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PipBandint Pro

PipBandit Pro - Scalper Edition 是一款专为寻求从短期市场波动中获利的交易者设计的高级智能交易系统(Expert Advisor, EA)。该EA针对摆动交易和剥头皮交易策略进行了优化,非常适合偏好快速、高频交易且设置严格止损和止盈水平的交易者。EA能够在快速变化的市场中高效运行,确保您能够利用最小的价格波动获利。同时,它也适用于更高时间周期的摆动交易。

Scalper Edition 具有多功能性,可以交易多种金融工具,包括外汇货币对、大宗商品、指数、加密货币和股票CFD。然而,为了达到最佳性能,建议在流动性高、波动性大且点差低的工具上使用该EA。

在将该EA推向市场之前,我对其进行了超过两年的回测和实际交易,测试了多种交易品种。我偏好的交易品种包括Deriv的合成指数(Step Index、Step Index 300、Step Index 500、Volatility Index——Volatility 75、Volatility 50、Volatility 100、Volatility 200及其变体)以及外汇货币对,如EURUSD、XAUUSD、GBPUSD等。该EA在交易股票指数时也非常有效,例如纳斯达克100/US Tech100、标普500、英国科技100、道琼斯指数等主要品种。

该EA支持多种策略集成,包括适用于NFP、CPI等基本面新闻的1分钟策略,适用于Boom 1000和Crash 1000剥头皮交易的5分钟策略,以及适用于任何时间周期的CC策略。



  • 剥头皮策略: EA旨在识别并执行基于短期价格波动的交易,非常适合剥头皮策略。

  • 风险管理: EA包含强大的风险管理功能,包括可定制的止损和止盈水平、追踪止损和仓位大小控制,以帮助保护您的资金。

  • 灵活的交易方向: 您可以将EA配置为单向交易(仅买入或仅卖出)或双向交易(买入和卖出),具体取决于您的交易偏好。

  • 自动平仓功能: EA可以根据蜡烛颜色自动平仓,帮助您快速锁定利润或减少损失。

  • 追踪止损: 追踪止损功能通过自动调整止损水平,帮助您在交易向有利方向移动时最大化利润。

  • 可定制参数: EA提供多种可定制参数,包括手数、止损和止盈水平、滑点等,允许您根据个人交易风格进行调整。


  • 手数: 每笔交易的交易量。您可以根据账户规模和风险承受能力进行调整。

  • 多重交易: 该EA允许您设置每次入场的交易数量(从1到100笔),非常适合剥头皮交易。

  • 止损和止盈水平: 以点数设置您期望的止损和止盈水平,以管理风险并锁定利润。

  • 滑点: 允许的最大滑点点数,确保您的交易在可接受的价格范围内执行。

  • 魔术号码: EA交易的唯一标识符,方便您轻松跟踪和管理EA开立的交易。

  • 交易方向: 根据市场预期选择“仅买入”、“仅卖出”或“双向交易”。

  • 最大买入/卖出仓位: 限制同时买入或卖出的仓位数量,以控制风险敞口。

  • 追踪止损: 启用或禁用追踪止损功能,并设置追踪止损的点数距离。

  • 自动平仓: 启用或禁用基于蜡烛颜色的自动平仓功能。


  • 时间周期: M5、M15、M30适用于剥头皮交易;H1和H4适用于长期摆动交易。

  • 高效性: EA针对速度和准确性进行了优化,确保交易能够快速执行并以最佳价格成交。

  • 灵活性: 凭借广泛的可定制参数,您可以根据自己的交易风格和市场条件调整EA。

  • 风险管理: 包含多种风险管理功能,帮助保护资金并最大化利润。

  • 用户友好性: EA易于设置和使用,提供清晰的说明和直观的界面。


PipBandit Pro - Scalper Edition 是一款强大的工具,适合希望从短期市场波动中获利的交易者。凭借其先进的功能、可定制的参数和强大的风险管理,该EA旨在帮助您在快节奏的剥头皮交易中实现稳定盈利。无论您是经验丰富的交易者还是初学者,PipBandit Pro - Scalper Edition 都能帮助您将交易提升到一个新的水平。

注意: 该EA专为MetaTrader 5(MT5)平台设计,需要稳定的互联网连接和VPS以实现最佳性能。在使用真实账户之前,请务必在模拟账户上测试EA,以确保其符合您的交易需求。

