algo! 經過多年的市場研究和不同策略的編程,我發現了一個具有良好交易系統所需的一切的算法: 它是獨立於經紀人的 它是獨立傳播的 它使用真實可變點差測試在 MT4、MT5、TDS2 和多個經紀商上輕鬆顯示非常穩定的回測 數百種不同的設置都在測試中給出了有利可圖的結果(當然我選擇了最好的!) 非常強大的系統 -> 設置可以互換,因此使用 USDJPY 的設置運行 EURUSD 仍然是有利可圖的。   已經在 13 個貨幣對上運行:EURUSD;GBPUSD;USDJPY;AUDUSD;XAUUSD;GBPJPY;USDCAD;EURJPY;EURNZD;EURAUD
MT4 Product URL: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/53225 MT5 Product URL: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/53226 Special Offer; If you bought both platform products in same day and date, we will give you 40% money back. Run both terminals on same VPS (Virtual Private Server)   Lot size calculation formula = (Bonus/2) / (Spread/50) / 100   Detail Explanation   If you have 1000USD deposit in each account for bonus hedging and your broker offered you 10% deposit bonus, in this case
Gold Crazy EA MT5
Gold Crazy EA   is an Expert Advisor designed specifically for trading Gold H1/ EU M15. It use some indicators to find the good Entry. And you can set SL or you can DCA if you want. It can be an Scalping or an Grid/ Martingale depend yours setting. This EA can Auto lot by Balance, set risk per trade. You also can set TP/ SL for earch trade or for basket of trade. - RSI_PERIOD - if = -1, then the default strategy works, if >0, then the RSI strategy works - MAX_ORDERS - to trade with only 1 order,
Luna AI Pro MT5
Profalgo Limited
5 (1)
推出促销活动: 仅售 1 份,售价 399 美元 最终售价:2000$ 该 EA 的销售数量有限 借助市场上最先进的“均值反向”交易机器人 Luna AI Pro EA   ,释放人工智能的力量,将您的交易提升到前所未有的高度。 这个尖端的人工智能驱动系统旨在满足经验丰富的交易者和初学者的需求,配备了广泛的功能来优化您的交易策略并最大化您的利润。 使用 Luna AI Pro 释放您交易策略的全部潜力。 拥抱交易的未来,让先进的人工智能彻底改变您的投资之旅。 体验当今人工智能的力量,加入全球成功交易者的行列。 为什么这个 EA 与众不同: OneChartSetup -> 运行 1 个图表中的所有货币对 个人表现监控:如果表现不佳,每对货币对的风险将自动降低,如果再次盈利,风险将再次增加。 不使用有风险的交易技术,如鞅、网格或具有非常宽止损的交易等 严格的贸易和风险管理 经过验证的真实账户跟踪记录:已经运行一年多 没有虚假/操纵的回测 实时结果(低风险):    https ://www.mql5.com/en/signals/1502590 设置 EA:    https:
Gold SWmax EA
Sergei Linskii
Gold SWmax EA - 是 Meta Trader 5 的最佳 EA 交易之一。的資金管理和手數乘數。 EA 交易根據獨特的演算法進行交易,使用符號價格的數學和對數分析。 建議: 經紀商 - RoboForex 或其他,成功優化後 帳戶類型 – 任何(有對沖) 時間範圍 - 任意,我使用 M30 或 H1 交易對 - 任何,我建議XAUUSD(黃金)或BTCUSD(比特幣),在成功優化後 押金 - 我推薦 5000 起 槓桿 - 1:500 起 交易模式-我推薦VPS 優化和測試期 - 60-12 個月 建議優化頻率 - 每 1-3 個月一次 優點: EA 交易不使用指標、不使用外部資源、不依賴基本面分析和/或新聞。 EA 交易在策略測試器以及模擬帳戶和真實帳戶上的交易方式幾乎相同。 您可以交易任何資產(貨幣、金屬、加密貨幣、股票、指數等)。 EA 交易可用於中長期投資,也可用於超頻存款。 您可以安裝 EA 交易以在任何時間範圍的圖表上進行交易。可以在 Expert Advisor 的設定中更改關鍵參數,以便每個交易者都可以輕鬆地針對其經紀商、帳戶類型和存款優化和自訂顧
Sterling Wizard MT5
Wafadar Abbas Syed
Sterling Wizard MT5 Expert Advisor The   Sterling Wizard MT5   is a highly advanced Expert Advisor (EA) designed specifically for trading GBPUSD (British Pound/US Dollar) pair. Developed with years of rigorous backtesting and live testing across various market conditions, this EA offers a blend of intelligent trading strategies, risk management features, and user-customizable settings, making it ideal for both novice and professional traders. Key Features: Customizable Risk Management : Choose
Agix Pro MT5
Roman Kazhokin
5 (1)
AGIX Pro:高级黄金交易专家顾问 AGIX Pro 是终极黄金 (XAUUSD) 交易解决方案,旨在彻底改变您的贵金属交易体验。我们先进的专家顾问利用先进的技术,为整个黄金市场提供精确、高效和战略性交易。 销售开始促销价: 5 99 美元(仅限前 10 本)后续价格:699 美元    价格政策:价格根据销售的许可证数量上涨,以维持专家的独家性 独特的交易策略 AGIX Pro 通过三种先进的策略提供全面的黄金交易方法: 1.机构黄金追踪 利用顶级金融机构改进的先进量化交易算法。我们的银行研究策略实施了基于机器学习的复杂动量和均值回归算法,类似于高盛、摩根大通和桥水基金使用的算法。 该策略利用:机器学习预测模型和专有成交量加权动量指标。 该算法分析复杂的市场微观结构,发现传统交易方法经常忽略的黄金市场细微价格低效现象。通过模仿机构交易方法,EA 可以根据实时数据分析捕获并执行精确头寸。每个交易时段仅一个头寸可确保纪律严明且专注的交易,从而最大限度地降低风险,同时最大限度地提高潜在回报。 2. 技术指标驱动的交易 利用专为黄金交易而校准的先进技术指标驱动的强大系统。该策略结合 H
AwS Mt5
Marta Gonzalez
4 (1)
AwS Algorithm whit Stocastic:  It is a algorithm system  that uses the stocastic signal as a reference to enter the market.                     The system detects the important points and operates the trend o the pulback, you chosse the direction                                                        You can download the demo and test it yourself. Very stable growth curve as result of smart averaging techniques. "Safety first" approach in development. Stress-tests on historical data for    m
TropangFX v1 MT5
Jordanilo Sarili
PROMO: SPEND MORE TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY. ENJOY LIFE… DO NOTHING. We would like to share our coding skills to fellow traders and most especially to people from all walks of life to have the opportunity to trade or invest using auto-trading way to provide other source of income while letting the robot and your money works for you.  Recommendations: Timeframe:   H1   (Any Timeframe) Supported currency pairs:   EURUSD , EURCHF,   USDCAD, AUDCAD, EURAUD and many more... MT4 Version :   Here! Live
FundamentAI MT5
