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Trade Manager MT4 KING

Ultimate MT4 Trade Manager help you to enter multiple (1-10) trades quickly from your pc or android.

Trade Manager make trading safe.

Precise and efficient placement tool that make it easy and fast to enter trades. Trade Manager will manage your

trade from start to finish. No more entering sl or tp from your android, trade from work with automatic predefined

sl and tp.


-Every trade will have a stop loss and take profit as defined in the ea.

-Breakeven after first tp

-Trailing sl from tp to tp

-execution of trades is very fast


1.choose currency to use ea on. (can use on as many as you like)

2.set how many trades to open. (1-10)

3.set tp for every trade.

4.set sl for trades. (1 for all)

5.enable breakeven (shift sl to entry when tp1 reach)

6.trailing enabled (when tp2 reach sl shift to tp1, when tp3 reach sl shift to tp2)



2.3 trades





使用革命性的交易时间管理器轻松控制您的交易程序。这个强大的工具可以在指定时间自动执行订单,从而改变您的交易方式。 为不同的交易行为(从购买到设置订单)制定个性化任务列表,所有这些都无需人工干预。 交易时间管理器安装和输入指南 如果您想获取有关 EA 的通知,请将我们的 URL 添加到 MT4/MT5 终端(参见屏幕截图)。 MT4版本     https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/103716 MT5版本     https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/103715 告别人工监控,拥抱精简效率。直观的界面允许您设置精确的参数,包括交易品种、执行时间、价格、止损 (SL)、止盈 (TP) 点和手数大小。 该工具的灵活性通过与市场行为相匹配的适应性重复选项来凸显。通过视觉主题个性化您的体验,并减少长时间交易期间的眼睛疲劳。 摆脱手动交易程序,拥抱“交易时间管理器”的强大功能。提高交易的准确性、组织性和自由度。简化您的日常工作并重新体验交易。 主要特点: 自动订单执行:按指定时间间隔无缝自动执行订单,从而节省您的
This tool working You can buy or sell from the button of this tool, the lot size can be filled manually, as for the close all buy button to end all buy positions, close all sell button to end all sell positions, Close All profit button to end  All  profit position, Close All Loss button to end all loss position, Delete Pending button to delete all Pending order, close all orders to end all orders. The variable, you can use close all percent for close all orders when profit in percent, if close
「Binary Lab Simulator」是一个用于练习和验证交易策略的工具。 该工具全天候运行,包括周末和非交易时间,并支持多种到期时间,如30秒、1分钟和3分钟,创建类似真实交易的环境。 它兼容外部工具以分析进入结果。 可以轻松保存多个模板,从在线环境无缝测试到模拟器。 「Binary Lab Simulator」可以单独使用,但与「SpeedManager」、「Practice Simulator Sync」和「ArwByIdx」结合使用时功能更强大。 「SpeedManager」在指定的进入点自动停止 「Practice Simulator Sync」允许同步不同时间框架和货币对的图表 「ArwByIdx」与外部指标和信号工具集成,自动关联进入点 与Signal Tool结合使用时,它可以在指定的交易次数后进行进入、关闭或自动停止。 您还可以跟踪连续的赢/输次数或保存交易结果的图像。 该工具提供了一个真实的训练环境。 优点: 周末和节假日的操作 可调节的交易到期时间 高效练习的速度调整 不同时间框架和货币对的同步 与其他指标的兼容性 与信号工具协调的进入 输出结果图像的能力
Every trader is watching over his account over and over.... trying to anlayse every system he or she has. With this tool you are able to  export your complete history of every account export withdrawls / deposits / rebates to a separate file export account status with balance / equity / current drawdown recalculate micro to standard lots / profits ...  export decimal by "." or ","  combine a series of Magic Numbers to one unique Magic Number   filter to ignore OrderComments.
Mongol Indicator2
Sumiyabazar Buyanjargal
It's a variation of mid of HH and LL since it compares the higher of HH or LL against a period and twice the number of bars back to avoid whipsaws. I used to display this against lines on a chart, but made a histogram out of it and it looks interesting. It looks good at gauging trend strength and general turns (see image below). The name of the indicator is BAM, which is an acronym for "Below and Above Mid". Ways to use it: 1. To see general trend on longer TFs (more than 30 bars back).
Telegram Forwarder can forward all activities related to trades and position taking as a signal to Telegram messenger. It can also forward indicators' alert to Telegram if you modify indicator code (I can do it for you too) to hand over alerts to Telegram Forwarder. This EA is intended for business and professional usage. You can introduce your own Telegram bot and customize water mark in screenshots. Telegram forwarder is able to forward signals for "new order", "modification of order", "Pendin