Ciaran Alan Butcher
CGT XAU EA  I have been developing this expert  advisor for the last two years and the results have been exceptional, the expert is built to catch all of the trends on XAUUSD, while aiming to maintain breakeven in-between.  This EA comes with a range of settings around trade and risk management.  The EA CAN be used with prop firms with adjusted settings or specifically an FTMO swing account with the recommended settings.  Recommendations: Main Pair: XAUUSD Timeframe: M5 Minimum deposit : $500-10
This EA is part of   Nexus Portfolio  - a combination of the b est long term EAs I created for my personal trading as well as private fund management Gold Trend X  is a multi systems - multi timeframes EA that trades gold exclusively. It has several internal systems to define trends and will try to follow intraday momentum with good Reward to risk ratio. This is one of the rare gold EA that have average profit > average loss and therefore have good risk management and very sustainable in the lon
Syed Oarasul Islam
Extensiver is designed to trade any markets (Stocks, Forex, Commodities, Futures, Cryptos). The strategies are developed based on various Price Actions that will be observed on different Fibonacci Extension Levels. Product Home Page:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/51242 ADVANTAGES: Works on any market and time frames Multiple Strategies in 4 categories:  Extension, Breakout, Trend Follow, Reversal Trades simultaneously on any number of markets under the same account  Display Fibonacci
Syed Oarasul Islam
FanTrader is designed to trade any markets (Stocks, Forex, Commodities, Futures, Cryptos). The strategies are developed based on various Price Actions that will be observed on different Fibonacci Fan Levels. Product Home Page:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/51333 ADVANTAGES: Works on any market and time frames Multiple Strategies in 4 categories:  Retracement, Breakout, Trend Follow, Reversal Trades simultaneously on any number of markets under the same account  Display Fibonacci Fan
Gecko EA MT5
Profalgo Limited
5 (1)
NEW PROMO: Only a few copies copies available at 349$ Next price: 449$ Make sure to check out our " Ultimate EA combo package " in our   promo blog ! Gecko runs a simple, yet very effective, proven strategy.  It looks for important recent support and resistance levels and will trade the breakouts.  This is a "real" trading system, which means it will use a SL to protect the account.  It also means it will not use any dangerous techniques like martingale, grid or averaging down. The EA shows its
Step index Automatic
Ignacio Agustin Mene Franco
Hello community, this time I come to present Step index AutoMatic "It is a line of bot/EA dedicated to the synthetic indexes of the broker deriv each of the bots will carry a different strategy to obtain greater profitability in the market simply by modifying the parameters as shown in the image! And its respective time frame Always do the backtesting in real ticks since it is based on the live market" This bot has the strategy of Stochástic With its parameter so that it makes its respective e
Themichl LLC
This EA script implements a triangular arbitrage strategy, which exploits price discrepancies between three related currency pairs (EURUSD, GBPUSD, and EURGBP). The strategy aims to profit from temporary mispricing in the market by simultaneously buying and selling the same currency pair through different routes. This approach is based on the law of one price, which states that in an efficient market, the price of a security should be the same across all markets. Importance: This strategy is imp
LineTrader 2 MT5
Sergei Evstiunichev
夹线机2.0MT5 Version for MT4:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/67566 实时监控专家在真实账户上的工作: 1. 2020年5月推出的真实账户,起始余额为5,000美元: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/773977 2. 真实账户,起始余额$10,000,于2022年4月推出: 顾问工作背后的想法: 每个人都知道,价格永远不会无休止地朝着一个方向前进,没有修正。 技术分析的规则告诉我们,历史总是重演。 这意味着价格将在一段时间后重复低点和高点。 此外,观察各种金融工具的价格行为图表,我们发现大约90%的时间市场处于具有一定价格范围的横盘走势,只有10%的时间市场出现下行或上行趋势。 基于这种理解,我们开发了一种算法,可以打开和记录具有潜在利润的交易操作。 自2012年以来,EA设置已经过历史数据测试 要从我们的交易账户接收设置文件,请通过电报与我联系: https://t.me/fanaty
Osiris Royal Arises
Victor Chege Macharia