Andrey Barinov
4 (1)
FundamentAI: Where AI is used for trading. The way it is supposed to be used. Finally, the Expert Advisor which uses AI in the right way! FundamentAI combines sophisticated built-in trading strategy based on FUNDAMENTAL rules, with the cutting-edge technology of OpenAI’s ChatGPT which servers as additional entry filter. This isn’t just another empty claim — FundamentAI provides a genuine, fully integrated AI solution that analyzes market data, makes forecasts, and explains them to you in clear,
Grid Master is a highly customizable fully automated grid trading algorithm. It is designed to capture market volatility and convert it to profit. Wherever there is movement in the market, there is potentially money to be made Grid Master has a powerful trading potential and is easy to set up and use. It has a built-in information Trading Panel to show performance and statistics, News Filter and Trading Time Filter to protect your capital. How the advisor trades: First, you choose the direc
Vineski HFT Gold Scalper
Murad Nagiev
4.6 (5)
Vineski HFT Gold Scalper MT5 主要特点 超高速市场分析 机器人具备强大的算法引擎,能够迅速分析和解读市场数据,实现实时交易决策,并快速响应市场变化。 自动执行交易 机器人可以根据预设策略和标准自动执行交易,减少人为情绪干扰,提高订单执行的准确性。 低延迟与高吞吐量 高频交易需要尽可能减少延迟(建议使用VPS),并确保快速的数据访问和订单执行。机器人针对低延迟和高吞吐量进行了优化。 高级风险管理 机器人能够自动调整交易手数,并根据预设参数设置止损,有效控制风险。 多任务并行处理 机器人可同时运行多个交易策略和工具,适应不同市场环境,提高交易灵活性。 实时监控与反馈 用户可以实时监控机器人的表现,并分析交易结果。反馈机制和统计数据有助于优化策略和算法。 兼容多种市场和交易工具 机器人适用于多个金融市场,并支持不同交易工具,提高交易适应性。 使用 Vineski HFT Gold Scalper MT5 可帮助交易者自动化交易操作,降低风险,并在高速市场环境中提高交易效率。 安全稳定,低回撤,持续盈利 机器人具备高度安全性,资金回撤低,长期表现稳
Gecko EA MT5
Profalgo Limited
5 (1)
NEW PROMO: Only a few copies copies available at 349$ Next price: 449$ Make sure to check out our " Ultimate EA combo package " in our   promo blog ! Gecko runs a simple, yet very effective, proven strategy.  It looks for important recent support and resistance levels and will trade the breakouts.  This is a "real" trading system, which means it will use a SL to protect the account.  It also means it will not use any dangerous techniques like martingale, grid or averaging down. The EA shows its
Ksm mt5
Andriy Sydoruk
5 (1)
Ksm: Smart Solution for Automated Forex Trading Ksm is a tool designed for automating Forex trading, using modern methods of time-series data analysis to work with multiple currency pairs across different timeframes. Key Features and Benefits Multi-currency support : Ksm enables trading across multiple currency pairs, helping traders adapt their strategies to various market conditions. New currency pairs can be easily added. Time-series data analysis : Utilizing advanced algorithms, Ksm analyze
Ex Gold MT5 EA
Richard Kofi Anim Darko
After You download the EA kindly join our telegram group below..... https://t.me/aFXeas EX GOLD MT5 EA is a unique fully automated Expert Advisor which uses a combination of price action and indicators to find profitable entries on the market. It uses an average of standard deviation to follow the trend for additional entries hence taking advantage of the trend. Its unique but simple parameter makes it suitable for beginners and experienced traders. The EA was designed to trade Gold on the M1,
The Inside Bar e one is a reversal/continuation candle formation, and is one of the most traded candle patterns. Robot F1 allows you to configure different trading strategies, Day Trade or swing trade, based on the Inside Bar as a starting point.  This pattern only requires two candles to perform. Robot F1 uses this extremely efficient pattern to identify trading opportunities. To make operations more effective, it has indicators that can be configured according to your strategy. Among the o
EverGrowth Pro MT5
Canberk Dogan Denizli
如果您正在為未來的交易尋求一個務實的視角,請允許我介紹 EverGrowth。 您是否對使用成熟的專業 EA(包含大約 6800 行的廣泛代碼庫)進行交易活動的想法著迷? EverGrowth 擁有多種功能和指標,通過在真實市場條件下忠實地複制測試結果來優先考慮真實性。 它利用先進的功能,為交易者提供全面的工具集來增強他們的交易策略。 因此,EverGrowth 是終極 EA,適合在 M1 時間範圍內交易各種貨幣對。 目前,我們的活躍交易涉及美元加元和歐元兌美元貨幣對。 然而,隨著時間的推移,我們將修改這些貨幣對以適應市場,就像在變革的浪潮中衝浪一樣。 我們將根據 EA 的性能調整我們的方法,確保無縫適應。   請放心,我們的客戶服務體驗已經接近完美,因為我們 24/7 都會勤勉地監控我們的收件箱。 我們及時回複查詢和建議,保證最長 24 小時響應時間。 請允許我闡明許多交易者經常忽視的一個關鍵方面:優化。 女士們先生們,優化是關鍵! 交易模式的有效性可能會在一個月之間波動,具體取決於特定的貨幣對。 這一現實仍然是不可否認的。 如果我們的目標是維持盈利能力,我們就必須巧妙地駕馭市
Kabelo Frans Mampa
A classic buy low & sell high strategy. This Bot is specifically Designed to take advantage of the price movements of US30/Dow Jones on the 1 Hour Chart, as these Indices move based on supply and demand. The interaction between supply and demand in the US30 determines the price of the index. When demand for US30 is high, the price of the US30 will increase. Conversely, when the supply of shares is high and demand is low, the price of t US30  will decrease. Supply and demand analysis is used to i
