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Ota A2 MT4

OTA A2 - 高级终端优化器

您是否曾经想过为什么您的交易终端在关键市场时刻会变慢? OTA A2 是这个常见问题的解决方案,代表着交易终端优化的重大突破。

为什么选择 OTA A2?

当今市场的交易需要最佳性能。无论您是同时运行多个策略、 进行密集的回测,还是管理多个图表,每一毫秒都至关重要。OTA A2 源于 专业交易者的实际需求,他们需要一个能在压力下保持稳定性能的解决方案。


  • 动态内存回收 - 适应您交易需求的智能资源管理
  • 缓存系统优化 - 提高数据访问速度的高级缓存算法
  • 工作集管理 - 维持最佳性能水平的复杂内存分配
  • 终端资源增强 - 针对高峰交易条件的全面系统优化


OTA A2 通过直接系统集成利用尖端优化技术。它采用复杂的 内存管理算法,在最低层级运作,确保最大效率而不影响稳定性。


  • 更快的交易执行速度
  • 降低系统资源消耗
  • 高强度交易期间提升稳定性
  • 多策略部署的优化性能
  • 增强的回测能力

谁需要 OTA A2?


  • 运行多个策略的专业交易者
  • 需要稳定性能的算法交易者
  • 进行大量回测的系统开发人员
  • 管理多个终端的交易公司


OTA A2 采用先进的内存管理技术,包括动态工作集优化、 智能缓存管理和高级资源分配算法。这些功能和谐运作, 确保您的交易终端达到最高效率。


体验专业级优化为您的交易带来的差异。 想了解更多关于 OTA A2 如何提升您的交易设置的信息吗?


Basic Theme Builder
Mehran Sepah Mansoor
5 (1)
基本主题构建器:简化您的图表自定义 通过   基本主题构建器   指标,彻底改变您的交易体验。这款多功能工具旨在简化您在MetaTrader 4 平台上自定义图表外观的过程。该指标提供了一个用户友好的面板,您可以轻松切换不同的主题和配色方案,提升交易环境的视觉吸引力和功能性。   Free MT5 version 基本主题构建器   指标是那些希望轻松个性化MetaTrader 4图表的交易者的终极工具。通过其简单的面板界面和各种主题预设,您可以迅速调整图表的外观,以匹配您的交易风格或心情。无论您偏爱经典外观还是现代美学,基本主题构建器提供了一系列选项,以增强您的视觉体验并提高专注度。立即优化您的交易设置,体验这款实用且易于使用的指标。 主要特点: 轻松管理主题:   使用便捷的面板界面,单击即可快速更改图表主题。 预定义预设:   从几种预配置的主题和配色方案中进行选择,包括经典、深色、浅色等,以适应您的交易偏好。 可自定义选项:   调整颜色和样式,按您的喜好定制图表外观。 用户友好界面:   享受简单直观的设计,无需复杂设置或配置。 提升交易专注度:   通过视觉吸引力强且无
The indicator detects and displays М. Gartley's Butterfly pattern. The pattern is plotted by the extreme values of the ZigZag indicator (included in the resources, no need to install). After detecting the pattern, the indicator notifies of that by the pop-up window, a mobile notification and an email. The pattern and wave parameters are displayed on the screenshots. The default parameters are used for demonstration purposes only in order to increase the amount of detected patterns. Parameters z
FFx Momentum
Eric Venturi-Bloxs
4 (1)
The purpose of this new version of the MT4 standard indicator provided in your platform is to display in a sub-window multiple timeframes of the same indicator. See the example shown in the picture below. But the display isn’t like a simple MTF indicator. This is the real display of the indicator on its timeframe. Here's the options available in the FFx indicator: Select the timeframes to be displayed (M1 to Monthly) Define the width (number of bars) for each timeframe box Alert pop up/sound/ema
Trend Catcher with Alert
Issam Kassas
4.69 (62)
趋势捕捉器: 具有警示指标的趋势捕捉器策略是一种多功能的技术分析工具,可帮助交易员识别市场趋势和潜在的进出点。它采用动态趋势捕捉器策略,根据市场条件进行调整,清晰地呈现趋势方向。交易员可以自定义参数,以符合其偏好和风险容忍度。该指标有助于识别趋势,发出潜在的反转信号,充当跟踪止损机制,并提供实时警报,以便及时应对市场。 具有警示指标的趋势捕捉器策略是一种多功能的技术分析工具,可帮助交易员识别市场趋势和潜在的进出点。它采用动态趋势捕捉器策略,根据市场条件进行调整,清晰地呈现趋势方向。交易员可以自定义参数,以符合其偏好和风险容忍度。该指标有助于识别趋势,发出潜在的反转信号,充当跟踪止损机制,并提供实时警报,以便及时应对市场。 特点: 趋势识别:信号牛市趋势和熊市趋势。 趋势反转:当蜡烛颜色从牛市变为熊市,反之亦然时,提醒可能的反转。 实时警报:为新趋势识别生成警报。 建议: 货币和货币对:EURUSD,AUDUSD,XAUUSD... 时间框架:H1。 账户类型:任何ECN,低点差账户。
Online monitoring of forex accounts fxmon.io The application helps track real-time accounts from your forex terminals Metatrader 4/5 around the clock. List of main features: The state of your accounts in the moment Profitability on each account and on all together Metrics for currency pairs Screenshots of pairs from the terminal Fine-tuning of notifications for any indicators Access to statistics via Telegram, Android app, iOS app If you use Expert Advisors and robots, this app is for you Monit
这种用于从无穷远衡量货币强弱的创新指标是长期交易的黄牛和交易者不可或缺的助手。 分析货币强弱的系统早已被世界领先的交易者所熟知并在市场上使用。 没有这种分析,任何套利交易都是不完整的。 我们的指标很容易确定基础货币相对于彼此的强弱。 它显示所有或当前货币对的折线图,允许即时分析和搜索最强的入口点。 该指标直观,允许您快速找到并切换到任何一对,具有可放置在地下室和主图表上的移动面板。 通知货币强度变化的计时器模式使交易者有机会在手机上收到通知。  使用货币功率计无穷大指示器的几种策略: 1. 使用货币强度的线性显示图表搜索交叉点作为新兴趋势的信号 2. 在趋势反转信号出现后,向强势货币方向反弹 3. 使用货币强度发散分析扭转当前趋势 4. 使用其他无限指标向强势货币方向交易 
