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Leopard Scalper EA

豹式剥头皮EA v1.4



请注意,若要获得截图中显示的结果,您需要在测试前输入正确的参数,具体参数已在提供的图片和评论区中展示。如果您需要参数的 .set 文件,它已在我们的消息附件和评论区中提供。



  • 户友好界面EA具有买卖按钮,可直接从图表进行手动交易。额外按钮包括关闭盈利头寸、关闭所有头寸和关闭亏损头寸。实时交易统计显示每日、每周、每月和每年不同时间段内的交易数量和利润。此外,还显示当前市场波动性、交易时间以及点差信息(点数、点位和美元)。
  • 动态风险管理EA根据账户权益和用户定义的风险设置自动调整手数,确保随着账户余额的变化进行适当的规模调整,增强风险管理和盈利能力。
  • 供需区与趋势信息EA集成了自定义计算的供需区与趋势检测,以提高交易精准度。触发交易的信号以及额外的蜡烛计时器和点位值选项也显示在图表上。
  • 主要策略 - 布林:核心策略围绕布林带展开,辅以随机指标、RSIADX和供需区等附加确认指标。所有计算均为内部计算,无需外部指标。
  • 级交易管理:豹式剥头皮EA包含一个强大的止损和追踪止损机制,亦作为保本功能。当价格在有利的情况下回撤时,追踪止损通过动态跟随价格锁定利润。
  • 闻交易功能EA带一个独特的新闻交易功能。如果用户在EA属性部分启用该功能,在重大新闻事件发布前10秒,EA会同时开立买卖头寸,从而利用新闻引发的波动。追踪止损会随着价格动态调整,并且当蜡烛双向波动时,EA继续开立新头寸。
  • 动与自动交易:无论您是使用买卖按钮手动交易,还是让EA动交易,所有的风险和交易管理工具都会保持启用。这包括止损、追踪止损等设置,确保资金得到全面保护。然而,基于我们的经验,我们建议尽量减少手动干预,以获得最佳效果。
  • 动买卖控制:豹式剥头皮EA带两个额外按钮,用于启用或禁用自动买卖交易,允许用户完全控制趋势跟随策略。这些按钮可以根据需要切换自动趋势交易订单。此功能提供了灵活性,如果您希望手动跟随趋势或限制自动交易,您可以轻松做到。一旦禁用,EA将不再根据趋势信号下买卖订单,但手动交易或关闭头寸等其他交易管理功能仍然有效。
  • 交易条件:豹式剥头皮EA内置保护功能,避免在不利的市场条件下下单。如果点差过高或市场波动范围/动性过低,EA将停止交易。这些条件会在图表上清晰显示,因此用户随时可以看到是否由于高点差或低波动性导致交易被暂停。此功能有助于避免在不利交易条件下的不必要损失。


  • 对冲功能:如果用户在EA属性部分启用该功能,在发生止损的情况下,EA会自动开立反向对冲头寸,以更有效地弥补损失。
  • 多周期交易统计查看各种时间段内(每日、每周、每月、每年)的交易统计数据,以跟踪长期表现。
  • 交易时间配置:用户可在EA的属性中设置多达5个不同的交易时间间隔,这些时间间隔将决定EA时可以开立头寸,提供基于用户偏好的交易时间灵活性。
  • 低起始资金EA支持最低$100的启动资金。虽然我们曾在低至$15的情况下测试,但由于经纪商的最低手数为0.01难以从该金额开始增长。我们建议至少使用$100或更多的资金以获得最佳表现。
  • 实时提醒:每次EA单时,报警功能会通知您,即使您不在电脑旁也能监控活动。


参数 :

1. Risk in % of Free Margin: 设置每笔交易风险的自由保证金百分比。
2. Slippage value, adjust as needed: 定义交易执行时可接受的滑点。
3. Max Buy Orders: 限制任意时刻最大打开的买单数量。
4. Max Sell Orders: 限制任意时刻最大打开的卖单数量。
5. Minimum number of candles between positions: 指定开立新仓位之间的最少蜡烛数量,以避免过度交易。
6. Stop Loss in points: 设置交易的止损点位。
7. Trailing TriggerPips: 触发追踪止损的点数距离。
8. Trailing Stop in pips: 设置当前价格与追踪止损的点数距离。
9. TrailingStop ReplaceBreakevenPips: 设置替换追踪止损的盈亏平衡点数距离。
10. Reversal Adjustment Pips: 趋势转变后进行反转调整的点数。
11. Action of TrailingStop at Reversal: 在发生反转时调整追踪止损。
12. Higher timeframe for trend filtering: 设置用于基于更高时间框架过滤交易的时间框架。
13. Period for the moving average to define the trend: 指定用于定义趋势的移动平均线周期。
14. Shift for the moving average: 移动平均线用于趋势计算的偏移。
15. RangeValue: 设置交易可接受的范围或波动值。
16. Maximum Spread acceptable in points: 定义允许交易执行的最大点差。
17. Deviation for Bollinger Bands: 波林格带使用的标准差。
18. Period for Bollinger Bands: 设置波林格带的计算周期。
19. EnableTotalProfit: 启用或禁用总利润目标。
20. Target profit of balance in % (should be risk × 2): 定义账户余额的目标利润百分比,建议为风险的两倍。
21. e.g. 20% drawdown: 推荐的回撤值输入示例。
22. Hedge: 启用或禁用对冲功能。
23. ADXPeriod: 设置ADX(平均趋向指数)指标的周期。
24. ADXThreshold: 定义用于确认趋势的ADX指标阈值。
25. VolumePeriod: 设置计算基于交易量条件的周期。
26. ChannelBar1: 第一个用于交易分析的通道周期。
27. ChannelBar2: 第二个用于交易分析的通道周期。
28. ChannelWidth: 定义通道的宽度。
29. Local Time Period1: 设置第一个交易时间段(本地时间05:00-07:00)。