Evgenii Kuznetsov
5 (3)
Multi-currency grid Expert Advisor, in most cases it receives quite accurate entries. If an entry is not accurate enough, the positions are managed using an elaborate martingale strategy. Work on real account:  http://tiny.cc/nkaqmz Entries are performed using the signals of RSI and Stochastic indicators, in the overbought/oversold areas, plus additional entry conditions based on a proprietary algorithm. Recommended timeframe - М15. Input parameters SetName - name of the current settings file Ma
This algorithm is based on the grid strategy and performs dynamic position management to make it work on netting accounts. Unlike other robots, this grid system bases its entries on profit over time of the asset instead of using pips. This parameter is the one that corresponds to "Average Distance".  You can trade all 28 major currencies simultaneously.  Parameters: +------------------------------------------------------------------+ :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:EXPERT SETTINGS:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: +---------------
This is a Hedge EA for Sideways Markets The market is sideways 80% of the time. This EA performs well during this phase and accepts stop-losses (SL) during periods of strong news and strong trends. The full-time backtest shows good results, but if you run it live and turn the EA on and off during critical periods, its efficiency will be even higher. Advantages: Take Profit (TP) for individual orders , which is highly beneficial for minimizing slippage. Trims orders to reduce risks when the mark
Starlight MT5
Profalgo Limited
5 (5)
當前促銷: 現在只需 349 美元! 最終價格:999$ 請務必在我們的促銷博客 中查看我們的“   Ultimate EA 組合包 ”   !   STARLIGHT 是一種非常先進的低風險夜間剝頭皮交易,與其他夜間剝頭皮交易相比,它使用獨特的入場算法。  它是利用多年的均值反向策略實時交易經驗開發的,並且只選擇了最好的貨幣對和技術來包含在這個 EA 中。 由於 EA 建立在多年來開發的現有技術之上,因此 EA 非常智能並具有許多智能功能。 重點放在盡可能限制風險和回撤。 推薦貨幣對:EURUSD;GBPUSD;AUDCAD;EURAUD;EURCAD;GBPAUD;GBPCAD;USDCAD;EURGBP;USDCHF;GBPCF;EURCHF;CHFJPY; 真實賬戶 A- 中等風險:   https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/1634109 真實賬戶 B - 低風險:    https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/1634025 主要特徵: 新聞過濾器 -> 在高影響新聞事件期間阻止交易 OneChartSetup -
Momo botbot  is an automated trading bot designed to maximize profit potential in Forex trading, specifically for the EUR/USD currency pair. The bot operates based on a smart combination of technical indicators and an advanced averaging strategy, with a focus on the 5-minute timeframe (M5). Key Advantages: Advanced Technology: Combines precise data from multiple technical indicators for accurate market analysis and optimal trade execution. Sophisticated Averaging Method: Enables smart risk manag
Duende MT5
Nestor Alejandro Chiariello
交易员您好! 我提出“杜安德”战略, Duende 是一种算法,可以检测不同高位和低位的模式,在这些模式中它们保持不变以进行良好的输入,恢复系统查询各种事物,例如盈亏平衡,并在同行之间交叉 它已被证明可以毫无问题地控制多种货币,并在市场中对新闻进行强大的控制 可以使用您需要的所有符号来管理它 我的策略针对“所有外汇市场”进行了优化,但也有最好的货币对 USDCAD、EURCAD、EURCHF、USDCHF、EURJPY”,与其他 RANGED 货币相比,它是最稳定的货币,您可以找到自己的方式来使用其他符号,但是 推荐使用我设计的 Duende 它有一个内置的系统来冒险 x 金额的余额,如果市场在任何时候变得不稳定它也有恢复 它也有我的智能算法系统,当它从我的内置秘密指标中检测到正确的预测时,TP 可以关闭一些头寸而不是其他头寸。 我的策略 EA 有实时历史 现场表演 如果您想要我的信号预设,请私下询问我的客户 https://www.mql5.com/en/users/aiotrading/seller 每次收购价格都会上涨,我们将以此来保护,这
Golden Pickaxe MT5
Valeriia Mishchenko
3.56 (9)
EA has high-performance live track records of different set files: XAU Risky Vol XAU Balanced Vol XAU Balanced MT4 version can be found here Golden Pickaxe is a mean-reversion grid trading system that uses machine learning technology to place high-profit potential trades on the Gold market. It uses real market inefficiencies to its advantage to have an edge over the market. The EA has 5 predefined set files, which are essentially 5 different trading systems on gold . You may choose the defaul
Exclusive EA for FOREX HEDGE account The EA (FuzzyLogicTrendEA) is based on fuzzy logic strategies based on the analysis of a set of 5 indicators and filters. Each indicator and filter has a weight in the calculation and, when the fuzzy logic result reaches the value defined in the EA parameter, a negotiation is opened seeking a pre-defined gain. As additional functions it is possible to define maximum spread, stop loss and so on . Recommended Symbol: EURUSD, AUDUSD, GBPUSD, NZDUSD, USDCAD, AUD
Mean Machine
William Brandon Autry
5 (38)