Partial Close MT4
Ahmed Alaoui Chrifi
This is a very simple, and easy-to-use Trade Manager with features like   Auto Partial Close, Auto Stop-loss, Breakeven. EA  closes a profitable position in partial closes when the price moves first in the direction of profits, and then comes back. EA monitors the position. If the price moves in the direction of profits, then ea establish the first level of rollback price at a distance. If the price continues to move in the direction of profits, this level of profit continues modifying this lev
AW Metatrader to Telegram
AW Trading Software Limited
用于发送通知的自动化系统,这样您的订阅者就不会错过您交易终端上的交易事件。一种实用程序,可向 Telegram Messenger 发送有关您账户上任何交易操作的通知。 将实用程序连接到 Telegram ->   HERE   / MT5 ->   HERE 中的频道的分步说明 优点: 简单的设置和详细的说明, 可以发送可调整的屏幕截图, 使用表情符号可定制的通知文本, 调整有关开仓、全部或部分平仓以及订单修改的通知, 默认发送通知时,会自动下载文本文件, 调整有关放置或删除挂单的通知, 通过符号和幻数方便地过滤。 输入变量: TELEGRAM BOT AND CHAT SETTINGS Telegram bot token - Enter the token number received after registering the bot in "BotFather" Telegram Chat ID - Enter the identification number received from "userinfobot" SETTING TRIGGERS SETTINGS
Quantized Trend
Oleg Pechenezhskiy
This utility automatically draws the trend channel on the price chart. For the time interval from the specified date to the current bar, the drawn channel is almost optimal. Placing the beginning of the channel at a more distant historical price extremum, you get a visualization of a longer-term trend. Channel slope is not a continuous value, but takes one of discrete values (in AxB format, where A is the number of price points (points), and B is the number of timeframes). This program works ONL
A bot for trading in binary options for mql4. He can do send message in mobile of phone. He can do work in several long time-frame. He can modify main analize. He do displey panel of the bot and modify her you can. He have do display of tick grafic in 15 min and more(time of timeframe). He can modify a small main analize. He can modify a dimension of smal main analize. He can modify the advanced  analize. He can modify a small advanced analize. He can modify a dimension of smal advanc
RedFox Copier Pro
Rui Manh Tien
4.73 (11)
Time saving and fast execution Whether you’re traveling or sleeping, always know that Telegram To Mt4 performs the trades for you. In other words, Our   Telegram MT4 Signal Trader  will analyze the trading signals you receive on your selected Telegram channels and execute them to your Telegram to MT4 account. Reduce The Risk Telegram To Mt4   defines the whole experience of copying signals from   Telegram signal copier to mt4 platforms. Users not only can follow all instructions from the signa
MT4 To Telegram Signal Pro MT4 To Telegram Signal Pro allows you to broadcast your trades to a Telegram Channel or Group. Can be used to build, support and expand your own network of traders. A Group can have 200.000 members, A Channel can have an unlimited number of subscribers. The messages are send to Telegram in HTML5 format, which is the preferred language. Ability to broadcast newly opened trades, trades that were closed, and sending out status reports on set intervals. This EA also has
Telebot4 to Telegram
Kwuemeka Kingsle Anyanwu