30. Local Time Period2: 设置第二个交易时间段(08:00-12:00)。
31. Local Time Period3: 设置第三个交易时间段(14:00-14:30)。
32. Local Time Period4: 设置第四个交易时间段(16:00-18:00)。
33. Local Time Period5: 设置第五个交易时间段(20:00-21:00)。
34. UseNewsTime: 启用或禁用新闻时间过滤器。
35. NewsTime Set To 10secondsBeforeNews BrokersTime: 显示新闻事件的时间,在新闻发布前10秒决定交易。
36. Show Candle Timer: 启用或禁用图表上的蜡烛计时器显示。
37. Show Candle PointCounter: 启用或禁用蜡烛点数计数器显示。




  • 经纪商要求:建议的最低起始资金为$100EAM5图表上运行,并针对黄金(XAUUSD进行了优化。
  • 风险提示:交易涉及风险,亏损是不可避免的。始终负责任地交易,并确保适当的风险管理技巧。
  • 兼容性:适用于MetaTrader 4平台。确保您的经纪商支持必要的保证金和手数要求。


Diamond Scalping MT4
Lo Thi Mai Loan
4.63 (8)
欢迎来到 Diamond Scalping Forex 启动促销 目前仅剩 2 个名额,按当前价格出售!  下一个价格:$1993.99   该 EA 使用基于 100% 价格行为的策略,并结合突破、回撤和失败突破等小技巧,寻找具有最高胜率的入场点。 该 EA 每笔交易都会设定固定的止损(SL)。 该 EA 不使用像马丁格尔或网格等高风险策略,确保账户安全。 该 EA 使用追踪止损(Trailing Stop)来锁定利润。 --- 为什么选择 Diamond Scalping Forex - 该 EA 可以交易多个货币对,例如 EURUSD、USDJPY、GBPUSD。 - 该 EA 也可以交易指数对,例如 US30 和 Nas100。 - 该 EA 可以交易黄金 / XAU。 - 特别地,EA 由一个拥有超过 10 年交易和编程经验的团队开发。 - 团队提供 24/7 的支持。 - 团队为回头客提供特别的奖金或折扣。 --- 安装说明 - 选择货币对:EURUSD、GBPUSD、USDJPY 等。 - 选择指数对:US30 或 Nas100。 -
This EA requires a broker having Market Execution (ECN, NDD, STP accounts), low spread, zero StopLevel (or close to such level), no commission if possible (as it influences on the profit amount). Order executin time should be measured in milliseconds, not minutes, requotes and slippage should not happen too often. Deposit: Minimum deposit is $50 (MinLot = 0.01) or $500 (MinLot = 0.1) Recommended currency pairs: EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, NZDUSD, USDJPY, USDCHF, USDCAD No Martingale / No grid / No a
KingMaker Ultimate Scalper Expert Advisor TimeFrame - 5 Mins Minimum Balance - 200$ Pairs - Major Currency Pairs , Like - EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY .... etc Run Low Spread Forex Broker Or ECN Broker Money Management Adjust Risk Management SafeMode - True/False Setting : You Have Deposit 200$ , Run EA On 2 or 3 Currency Pairs Only  Automatic Increase And Decrease Lot Size 
Mohamed Kamel Touati
EA TOUMED ****** Only     10 copies Availible for  $399 ******* ****** Final price  $1499 ***** EA Toumed 是 低风险 的 专业剥头皮专家。 专家选择最佳切入点,然后使用价格分析。 专家不使用网格,mar,套利。 每个位置都有视觉止损保护。 所有未平仓交易均附有基于尾随止损和尾随获利系统的控制算法。 专家还具有防止失窃,NFP新闻和日间交易过滤器的功能,可让您以固定手数进行交易或使用基于MM模块的自动手数计算。   ********非常重要********  :  在对Demo进行专家测试之前,检查点差(最大0.3点) 点差不应超过0.3点(使用ECN或Raw点差帐户)    推荐经纪人:  Exness.com  ; ICmarkets.com 好处 价格变动分析器; 动态偏移校正系统; 多阶段利润关闭算法; 每笔交易都有止损保护; 未使用的指标、,、套利; 高传播保护; 时间和日期过滤器; 灵活的设置。 参数 FixedLot-  固定交易手
Profalgo Limited
4.4 (10)