隆重推出 Stage 7.0 — AI交易技术的革命性突破 我很荣幸地宣布迄今为止最重要的更新:Stage 7.0。这个突破性的版本引入了AI Position Management(人工智能仓位管理),可以实时动态修改止盈(Take Profit)和止损(Stop Loss)水平,确保所有交易品种都能获得优先处理的最优仓位管理。 Stage 7.0采用了前沿的人工智能模型,包括DeepSeek R1和OpenAI的O3 mini,在多个推理层次上提供增强的决策能力。AI的决策过程已经完全重新设计,现在使用账户历史作为直接示例,实现更精确和更具情境意识的交易决策。 主要增强功能: AI仓位管理: 实时仓位调整,配备专门的AI提示,专注于利润优化和风险控制 先进的AI集成: DeepSeek R1和O3 mini模型提供低、中、高三种推理努力级别选项 流畅的使用体验: 重新设计的输入菜单流程,提供更好的用户交互 成本效益: 优化的API成本降低系统,适用于所有模式 增强显示: 改进的主显示界面,显示魔术编号和交易量大小,便于测试查看 Stage 7.0体现了我对提供流畅、高效和强大交易
Revert Edge
Levi Dane Benjamin
5 (1)
Revert Edge 是一种精心设计的算法,基于 7 年以上的实时交易经验。其核心重点是缓慢、稳定的账户增长,强调长期业绩,而不是不可持续的快速、短期收益。 EA 旨在交易多种货币,例如 AUDCAD、AUDNZD、AUDUSD、EURUSD、EURAUD 等! 它使用均值回归策略,并利用对某种反应敏感的价格水平,EA 会利用这些反应。 我设计的 EA 可以立即工作,无需设置文件。我个人使用它在受监管的经纪商 Darwinex 和 ICMarkets 上进行交易。 直播信号 EA Setup & Set Files 透明度 我出售我的工作系统只是为了增加我个人的实时账户资金,因为我不依赖自营公司。我知道 EA 的性能,我也很乐意等待有机增长,届时我可能会删除这个 EA。 但与此同时,无论是否有利息,我都会出售它。我的愿景是长期的(数年),这个系统就是为支持这一点而建立的。然而,它将为其他人提供一个拥有同样东西的绝佳机会。 为什么要恢复 Edge 与许多承诺将 250 美元变成 1,000,000 美元或利用人工智能、神经网络或机器学习等流行术语的 EA 不同,Revert Edg
Goldenity AI
Zuzanna Slawinska
2.56 (48)
经过多年手动交易黄金并密切关注其每一个波动,我终于决定将我的验证策略转化为自动化解决方案。我很幸运遇到了一位对市场充满热情的杰出程序员。从一开始的随意讨论交易,逐渐发展成了合作伙伴关系,最终促成了Goldenity的诞生——一个结合了我的交易经验和尖端机器学习技术的复杂AI系统。在过去的一年里,我们倾注了所有的心血到这个项目中,仔细测试并完善每一个细节,直到我们确信它能够精确复制我的手动交易风格。这不仅仅是另一个EA——它是无数小时研究黄金市场、理解其模式,并开发能够识别我多年来成功交易设置的AI算法的结晶。 核心交易策略 Goldenity的核心是一种复杂的价格行为交易与专为黄金定制的AI驱动市场分析的结合。EA通过监控H1时间框架的波动高点和低点识别关键市场结构,同时分析M15上的微观走势和H4上的更广泛趋势模式。AI神经网络在识别黄金市场中经常出现的高概率设置方面表现出色,例如亚洲市场突破、欧洲开盘波动模式和纽约市场趋势延续。我们的策略利用了黄金的独特特性——其清晰的支撑和阻力水平、对技术模式的敏感性,以及在不同市场时段的独特行为。AI系统经过多年黄金价格数据的训练,能够识别不
CyNera MT5
Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
3.49 (68)
CyNera:您的交易,我们的技术 信号 >400%:  CyNera 信号 >500%:   CyNera Turbo 手册和设置文件:购买后请联系我以获取手册和设置文件 价格: 价格根据售出的许可证数量上涨 可用副本: 4 交易黄金,市场上最波动的工具之一,需要精确的操作、深入的分析和强有力的风险管理。CyNera 专家顾问将这些要素无缝集成到一个复杂的系统中,专为优化黄金交易而设计。CyNera 的先进策略和技术旨在帮助经验丰富的交易员和新手应对黄金交易所带来的独特挑战和机遇。 有了 CyNera,您就拥有了一套可靠的解决方案,专门针对黄金市场的复杂性。它结合了自适应、智能策略以及多时间框架分析、自动交易调整和精确的风险管理等高级功能。正是这种适应性,使得 CyNera 成为一种多功能工具,能够应对快速的市场变化,同时确保您的资本在长期内得到保护。 符号 XAUUSD (黄金) 时间周期 M30   资本 最少 100 美元 经纪商 任何经纪商 账户类型 任何,较低点差优先 杠杆 从 1:20 起 VPS 首选,但不是必须,也可以使用 MQL VPS CyNera 的核心力
Big Forex Players MT5
Marzena Maria Szmit
4.79 (87)
We proudly present our cutting-edge robot, the  Big Forex Players EA  designed to maximize your trading potential, minimize emotional trading, and make smarter decisions powered by cutting-edge technology. The whole system in this EA took us many months to build, and then we spent a lot of time testing it. This unique EA includes three distinct strategies that can be used independently or in together. The robot receives the positions of the  biggest Banks  (positions are sent from our database t
Neon Trade MT5
Evgeniy Ilin
4.11 (9)
综合方法的精髓,其主要目标是为交易员实现长期和现实的收益,同时将风险降至最低。基础是结合了高级交易概念和机器学习,这两者能够有效地相互增强。另一个独特之处在于,系统无需进行优化,因为这个功能已经交给了我的服务器。最新的设置每天都会在我们的 Telegram 频道上发布,不断保持系统的高度相关性。 我们的 Telegram 社区 贸易监控 !!! MetaTrader 4 的版本 !!! MetaTrader 5 的免费(简化)版本  安装和操作指南 特别想强调一下, 为什么要买这个顾问? 很多人可能觉得免费版本几乎完全符合原版。但事实并非如此。免费版本只有演示功能,所有的设置都需要你自己选择,从我将定期为您发布的那些选择。静态设置很快就会过时。意思是,在付费版本中,你可以连接到不同的信号,选择你喜欢的。不久的将来这样的信号会越来越多。我会在有能力的时候增加它们。信号只不过是一种设置集,选择工作由我来完成。因此,通过这种方式,你完全摆脱了组建投资组合和更新它们的日常工作。选择一个已经准备好的投资组合(信号)或使用默认设置,其中包括我认为目前最稳定的投资组合。因此, 对你来说,使用 AP
The Gold Phoenix
William Brandon Autry
5 (5)
Gold Phoenix GPT - 金币对交易的终极AI工具 Gold Phoenix GPT 是一款专为黄金交易对设计的前沿交易工具,利用强大的突破策略,在 M1 时间框架内操作。基于先进的人工智能技术,包括 ChatGPT 和机器学习,它旨在帮助各级别的交易者在快速变化的黄金市场中取得成功。 仅剩3份,售价仅为1097美元!下一次售价将提升至1397美元—不要错过这个机会! 为什么选择 Gold Phoenix GPT? AI 驱动的突破策略: 利用实时的机器学习技术,为黄金对交易提供精确的进场和出场点。 可定制的风险管理: 使用完全可调的风险设置来保护您的交易。 集成的新闻过滤: 自动过滤重大事件,确保您的交易始终有据可依。 可选择的 GPT 模型: 从 4 个 ChatGPT 模型中选择最符合您交易风格的模型。 神经网络精准性: 使用多符号神经网络集成,提高预测准确性。 专注黄金交易: 专为精准交易优化,特别适用于黄金交易对,利用突破策略。 支持资金管理: 专为帮助交易者管理资金或资金账户设计的功能。 全天候支持: 随时为您提供专属支持。 核心功能 自动 GMT 检测: 自动
PrizmaL 270 in 1
Vladimir Lekhovitser
PrizmaL 270 in 1 EA 专业交易者的强大工具。 查看这篇博客文章以获取详细信息: 博客文章 该智能交易系统包含 270 种独特策略,覆盖 29 个交易货币对: AUDCAD, AUDCHF, AUDJPY, AUDNZD, AUDUSD, CADCHF, CADJPY, CHFJPY, EURAUD, EURCAD, EURCHF, EURGBP, EURJPY, EURNZD, EURUSD, GBPAUD, GBPCAD, GBPCHF, GBPJPY, GBPNZD, GBPUSD, NZDCAD, NZDCHF, NZDJPY, NZDUSD, USDCAD, USDCHF, USDJPY, XAUUSD。 独特的界面使您可以轻松选择各种设置,并无缝复制每个交易货币对的配置文件。 下载 设置文件导航器 和 用户手册。 PrizmaL_270_in_1_Ver_1-00_Package_1000.zip 策略优化时间范围:2020年1月1日 至 2025年2月1日(超过 5 年), 使用最精细、最详细的 “每个Tick” 模拟模式, 基于 IC Mar
Horus AI
Nestor Alejandro Chiariello
交易者您好,我根据我之前的几个策略,严格设计了这个工具,并以实际结果为基础,将其适应外汇市场,因此它适应了机器学习的人工智能,即AI会读取参数,然后参考我的策略,然后它会学习,以便条目具有更好的质量,它还有一个节点,您可以在其中恢复仓位,您会发现的另一个创新之处是,所有内容都将封装在一个虚拟方式,即不会有数据发送到止损、止盈等服务器,非常人性化的方式 Horus AI 拥有庞大的节点数据库,并与我的节点服务器连接,以继续存储有关市场结构和解构的更多信息,查阅我的特殊先知指标等。 这得益于其新的节点信息 API、指标和新闻,使其独一无二 重要提示:回测无法进行,因为 API 无法与回测一起使用,它只能在真实情况下工作,要查看性能,请查看真实信号 要真正工作,您必须将配置中的技术更改为基本! 2个主要的事情是我设计了extractFeatures和trainModel函数,这将负责设计蜡烛,破坏它的Slippage并学习它如何移动以适应Spread 需要说明的是,我的策略开发是我作为专业交易员多年来设计的,加入了人工智能的自适应来优化性能,使其变得更好。 应该高度注意的是,这是