###   TeleBot4 - Trade Copier from MT4 to Telegram [MANUAL] TeleBot4 is an innovative MQL4 program designed to seamlessly bridge your MetaTrader 4 trading experience with Telegram. This powerful tool allows traders to send real-time trade notifications directly to their Telegram channels and groups, ensuring they never miss an important market move. **Key Features:** - **Real-Time Trade Alerts:** Instantly receive notifications for every trade executed on your MT4 account, including order op
This indicator allows you to monitor the vitals of your account and notifies of some events, in accordance with user settings. Keep your finger on the pulse of trading. Control elements Main panel of the indicator shows the following values: chart symbol, bid/ask prices, spread, free margin, equity, total number of orders and total profit/loss. There are also two buttons: "Alarm" and "Mute". "Alarm" button starts up a timer, which will notify user in a period of time, defined in the settings. I
Trade Board MT4
Ashkan Hazegh Nikrou
产品描述 Trade Board MT4 简介 Trade Board MT4 是一个全面且先进的交易管理助手,专为 MetaTrader 4 设计。这款付费版本解锁了所有功能,提供了一个完整的工具套件,以优化和提升您的交易体验。有了 Trade Board MT4,交易者可以以前所未有的效率开立、关闭和管理他们的交易。该软件具有一个优雅的垂直仪表盘,位于图表的右侧,以避免遮挡蜡烛图模式和图表移动的视图。 加入 MQL5 社区中的 Koala Trading Solution 频道,随时了解所有 Koala 产品的最新消息。加入链接: Koala Trading Solution Channel 功能 垂直仪表盘 :设计为尽量减少对图表的干扰,包含红色、绿色和蓝色线条,用户只需单击相应的垂直条,即可轻松设置止损、止盈和入场线。 灵活的交易管理 :用户可以根据美元风险和止损大小,使用自动计算批量功能,以固定和动态计算的批量开立交易。 快速交易执行 :通过单击按钮,可以快速关闭买入或卖出交易,或同时关闭所有交易。 挂单管理 :轻松单击即可删除买入或卖出的挂单。 高级追踪选项 :激活各种追踪
Trade Copier Global
Laszlo Tormasi
5 (15)
Trade Copier Global: The name speaks for itself. This copier allows you to copy orders between MT4 terminals even if they are not installed on the same computer. Features Copying trades between MT4 terminals around the world with a short delay. Automatically recognizes symbol prefixes. Can connect many Slaves to the same Master. Supports pending and market orders. Supports partial order close (with limitations, see below) Can send messages and notifications to the Slaves from the Master Several
Trade Report Pro
Vu Trung Kien
3.5 (2)
交易报告专业版 是一款支持自动和手动创建帐户交易历史专业图形报告的 EA。它还可以在您的帐户余额发生变化时发送通知到您的移动终端或电子邮件。 报告保存为 HTML 和 CSV 格式, 如同在 MT4 内部打开快速摘要报告窗口。 注意: 用于测试的演示版本可在此下载: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/5054 。 以下是突出功能: 完整、专业的统计报告,它比 MT4 的内置报告更佳 (更多统计报告)。 自动实时报告,因此您可以帐户帐单持续更新。 在您的帐户余额发生变化时发送通知到移动终端或电子邮件。 实时上载图形报告文件 (作为 index.html) 至您的网站。因此您可以通过网站查看或共享您的报告。 报告在单一 HTML 文件里包含余额的图形图表。 报告保存为 HTML 和 CSV 两种格式。 在报告里剔除挂单,使报告更清洁,更容易跟踪。 可以手动导出全部或自定义区间的历史报告。 手动导出全部/单个/符号组的报告。 除了导出完整报告至 HTML/CSV 文件,还在 MT4 之内打开快速摘要报告以便即刻查看。 用法: 安装 交易报告专业版
This EA helps to Close all Positions opened. It saves you the time of closing multiple positions manually. Parameters: Buy:  Close Buy Positions Only Sell:  Close Sell Positions Only Buy & Sell: Close Buy & Sell Positions Pending: Close Pending Orders More Advanced MT4 version available at:   https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/93468?source=Unknown%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.mql5.com%2Fen%2Fmarket%2Fmy More Advanced MT5 version available at:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/93301?source=Unk
M5 时间框架的机器人黄牛。交易 GBPUSD 货币对。该机器人是由一家专业交易商公司专门开发的,用于英镑交易。机器人每天大约打开 5 到 15 笔交易。最好与英镑兑美元点差低至 10 点的经纪商进行交易。建议的最低存款为 500 美元或更多。 优点: 不使用鞅。 不是网。 每笔交易都有止损。 专门针对 GBPUSD 对的专业机器人。 机器人黄牛,在 M5 时段进行盘中交易。 这个机器人如何交易? 为了分析市场,机器人使用两个指标的价格模型和战略市场模式:抛物线止损和反转系统以及布林带。机器人首先使用价格内插统计分析市场的价格变动。接下来,机器人读取这些指标并比较它们现在和过去的运动趋势。如果存在表明市场反转或回滚的模式巧合,那么机器人将进行交易。机器人将根据余额大小按比例计算每笔交易的手数。交易者可以使用“Percentage_of_lots”参数调整该比例。机器人开始交易后,它开始通过修改追踪止损来伴随它。此外,每笔交易都有自己的止损,设置为限制可能的损失。 机器人规格: 时间范围(期间) M5 货币对 GBPUSD 存款 500 美元起 建议点差高达 10 点。 建议:
Roman Zhitnik
5 (3)
The Expert Advisor is a risk manager helping users to control their trading. In the settings, it is possible to specify the parameters at which the risk manager force closes the opened trades and closes the terminal as well, if it is needed to prevent opening trades on emotions, which do not correspond to the trading strategy. Risk Manager settings Check limit to close   - check the equity limit Limit to close (account currency)   - equity limit that is checked when  Check limit to close is act