Osiris Royal Arises is an integration of the Python programming language, deep learning machine and mql5 code to be able to predict USDCAD,USDCHF and EURUSD price movements so as to produce the most profitable entries and exits with minimal average risk per order. Why  Osiris Royal Arises ? +   Osiris Royal Arises has been through the research and development stage for almost 1 year, and has passed the testing phase. +   Osiris Royal Arises uses martingale only when it is deemed to be an ideal
Introducing to your attention an innovative expert advisor created specifically for the most juicy and volatility  currency   basket: GBPUSD, XAUUSD and EURJPY. This EA is designed using the main features of this market's movement, making it an ideal choice for dynamic trading on high-trending and medium-volatile pairs. The advisor is focused on minimizing trading risks, aiming to reduce losses to a minimum. Main features: EA is designed to open and close orders at the begginning of trading ses
Syed Oarasul Islam
ArcTrader is designed to trade any markets (Stocks, Forex, Commodities, Futures, Cryptos). The strategies are developed based on various Price Actions that will be observed on different Fibonacci Arc Levels. Product Home Page:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/51336 ADVANTAGES: Works on any market and time frames Multiple Strategies in 4 categories:  Retracement, Breakout, Trend Follow, Reversal Trades simultaneously on any number of markets under the same account  Display Fibonacci Arc
Scalping bot for the gold/dollar pair (XAU/USD) — a powerful and versatile solution for traders, designed to deliver maximum efficiency in a dynamic market. This bot is specifically engineered for scalping: it analyzes price changes and places trades even before significant market movements begin. This allows it to secure advantageous positions early and capitalize on even the smallest market fluctuations. Key Features: Flexibility: Adapts to any market conditions and suits your trading strategy
Traders Toolbox
Jason Kisogloo
3 (2)
交易者工具箱是一種多功能工具 基於對常見交易策略的廣泛培訓而創建,以使這些策略和計算自動化。   (由Jason Kisogloo設計和編程) 特徵: 19個獨立信號 -這些信號 中的 每個信號 都 以神經網絡樣式配置進行偏置,以構成最終/整體結果。 每個信號都有其自己的設置 ,可以根據 需要 對其進行 自定義或優化。   綜合上 - 屏 - 顯示 -六搭扣,全面的信息和工具提示走板。 (單擊面板邊框可折疊或折疊...自動為每台儀器保存的設置):   信號面板 -顯示帶有偏差信息和信號詳細信息的信號分析。   新聞小組 -和未來甚至有消息 牛逼 小號 基於 預測 的 影響與倒計時事件當前的儀器。 ( 針對此功能,必須將 內部M   T   5經濟日曆與 外匯工廠刮板的 選項 -https:   // www.forexfactory.com 添加到Metatrader中允許的網站上)     EA設置面板 -根據止損和資金設置提供有關當前EA設置和輸入信息的信息。   損益面板 -提供8個不同時間段內歷史交易的整體損益表現。   切換面板 -一鍵切換開關,用於顯示屏幕指示器和圖表。
Ksm mt5
Andriy Sydoruk
5 (1)
Ksm: Smart Solution for Automated Forex Trading Ksm is a tool designed for automating Forex trading, using modern methods of time-series data analysis to work with multiple currency pairs across different timeframes. Key Features and Benefits Multi-currency support : Ksm enables trading across multiple currency pairs, helping traders adapt their strategies to various market conditions. New currency pairs can be easily added. Time-series data analysis : Utilizing advanced algorithms, Ksm analyze
Gold Crazy EA MT5
Gold Crazy EA   is an Expert Advisor designed specifically for trading Gold H1/ EU M15. It use some indicators to find the good Entry. And you can set SL or you can DCA if you want. It can be an Scalping or an Grid/ Martingale depend yours setting. This EA can Auto lot by Balance, set risk per trade. You also can set TP/ SL for earch trade or for basket of trade. - RSI_PERIOD - if = -1, then the default strategy works, if >0, then the RSI strategy works - MAX_ORDERS - to trade with only 1 order,
Uranus STO
Encho Enev
Uranus STO expert is developed on the basis of a deep mathematical analysis, using the popular indicators: Stochastic, WPR, ATR, RSI. The Expert is optimized for EURUSD trading . The expert analyzes past periods, comparing them to the current period. According to the degree of probability and market behavior, the expert places orders at levels calculated for the best result. The strategy also features a permeability tool: Impact Bar. It works as a probability filter. The range of the Band is fro
FabTradeX GJ
Raffaele Romano
Revolutionize Your Trading Game with FabTradeX: A Decade-Proven Expert Advisor for GBPJPY Mastery! Embark on a new era of trading excellence with FabTradeX, an intricate Expert Advisor meticulously crafted for algorithmic trading on the GBPJPY forex pair. This powerhouse strategy isn't just a game-changer – it's a decade-long market exploit trend that consistently outperforms, rarely stepping into negative territory. The secret? It's not overfitted; FabTradeX draws inspiration directly from t
Daytrade Pro Algo MT5
Profalgo Limited
4 (9)