Liquid Pours Xtreme EA 是一款基于流动性(Liquidity)模式并具备严格风险管理和灵活配置功能的智能交易系统(Expert Advisor)。与许多高风险EA不同,本EA 不使用马丁策略(Martingale)、不构建无限网格(Grid) ,且不允许超过2%风险,旨在保护资金并逐步实现稳定获利。 主要特性 流动性模式与可配置交易时段 根据用户定义的两个时间段(LiquidezHora1、LiquidezMin1 以及 LiquidezHora2、LiquidezMin2)捕捉价格行为。 在这些关键时段检测到流动性变化时,自动生成买入或卖出信号,而不是依赖“价格总会回来的”假设。 严格的风险管理(最高2%) EA会检查单笔交易的风险是否超过账户余额的2%。如果用户试图设置高于2%的风险,系统会报错并停止操作。 每笔交易都设置了止损(SL)和止盈(TP),避免无限制浮亏。 自动部分平仓与保本(Breakeven) 当盈利达到指定水平时,EA会执行部分平仓(例如,将50%或30%的仓位获利了结)。 市场走势达到一定条件后,会自动把止损移动到进场价(保本),以保障已获
NorthEastWay MT5
4.43 (7)
NorthEastWay MT5是一种完全自动化的“回撤”交易系统,在热门的“回撤”货币对交易中特别有效:AUDCAD、AUDNZD、NZDCAD。该系统在交易中使用了外汇市场的主要模式——价格在任何方向急剧波动后的回归。 时间框架:M15 基本货币对:AUDNZD、NZDCAD、AUDCAD 附加货币对:EURUSD、USDCAD、GBPUSD、EURCAD、EURGBP、GBPCAD 实时信号(不同设置): NEW2000 MT5 ICM FastWay MT5 Roboforex FastWay MT4 ICM NEW2000 MT4 Roboforex LittleeCrazyWay MT5 (新EA设置之一可能非常类似于LC EA,但不完全相同。) 购买EA后,务必私信我,我会将您添加到私人群组,发送设置文件和详细说明。 我愿意帮助每位买家安装和配置顾问。 如果您以前从未使用过EA,我会向您展示并教您如何使用。 EA设置: 您可以使用OneChartSetup(仅限M15时间框架)从单个图表运行所有货币对 该EA对点差、滑点或任何其他与经纪商相关的变量不敏感。 仅使用推荐
Waka Waka EA MT5
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.13 (40)
EA has a live track record with 4.5 years of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT4 version can be found here Waka Waka is the advanced grid system which already works on real accounts for years. Instead of fitting the system to reflect historical data (like most people do) it was designed to exploit existing market inefficiencies. Therefore it is not a simple "hit and miss" system which only survives by using grid. Instead it uses real market mechanics to its advantage to make p
Aura Black Edition MT5
Stanislav Tomilov
4.43 (35)
Aura Black Edition 是一款完全自动化的 EA,仅用于交易黄金。专家在 2011-2020 年期间在 XAUUSD 上表现出稳定的结果。没有使用危险的资金管理方法,没有马丁格尔,没有网格或剥头皮。适用于任何经纪商条件。使用多层感知器神经网络 (MLP) 训练的 EA 是一类前馈人工神经网络 (ANN)。术语 MLP 的使用含糊不清,有时松散地指任何前馈 ANN,有时严格指由多层感知器组成的网络(具有阈值激活)。多层感知器有时被通俗地称为“原始”神经网络,尤其是当它们只有一个隐藏层时。MLP 由至少三层节点组成:输入层、隐藏层和输出层。除了输入节点之外,每个节点都是使用非线性激活函数的神经元。MLP 利用一种称为反向传播的监督学习技术进行训练。多层结构和非线性激活使 MLP 与线性感知器区别开来。它可以区分非线性可分的数据。 此价格还剩 2 份,之后价格将上涨至 3000 美元 如何设定及参数说明 (阅读这里) 在此查看实时结果: https ://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2263480     信息 工作符号 XAUUSD 工作时间范围:D1
Nexus EA Forex MT5
Enrique Enguix
4.57 (14)
你还要看着市场夺走你的钱多少次? 不知道你怎么样,但大多数交易者有一个共同点: 赚一点钱,很兴奋,然后在糟糕的一天全赔光。 原因总是一样:使用平庸的工具,并相信运气能拯救他们。 听起来熟悉吗?那么请仔细听,因为这可能会刺痛你: 市场不会奖励幻想家。 如果你像新手一样交易,你就会像新手一样赔钱。 想改变这一切吗?这里有你需要的唯一解决方案: NEXUS 。 NEXUS不是一个神奇的顾问。它不会卖梦想,也不会在你睡觉时让你的账户翻倍。 它是为一个目标设计的武器:防止市场吞噬你。 止损? 没必要。NEXUS不会玩基础保护的游戏。 要有大局观,并聪明地行动:降低风险,现实地平衡损失,因为这是专业交易者的做法。 是什么让NEXUS与众不同? 市场变化时它不会崩溃。 波动性高?NEXUS会适应。平静?NEXUS知道。 像大师一样分散投资。 不押注在一匹马上。使用NEXUS,你的风险会合理分散。 用逻辑和策略弥补损失。 没有"补丁"式的止损。这里的交易被设计成团队协作,因为好的EA知道什么时候接受损失,什么时候盈利。 现在重要的问题是:它适合你吗? 我会直接告诉你: 如果你在寻找便宜又简单的
Robot autotrading forex yang bekerja secara full otomatis menggunakan Strategi Scalping yang sangat profitable.Tidak menggunakan metode strategi yang berbahaya dalam trading yang menyebabkan hilangnya seluruh Deposit secara tajam seperti Hedging, Martingale, Grid, Arbitrage, dll. Kelebihan RainScalper adalah memiliki status Live Development yang berkesinambungan dalam jangka panjang berbeda dengan robot lain yang sering berganti nama ketika terjadi crash/mc; serta memiliki kemampuan multi-strate
信号账户 (运行0.75%余额风险) 注意:由于众多请求,我决定进行25%的折扣促销。购买或租赁均可在此期间享受折扣。促销期将持续1-2周,之后价格将恢复至$2400。如果在此期间购买市场周期,还可以在Nexus比特币剥头皮EA和Nexus指数上获得25%的折扣,创建一个非常好的多样化投资组合。 通过私信联系我,可享受所有EA购买10%的特别折扣。 如果需要MT4版本或无法负担租赁/购买费用,请联系我寻求替代方案。 加入Nexus社区公开聊天 MQL5市场中最佳的非马丁格尔、网格或平均EA。 此算法自2020年以来已经在私人账户上实时运行超过3.5年,返回超过26,000点的收益,具有出色的风险稳定性。现在升级到MT5平台,增加了市场状态识别和额外的指标过滤。 该算法利用基于零售交易者情绪和9种不同指标的专有AI模型来识别和预测相关的市场周期,包括MACD、平滑移动平均线、RSI、TDI、ADX及一些不常见的指标,以在趋势期间找到最佳入场点。 这些数据已经收集多年并输入AI引擎,以学习零售交易者的模式并持续与之对抗交易。 此EA是 Nexus 投资组合的一部分——MQL5市场中最长期稳
Evgeniy Zhdan
The algorithm of the adviser calculates zones of consolidation of the price and the most tentative variants of price movements. Due to the unique method of determining candlestick patterns in the near past, a trade expert adapts to changing market conditions with minimal delay. This allows you to trust the adviser to work offline for quite a long time without the need for frequent monitoring. The Expert Advisor was developed in the conditions of "floating" delay in the execution of trade order
Undefeated Triangle MT5
Nauris Zukas
4.2 (10)