NEW PROMO: Only a few copies copies available at 349$ Next price: 449$ Make sure to check out our " Ultimate EA combo package " in our   promo blog ! Gecko runs a simple, yet very effective, proven strategy.  It looks for important recent high and lows and will trade the breakouts.  The actual execution of this strategy however, is what makes this EA truly shine.  Entry calculations and exit algorithms are not only unique but also very advanced. LIVE RESULTS: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/7
Xgrid Scalper MT4
Prafull Manohar Nikam
This trading robot is strictly made for 10K Capital Trading Account and EURUSD H1. DO NOT use it on smaller accounts, because it has minimum free margin limit i.e. Free Margin > 500 (this value is in "actual money" not in "percentage"!) This is a Simple Grid Trading System which works on ADX indicator's volatility and with High Winrate. IMPORTANT: Default input settings are the bare minimum settings (not ideal) instead use the recommended settings (OR find your own best settings) provided in th
The Arrow Scalper
Fawwaz Abdulmantaser Salim Albaker
1 (2)
Dear Friend..  I share with you this simple Expert Adviser .. it is full automatic  this Expert Adviser following the trend of the pair you install on or any stocks or indices , it is works like that: - when the trend on H4 chart show a start of up trend the expert will wait till the 15M & 1H charts show an up trend the EA will open a buy order directly , and do the same for down trend and open a sell order the buy or sell  order lot size and take profit and stop loss will measured manually  by
Green Frog EA
Ramzi Abuwarda
绿蛙EA:您的最佳专业EA专家 在外汇交易的世界中,市场迅猛而果断地移动,拥有可靠的盟友可以改变一切。请允许我介绍绿蛙EA,这款顶尖的专业EA专家,旨在为交易者提供无与伦比的准确性和高效性。 绿蛙EA是先进技术与多年外汇行业经验的结晶。由一支经验丰富的交易员和软件工程师团队开发,这款出色的EA脱颖而出,提供稳定的结果并创造丰厚的利润。 绿蛙EA的独特之处在于其能够适应不断变化的市场条件。它利用精密的算法和实时数据分析快速识别有利可图的机会,并以非凡的精确性执行交易。该EA的智能交易策略使其能够在各种市场情况下运作,无论是趋势市场、波动市场还是盘整市场,始终保持最佳表现。 绿蛙EA拥有用户友好的界面,使其对于经验丰富的交易员和新手都非常易于操作。用户只需点击几下,即可根据自己的交易偏好和风险承受能力自定义EA。此外,该EA提供详细的绩效报告,让交易员能够分析自己的成果并做出明智的决策。 可靠性是绿蛙EA成功的基石。其强大的风险管理系统确保资本的保全,通过设置严格的止损订单和利润目标来保护投资。交易者可以放心,因为该EA采用严格的风险评估协议来减轻潜在损失。 绿蛙
Super Scalping
I Nyoman Suryasa
1 (2)
Description This expert advisor uses with a  Super  Scalping Technique Strategy . Can be used with limited capital and   minimum capital of 100 USD  with   1:500 Leverage , it is   Recommended   by using   200 USD   capital   Leverage 1:500 , or more. Use on brokers with tickcharts and data on a must  M1 Time Frame  on chart, it is Recommended by using pair GBPUSD/EURUSD  on M1/M5 Time Frame . Use on brokers with   Spreads   of   less than 30 points, recommended best of fix zero spread (Not
Gold Travel
Anas Hassan Khalaf Al Falahi
GOLD /USD  (XAU/USD) Travel 22 EA is a Result of 5 Years of (Experience, Testing and Developing). Also This EA Based on Special Coding Algorithm of Take Profit and Treating Trades.  Combine of a Custom Indicators is used to Take Trades at Strong Points Only. Trading is With Trend and Only Safe Positions.  Currency pair : GOLD/USD  (XAU/USD)  H1 OR  M1 Timeframe   If you want a few but guaranteed deals use H1 Timeframe. If you want more deals during the day use M1 Timeframe. If you see u