推出促銷: 以當前價格提供的副本數量有限 最終價格:990$ 新:免費獲得 1 個 EA! (2 個交易賬戶) Ultimate Combo Deal   ->   click here LIVE RESULTS:   https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/1949810 JOIN PUBLIC GROUP:   Click here Set Files 歡迎來到 DayTrade Pro Algo! 經過多年的市場研究和不同策略的編程,我發現了一個具有良好交易系統所需的一切的算法: 它是獨立於經紀人的 它是獨立傳播的 它使用真實可變點差測試在 MT4、MT5、TDS2 和多個經紀商上輕鬆顯示非常穩定的回測 數百種不同的設置都在測試中給出了有利可圖的結果(當然我選擇了最好的!) 非常強大的系統 -> 設置可以互換,因此使用 USDJPY 的設置運行 EURUSD 仍然是有利可圖的。   已經在 13 個貨幣對上運行:EURUSD;GBPUSD;USDJPY;AUDUSD;XAUUSD;GBPJPY;USDCAD;EURJPY;EURNZD;EURAUD
Yellow mouse neo   Yellow mouse neo       - fully automatic Expert Advisor designed to test the strategy of the Yellow mouse scalping Expert Advisor with advanced settings and additional filters. To purchase this version, you can contact in a personal. The standard RSI and ATR indicators are used to find entry points. Closing of transactions takes place according to the author's algorithm, which significantly improves the risk control and security of the deposit. Risky strategies like "martingal
This is a Hedge EA for Sideways Markets The market is sideways 80% of the time. This EA performs well during this phase and accepts stop-losses (SL) during periods of strong news and strong trends. The full-time backtest shows good results, but if you run it live and turn the EA on and off during critical periods, its efficiency will be even higher. Advantages: Take Profit (TP) for individual orders , which is highly beneficial for minimizing slippage. Trims orders to reduce risks when the mark
Step index 500 Automatic
Ignacio Agustin Mene Franco
Hello community, on this occasion I come to present Step index 500 AutoMatic "It is a line of bot/EA dedicated to the synthetic indexes of the broker deriv each of the bots will carry a different strategy to obtain greater profitability in the market simply by modifying the parameters as shown in the image! And its respective temporality Always do the backtesting in real ticks since it is based on the live market" This bot has the strategy of Stochastic With its parameter ro value so that it m
Bitcoin Trading MT5
Sinh Nguyen Tran Hoang
Bitcoin Trading  My Expert Advisor trade Bitcoin on H1 time frame, Base on ADX indicator,  Bollinger Bands indicator, and follow the trend. stop loss 31 usd/0.01 bitcoin take profit 19 usd/0.01 bitcoin (0.01 lot) Min deposit: from 300 usd Profit: 100%/year. Draw Down: < 35% Input Setting to test my EA: - Lots: 0.01 - Stoploss: 31 usd/0.01 bitcoin or 3100 usd/bitcoin depend on your broker and your account (adjust to the correct ratio and do not change) - Takeprofit:  19 usd/0.01 bitcoin or 1900 u
Buda MT5
Nestor Alejandro Chiariello
Buda The Enlightened One 是一种旨在让所有想要稳定和坚定的人无忧交易的策略。 他们可以在没有风险的情况下进行 X 规模的投资,每个条目之前都会有一个强大的分析,咨询我设计的秘密模式和指标,它有一个人工智能系统,它将学习和咨询我们教给它的所有范围,并且 如果需要,在止损是通用的情况下调整风险 在图表上启动 EA。 它有一个特殊的功能,你可以创建你的配置并保存它,然后重新加载相同的符号窗口并指出你想要处理的货币对,它会自动打开所有窗口并自行配置 您可以在任何符号 M1/M5/M15 的图表上启动顾问 Buda。 无论您当前的图表,顾问分析数据货币技术分析,Spread,Slipage,News,ETC 每次收购价格都会上涨,我们将以此来保护,这样很少有人可以拥有我独特的策略 Properties 它的一些特点 完全动态的获利止盈,无论是单笔还是复苏,智能止盈,隐藏止盈等 止损完全动态,包括单笔和回收,智能止盈,隐藏止盈等 AI-Smart Global,一个完整的分析,以简单和智能的方式进行风险分析,其中将有多种选择,根据风险获得平均利润 新闻分析和过滤
Liquidity Hunter
Philani Mthembu
The Liquidity Hunter EA for MetaTrader 5 leverages advanced liquidity concepts inspired by Smart Money Concepts (SMC). Using sophisticated algorithms, the EA identifies key areas of liquidity at extreme and internal swing highs and lows in the market. It strategically plots rectangle clusters around these levels, indicating potential stop areas and liquidity pools. The EA then executes pending limit orders precisely at these identified liquidity zones, optimizing entry points for trades. It fea
DS Gold Robot MT5
Marzena Maria Szmit
4.29 (21)
Introducing the DS Gold Robot, your ultimate companion in navigating the intricate world of XAUUSD trading. Developed with precision and powered by cutting-edge algorithms, DS Gold is a forex robot meticulously crafted to optimize your trading performance with  XAUUSD pairs . With its advanced analytical capabilities,  DS Gold  Robot   constantly monitors the gold market, identifying key trends , patterns, and price movements with lightning speed. The DS Gold Robot opens positions every day from
Gyroscopes mt5
Nadiya Mirosh
5 (2)