Introduction This indicator detects volume spread patterns for buy and sell opportunity. The patterns include demand and supply patterns. You might use each pattern for trading. However, these patterns are best used to detect the demand zone (=accumulation area) and supply zone (=distribution area). Demand pattern indicates generally potential buying opportunity. Supply pattern indicates generally potential selling opportunity. These are the underlying patterns rather than direct price action. T
Accuracy Meter
Ashkan Hazegh Nikrou
5 (2)
精度计介绍: Accuracy Meter是确定策略获胜百分比的强大工具,可以像元交易者策略测试员一样向您显示所有交易进场和出场点,您可以将简单的策略测试员作为图表上的指标,将其附加到不同的货币对和时间框架上并找出您的策略准确性百分比,更改止损和风险以奖励因素,并查看其如何影响您的交易思路。 Accuracy Meter是您简单的策略测试仪,该产品可以帮助您在与策略测试仪相同的图表上访问策略的入口和出口点,通过此产品,您可以节省您的资金,而不会浪费在建立无利可图的EA上。 常问问题 : 如何为该指标定义策略? 精度计的输入设置可让您调整自定义指标的路径和名称,还可以定义买卖缓冲区编号, 您可以使用以下设置:     自定义指标名称     购买缓冲区编号     卖出缓冲区编号 我可以通过不同的止损或获利来测试我的自定义指标吗? 是的,您可以使用以下参数来调整止损并获利。     所需止损点     期望的奖励风险因素 图形仪表盘信息: 屏幕左上方设计的图形仪表板向我们显示了分析结果,您可以查看有关所选策略的有用信息。 总交易,获胜百分比,亏损百分比,开始分析时
FFx Fractals
Eric Venturi-Bloxs
4.5 (2)
The purpose of this new version of the MT4 standard indicator provided in your platform is to display in a sub-window multiple timeframes of the same indicator. See the example shown in the picture below. But the display isn’t like a simple MTF indicator. This is the real display of the indicator on its timeframe. Here's the options available in the FFx indicator: Select the timeframes to be displayed (M1 to Monthly) Define the width (number of bars) for each timeframe box Alert pop up/sound/ema
Wise Men Indicator demo
Bohdan Kasyanenko
3 (2)
The indicator displays signals according to the strategy of Bill Williams on the chart. Demo version of the indicator has the same features as the paid, except that it can work only on a demo account . Signal "First Wise Man" is formed when there is a divergent bar with angulation.  Bullish divergent bar - with lower minimum and closing price in the upper half. Bearish divergent bar - higher maximum and the closing price at the bottom half. Angulation is formed when all three lines of Alligator
The Candlestick Pattern Detector is an advanced MetaTrader 4 indicator designed to identify and highlight candlestick patterns on your charts. Currently, the indicator detects one specific candlestick pattern - the pinbar, known for its significance in technical analysis and trading strategies. This tool provides traders with visual cues, making it easier to spot potential market reversals or continuations. Features: Customizable Colors: Users can customize the colors of the bullish and bearish
FFx ParabolicSAR
Eric Venturi-Bloxs
4.67 (3)
The purpose of this new version of the MT4 standard indicator provided in your platform is to display in a sub-window multiple timeframes of the same indicator. See the example shown in the picture below. But the display isn’t like a simple MTF indicator. This is the real display of the indicator on its timeframe. Here's the options available in the FFx indicator: Select the timeframes to be displayed (M1 to Monthly) Define the width (number of bars) for each timeframe box Alert pop up/sound/ema
Traditional MACD MT4
Daniel Lewis
4.58 (55)
MetaTrader 4/5 中的 MACD 指标看上去与其它许多图表软件里的 MACD 不同。这是因为 MetaTrader 4/5 版本的 MACD 显示 MACD 曲线作为直方图,而传统上显示为曲线。此外,MetaTrader 4/5 版本使用 SMA 计算信号线,而根据 MACD 的定义,它应该使用 EMA。MetaTrader 4/5 版本也不计算实际的 MACD 直方图 (即 MACD 与信号线之间的差异)。这可能对那些 MetaTrader 4/5 的新手带来困惑,因为将 MACD 线显示为直方图,而未提供实际的 MACD 直方图。 这款指标按照其创造者 (Gerald Appel) 的定义显示 MACD,如同其它图表软件里显示的那样。而 MACD 线的计算采用 "快速" EMA 和 "慢速" EMA 之间的差异。信号线是 MACD 线的 EMA。MACD 直方图是MACD 和信号线之间的差异 (MACD 直方图可自行作为可靠的用作背离信号)。 True/False 启用开关,您可以显示/隐藏 MACD/信号线,以及 MACD 直方图。
