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Synapse Trader MT4


Synapse Trader:打开交易新视野的神经网络

想象一下,一个不仅能分析市场,还能成为您智能助手的交易顾问,每天学习并适应不断变化的市场条件。Synapse Trader 是一个独特的工具,基于先进的神经网络技术,能够捕捉最细微的市场信号。它不仅仅是一个交易顾问——它是一个思考、预测和进化的活体神经网络。

在节日期间,Synapse Trader EA 仅售 $399。之后价格将大幅上涨,请勿错过!

仅剩 5 份,价格为 $399。



Synapse Trader 的使命
Synapse Trader 的创建旨在释放神经网络在交易中的全部潜力,为交易者提供一个能够比以往更深入分析市场的工具,帮助他们基于数百个因素做出明智的决策。这不仅仅是一个算法——这是交易的 神经大脑


1. Synaptic Neural Core™

该顾问的核心是一种强大的多层神经网络 Synaptic Neural Core™,它能够通过分析历史数据、当前市场条件甚至人群行为,自主学习。它模拟了人类大脑的功能,能够:

  • 识别数据中的隐藏模式。
  • 根据历史周期和当前趋势预测市场行为。
  • 随着每一笔交易不断提高其准确性。

2. 动态神经进化(Dynamic Neural Evolution)

Dynamic Neural Evolution 技术使神经网络能够适应任何市场变化:

  • 复杂模式: 神经网络不仅分析价格走势,还分析资产之间的隐藏关联。
  • 情绪分析: 利用交易量和波动性数据,捕捉市场参与者的情绪,例如恐慌或狂热。
  • 时间适应: 根据时间、市场活动和基本事件动态调整其预测。

3. 时间神经记忆 (TNM)

Synapse Trader 集成了 Temporal Neural Memory (TNM) 模块,使神经网络能够记住关键的市场事件并将其纳入分析中。这带来了以下优势:

  • 基于与当前情况类似的过去事件进行预测。
  • 考虑长期趋势和历史模式。
  • 随着数据量的增加,不断改进模型。


1. 黄金精准模块 (XAU/USD)
此模块专注于黄金/美元 (XAU/USD) 的交易,充分利用 Synapse Trader 神经网络的全部能力。它应用先进的模式识别、趋势预测和波动性分析技术,确保在最具动态性的市场中实现精确性和适应性。

2. 欧元洞察模块 (EUR/USD)
专为 EUR/USD 货币对设计,该模块将神经网络调整到全球交易量最大的货币对的独特特性。通过精确的设置和校准,它提供稳定的性能和优化的交易策略。

3. 英镑动态模块 (GBP/USD)
专注于 GBP/USD 货币对。利用针对该货币对的定向调整和专属配置,帮助交易者驾驭其独特的波动性和行为模式。该模块结合深度学习洞察和市场特定的适应性,在这个高影响力市场中实现最大化机会。


  • 时间周期:H1
  • 最低存款: $200
  • 推荐账户类型: ECN 或 Raw Spread
  • 杠杆比例: 1:30 至 1:1000


  • 每笔交易都通过 止损 保护资金安全。
  • 内置自动手数计算,确保最佳风险管理。
  • 简单安装,默认设置已针对大多数经纪商进行了优化。
  • 策略测试结果与实时交易表现完全一致。
  • 与所有专有交易公司完全兼容。
  • 是新手和经验丰富的交易者的理想选择。
  • 基于 Synaptic Neural Core™ 的神经网络技术支持。
  • 无缝适配任何经纪商和账户类型。


评论 2
Muhammad Faheem Aslam
Muhammad Faheem Aslam 2024.12.30 18:03 

Hello Passive income Lovers , I just got the Synapes Trader Ea ,One of My Best Friend Purchased this Ea I was monitoring the Ea Performance from 1th Day on my Friend Account , it’s a game changer ,Great Product Excellent Ea, I didn't see this Amazing Type of Ea in the Market Place , Specially Author is Very Very Supportive & Corporative Person.

Sheng Jie Wang
Sheng Jie Wang 2024.12.25 10:20 

The author patiently answered my question? The software billing logic is also very good! I hope the author will work harder to develop good products to increase his transaction frequency and efficiency