描述。 该产品是作为“ PULSE_OF_MARKET ”项目的一部分创建的。 EA“Undefeated Triangle”是一个先进的系统,利用澳元、加元和新西兰元货币之间的独特波动。历史结果表明,组合中使用的这些对总是在向一个方向快速移动后返回第一个移动的对。这种观察可以允许包含一个网格-鞅系统,该系统可以获得这些独特情况的最大点数。 EA“不败三角”仅使用 3 对:AUDCAD、AUDNZD 和 NZDCAD。 MT4 version 好处。 真实账户监控 ; 比类似的替代品便宜得多; 操作迷你账户甚至 1 美元; 没有复杂的针参数; 便于使用。 参数。 Short Name (In Comment Section) – 出现在评论部分的日记或帐户历史中;  Print Logs On Chart - 开/关信息面板;  Display Options – 允许调整 4K 显示分辨率;  One Chart Setup Pairs – 选定的交易对列表(必须更改后缀);  Magic - 交易头寸标识符;  No more Initial Trades (onl
Hermes EA
Aleksandr Chebotaev
5 (1)
Hello, my name is Alexander. I would like to introduce you to my new development, Hermes EA. The advisor is synthesis of two strategies: breakthrough strategy and level strategy. The EA doesn't use any indicators. The EA works well on EURUSD  pair. The advisor has shown stable performance for more than 20 years. It does not use dangerous trading methods such as martingale, etc. All transactions are protected by take profit and stop loss. I tried to make the advisor as easy to install as possible
Tokyo Pip Hunter
Dinh Manh Bui
3.5 (2)
这是一个先进的交易机器人,我们在美元/日元货币对上经过仔细开发和测试,专门为基金交易设计,风险管理控制在最低水平。通过严格的回测和优化 Tokyo Pip Hunter 是按照日间交易方法创建的,因此每天的交易次数范围为 1 到 3 笔交易。风险:收益(RR)为 1:3,这为交易者提供了舒适的体验。这个 EA 的目标是长期的,因此您需要至少观察 3 个月,然后再做出评估。 为了满足市场上所有交易者,我们不根据手数下单,而是根据交易者在交易达到止损时愿意亏损的金额(以美元计算)进行下单。这个金额取决于交易者及其资本,但为了安全起见,我们建议亏损金额(slMoney)控制在 1% 到 5% 之间。在我们的研究和回测中,我们发现从 2024 年初到 2024 年 9 月的最长连败纪录为 8,而连胜纪录达到 20,这意味着如果您将 slMoney 设置为账户的 1%,最大回撤将仅为 8%。 如果 pushNotification 变量设置为 true,则在发生崩溃或每次 EA 进入指令时,都会向您的移动设备发送推送通知。 此外,Tokyo Pip Hunter 是基于时间框架因素进行分析的,因
Indra Maulana
44% off for 48 hours only (Original price: $2,595) 50% bonus by purchasing this Robot, Contact us "after purchase" to receive the bonus A fully automatic expert Designed and produced 100% by artificial intelligence, with the world's most advanced technology All trades have profit and loss limits, with the best and least risky market strategy, without using dangerous strategies such as Martingale and hedges, etc. A specialist who has been trained by artificial intelligence for years to correctly
BTC Scalper AI EA MT5
Ankitbhai Radadiya
BTC Scalper AI EA MT5   is a next-generation scalping robot developed by a highly experienced team in trading and coding. It is designed for scalping on one of the most popular crypto pair   BTCUSD . Unlock the power of automated trading with this advanced   BTC Scalper EA specifically designed for the   BTCUSD   pair. Whether you're trading on the 1-minute or 4-hour chart, this bot adapts to any timeframe, making it a versatile tool for traders of all styles. This strategy has undergone extensi
Perceptrader AI MT5
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.6 (5)
EA has a live track record with 48 month of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT4 version can be found here Perceptrader AI is a cutting-edge grid trading system that leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence, utilizing Deep Learning algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to analyze large amounts of market data at high speed and detect high-potential trading opportunities to exploit. Supported currency pairs: NZDUSD, USDCAD, AUDNZD, AUDCAD, NZDCAD, GBPCHF Timefram
Vadym Zhukovskyi
5 (5)
ScalpAuT - a scalping timing bot Today we want to introduce the indispensable ScalpAuT assistant. This is an Expert Advisor that works on any financial pair according to the timings (time levels) of the VIST system. It took us a long time to decide whether to release an expert or not. Many people are looking for the Grail. They only dream of doing nothing, but earning millions of money. Dreaming is always good. But our advisor is definitely not for such people. Our Expert Advisor is designed for
Nissar Ahmed
Key Features Strategy Core EMA Crossover System : Fast EMA (default: 20) and Slow EMA (default: 50) Generates buy signals when Fast EMA crosses above Slow EMA. Generates sell signals when Fast EMA crosses below Slow EMA. Fibonacci Filter : Calculates Fibonacci retrenchment levels (23.6%, 38.2%, 50%, 61.8%, 78.6%) based on recent price swings. Requires price to be near a Fibonacci level (configurable threshold) to validate trades. Risk Management Position Sizing : Dynamically calculates lot size
Arman Belassarov
AriMax – AI智能交易机器人 AriMax是一款创新的AI智能交易机器人, 旨在帮助交易者最大化利润并降低风险。 借助先进的机器学习算法和实时市场分析,AriMax能够精准、 高效地识别高概率的交易机会。 核心特点:   AI驱动的市场分析 – 通过分析市场趋势和模式,做出数据驱动的交易决策。   自动交易执行 – 精准把握进场和出场时机,自动执行交易。   风险管理 – 采用止损和风险控制策略,保障资金安全。   多资产支持 – 适用于股票、外汇、加密货币和期货市场。   用户友好界面 – 适合初学者和专业交易者使用。 AriMax通过智能自动化帮助交易者领先市场, 避免情绪化决策,提供战略性优势。无论是日内交易还是长期投资, AriMax都能让您的交易更加智能、高效和精准。 立即开启AriMax AI交易新时代!