Hedge Trader
Mohamed Amine Talbi
Hedge Trader is a panel that helps traders who use the hedging strategy in their trading. The panel style in simple and intuitive, and have the necessary shortcuts a fast trader would need for fast order execution. Features: - Auto double the lot after executing an order. The user only specifies the initial order, then the panel will automatically double the lot after an order execution. - Using basket for auto closing all orders on a predefined floating profit (with the possibility to turn it
This Expert provides a panel to manage all positions you have on different pairs or any instruments. not only you can close your positions just by clicking the amount of profit or loss shown on the related cell, but also you can customize whatever you see on the panel from font size  to lines and background colors. Remember ,  auto trading on MT4 panel must be active, but in our Expert we have provided a key on the panel to activate or deactivate the panel to avoid closing by accident. Any qu
Fox Scalper
Yaseen Al Hashem
5 (1)
This is a scalper EA based on ZigZag and Moving Average indicators that used martingale strategy for trading. You have full risk management This EA does many trades per day as its method is clear The EA can work with any brokers: STP/ECN The EA can work with any pairs (recommended GBPUSD) The EA can work with any timeframes Inputs Risk – choose your risk between high and low Pip set – d istance between two orders Take Profits - m odify take profit as pips Stop loss - m odify stop loss as pips M
The professional utilities "Ichimoku Waves Meter" to analyse graphs using the correct interpretation of Ichimoku kinkōhyō! Is a graphic program that allows traders to quickly and easily measure the proportions between the indicated points on the price graph. This time and price indicator is a basic tool for analysing the chart according to the Ichimoku strategy on the MT4 platform. Using this tool allows an insightful and complete analysis of time waves as well as price waves in a very short ti
Excellent   Multiplatform   Copier of deals. I use it regularly on VPS (copy from Mt5 to Mt4). Multiplatform : copying from MetaTrader 4 to MetaTrader 4; copying from   MetaTrader 4 to MetaTrader 5; copying from   MetaTrader 5 to MetaTrader 4; copying from   MetaTrader 5 to MetaTrader 5. Modes: master   - the current terminal is   source   of trades (deals are copied from it); slave   - the current terminal is the   receiver   of trades (trades are copied to it). from myself  - mode "deals mu
Draw Agent 被设计为以美观和创新的方式来创建和管理您所有的图表分析、涂鸦、笔记等。 本工具提供徒手画法,将图表空间当成黑板,徒手绘制。 此徒手绘图工具可让您在 MT4/MT5 图表上绘图,以便在图表上标记或突出显示事件。 如果您 想手动绘制艾略特波浪、在图表上画线或在图表上说明想法,它是一个 有用的工具,如果您正在为客户举办现场网络研讨会,或向人们分发屏幕截图或图表文件,它特别有用以及。 Draw Agent 安装和输入指南 如果您想获得有关 EA 添加 URL (   http://autofxhub.com   ) MT4/MT5 终端的通知(见屏幕截图)。 MT4版本 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/14929 MT5版本 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/14964 主要特点: 这个免费的手绘工具旨在确保您绘制的所有内容都将在您使用时保存   改变符号 。当您返回图表时,所有绘图都会重新出现。 您可以用钢笔或画笔在图表上绘图。 您可以更改颜色和大小,也可以在图表的背景或前景上绘
This indicator will display current logined mt4 account's orders information of current symbol chart. It also allow import some formated data: 1) MQL5 Signals History CSV file (*.csv) 2) MT4 Account History Statement file (*.htm -> *.txt) *[Next Version] Allow Import data form 'HF HistoryExporter (*.csv)' Sample Data of MQL5 Signals History File Time;Type;Volume;Symbol;Price;S/L;T/P;Time;Price;Commission;Swap;Profit;Comment 2023.12.20 23:00:02;Buy Limit;0.06;EURUSD;1.08994;1.06024;1.09464;202