Reversal Overlap Bot is an automated trading strategy. No technical indicators are used in the work. At the beginning of trading, the first order is placed in a certain direction (at your option). When you open a new candle, this order is closed if it is in profit. Otherwise, the next order opens in the opposite direction. Orders are closed when profit is reached. If there are unprofitable orders on the chart, the robot will close one of them. When closing loss-making orders, the profit covers t
Kilimanjaro EA
Botond Ratonyi
5 (1)
Check out my youtube channel about forex trading robots:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL_p6fuQtNkg-1rRY69t5Ig Message me on telegram if you have any questions:  https://t.me/BRobotTrader H1 TIMEFRAME Updates and improvements(2021.08.12): USE THE SET FILES FROM THE COMMENT SECTION! This is the biggest update in the life of the KILIMANJARO EA, it got new features and NEW engine, plus many new parameters to optimize and play around with. ---It got the official TheNomadTrader Dynamic e
Ron Fritzhugh Bryan
I could write a fantastic description with lots of quantitative testing parameters but we have a saying that "taste of a pudding is in the eating " so I will simple put a CHALLENGE :Test this EA on any of the major and minor pairs (AUD,USD,EUR,CHF,NZD )and I guarantee you  50% discount if you can prove in a test on any of the major pairs above  that you have incurred  more than 3 error runs. *NOW HAPPY TESTING* Then you get to write the description unhindered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Evgeniy Zhdan
The algorithm of the advisor calculates the important support and resistance levels. Next, the Expert Advisor calculates the probability of price movement "to" or "away" from this price level. Support: https://www.mql5.com/en/channels/TrendHunter If a high probability of price movement in the desired direction is determined, the advisor opens a deal. Each trade is protected by a stop loss. Dangerous trading methods are not used. Recommended instruments (5M): GBPUSD, EURUSD, USDJPY, USDCAD. Ad
Genx AI Fusion
Jyotirmoy Sarkar
基于 GPT 3 的 Genx AI Fusion EA。如果您希望投资稳定增长或通过自营公司,那么此 EA 是您的完美伴侣。 EA 主要针对 EURUSD 开发。 建议余额为 10,000 美元,最低余额为 5000 美元,才能获得稳定的回报。 我们避免虚假承诺。您将在下面看到您可以预期的回撤幅度。 您可以使用 EURUSD 的默认设置传递 8 个月以下的任何道具公司(默认设置仅适用于传递 10k 道具公司,如果您需要传递任何账户大小而不是 10k,请从我们的电报 DM 获取 setfile) 如果您在真实美元账户上使用标准 setfile,则 2023 年至 2024 年间将增长 46%,回撤 25% 如果您使用 Turbo Setfile,则 2023 年至 2024 年期间增益 110%,回撤 60%。(查看屏幕截图) 如果您需要真实美元账户的 Turbo/Standard setfile,请通过 telegram 私信我 仅使用 h4 TF 如有任何安装问题或任何问题,我们随时为您提供帮助。 我们的电报频道在这里链接 在这里私信我们链接 24/7 我们将有空
Hasan Abdulhussein
BreakBot: This expert advisor is specifically designed for traders seeking smart and secure solutions to transform small capital into substantial profits, reaching $100,000 or more. It employs professional strategies and precise risk management to achieve steady and safe growth. Key Features of the Expert Advisor ️ Smart Capital Management: Utilizes carefully calculated risk percentages to maximize profits while minimizing losses. Automatically adapts to account size, making it ideal for both b
Premium M15
Raphael Schwietering
Dear Investor, I am a full-time system developer since 2010, having developed thousands of trading systems in the last 11 years. My main goal when developing a strategy is long-term growth. All my systems have to pass strict criteria in terms of backtests, out-of-sample validations on unseen symbols, Monte Carlo simulations on different data feeds, slippage, and increased spreads.  It: Trades the EURUSD M15 with a focus on long-term growth. Opens trades at bar and uses no martingale nor any grid
PTW NON REPAINT TRADING SYSTEM + HISTOGRAM Non-Repainting ,   Non-Redrawing   and   Non-Lagging  Trading System. Does the following: - Gives Accurate Entry and Exit Points - Scalping, Day and Swing Trading  - 95% Accuracy  - Targets, where to take profits. - Shows Trends, Support and resistance levels - Works on All Brokers - Works on All Currencies, CFDs and Stocks - It does not place trades for you, it only shows you what trades to place. - It works on All Timeframes - It is for Trend or ran
Jobot Basic Martingale
Jakkarin Chinsuwan
This EA can run on every currencies pairs recommend EURUSD, USDJPY, EURJPY, GBPUSD Timeframe 30 Minute (M30) The important advantage of this EA is that you can start to trade with $1000 min imum initial Deposit. And the robot can support your manual transactions on EURUSD. ACCOUNT LEVERAGE: 1:100 ACCOUNT (Stop Out): 50% or less ACCOUNT TYPE: Real account ACCOUNT MODE: Hedging account Take Profit: Automatically Stop Loss: Automatically LOT size: Manual first order
The Collector