Gyroscope        professional forex expert   (for EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD, USDCHF, EURGBP, EURJPY, NZDUSD, USDCAD, EURCHF, AUDJPY, CADJPY pairs)   alyzing the market using the Elliot Wave Index. Elliott wave theory is the interpretation of processes in financial markets through a system of visual models (waves) on price charts. The author of the theory, Ralph Elliott, identified eight variants of alternating waves (of which five are in the trend and three are against the trend). The mov
Quantum Wizard MT5
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.73 (26)
Quantum Wizard 是一款用于 S&P500 (US500) 交易的高级 EA 交易程序,采用 先进的网格系统和专为实现最佳性能而设计的高级资金管理 。 它已经开发了两年多,今年最新更新。您现在终于可以通过指数交易来实现投资组合的多元化。 Quantum Wizard 的安装非常简单,只需在任何时间范围内以默认设置安装在 US500 上即可。 它在伦敦和纽约股市时段运行,并包含6种可以同时交易的策略。 量子向导相当活跃,每天可以进行多次交易。 目前它只交易 S&P500,但在不久的将来它也会交易其他指数。 实时信号1:     点击 量子 EA 频道:点击这里 促销价格为 1099.99 美元,包含 45% 的折扣!无折扣价格为 1999.99 美元。每购买 10 次,价格就会上涨 100 美元。 ***购买 Quantum Wizard EA,您可以免费获得 Quantum StarMan 或 Quantum Queen !*** 私信询问更多详情 建议: 货币对:US500(也称为 S&P500) 时间范围:任意 最低存款:$500 账户类型:
賺錢和研究的工具。 交易信號和策略的核心是基於作者的價格預測模式形成算法。適用於任何樂器!輔以基於 MA "九尾狐" 的控制系統,盡可能準確地更新和調整市場、儀器和工作期間的信號。 合格:所有市場中的所有工具(有例外)。 適用對象:對沖基金、基金和資產經理、投資經理、投機者、投資者和利益相關者。 ..................................................................................................................................................................................
Dear users! - This is a Forrex trading expert advisor following the trend trading method. It has proven its effectiveness in overcoming 2 rounds of FTMO fund challenges. This is a modified and optimized version after completing the process of passing 2 rounds of FTMO challenges. - Max drawndown auto caculate by risk initial setting. Telegram instruction for backtest and using: https://t.me/ +0lDs0UXiJUVjM2Jl  I. Application Highlights: 1. Safe and easy to use. 2. Martigale and grid are not app
Bird Onix Om5
Yvan Musatov
Professional expert   Bird Onix   analyzes the market using a special algorithm. The basic principle is that the bot takes the specified prices for a certain period of time and calculates the strength and amplitude of the price by comparing it with its own indication system based on actual data. The moment when the trend loses strength and reverses is recorded, and then the previous series is closed and a new one is prepared. The bot also analyzes its own overbought/oversold signals in its algo
Goldenity AI
Zuzanna Slawinska
2.56 (48)
经过多年手动交易黄金并密切关注其每一个波动,我终于决定将我的验证策略转化为自动化解决方案。我很幸运遇到了一位对市场充满热情的杰出程序员。从一开始的随意讨论交易,逐渐发展成了合作伙伴关系,最终促成了Goldenity的诞生——一个结合了我的交易经验和尖端机器学习技术的复杂AI系统。在过去的一年里,我们倾注了所有的心血到这个项目中,仔细测试并完善每一个细节,直到我们确信它能够精确复制我的手动交易风格。这不仅仅是另一个EA——它是无数小时研究黄金市场、理解其模式,并开发能够识别我多年来成功交易设置的AI算法的结晶。 核心交易策略 Goldenity的核心是一种复杂的价格行为交易与专为黄金定制的AI驱动市场分析的结合。EA通过监控H1时间框架的波动高点和低点识别关键市场结构,同时分析M15上的微观走势和H4上的更广泛趋势模式。AI神经网络在识别黄金市场中经常出现的高概率设置方面表现出色,例如亚洲市场突破、欧洲开盘波动模式和纽约市场趋势延续。我们的策略利用了黄金的独特特性——其清晰的支撑和阻力水平、对技术模式的敏感性,以及在不同市场时段的独特行为。AI系统经过多年黄金价格数据的训练,能够识别不
Horus AI
Nestor Alejandro Chiariello
交易者您好,我根据我之前的几个策略,严格设计了这个工具,并以实际结果为基础,将其适应外汇市场,因此它适应了机器学习的人工智能,即AI会读取参数,然后参考我的策略,然后它会学习,以便条目具有更好的质量,它还有一个节点,您可以在其中恢复仓位,您会发现的另一个创新之处是,所有内容都将封装在一个虚拟方式,即不会有数据发送到止损、止盈等服务器,非常人性化的方式 Horus AI 拥有庞大的节点数据库,并与我的节点服务器连接,以继续存储有关市场结构和解构的更多信息,查阅我的特殊先知指标等。 这得益于其新的节点信息 API、指标和新闻,使其独一无二 重要提示:回测无法进行,因为 API 无法与回测一起使用,它只能在真实情况下工作,要查看性能,请查看真实信号 要真正工作,您必须将配置中的技术更改为基本! 2个主要的事情是我设计了extractFeatures和trainModel函数,这将负责设计蜡烛,破坏它的Slippage并学习它如何移动以适应Spread 需要说明的是,我的策略开发是我作为专业交易员多年来设计的,加入了人工智能的自适应来优化性能,使其变得更好。 应该高度注意的是,这是
NorthEastWay MT5
4.43 (7)
NorthEastWay MT5是一种完全自动化的“回撤”交易系统,在热门的“回撤”货币对交易中特别有效:AUDCAD、AUDNZD、NZDCAD。该系统在交易中使用了外汇市场的主要模式——价格在任何方向急剧波动后的回归。 时间框架:M15 基本货币对:AUDNZD、NZDCAD、AUDCAD 附加货币对:EURUSD、USDCAD、GBPUSD、EURCAD、EURGBP、GBPCAD 实时信号(不同设置): NEW2000 MT5 ICM FastWay MT5 Roboforex FastWay MT4 ICM NEW2000 MT4 Roboforex LittleeCrazyWay MT5 (新EA设置之一可能非常类似于LC EA,但不完全相同。) 购买EA后,务必私信我,我会将您添加到私人群组,发送设置文件和详细说明。 我愿意帮助每位买家安装和配置顾问。 如果您以前从未使用过EA,我会向您展示并教您如何使用。 EA设置: 您可以使用OneChartSetup(仅限M15时间框架)从单个图表运行所有货币对 该EA对点差、滑点或任何其他与经纪商相关的变量不敏感。 仅使用推荐
Waka Waka EA MT5
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.13 (40)
EA has a live track record with 4.5 years of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT4 version can be found here Waka Waka is the advanced grid system which already works on real accounts for years. Instead of fitting the system to reflect historical data (like most people do) it was designed to exploit existing market inefficiencies. Therefore it is not a simple "hit and miss" system which only survives by using grid. Instead it uses real market mechanics to its advantage to make p
Aura Black Edition MT5
Stanislav Tomilov
4.43 (35)