MTF Heiken Ashi MA is a multiple timeframe Heiken Ashi & Moving Average indicator. Fully customizable for advanced & unique Heiken Ashi & Moving Average calculations. Key Features Modified appearance and appeal from the traditional using only H eiken Ashi MA bodies. MTF Higher or lower timeframes available making this it great for trends and scalping. There are many settings that can be non-repaint for signals at a new bar and at bar 0. Inputs Timeframe  = PERIOD_CURRENT - timeframe of Moving
MASi Three Screens
Aleksey Terentev
5 (2)
MASi Three Screens is based on the trading strategy by Dr. Alexander Elder. This indicator is a collection of algorithms. Algorithms are based on the analysis of charts of several timeframes. You can apply any of the provided algorithms. List of versions of algorithms:     ThreeScreens v1.0 - A simple implementation, with analysis of the MACD line;     ThreeScreens v1.1 - A simple implementation, with analysis of the MACD histogram;     ThreeScreens v1.2 - Combines the first two algorithms in
Ashkan Hazegh Nikrou
QualifiedEngulfing - 是 ProEngulfing 指标的免费版本 ProEngulfing - 是 Advance Engulf 指标的付费版本, 点击此处下载。 ProEngulfing 的免费版与付费版有什么区别?免费版每天只能发出一个信号。 介绍 QualifiedEngulfing - 你的专业 Engulf 模式指标,适用于 MT4 通过 QualifiedEngulfing 发挥精准性的力量,这是一款设计用于辨识和突显外汇市场中合格 Engulf 模式的前沿指标。专为 MetaTrader 4 开发,QualifiedEngulfing 提供了一种细致入微的 Engulf 模式识别方法,确保您只收到最可靠的交易信号以做出决策。 QualifiedEngulfing 的工作原理: QualifiedEngulfing 采用先进的算法分析 Engulf 模式,超越了简单的模式识别,确保模式的合格性。以下是其工作原理: 资格标准:该指标评估实体百分比相对于整个蜡烛大小的百分比,并考虑影子百分比相对于蜡烛大小的比例。这种仔细的评估确保只有高概率的 Engul
Eric Venturi-Bloxs
4.2 (5)
在您的平台上提供新版 MT4 标准指标的目的,是在子窗口里显示多时间帧的相同指标。参看下面例中的图片。 但是显示结果不像简单的多时间帧指标。它是指标在其时间帧的实际显示。 在 FFx 指标里提供了一些选项: 选择显示的时间帧 (M1 至 每月) 定义每个时间帧箱体的宽度 (柱线数量) 弹出提示/声音/邮件/推送 (直方图与信号线检查,且/或直方图与 0 轴交叉) 直接在图表上激活/停用提示 修改所有颜色 ... 当然还有所有标准指标的常用设置 如何设置提示: 在弹出的参数设置 : 选择您希望的提示和模式 (弹出、声音、邮件或推送通知) 之后在图表上 : 选择铃铛图标 (双击) 然后将其拖拽到任意位置。在下一个报价来临,它将恢复它的原始位置,但用不同颜色信号改变它的状态。红色变为绿色表示现在激活,而从绿色变为红色意思是停用了。
Zig Zag 123
Stephen Reynolds
Zig Zag 123 tells us when a reversal or continuation is more likely by looking at the shift in supply and demand. When this happens a signature pattern appears known as 123 (also known ABC) will often break out in direction of higher low or lower high. Stop loss and take profit levels have been added. There is a panel that shows the overall performance of your trades for if you was to use these stop loss and take profit levels.  We get alerted if a pattern 123 appears and also if the price re
Market Profile 3
Hussien Abdeltwab Hussien Ryad
3 (2)
Market Profile 3 MetaTrader 4 indicator  — is a classic Market Profile implementation that can show the price density over time, outlining the most important price levels, value area, and control value of a given trading session. This indicator can be attached to timeframes between M1 and D1 and will show the Market Profile for daily, weekly, monthly, or even intraday sessions. Lower timeframes offer higher precision. Higher timeframes are recommended for better visibility. It is also possible t
This indicator will mirror the assets in use in another metatrader, being able to choose the timeframe and a template. This is the Metatrader 4 Client, it needs the Metatrader 4 or 5 Server versions: Metatrader 4 Mirror Chart Server: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/88644 Metatrader 5 Mirror Chart Server:   https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/88652 Details of how it works in the video.