Risk Disclaimer: Foreign Exchange is one of an unpredictable  market in the universe. Backtest which author provided could not guarantee that they will have an excellent result in forward trading. As the above reason, please be aware if you use this EA with large amount funding which you could not effort to lose. Live Results !! Live Signal 1 -> Please PM for link Summary: The Collector, same as its name, this EA is semi-fully automated Expert which will act as your representative. It will ru
该算法已经证明了25年的盈利能力。专家顾问进入市场的可能性很大,趋势逆转.  一个止损设置为每个位置与损失的计算情况下触发作为存款的百分比(保守-5%,在设置风险10%)和止盈0.5的止损,它是浮动收紧的价格,即止损/止盈比最初设为2/1(二比一)。 此外,根据止损和风险计算每个位置的批量。 原则上,没有导致存款合并的有毒方法-平均和鞅。自2000年以来,测试以每$100交易的固定风险进行(这样所有交易都更清晰可见)。 每对都有自己的设置(请参阅屏幕截图,否则我会发送设置的文件)。 按开始和结束时间过滤。通过终端从Alpari经纪商的报价。 这通常是一个美国晚间会议。 可以分割购买或出售。 还有一个按星期几和月份的过滤器。 盈利率在2以上。 同时打开的交易数量(在测试2中)和点差也有限制。
Expert quantum quants
Joelson Donizeti Soares
GRUPO TELEGRAM https://t.me/QUANTSROBOFX TELEGRAM =   @QUANTSROBOFX Robô Quantum fx  MULTI- ESTRATÉGIAS MEU ROBÔ DE 10 ANOS À SUA DISPOSIÇÃO Teste GRÁTIS em conta Demo Instale no seu MT4 (use sempre uma VPS) ️ Recomendações de uso: √ Conta STANDARD com saldo a partir de 1k USD, use lote 0.01 pra cada 1k. √ Conta CENTS com saldo a partir de 10.000 USD, use lote 0.10 pra cada 10.000. √ Timeframe indicado H1 ou H4 Arraste para o gráfico e coloque o tamanho do lote ao se
Corentin Petitgirard
5 (1)
please read the description. After months of programming and testing, I'm proud to share  Multiversal  with you . Multiversal  is an expert who works on Timeframe M5 on 20 different pairs  each with a different setting.  Multiversal  is a scalper who is not spread sentive . So It works on every brokers in all conditions. Multiversal  does not use any dangerous strategies  like martingal or hedging that could blow up your account. This expert is the final product of a long period of research. M
Radar Fibo 123
Carlos Augusto Cedeno Rocha
https://www.mql5.com/es/signals/1654340 使用此工具,它将帮助您自动运行获胜的 SL 形成一个斐波那契雷达斐波那契 123 策略,以最少的彩票入场作为支撑和阻力 对支撑和阻力中的一切都采取积极的态度。 Shǐyòng cǐ gōngjù, tā jiāng bāngzhù nín zìdòng yùnxíng huòshèng de SL xíngchéng yīgè fěi bō nà qì léidá fěi bō nà qì 123 cèlüè, yǐ zuìshǎo de cǎipiào rù chǎng zuòwéi zhīchēng hé zǔlì duì zhīchēng hé zǔlì zhōng de yīqiè dōu cǎiqǔ jījí de tàidù. 他应用自动关闭和自动锁定。您正在寻找每月最低和最高收入的地方。 次月活跃。 Tā yìngyòng zìdòng guānbì hé zìdòng suǒdìng. Nín zhèngzài xúnzhǎo měi yuè zuìdī hé zuìgāo shōurù
AutoSmartPro MT4
Alexandru Chirila
Our Expert Advisor (EA) revolutionizes trading in the Forex market by integrating two powerful strategies - Scaling and Averaging - into a dynamic and adaptable framework. Designed for the MetaTrader4/5 platform, this EA employs innovative techniques to optimize trading outcomes in various market conditions. Metatrader5 Version  |  Auto Smart Pro MT4 Live Results  |  All Products  |  Contact  | How to install MT4 Product Scaling Strategy: The Scaling strategy capitalizes on trending market move
Kovner System
Burcak Sengezer
Kovner System EA  is a professional and automated scalper. Easy to use, proved strategy and just focused on EURCHF. This EA uses some calculated price actions with 7 indicators' confirmations. The EA sets everything automatically. Advantages NO Grid, NO Martingale, NO Averaging and high risk strategies. The EA always uses Stop Loss and Trailing. Dropdown style Money Management can be set easily. Also, fixed lot size available. No needs extra settings. Default settings are enough. Requirements
Live Signal ForexSoul Hedge EA, is our strongest and most popular EA. - Automatic range calculation - Multi instrument trading possible - Easy to use and logic - To act very effectively and safely - Beginners and professionals to use - Optional Draw Down Reduction - Live signal available - Can also be traded with smaller leverage Recommendation: 1000 $ = 0.01 Lot 10000 $ = 0.1 Lot $1000000 = 1 Lot
CyNeron MT4
Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
3.8 (5)
CyNeron: 精准交易与人工智能创新的结合 信号 :   CyNeron 操作手册和设置文件 : 购买后请与我联系以获取操作手册和设置文件 价格 : 价格会根据售出副本的数量逐步提高 可用副本 : 5 AI驱动的快照分析:市场首创 CyNeron是市场上首个将先进人工智能整合到革命性交易方法中的EA, 通过捕获和处理详细的市场状况快照, 利用最先进的AI神经网络评估价格数据和技术指标, 提供高度准确的市场走势预测,从而实现精准且具有战略性的交易决策。 这一AI驱动技术使CyNeron与众不同,能够实时动态适应不断变化的市场动态, 为交易者提供此前无法获得的洞察力。 交易品种 XAUUSD (黄金) 时间周期 M15 或 M30   最低资金 最低 $100 经纪商 任何经纪商 账户类型 任何账户类型,优先低点差 杠杆 最低 1:20 VPS 推荐使用,但不是必须,也支持MQL VPS CyNeron的核心力量 AI驱动的快照分析 CyNeron通过捕获和处理市场状况快照, 利用先进的神经网络评估价格和指标, 从而实现准确的市场走势预测, 并支持精准的交易决策。 Transf
Golden Nugget
Frank Paetsch
Golden Nugget EA are optimized for Gold vs USD H1 ( can be used for any instrument if u optimize ) Solid and strong System with stop and TP for each position- in and out. No Grid How to use it: just load the EA on XAUUSD H1 choose your risk and let him run. 0.01 per 1000$ recoment U can use Martingale but will not recomment by us. How it works? the EA use two Moving Averages to find an entry but take the Signals only if we have a trend. As a trendfilter we use the RSI In order to ensure exclusi
Mikhail Senchakov