The Candle MT5
How Si Xiang
3 (2)
LAST COPY LEFT AND THE CANDLE WILL BE REMOVED FROM MQL5 MARKETPLACE! THE CANDLE   -- is a multicurrency strategy that I have spent the past few months "perfecting" it. When I say perfecting -- I didn't mean in the way where I tweak the strategy so it fits into the data I have, that when I run backtests with the strategy it gives me favorable results but, more of adding new risk management measures so that the strategy can recover losing positions effectively. Nor did I add manual positions at a
Ai God EA MT5
Indra Maulana
44% off for 48 hours only (Original price: $2,395) 50% bonus by purchasing this Robot, Contact us "after purchase" to receive the bonus A fully automatic expert Designed and produced 100% by artificial intelligence, with the world's most advanced technology All trades have profit and loss limits, with the best and least risky market strategy, without using dangerous strategies such as Martingale and hedges, etc. A specialist who has been trained by artificial intelligence for years to correctly
Ultimate Bot
Mr James Daniel Coe
4.6 (15)
9 名顾问,1 名顾问的价格 您需要购买的最后一个机器人。 Ultimate Bot 是一个多策略智能交易系统 ,交易 XAUUSD、GBPUSD、AUDCAD、USDCAD、EURGBP、EURUSD、GBPJPY、USDJPY 和 EURJPY,结合使用趋势跟踪、均值回归和突破模式。每个策略都以账户净值进行交易,因此如果一组处于亏损状态,其他组会降低风险,共同优化业绩。只需连接到 AUDCAD M15 的一次图表设置,其他货币对将自动交易。易于使用,具有强大的多元化功能。 低风险个人账户 (Pepperstone UK): 链接 涡轮增压复合电位 使用 9 合 1 成熟的策略将风险降至最低,每个策略都独立地具有独立的 EA。 无与伦比的多功能性和多样化。 市场上几乎所有其他机器人都只使用一对和一种策略。 主要资产的不相关策略。 回测 䵗 AUDCAD M15 (单图表设置) 交易对(按频率) 黄金兑美元 |英镑兑美元 |澳元加元 |美元兑加元 |欧元英镑 |欧元兑美元 |英镑兑日元 |美元兑日元 |欧元兑日元 最低/最高建议存款 200 美元 / 500,000 美
Golden Taipan FX
Michael Prescott Burney
3.27 (15)
Golden Taipan FX is a fully automated trading system for XAUUSD on the H1 chart, designed to provide structured trade execution and adaptive market engagement. It incorporates configurable risk management tools such as fixed or dynamic lot sizing, break-even triggers, trailing stops, and spread/equity filters, along with an optional daily trade window. The system utilizes walk-forward optimization to adapt to changing market conditions, ensuring continuous strategy refinement. By integrating co
Trend Star
Ivan Simonika
5 (1)
The indicator ignores sharp fluctuations and market noise and tracks market trends with absolute reliability. It is suitable for trading on small timeframes and on large ones, it ignores sudden price spikes or price movement corrections due to the reduction of market noise around the average price value. For calculations, the indicator uses indicators: iLow, iHigh, iMA, iATR. Since the output signal relies on reliable indicators, it is also reliable. You can configure both a sound signal and se
Ivan Simonika
Introducing the trend indicator! Ready trading system. The principle of the indicator is to automatically determine the current state of the market when placed on a chart. The indicator analyzes market dynamics for pivot points. Shows the favorable moments of entering the market with stripes. Can be used as a channel indicator or level indicator! This indicator allows you to analyze historical data, and on their basis display instructions to the trader on further actions. To find out how to dete
Ivan Simonika
The indicator monitors the market trend with very high reliability. Sharp price fluctuations, as well as noise around averaged prices, are ignored. All intersection points will be ideal points at which the direction of the trend changes. Signal points, places where color changes, can be used as points of potential market reversal. This development can be used both for long-term trading, and for piping on small periods. The indiuctor algorithm implements a kind of technical analysis based on the
Ivan Simonika
This indicator will provide you with everything you need in order to overcome losses due to human emotions. The indicator determines the moments of a trend reversal and the direction of its movements. This development is equipped with the most modern, adaptable trading algorithms. The main secret of short-term trading is to have information on when to enter a deal. The indicator works great on all timeframes and informs the trader about the most successful moments of buying or selling a currency
Ivan Simonika
It can be used as an independent trading system. It is based on the idea that some currency pairs follow one another. The indicator allows you to simultaneously display several other charts on the chart of one currency pair, which allows you to anticipate some movements and fairly accurately determine the beginning of trends. The principle of trading according to indicator signals is also simple: you need to sell a currency pair whose chart is higher, and buy the lower one.
Ivan Simonika
This indicator gives signals about a trend change, shows successful signals. High probability of a successful trend, it can be used with an optimal risk to profit ratio. The indicator does not redraw and is not late; it can be used both for piping on small periods and for long-term trading. The indicator algorithm works using open prices, and you can work with a zero bar. It works on all currency pairs and on all timeframes.
Ivan Simonika
This indicator will provide you with everything you need in order to overcome losses due to human emotions. The indicator determines the moments of a trend reversal and the direction of its movements. This development is equipped with the most modern, adaptable trading algorithms. The main secret of short-term trading is to have information on when to enter a deal. The indicator works great on all timeframes and informs the trader about the most successful moments of buying or selling a currency
Turbo Pro
Ivan Simonika
Turbo Pro - Advisor uses a number of indicators to search for signals for entry. It works in fully automatic mode! Use default settings. Unlike alternative developments, this bot can simultaneously trade on both buy and sell. This is a significant advantage in real work because it makes it possible to achieve significantly better results due to increased capitalization. The bot works like a scalpel with sharp price movements, or uses series closures by averaging the overall position. Turbo Pro
Standard Trend
Ivan Simonika
This is a convenient tool if you are used to trading on a clean chart, but sometimes you need to look at this indicator. If you are not sure how to determine the inflection point of a trend and are concerned about how to draw trend lines, then this indicator is for you. From now on, you do not need to sit near the computer and analyze the price, use this indicator carefully.
Ivan Simonika
This is a hybrid trend indicator, as it is based on the signals of elementary indicators and a special algorithm for analysis. The smart algorithm of the indicator determines the trend, filters out market noise and generates input signals. The indicator uses a color alarm: blue - when changing from descending to ascending, and red - on the contrary, to descending. You can use the indicator as the main indicator for determining the trend. The indicator can work both for entry points and as a filt
Special Volume
Ivan Simonika
Special Volume - Volume indicator, in the Forex market volumes are peculiar (teak). Why is Forex not possible to track normal volumes? The fact is that it is an OTC market. Therefore, it is practically not realistic to calculate the volume of purchases and sales by one instrument. Many Forex traders completely abandon volume indicators in their work. But for those who want to use them, there are some interesting tools, and one of them is Special Volume. The Special Volume indicator shows the ave
Direction Trend indicator. Shows the direction of the current trend. Colors bars in red and blue. It works on all currency pairs and on all timeframes. Do not forget that the approach should be comprehensive, indicator signals require additional information to enter the market. The principle of the indicator is that when placed on a chart, it automatically determines the current state of the market, analyzes historical data, based on historical data.