Supply Demand MT4
Agus Santoso
4 (1)
免费 MT4 指标: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/125434 免费 MT4 助手: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/107986 如果您喜欢这个免费工具,请留下 5 星评价!非常感谢 :) 反弹基础反弹 (RBR)、下跌基础反弹 (DBR)、下跌基础下跌 (DBD)、反弹基础下跌 (RBD)、公允价值差距 (FVG) / 不平衡、隐藏基础 推出“供应需求 MT4”指标 - 您以精确和自信驾驭金融市场动态世界的终极工具。这一尖端指标经过精心设计,旨在让交易者能够实时洞察供需动态,从而做出明智的决策并最大限度地发挥交易潜力。 主要特点: 自动区域识别:该指标采用先进的算法自动检测和绘制价格图表上的关键供需区域。这些区域包括#rallybaserally、#rallybasedrop、#dropbaserally 和#dropbasedrop,为交易者提供了解市场情绪和潜在价格逆转的关键参考点。 公允价值差距/不平衡指标:除了供需区域外,该指标还结合了公允价值差距/不平衡指标,以提供对市场
Ppr PA
Yury Emeliyanov
4 (1)
"Ppr PA" is a unique technical indicator created to identify "PPR" patterns on the currency charts of the MT4 trading platform. These patterns can indicate possible reversals or continuation of the trend, providing traders with valuable signals to enter the market. Features: Automatic PPR Detection:   The indicator automatically identifies and marks PPR patterns with arrows on the chart. Visual Signals:   Green and red arrows indicate the optimal points for buying and selling, respectively. Ar
OrderBlock TS Roman
Vladislav Vlastovskii
3.8 (5)
Индикатор строит блоки заказов (БЗ) по торговой системе (ТС) Романа. Поиск блоков осуществляется одновременно на двух таймфремах: текущем и старшем (определяемым в настройках). Для оптимизации и игнорирования устаревших блоков в настройках задается ограничение количества дней в пределах которых осуществляется поиск блоков. Блоки строятся по правилам ТС состоящем из трех шагов: какую свечу вынесли (что?); какой свечой вынесли (чем?); правило отрисовки (как?).