Aura Black Edition 是一款完全自动化的 EA,仅用于交易黄金。专家在 2011-2020 年期间在 XAUUSD 上表现出稳定的结果。没有使用危险的资金管理方法,没有马丁格尔,没有网格或剥头皮。适用于任何经纪商条件。使用多层感知器神经网络 (MLP) 训练的 EA 是一类前馈人工神经网络 (ANN)。术语 MLP 的使用含糊不清,有时松散地指任何前馈 ANN,有时严格指由多层感知器组成的网络(具有阈值激活)。多层感知器有时被通俗地称为“原始”神经网络,尤其是当它们只有一个隐藏层时。MLP 由至少三层节点组成:输入层、隐藏层和输出层。除了输入节点之外,每个节点都是使用非线性激活函数的神经元。MLP 利用一种称为反向传播的监督学习技术进行训练。多层结构和非线性激活使 MLP 与线性感知器区别开来。它可以区分非线性可分的数据。 此价格还剩 2 份,之后价格将上涨至 3000 美元 如何设定及参数说明 (阅读这里) 在此查看实时结果: https ://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2263480     信息 工作符号 XAUUSD 工作时间范围:D1
Golden Pickaxe MT5
Valeriia Mishchenko
3.56 (9)
EA has high-performance live track records of different set files: XAU Risky Vol XAU Balanced Vol XAU Balanced MT4 version can be found here Golden Pickaxe is a mean-reversion grid trading system that uses machine learning technology to place high-profit potential trades on the Gold market. It uses real market inefficiencies to its advantage to have an edge over the market. The EA has 5 predefined set files, which are essentially 5 different trading systems on gold . You may choose the defaul
Robot autotrading forex yang bekerja secara full otomatis menggunakan Strategi Scalping yang sangat profitable.Tidak menggunakan metode strategi yang berbahaya dalam trading yang menyebabkan hilangnya seluruh Deposit secara tajam seperti Hedging, Martingale, Grid, Arbitrage, dll. Kelebihan RainScalper adalah memiliki status Live Development yang berkesinambungan dalam jangka panjang berbeda dengan robot lain yang sering berganti nama ketika terjadi crash/mc; serta memiliki kemampuan multi-strate
Hermes EA
Aleksandr Chebotaev
5 (1)
Hello, my name is Alexander. I would like to introduce you to my new development, Hermes EA. The advisor is synthesis of two strategies: breakthrough strategy and level strategy. The EA doesn't use any indicators. The EA works well on EURUSD  pair. The advisor has shown stable performance for more than 20 years. It does not use dangerous trading methods such as martingale, etc. All transactions are protected by take profit and stop loss. I tried to make the advisor as easy to install as possible
Perceptrader AI MT5
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.6 (5)
EA has a live track record with 48 month of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT4 version can be found here Perceptrader AI is a cutting-edge grid trading system that leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence, utilizing Deep Learning algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to analyze large amounts of market data at high speed and detect high-potential trading opportunities to exploit. Supported currency pairs: NZDUSD, USDCAD, AUDNZD, AUDCAD, NZDCAD, GBPCHF Timefram
Arman Belassarov
AriMax – AI智能交易机器人 AriMax是一款创新的AI智能交易机器人, 旨在帮助交易者最大化利润并降低风险。 借助先进的机器学习算法和实时市场分析,AriMax能够精准、 高效地识别高概率的交易机会。 核心特点:   AI驱动的市场分析 – 通过分析市场趋势和模式,做出数据驱动的交易决策。   自动交易执行 – 精准把握进场和出场时机,自动执行交易。   风险管理 – 采用止损和风险控制策略,保障资金安全。   多资产支持 – 适用于股票、外汇、加密货币和期货市场。   用户友好界面 – 适合初学者和专业交易者使用。 AriMax通过智能自动化帮助交易者领先市场, 避免情绪化决策,提供战略性优势。无论是日内交易还是长期投资, AriMax都能让您的交易更加智能、高效和精准。 立即开启AriMax AI交易新时代!
BenefitEA Mt5
Vsevolod Merzlov
Benefit EA Uses only hedging accounts.     Benefit EA is a non-indicative flexible grid adviser with special entry points that provide a statistical advantage, revealed through the mathematical modeling of market patterns. The EA does not use stop loss. All trades are closed by take profit or trailing stop. It is possible to plan the lot increments. The "Time Filter" function is set according to the internal time of the terminal as per the displayed time of the instrument's server, not the oper
Neurolite EA gbpusd
Aliaksandr Salauyou
The Neurolite Expert Advisor offers trade decisions based on a neural network trained using a 10-year history of real tick data. The trading is performed only on GBP/USD. Its main peculiarity is a small amount of input parameters so as to facilitate the working process of users. The Neurolite EA will fine-tune all the parameters for you. Trading Strategy The system does NOT use dangerous strategies such as averaging or martingale, but strictly adheres to the neural network instructions. Stop lo
Neurolite EA eurusd
Aliaksandr Salauyou
The Neurolite Expert Advisor offers trade decisions based on a neural network trained on 5-years of real tick data. Trading is performed only on the EUR/USD currency pair. Its main peculiarity is a small amount of input parameters so as to facilitate the working process of users. The Neurolite EA will fine-tune all the parameters for you. This Expert Advisor is based on the previously released Neurolite EA gbpusd , which was adjusted for successful trading on the EUR/USD currency pair. Trading