Special Trend
Ivan Simonika
This indicator is a professional indicator for Forex trading. Shows points for entering the market, points of potential market reversal. Uses one parameter for settings. Ready trading system. The indicator combines several progressive algorithms. Combined systems for analyzing historical data are projected onto lines in the form of straight lines connecting extremes. That is the pivot point of the market. These extremes or pivot points of the market can be used as line levels! Which is very conv
Trend Step
Ivan Simonika
A trend indicator, and not the first view, is a regular indicator, but it can be used with an optimal risk coefficient. The principle of work is simple - the indicator shows the moments for entering the market with arrows, which is very easily perceived visually. It is recommended to use an oscillator with an additional indicator, for example, standard RSI. You need to respond to level 50. Or use some other confirmation system. The indicator can be used both for piping for small periods and f
Turbo Fix
Ivan Simonika
Turbo Fix - the adviser uses a number of indicators to search for signals to enter. It works in fully automatic mode! Use default settings. Unlike alternative developments, this bot can simultaneously trade on both buy and sell. This is a significant advantage in real work because it makes it possible to achieve significantly better results due to increased capitalization. The bot works like a scalpel with sharp price movements, or uses series closures by averaging the overall position. Turbo F
Pred Trend
Ivan Simonika
The indicator shows the direction of the trend, signaling this using pivot points. It can be used with an optimal risk ratio. The arrows indicate favorable moments and directions for entering the market. Uses one parameter to adjust (adjust from 1 to 3). It works on all currency pairs and on all timeframes. The indicator can be used both for piping for small periods and for long-term trading. It works on all currency pairs and on all timeframes. When using, it is recommended to look at an addi
Ivan Simonika
5 (1)
Introducing the HighScalpel scalping system. It is enough to optimize once, for example, per month. After that, he shows excellent results on the forward period (several times larger), which can be seen in the screenshots. Be attentive to the spread indicators of your broker! The higher the spread, the less often the market entries. If the spread is above 20 pips, then the number of inputs falls by two orders of magnitude. It is ideal to use a broker with a floating spread of 6 pips. Such bro
Revers Line
Ivan Simonika
The Revers Line signals a change in the angle of the moving average, the LevelZero parameter sets the circle of the zero point, there are limits from -LevelZero to LevelZero including those that will be considered a zero point, this can be indicated in red on histograms.   Options:   LevelZero - zero point [-LevelZero, LevelZero];   Length - length of the moving average;   Start - the starting point for calculating the angle;   End - the end point for calculating the angle;   MetodMA - averagin
Ivan Simonika
We present to you a fully automated Expert Advisor designed for trading major currency pairs. The bot uses a set of its own trading algorithms and has protection against crashes. Attention! The bot only works correctly when the spread is less than 6 pips! I ask you to weigh this fact, and if you do not have the appropriate conditions for trading, this bot will not work for you! The robot controls the volume of trading positions, slippage, spread, maintains and protects open orders, can work wit
Trend Advanced
Ivan Simonika
A new trend determination algorithm has been developed for this indicator. The algorithm with acceptable accuracy generates input signals and output levels. Strategy for trend trading, filtering and all the necessary functions built into one tool! The principle of the indicator’s operation is to automatically determine the current state of the market when placing it on a chart, analyze historical data based on historical data and display instructions for further actions on the screen to the trad
X Forex
Ivan Simonika
This development is a scalping system. The bot shows excellent results, which can be seen in the screenshots. You can shamelessly start the protest and bot with such a rite, self-confidently chucking in yogo abilities. The bot can be tested on high currency pairs and high periods. In order to install the test tester so it is indicated on the screenshots, for correct test. You need to trade on timeframes M1-M15. An expert created to trade on any instrument. It is preferable to test the adviser w
Traders can use the Trends Histogram indicator to identify potential areas of profit taking in the next section of an uptrend or downtrend. So it is for direct entry into the market. The indicator is used in the same way as any of these indicators individually or in combination with other indicators. This indicator shows an uptrend and a downtrend (green histogram). Only one input parameter is available: Length. It affects the scale of indicator price coverage. Installed input parameters can
Forex Go
Ivan Simonika
This development is a scalping system. The Forex Go bot shows excellent results, which can be seen in the screenshots. You can shamelessly start the protest and the bot with such a rite, self-confidently churning in your abilities. The bot can be tested on high currency pairs and high periods. In order to install the test tester so it is indicated on the screenshots, for correct test. You need to trade on timeframes M1-M15. Expert Advisor is designed to trade on any instrument. It is preferable
Stable Pulse
Ivan Simonika
The work of the Stable Pulse bot is displayed in the form of several key mmoments, which can be seen in the screenshots. This development is a scalping system. You can download and test the bot for free this way by yourself making sure of its capabilities. The bot can be tested on different currency pairs and different periods. The main thing is to set the tester settings as shown in the screenshot, for correct testing. You need to trade on timeframes M1-M15. Expert Advisor is designed to trade
Universal scalper with averaged algorithm to exit the drawdown. The Protected Article advisor uses an author's scalping strategy. More than a year of work on a demo and on real accounts. The adviser will be a good assistant when scalping, trading on the news, as well as when opening many transactions on different currency pairs. It must be run on the chart of each pair that you want to trade. The parameters of the adviser are clear and easy to configure. Advisor Goal Scalping results in small
Trend Agile
Ivan Simonika
The Trend Agil e indicator tracks the market trend with very high reliability. Sharp price fluctuations, as well as noise around averaged prices, are ignored. All intersection points will be ideal points at which the direction of the trend changes. Signal points, places where color changes, can be used as points of potential market reversal. This development can be used both for long-term trading, and for piping on small periods. The indiuctor algorithm implements a variety of technical analysis
Balanced Bot
Ivan Simonika
Balanced Bot - the adviser uses a number of indicators to search for signals for entry. It works in fully automatic mode! Use default settings. Unlike alternative developments, this bot can simultaneously trade on both buy and sell. This is a significant advantage in real work because it makes it possible to achieve significantly better results due to increased capitalization. The bot works like a scalpel with sharp price movements, or uses series closures by averaging the overall position. Tur
Action Points
Ivan Simonika
This indicator gives signals about a trend change, shows successful signals. High probability of a successful trend, it can be used with an optimal risk to profit ratio. The indicator does not redraw and does not lag, it can be used both for pipsing in small periods and for long-term trading. The indicator algorithm works using open prices, and you can work with a zero bar. It works on all currency pairs and on all timeframes.
Ivan Simonika
Introducing the trend indicator! Ready trading system. The principle of the indicator is to automatically determine the current state of the market when placed on a chart. The indicator analyzes market dynamics for pivot points. Shows the favorable moments of entering the market in stripes. It can be used as a channel indicator or level indicator! This indicator allows you to analyze historical data, and on their basis display instructions to the trader on further actions. To find out how to det
Analyst Bot
Ivan Simonika
Analyst Bot - the adviser uses many moving average indicators to search for signals to enter. Works in fully automatic mode! You do not need any settings, you can use the default settings. The bot passes the historical gap for the 19-year period from 2000 to 2019. Unlike alternative developments, this bot can simultaneously trade both on buy and on sell. That is, it has two independent systems of analysis. This is a significant advantage in real life because it gives the opportunity to achieve