This tool monitors your current Expert Advisors and manages stop losses and take profits. You can customize which EAs and/or which currencies to monitor. It is primarily meant for EAs that you feel manage stop losses and/or take profits poorly. If you want this tool to be able to monitor manual trades, please use '0' (zero) as the magic number. Supports hidden stoploss and take profit Supports ATR-calculated dynamic stoploss Supports Breakeven for individual trades Supports Trailing stop Lower r
News Trapper EA
Noha Mohamed Fathy Younes Badr
4.85 (13)
Hi, all.  News trapper EA It is an expert for trading news very safe expert  Automated Trading on the news of the economic calendar. It shows stable trading during last 10  years. EA doesn't use dangerous technologies like martingale, grid. The Expert is very simple to use.      sale will end after 48 h how to install it     and set files     read the blog         after purchase contact me to add you to   VIP   channel  The program contains flexible settings for trading on the news of the econo
Unlimited Trade Copier Pro is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will not b
ADAM for FTMO 40
Vyacheslav Izvarin
5 (1)
ADAM EA Special Version for FTMO  Our 1st EA created using ChatGPT technology Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS  Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Tested on EURUSD and GBPUSD only  Use 15MIN Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading  before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3  Friday For Prop Firms MUST use special Protector  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94887 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sergey Malysh
5 (1)
FiboPlusWave Series products Ready-made trading system based on Elliott waves and Fibonacci retracement levels . It is simple and affordable. Display of the marking of Elliott waves (main or alternative option) on the chart. Construction of horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, a channel. Superposition of Fibonacci levels on waves 1, 3, 5, A Alert system (on-screen, E-Mail, Push notifications).    Features: without delving into the Elliott wave theory, you can immediately open one of
News Trader Pro
Vu Trung Kien
4.41 (17)
新闻操盘手专业版 是一个独特的机器人,让您使用您预先定义的策略进行消息交易。它从几个流行的外汇网站加载的每条消息的片断。您可以选择任何消息和预设的策略进行交易,之后新闻操盘手专业版根据选定的策略,在新闻来临时自动进行交易。 新闻发布给出了赚点数的机会,因为在那个时刻,价格通常有大动作。现在,利用这款工具,新闻交易变得比以往任何时候更容易,更灵活,更令人兴奋。不要等待,不要错失,不要再迷惑了。每周只需针对重要新闻设置一次,这个工具将完全按照您的计划进行精准交易。 演示版: 由于这不是一个自动交易机器人 (它是半自动), 您需要下载单独的演示版本: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/5931 参考: 如果您只需要加载新闻 (无需交易), 您可以购买新闻加载机专业版: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/5463 功能 包括所有 新闻加载机专业版 的功能 (查看详情)。 针对每条新闻构建您自己的策略,具有非常灵活的参数。 支持五种高级策略,带有大量控制参数 (止损, 止盈, 尾随, 网格间隔, 手数缩放,
Transaction Repeater Full
Alexandr Bryzgalov
5 (5)
Copies transactions between MT4 terminals. Possibilities: quick copy start minimum processor load direct and reverse (reverse) copying. copying Take Profit and Stop Loss levels copying deferred and their changes copy transactions one to many copy trades many to one local copy only Attention: The product is designed for copying trades only within a single computer or VPS with access to the desktop. The product will not work on the built-in Virtual Hosting of the terminal. We will help you set up
Elliott Wave Counter 是一个面板,用于快速和用户友好地手动标记 Elliott 波浪。可以选择一种颜色和一个级别的标记。还有用于删除最后一个标记和工具制作的整个标记的功能。一键制作标记。点击五次 - 有五波!艾略特波浪计数器对于艾略特波浪的初学者和专业分析师来说都是一个很好的工具。 艾略特波浪计数器安装和输入指南 如果你想得到   关于 EA 添加 URL (   http://autofxhub.com   ) MT5 终端的 通知 (见截图)。 MT4版本 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/14016 MT5版本 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/15081 一般输入: 波形类型按钮: 此按钮允许用户选择他们想要在图表上突出显示的波形类型。可用的选项包括推动波、调整波和其他自定义波模式。 波级按钮: 这个按钮   允许用户选择他们想要在图表上突出显示的波形级别。可用的选项包括初级、中级和次级波级别。 波浪颜色: 这个   按钮   允许用户选择他们想要在图表上突出显示的波浪图