只在亚洲盘进行剥头皮交易 几个独特指标用于检测市场波动 根据市场情况动态止盈止损 保护性硬止损,使得账户风险降低 不需要配置文件,对每一个货币对使用相同的设置 此EA适用于以下货币对: EURAUD 推荐在 M15 周期上使用此EA 建议在一个真正的 低点差 ECN平台上使用该EA 推荐将Risk参数设置为10以下 推荐使用99.9%模型质量的历史回测 信号 : https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/author/oodd008 回测 : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/oodd008/blog 参数 Lots - 使用固定手数 Risk - 根据账户净值自动计算手数,只有当Lots是0时才有效 Auto_GMT_Offset - 实盘交易时,如果设置为true,GMT_Offset会由EA自动计算 GMT_Offset - 历史回测时输入你的经纪商的GMT时间,实盘交易时不用设置此参数,系统会自动计算GMT时间 EA_Comment - 设置自己的评论信息 MAGIC - Magic数字,无需更改 Max_Spread - 开
Thurau Baerbel
Snake EURUSD Real EA is a fully automatic Forex Trading Expert Advisor. The robot can run on any pair, but the results are better on EURUSD M15. The system can run with any broker that also provides Floating Spread. Advantages The EA does not use systems like martingale, hedging, etc. The EA uses SL and Trailing Stop to make a profit. In addition, you can also set TP (EURUSD at 93 for me). Best test results with 99.0% in the backtest. It is not necessary to close the EA during the press release
TS Trade
Carlos Reis Dos Santos
DESCRIÇÃO O TS Trade é um robô desenvolvido por profissionais com longa experiência no Mercado Financeiro. É baseado em algoritmos de negociação avançados. Tem como principal característica uma gestão de risco rigorosa. É perfeito para quem busca uma ferramenta eficaz para automatizar suas negociações. Instale o Robô e deixe que ele faça todo o trabalho por você. MÉTODO O TS Trade utiliza um algoritmo o qual possibilita identificar uma tendência do mercado a partir da movimentação de duas média
#Multicurrency #Hedging #Martingale #28Symbols  @AUD @CAD @CHF @JPY @NZD @USD @EUR @GBP  In the globalisation process that the world economy has undergone in the last two decades, financial markets have played a leading role. The easy and fast access to information, together with the growing economic interdependence between the different commercial blocks, have caused more and more economic agents to participate in non-national financial markets. Even small investors, thanks to the Internet and
On Control EA MT5 V2 Game-Changing Software For The Forex Market  On Control EA was created to help traders like you maximize their income. How would you like to gain access to a world-class proprietary piece of software designed for one purpose, to improve your Forex strategy? Let’s be honest, it can be hard to understand which technical analysis & trading signals you should follow. With On Control EA, you now have a powerful tool that will enhance your Forex trading strategy & elevate your in
EA Rx Five MT5
Ruslan Pishun
The adviser uses a strategy based on the use of 7 Envelopes  indicators, on each timeframe (M5, M15, M30, H1, H4) there are 7 Envelopes indicators. Trading is based on the “Price Action” strategy, the adviser searches for a simultaneous signal on 5 time frames: M5, M15, M30, H1, H4 and then opens an order. The EA uses the built-in Martingale and Averaging algorithm. The adviser uses economic news to achieve more accurate signals. Hidden Take Profit, Break Even and Trailing Stop are used. Attenti
MoneyMaker 稳定提款机 Lite 版本,是一款针对外汇的自动智能交易系统!以下简称本 EA 智能交易系统。Lite版本仅支持MetaTrader 5! 本 EA 智能交易系统的目的是稳定盈利,而不是让你拥有一夜暴富的能力! 本 EA 智能交易系统的 Lite 版本仅作用于 EUR/USD 货币兑,不能用于其他货币兑交易、其他 CFD 产品交易以及大宗商品交易或期指商品交易! 本 EA 智能交易系统,只适合运行在允许进行对冲交易的的外汇交易商平台! 本 EA 智能交易系统,采用马丁格尔与网格交易系统为基础,通过大数据分析对 EUR/USD 货币兑的多年历史数据进行各项特征进行层层分析,得到了精准的分析结果! 本 EA 智能交易系统的代码融入数据模糊处理技术,使得本 EA 智能交易系统在进行下单和平仓操作时自动处理价位而并非依靠限价订单来完成下单和止盈平仓操作! 本 EA 智能交易系统的特点在于稳定盈利!根据市场的情况,平均每日盈利 $60~$180 ! 本 EA 智能交易系统没有资金回撤!常规时期最大动态亏损$ 400 以内!对于 COVID-19 时的市场熔断机制, 500
Bonnitta EA MT5
Ugochukwu Mobi
3.52 (23)
Bonnitta EA 基于挂单策略 (PPS) 和非常先进的秘密交易算法。 Bonnitta EA 的策略是秘密自定义指标、趋势线、支撑和阻力位(价格行动)和上述最重要的秘密交易算法的组合。 不要在没有超过 3 个月的任何真实货币测试的情况下购买 EA,我花了超过 100 周(超过 2 年)在真实货币上测试 BONNITTA EA 并在下面的链接中查看结果。 BONNITTA EA 由爱和力量组成。 仅适用于少数买家,这是盗版算法的价格和实施的原因。 Bonnitta EA 在 22 年的时间内使用质量为 99.9% 的真实报价成功通过了压力测试,滑点和佣金接近真实市场条件。 Expert Advisor包含统计采集和滑点控制的算法,具有完整的统计控制; 此信息用于保护您免受经纪人的欺骗。 Bonnitta EA 在下订单之前控制经纪人执行的质量,它还成功地通过了历史数据和不同数据馈送的蒙特卡罗模拟方面的严格标准。 结果 策略测试器的 Expert Advisor 结果:初始存款为 1000 美元的 Bonnitta EA 在 2020 年 1 月 1 日至 2021 年
RSAS By Capitarc
Abdur Rafi Ahmad
