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Quantum Dark Gold

Quantum strategy is a combination of quantum superposition and trading signal model. EA Quantum Dark Gold determines Buy and Sell positions simultaneously for each signal and simultaneously places 2 orders Buy Stop and Sell Stop. Then the momentum determines which order position is executed and cancels the remaining pending order. This interesting idea forms the Quantum Dark Gold with a unique entry method. Open positions are then managed by Trailing, Stop Loss and position balancing strategies to control risk and optimize performance.

The EA settings are simple and easy to use. Just set default (if XAUUSD has 2 digits) and can start with small balance account from 200 USD.


 Max Spread      = 25 to 50 (Must be higher than the average spread of the currency pair)
 Fixed Lot  = 0.0 (activated Auto Lot); Fixed Lot > 0 (your manual lot size)
 Auto Lot  = 1.0 to 3.5 (= 1.0 mean auto lot size = 1.0 lots per $100,000 balance, or 0.01 lots per $1,000 balance...)
 Take Profit  = 500 (points)
 Stop Loss  = 350 (points) or 500 or 2000... or your values
 Trailing  = 10 (points)
 Start Trailing  = 45 (points)
 Time Start  = 01:30
 Time End  = 22:30
 Magic Number, Comment  = your value

* If you set Fixed Lot > 0, the EA will trade with Lot Size = Fixed Lot (if Fixed Lot is a valid lot size).

* If you set Fixed Lot = 0 and Auto Lot > 0, the EA will calculate the Lot Size according to the value of Auto Lot.



Time frame: M5 or any time frame. Use VPS with low latency (<20ms).

Use EA with ECN or Raw spread accounts, spread < 40 points. Min Balance: 200 USD.

Stops Level = 0 (check the Stops Level by: Press Ctrl + U, select currency pair, click Properties and Stops Level on the 3rd line)

Download history before backtest (Press F2, find currency pair, then Download). Backtest with model: Every tick.


+ If you use EA with Gold and the price has decimal places (like 2230.123), then you need to increase 10 times the value of Max Spread, Take Profit, Trailing, Distance Entry ... parameters in points. For example, set Take Profit = 5000 (instead of the default value = 500), Stop Loss = 3500. Because Point calculation is different with 2 decimal places.

King Grid
Luis Mariano Vazquez Marcos
King Gold Grid Presentamos con orgullo el revolucionario Asesor Experto de Sistema Grid, una obra maestra creada por  Mr Beast. Este excepcional producto se distingue como uno de los mejores en su categoría, destacando por su magnífica gestión de riesgos y especialización en el trabajo con el oro. Diseñado meticulosamente para optimizar la eficiencia y maximizar los beneficios, este asesor experto se erige como un líder indiscutible en el mundo de los sistemas de rejilla. Su capacidad para adapt
Indicement MT4
Profalgo Limited
5 (2)
歡迎來到指數! 道具準備就緒! -> 在這裡 下載設定文件 推出促銷活動: 目前價格只剩幾本! 最終價格:990$ NEW: Choose 1 EA for FREE! (limited to 2 trading account numbers) 終極組合優惠   ->   點擊此處 加入公共團體: 點擊此處   LIVE SIGNAL INDICEMENT 將我 15 年在創建專業交易演算法方面的經驗帶入指數市場。 EA 使用經過深思熟慮的演算法來找到最佳入場價格,並在內部運行多種策略來分散交易風險。 所有交易都有停損和止盈,但也使用追蹤停損和追蹤停盈來最小化風險並最大化每筆交易的潛力。 該系統建立在非常流行且經過驗證的策略之上:交易突破重要的支撐位和阻力位。   我很高興地說,在多年的 EA 開發過程中,我已經完善了這個策略 該 EA 專為 US500、US30 和 NAS100 指數交易而開發。 這些市場特別適合這種類型的策略交易。 回測顯示出非常穩定的成長曲線,回撤非常可控且恢復很快。  該 EA 已針對所有 3 個指數進行了壓力測試,使用不同經紀商的多個價格回饋。此外
Ilan MT4
Andrey Khatimlianskii
5 (1)
The original Ilan EA for MetaTrader 4 This is the original Ilan EA for the MetaTrader 4 trading terminal. The strategy needs no advertising as it is well known even to novice traders. Settings of the Expert Advisor The Expert Advisor can easily be set, while allowing you to adjust any important parameters of the strategy. Available Features: Unique  MagicNumber  for identification of trades; Trade direction option ( Trade direction ): buy only, sell only, or both directions simultaneously; Step
M5 时间框架的机器人黄牛。交易 GBPUSD 货币对。该机器人是由一家专业交易商公司专门开发的,用于英镑交易。机器人每天大约打开 5 到 15 笔交易。最好与英镑兑美元点差低至 10 点的经纪商进行交易。建议的最低存款为 500 美元或更多。 优点: 不使用鞅。 不是网。 每笔交易都有止损。 专门针对 GBPUSD 对的专业机器人。 机器人黄牛,在 M5 时段进行盘中交易。 这个机器人如何交易? 为了分析市场,机器人使用两个指标的价格模型和战略市场模式:抛物线止损和反转系统以及布林带。机器人首先使用价格内插统计分析市场的价格变动。接下来,机器人读取这些指标并比较它们现在和过去的运动趋势。如果存在表明市场反转或回滚的模式巧合,那么机器人将进行交易。机器人将根据余额大小按比例计算每笔交易的手数。交易者可以使用“Percentage_of_lots”参数调整该比例。机器人开始交易后,它开始通过修改追踪止损来伴随它。此外,每笔交易都有自己的止损,设置为限制可能的损失。 机器人规格: 时间范围(期间) M5 货币对 GBPUSD 存款 500 美元起 建议点差高达 10 点。 建议:
Jet Punch
Didit Haryadi Saputra
Jet Punch is another best expert advisor for MT4,  can help you make money while you sleep by automatically entering and exiting trades. It trades by opening trades every day and closing them at the right time to ensure you always earn a profit. The software is very simple and can be used by both beginner and experienced traders.  Jet Punch was tested and has successfully passed the stress test with slippage and commission approximate to the real market condition. Recommendations: Currency pair:
I am the owner of EA  Matoa [MT4] . This is the MT4 version,   if you are interested in copying the MT4 version, please copy it in this account  https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2100341 EA  Matoa [MT4]  is a full automatic trading system base on martingale on pair EURUSD only. Minimum balance to trade with this EA  is:  1. Leverage 1:500 minimum $2000 2. Leverage 1:200 minimum $5000 3. Leverage 1:100 minimum $10000 The strategy is: #1 - Place an order according to the direction of the market tr
Rua TrailingStop BreakEven Little
4.5 (2)
Rua TrailingStop BreakEven Little The EA not for Real Account. You can EA for Real Account with link:   https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/47635 Uses of EA - Trailingstop: Move stoploss continuously. - Breakeven: Move the stoploss once. Custom parameters: All OrderOpenTime:     + true: acts on all order     + false: only affect the order opened since EA run All OrderType:     + true: acts on all order.     + false: only the order is running (Buy, Sell) TraillingStop: true (Use), false (do n
