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CyNera MT4



信号 >400%: CyNera

信号 >500%: CyNera Turbo


价格: 价格根据售出的许可证数量上涨

可用副本: 4

交易黄金,市场上最波动的工具之一,需要精确的操作、深入的分析和强有力的风险管理。CyNera 专家顾问将这些要素无缝集成到一个复杂的系统中,专为优化黄金交易而设计。CyNera 的先进策略和技术旨在帮助经验丰富的交易员和新手应对黄金交易所带来的独特挑战和机遇。 有了 CyNera,您就拥有了一套可靠的解决方案,专门针对黄金市场的复杂性。它结合了自适应、智能策略以及多时间框架分析、自动交易调整和精确的风险管理等高级功能。正是这种适应性,使得 CyNera 成为一种多功能工具,能够应对快速的市场变化,同时确保您的资本在长期内得到保护。

符号 XAUUSD (黄金)
时间周期 M30
资本 最少 100 美元
经纪商 任何经纪商
账户类型 任何,较低点差优先
杠杆 从 1:20 起
VPS 首选,但不是必须,也可以使用 MQL VPS

CyNera 的核心力量

前沿的 AI 驱动策略

CyNera 的核心是一种强大的神经网络技术组合,旨在增强其决策能力和预测能力。该系统利用神经进化网络,通过基于表现的学习来不断改进交易策略。这种方法使 CyNera 能够动态适应不断变化的市场条件,优化风险管理和交易执行。 此外,CyNera 集成了回声状态网络 (ESN),利用其处理大量历史数据的能力,检测模式并以惊人的准确性预测未来的价格走势。这些循环神经网络专门用于时间序列预测,确保 CyNera 能够实时捕捉并应对关键市场信号。

市场分析的先进 Transformer 网络

CyNera 还结合了 Transformer 网络,这些网络虽然最初用于自然语言处理,但在应用于金融市场时同样强大。该网络帮助 CyNera 分析新闻、报告和经济事件中的市场情绪,从而深入了解外部因素如何影响黄金价格。这为 CyNera 的交易决策增加了一个至关重要的背景层次。


为了进一步增强其稳健性,CyNera 使用生成对抗网络 (GAN),模拟包括罕见和极端场景在内的各种市场条件。通过运行这些模拟,CyNera 可以对其策略进行压力测试,并进行调整,以应对不可预测的市场事件,帮助确保即使在动荡的情况下也能保持一致的表现。


无论市场处于波动期还是盘整期,CyNera 都能轻松适应。它采用突破策略抓住关键价格波动,修正期间采用回撤策略,并通过趋势跟踪策略捕捉长期市场趋势。这种组合使 CyNera 能够有效利用广泛的市场条件。


为了保护您的资本,CyNera 集成了一个强大的风险管理框架。它使用固定的止损 (SL) 和止盈 (TP) 订单,以及追踪止损来锁定有利的交易利润。通过避免类似 Martingale 的高风险技术,CyNera 优先考虑稳定性和安全性,确保采取受控的交易方法。


CyNera 的一个突出特点是它能够根据市场波动性调整交易频率。在高波动期,CyNera 增加交易次数,以利用快速的价格波动;在较平静的阶段,它则减少交易活动,专注于最有前途的机会。这种适应性确保了 EA 在无需频繁监管的情况下表现最佳。


通过超过十年的回测,采用逼真的市场模拟,CyNera 证明了其在艰难市场条件下的稳健性和盈利能力。EA 显示出稳定的增长曲线和受控的回撤,证明了其在不同经纪商数据源和波动性阶段(例如经济危机)中的稳定性。


CyNera 的默认设置已优化以便于使用,即使是初学者也能轻松上手。然而,对于有经验的交易者来说,还可以选择微调交易频率和风险水平等设置。全面的用户手册和专门的支持团队确保您可以轻松发挥 CyNera 的潜力。

CyNera 不仅是一个交易工具,更是您黄金交易的可信赖伙伴。无论您是经验丰富的交易者还是算法交易的新手,CyNera 提供了一个量身定制的灵活解决方案,结合了精准性和长期资本保护。通过整合前沿分析和经过验证的策略,CyNera 确保您能够抓住有利可图的机会,同时驾驭黄金市场的复杂性。

通过将 CyNera 纳入您的投资组合,迈出您交易之旅的下一步,在黄金交易中解锁新的精准度、安全性和效率。

评论 13
anaito8268 2025.01.24 08:33 

Best EA!

Ngo Manh Quan
Ngo Manh Quan 2024.11.22 10:55 

Trusted EA. Normally there will only be 1-2 transactions/day in the evening. However, the AI ​​seemed unfinished, so I turned that function off. It would be great to be able to minimize SL while still maintaining win rate.

Hui Wang
Hui Wang 2024.11.19 08:51 

Just started to use, very assured, the profit level is certainly very good, but also hope that risk control can do better!