Segun Oladipo
Silkyway is an advanced Expert Advisor that calculates how orders flow in the market and quickly reacts to the flow when it is safe to do so. It complies strictly to the core rules of trading and has its core strength of in its ability to preserve initial capital and taking position when it is deemed safe. No toxic or margin hugging technique, like Martingale, Averaging, Gridding, Zone Recovery Strategy . The EA will always use a hard stop loss and have different early smart exit strategy to exi
Nadiya Mirosh
Gyroscope        professional forex expert   (for EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD, USDCHF, EURGBP, EURJPY, NZDUSD, USDCAD, EURCHF, AUDJPY, CADJPY pairs)   alyzing the market using the Elliot Wave Index. Elliott wave theory is the interpretation of processes in financial markets through a system of visual models (waves) on price charts. The author of the theory, Ralph Elliott, identified eight variants of alternating waves (of which five are in the trend and three are against the trend). The mo
Evgeniy Zhdan
The Expert Advisor algorithm determines the formed trend movement, and starts working in the direction of the existing trend. To determine the direction of price movement, the EA uses candlestick analysis, certain technical analysis patterns, significant price levels, trading volatility both separately and combined with the obtained data. Each deal is managed by a tight trailing stop, which is applied to both profitable and unprofitable orders. An example of the correct installation of the EA is
EA Sky7 Golden
Maulana Bin Ibrahim
For Pair Gold Only Martingle or Single Entry Type. Setting : Layer Entry Style : 1. Pip Step Entry (Recommended for Martingle type) =  Recommended  250 points 2. Instant Entry (Recommended for Single Entry type but no SL) Take Profit option : 1. By Golden Ratio Fibonacci Retracement 2. By Smart Averanging PIPS Lot Size Style : 1. Lot Size Auto 2. Lot Size Manual (Recommended) 3. Lot Size Percentage (Still Working on it) TimeFrame Signal Switch (Auto Scanning) : 1. M5 2. M15 3. M30 4. H1 I'm us
Thanakorn Suphakornthongchot
Short-Term Fibonacci Trading Strategy with Clear TP and SL Strategy: Timeframe: M15 Indicator: Fibonacci Retracement Fibonacci Levels: Buy Entry: 38.2%, 50.0% Sell Entry: 61.8%, 78.6% TP/SL Placement: SL: Below/above the Fibonacci level used for entry Minimum Capital: $100 Instruments: Metals: Gold (XAUUSD) The recommended spread starts from 10 to 25, and should not exceed 28.