EA Black Spark
Suparma Suparma
Introducing Black Spark - Your Path to Informed Investing. Investment decisions can often feel overwhelming for investors. However, with Black Spark, you can seize control and make well-informed choices. Our cutting-edge system is designed to provide you with up-to-the-minute information by analyzing vast amounts of real-time market data. Through advanced algorithms, we identify patterns and trends, delivering personalized recommendations that align with your unique investment preferences. Our a
Position Trader EA
4.8 (10)
将任何交易策略转变为头寸交易策略,或交易基于经过验证的 RSI 和 ADR 的头寸交易策略,包括针对对您不利的头寸的自动回撤控制系统。 该 EA 是 MRA EA 的演变和简化,MRA EA 多年来一直用于市场结构交易者网站上教授的头寸交易策略。 请参阅我的个人资料,获取网站、免费头寸交易课程和其他产品的链接。 EA 将使用“弹性带理论”自动扩展到市场结构变动,并使用 RSI 指标或您想要交易的任何外汇工具的平均每日范围 (ADR) 的扩展来实现银行和机构采取的均值回归变动。 头寸交易是一种使用小风险和多次入场的进入市场的方法,这意味着初始交易入场的准确性不如入场后 EA 管理交易的方式重要。 市场是不可预测的,而且几乎不可能以任何长期可持续的准确性来计时运动,这就是大多数交易策略和交易者失败的原因。 您还可以通过简单地使用 EA 上的快速交易按钮进行初始入市,将您当前交易或过去交易过的几乎任何策略转换为头寸交易策略。 进行初始交易后,EA 将在达到指定利润水平时自动平仓交易,或者通过在市场结构变动的下一个阶段扩大规模,将交易转变为头寸交易。 主要功能: 基于 RSI 均值回归策
Universal MT4 MACD
Volodymyr Hrybachov
MACD指標上的交易機器人 這是交易機器人的簡化版,它只使用一種進場策略(高級版有超過 10 種策略) 專家福利: 剝頭皮交易、馬丁格爾交易、網格交易。 您可以僅使用一個訂單或一組訂單設置交易。具有動態、固定或乘數步長和交易手數的高度可定制的訂單網格將允許您使 EA 交易適應幾乎任何交易工具。 回撤系統,重疊虧損訂單和余額保護 網格交易易受非反彈價格變動的影響已不是什麼秘密,但由於訂單恢復系統,顧問將能夠擺脫大多數回撤。回撤的退出是通過將最遠的無利可圖的訂單與最接近市場的獲利訂單重疊來執行的。交易機器人可用於恢復賬戶中的虧損頭寸、手動交易或其他專家開立的交易。它可以通過幻數接收和處理所有訂單。 交易開放過濾器。 任何交易策略都應該有一個信號過濾器和交易開倉。在這個機器人中有幾個:MA 的趨勢方向過濾器、波動率過濾器、價差擴大過濾器、一周中的某一天和工作時間、用於多交易的直接和反向相關過濾器。具有手動確認信號的功能。 開倉和平倉訂單的虛擬級別。 所有交易開倉水平、止損、止盈、追踪止損設置都是虛擬的。多虧了這一點,您可以從 1 點設置水平,而不必擔心經紀人
H4 GBPUSD Trend Scalper is a trend signal scalper The EA trades according to the trend strategy using original built-in indicator for opening and closing orders. The external inputs for limiting trading on Fridays and Mondays are available. The purpose of the strategy is to use the current trend with the most benefit. According to the results of testing and working on demo and real accounts, the best results achieved by using the Н4 timeframe on the GBP/USD pair Works on MetaTrader 4 Build 971+
如此多的 EA 和 Copy Signal 正在使用带有 mar 的平均网格系统,甚至使用固定手数,它们在变化中有点差,还有他们一次同时下订单 3-5 的方式,这些很快就会成为定时炸弹 或后者会破坏您的帐户。 我在这里有超过 8 年的经验,我发现了网格平均系统的新方法,不像任何其他网格平均 EA 或任何使用网格平均系统的复制信号。 我的网格对于每个单独的未平仓头寸都有更动态的点差,并且与任何其他 EA 不同的是更动态的个人获利,所以通过这种方式,图表上最高或最低市场价格的未平仓头寸不再过多。 可以放置所有对,我将指导可以设置多远的点差和止盈,但是我的 EA 仍然是一个网格系统,必须对使用手数和最大未平仓头寸设置多少进行严格的资金管理, 最后一句话,我的 EA 比任何其他网格 EA 都更有效,您可以在测试仪上进行测试并进行比较。 这是 EA 参数; Setup1,默认为Lot & TP Setting,无需更改 Lots ,默认为0.01,是开仓的手数 TakeProfit ,默认为 500.0,止盈(点数) xxxx ,默认为空,不用改 Setup2,默认是Start
A consistent winning trade result with very low risk is something that we can treasure in world of trading. This EA works best on NZDJPY pair only. Stop loss protected, so no worries for account burning. Start trading with the very low lot size of .01 (you can up size your lot size if you want). M5 time frame TP: 20pips SL: 22pips No Martingale, No Dangerous strategy. Use smart indicator for best entry. News filter to stop EA before high impact news Smart time filter to avoid unexpected falling
Grid and MACD
Volodymyr Hrybachov
This is a grid Expert Advisor. It has several trading strategies based on the MACD indicator. The virtual trailing stop, stop loss, take profit levels can be set pips, in the deposit currency or as a percentage of the balance. Depending on the settings, different orders may be opened for diversifying risks. Their closure can be either an oppositely directed or unidirectional basket of orders. The orders grid is adaptive, only market orders are used in it. If the price moves the distance of Order
VR Cub
Vladimir Pastushak
VR Cub 这是获得高质量切入点的指标。该指标的开发是为了促进数学计算并简化对仓位入场点的搜索。多年来,该指标所针对的交易策略已被证明其有效性。交易策略的简单性是其巨大的优势,即使是新手交易者也能成功进行交易。 VR Cub 计算开仓点以及获利和止损目标水平,这显着提高了效率和易用性。查看使用以下策略进行交易的屏幕截图,了解简单的交易规则。 设置、设置文件、演示版本、说明、问题解决,可以从以下位置获取 [博客] 您可以在以下位置阅读或撰写评论 [关联] 版本为 [MetaTrader 5] 计算入场点的规则 开仓 要计算入场点,您需要将 VR Cub 工具从最后一个高点拉伸到最后一个低点。 如果第一个点在时间上早于第二个点,交易者等待柱线收于中线上方。 如果第一个点在时间上晚于第二个点,交易者等待柱线收于中线下方。 根据上述条件,严格在 柱线收盘 后建仓。 换句话说,如果我们在小时图上进行交易,那么从最高点到最低点的时间距离必须超过24小时,最高点和最低点之间的点数必须大于或等于平均价格变动每天。 维持和改变市场地位 可以有多个未平仓头寸;每个头寸都可以单独修改。 VR Cub
Trendiness Index
Libertas LLC
5 (3)
"The trend is your friend" is one of the best known sayings in investing, because capturing large trendy price movements can be extremely profitable. However, trading with the trend is often easier said than done, because many indicators are based on price reversals not trends. These aren't very effective at identifying trendy periods, or predicting whether trends will continue. We developed the Trendiness Index to help address this problem by indicating the strength and direction of price trend
Thor Scalper is a bot optimized mainly for night trading operations with capital preservation and low drawdown strategies in mind. It uses a selective algorithm to find trades suitable for trading operations and to close trades that are not favorable at a lower value to minimize loss and to safeguard profits. Recommendation : You will need an ECN account with low raw spreads and a VPS, you may use MQL5's vps or a vps provider of your choice with low latency connection to your broker's live trad
Easy Point Auto
Sergey Rozhnov
此 Expert Advisor 作为算法引擎在EURUSD M15对上具有成功的策略 ,该策略已通过 5 年的实时测试: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/409854 。此策略适用于长期没有趋势且有幅度波动的平盘。为了支持趋势对,EA 有一个内置的TrendStrategy 参数,可以将算法切换到趋势模式。 该策略补充了调节利润、步长和限制的参数(ProfitModifier、StepModifier、LimitsModifier)以优化其他货币对。 策略原则: 这是一组 100 个 Expert Advisors,具有一个算法,但具有不同的参数来分配存款负载以及保护帐户。类型 - 具有每日移动限制的网格类型,以及用于反转头寸的参数。每个虚拟策略都有自己的余额和虚拟头寸,它们共同构成了结果手数。并且随着一个或几个策略(100 个中)的损失,获得部分关闭,类似于止损。 默认设置适用于 EURUSD M15。建议存款从 5000 美元起。 以下货币对适合在 TrendStrategy=false 模式下交易:EURUSD、USDCHF、GBPUSD、EU
DYJ GlobalTradeGameTheory(StrongCurrency) 是基于   StrongCurrency  指标的EA. 它仅仅使用一个货币对某个周期图表运行EA,就能监控全部货币对信号开仓关仓。 当某货币对多空强度分别超过规定值(最低70%)时,允许进入市场。 它还使用了Laguerre 滤波器过滤假信号. 我们现在将对每种货币的未来应用了博弈论策略,而不是历史价格图。这是一个更高的层次。动态市场博弈理论是决定货币对开仓后结果一个关键因素,你在任何其他货币强度信号指标中都找不到的!这是一个非常独特的功能。动态市场博弈论策略是基于整个市场活动(全部35对)。 这个EA可以通过我的数学算法修正未来的损失率。 EA的新闻交易是基于经典   动态市场博弈论策略 的。您只需要从EA属性进行新闻时间和入场周期配置,其余部分由机器人自动处理。 EA默认是任何时间都能交易。3段工作时间参数是日内范围的。 例如,如果要设置从19:00 PM到05:00 AM的工作时间,则必须定义两个不同的时间间隔,例如19:00至23:59和00:00至05:00。 例如设置新闻时间是19:59