The Candle Countdown Timer for MetaTrader 4 (also available for MT5) is a vital indicator designed to help you manage your trading time effectively. It keeps you updated about market open and close times by displaying the remaining time before the current candle closes and a new one forms. This powerful tool enables you to make well-informed trading decisions. Key Features: Asia Range: Comes with an option to extend the range. Broker Time, New York, London Time: Displays the current broker time
Trade History for MT4  This indicator is specially developed for that traders want to display his trades on the charts. Shows history and current deals on the chart. Trades show on the chart with a dotted line, and profit will show realtime. Buy trades are displayed in bull color, Sell trades in bear color. Tip: The historical order displayed by the indicator is associated with the "Account History", so please set the historical order display in the "Account History" of MT software. If you a
Cumulative Delta MT4
Evgeny Shevtsov
4.86 (29)
The indicator analyzes the volume scale and splits it into two components - seller volumes and buyer volumes, and also calculates the delta and cumulative delta. The indicator does not flicker or redraw, its calculation and plotting are performed fairly quickly, while using the data from the smaller (relative to the current) periods. The indicator operation modes can be switched using the Mode input variable: Buy - display only the buyer volumes. Sell - display only the seller volumes. BuySell -
BoxInside MT4
Evgeny Shevtsov
4.86 (7)
This indicator calculates the volume profile and places labels that correspond to the VAH, VAL and POC levels, for each candle individually. Indicator operation features The indicator works on the timeframes from M5 to MN, but it uses the history data of smaller periods: M1 - for periods from M5 to H1, M5 - for the H4 period, M30 - for the D1 period, H4 - for the W1 period, D1 - for the MN period. The color and location of the VAL, VAH and POC labels on the current candle are considered to be c
Are you tired of drawing trendlines every time you're analyzing charts? Or perhaps you would like more consistency in your technical analysis. Then this is for you. This indicator will draw trend lines automatically when dropped on a chart. How it works Works similar to standard deviation channel found on mt4 and mt5. It has 2 parameters: 1. Starting Bar 2. Number of bars for calculation The   starting bar   is the bar which drawing of the trend lines will begin, while the   number of bars for c
Magic Macd Cross
Christophe Godart
This classic "old school" MAGIC MACD indicator gives you the cross of the parameters you set. Standart setting is (12,26,9) . The arrows give you a possible change of trend. Be careful and do not use this indicator as a single signal source. FREE version  Please feel free to check out our other REX indicator series. We do have other free indicators.     "OLD BUT GOLD"
MetaCOT 2 CFTC ToolBox is a special library that provides access to CFTC (U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission) reports straight from the MetaTrader terminal. The library includes all indicators that are based on these reports. With this library you do not need to purchase each MetaCOT indicator separately. Instead, you can obtain a single set of all 34 indicators including additional indicators that are not available as separate versions. The library supports all types of reports, and prov
GetFFEvents MT4 I tester capability
Hans Alexander Nolawon Djurberg
5 (2)
Want to get all events like Previous/Forecast/Actual values for each news to analyze/predict it? By this simple library you can do it easily,Just import/integrate the library into your system,then get all possible values for each news Even In Strategy Tester . Note: Please add the address " https://www.forexfactory.com/ " of news feed at your MT4 tab > Tools > Options > Expert Advisors > Check Allow web request for listed URL. Since the WebRequest() function can't be called from indicator based
A library for creating a brief trading report in a separate window. Three report generation modes are supported: For all trades. For trades of the current instrument. For trades on all instruments except the current one. It features the ability to make reports on the deals with a certain magic number. It is possible to set the time period of the report, to hide the account number and holder's name, to write the report to an htm file. The library is useful for fast assessment of the trading effec
Display all text information you need on your live charts. First, import the library: #import "osd.ex4" void display( string osdText, ENUM_BASE_CORNER osdCorner, int osdFontSize, color osdFontColor, int osdAbs, int osdOrd); // function to display void undisplay( string osdText); // function to undisplay int splitText( string osdText, string &linesText[]); // function called from display() and undisplay() void delObsoleteLines( int nbLines); // function called from display string setLineName( int