Fox AI MT4
Ruslan Nicolaev
福克斯人工智能是一个完全自动化的系统,在夜间进行货币交易,使用机器学习和智能算法,在滚动期间打开交易并在12小时内关闭。它基于一个名为Kras的深度学习应用,该应用在Tens平台上运行。Kras被包括NASA、YouTube和CORN在内的组织广泛使用。自2003年以来,福克斯人工智能系统一直都很成功,并且不使用马丁格尔或网格策略等风险资金管理技术。在你购买后,你将收到算法的优化。您还将收到关于风险调整的建议,并能够开设风险较高或保守的交易账户,优化分配您的交易保证金。作为奖励,我们将建议与哪些经纪公司合作更有利可图。即使没有额外的知识,该交易系统也很容易运行;我们将就所有问题向您提供建议。在未来,这个顾问的价格将被提高,以保持其独占性并限制用户数量。 实时信号  https://ec5a.short.gy/ndjQXJ 一般设置: 多货币专家顾问,目前的工作对是M1时间框架: AUDCAD, EURAUD, EURCAD, EURCHF, EURGBP, EURUSD, GBPAUD, GBPCAD, GBPCHF, GBPUSD, USDCHF,可以通过设置开关为false来禁用。
Ahmad Masri
重要免责声明 :使用本 EA 的正确方式是只将您愿意承担风险的金额存入账户,而不是将全部余额存入后只冒其中一部分的风险。 使用VPS是确保操作安全的必要条件。 (如果您想重新测试视频中的设置,请将"Margin Drop To Monitor"设置更改为700,EA的新版本会直接开仓,不再等待1RR阈值) Aetherion – 终极交易执行与风险管理EA 这款EA适用于谁? 无论您是初学者还是经验丰富的交易者,都适用。如果有一样东西能将成功的交易者与苦苦挣扎的交易者区分开,那就是风险管理。正确构建您的风险回报比(RRR)是长期盈利的基础。 我们自豪地推出Aetherion,这是一款专为风险优化和战略交易执行而设计的尖端专家顾问(EA)。该工具专注于最大化未实现利润、战略性地下单以及在市场回调期间调整持仓,确保交易者的资金始终得到高效利用。 然而,这并不是一个即插即用的解决方案——为了充分利用这款EA,您需要根据交易的货币对、您的策略和风险承受能力进行回测和优化设置。一旦您找到了最适合您交易方式的设置,Aetherion将为您处理剩下的一切。 这款EA的独特之处是什么? 战略性
AutoBBbot v1
Ulugbek Sadullaev
Здравствуйте уважаемые автотрейдеры. Представляю Вам полностью автоматизированного торгового советника    AutoBBbot v1. Данный торговый советник открывает ордер по сигналу Bolinger Bands. Рекомендую торговать советником на индексах # NASDAQ_m , # DJI 30_m  и  # SP 500_m у брокера Freshforex на счетах Market Pro . Если Вы купите прямо сейчас этот советник за эту сумму, то я Вам абсолютно бесплатно отдам нового советника " AutoBBbot v0.4". После покупки свяжитесь со мной через электронную почту: s
CyNeron MT4
Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
3.5 (4)
CyNeron: 精准交易与人工智能创新的结合 信号 :   CyNeron 操作手册和设置文件 : 购买后请与我联系以获取操作手册和设置文件 价格 : 价格会根据售出副本的数量逐步提高 可用副本 : 5 AI驱动的快照分析:市场首创 CyNeron是市场上首个将先进人工智能整合到革命性交易方法中的EA, 通过捕获和处理详细的市场状况快照, 利用最先进的AI神经网络评估价格数据和技术指标, 提供高度准确的市场走势预测,从而实现精准且具有战略性的交易决策。 这一AI驱动技术使CyNeron与众不同,能够实时动态适应不断变化的市场动态, 为交易者提供此前无法获得的洞察力。 交易品种 XAUUSD (黄金) 时间周期 M15 或 M30   最低资金 最低 $100 经纪商 任何经纪商 账户类型 任何账户类型,优先低点差 杠杆 最低 1:20 VPS 推荐使用,但不是必须,也支持MQL VPS CyNeron的核心力量 AI驱动的快照分析 CyNeron通过捕获和处理市场状况快照, 利用先进的神经网络评估价格和指标, 从而实现准确的市场走势预测, 并支持精准的交易决策。 Transf
North Star EA is a trend EA, not  a Martin  EA,  non optimized EA.  just use fix lot size, auto get fix stop loss and take profit value, Max 3 open positions.EA has passed multiple platform tests.  Small capital withdrawal and no risk of exposure !        North Star EA is a complex algorithm that uses Artificial Intelligence in combination with traditional technical analysis to predict market movements. This Expert Advisor makes use of Combination of Vector calculus and trend indicators an
Premium M15
Raphael Schwietering
Dear Investor, I am a full-time system developer since 2010, having developed thousands of trading systems in the last 11 years. My main goal when developing a strategy is long-term growth. All my systems have to pass strict criteria in terms of backtests, out-of-sample validations on unseen symbols, Monte Carlo simulations on different data feeds, slippage, and increased spreads.  It: Trades the EURUSD M15 with a focus on long-term growth. Opens trades at bar and uses no martingale nor any grid
Ron Fritzhugh Bryan
I could write a fantastic description with lots of quantitative testing parameters but we have a saying that "taste of a pudding is in the eating " so I will simple put a CHALLENGE :Test this EA on any of the major and minor pairs (AUD,USD,EUR,CHF,NZD )and I guarantee you  50% discount if you can prove in a test on any of the major pairs above  that you have incurred  more than 3 error runs. *NOW HAPPY TESTING* Then you get to write the description unhindered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20% off for 48 hours only (Original price: $280) 50% bonus by purchasing this Robot, Contact us "after purchase" to receive the bonus A fully automatic expert Designed and produced 100% by artificial intelligence, with the world's most advanced technology All trades have profit and loss limits, with the best and least risky market strategy, without using dangerous strategies such as Martingale and hedges, etc. A specialist who has been trained by artificial intelligence for years to correctly
1.根据图表周期,确定趋势大小。在一段行情内最高价附近,为上涨趋势。在一段行情内最低价附近,为下跌趋势。 2. 趋势确立后,下一步就是确定短期趋势的超买和超卖。 超卖、多头;  超买,做空。   3.  根据超买和超卖以及利润点进行平仓。  实盘信号: https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/1538661?source=Site+Signals+My EA 设置: 您需要把EA加载到要交易的货币对上(M15 时间范围) 现好的货币对: EURUSD,GBPUSD,GBPJPY,USDJPY,XAGUSD,GBPAUD 使用此EA,请是使用ECN账号。 可以使用我推荐的货币对,也可以使用其他货币对。 信号上100使用0.01手,建议使用更高的资金降低风险。 推荐杠杆 1:200 或更高 可以使用参数列表里内置的参数,也可以自定义参数。 参数设置: Applicable_Symbol - 表现最好的货币品种  cycle_time - 加载图表周期 Built_in_parameters - 选择内置的货币参数或选择自定义参数 Lot - 开单手数 AutoLo
Destiny Master
Victor Adhitya
Your destiny is in your hand, This EA design to control your RISK PER TRADE so even you using the martingale system you can control your drawdown. Every failure of your entry will partial hedge with this ea, so the floating loss will reduce and the drawdown can be controlled. You need Broker with this requirement spesification : - Hedging Account (dont use Netting Account) - Big leverage  - NO SWAP  - NO COMMISION - NO Hidden Cost - Margin Hedge = 0 - Low spread  - Low slippage
Genx AI Fusion
Jyotirmoy Sarkar
基于 GPT 3 的 Genx AI Fusion EA。如果您希望投资稳定增长或通过自营公司,那么此 EA 是您的完美伴侣。 EA 主要针对 EURUSD 开发。 建议余额为 10,000 美元,最低余额为 5000 美元,才能获得稳定的回报。 我们避免虚假承诺。您将在下面看到您可以预期的回撤幅度。 您可以使用 EURUSD 的默认设置传递 8 个月以下的任何道具公司(默认设置仅适用于传递 10k 道具公司,如果您需要传递任何账户大小而不是 10k,请从我们的电报 DM 获取 setfile) 如果您在真实美元账户上使用标准 setfile,则 2023 年至 2024 年间将增长 46%,回撤 25% 如果您使用 Turbo Setfile,则 2023 年至 2024 年期间增益 110%,回撤 60%。(查看屏幕截图) 如果您需要真实美元账户的 Turbo/Standard setfile,请通过 telegram 私信我 仅使用 h4 TF 如有任何安装问题或任何问题,我们随时为您提供帮助。 我们的电报频道在这里链接 在这里私信我们链接 24/7 我们将有空
Mikhail Senchakov
Perfection is a multicurrency, fully automated and secure trading robot. The robot is designed for both portfolio trading and trading a single instrument. The EA does not use averaging methods, the volume of positions is strictly regulated. Orders are opened only in the direction of market movement in a grid. Due to this, the robot operates efficiently on any strong movements. The decision making algorithm does not use indicators. Instead, the robot automatically calculates the key levels, which
This trading expert advisors is an clone & upgrade of  "EA Rough Duster ", also trades best on GBPNZD minute 5 timeframe. Maintains a constant account growth and runs best on low spread and commission based accounts. Uses Martingale & perfect hedging to recover unprofitable positions ensuring no loss. Its consistent profit curves,low DrawDowns & risk proves the record for itself in reliability and consistency plus its unique market analysis ensures quick extraction of profits by scalping the mar