Hamster Original (Very Fast, Easy Setup, More Power!) You can check live Hamster Original trading  on  Telegram_Channel The  Hamster Original  is a Trading Robot with no use of Classic martingale. Schedule scalping Options. it uses some Indicators as a filter to maximize Correct entries. Recommendations :  Lot = 0.01. ( if autolot enabled  Allow (initial Lot) per (xx)USD  = 50 ). Balance  = 100 USD. Pair = EURUSD. TimeFrame = 5Min. Broker = Trusted Brokers Inputs descriptions :  Initial Lot
BF Climber
Pavel Zhuykov
BF Climber - простой, но эффективный советник, который основан на пробитии определённых коридоров, использует и адаптируется под усреднённые показания цены за определённый промежуток времени. Настройки по умолчанию для EURUSD H4. Для других инструментов и временных периодов необходима оптимизация. Параметры: Buy - Включить покупки; Sell -  Включить продажи; Lots   - Размер начального лота; Risk   - Динамический лот % (0 - отключен); Buy TakeProfit  - Период для расчёта Тейк-профита покупок; Buy
Lock Recovery MT4
3.67 (3)
Lock Recovery is created with the aim of to recover a position that suffered a loss. MT5 Signal | Lock Recovery Complete Guide & Setfile: Click here | MT5 Version : Click here Input Settings: 1. Manage Open Positions + Trade Buy: allow buy + Trade Sell: allow sell + Trade At New Bar :ea open and close positions at the birth of new bar. 2. Manage pending orders + Delete trendline after opening a position: set false for continuous pending orders. 3. Manage Lot + Lot Type: Select lot type + Mu
EA specially made for currency pair XAUUSD. It uses artificial intelligence and complex mathematical operations, all with the goal of as little risk as possible and constant profit. I am an electrical engineer and a professor of informatics, so everything with me is calculated to the maximum and there must be no mistakes. The EA will provide mathematically processed information with the aim of as little risk as possible, , and if you wish, you can increase the Lot in order to achieve the desired
I am the owner of EA KingKong. This is the MT4 version, if you are interested in copying the MT4 version, please copy it in this account   https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2114953 EA KingKong is a full automatic trading system base on martingale on pair EURUSD only. Minimum balance to trade with this EA  is:  1. Leverage 1:500 minimum $3000 2. Leverage 1:200 minimum $7500 3. Leverage 1:100 minimum $10000 The strategy is: #1 - Place an order according to the direction of the market trend. #2 - O
This is a fully automatic trading robot for the EURCHF currency pair.  But this robot can be configured to trade for other currency pairs. TURBO SCALPER PRO using a trend following strategy based on MACD, Parabolic SAR and Moving Average indicator. The robot works in full automatic mode, on the M1 timeframe. The trader does not need to set it up for trading. Open EURCHF and attach TURBO SCALPER PRO only to EURCHF M1 using the default settings. Advantages of the TURBO SCALPER PRO :  We show you
Trend BtD
Roman Meskhidze
LAUNCH PROMO Next price:        $249 The price will be rise to limit the number of users for this strategy The "Trend BtD" Expert Advisor is a representative of robots trading breakout levels. Levels built automatically. The uniqueness of the advisor is that it work WITHOUT averaging and using the martingale principle. ALL orders have StopLoss and TakeProfit. VERY IMPORTANT: Always load SET Files for each pair! Adjust Lot size to yours deposit! HOW TO TEST: 1. Choose  H1  TimeFrame 2. Load my  
ANTI SCALPING TRADER EA - 是基于最新价格行为研究的先进自动交易系统! 这是“设置并忘记”的专家顾问,为您完成所有交易工作! 21 个设置文件可用! 使用“评论”部分的设置文件来使用/测试 EA 交易理念基于我自己发现的全新价格行为模式! ANTI SCALPING TRADER 是一项非常好的投资 - 它将为您工作多年,因为所有 Set_files 都有正的数学期望! EA 功能 : -EA 可以同时在 16 对(21 个图表)上运行 - 相应的 Set_files 在“评论”部分等着您。 - 每笔交易都在寻求可观的利润 - 这根本不是剥头皮方法。 - 系统不会像许多剥头皮者那样浪费佣金。 - 没有严格的价差要求 - EA 可用于任何帐户。 - 系统不使用任何危险的网格方法。 -EA 默认内置复利资金管理。 - 每笔交易都有经纪商不可见的 SL 和 TP。 - SL 和 TP 是动态的 - 它们可以默认适应市场波动。 - EA 设置中提供补偿模式。 - 交易对:AUDCHF、CADCHF、CADJPY、CHFJPY、EURAUD、EURGBP、EUR
Gold Angel
Dmitriq Evgenoeviz Ko
The Gold Angel MT4 Expert Advisor is designed for automated gold trading on the MetaTrader 4 platform, providing traders with unique tools and strategies to achieve maximum profit. Using complex algorithms for analyzing market data, this advisor is able to identify profitable entry and exit points, which significantly reduces risks and increases the chances of successful trading. Gold Angel MT4 offers an intuitive interface that allows both experienced traders and beginners to easily customize
Wolf Stream
Vadym Nemo
5 (1)
Робот Wolf Stream имеет в своей основе особенность "видеть" график так, как его видит человек. Именно поэтому он точно считывает настроение игроков. Страхи и надежды у толпы формируются в текущей момент, в текущих ситуациях. Робот реагирует на них и действует оптимальным образом для каждой из ситуаций.  Торговля в реальном времени принесла 103% прирост с 26 июля 2021 года (3.5 месяца) На рынке есть множество фаз, которые по характеру своему в корне отличаются друг от друга. Поэтому необходим инд
>>> MEGA SALE: 40% OFF!  - Promo price: $95 / Regular price $159 <<< - The promotion will end soon! Forex Trend Hunter is an entirely automated trading system for the MetaTrader 4 trading terminal, developed especially for the needs of ordinary forex traders, yet also used successfully by many professional traders. Forex Trend Hunter is perhaps the best trend-following and long-term profitable Forex robot on the market. With its help, you can enjoy the opportunity of making several hundred pi
Gold Scalping AI
Ho Tuan Thang
5 (5)