Perfection is a multicurrency, fully automated and secure trading robot. The robot is designed for both portfolio trading and trading a single instrument. The EA does not use averaging methods, the volume of positions is strictly regulated. Orders are opened only in the direction of market movement in a grid. Due to this, the robot operates efficiently on any strong movements. The decision making algorithm does not use indicators. Instead, the robot automatically calculates the key levels, which
Ngo Yung Lau
EPriceJPY is a auto-trading EA focused on USDJPY. Trading Concept The operation concept of EPriceJPY is based on an algorithm that tries to determine the Trend. To be more specific, EPriceJPY works with its own calculation logic based on simulation. It is trying to find out the Top or Bottom in a Trend, and open the Short or Long Position accordingly. Don't expect EPriceJPY to open the trade on the highest or lowest level, because EPriceJPY will trade only when the Top/Bottom can be confirmed.
42% off for 48 hours only (Original price: $1,980) 50% bonus by purchasing this Robot, Contact us "after purchase" to receive the bonus A fully automatic expert Designed and produced 100% by artificial intelligence, with the world's most advanced technology All trades have profit and loss limits, with the best and least risky market strategy, without using dangerous strategies such as Martingale and hedges, etc. A specialist who has been trained by artificial intelligence for years to correctly
Euro Bot FX  is a unique trading expert that uses   day levels   breakthrough  strategy. The expert provides accurate analytical capabilities by employing a structured analysis of price movements.  Euro Bot actively analyzes days support and resistance levels. This approach allows it to identify potential entry and exit points based on historical data and key price levels. EA shows stable performance in period more than 20 years. There is also real signal. Price will be increased soon to $1500 A
专家顾问进入市场的可能性很高的趋势开始。   没有有毒的方法导致矿床的排水-没有网格和鞅。 每个头寸设置一个按存款百分比计算的止损损失(建议-2%),止损的止盈为5-10。 每个位置都伴随着一个追踪止损。 自2010年以来的测试,每笔交易的固定风险为$20(相当于$1,000的2%)。 使用固定风险进行测试可以让您看到顾问的正确操作。 由于建议和测试货币对的预期同时操作风险为$20,平均收益率假设每月$310(31%,风险为2%)。 建议将一个货币对的开仓限制在同一时间最多两个货币对的开仓。 有一个过滤器的开始和结束时间。 这通常是欧洲会议和美国会议的开始。 有一个过滤器只用于购买或出售。 还有一个按天和按月的过滤器。 在砌体讨论中,我上传。置文件。
TrendSurfer Awesome
Augustine Kamatu
Unleash Your Forex Potential with TrendSurfer Awesome! Are you ready to elevate your forex trading game? Introducing TrendSurfer Awesome—an advanced automated trading system powered by the MetaTrader 4 indicator, the Awesome Oscillator. Let's explore why TrendSurfer Awesome is the ultimate solution for traders seeking to conquer the forex market: Harness the Power of the Awesome Oscillator: Developed by Bill Williams, the Awesome Oscillator is a versatile momentum indicator that identifies th
1.根据图表周期,确定趋势大小。在一段行情内最高价附近,为上涨趋势。在一段行情内最低价附近,为下跌趋势。 2. 趋势确立后,下一步就是确定短期趋势的超买和超卖。 超卖、多头;  超买,做空。   3.  根据超买和超卖以及利润点进行平仓。  实盘信号: https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/1538661?source=Site+Signals+My EA 设置: 您需要把EA加载到要交易的货币对上(M15 时间范围) 现好的货币对: EURUSD,GBPUSD,GBPJPY,USDJPY,XAGUSD,GBPAUD 使用此EA,请是使用ECN账号。 可以使用我推荐的货币对,也可以使用其他货币对。 信号上100使用0.01手,建议使用更高的资金降低风险。 推荐杠杆 1:200 或更高 可以使用参数列表里内置的参数,也可以自定义参数。 参数设置: Applicable_Symbol - 表现最好的货币品种  cycle_time - 加载图表周期 Built_in_parameters - 选择内置的货币参数或选择自定义参数 Lot - 开单手数 AutoLo
Big Player EA USDJPY is an EA that generates trading signals with custom strategies. The EA scans 5 months of history and generates signals and buys or sells on these signals. At least 5 months of data should be behind when testing the EA. Also, cross Takeprofit strategies are implemented in the EA. Single, double, triple and quad TP strategies are applied. Thanks to the cross Takeprofit strategies, the EA works easily even during high activity times. Big Player EA Family Single Symbols:   EUR
This trading expert advisors is an clone & upgrade of  "EA Rough Duster ", also trades best on GBPNZD minute 5 timeframe. Maintains a constant account growth and runs best on low spread and commission based accounts. Uses Martingale & perfect hedging to recover unprofitable positions ensuring no loss. Its consistent profit curves,low DrawDowns & risk proves the record for itself in reliability and consistency plus its unique market analysis ensures quick extraction of profits by scalping the mar
Evens Horizont
Oleksii Ferbei
Event Horizon: Advanced Multi-Currency Forex Trading Bot Event Horizon   is an advanced multi-currency trading bot designed for the Forex market, aiming to maximize automation and efficiency. This expert advisor (bot) leverages the latest algorithms to analyze market conditions and execute trades, ensuring stable profits with minimal risks. Key Features of Event Horizon Flexible Settings:   Event Horizon offers extensive customization options, allowing users to tailor its operation to any tradin
Fisher Steels
Ivan Simonika