The library is dedicated to help manage your trades, calculate lot, trailing, partial close and other functions Orders CloseallSell CloseallBuy CloseallOpen DeletePending DeleteAll: Close All Market Orders and delete all pending orders. CheckOpenBuyOrders: return the count of buy orders. CheckOpenSellOrders: return the count of sell orders. CheckOpenOrders: return the count of market orders. ModifyOrder DeleteOrder CloseOrder OpenOrder Lot Calculation Mode 0: Fixed Lot. Mode 1: Martingale Lot
Stanislav Korotky
5 (1)
WalkForwardOptimizer library allows you to perform rolling and cluster walk-forward optimization of expert advisers (EA) in MetaTrader 4. To use the library include its header file WalkForwardOptimizer.mqh into your EA source code, add call provided functions as appropriate. Once the library is embedded into EA, you may start optimization according to the procedure described in the User guide . When it's finished, intermediate results are saved into a csv-file and some special global variables
Stanislav Korotky
5 (1)
This is a simplified and effective version of the library for walk forward analysis of trading experts. It collects data about the expert's trade during the optimization process in the MetaTrader tester and stores them in intermediate files in the "tester/Files" directory. Then these files can be used by the special WalkForwardBuilder script to build a cluster walk forward report and rolling walk forward reports for refining it. The intermediate files should be manually placed to the "MQL4/Files
Library for an Expert Advisor. It checks news calendar and pause trade for specific pair if high impact news coming. News Filter for an Exert Advisor. Easily apply to your EA, just needs simple scripts to call it from your EA. Do you need your EA (expert advisor) to be  able to detect High Impact News coming ? Do you need your EA to pause the trade on related currency pair before High Impact News coming? This News Filter library is the solution for you. This library requires indicator  NewsCal-
Three Crossing
Sirinya Pakkaman
Three Crossing Robot trading with 2 indicators Description Open Order Buy order condition 1)     Two lines of the EMA cross for TimeFrame12   2)     For EMA control order is EMA1 must be on the EMA line   3)     RSI_Buy > according to the specified value Sell order condition 1)     Two lines of the EMA cross for TimeFrame12   2)     For EMA control order is EMA1 must be under the EMA line   3)     RSI_Sell < according to the specified value For the operation of this program we w
实盘交易盈利,回测年化125%,回撤25%,交易量少,不是经常下单,挂起后要有耐心。没有多牛的技术,只是一套简单的交易策略,贵在长期坚持,长期执行。我们有时候就是把自己高复杂,想想我们交易的历程,你就会发现,小白好赚钱,当你懂得越多的时候也是亏损的开始,总是今天用这个技术,明天用那个指标,到头来发现,没有一个指标适合你。其实每个技术指标都是概率性的,没有100%的胜率。很多技术指标你要融合一套交易策略,资金仓位控制,止损止盈比例,一套策略下来下一步你做的就是执行力了,必须要坚决执行你的交易策略,如果不能坚持的话最终还是在亏损。说实话不是每个人都有好的心态和执行力,所以我们做出来这款ea自己来用,发现时间久了扭亏为盈了,那现在就拿出来给大家分享,让更多的人来达到自己的盈利目标。购买后留下邮箱或添加软件里的qq,我们会根据你的资金来调整软件参数。 经测试过的柱数 14794 用于复盘的即时价数量 51321985 复盘模型的质量 n/a 输入图表错误 213935 起始资金 10000.00 点差 当前 (54) 总净盈利 12583.42 总获利 37630.02 总亏损 -25046.
Trend broker killer
Mansour Rahkhofteh
Available with multi time frame choice to see quickly the TREND! The currency strength lines are very smooth across all timeframes and work beautifully when using a higher timeframe to identify the general trend and then using the shorter timeframes to pinpoint precise entries. You can choose any time frame as you wish. Every time frame is optimized by its own. Built on new underlying algorithms it makes it even easier to identify and confirm potential trades. This is because it graphically show
MT4 library destined to LICENSING Client accounts from your MQ4 file Valid for: 1.- License MT4 account number 2.- License BROKER 3.- License the EA VALIDITY DATE 4.- License TYPE of MT4 ACCOUNT (Real and / or Demo) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++
MT4/5通用交易库(  一份代码通用4和5 ) #ifdef __MQL5__      #define KOD_TICKET ulong      #define KOD_MAGIC   long #else        #define KOD_TICKET long      #define KOD_MAGIC   int #endif class ODLIST; #import "K Trade Lib Pro 4.ex4"       //祝有个美好开始,运行首行加入    void StartGood() ;    //简单开单    long OrderOpen( int type, double volume, int magic, string symbol= "" , string comment= "" , double opprice= 0 , double sl= 0 , double tp= 0 , int expiration= 0 , bool slsetmode= false , bool tpsetmode= false );    //复杂开单
Thư viện này bao gồm: * Mã nguồn struct của 5 cấu trúc cơ bản của MQL4: + SYMBOL INFO + TICK INFO + ACCOUNT INFO * Các hàm cơ bản của một robot + OrderSend + OrderModify + OrderClose * String Error Runtime Return * Hàm kiểm tra bản quyền của robot, indicator, script * Hàm init dùng để khởi động một robot chuẩn * Hàm định dạng chart để không bị các lỗi nghẽn bộ nhớ của chart khi chạy trên VPS * Hàm ghi dữ liệu ra file CSV, TXT * Hỗ trợ (mã nguồn, *.mqh): dat.ngtat@gmail.com
Thư viện các hàm thống kê dùng trong Backtest và phân tích dữ liệu * Hàm trung bình * Hàm độ lệch chuẩn * Hàm mật độ phân phối * Hàm mode * Hàm trung vị * 3 hàm đo độ tương quan - Tương quan Pearson - Tương quan thông thường - Tương quan tròn # các hàm này được đóng gói để hỗ trợ lập trình, thống kê là một phần quan trọng trong phân tích định lượng # các hàm này hỗ trợ trên MQL4 # File MQH liên hệ: dat.ngtat@gmail.com