10 份中仅剩 3 份,售价 399 美元! 此后,价格将上涨至 499 美元。 - 真实信号(真实信号有效期超过 6 个月): 默认设置: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2276213 Gold Scalping AI 是一款使用人工智能技术的 EA,分析许多指标的数据。从那里,EA 将有最好的选择来进入订单。黄金 Scalping   AI 最大的不同在于,EA 可以比其他 EA 更好地控制风险:回报率。这要归功于一套控制切入点和管理未结订单的工具。  EA 对所有订单使用止损,EA 不使用任何危险的交易方法:没有网格,没有马丁格尔,......黄金剥头皮 AI 是我使用过的 EA 之一。多年来一直在基金管理账户中使用和交易。我正式发布了最优化的 EA 版本。交易时间框架对 EA 来说并不重要。不过,我还是建议保留时间范围 H1,这样 EA 就可以从 H1 开始的所有时间范围获取数据作为参数。 限价 $299 仅限前 10 次销售。10 次销售后,价格将上涨 +100 美元。黄金剥头皮 AI 的最终价格为 1999 美元。 外汇 EA 交易频道:
GbpUsd Robot MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
5 (29)
The GBPUSD Robot MT4 is an advanced automated trading system meticulously designed for the specific dynamics of the  GBP/USD  currency pair. Utilizing advanced technical analysis, the robot assesses historical and real-time data to  identify potential trends , key support and resistance levels, and other relevant market signals specific to GBP/USD. The Robot opens positions  every day,  from Monday to Friday, and  all positions are secured  with Take Profit, Stop Loss, Trailing Stop, Break-Even
Quantum Emperor MT4
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.85 (156)
介绍     QuantumEmperor EA 是一款突破性的 MQL5 专家顾问,它正在改变您交易著名的 GBPUSD 货币对的方式!由拥有超过13年交易经验的经验丰富的交易者团队开发。 IMPORTANT! After the purchase please send me a private message to receive the installation manual and the setup instructions. ***购买 Quantum Emperor EA,即可免费获得 Quantum Wizard  或 Quantum StarMan 或 Quantum Gold Emperor !*** 私信询问更多详情 新版直播信号 V5:   点击此处 MT5版本:  点击这里 量子 EA 通道:       点击这里 每购买 10 件,价格将增加 50 美元。最终价格为 1999 美元 量子皇帝EA     采用独特的策略,将单个交易连续拆分为六个较小的交易。这意味着 EA 每次执行交易时,都会自动将其分为 6 个较小的头寸。 量子皇帝EA  
Bitcoin Robot MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
4.8 (40)
The Bitcoin Robot  MT4 is engineered to execute Bitcoin trades with unparalleled   efficiency and precision . Developed by a team of experienced traders and developers, our   Bitcoin Robot   employs a sophisticated algorithmic approach (price action, trend as well as two personalized indicators) to analyze market and execute trades swiftly with   M5 timeframe , ensuring that you never miss out on lucrative opportunities.   No grid, no martingale, no hedging,   EA only open one position at the sa
CyNera MT4
Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
3 (13)
CyNera:您的交易,我们的技术 信号 >400%:  CyNera 信号 >500%: CyNera Turbo 手册和设置文件:购买后请联系我以获取手册和设置文件 价格: 价格根据售出的许可证数量上涨 可用副本: 4 交易黄金,市场上最波动的工具之一,需要精确的操作、深入的分析和强有力的风险管理。CyNera 专家顾问将这些要素无缝集成到一个复杂的系统中,专为优化黄金交易而设计。CyNera 的先进策略和技术旨在帮助经验丰富的交易员和新手应对黄金交易所带来的独特挑战和机遇。 有了 CyNera,您就拥有了一套可靠的解决方案,专门针对黄金市场的复杂性。它结合了自适应、智能策略以及多时间框架分析、自动交易调整和精确的风险管理等高级功能。正是这种适应性,使得 CyNera 成为一种多功能工具,能够应对快速的市场变化,同时确保您的资本在长期内得到保护。 符号 XAUUSD (黄金) 时间周期 M30   资本 最少 100 美元 经纪商 任何经纪商 账户类型 任何,较低点差优先 杠杆 从 1:20 起 VPS 首选,但不是必须,也可以使用 MQL VPS CyNera 的核心力量
Neon Trade MT4
Evgeniy Ilin
5 (2)
综合方法的精髓,其主要目标是为交易员实现长期和现实的收益,同时将风险降至最低。基础是结合了高级交易概念和机器学习,这两者能够有效地相互增强。另一个独特之处在于,系统无需进行优化,因为这个功能已经交给了我的服务器。最新的设置每天都会在我们的 Telegram 频道上发布,不断保持系统的高度相关性。 我们的 Telegram 社区 贸易监控 !!! MetaTrader 5 的版本 !!! MetaTrader 4 的免费(简化)版本  安装和操作指南 特别想强调一下, 为什么要买这个顾问? 很多人可能觉得免费版本几乎完全符合原版。但事实并非如此。免费版本只有演示功能,所有的设置都需要你自己选择,从我将定期为您发布的那些选择。静态设置很快就会过时。意思是,在付费版本中,你可以连接到不同的信号,选择你喜欢的。不久的将来这样的信号会越来越多。我会在有能力的时候增加它们。信号只不过是一种设置集,选择工作由我来完成。因此,通过这种方式,你完全摆脱了组建投资组合和更新它们的日常工作。选择一个已经准备好的投资组合(信号)或使用默认设置,其中包括我认为目前最稳定的投资组合。因此, 对你来说,使用 AP
The Infinity EA MT4
Abhimanyu Hans
3.52 (23)
ChatGPT Turbo 人工智能驱动技术 Infinity EA 是一款专为 GBPUSD 和 XAUUSD 设计的高级交易专家顾问。它专注于安全性、持续回报和无限盈利能力。与许多其他依赖高风险策略(如马丁格尔或网格交易)的 EA 不同。Infinity EA 采用基于神经网络的规范、有利可图的剥头皮策略,该神经网络嵌入机器学习、数据分析 AI 技术,由最新的 ChatGPT 版本提供,可让您的整体交易体验卓越不凡。 加入我们拥有超过 6000 名成员的 MQL5 社区, 与其他交易者建立联系。及时了解最新的产品更新、提示和独家内容。 MT5 版本 如何设置 Infinity EA 特征 Infinity EA 利用人工智能驱动的剥头皮策略。 该 EA 与 ChatGPT-4 Turbo 集成,可进行实时数据分析。 Infinity EA 利用机器学习不断从市场数据中学习。 风险管理是 Infinity EA 的核心,具有固定止损和获利设置等功能,可以保护资本并锁定利润。 该 EA 还进行高级蜡烛图分析,以识别高质量的交易条目。 Infinity EA 与道具公司完全兼容。 促销
Scalping Robot MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
5 (4)
Introducing our advanced   Scalping Forex Robot , specifically designed to maximize trading opportunities with 5 popular currency pairs on the M1 timeframe. The scalping algorithm is built to spot high-probability entry and exit points, ensuring that every trade is executed with the highest chance of success within the   M1 timeframe . This robot is perfect for traders who prefer the   scalping method   and want to take advantage of rapid price movements without having to manually monitor the ch
Aura Neuron MT4
Stanislav Tomilov
5 (3)
Aura Neuron 是一款独特的 EA 交易系统,延续了 Aura 系列交易系统。通过利用先进的神经网络和尖端的经典交易策略,Aura Neuron 提供了一种具有出色潜在性能的创新方法。这款 EA 交易系统完全自动化,旨在交易 EURUSD 和 XAUUSD (GOLD) 等货币对。从 1999 年到 2023 年,它在这些货币对中表现出了一致的稳定性。该系统避免了危险的资金管理技术,例如马丁格尔、网格或剥头皮,使其适用于任何经纪商条件。Aura Neuron 由多层感知器 (MLP) 神经网络驱动,利用它来预测市场趋势和走势。MLP 是一种前馈人工神经网络 (ANN),通常被称为“原始”神经网络,尤其是当它们由单个隐藏层组成时。MLP 包括三个基本层:输入层、隐藏层和输出层。除输入节点外,每个神经元都使用非线性激活函数。该网络使用称为反向传播的监督学习技术进行训练。 MLP 的多层结构和非线性激活使其有别于线性感知器,使其能够识别数据中非线性可分的模式。通过其复杂的 NN 智能,Aura Neuron 能够识别模式并适应不断变化的市场条件,例如汇率或交易者行为的变化。其处理复杂
AI Golden Jet Fighter GTX MT4
Andrei Nazarets
4.33 (6)
AI Golden Jet Fighter GTX     MT4 是 Meta Trader 4 平台上一款简单而高效的黄金交易专家顾问 (EA)。该 EA 利用神经网络,专为黄金市场 (XAU/USD) 的剥头皮交易而设计。AI Golden Jet Fighter GTX 的主要策略侧重于识别小幅价格​​波动并开仓以在短时间内获利。EA 实时分析市场状况,并自动执行具有预定义止损和止盈水平的交易。它还支持追踪止损功能,允许交易者在市场有利时锁定利润。为确保准确性,EA 使用价差过滤器来避免在不利条件下交易,并使用滑点保护机制来精确执行订单。AI Golden Jet Fighter GTX 包含风险管理功能,使交易者能够将风险水平设置为其账户余额的百分比,使其能够适应不同的交易方式。EA 利用 NN 算法实时分析市场数据,适应不断变化的条件,并为交易的进入和退出提供高度准确的信号。该 EA 易于使用且完全自动化,只需极少的设置,因此从初学者到专业人士,各个级别的交易者都可以使用它,无需持续监控市场。                              接下来的 10 位买
Supply Demand EA ProBot
Georgios Kalomoiropoulos
5 (8)
基于 供需 原则的 全自动 EA。第一个提供完全自动化的 供需 EA 。 现在 交易 变得轻松 ,完全控制您的交易策略 通过用户友好的图形交易面板。 您将获得包含超过 15,000 行代码的超高质量 算法交易 软件。 供应需求 EA ProBot 手册 交易“Prop Firms Challenges”和通过所有阶段成为合格交易员的最佳方式。 所有交易均自动进行和管理。只需 选择您的输入 ,然后坐下来,观察您的利润增长。 面板输入参数: 选择 交易方向 (买入或卖出) 选择您想要进行交易的 时间范围 选择您想要交易 的区域类型 (宽、中、窄、超窄) 选择 3 种资金管理 选项 选择 EA 在 盈利 或 亏损 交易 次数后停止 选择 基于风险 或 基于 ATR 的 TP 和 SL 比率 选择 看涨通道 或 看跌通道 内的交易区域 选择 上限 和 下限 范围 如果您只想在一天中的特定时段进行交易,请选择 时间范围 多种 追踪止损 和 盈亏平衡 功能可供选择 您最多可以查看三个更高时间范围的区域。因此,如果您处于 30 分钟时间范围内,则可以激活 1 小时、4 小时和每日供应