The   Fisher Steel  bot implements the maximum of the HFT definitions. The expert system goes through the entire history and all currency pairs with a single setting. If there is a commission on the account, it must be converted into the equivalent of the spread and fill in the Commission field. Both virtual and real stop losses are used. Normal working conditions: The lower the commission and the spread, the greater the profit. The more latency your broker has in the amount of the Internet ch
Scalping Robot MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
5 (4)
Introducing our advanced   Scalping Forex Robot , specifically designed to maximize trading opportunities with 5 popular currency pairs on the M1 timeframe. The scalping algorithm is built to spot high-probability entry and exit points, ensuring that every trade is executed with the highest chance of success within the   M1 timeframe . This robot is perfect for traders who prefer the   scalping method   and want to take advantage of rapid price movements without having to manually monitor the ch
Neon Trade MT4
Evgeniy Ilin
5 (2)
综合方法的精髓,其主要目标是为交易员实现长期和现实的收益,同时将风险降至最低。基础是结合了高级交易概念和机器学习,这两者能够有效地相互增强。另一个独特之处在于,系统无需进行优化,因为这个功能已经交给了我的服务器。最新的设置每天都会在我们的 Telegram 频道上发布,不断保持系统的高度相关性。 我们的 Telegram 社区 贸易监控 !!! MetaTrader 5 的版本 !!! MetaTrader 4 的免费(简化)版本  安装和操作指南 特别想强调一下, 为什么要买这个顾问? 很多人可能觉得免费版本几乎完全符合原版。但事实并非如此。免费版本只有演示功能,所有的设置都需要你自己选择,从我将定期为您发布的那些选择。静态设置很快就会过时。意思是,在付费版本中,你可以连接到不同的信号,选择你喜欢的。不久的将来这样的信号会越来越多。我会在有能力的时候增加它们。信号只不过是一种设置集,选择工作由我来完成。因此,通过这种方式,你完全摆脱了组建投资组合和更新它们的日常工作。选择一个已经准备好的投资组合(信号)或使用默认设置,其中包括我认为目前最稳定的投资组合。因此, 对你来说,使用 AP
CyNera MT4
Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
2.93 (14)
CyNera:您的交易,我们的技术 信号 >400%:  CyNera 信号 >500%: CyNera Turbo 手册和设置文件:购买后请联系我以获取手册和设置文件 价格: 价格根据售出的许可证数量上涨 可用副本: 4 交易黄金,市场上最波动的工具之一,需要精确的操作、深入的分析和强有力的风险管理。CyNera 专家顾问将这些要素无缝集成到一个复杂的系统中,专为优化黄金交易而设计。CyNera 的先进策略和技术旨在帮助经验丰富的交易员和新手应对黄金交易所带来的独特挑战和机遇。 有了 CyNera,您就拥有了一套可靠的解决方案,专门针对黄金市场的复杂性。它结合了自适应、智能策略以及多时间框架分析、自动交易调整和精确的风险管理等高级功能。正是这种适应性,使得 CyNera 成为一种多功能工具,能够应对快速的市场变化,同时确保您的资本在长期内得到保护。 符号 XAUUSD (黄金) 时间周期 M30   资本 最少 100 美元 经纪商 任何经纪商 账户类型 任何,较低点差优先 杠杆 从 1:20 起 VPS 首选,但不是必须,也可以使用 MQL VPS CyNera 的核心力量
43% off for 48 hours only (Original price: $1,595) 50% bonus by purchasing this Robot, Contact us "after purchase" to receive the bonus A fully automatic expert Designed and produced 100% by artificial intelligence, with the world's most advanced technology All trades have profit and loss limits, with the best and least risky market strategy, without using dangerous strategies such as Martingale and hedges, etc. A specialist who has been trained by artificial intelligence for years to correctl
Aura Neuron MT4
Stanislav Tomilov
5 (3)
Aura Neuron 是一款独特的 EA 交易系统,延续了 Aura 系列交易系统。通过利用先进的神经网络和尖端的经典交易策略,Aura Neuron 提供了一种具有出色潜在性能的创新方法。这款 EA 交易系统完全自动化,旨在交易 EURUSD 和 XAUUSD (GOLD) 等货币对。从 1999 年到 2023 年,它在这些货币对中表现出了一致的稳定性。该系统避免了危险的资金管理技术,例如马丁格尔、网格或剥头皮,使其适用于任何经纪商条件。Aura Neuron 由多层感知器 (MLP) 神经网络驱动,利用它来预测市场趋势和走势。MLP 是一种前馈人工神经网络 (ANN),通常被称为“原始”神经网络,尤其是当它们由单个隐藏层组成时。MLP 包括三个基本层:输入层、隐藏层和输出层。除输入节点外,每个神经元都使用非线性激活函数。该网络使用称为反向传播的监督学习技术进行训练。 MLP 的多层结构和非线性激活使其有别于线性感知器,使其能够识别数据中非线性可分的模式。通过其复杂的 NN 智能,Aura Neuron 能够识别模式并适应不断变化的市场条件,例如汇率或交易者行为的变化。其处理复杂
Bitcoin Robot MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
4.8 (41)
The Bitcoin Robot  MT4 is engineered to execute Bitcoin trades with unparalleled   efficiency and precision . Developed by a team of experienced traders and developers, our   Bitcoin Robot   employs a sophisticated algorithmic approach (price action, trend as well as two personalized indicators) to analyze market and execute trades swiftly with   M5 timeframe , ensuring that you never miss out on lucrative opportunities.   No grid, no martingale, no hedging,   EA only open one position at the sa
Quantum Emperor MT4
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.84 (154)
介绍     QuantumEmperor EA 是一款突破性的 MQL5 专家顾问,它正在改变您交易著名的 GBPUSD 货币对的方式!由拥有超过13年交易经验的经验丰富的交易者团队开发。 IMPORTANT! After the purchase please send me a private message to receive the installation manual and the setup instructions. ***购买 Quantum Emperor EA,即可免费获得 Quantum Wizard  或 Quantum StarMan 或 Quantum Gold Emperor !*** 私信询问更多详情 新版直播信号 V5:   点击此处 MT5版本:  点击这里 量子 EA 通道:       点击这里 每购买 10 件,价格将增加 50 美元。最终价格为 1999 美元 量子皇帝EA     采用独特的策略,将单个交易连续拆分为六个较小的交易。这意味着 EA 每次执行交易时,都会自动将其分为 6 个较小的头寸。 量子皇帝EA  
AI Golden Jet Fighter GTX MT4
Andrei Nazarets
4.29 (7)
AI Golden Jet Fighter GTX     MT4 是 Meta Trader 4 平台上一款简单而高效的黄金交易专家顾问 (EA)。该 EA 利用神经网络,专为黄金市场 (XAU/USD) 的剥头皮交易而设计。AI Golden Jet Fighter GTX 的主要策略侧重于识别小幅价格​​波动并开仓以在短时间内获利。EA 实时分析市场状况,并自动执行具有预定义止损和止盈水平的交易。它还支持追踪止损功能,允许交易者在市场有利时锁定利润。为确保准确性,EA 使用价差过滤器来避免在不利条件下交易,并使用滑点保护机制来精确执行订单。AI Golden Jet Fighter GTX 包含风险管理功能,使交易者能够将风险水平设置为其账户余额的百分比,使其能够适应不同的交易方式。EA 利用 NN 算法实时分析市场数据,适应不断变化的条件,并为交易的进入和退出提供高度准确的信号。该 EA 易于使用且完全自动化,只需极少的设置,因此从初学者到专业人士,各个级别的交易者都可以使用它,无需持续监控市场。                              接下来的 10 位买
The Infinity EA MT4
Abhimanyu Hans
3.58 (24)