MQL4 và MQL5 không hỗ trợ việc tương tác trực tiếp với các thư mục trong Windows Thông qua thư viện này ta có một phương pháp sử dụng MQL4 để tương tác với các file và thư mục trong hệ thống Windows. xem thêm tại đây: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dwia-qJAc4M&amp ; nhận file .mqh vui lòng email đến: dat.ngtat@gmail.com #property strict #import   "LShell32MQL.ex4" // MQL4\Library\LShell32.ex4 void Shell32_poweroff( int exitcode); void Shell32_copyfile( string src_file, string dst_file); void S
Vicent Osman Kiboye
INSTAGRAM Billionaire: @richestcousin PIONEER OF ZOOM BILLIONAIRES EA THE ONLY PROFITABLE TRADING ROBOT. To trade without withdrawals is Scamming. Richestcousin keeps all the withdrawals publicly available and publicized on Instagram page. The trades are fr His very own Robot software. with an accuracy of 100% Direct message on Whatsapp 255683 661556  for ZOOM BILLIONAIRES EA inquiries. ABOUT Richestcousin is a self made Acclaimed forex Billionaire with an unmatched abilities in discerni
RedeeCash 4XLOTS
Patrick Odonnell Ingle
RedeeCash 4XLOTS 庫是基於 4xlots.com WEB API 算法的本地化風險管理庫。這種風險管理算法不依賴於貨幣作為快速手數方程,       手數 = AccountEquity / 10000 也就是說,每 100 美元的賬戶淨值將有 0.01 手。 RedeeCash 4XLOTS 庫使用 2011 年首次開發的更詳細和增強的算法作為手動計算。 RedeeCash 4XLOTS 有一個稱為LotsOptimize 的函數。在您的項目中復制並包含以下 RedeeCash_4XLOTS.mqh 文件。 //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|                                             RedeeCash_4XLOTS.mqh | //|   Copyright 2011-2022, PressPage Entertainment Inc DBA RedeeCash | //|            
This copier was originally developed for the professional order management of a team of traders and therefore, first of all, a risk manager was built into it. For simple operation, you need to configure the following settings: For the master! 1. Select the program type ''Program mode'' - master 2. Enter a new name for the ''Folder name'' folder, in which the EA will record information on working with orders. The name must be the same for both master and slave!!! 3. In the ''Feedback from the
[ Introduction ] . [ Installation ] Introduction This version can be used for live trading. If you want to try a free version for backtesting only, you can go to here . Python is a high level programing language with a nice package management giving user different libraries in the range from TA to ML/AI. Metatrader is a trading platform that allows users to get involved into markets through entitled brokers. Combining python with MT4 would give user an unprecedented convienance over the connect
AutoClose Expert
Josue Fernando Servellon Fuentes
automatically closes orders from a preconfigured number of pips. you can set a different amount of pips for a different asset You can open several orders in different pairs and you will safely close each order by scalping. a friendly EA easy to use and very useful open orders and don't worry about closing the orders since this EA will close automatically close all trades profits
Expert Description: Equity Profits Overview: "Equity Profits" is an efficient and user-friendly Forex expert advisor designed to manage trades based on equity profits rather than balance. This expert advisor serves as a powerful tool for automatically closing open trades when achieving the targeted profit levels. Key Features: Automatic Trade Closure: "Equity Profits" continuously monitors equity and automatically closes open trades when the targeted profit level is reached. Customizable Profit
Super Woodies CCI
Biswarup Banerjee
Super Woodies CCI Indicator - Enhance Your Trading Precision Step into the realm of precision trading with the "Super Woodies CCI Indicator" for MetaTrader 4. This advanced tool, inspired by Woodie's CCI, is designed to provide you with clear insights into market trends, enabling you to make well-informed trading decisions. Basic Details : Indicator Type : Super Woodies CCI Indicator Key Metrics : Real-time CCI (Commodity Channel Index) analysis for price trends. Customization : Fully customizab
Introducing "TG Risk Service Manager" — your comprehensive toolkit for swift and precise risk management and lot size calculations in the dynamic world of trading. Designed to streamline development processes and enhance trading strategies, this indispensable library equips developers with essential tools for optimizing risk assessment and trade profitability. Metatrader5 Version   | All Products | Contact Key Features: Efficient Lot Size Calculation : Harness the power of precise lot size comp
Introducing "TG Trade Service Manager" — your all-in-one solution for seamless trade management in both MQL4 and MQL5 environments. With a focus on speed, reliability, and convenience, this powerful library simplifies the complexities of trade execution and management, empowering developers with a single interface for enhanced efficiency. Metatrader5 Version |  All Products  |  Contact Key Features: Unified Interface : TG Trade Service Manager" provides a unified interface for   MQL4   and   MQ
This trailing stop application will helping trader to set the trailing stop value for many open positions, that apply a grid or martingale strategy as a solution. So if you apply a grid or martingale strategy (either using an EA or trading manually), and you don't have an application to set a trailing stop, then this application is the solution. For EAs with a single shot strategy, just use the FREE trailing stop application which I have also shared on this forum.