I speak in Hungarian. Magyarul beszélek benne. Első felvétel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MapbQrJ0uPU&t=9s (Első felvétel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2id5O1KPrI Második felvétel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zp2i7QN-IMc Első felvétel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7UbTWiM-Lw Második felvétel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y54q4Rasf2A&t=1s Harmadik felvétel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13zYjsoe6ZQ Negyedik felvétel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGiB1AnxxfU ) Nice Day Sign
Be Safe Pro
Rajkumar Palanisamy
Be Safe Pro Updated latest version DD is below 30%    **Back Test in IC Markets,  EURUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD  Time Frame M15**  *USDCAD 1H * *AUDUSD H2*    **Mobile Notifications and Telegram Update Instant**    **BE SAFE and Secure EA includes 9 Powerful Trend Indicators**    **90% Accuracy Super Strong BUY and SELL Signal entry**    **EA takes Super Strong BUY or SELL order, after 9 indicator confirmation in one bar** Super Strong BUY and SELL entry EA takes super STRONG BUY and SELL entry,
17% off for 48 hours only (Original price: $390) 50% bonus by purchasing this Robot, Contact us "after purchase" to receive the bonus A fully automatic expert Designed and produced 100% by artificial intelligence, with the world's most advanced technology All trades have profit and loss limits, with the best and least risky market strategy, without using dangerous strategies such as Martingale and hedges, etc. A specialist who has been trained by artificial intelligence for years to correctly
Behzad Shadfar
Monex Scalp is an intelligent trading robot designed for 1-minute time frames, offering simplicity and efficiency for traders. Key Features: •   User-Friendly Settings:   Monex Scalp offers straightforward settings, making it accessible for traders of all experience levels. •   Session Scheduling:   Customize trading sessions to align with various market hours, enhancing strategy execution. •   Adjustable Stop-Loss:   Set personalized stop-loss levels to effectively manage risk according to yo
Netsrac Correlation Trader
Carsten Pflug
4.67 (12)
Netsrac Correlation Trader(NCT)是一个非常强大的工具,可以用对冲订单交易正负相关的货币对。 1)它寻找正负相关的货币对 2) 如果相关货币对不平衡,它会向你显示一个信号 3) 它可以通过你设置的时间框架和信号值来 "自动交易 "一些或所有的相关货币对(小心处理) 4) 它可以设置正确的手数,以拥有点值和每日范围的最佳对冲交易 5)它可以成为你的单一工具来支持你的关联交易的自由裁量权 你可以为EA的信号使用任何时间框架。小的时间框架比大的时间框架需要更多的人工干预。从M30开始的时间框架更适合于自动交易。我将逐步增加更多的功能,支持手动和自动交易。 如果您有一些问题或建议--请随时联系我。请阅读我的博客文章( https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/726866 ),了解本EA的设置! 请注意。本EA不能进行回测,而且!DEMO是无用的!因为它至少同时在两种资产中交易(对冲订单)。 如果你不知道,这个专家是否适合你--请利用廉价的测试月。你将不会后悔。或者,使用免费的DEMO,可以在这里找到( https://www
Canadian Taiga
Charbel Abboud
CANADIAN TAIGA是一个专业的投资组合EA,使用趋势跟踪交易系统,基于波动率突破和突破支撑/阻力位的原则。它适用于所有加拿大元货币对。CANADIAN TAIGA的核心原则是利用复杂的对冲模块,在所有加元货币对上捕捉交易机会。 下载CANADIAN TAIGA并按照建议在所有加元货币对上进行测试,如果它没有达到描述的预期效果,请不要购买它。不要太担心高的建模质量,因为它主要在最低的时间框架(M5)上工作。 非常重要的是,强烈建议您在图表上启动EA,同时禁用自动交易按钮,并在初始化后重新启用自动交易,或者您可以在市场时间以外的图表上激活它,最好是在周末,因为EA可能而且很可能在初始化时执行一次快速的单一交易(立即开仓和平仓),以进行快速执行质量测试。然而,该交易将以最小的手数0.01执行,因此用户将花费几分钱作为佣金。 请记住,任何交易系统的性能都受到经纪商条件的高度限制 - 甚至不要想在随机的经纪商上尝试 - 只在知名的真正的ECN经纪商上尝试,他们的点差小,佣金低。        推荐的时间框架。 M5.        支持所有加元对(USDCAD, CADJPY,
35% off for 48 hours only (Original price: $790) 50% bonus by purchasing this Robot, Contact us "after purchase" to receive the bonus A fully automatic expert Designed and produced 100% by artificial intelligence, with the world's most advanced technology All trades have profit and loss limits, with the best and least risky market strategy, without using dangerous strategies such as Martingale and hedges, etc. A specialist who has been trained by artificial intelligence for years to correctly
Magic Scalper EA
Ramzi Abuwarda
介绍SCALPER EA,这是一款引领外汇交易领域风靡全球的开创性专家顾问(EA)。在2023年,SCALPER EA成为最赚钱的EA,彻底改变了交易者对外汇市场的看法。 SCALPER EA旨在利用短期市场波动,采用先进的算法和尖端技术,以极快的精度识别高概率的交易机会。其出色的表现使其声誉卓著,成为经验丰富的交易者和新手寻求丰厚利润的首选工具。 凭借智能自动化,SCALPER EA始终表现优于其他同类产品,在市场波动剧烈的情况下也能产生令人印象深刻的回报。它执行交易的迅速高效确保没有任何有利可图的机会溜走,使交易者在快节奏的外汇市场中具有竞争优势。 SCALPER EA与其他EA的不同之处在于其自适应性。它不断分析市场趋势,调整策略,并从过去的交易中学习,确保与不断变化的市场动态保持同步。这种适应性使SCALPER EA能够优化交易决策,最大程度地减少风险,同时最大化利润潜力。 SCALPER EA的用户友好界面使其适用于各个级别的交易者。其直观的设计使即使对交易知识有限的人也能利用其复杂功能,并发挥其创造财富的能力。交易者只需设置所需的风险参数,SCALPER EA会处理其余事宜
/ ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** / Big Sales for Easter! Price is reduced > 50 % already! Grasp the chance and Enjoy it!  /   ********** **********   ********** **********   ********** **********   ********** **********   ********** **********   / This is a powerful EA that support single order strategy, martingale strategy, multiple timeframes strategy, etc with lots of useful indicators and self defined methods. I
Golden Eye EA
Dmitriq Evgenoeviz Ko
Golden Eye EA emerges like a beacon from the shimmering depths of the gold market, captivating the attention of traders and investors alike. With its sophisticated algorithms finely tuned to the nuances of precious metal fluctuations, this expert advisor harmonizes cutting-edge technology with the timeless allure of gold. As market volatility ebbs and flows, Golden Eye EA deftly navigates the intricate landscape, providing strategic foresight that empowers its users to make informed decisions.
I will support only my client. สำหรับลูกค้า Parameters General Trade Settings Money Management  Lot : Fixed (can change) Strategies  - H4 Strategies you can using both it is fixed with MA, Bollinger band, Candlestick Levels Close Functions  - H1, H4 and D1 Strategies you can using both MagicNumber  - individual magic number. The EA will only manage position of the chart symbol with this magic number. NextOpenTradeAfterMinutes  - 8 minutes is default, can change it MaxSpread  - upto currency pa
Forex Play
Ivaylo Petkov
Forex Play EA is an automated Expert Advisor based on smart algorithm and some standard indicators like Bollinger Bands, Stand Deviation etc. Money management - automatic lot calculation based on your risk per trade or manually set; Broker SPY Module (Hidden Take Profit and Stop Loss); Spread and Slippage Protection; High Trading Frequency; Flexible input options to use on different currency pairs; This system uses no grid, no martingale, no arbitrage, no hedges; Parameters Distance from BB for