ChatGPT Turbo 人工智能驱动技术 Infinity EA 是一款专为 GBPUSD 和 XAUUSD 设计的高级交易专家顾问。它专注于安全性、持续回报和无限盈利能力。与许多其他依赖高风险策略(如马丁格尔或网格交易)的 EA 不同。Infinity EA 采用基于神经网络的规范、有利可图的剥头皮策略,该神经网络嵌入机器学习、数据分析 AI 技术,由最新的 ChatGPT 版本提供,可让您的整体交易体验卓越不凡。 加入我们拥有超过 6000 名成员的 MQL5 社区, 与其他交易者建立联系。及时了解最新的产品更新、提示和独家内容。 MT5 版本 如何设置 Infinity EA 特征 Infinity EA 利用人工智能驱动的剥头皮策略。 该 EA 与 ChatGPT-4 Turbo 集成,可进行实时数据分析。 Infinity EA 利用机器学习不断从市场数据中学习。 风险管理是 Infinity EA 的核心,具有固定止损和获利设置等功能,可以保护资本并锁定利润。 该 EA 还进行高级蜡烛图分析,以识别高质量的交易条目。 Infinity EA 与道具公司完全兼容。 促销
EvoTrade EA MT4
Dolores Martin Munoz
5 (1)
EvoTrade:市场上首个自学习交易系统 让我为您介绍EvoTrade——一款结合了前沿计算机视觉和数据分析技术的独特交易顾问。这是市场上首个自学习交易系统,能够实时运行。EvoTrade会分析市场情况,调整策略,并动态适应变化,在任何环境下都能提供卓越的精准度。 EvoTrade使用先进的神经网络技术,包括用于分析时间依赖性的长短期记忆网络(LSTM)和门控循环单元(GRU),用于识别复杂市场模式的卷积神经网络(CNN),以及用于实时策略调整的强化学习算法,例如近端策略优化(PPO)和深度Q学习(DQL)。这些技术使EvoTrade能够发现隐藏的市场信号,并精确调整其操作以适应当前市场动态。 在每次交易后,EvoTrade会重新评估其方法,自动更新止盈(TP)和止损(SL)等参数。系统的使命不仅是对变化做出反应,还要不断优化其交易策略,确保在任何市场条件下都能保持相关性和高效性。 为什么选择EVOTRADE交易顾问? 实时信号 : https ://www .mql5 .com /en /signals /2281752 交易顾问的价格将与其实时信号的增长成正比迅速上升 EvoT
CoreX G MT4
Arseny Potyekhin
5 (7)
概述 CoreX G EA 是一种专为应对外汇市场复杂性而设计的先进交易系统。通过利用尖端的神经网络、复杂的机器学习技术和集成的大数据策略,CoreX G 在交易中提供了卓越的准确性和安全性。这个专家顾问(EA)因其技术卓越性和优质的客户支持而脱颖而出,确保用户在遇到任何问题或疑虑时都能得到帮助。 信号:   Live Signal Live Signal 2 Blog: CoreX G EA 由于该策略非常独特,我只想出售有限数量的许可证。因此,价格将稳步上涨以限制销售。 下一个价格是  790 USD 。 经纪商 任何经纪商,优选 ECN / ZERO 点差 杠杆 从 1 : 20 起 存款 最低 200 美元     符号 XAUUSD 时间框架 H1 大数据集成与交易策略 大数据是 CoreX G 策略的基石。它处理大量的历史和实时市场数据,以做出明智的交易决策。大数据的使用使系统能够更有效地识别外汇市场中的模式和趋势,从而做出更准确的预测并提高交易机会。通过将机器学习与大数据结合,EA 动态适应市场变化,不断整合新数据并优化其模型。 使用的神经网络 卷积神经网络(CN
Golden Lab AI MT4
Thu Huyen Trang Nguyen
Golden Lab AI is quite a unique trading system: It operates 100% based on technical analysis. It can integrate fundamental analysis related to deposit interest rates (channel rate mode). For the channel rate mode, you need to contact me before purchasing it. Flexible SL - TP. Single orders only, with no high-risk trades like grid or martingale. Default SL is only 2%. Trades are carefully selected and combined with daily interest rates to determine the main trend, which results in fewer trades—av
Denis Kurnev
3.7 (44)
The   AI Gen ProX   Expert Advisor is a powerful solution based on advanced market analysis and data processing technologies. Utilizing cutting-edge algorithms for time series analysis and complex mathematical models, it ensures high accuracy in forecasts and automates trading processes. The EA is designed to combine performance and reliability, making it an effective tool for trading.   Real Time Signal GEN PRoX:  https://www.mql5.com/ru/signals/2283186 The price of the advisor will increase si
XG Gold Robot MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
4.52 (27)
The XG Gold Robot MT4 is specially designed for Gold. We decided to include this EA in our offering after   extensive testing . XG Gold Robot and works perfectly with the   XAUUSD, GOLD, XAUEUR   pairs. XG Gold Robot has been created for all traders who like to   Trade in Gold   and includes additional a function that displays   weekly Gold levels   with the minimum and maximum displayed in the panel as well as on the chart, which will help you in manual trading. It’s a strategy based on  Price
Big Forex Players MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
4.74 (31)
We proudly present our cutting-edge robot, the  Big Forex Players EA  designed to maximize your trading potential, minimize emotional trading, and make smarter decisions powered by cutting-edge technology. The whole system in this EA took us many months to build, and then we spent a lot of time testing it. This unique EA includes three distinct strategies that can be used independently or in together. The robot receives the positions of the   biggest Banks   (p ositions are sent from our databa
FX EurUsd Robot MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
5 (13)
The EUR/USD Multi-Strategy Trading Robot MT4 is an advanced tool designed to optimize trading by combining 3 key systems:   daily trading, volume analysis, and Fibonacci   retracement levels. This robot works by integrating these different approaches to create a more dynamic and adaptable strategy for trading the   EUR/USD pair . EA adapts to different market conditions, this makes it an ideal solution for traders looking to enhance their trading strategy with a powerful, multi-faceted approach.
ToTheMoon MT4
Daniel Moraes Da Silva
ONE OF THE FEW ROBOTS WITH A SIGNAL HISTORY OF MORE THAN 3 YEARS AND AMONG THE TOP 10.   LINK TO MY ROBOTS AND SIGNAL PRESETS: In my profile there is a link to download the PRESETS that I use in my SIGNALS, you can download and backtest for free, there are explanations in the README MANUAL. https://www.mql5.com/en/users/tec_daniel   SOME EXAMPLES OF SIGNALS ON “mql5.com” BEING TRADED BY THE ROBOT, ALL MY SIGNALS ARE TRADED BY THE ROBOT, I ONLY CHANGE PRESET SETTINGS: https://www.mql5.com/en/user
Simos MT4
Maryna Shulzhenko
5 (1)