If you wish to draw Support and Resistance lines, view: daily market opening, classical pivot levels, Fibonacci pivot levels, trend lines, Fibonacci levels, the remaining time to candle closing, and current spread. If you seek to place your orders with the exact lot that meets your desired stop loss risk. If you wish to do all this and more with just one click, then this is the perfect tool to use. This tool will allow you to feel more relaxed when deciding to open orders, as well as predicting
Unlimited Binary Options Copier Remote is a powerful tool to copy binary options trades remotely between multiple accounts at different locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for signal provider, who want to share his binary options trades with the others globally on his own rules. One provider can copy trades to unlimited receivers and one receiver can get trade from unlimited providers as well. The provider can set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will no
Telegram Publisher Agent 是一个附加组件,允许交易者实时向他们的 Telegram 频道和群组发送信号。通过可定制的消息、图表截图和其他功能,该工具可以帮助交易者与他们的追随者分享他们的交易见解和策略。该工具还具有亮暗主题切换的精美设计,为用户提供美观和功能性的交易体验。 Telegram Publisher Agent 旨在将您的所有交易作为信号发布在您的频道和群组中。您所要做的就是提供交易,然后 Telegram 发布商代理将为您完成所有繁重的工作,只需单击一个按钮即可将交易信号发送到您的交易渠道或群组。 电报发布代理   安装和输入指南 如果您想获得有关 EA 添加 URL ( http://autofxhub.com ) MT4/MT5 终端的通知(见屏幕截图)。 MT4版本 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/18985 MT5版本 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/23946 主要特点: 信号发送 - 将信号发送到用户的 Telegram 频道和组,带有可自定义的
如果产品有任何问题或者您需要在此产品上添加功能,请联系我 Contact/message me if you encounter any issue using the product or need extra feature to add on the base version. There is Demo version of this panel Dashboard Babon Scalping System Demo in my product list, please try it out to get familiar with all functionalities for free, LINK . This system basically utilizes TDI, Heiken Ashi Trend, Price Trend on H1 time-frame and TMA on H1&H4 time-frame to generate the trend (big picture). Then the system will zoom in to genera
Pairs Trade
Oleg Pechenezhskiy
The Pairs Trade indicator is a utility for semi-automatic pair trading. It allows combining the charts of two arbitrary instruments, even if the schedules of their trading sessions are different. It displays a spread chart in the form of a histogram with an overlaying moving average. It calculates the swap that will be charged for the synthetic position (in the deposit currency). It is possible to set a level for automatic opening of a synthetic position on the spread chart (analogous to the 'se
Corporate Report
Pavel Verveyko
5 (1)
The script displays info about the share's corporate reports and dividends. The data is downloaded from   investing.com : Report date Profit per share (EPS) Revenue Market capitalization Amount of dividends Date of payment of dividends Dividend income The product cannot be tested in the tester (since it is not possible to receive data from the Internet). Before launching:  Add 2   URL   https://ru.investing.com/earnings-calendar/Service/getCalendarFilteredData  and   https://ru.investing.com/di
This Stacker EA will: Automatically set Stop loss on a new order Automatically set Take profit on a new order Stack (or open up to 4 additional orders at the same time) when a new order is placed, the SL/TP can be preset individually for each order. Provides a transparent replacement for the standard 1-click trading buttons in MetaTrader 4 (1 click still works and SL/TP will automatically be set as well as Stacking). Automatically calculate lot order size according to preset risk management perc