The utility allows you to open, monitor and manage open positions on the forex market and only on instruments in which it is possible to create triangulations or those instruments that share the same currency in the numerator or denominator: ex: EURSUSD --- GBPUSD --- EURGBP The help of operational lines and valuable information on the panel allow the trader to manage trades more easily. Recommended for novice and experienced traders. External variables CrossSymbol = choose the cross on which
Imperium Pattern EA
Botond Ratonyi
5 (2)
Imperium Pattern EA   USE IT ONLY WITH THE SET FILES I POSTED TO THE COMMENT SECTION.  This is the biggest update in the life of the Imperium Pattern EA, it got new features and engine. ---It got the official TheNomadTrader Dynamic engine system alongisde with good risk:reward ratio ---New feature that allows traders to tell the EA after how much time(X value in minutes) the EA can close trades by dynamic exit. This feature boosts the EA perfoemance and it is a key feature in crisis situati
This strategy is characterized by simplicity and rudeness. Simple things, it is widely applicable, durable, strong stability. This is an advantage to having a certain amount of money, because the demand for big money is stable. The need for small capital is efficiency. Efficiency requires Intensive farming. There are a lot of things you can refine to increase your efficiency. But I’m not sure I can build a sophisticated EA money machine. Efficiency and stability are a dialectical relationship. H
The Collector
Risk Disclaimer: Foreign Exchange is one of an unpredictable  market in the universe. Backtest which author provided could not guarantee that they will have an excellent result in forward trading. As the above reason, please be aware if you use this EA with large amount funding which you could not effort to lose. Live Results !! Live Signal 1 -> Please PM for link Summary: The Collector, same as its name, this EA is semi-fully automated Expert which will act as your representative. It will ru
I will support only my client. สำหรับลูกค้า Parameters General Trade Settings Money Management  Lot : Fixed (can change) Strategies  - M30 Strategies you can using both it is fixed with MA, Bollinger band, Candlestick Levels Close Functions  - M30 Strategies MagicNumber  - individual magic number. The EA will only manage position of the chart symbol with this magic number. NextOpenTradeAfterMinutes  - 8 minutes is default, can change it MaxSpread  - upto currency pairs, MaxSlippage  - upto cur
Big Forex Players MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
4.75 (32)
We proudly present our cutting-edge robot, the  Big Forex Players EA  designed to maximize your trading potential, minimize emotional trading, and make smarter decisions powered by cutting-edge technology. The whole system in this EA took us many months to build, and then we spent a lot of time testing it. This unique EA includes three distinct strategies that can be used independently or in together. The robot receives the positions of the   biggest Banks   (p ositions are sent from our databa
Richter mt4
Yvan Musatov
A Richter Expert is a professional market analyst working using a specialized algorithm. By analyzing prices over a specific time period, it determines the strength and amplitude of prices using a unique indicator system based on real data. When the trend and its direction change, the expert closes the current position and opens a new one. The bot's algorithms take into account signals about overbought and oversold markets. Buying occurs when the signal falls below a certain level and then rise
CM = "DMF_AI_EA_ROBOT"; Strategy = 1   ElapsedSECONDS = 7 MaxDailyProfit = 3500 MaxDailyLoss = - 1500 MaxMonthlyProfit= 10000 LS= 1.3 CSL= 1.3   ESL= 1.3   PF= 50   STP= 50 CPF= 50 TND= 50 Lot= 15   BLS= 15   CLS= 15   TradingBetween = 16 : 30 - 23 : 30 Risk_Triger=+ 010 Mg = 2001   MAX Range Allowed = 100000   Bars For Range =     1 ️️  backtesting parameters provided Above; for ftmo broker only, account size 100K, Pair USTECHCASH100 Timeframe= H1 or H4. for other brokers and pairs contact s
Oceania Emperor AI EA always  profit results are variable and determined according to the market movement.The indicators used in EA expert have nothing to do with the standard indicators in the market and are completely derived from strategy ,It was developed by ENZOFXEA team in Germany with experienced traders with more than 15 years of trading experience. It's multi currency  { AUCAD , AUDNZD , NZDCAD }  You launch all three currency pairs at the same time and the activity is high. All types o
Trendalgo AI MT4
Stefano Frisetti
TRENDALGO is an EA that uses ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE to trade 100% automatically and as the name says it is a TREND FOLLOWING EA, it works well on ASSETs that are TRENDING. AI is used to identify the moment in which volumes, volatility and momentum explode, according to a proprietary equation created by me which takes these values ​​into consideration as objective data and never uses any indicator. TRENDALGO opens a new TRADE and follows it by continuously adjusting STOP LOSS and TAKE PROFIT, f
Perceptrader AI
Valeriia Mishchenko
EA has a live track record with 48 month of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT5 version can be found here Perceptrader AI is a cutting-edge grid trading system that leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence, utilizing Deep Learning algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to analyze large amounts of market data at high speed and detect high-potential trading opportunities to exploit. Supported currency pairs: NZDUSD, USDCAD, AUDNZD, AUDCAD, NZDCAD, GBPCHF Timefram
Ai Hybrid Robot MT4
Mansour Babasafary
Several experts in one expert With this expert, you can use several up-to-date strategies Enhanced with artificial intelligence Can be used in several popular forex currencies Can be used in the most popular forex time frames Without using high-risk strategies Attributes : Can be used in the EURUSD , GBPUSD , USDCHF , AUDUSD , USDCAD , NZDUSD  currency pairs Can be used in M30 , H1 , H4 , D1 time frames Has profit limit and loss limit Without using risky strategies like martingale or hedge Acco
Waka Waka EA
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.31 (48)
EA has a live track record with 4.5 years of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT5 version can be found here Waka Waka is the advanced grid system which already works on real accounts for years. Instead of fitting the system to reflect historical data (like most people do) it was designed to exploit existing market inefficiencies. Therefore it is not a simple "hit and miss" system which only survives by using grid. Instead it uses real market mechanics to its advantage to make p