CAPITARC`s RSAS Expert Advisor for MT5   RSAS MT5   -is a professional expert advisor used by our investment firm it is based on price action and Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicator.  This product is with dynamic overbought and oversold levels that automatically adapts to the ever changing markets, while the standard MT5 RSI maintains levels static levels and do not change. This allows the expert to adapt to the ever-changing market without the need to constantly optimize, just make sure yo
Expert. Automatic and manual trading. Ready-made trading system based on Elliott waves and Fibonacci retracement levels . It is simple and affordable. Display of the marking of Elliott waves (main or alternative option) on the chart. Construction of horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, a channel. Superposition of Fibonacci levels on waves 1, 3, 5, A Alert system (on-screen, E-Mail, Push notifications).    visual panel for opening orders in manual trading. visual panel for setting up
Shadow Legends MT5
Zarui Ogannisian
Shadow Legends MT5 EA.-it's a fully automated expert Advisor designed to trade EURUSD. It is based on machine learning analysis and genetic algorithms.  The Expert Advisor contains a self-adaptive market algorithm that uses price action patterns. The expert Advisor showed stable results for EURUSD in the period 2000-2021.  No dangerous money management techniques, no Martingale, no netting, scalping or hedging.  Suitable for any brokerage conditions.Test only on real accounts.Recommended broker
Reactor MT5是用于日内交易的全自动EA交易。它基于许多指标。专家顾问能够获得很高的获胜率。 专家在EURUSD,GBPUSD,USDCAD,AUDUSD和USDJPY M15货币对的整个可用历史时期内进行了测试,并获得了出色的结果。您可以下载演示并自己进行测试。我的测试使用的是实际报价日期,准确度为99.90%,实际价差和附加滑点。 基于EA分析,基本策略始于逆序趋势和跟随趋势的市场订单 最大跌幅将为%0,1-%15%。您可以检查图片上6年的回测结果。 反应堆是如此低风险的专家。系统正在使用不同类型的算法打开订单。 坦率地说,输入太多,但请放心,我会为您提供帮助。 Ea在星期一和星期五不开放任何订单。如果您愿意,可以自己打开它。 了解了输入之后,您可以找到最适合自己的设置。 请不要将ea与假回测ea进行比较。所有结果都是真实的。 在电报上关注我们: https://t.me/joinchat/RXjxgdlM1aRZA3A4 推荐建议 推荐的时间范围是M15- M30-H1-H4。 专家可以继续使用EURUSD,GBPUSD,USDCAD,AUDUSD和USDJPY。 从20
QuantXProTrader EA
Netlux Digital Kft.
QXS PRO TRADER Expert Advisor QuantXProTrader is an Expert Advisor based on Profitable Price Action strategy. It is compatible with our QXS Trend indicator and work automatically by Trend detection on Multiple assets. Each and Everything in this EA is perfect Just you need to set input parameters. Take Profit, Stop loss, Trailing Stop, Trailing Step, Lot Size Adjust it as per your account capital and equity. Recommended TIMEFRAMES are: M15, M30 and H1  Before Installing Expert Advisor on chart
Oxana Tambur
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more then 90% discount ($ 3750 >>> $ 345), Special offer is valid for 3 months from the start of sales <<<<<<<< <<<<<<<< The trading robot has been trading on a real account since 2018. We will show our account to everyone who plans to buy a trading robot. To do this, contact us. TickToker is a fully automatic Expert Advisor designed for the    EUR/GBP,EUR/SGD,AUD/NZD,EUR/CHF   currency pairs.  Does not use Martingale and Grid, all trades are covered by Stop Loss and Take Profit.
Dragon wing
Shinichi Ikeda
EAの概要 MACDとストキャス を使用したEA MACDとストキャス をベースにトレーディンストップ、 テイクプロフィットレベル などの設定及び機能を搭載しています。 特徴 新規エントリーをサーバー時間でトレードをタイムコントロール出来る機能を搭載しています。 利確幅、ロスカット幅を任意に設定可能です。 MT5であればブロカー関係なく、暗号資産(仮想通貨)、FX、CFD、株式等の使用可能なEAとなっております。 EAを稼働させる上での注意事項 当サイトでご提供しているEAは、利用者の収益を保証するものではありません。 当サイトで掲載しているロジック、損益シミュレーションと同じ結果になることを保証するものでもありません。利用者の環境等で結果が異なることもございます。 実際にEAを利用するか中止するかの判断は、必ずご自身で決定してください。
Shinichi Ikeda
EAの概要 一目均衡表を使用したEA 一目均衡表をベースにトレード時間帯、マーチン、トレーディンストップ、ロット計算などの設定及び機能搭載しています。 特徴 新規エントリーをサーバー時間でトレードをタイムコントロール出来る機能を搭載しています。 利確幅、ロスカット幅、マーチン倍率を任意に設定可能です。 典型的なマーチンタイプのEAですので、破綻リスクと上手く付き合いつつ利用することが必要です。 追加機能でリバースやオンリーワンなどの追加機能を搭載しました、通常はfalseですが必要であればtrueにしてください。 MT5であればブロカー関係なく、暗号資産(仮想通貨)、FX、CFD、株式等の使用可能なEAとなっております。 EAを稼働させる上での注意事項 当サイトでご提供しているEAは、利用者の収益を保証するものではありません。 当サイトで掲載しているロジック、損益シミュレーションと同じ結果になることを保証するものでもありません。利用者の環境等で結果が異なることもございます。 実際にEAを利用するか中止するかの判断は、必ずご自身で決定してください。
PriceTracker MT5
Stanislau Siatsko
4.43 (14)
2024 - the return of a legend and a major update and modernization of PriceTracker EA!  PriceTracker EA is specially designed for real trading, taking into account all real market conditions and factors. This is not a test grail where you get profit is only in the strategy tester.    PriceTracker EA is a multi-currency, high-yield system with an incredible account trading diversification strategy that shows results in REAL trading, in LIVE Accounts! PriceTracker EA wiil be great work on any real