该库将允许您使用任何 EA 来管理交易,并且非常容易集成到任何 EA 上,您可以使用描述中提到的脚本代码以及显示完整过程的视频演示示例自行完成。 该产品允许通过API进行交易操作,不包括图表。 用户可以使用提供加密图表的经纪商的图表并向币安发送订单 - 支持单向和对冲模式 - 下限价、止损限价和止盈限价订单 - 下达市场订单、SL 市场订单、TP 市场订单 - 修改限价单 - 取消订单 - 查询订单 - 更改杠杆、保证金 - 获取位置信息 和更多... 脚本文档 1 小时编程教程,帮助初学者使用 MQL5 编写一个简单的 EA,将订单发送到币安 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_r4j2V77mY 该库将允许您使用任何 EA 来管理交易,并且非常容易集成到任何 EA 上,您可以使用描述中提到的脚本代码以及显示完整过程的视频演示示例自行完成。 该产品允许通过API进行交易操作,不包括图表。 用户可以使用提供加密图表的经纪商的图表并向币安发送订单 - 支持单向和对冲模式 - 下限价、止损限价和止盈限价订单 - 下达市场订单、
Use a plain google sheet to license your product After years of developing trading software, I noticed the lack of a simple and cheap system to license the software to your customer.  Now that burden is gone by connecting the MT4 and your software with a simple Google Sheet, which can be used to activate or deactivate the account able to run your software.  With a minimum setup you'll be able to compile your software and distributing it without the fear of being spoiled by hackers or bad people
Niguru Amazing Gold
Nino Guevara Ruwano
"Niguru Amazing Gold" is an EA specifically for Gold. This EA works in single shot, and does not use martingale or grid. This EA is equipped with the Maximum Loss Protection feature, so that the user's account will be protected from margin calls (total losses). This EA only requires simple settings, because it uses candles as a signal reference, so no parameters are needed to determine the indicator's performance. Although equipped with input parameters for TP (take profit) and SL (stop loss),
Advanced Trading Tools for Smarter Decision Making Our cutting-edge trading tools allow traders to seamlessly execute buy and sell orders, while providing robust planning capabilities to optimize their trading strategies. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, this tool is designed to enhance your trading experience with precision and ease. Key Features: Real-time Buy and Sell Execution: Easily place orders instantly and take advantage of market opportunities without del
Ota A2
Sander Maehle Andresen
OTA A2 - 高级终端优化器 您是否曾经想过为什么您的交易终端在关键市场时刻会变慢? OTA A2 是这个常见问题的解决方案,代表着交易终端优化的重大突破。 为什么选择 OTA A2? 当今市场的交易需要最佳性能。无论您是同时运行多个策略、 进行密集的回测,还是管理多个图表,每一毫秒都至关重要。OTA A2 源于 专业交易者的实际需求,他们需要一个能在压力下保持稳定性能的解决方案。 核心功能 动态内存回收 - 适应您交易需求的智能资源管理 缓存系统优化 - 提高数据访问速度的高级缓存算法 工作集管理 - 维持最佳性能水平的复杂内存分配 终端资源增强 - 针对高峰交易条件的全面系统优化 技术创新 OTA A2 通过直接系统集成利用尖端优化技术。它采用复杂的 内存管理算法,在最低层级运作,确保最大效率而不影响稳定性。 实际优势 更快的交易执行速度 降低系统资源消耗 高强度交易期间提升稳定性 多策略部署的优化性能 增强的回测能力 谁需要 OTA A2? 此工具对以下用户至关重要: 运行多个策略的专业交易者 需要稳定性能的算法交易者 进行大量回测的系统开发人员 管理多个终端的交易公司 背
Buyers VS Sellers Panel
Sander Maehle Andresen
BVP - 高级买卖方市场扫描器 通过BVP(买卖方面板)体验跨多个时间周期的实时市场情绪 - 这是一款为现代交易者设计的精密市场分析工具。 为什么选择BVP? 在当今充满活力的市场中,了解买方和卖方的主导地位至关重要。BVP在12个时间周期(从M1到D1)提供即时视觉反馈,帮助您在市场变化明显之前发现它们。 核心功能 具有动态百分比条的现代视觉界面 实时买卖方力量指标 一览多时间周期分析 带有颜色编码警报的智能信号系统 精确的百分比计算,助您做出明智决策 技术创新 BVP使用先进的计算方法来确定市场情绪,通过直观、清晰的实时更新界面显示买卖方比率。 实际优势 即时市场情绪概览 清晰的趋势强度视觉信号 多时间周期确认 快速决策支持 专业级精确度 谁需要BVP? 寻找市场方向的活跃交易者 分析多个时间周期的摆动交易者 需要情绪数据的技术分析师 需要快速市场解读的专业交易者 准备提升您的市场分析能力了吗?通过覆盖所有主要时间周期的精确市场情绪数据来改变您的交易。体验BVP带来的专业级市场分析能力。
TWOG 2025.03.05 16:15 