MAX Gold 1
Peng Peng Gao
这是一种全自动智能自适应算法。MAX Gold  系统计算历史数据,并根据即将突破支撑位和阻力位的概率百分比执行分析,并下达挂单。 EA 交易可适应任何市场条件。它使用质量为 99,9% 的真实刻度进行了回溯测试和优化。它已成功完成压力测试。 EA 包含统计信息收集算法,并在信息面板上输出。 建议选择ECN经纪商和点差最低的账户。 货币对/时间框架: EURUSD M30、 EURUSD H1、 USDJPY M30、 USDJPY  H1、   GBPUSD M30 、 GBPUSD  H1 、 XAUUSD M30 推荐货币对/时间框架: EURUSD   H1 、USDJPY   H1   or  EURUSD   M30 、 USDJPY  M30  or  XAUUSD M30 需要 VPS。 要求和建议 5 位引号。 最大点差:0 - 20 点。 最低存款额:100 美元。 最大止损水平:0 - 5 点。 建议使用 1:100 或更高的杠杆。 如果您在同一个账户上使用多个 Advisor,请确保所有 Advisor 都有不同的 Magic Numbers。 你需要
Gemini Trump
Jingzhi Wang
Gemini Trump EA represents a sophisticated advancement in grid trading systems. Unlike traditional methods that rely on fitting the system to historical data, Gemini Trump EA is engineered to exploit existing market inefficiencies, leveraging authentic market dynamics to generate profit. Gemini boasts an impressive array of features designed for both convenience and performance. With its One Chart Setup, you can trade all supported symbols using a single chart, while its Multi-Currency Support s
Btcusd Grid
Ahmad Aan Isnain Shofwan
1 (1)
BTCUSD GRID EA 是一款旨在使用网格交易策略的自动化程序 BTCUSD GRID EA 对于初学者和经验丰富的交易者都非常有用。 虽然您可以使用其他类型的交易机器人,但网格交易策略的逻辑性质使加密货币网格交易机器人可以轻松地执行自动交易而不会出现问题。 如果您想尝试网格交易机器人,BTCUSD GRID EA 是整体上最好的平台。 BTCUSD GRID EA 对于加密货币行业非常有效,因为即使在货币波动的情况下,它也能够以理想的价格点执行自动交易。 这种自动交易策略的主要目的是在 EA 内以预设的价格变动发出大量买卖订单。 这种特殊的策略很容易实现自动化,因此通常用于加密货币交易。 如果使用得当,网格交易策略可以让人们在资产价格变化时赚钱。 网格 交易策略已被证明是最有效的。 由于加密货币价格的波动。   -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------   ---------- --------------
Win Sniper Follow
Nirundorn Promphao
1 (1)
I will support only my client. สำหรับลูกค้า Win Sniper Follow  is a fully automated Expert Advisor with no use of martingale. Night scalping strategy. The RSI indicator and an ATR-based filter are used for entries. Real operation monitoring as well as my other products can be found here :  https://www.mql5.com/en/users/winwifi/ General Recommendations The minimum deposit is 100 USD, the recommended timeframe is M15, H1, H4. Use a broker with good execution and with a spread of 2-5 points. A ver
专家顾问进入市场的可能性很高的趋势开始。   没有有毒的方法导致矿床的排水-没有网格和鞅。 每个头寸设置一个按存款百分比计算的止损损失(建议-2%),止损的止盈为5-10。 每个位置都伴随着一个追踪止损。 自2010年以来的测试,每笔交易的固定风险为$20(相当于$1,000的2%)。 使用固定风险进行测试可以让您看到顾问的正确操作。 由于建议和测试货币对的预期同时操作风险为$20,平均收益率假设每月$310(31%,风险为2%)。 建议将一个货币对的开仓限制在同一时间最多两个货币对的开仓。 有一个过滤器的开始和结束时间。 这通常是欧洲会议和美国会议的开始。 有一个过滤器只用于购买或出售。 还有一个按天和按月的过滤器。 在砌体讨论中,我上传。置文件。
Gold Bulls Hedge
Hossein Davarynejad
////GOLD BULLS HEDGE //// Introducing GOLD BULLS HEDGE    the cutting-edge Gold  development expert meticulously crafted for daily time frame strategies with an integrated stop-loss mechanism. As the developer behind this powerful tool, let me delve into the key features and advantages that make  Bulls Gold  a must-have for your daily Gold trading endeavors: . Daily Time Frame Precision: Forex Lucifer Gold is tailored to excel in the   daily   time frame, ensuring optimal precision for your Gol
News Scalps
Tolulope Aanuoluwapo Bello
Introducing News scalp: The Premier News Scalping Expert Advisor And Arbitrage In the realm of forex trading, seizing fleeting opportunities amid market turbulence demands precision and speed. Enter News scalp, the pinnacle of news scalping Expert Advisors (EAs) designed to excel in the high-stakes arena of news-driven trading. With its innovative features tailored specifically for rapid-fire scalping strategies,   News scalp   promises to revolutionize how traders navigate volatile market con
Expert Sniper
Aleh Rabtsau
此交易机器人应用七个指标!交易在回滚时执行。本产品功能还有内置的资金管理系统。每笔订单均由双倍安全的网格以及十分平滑的马丁格尔支持。不要尝试设置过高的初始手数,以便降低风险。本机器人自动分析市场状况,并基于来自七个指标的一般信号制定入场决策。用于获取信号的指标是: PSAR, MACD, MA, Envelopes, CCI, RVI 和 Alligator!您应该在 H1 内进行交易, 因为趋势/横盘和回滚在此更明显。建议本金: 美分帐户至少 $50, 以及美元帐户最少 $500。在注册账户时要选择最大杠杆。最佳杠杆是 1:1 000。 设置 对于 5-位报价: MM = 5 000。此处设置手数 0.01。如果您设置 500, 则手数是 0.01, 本金是 $500。$1 000 - 0.02, 以此类推。 Lot = 0.01。如果 MM 为 0,则是手数。 K_Lot = 1.6。增加手数会同时增加回撤。 Take_Profit = 1。本币为单位的止盈。 Step = 500。订单间隔步长。对于 4-位报价 - 50, 对于 5-位报价 - 500。这是从大量的实验和测试中
Benefit EA
Vsevolod Merzlov
Benefit EA is a non-indicative flexible grid adviser with special entry points that provide a statistical advantage, revealed through the mathematical modeling of market patterns. The EA does not use stop loss. All trades are closed by take profit or trailing stop. It is possible to plan the lot increments. The "Time Filter" function is set according to the internal time of the terminal as per the displayed time of the instrument's server, not the operating system (can match). This function allo
Smart Advisor Calculation is designed for a very interesting method that is able finally to give the martingale a new positive way! At startup the Expert Advisor sets virtual orders and trades like the real deal. As soon as the drawdown of virtual orders reaches the set number, the robot immediately enters the market for real orders! Thus the price is going without setbacks such as 30-70 pips, with great probability will kick back at the entrance to the market! This is used by a robot! If the pr
Octopus Stability
Aleksandr Shurgin
After a thorough work and search for the optimal values of each of the Expert Advisor's parameters, the most stable settings of the algorithms have been selected, which do not require over large history periods. The robot uses a universal trading strategy, allowing the use of the currency pairs EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCHF, USDJPY and other pairs with low spread. The EA trades on a 5-minute timeframe , it uses levels defined automatically on the bases of multiple parallel price movement calculation me
Nikolaos Bekos
The Avato is one of our standalone tools. (A Signal based on it will also be provided on Mt4 Market in the future). It is designed around a combined form of hedging and martingale techniques and uses sophisticated algorithms and filters to place the trades. It uses Stop loss and Take profit levels while Lot size is calculated automatically following the according multiplier settings. We consider it a toolbox for every seasoned trader. Made with Gold market in mind, it can be tested in other inst
Valeri Balachnin
Area 51 EA generates signals on different strategies. Has different money management strategies and dynamic lot size function. When a position is opened, it is equipped with a take profit and a stop loss. If the position becomes profitable, a dynamic stop loss based on the specified values (TrailingStep and DistanceStep) will be set for it and constantly trailed. This allows you to always close positions in profit.  If you want, that your manual opened positions will be handled by the EA, so you