FXFledgling Exit Tool is a complete risk management tool that analyzes both the open trades and the direction of the pair of open trades. As long as the suggested entry and lotsizing management presented here is followed strictly, you will have a high chance (but no guarantee) of surviving the trade. What It Does It is used as an exit tool. It helps the trader to manage any manual trade that he transacted. It does the following: Trail Stop Dynamic Stop Loss - a calculated stop-loss that changes
Crypto Market Pro
Daniil Kurmyshev
5 (1)
New opportunities for analyzing cryptocurrency in the usual MetaTrader 4. For example : We select the symbol of the cryptocurrency and attach any indicators, Expert Advisors or scripts. Startup Mode View cryptocurrency; Data collection. Capabilities Work as with a standard currency chart; Automatic update of open charts; Selection of individual cryptocurrency for updating; Selection of individual timeframes for updating; Work on the desired timeframes; Open charts do not affect the work of Cry
Telegram Notify
Kin Hang Tan
1 (1)
简介 Notify Telegram 是一个链接 MT4 和 Telegram 的 EA 。这个 EA 会监控您 MT4 的活动例如下单,修改盈利止损,关单等并透过 Telegram 机器人发送通知至您的 Telegram 户口/频道。这个 EA 不会在您的 MT4 户口上进行任何交易活动。这个 EA 适合用来监控其它 EA 在您的 MT4 上的交易活动又或者透过 MT4 上的交易在您的 Telegram 频道上进行喊单。 设置 Token =""; - 输入您的 Telegram 机器人 API token ChatID =0; - 输入您的 Telegram Chat ID 或者 Channel ID AlertOnTelegram =true; - 服务开/关 NotifyInitialSetup =true; - 启用初始化发送通知 NotifyOrderClosed =true; - 启用关单通知 NotifyPendingFilled =true; - 启用挂单开单通知 NotifyNewPending =true; - 启用新增挂单通知 NotifyNewOrder =
The  Easy Strategy Builder (ESB)  is a " Do It Yourself " solution that allows you to create a wide range of the automated trading strategies without any line of codes. This is the world’s easiest method to automate your strategies that can be used in STP, ECN and FIFO brokers. No drag and drop is needed. Just by set conditions of your trading strategy and change settings on desired values and let it work in your account. ESB has hundreds of modules to define unlimited possibilities of strategi
Telegram ChartSnap is an utility tool to bridge your MetaTrader 4 activities to your Telegram chat/group/channel. It will screen shot your MetaTrader 4 chart and send it to your dedicated Telegram chat/group/channel through a Telegram bot. The whole process will keep repeating based on a time cycle that predetermined by the user. It is a convenient tool for those who like to get access to their favorite system/dashboard that only available at MetaTrader Desktop. Beside that, trader can easily s
斐波那契折返和扩展画线工具 适用于MT4平台的斐波那契折返和扩展画线工具,非常适合于利用帝纳波利点位交易法和黄金分割交易的交易者 主要功能: 1.可以直接画线多组斐波那契折返,重要折返点之间的关系一目了然 2.可以画出斐波那契扩展 3.画线的斐波那契折返和扩展均可左右移动方便观察,有数值显示 4.图表显示非常清爽 5.可通过数字键切换周期 功能键: 1.按 [ 画折返,按需画折返,最多可画8组 2.按 ] 画扩展 3.按 \ 删除当前周期下的所有扩展和折返 4.移动、删除折返和扩展 (1)点击第一组折返的F5线条, 点击1次(变成黄色),按键盘上的Delete可删除该焦点的折返。 点击2次(恢复颜色),可以移动折返到合适的位置 (2)点击COP的线条 点击1次(变成黄色),按键盘上的Delete可该组折返 点击2次(恢复颜色),可以移动扩展到合适的位置 5.修改折返和扩展: (1)选择焦点F或反弹点数字(F或反弹点字体变大,变成黄色),移动鼠标。 (2)选择ABC三点中的某一个(字体变大,变成黄色),移动鼠标。 如何使用可以看相关视频
Советник риск-менеджер с огромным арсеналом возможностей защиты вашего депозита. Для инвесторов, которые решили передать капитал в доверительное управление. Когда у трейдера нет доступа к настройкам - нивелирует торговые риски. А также для трейдеров, которые осознали необходимость стороннего контроля за их торговлей для улучшения торговых результатов.  Для максимальных результатов - должен стоять на отдельном VPS сервере и у трейдера не должно быть возможности менять настройки в торговый период.
Grid Hero War Pad
Chock Hwee Ng
3.4 (5)
Grid Hero War Pad is a  GRAPHICAL MANUAL TRADER version of the original Grid Hero EA, designed and created for ADVANCED TRADERS who are experienced in plotting their own market entries. It is coded using ADVANCED GRAPHICAL INTERFACE programming, that combines the power of discretionary trading with Grid Hero algorithm in the form of a graphical console with button-click easy execution. It allows you to execute trades manually using Market Orders and Pending Orders, and then automatically uses th