Description of   Simo : an innovative robot with a unique trading system Simo is a revolutionary trading robot that changes the rules of the game with its unique trading system. Using sentiment analysis and machine learning, Simo takes trading to a new level. This robot can work on any time frame, with any currency pair, and on the server of any broker. Simo uses its own algorithm to make trading decisions. Various approaches to analyzing input data allow the robot to make more informed decis
Nadiya Mirosh
Gyroscope        professional forex expert   (for EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD, USDCHF, EURGBP, EURJPY, NZDUSD, USDCAD, EURCHF, AUDJPY, CADJPY pairs)   alyzing the market using the Elliot Wave Index. Elliott wave theory is the interpretation of processes in financial markets through a system of visual models (waves) on price charts. The author of the theory, Ralph Elliott, identified eight variants of alternating waves (of which five are in the trend and three are against the trend). The mov
Mansa Musa Flipping Robot
Allistair Kabelo Mandow
AFTER PURCHASE TEXT ME DIRECTLY FOR ASSISTANCE!!!! Manual & set files: contact me after purchase to receive the manual and set files Price: The price increases based on the number of licenses sold Available copies: 4 Manual & set files: contact me after purchase to receive the manual and set files Price: The price increases based on the number of licenses sold Available copies: 4 Trading gold, one of the most volatile instruments in the market, demands precision, in-depth ana
LENA Scalp
Cence Jk Oizeijoozzisa
4.4 (5)
莉娜頭皮 MetaTrader 5 版本:即将推出 利用先進的停損技術和人工智能,Lena Expert Advisor 提供創新的交易體驗。 Lena 的機器人避免使用大規模的止損、馬丁格爾和網格交易。相反,它採用動態止損系統,根據市場情況進行調整。 人工智能驅動的分析有助於識別市場中的關鍵機會,並與其精心設計的策略相一致。 這是一個基於經驗豐富的交易者所開發的穩健、經過驗證的方法的自動化交易解決方案,提供可靠性和效率。 它不使用大的損失限制,每當它檢測到啟動無效時,它就會以盡可能低的損失退出,並在真實帳戶中關閉交易(這是人工智慧檢測)。 如果您购买完整版,将免费获得一份   Super Lena-Hijack Lena Scalp 实时信号版本 =  https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2290887 = 请确保它的工作方式与演示版完全相同。 ----------------------------- 7,715% 利润     运行时间超过8个月 账户号码:21756797 密码:123456789PP 服务器:ICMarketsSC-D
Oceania Emperor AI EA always  profit results are variable and determined according to the market movement.The indicators used in EA expert have nothing to do with the standard indicators in the market and are completely derived from strategy ,It was developed by ENZOFXEA team in Germany with experienced traders with more than 15 years of trading experience. It's multi currency  { AUCAD , AUDNZD , NZDCAD }  You launch all three currency pairs at the same time and the activity is high. All types o
除去暴力爆仓的观点,本ea以稳定盈利为中心 适用品种,audusd,usdchf,nzdusd,usdjpy等等走势相对平稳的货币 本ea提供图表参数,和快捷平仓按钮,桌面文字都是汉语和拼音拼写而成,更方便中国人观看,只需要简单拼读便可以理解变量意思,账户应该保持3000以上的资金,如果小于3000,请将xiadanlaing修改至0.01, 和jiacangjiange修改至900,如果不够可以用美分账户。如果资金量很大可以提高xiadanliang,但请不要高于0.2,jiacangjiange不要低于500. “如果ea盈利高于50%应当将盈利部分取出”保存利润才是交易的根本 解释“zuidazhisunjinekaiguan”最大止损金额开关.如果需要开启,请在输入栏输入“kai”当浮亏金额大于“zuidakuisunjine”就会清仓止损 xiadanliang----------------------------------------下单量 jiacangbeishu-------------------------------------加仓倍数 zhiyingdi
Vortex Gold MT4
Stanislav Tomilov
Vortex - 您对未来的投资 Vortex Gold EA 专家顾问专门用于在 Metatrader 平台上交易黄金(XAU/USD)。该 EA 使用专有指标和作者的秘密算法构建,采用全面的交易策略,旨在捕捉黄金市场中的盈利走势。其策略的关键组成部分包括 CCI 和抛物线指标等经典指标,这些指标共同作用,准确地发出理想的进入和退出点信号。Vortex Gold EA 的核心是先进的神经网络和机器学习技术。这些算法持续分析历史和实时数据,使 EA 能够更准确地适应和应对不断变化的市场趋势。通过利用深度学习,Vortex Gold EA 可以识别模式,自动调整指标参数,并随着时间的推移不断提高性能。Vortex Gold EA 是专有指标、机器学习和适应性交易算法的强大组合。使用 Vortex Gold EA 为您的未来投资。 售价 675 美元(还剩 7/10),下一个价格 795 美元 实时信号(策略 2) https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2269077 Live Signal (Strategy 1)   https://www.mql5.com
One Gold MT4
Stanislav Tomilov
4.64 (11)
介绍 One Gold EA,这是 Meta Trader 平台上一种先进的黄金交易机器人,旨在帮助交易者进行高级市场分析。我们的专有技术利用神经网络和数据驱动算法来分析历史和实时黄金市场数据,提供有助于决策的见解。与传统的手动策略不同,One Gold EA 以最少的干预运行,简化了交易流程并旨在降低相关风险。虽然使用先进的神经插件可以增强机器人的分析能力,但需要注意的是,与任何交易工具一样,One Gold EA 并不保证盈利。然而,它被设计为具有通过提供更明智和数据支持的见解来提高交易绩效的潜力。One Gold EA 持续监控黄金市场,以检测人类交易者可能难以发现的模式和趋势。该系统能够适应各种市场条件,提供更一致的交易方法,尤其是在黄金交易等高度波动的环境中。无论您是经验丰富的交易员还是市场新手,One Gold EA 都旨在通过提供全面的市场分析和减少手动工作量来支持您的决策过程。虽然 One Gold EA 旨在简化交易体验,但将机器人与深思熟虑的交易计划和适当的风险管理策略结合使用至关重要。我们相信我们的技术有潜力为交易员提供支持,但鼓励负责任地使用和持续监控结果以获得
Arseny Potyekhin
5 (3)
介绍 CyBRG RX:下一代交易助手 踏入交易的未来,与您的尖端交易伴侣 CyBRG RX 一起提升您的交易体验。借助先进的神经网络,CyBRG RX 可以前所未有的精确性分析和适应不断变化的市场条件。 由于该策略非常独特,我只想出售有限数量的许可证。因此,价格将稳步上涨以限制销售。 下一个价格是  890 USD 。 经纪商 任何经纪商,优选 ECN / ZERO 点差 杠杆 从 1 : 20 起 存款 最低 50 美元     符号 USDJPY 时间框架 H1 为什么选择 CyBRG RX? 最先进的神经网络 :CyBRG RX 利用复杂的 AI 算法进行学习和进化,为您提供深入的市场分析。 自适应策略 :针对金融市场的动态特性,CyBRG RX 不断调整其策略,确保您始终领先一步。 用户友好界面 :凭借简洁、直观的设计,CyBRG RX 使初学者和经验丰富的交易者都能轻松使用其强大的功能。 实时分析 :通过实时分析,获得及时的数据驱动洞见,做出明智的决策。 强大的安全性 :您的数据安全是我们的首要任务。CyBRG RX 采用先进的加密和安全措施,保护您的信息和交易活
Prisma EA
David Jukl