注意 :商品的点差和经纪商滑点以及VPS的速度,对EA交易的结果都有一定的影响。建议黄金点差3.0,美日点差1.7,欧美点差1.5,如果低于以上数值效果更好。所租用的VPS到经纪商的服务器ping值最好在10ms以下。另外要求经纪商的最小止损位置越小越好,0是最佳。 此EA是一款箱体突破型的交易系统,对进场的每单都有仓位控制,在单子入场后的处理方式有两种:可选追踪止损或保护止损,以下图片中都包括了测试过程的时间段、经纪商点差、商品名称、EA所使用的参数;更重要的是包括起始资金、最终盈利、胜率、盈亏比等重要值得参考的信息,所以请仔细查看以下图片。另外最后三张收益小点图片的参数比较适合经纪商滑点比较大的平台,可供参考。 参数:   MaxSpread -所允许商品的最大点差,如果超过这个值挂单会删除,并暂停 stoptime分钟时间, 建议XAUUSD-100,USDJPY-50,EURUSD-50 stoptime -如上说明:点差拉大时休息的时间,10表示休息10分钟。   Inp -技术指标参数,一般为整数值,可以为12、18、24等   TimeFrame -加载所在图表周期,建议
Milch Cow Turbo
Mohamed Nasseem
MILCH COW Turbo EA is primarily a multi-currency strategy. It supports 9 or 10 pairs as collection of currencies (GBPJPY, GBPUSD, EURCHF,EURGBP, EURJPY, EURUSD, USDCAD, USDCHF, USDJPY). If you choose Trade_Calc = false, only one pair is turned on. The EA depends on a special indicator to set Buy stop, Buy limit, Sell stop and Sell limit orders Note: If enabled Pendingorders = false, the EA will use the prices shown on the chart in live orders (buy and sell). In this case, the EA uses stop loss a
Channel Power
Aleh Rabtsau
This Expert Advisor trades flat breakouts. The EA plots a channel between important levels, or at a specified distance from the current price. As soon as the price start moving, the robot starts working. The recommended timeframe is H1 or above, currency pair - any. You can set the EA operation time in the settings. The EA is recommended for working during string market volatility or during news releases. This will allow you to avoid drawdown and will have a good effect on trading. Channel Power
Mohamed Nasseem
"ANYWAY EA" is a tool designed to handle your trades in a different concept, which does not start its trailing by locking in profit. It just moves stop loss by 1. It will step the SL by 1 so for every 1 pip the SL moves to 19, 18, 17, etc. The brokers can see this and do nothing to deal with it. While you are sitting there waiting for it to lock in the points it has already made. All these stop losses and take profits can be hidden from the broker by selecting SLnTPMode = Client. Run the EA on a
Milch Cow Zone
Mohamed Nasseem
Milch Cow Zone EA is an amazing tool designed to handle your losing trades in a different concept rather than using Stop Loss feature and ensure almost a profitable outcome regardless of market direction when closing orders according to a smart hedging mechanism "back-and-forth". It works by changing net direction of your trade using larger hedging trades in opposite directions. The Expert Advisor starts opening one order with a market trend or opening one order of your choice or opening the hed
Evgeniy Zhdan
3 (3)
SolaceSystem is a trend scalper. The Expert Advisor algorithm calculates price consolidation levels and opens trades if a strong market movement is expected. The Parabolic SAR standard indicator is used to filter trade opening. Distinctive features Martingale is not used. Does not accumulate loss. Uses take profit and stop loss. Trades are closed either by TP and SL, or using a unique trailing stop algorithm. Automatic lot calculation. The Expert Advisor is fully ready for long-term automated o
Ssgy EA
Aleh Rabtsau
The Ssgy EA generates the main signal based on 10 indicators. The trading strategy has been tested manually and has shown excellent results on a real account, after which it was decided to automate the whole process and entrust the work to a robot. The robot trades only in the direction of the trend, trying to determine its beginning and end. If the trend reverses, the open orders are managed by a double safety grid, allowing you to exit the received drawdown. The recommended minimum deposit is
Introduction to Smart Trade Price Action Expert Advisor Smart Trade Price Action is an Expert Advisor (EA) with a flexible and diverse trading strategy, operating across 15 currency pairs on the All  timeframe. This approach enhances the chances of sustainable growth while reducing the risk of relying on a single pair or individual trades. Risk management is strictly controlled, ensuring the safety of your capital. With a simple setup, Smart Trade Price Action requires no specialized knowledg
Helmsman JXR
Aleh Rabtsau
This Expert Advisor trades on the active market. The robot virtually analyzes the chart setting two levels at a specified distance from the price. Upon expiration of 5-15 seconds (set in the parameters), the levels are re-set. As soon as the price starts moving very fast and breaks through one of the levels, a buy or a sell order is placed at once depending on what level has been broken (upper one - buy, lower one - sell). The EA has a strict stop loss (if the bar the order has been opened at is
CyNera MT5
Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
3.66 (65)
CyNera:您的交易,我们的技术 信号 >400%:  CyNera 信号 >500%:   CyNera Turbo 手册和设置文件:购买后请联系我以获取手册和设置文件 价格: 价格根据售出的许可证数量上涨 可用副本: 4 交易黄金,市场上最波动的工具之一,需要精确的操作、深入的分析和强有力的风险管理。CyNera 专家顾问将这些要素无缝集成到一个复杂的系统中,专为优化黄金交易而设计。CyNera 的先进策略和技术旨在帮助经验丰富的交易员和新手应对黄金交易所带来的独特挑战和机遇。 有了 CyNera,您就拥有了一套可靠的解决方案,专门针对黄金市场的复杂性。它结合了自适应、智能策略以及多时间框架分析、自动交易调整和精确的风险管理等高级功能。正是这种适应性,使得 CyNera 成为一种多功能工具,能够应对快速的市场变化,同时确保您的资本在长期内得到保护。 符号 XAUUSD (黄金) 时间周期 M30   资本 最少 100 美元 经纪商 任何经纪商 账户类型 任何,较低点差优先 杠杆 从 1:20 起 VPS 首选,但不是必须,也可以使用 MQL VPS CyNera 的核心力
CyNeron MT5
Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
3.86 (14)
CyNeron: 精准交易与人工智能创新的结合 信号 :   CyNeron 操作手册和设置文件 : 购买后请与我联系以获取操作手册和设置文件 价格 : 价格会根据售出副本的数量逐步提高 可用副本 : 5 AI驱动的快照分析:市场首创 CyNeron是市场上首个将先进人工智能整合到革命性交易方法中的EA, 通过捕获和处理详细的市场状况快照, 利用最先进的AI神经网络评估价格数据和技术指标, 提供高度准确的市场走势预测,从而实现精准且具有战略性的交易决策。 这一AI驱动技术使CyNeron与众不同,能够实时动态适应不断变化的市场动态, 为交易者提供此前无法获得的洞察力。 交易品种 XAUUSD (黄金) 时间周期 M15 或 M30   最低资金 最低 $100 经纪商 任何经纪商 账户类型 任何账户类型,优先低点差 杠杆 最低 1:20 VPS 推荐使用,但不是必须,也支持MQL VPS CyNeron的核心力量 AI驱动的快照分析 CyNeron通过捕获和处理市场状况快照, 利用先进的神经网络评估价格和指标, 从而实现准确的市场走势预测, 并支持精准的交易决策。 Transf
CyNeron MT4
Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
3.5 (4)
CyNeron: 精准交易与人工智能创新的结合 信号 :   CyNeron 操作手册和设置文件 : 购买后请与我联系以获取操作手册和设置文件 价格 : 价格会根据售出副本的数量逐步提高 可用副本 : 5 AI驱动的快照分析:市场首创 CyNeron是市场上首个将先进人工智能整合到革命性交易方法中的EA, 通过捕获和处理详细的市场状况快照, 利用最先进的AI神经网络评估价格数据和技术指标, 提供高度准确的市场走势预测,从而实现精准且具有战略性的交易决策。 这一AI驱动技术使CyNeron与众不同,能够实时动态适应不断变化的市场动态, 为交易者提供此前无法获得的洞察力。 交易品种 XAUUSD (黄金) 时间周期 M15 或 M30   最低资金 最低 $100 经纪商 任何经纪商 账户类型 任何账户类型,优先低点差 杠杆 最低 1:20 VPS 推荐使用,但不是必须,也支持MQL VPS CyNeron的核心力量 AI驱动的快照分析 CyNeron通过捕获和处理市场状况快照, 利用先进的神经网络评估价格和指标, 从而实现准确的市场走势预测, 并支持精准的交易决策。 Transf
Igor Gorodnichii
Igor Gorodnichii 2025.02.05 06:54 