AW Recovery EA
AW Trading Software Limited
4.34 (80)
智能交易系统是一个旨在恢复无利可图头寸的系统。 作者的算法锁定了一个亏损仓位,将其拆分为多个独立的部分,并分别平仓。简单的设置、在回撤的情况下延迟启动、锁定、禁用其他 EA 交易、使用趋势过滤进行平均以及部分关闭亏损头寸都内置在一个工具中。 与仅在整个组中关闭订单的网格策略相比,使用部分关闭损失可以让您以较低的存款负载减少损失,从而确保更安全地处理损失。 如何恢复订单: 1 EA 关闭所选工具的其他窗口以关闭无利可图的 EA(可选)。 2 EA 重置所有已处理订单的止盈和止损水平,并删除具有相应标识符的挂单。 3 EA 关闭所有已处理的盈利订单,以便使用其利润来弥补部分非盈利订单并减少总头寸量(可选)。 4 EA 通过打开锁定订单来锁定亏损头寸。 5 然后,通过打开恢复订单,它开始通过部分关闭不盈利的订单来减少损失。 6 当部分关闭时,算法首先恢复定位最不成功的订单,或者最接近盈利的无利润订单。每个无利可图的订单都分为许多部分,顾问分别关闭每个部分。恢复订单以小量开仓,以免大幅增加入金负担 包含注释、设置和测试说明的完整输入设置列表  ->   这里  MT5 版本 ->   这里
Forex GOLD Investor
Lachezar Krastev
4.45 (38)
WINTER Mega SALE! --> Buy Forex GOLD Investor with -60% OFF and get a BONUS EA -> Pips Master PRO - with amazing results! NOTE: Promo price: $197 (Regular Price: $497) - The offer ends soon! Live Signal Account:   https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2276118 Forex GOLD Investor is one of the best expert advisors developed to trade on GOLD(XAUUSD) in the forex market. Forex GOLD Investor consists of 2 trading systems . The first one is based on scalping trading strategy and the second system has time
CoreX G MT4
Arseny Potyekhin
5 (7)
概述 CoreX G EA 是一种专为应对外汇市场复杂性而设计的先进交易系统。通过利用尖端的神经网络、复杂的机器学习技术和集成的大数据策略,CoreX G 在交易中提供了卓越的准确性和安全性。这个专家顾问(EA)因其技术卓越性和优质的客户支持而脱颖而出,确保用户在遇到任何问题或疑虑时都能得到帮助。 信号:   Live Signal Live Signal 2 Blog: CoreX G EA 由于该策略非常独特,我只想出售有限数量的许可证。因此,价格将稳步上涨以限制销售。 下一个价格是  790 USD 。 经纪商 任何经纪商,优选 ECN / ZERO 点差 杠杆 从 1 : 20 起 存款 最低 200 美元     符号 XAUUSD 时间框架 H1 大数据集成与交易策略 大数据是 CoreX G 策略的基石。它处理大量的历史和实时市场数据,以做出明智的交易决策。大数据的使用使系统能够更有效地识别外汇市场中的模式和趋势,从而做出更准确的预测并提高交易机会。通过将机器学习与大数据结合,EA 动态适应市场变化,不断整合新数据并优化其模型。 使用的神经网络 卷积神经网络(CN
EvoTrade EA MT4
Dolores Martin Munoz
5 (1)
EvoTrade:市场上首个自学习交易系统 让我为您介绍EvoTrade——一款结合了前沿计算机视觉和数据分析技术的独特交易顾问。这是市场上首个自学习交易系统,能够实时运行。EvoTrade会分析市场情况,调整策略,并动态适应变化,在任何环境下都能提供卓越的精准度。 EvoTrade使用先进的神经网络技术,包括用于分析时间依赖性的长短期记忆网络(LSTM)和门控循环单元(GRU),用于识别复杂市场模式的卷积神经网络(CNN),以及用于实时策略调整的强化学习算法,例如近端策略优化(PPO)和深度Q学习(DQL)。这些技术使EvoTrade能够发现隐藏的市场信号,并精确调整其操作以适应当前市场动态。 在每次交易后,EvoTrade会重新评估其方法,自动更新止盈(TP)和止损(SL)等参数。系统的使命不仅是对变化做出反应,还要不断优化其交易策略,确保在任何市场条件下都能保持相关性和高效性。 为什么选择EVOTRADE交易顾问? 实时信号 : https ://www .mql5 .com /en /signals /2281752 交易顾问的价格将与其实时信号的增长成正比迅速上升 EvoT
Diamond PRO
Fanur Galamov
4.83 (40)
Sale 30% OFF! Next price ---> $299 Diamond PRO is enhanced powerful version of Diamond for advanced traders. Pro version includes optimized cores, new impoved entry points filters, new multistage profit closure algorithm and сontains number of external control parameter that allows build and fine tune own tradind decisions and algorithms. The system provides more accurate market entries, analyzes and filters upcoming economic news, contains spread protection and an advanced position management
Paradox Flux Trader:黄金交易(XAU/USD)的革命性突破 想象一下,一个不仅仅是分析市场的工具,而是彻底重新定义交易方式的系统。 Paradox Flux Trader   不只是一个交易顾问(EA),它是一款专为黄金(XAU/USD)交易打造的下一代交易系统。它运用独特的技术,使其在市场上独树一帜。 限时优惠 Paradox Flux Trader   现仅售   $499 ,促销结束后,价格将翻倍。不要错过这个机会! 仅剩 5 份,特价 $499 购买后请联系我,以获取私人资料和安装指导。 实时信号: Live Signal Paradox Flux Trader 的使命 Paradox Flux Trader   旨在彻底改变你对黄金交易的理解。它不仅仅是分析数据,还能够基于独特算法 创造 新的交易策略,这些策略无法通过人工手动复制。它是你的 个人交易助手 ,全天候 24/7 工作。 核心功能 Quantum Flux Engine(量子流引擎) 该交易系统的核心是   Quantum Flux Engine ,它利用先进的计算方法进行市场分析。这使其能够:
Denis Kurnev
3.77 (43)
The   AI Gen ProX   Expert Advisor is a powerful solution based on advanced market analysis and data processing technologies. Utilizing cutting-edge algorithms for time series analysis and complex mathematical models, it ensures high accuracy in forecasts and automates trading processes. The EA is designed to combine performance and reliability, making it an effective tool for trading.   Real Time Signal GEN PRoX:  https://www.mql5.com/ru/signals/2283186 The price of the advisor will increase si
The Matrix Mind AI MT4
Pool Quintal Carlos Alejandro
The Matrix Mind AI: 外汇交易的新标准 The Matrix Mind AI 是一款创新的交易顾问,旨在拓展外汇交易的可能性。基于矩阵分解模型,它对市场数据进行深入分析,发现隐藏的模式,并提供独特的策略开发机会。 真实信号: https ://www .mql5 .com /en /signals /2277247 价格优惠: 前7份副本:   $399 后续价格:   $499 The Matrix Mind AI 的关键特点 以矩阵分解为核心 采用高级算法(如奇异值分解 SVD 和主成分分析 PCA),将大量数据分解,以发现货币对、时间序列和市场趋势之间的关键关联。 优于文本和图形 AI 的独特优势 与仅限于文本分析和数据可视化的平台不同,The Matrix Mind AI 专为真实市场条件设计。其算法考虑多个因素,以提供更准确和相关的洞察。 聚焦信号质量 降噪技术使顾问能够过滤无关波动和市场噪声,仅突出最有价值的信号。 动态适应 顾问采用适应性策略,根据当前市场状况进行调整,确保决策的灵活性和相关性。 风险优化 矩阵模型帮助在盈利和风险之间找到平衡,使策略在
Lo Thi Mai Loan
5 (1)
EA Gold Isis – 一个安全且高效的黄金交易解决方案   启动促销! 当前价格仅剩 3 份!  下一价格:$458 最终价格:$1998  实时信号 MT5版本 你好!我是EA Gold Isis,是Diamond Forex Group家族中的第二款EA,专为黄金交易(XAU/USD)设计。凭借卓越的功能和安全优先的理念,我承诺为交易者提供可持续且高效的黄金交易体验。   EA Gold Isis 有何独特之处?   - 动态止损(SL):EA 根据最近K线的价格范围设置止损(SL)。这一功能确保SL能够灵活适应市场变化,更有效地保护您的账户。   - 多样化交易策略:EA配备了3种交易策略,每种策略最多可同时开启3个订单,总计最多可进行9笔交易。   - 灵活的移动止盈:提供利用移动止盈锁定利润的功能。您可以根据个人偏好完全自定义该功能。   - 安全至上:每笔交易均设置了预设止损(SL),以保障您的账户免受意外风险的侵害。   EA Gold Isis 的工作原理   1. 无风险策略:      - 不使用马丁策略或网格交易。      - 不执行
CyNeron MT4
Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
3.5 (4)
CyNeron: 精准交易与人工智能创新的结合 信号 :   CyNeron 操作手册和设置文件 : 购买后请与我联系以获取操作手册和设置文件 价格 : 价格会根据售出副本的数量逐步提高 可用副本 : 5 AI驱动的快照分析:市场首创 CyNeron是市场上首个将先进人工智能整合到革命性交易方法中的EA, 通过捕获和处理详细的市场状况快照, 利用最先进的AI神经网络评估价格数据和技术指标, 提供高度准确的市场走势预测,从而实现精准且具有战略性的交易决策。 这一AI驱动技术使CyNeron与众不同,能够实时动态适应不断变化的市场动态, 为交易者提供此前无法获得的洞察力。 交易品种 XAUUSD (黄金) 时间周期 M15 或 M30   最低资金 最低 $100 经纪商 任何经纪商 账户类型 任何账户类型,优先低点差 杠杆 最低 1:20 VPS 推荐使用,但不是必须,也支持MQL VPS CyNeron的核心力量 AI驱动的快照分析 CyNeron通过捕获和处理市场状况快照, 利用先进的神经网络评估价格和指标, 从而实现准确的市场走势预测, 并支持精准的交易决策。 Transf
Gold One MT4
Habib Gholamali Heidari
3.25 (12)
Gold One  MT4 大家好,外汇黄金交易爱好者们, 欢迎使用我们的机器人,加入顶级黄金交易者的行列。凭借超过二十年的精准外汇市场经验,我们自豪地推出最新一代的交易机器人。 特点:  非常适合prop公司挑战。 适合所有账户规模,包括小额资本。 无   网格和   无   马丁格尔 100% 完全自动化 该机器人采用最新的、最先进的专门用于黄金交易的指标,具有无与伦比的准确性来识别买入和卖出点。这代表了外汇市场中黄金交易的革命性突破。这一创新是经过十多年研究、试验和广泛测试的成果,融入了顶级黄金交易专家的见解。通过利用复杂的黄金交易模式,我们的机器人确保了您的安心,让您可以无压力地监控其完全自动化的交易。多年的测试结果清楚地表明,我们的机器人表现优越。 其他主要特点 自动交易  XAUUSD  货币对。 每笔交易都有  SL 保护,TP 和 SL 都可以根据市场条件 变化 。 非常容易安装,无需更改设置,只需在  XAUUSD H1上运行一次 建议使用 VPS 来保持EA 24/7运行,具有低延迟 推荐使用  低点差的经纪商 最低初始存款:$500 新闻和替代设置在Tel