MT4 copy
Zhenyang Dong
这是一个MT4自动跟单的EA,发送端下单以后接收端自动秒跟,包括手数,止盈,止损同时设置,下单手数可以根据自己的情况设置加倍也可以固定手数,适合多帐户同时交易的朋友们。 可以多个平台跟单,可以 一个主发送帐户多个跟单帐户,也可以同时跟多个主帐户。 参数说明: DirectionSelection=Receive;为主发送端。--SendOut为接收端。发送端其它无设置 Receiving Parameters;以下是接收端设置。 SendingEndID = "  ";填写发送端交易帐户的ID,全为数字。 AcceptanceMode=Multiplication;接收端下单模式,加倍模式。--Fixed为固定手数下单。 MultiplicationLots = 1; Multiplication模式下的下单倍数 FixedLots = 0.01;Fixed模式下,固定手数。 SymSuffix="";接收端交易品种名称如果有后缀,请正确填写,比如:EURUSDxxx填写xxx就可以。
Eugenio Bravetti
The new version of  MirrorSoftware 2021  has been completely rewriten and optimized.  This version requires to be loaded only on a single chart because  it can detect all actions on every symbol and not only the actions of symbol where it is loaded. Even the  graphics and the configuration mode  have been completely redesigned. The MirrorSoftware is composed of two components (all components are required to work):  MirrorController  (free indicator): This component must be loaded into the MASTER
Open charts
Maksim Slovakov
Скрипт открывает графики по всем инструментам находящимся в окне "Обзор рынка" и по желанию может задать для всех графиков один шаблон. Так-же можно удалить все графике открытые в терминале Мт4. В скрипте имеются следующие настройки: "Таймфрейм" по умолчанию M30;             (Можно поставить свой: M1, M5, M15, M30, H1, H4, D1, W1, MN.) "Задержка" по умолчанию "0";                  (Задержка перед открытием следующего графика в миллисекундах.) "Шаблон" по умолчанию "True";                (True=пр
По факту вы выставляете виртуальные Buy Stop и Sell Stop которые срабатывают после закрытия свечи. Данный помощник позволяет заранее выставить уровень Stop Loss и Take Profit. Так-же имеется демо режим для предварительного расчёта параметра риск/прибыль. Помощник имеет следующие настройки "Лот" по умолчанию "0.01" "Проскальзывание" по умолчанию "60"        (Значение в пунктах) "Номер Ордера" по умолчанию "0"               (Магический номер ордера) "Цвет Комментариев" по умолчанию "Black"  "Шрифт
TFA Trade Manager
TFA Global Pte. Ltd.
(8th Feb 2019 Launch Promo: $97/lifetime just for 1 day! Price goes to $180/lifetime in 24 hours!) The TFA Trade Manager helps you easily manage your trades with an intelligent vertical "bars" system. You easily now easily click + drag your entry, stop loss, take profit, breakeven, partial profit and trailing stop with a few simple mouse clicks. You can also easily calculate the risk you wish to allocate to each trade by telling the trade manager your desired risk %, lot size or $dollars to risk
欢迎使用 信号分析大师  使用教程视频 功能介绍:  本工具可以将MT4信号或者MT5信号的交易记录复盘到MT4图表上,方便直接观察信号的交易状况,从而了解信号的策略,比如可以比较容易看出是马丁策略,还是网格策略,还是早盘头皮策略,是否一次一单,或者带加仓等。 从而更好分析账号的安全性,稳定性等。 使用方法: 1.下载工具后,将它拖入MT4图表中(当成专家来使用,也就是方Experts目录里)。 2.到MQL5信号里面去下载信号 历史记录。 3.将下载好的历史记录文件粘贴到 MT4 文件->打开数据文件夹->MQL4->Files文件夹里面,并复制下文件的名字。 4.点击MT4上工具的笑脸图标,将复制文件名复制到  FIleName那一栏。 5.选择SignalType,默认MT4 信号复盘,如果是MT5信号复盘,请选择MT5_Signal. 6.点击确定,即可看到相应品种的交易记录状况。 7.如果需要切换查看品种的交易记录,可以直接将新的品种拖入已经加载了工具的图表上。
Forex copier
Alexandr Bryzgalov
We offer simple and reliable software that can  copy trades  between any MT4 accounts. Easy to use MetaTrader copier which saves valuable time Reliable, so you are protected from technical issues Powerful, with a lot of features available Who can use this MT4 copier? Forex Copier is a solution for individual traders or account managers who need to execute trade signals from external sources or who need to  manage several MetaTrader 4 accounts  at the same time. We do not offer you “yet another