Since 14.01 up to previous week EA have got total loss 62%. First day after update 48% loss again. Do not recommend! Crazy cost = crazy loss (((

Vedat Balci
Vedat Balci 2025.01.31 22:46 

Backtests of many EA's sold here are Fake. With a code added to the software, only profitable transactions in the past are recorded. In real account most of them lose money. Likewise, Ceynera seems to be very successful in Backtest, but to be sure, I have been running it on a demo account for 10 days. With the resulting set file, medium risk and 10% MM, the account grew by approximately 10% and there was no stop transaction. Of course, I reduced the profit and loss situation to 1/6 instead of 1/9. That is, if 1 transaction loses money, the last 6 successful transactions will be wasted. For now, the performance in the demo account is good. I will update it after 1-2 months. I just don't think AI works very successfully. AI or software sometimes buys from the top at the Resistance point or sometimes sells from the bottom with the Buy point. In this regard, the software needs some updating in order to receive more frequent transactions and more profitable transactions. Because it takes 3-5 transactions a week. and if it determines the tops and bottoms correctly, it can take at least 1 transaction every day and increase profitability. because the TP rate is small. If the bottom or top point of the day is determined correctly, the profit rate increases significantly. For now, I thank the software developer. I will update it after 1-2 months..

anaito8268 2025.01.24 08:33 

Best EA!

Aceman123 2025.01.23 02:13 

I have to echo user "Soldier of Fortune" comment. I have booked losses that are not shown in the official signal, while using the exact same signal's set file provided by the author. I don't think the EA is a scam, the author is responsive and a legit coder, but the performance is not what is shown in the signal and neither should you expect the same.



Potential scam, see post #165

Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
来自开发人员的回复 Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans 2025.01.24 08:59
Read and understand the user manual especially the part with AI before spreading such a nonsense!
尘 陈
尘 陈 2025.01.07 04:42 

The system only opens trades at fixed times each day and trades based on short-term trends at those moments. Due to the large stop-loss, the win rate tends to be high. However, a few losses can wipe out all previous profits. AI is a scam, and I hope everyone stays vigilant and doesn't fall for it.

Kinora 2024.12.12 22:34 

The EA is very good so far. It's slow so patience is needed. One loss did occur using the AI function so I turned it off, I don't trust AI completely as yet. I average 3 profit trades a week, the EA is accurate on its own and the support is excellent.