DS Gold Robot MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
4 (4)
Introducing the DS Gold Robot, your ultimate companion in navigating the intricate world of XAUUSD trading. Developed with precision and powered by cutting-edge algorithms, DS Gold is a forex robot meticulously crafted to optimize your trading performance with  XAUUSD pairs . With its advanced analytical capabilities,  DS Gold  Robot   constantly monitors the gold market, identifying key trends , patterns, and price movements with lightning speed. The DS Gold Robot opens positions every day from
Big Forex Players MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
4.75 (32)
We proudly present our cutting-edge robot, the  Big Forex Players EA  designed to maximize your trading potential, minimize emotional trading, and make smarter decisions powered by cutting-edge technology. The whole system in this EA took us many months to build, and then we spent a lot of time testing it. This unique EA includes three distinct strategies that can be used independently or in together. The robot receives the positions of the   biggest Banks   (p ositions are sent from our databa
Secret Impulse MT4
Eugen Funk
3.69 (16)
EA(交易专家)会在纽约交易时段市场开始波动时开仓(交易量增加)。因此,冲量得到了交易量的支持,我们可以以较高的概率迅速达到止盈(Take Profit)。 信号 (292%, 10% DD):   https ://www .mql5 .com /en /signals /2274145 纽约交易时段的冲量入场 EA通过低时间框架上的FVG(公平价值缺口)检测隐藏的冲量。如果冲量在纽约交易时段之前或期间被检测到,EA会开仓。 根据市场动态管理仓位 如果冲量迅速消失,EA会采用以下三种策略之一: 在某个已识别的价格水平触发止损,并停止交易。 触发止损后,在相反方向开设新仓位。 继续管理原始仓位,通过增加或减少仓位直至获得利润。 如何使用 购买后,请与我联系以获取详细的设置说明。EA运行需要网络连接(内部使用了Rithmic验证的订单簿数据)。 如何进行回测 在黄金(XAUUSD)上运行测试。 时间框架:1分钟。 在输入字段“Lot Factor”中设置手数。1x表示0.01手,10x表示0.1手,以此类推。 设置您的账户货币中的最大允许回撤,例如100美元。如果达到指定的回撤值,所有仓
ToTheMoon MT4
Daniel Moraes Da Silva
ATTENTION: Last days with the Black Friday price, take advantage and buy now, in March the price will go to 600 USD. One of the few robots with a signal history of more than 3 years, and among the top 10.     LINK TO MY ROBOTS AND SIGNAL PRESETS: In my profile there is a Google Drive link to download the PRESETS that I use in my SIGNALS, you can download and backtest for free, there are explanations in the README MANUAL. https://www.mql5.com/en/users/tec_daniel     SOME EXAMPLES OF SIGNALS ON “m
Recovery Manager Pro MT4
Ianina Nadirova
5 (1)
Recovery Manager Pro 是一个用于从其他顾问或手动开立订单中恢复回撤的系统。 RM Pro具有自动动态调整的能力。交易者需要选择风险级别,顾问将以全自动模式工作。 可以在回撤恢复模式和待机模式下工作!如果另一位顾问产生回撤,RM Pro 将禁用它,锁定头寸并开始使用部分平仓恢复存款的过程。在交易中,顾问使用智能平均、锁定和部分平仓。该顾问致力于定制趋势指标,该顾问的所有买家都将收到该指标作为礼物。 Advisor 的主要特点是能够在待机模式下工作。一旦另一位顾问产生回撤,RM Pro 将接管订单管理并打开平均订单,然后部分关闭。 设置说明:           关联 MT5版本:           关联 顾问特点: 恢复无利可图头寸的回撤 当达到指定的回撤时可以操作 使用部分闭包 开立平均订单以恢复无利可图的头寸 处理其他顾问或手动下订单的损失 根据趋势进行工作。定制移动平均线指标作为送给每位买家的礼物! 既可以处理一个订单,也可以处理一系列无利可图的订单! 适用于当前符号 根据给定的风险程度自动调整 重要的! 在启动顾问之前,我们建议在策略测试器或模拟账户中
HFT Prop Firm EA
Dilwyn Tng
4.96 (672)
HFT Prop Firm EA 也被称为 Green Man,因为其独特的标志,是专为克服允许高频交易 (HFT) 策略的专有交易公司 (prop firms) 的挑战或评估而设计的专家顾问 (EA)。 限时优惠:购买 HFT Prop Firm EA 免费赠送价值 $198 的工具 MT5 版本: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/117386 通过 HFT 挑战表现监控(起价 $200): 1) 经纪商:IC Markets 账号 66603384 服务器:ICmarketsSC-Demo06 密码:Greenman 2) 经纪商:IC Markets 账号 21718043 服务器:ICmarketsSC-Demo02 密码:Greenman 结果 1: https://c.mql5.com/31/1055/hft-prop-firm-ea-screen-4333.gif 结果 2: https://c.mql5.com/31/1055/hft-prop-firm-ea-screen-4648.gif 超过 600 条五星好
Boring Pips MT4
Thi Thu Ha Hoang
4.73 (15)
你是否曾 经想过为什么大多数专家顾问在实盘交易中并不有效,尽管它们在回测中表现完美? 最有可能的答案是 过拟合。许多专家顾问被创建为对现有的历史数据进行 “ 学 习 ” 和完美适 应,但由于构建模型的泛化能力不足,它们无法预测未来。 一些开 发者可能根本不知道过拟合的存在,或者他们知道但没有办法防止它。其他人则将其作为美化回测结果的工具,他们添加了数十个输入参数,而不考虑统计学意义,使交易策略过度依赖历史数据,并试图说服他人他们的专家顾问未来能够实现类似的表现。 如果你 对这个迷人的主题感兴趣,并想更深入地了解过拟合,请参考我的这些文章: Avoiding Over-fitting in Trading Strategy (Part 1): Identifying the Signs and Causes Avoiding Over-fitting in Trading Strategy (Part 2): A Guide to Building Optimization Processes 有几种方法可以避免在 仅仅依赖读取过去数据的专家顾问上亏钱。而最简单的方法是,在没有至少 5
Alphabet AI MT4
Sergei Pomytkin
5 (1)
Alphabet AI 是一款结合了两种流行交易方法的顾问:多级感知器 (MLP) 策略和均值回归策略。 MLP 策略可以识别长期趋势并预测未来价格走势,而均值回归策略可以利用短期价格偏离平均值的机会。 将多级感知器策略与交易顾问的均值回归相结合,为外汇交易提供了一种强大的方法。 通过使用 MLP 模型的预测能力和均值回归原理,交易者可以改善其交易信号并提高整体交易绩效。 该顾问程序已经过 20 多年的数据测试,在此期间它可以承受最不稳定的时期。 如果您没有机会让您的计算机保持 24/5 运行,那么建议使用 VPS 服务器服务。 顾问拥有超过 12 个月的稳定交易且回撤较低。 限时价格仅为 379.99 美元! 每购买 10 次,价格将上涨 50 美元! 最终售价 2999.99 美元 实时信号: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/delmare/seller MT5 版本可在此处获取: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/108005 如需详细的产品说明、输入说明和常见问题,请点击 此处 。 加入我们的群组 MQL
Kamikaze Trading
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
5 (1)
Kamikaze Trading is the latest generation of automated trading robots for the Forex and Gold markets. The EA is programmed with premium algorithms and unique trading strategies that deliver stable performance and low risk. The strategy analyzes price action and price tick patterns, combines scalpers and smart position management and has available risk management options such as Max Stop Loss, Close all at Friday, Trailing, in which Max Stop Loss is often large so that the price has space to mov
Dynamic Gold EA
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
Introducing a fully automated trading EA for the Gold (XAUUSD) market. Expert Advisor   Dynamic Gold   is programmed with advanced and intelligent algorithms. The EA strategy analyzes extreme volatility and then short reversals according to climax patterns. Combined with a high probability and low risk scalping method.  It also applies scalper strategy to take small profits and quickly exit the market. Trailing and possible Stop Loss options are available with small values ​​to reduce risk and o
Gold Mint Scalper
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
5 (1)