The Prisma Expert Advisor is a set of rules that allows you to achieve consistent results on the FOREX currency market thanks to sophisticated open position management, quality money management and opening and closing of positions, where mathematics together with probability play the main role. Prisma is able to work with stability on all major currency pairs and their combinations provided the system is run with a suitable broker that offers favorable conditions for such trading. However, it is
Perceptrader AI
Valeriia Mishchenko
EA has a live track record with 48 month of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT5 version can be found here Perceptrader AI is a cutting-edge grid trading system that leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence, utilizing Deep Learning algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to analyze large amounts of market data at high speed and detect high-potential trading opportunities to exploit. Supported currency pairs: NZDUSD, USDCAD, AUDNZD, AUDCAD, NZDCAD, GBPCHF Timefram
### Forex Hedging Expert Advisor: No Loss Strategy #### Overview The Forex Hedging Expert Advisor (EA) with a No Loss Strategy is an advanced automated trading system designed to mitigate risk and protect against adverse market movements. The core principle behind this EA is to implement a sophisticated hedging strategy that aims to lock in profits and minimize losses in volatile forex markets. This EA is ideal for traders who seek a robust, risk-averse trading solution that maintains capital
Aura Black Edition
Stanislav Tomilov
4.73 (15)
Aura Black Edition 是一款完全自动化的 EA,仅用于交易黄金。专家在 2011-2020 年期间在 XAUUSD 上表现出稳定的结果。没有使用危险的资金管理方法,没有马丁格尔,没有网格或剥头皮。适用于任何经纪商条件。使用多层感知器神经网络 (MLP) 训练的 EA 是一类前馈人工神经网络 (ANN)。术语 MLP 的使用含糊不清,有时松散地指任何前馈 ANN,有时严格指由多层感知器组成的网络(具有阈值激活)。多层感知器有时被通俗地称为“原始”神经网络,尤其是当它们只有一个隐藏层时。MLP 由至少三层节点组成:输入层、隐藏层和输出层。除了输入节点之外,每个节点都是使用非线性激活函数的神经元。MLP 利用一种称为反向传播的监督学习技术进行训练。多层结构和非线性激活使 MLP 与线性感知器区别开来。它可以区分非线性可分的数据。 此价格还剩 2 份,之后价格将上涨至 3000 美元 如何设定及参数说明 (阅读这里) 在此查看实时结果:   https ://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2263480     信息 工作符号 XAUUSD 工作时间范围:D
Executor AI UltraX MT5
Andrei Vlasov
4.5 (20)
Executor AI Ultra X 专家顾问 专为黄金市场的算法交易而设计,采用三种独立的交易策略。其架构集成了先进的深度学习算法,例如深度强化学习(DQN)和时延神经网络(TDNN),提供高度的适应性和分析精度。 DQN 基于强化学习技术,通过模拟历史数据和分析当前市场条件来优化决策算法。而 TDNN 作为一种具有时间延迟的神经网络模型,通过分析复杂的时间序列模式并考虑市场延迟,有效预测价格走势。 此专家顾问包含独有的 Ultra X 组件,该组件高效且轻量化。与 GPT 等传统人工智能系统不同,它不会占用系统资源,也不需要大量的外部 API 调用,从而确保流畅运行并无缝集成到交易环境中。 此外,它内置了多层次的风险管理系统,包括自适应止损机制和移动止损算法,在高波动性条件下保护资本。通过将三种交易策略整合到统一的平台中,可以实现风险分散,降低系统性和非系统性风险,同时增强算法应对各种市场情景的能力。 限时优惠! xecutor AI Ultra X 在黑色星期五期间仅售 695  美元 。之后价格将大幅上涨,切勿错过! 实时信号: https ://www .mql5 .com
Synapse Trader MT5
Andrei Vlasov
5 (5)
Synapse Trader:打开交易新视野的神经网络 想象一下,一个不仅能分析市场,还能成为您智能助手的交易顾问,每天学习并适应不断变化的市场条件。 Synapse Trader 是一个独特的工具,基于先进的神经网络技术,能够捕捉最细微的市场信号。它不仅仅是一个交易顾问——它是一个思考、预测和进化的活体神经网络。 限时优惠! 在节日期间, Synapse Trader EA 仅售 $399 。之后价格将大幅上涨,请勿错过! 仅剩 5 份 ,价格为 $399。 如需订阅私人频道,请发送直接消息给我。 请在购买后务必与我联系,以便我协助您设置智能交易系统。 实时信号: 策略 模 块 1 策略 模 块 2 策略 模 块 3 Synapse Trader 的使命 Synapse Trader 的创建旨在释放神经网络在交易中的全部潜力,为交易者提供一个能够比以往更深入分析市场的工具,帮助他们基于数百个因素做出明智的决策。这不仅仅是一个算法——这是交易的 神经大脑 。 主要特点 1. Synaptic Neural Core 该顾问的核心是一种强大的多层神经网络 Synaptic Neu
Paradox Flux Trader MT5
Andrei Vlasov
4 (4)
Paradox Flux Trader:黄金交易(XAU/USD)的革命性突破 想象一下,一个不仅仅是分析市场的工具,而是彻底重新定义交易方式的系统。 Paradox Flux Trader 不只是一个交易顾问(EA),它是一款专为黄金(XAU/USD)交易打造的下一代交易系统。它运用独特的技术,使其在市场上独树一帜。 限时优惠 Paradox Flux Trader 现仅售 $499 ,促销结束后,价格将翻倍。不要错过这个机会! 仅剩 5 份,特价 $499 购买后请联系我,以获取私人资料和安装指导。 实时信号: https://www.mql5.com/ru/signals/2293040 Paradox Flux Trader 的使命 Paradox Flux Trader 旨在彻底改变你对黄金交易的理解。它不仅仅是分析数据,还能够基于独特算法 创造 新的交易策略,这些策略无法通过人工手动复制。它是你的 个人交易助手 ,全天候 24/7 工作。 核心功能 Quantum Flux Engine(量子流引擎) 该交易系统的核心是 Quantum Flux Engine ,它利用先
Paradox Flux Trader:黄金交易(XAU/USD)的革命性突破 想象一下,一个不仅仅是分析市场的工具,而是彻底重新定义交易方式的系统。 Paradox Flux Trader   不只是一个交易顾问(EA),它是一款专为黄金(XAU/USD)交易打造的下一代交易系统。它运用独特的技术,使其在市场上独树一帜。 限时优惠 Paradox Flux Trader   现仅售   $499 ,促销结束后,价格将翻倍。不要错过这个机会! 仅剩 5 份,特价 $499 购买后请联系我,以获取私人资料和安装指导。 实时信号: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2293040 Paradox Flux Trader 的使命 Paradox Flux Trader   旨在彻底改变你对黄金交易的理解。它不仅仅是分析数据,还能够基于独特算法 创造 新的交易策略,这些策略无法通过人工手动复制。它是你的 个人交易助手 ,全天候 24/7 工作。 核心功能 Quantum Flux Engine(量子流引擎) 该交易系统的核心是   Quantum Flux Eng
Muhammad Faheem Aslam
Muhammad Faheem Aslam 2024.12.30 18:03 

Hello Passive income Lovers , I just got the Synapes Trader Ea ,One of My Best Friend Purchased this Ea I was monitoring the Ea Performance from 1th Day on my Friend Account , it’s a game changer ,Great Product Excellent Ea, I didn't see this Amazing Type of Ea in the Market Place , Specially Author is Very Very Supportive & Corporative Person.

Sheng Jie Wang
Sheng Jie Wang 2024.12.25 10:20 

The author patiently answered my question? The software billing logic is also very good! I hope the author will work harder to develop good products to increase his transaction frequency and efficiency

版本 1.2 2025.01.22
Minor issues have been resolved, and a Trailing Stop has been implemented for GBP/USD.
版本 1.1 2025.01.04
Correction of minor errors