29th Jan - Disappointing, not enough trades, about 1 a week now, EA is too expensive. Don't be fooled by AI hype for any EA

15393665700 2024.11.27 04:33 


Vasyl Daki
Vasyl Daki 2024.11.25 15:54 

This robot is absolutely inadequate, it contradicts itself. With the default settings on a real account, it opens a sell position against the trend, on the strategy tester, the same position is opened for a purchase, despite the fact that the robot's strategy and the AI ​​must have the same trend directions to make a decision. And note that sl. is 9 times higher than tp. For some reason, everything works correctly for the author, and on his signal account this position was in the right direction, and the author has income and I have a loss and this is not the first time. Previously, I thought that perhaps this was happening because of my settings, but this time the default settings. I do not advise anyone to buy this robot. You will spend a lot of money to buy this robot, after which the robot will empty your account and you will lose both time and money. be careful this can happen to any of us In this situation, the only winner is the author who sold you a defective product for a lot of money. Only scammers do this.

Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
来自开发人员的回复 Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans 2025.01.24 08:59
Read and understand the user manual especially the part with AI before spreading such a nonsense!
Ngo Manh Quan
Ngo Manh Quan 2024.11.22 10:55 

Trusted EA. Normally there will only be 1-2 transactions/day in the evening. However, the AI ​​seemed unfinished, so I turned that function off. It would be great to be able to minimize SL while still maintaining win rate.

Hui Wang
Hui Wang 2024.11.19 08:51 

Just started to use, very assured, the profit level is certainly very good, but also hope that risk control can do better!

Utrema 2024.11.12 09:27 

La manière dont le bot ouvre les trades est vraiment unique. Je dois dire que je n'avais pas encore vu cela avec d'autres bot. Il ne trade pas souvent, mais quand il se lance, c'est un profit à tout les coups pour le moment. Bravo aux équipes ! Je mettrai à jour mon commentaire en fonction de l'avancée.

amar 2024.11.09 10:17 

Thank God I bought it. good product. very happy

edit: Only 1 Loss so far, changed to 4 stars, still in profit. Hopefully can use AI again soon

Michael John Malkinson
Michael John Malkinson 2024.11.04 20:37 

Sorry but I must mirror a guy aboves review about the Signal being sketchy. I have used this EA pretty much since release. In that time the authors Signal has ZERO losses. After i had like 3/4 losses I then changed my settings to the exact signal settings provided which should mirror her signal. Yet I still had 2 trades open as sells last night and both lots alot of money - Yet the authors signal shows no trades?? Theres something very fishy about this

Iurii Kozitsyn
Iurii Kozitsyn 2024.10.31 07:03 

Изменения от 23.01.2025:

Я завершаю тестирование данного советника, срок почти 3 месяца, финансовый результат отрицательный.

1. То что советник показывает в бэктесте до октября 2024 - действительно впечатляет, но после октября разработчики изменили алгоритмы и такой торговли уже не будет, даже близко.

2. Ордера не совпадают с авторским сигналом, хотя использовались рекомендованные сет-файлы.

3. У всех кто использует данный советник - открываются разные ордера, в разном направлении. Полное отсутствие какой-либо логики.

4. Разработчики часто останавливают советник, например, в новогодние праздники он не работал 3 недели, а также он часто не работает из-за ошибок. Это делается намеренно, чтобы как можно больше оттянуть время за которое авторы продадут большее количество копий. Автор мне призналась, что алгоритмы советника они изменили специально, так как боятся убытков.

5. Соотношение риска к прибыли в каждой сделке равно 1 к 10. Это значит, если вы словите SL, то вам придется восстанавливаться около 15 прибыльных сделок подряд, с учетом, того, что размер лота будет меньше, т.к. баланс уменьшится. И так вы выйдите только в ноль. А SL у меня были.. автор этот SL подтвердила и он воспроизвёлся на бэктесте.

6. Как я писал в п. 1. после октября 2024, ордера открываются в 16.00 или 17.00.. т.е. только при открытии нью-йоркской сессии и во время новостей, четко в одно и тоже время, о каком здесь техническом анализе может идти речь? При этом, видимо, ради шутки, в свойствах советника есть режим фильтрации по новостям, тогда он не будет торговать за час до и после выхода новостей. А они выходят как раз в 16.00 или 17.00, и если у вас будет включен этот фильтр, то ордера создаваться вообще не будут, советник торговать не будет.

7. Чудес на фин. рынке не бывает. Разве только у продавцов советников, если получится раскрутить (попасть в ТОП) на какое-то время. Берегите деньги.

Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
来自开发人员的回复 Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans 2025.01.24 08:59
Read and understand the user manual especially the part with AI before spreading such a nonsense!
版本 4.62 2025.02.09
Only Bugfix - no new manual and setfiles
版本 4.61 2025.02.03
GPT issue fix
版本 4.60 2025.02.02
Changed ChatGPT to the latest o3 Model
Fixed Analysis issues
Added Risk calculation balance
Added USDJPY Symbol
Added Setfile to trade like v3.8
版本 4.56 2025.01.20
Minor Bugfixes - only MT4 Version
版本 4.55 2025.01.15
Minor Bugfixes - only MT4 Version
版本 4.54 2025.01.15
Minor Bugfixes - only MT4 Version
版本 4.53 2025.01.14
Minor Bugfixes - only MT4 Version
版本 4.52 2024.12.23
Minor Bugfixes - only MT4 Version
版本 4.51 2024.12.20
Minor Bugfixes - only MT4 Version
版本 4.50 2024.12.15
- More Risks options
- Deactivate EA during Christmas holidays (Parameter)
- Trade only in one direction (AI Parameter)
- Minor Bugfixes
版本 4.41 2024.12.01
small variables fix - no new setfiles and manual needed
版本 4.40 2024.11.30
Fixed Problem with AI when multiply instances running on same VPS
The setting and the way AI operates changed
Improved the AI Analyses
Added new parameter Use AI
Added new parameter AI Precision lower
Added new parameter AI Precision higher
Added new parameter AI Direction
Added new parameter AI TP & SL
Added new parameter Trade Direction
版本 4.31 2024.11.25
Fixed GMT URL issue if AUTO GMT is deactivated, not important update - you can skip it
版本 4.30 2024.11.24
Fixed small issue in AI prediction.
Added new parameter for AI decision.
Added new parameter to hide Chart visualization.
版本 4.21 2024.11.21
Fixed small issue, when AI precision set to OFF it does not affect the trade now.
版本 4.20 2024.11.19
Fixed GMT issue, now all should be detected automatically.
Added ChatGPT AI to check and confirm the trades.
版本 4.10 2024.11.13
Small fix in the symbol initialization. Not a necessary update.
版本 4.0 2024.10.31
Problem with filtering out the time from the URL fixed
Symbols with suffix/prefix fixed
Many new Prop-Firm features added
Added recovery mode
Improved visualization of the EA menu and added new important information
版本 3.80 2024.10.23
Fixed issues with Max DD and manual lot size. Also fixed the timing issue for the positions.
Added News Filter by request.