Introducing Gold Mint Scalper EA dedicated to Gold market (XAUUSD) with latest auto trading algorithms. The system combines cube momentum models with volatility to find the best trading signals. The cube momentum algorithm multiplies the fluctuations and quantifies high probability signal patterns. More signals, more trading opportunities. Along with Scalper method with Trailing, Stop Loss is set up in setting panel. EA is simple to install and use with only default settings (for Gold there are
Symphony Trading
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
5 (2)
Expert  Symphony Trading  is programmed with exclusive and advanced algorithms. This is an automatic trading robot for the Forex and Gold markets. EA applies scalper strategies combined with smart position management strategies to optimize performance and reduce risk. The signal patterns are carefully calculated and have a high probability of winning. Scalper strategy is applied with small Stop Loss and small Trailing to quickly exit the market with low risk. The EA is very simple to use. No ne
Quantum Scalper GBPUSD
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
5 (2)
EA Quantum Scalper GBPUSD is an automated trading system designed for the GBPUSD currency pair. Employing a scalping strategy and sophisticated position management, it aims to deliver high returns while minimizing risk. The EA analyzes tick patterns, price movements, and momentum, using unique entry points to identify potential trading opportunities. To safeguard profits and enhance efficiency,   each trade is equipped with maximum Stop Loss levels and a Trailing Stop feature. Enjoy an exciting
Golden Turbo
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
EA  Golden Turbo  is an automated trading robot dedicated to the Gold market (XAUUSD) from our latest generation of EAs. The Expert is meticulously programmed with exclusive and advanced algorithms. The EA combines price movement volatility rates, trend indicators and intelligent position management. The trades often have large Stop Loss to suit the EA's position management strategy, and there is also a feature to Close floating positions on Friday to reduce risk. The EA settings are simple to s
One Bot Scalper
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
4 (1)
EA One Bot Scalper is the latest automated trading robot for Forex and Gold market programmed with advanced algorithms. This EA is an integration of computational modeling engines to find the best trading signals with high winning probability. Combined with the scalper method to quickly exit the market with low risk. Orders always have Stop Loss to protect the account and have Trailing Stop feature to optimize performance. The EA has been optimized for ease of installation and use. You just need
Golden Leaf
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
3.5 (4)
EA Golden Leaf is programmed specifically for the Gold market (XAUUSD). EA trades completely automatically on the MT4 platform by analyzing price and tick patterns and momentum, combined with intelligent noise filtering algorithms to calculate trading signals. The EA strategy combines scalping with trailing methods to optimize performance and manage risk. All trades have Stop Loss, along with the option to turn on/off the Trailing feature. EA is simple to use and install, users only need to ins
Singularity Pips
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
Introducing the latest automated trading Robot for Forex and Gold markets with advanced and exclusive algorithms. Expert Advisor Singularit Pips applies scalper methods based on Micro Trends and Tick Patterns. EA enters the market with Buy/Sell Stop entry method, looking for quality trading opportunities with high probability, then applies Trailing to quickly exit the position. Trading orders always have Stop Loss to protect the account. EA is simple and easy to use, no need for set files and no
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
Expert HextraGold  is an automated trading robot dedicated to the Gold market (XAUUSD) from our latest generation of EAs. The Expert is meticulously programmed with exclusive and advanced algorithms for optimal performance. The EA combines price movement volatility rates, trend indicators and intelligent position management. The trades often have large Stop Loss to suit the EA's position management strategy. The EA has been optimized for Gold and you only need to use default setting (for Gold XA
Quantum Gold Supreme
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
Introducing EA Quantum Gold Supreme is an automated trading robot programmed with advanced and exclusive algorithms to create groundbreaking and effective trading strategies. EA dedicated to the Gold market (XAUUSD) with a scalper strategy that combines smart position management, along with a unique entry method to capture the specific movements of Gold. Trade orders have (Max) Stop Loss parameters along with Trailing to manage risk and optimize performance. Enjoy an exciting trading system wit
Hawkeye Trading
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
Introducing the new generation of Haweye Trading EAs programmed with new and unique trading algorithms and strategies. The EA exploits Tick price fluctuations and selects high-performance and low-risk volatility models. EA strategies execute scalpers during active and volatile trading sessions to quickly take profits and exit the market. Floating positions (if any) can be closed on the weekend with the "Close all on Friday" option or the EA automatically activates Trailing to close when there i
Gold Impulse Trading
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
Expert Gold Impulse Trading is an automated trading robot for the Gold (XAUUSD) market programmed with advanced proprietary algorithms. The EA applies a Scalper strategy combining position management and risk management to optimize performance and reduce risk. The strategy monitors evolving volatility to search for high probability trading signals. All trades have Stop Loss to protect the account, along with Trailing for optimization. EA is easy to install and use without complicated file sets.
Hamster Scalper EURUSD
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
Expert  Hamster Scalper EURUSD   is a program that automatically trades the EURUSD currency pair. The EA is programmed with a scalper strategy along with a smart position management strategy to generate high performance and low risk. Signals are based on tick patterns, price movements, momentum along with unique entry methods. Trade orders have (Max) Stop Loss parameters along with Trailing to manage risk and optimize performance. Floating positions (if any) are also closed at the end of the da
Hamster Gold Trading
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
Expert Advisor  Hamster Gold Trading  is an automatic trading robot programmed with exclusive and unique algorithms. The EA is optimized for the Gold market. EA's strategy applies movement patterns along with price momentum for reliable and accurate signals. Signals are also entered using the smart momentum trap method, where Stop orders are often canceled when momentum is not reached. Trades are closed quickly by Trailing and there is always a Stop Loss to control risk. EA is simple to install
Lightning Gold
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
5 (1)
EA Lightning Gold is an expert advisor designed specifically for the gold market (XAUUSD). Its innovative strategy combines analysis of price action, momentum, and money flow to provide high-probability trading opportunities. This robot's advanced auto-trading algorithms and intelligent position management strategy make it suitable for all timeframes and incredibly easy to set up. At the core of EA's success is its strategy, which has been carefully crafted to deliver consistent and reliable r
Lamda robot
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
Introducing the latest generation of EA Lamda Robot for forex and Gold markets. Expert tracks tickdata and tickspeed movements and searches for high probability trading opportunities. Combined with the "momentum trap" method when entering to select the best signals. EA executes transactions with the scalper method. Trading orders always have Stop Loss available to protect the account. The EA is very simple to use.  If you have no experience then you just need to set the default. The default sett
Bright Gold
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
Bright Gold is an automated trading robot programmed specifically for the Gold market (XAUUSD). EA uses our exclusive premium and advanced algorithms in developing unique and effective trading strategies. The strategy tracks signals from price movements incorporating a multi-entry method. Combine scalper methods and smart position management strategies to optimize performance and reduce risk. The EA has been optimized for Gold and is easy to use, you can use the default settings on Gold with 2
Flasher Scalper
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
4 (2)
Flasher Scalper is an auto-trading Expert Advisor for the Forex market. The EA is programmed with premium algorithms and unique scalper strategies. The EA continuously monitors the market and correlation of currency pairs to compare and find the best trading opportunities. Flasher Scalper's trading strategy has Stop Loss, Take Profit, Trailing parameters available to manage risk and optimize performance. EA is suitable for accounts with small balances from 200 USD. The EA has been optimized and
Gold Strange Trading
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
Unlock the power of automation in the Gold market (XAUUSD) with EA Gold Strange Trading , an advanced Expert Advisor designed to deliver precision and performance. Built on cutting-edge algorithms, this EA leverages price momentum and movement patterns to generate highly reliable trading signals. Gold Strange Trading prioritizes simplicity and effectiveness by employing only Stop Loss and Take Profit mechanisms for position management, with optimized default settings tailored for maximum effici
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
5 (2)
This is an auto-trading robot programmed specifically for the GBPUSD pair. EA Power GBPUSD is similar to the Power of EURUSD . However, this EA applies the correlation of the ichimoku Tenkan line along with 12 currency pairs and 3 timeframes to determine the power strength of GBP and USD. + The strength of GBP is based on the correlation of 6 currency pairs with GBP: EURGBP, GBPAUD, GBPCAD, GBPCHF, GBPNZD, GBPJPY. + The strength of USD is based on the correlation of 6 currency pairs with USD: A
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
Expert Power EURGBP is an automated trading robot programmed specifically for the EURGBP currency pair. The EA applies almost the same strategy as the EAs Power of EURUSD and Power GBPUSD. The EA applies a multi-timeframe and multi-MA analysis strategy of multiple currency pairs to determine the strength of the EUR and the strength of the GBP . From there, determine the strength correlation and create trading signals. + The strength of EUR is based on the correlation of 6 currency pairs with EU
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
4 (1)
Expert Advisor Neuralink uses the most advanced and exclusive automated trading algorithms. Trading signals are analyzed from correlated movements of multiple currency pairs in multiple time frames. Combine scalper and Trailing Stop strategies to close positions when profit targets are reached. The EA uses the DCA strategy to manage floating positions. The EA has been optimized and simple to use. If you do not have experience using EA, you should use the Default Setting with initial capital from
Da Vinci Code
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
4 (2)
Introducing the latest generation of automated trading robots for the Forex and Gold markets. EA Da Vinci Code is programmed with advanced algorithms, demonstrating smart trading strategies to create efficient and consistent trades. Trailing and Stop Loss options help users optimize performance, lock profits by Trailing and control risks by Stop Loss. Signal models are determined according to price movement models that have been tested with high probability. The EA is suitable for currency pair
Cyborg Scalper
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
Expert Cyborg Scalper is an automated robot that trades Forex, and Gold currency pairs with the Scalper method. The EA is carefully programmed and optimized with exclusive and advanced algorithms. The strategy combines Price Action with Tick patterns, along with intelligent noise filtering algorithms to identify trading opportunities with high probability and low risk. The trading orders have Stop Loss available to control risk along with Trailing, Take Profit and time filter options. The EA is
Gold on Ichimoku
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
The Ichimoku at a glance has great appeal to me and most traders. The Gold on Ichimoku EA exploits the trend filter of the Ichimoku system, combines price recalculation and signal pattern calculation to create an optimally efficient automated trading system with low risk. The trades are also executed using the Scalper method to quickly exit the market. The trades always have Stop Loss available, along with Trailing settings and closing positions when the trend changes to control risk.  EA is opt