MAD - Moving Average Distance The MAD Scalper Expert Advisor uses ATR and the distance to a moving average to determine if price has the potential for reversion (mean reversion). Trades are closed when price returns to mean (moving average) + buffer. We use ATR as our MA_Buffer. MAD includes an averaging feature. The range is determined by ATR and the RangeMultiplier. The higher the RangeMultiplier the further apart the averaging trades will be. Works on all time frames and pairs. Suggestions:
Long power rsi
Kevin Michael Jones
* Symbol EURUSD, EUR/NZD, AUD/NZD, EUR/JPY. * Automatic advisor, trade preferably on the following assets: EUR/USD, EUR/NZD, AUD/NZD, EUR/JPY. * The advantage of this advisor is that it does not include a martingale and trading is carried out using stop losses and take profit. * Has been tested for more than 2 years in the strategy tester. You can download the demo version yourself and view it for any period of time if necessary. * The Expert Advisor is based on data from several indicators. Rsi
Vadim Podoprigora
Forest is a Trend Expert Advisor based on the analysis of a unique mathematical model of trend lines, which allows you to determine the trend movement. The Expert Advisor is most suitable for the currency pair "USDCHF" on period "H1". The EA can work on any type of accounts, and with any brokers. The EA uses mathematical analysis to open trades and applies loss control to open trades. At its core, the EA does not use any risky systems with the increase in the volume or increase in the number of
The Next Generation Scalper is a new generation fully automatic scalping Expert Adviser. In addition to the classic trailing stops visible to brokers, the adviser uses several more smart trailing stops that are hidden for the broker. In the expert information table, it is possible to track low-quality brokers with the help of slippage analysis, using these tools you can get the best trading results. Each market entry point is analyzed by an advanced selection algorithm. After determining the op
Neural Average
Vladislav Filippov
Neural Average is a fully automated trading advisor. In addition to the scalping algorithm, the system for monitoring the market through the volumes and coefficients of oscillations and filtering the opening of transactions through custom macros - determinants, a neural network emulator is also integrated into the software basis of this advisor. The above structure allows you to effectively filter the flow of potential deals based on the relevance of the context and conjuncture, as well as by t
ALT Income
Maksim Bogdanov
ALT Income  - Автоматизированный    советник. Написан для пары EURUSD. .  Торгует  на тайм фрейме M5.  Рекомендованные условия торговли при плече 1:500 Минимальный депозит  - 100 условных единиц (EUR, USD) .  Процент загруженного депозита при продаже -    MaxRiskSELL   от 1 до 15;   Прибыль от одной сделки - TakeProfitSell от 50 до 100.0; Рекомендованные условия торговли при плече  1:40 Минимальный депозит  - 100 условных единиц (EUR, USD) .  Процент загруженного депозита при продаже -    Ma
Evgeniy Zhdan
5 (1)
The Expert Advisor is a trend scalper. The Expert Advisor's strategy determines the buy and sell zones, where further price consolidation and the degree of probability of price movement in the direction of the trend are calculated. The EA does not use dangerous trading methods. Support:   https://www.mql5.com/en/channels/TrendHunter In addition to traditional stop loss and take profit, each trade is controlled by a trailing stop. In addition, trades are closed when the price moves from one
Aleksander Gladkov
The Expert Advisor implements a trading strategy based on overbought and oversold zones of ATR RSI i4 indicator signals, which is included in the code . Trend Following, Counter Trend system , DD reduction Algoritm and Level Trading algoritm are used. To start trading, simply attach the EA to the chart, preferably EURUSD H1 timeframe. Live results can be viewed here . To trade with the new Forex instrument (EURUSD H1 by default), it is recommended to set up the parameter values by testing, initi
GerFX DeltaWave EA
Exler Consulting GmbH
Before you buy a night scalper please be aware of the risks involved: Past performance is no guarantee of future profitability (the EA could also make losses).  The backtests shown (e.g. in screenshots) are highly optimized to find the best parameters but therefore do not give a realistic prediction of future profitability. Any mean reversion can get caught on the wrong side of a fast movements due to unexpected news or flash crashes. This strategy will always use a stop loss, but still executi
GerFX NightWalker EA
Exler Consulting GmbH
Before you buy a night scalper please be aware of the risks involved: Past performance is no guarantee of future profitability (the EA could also make losses).  The backtests shown (e.g. in screenshots) are highly optimized to find the best parameters but therefore do not give a realistic prediction of future profitability. Any mean reversion can get caught on the wrong side of a fast movements due to unexpected news or flash crashes. This strategy will always use a stop loss, but still executi
Team Trading System     is based on the logic of order strategies and profit-taking strategies working as a team.  In general, EA consists of two parts as strategies and take profits section. Strategies section are special strategies that we create for symbols. Strategies continue to open buy and sell orders independently.  Takeprofits closes orders that are opened by working as a team. Take Profits logic is that profitable orders go by closing lost orders. They never work selfishly. In this wa
Ea 555
Aleksandr Nadein
The EA works with pending orders.Recommended Currency Pair GPBUSD H1.With good market valontility gives a good profit.Advisor is fully automated for working in the market.It is also possible to use auto-management.It is possible to use the swap size, ideal for strong volatility or at night.When trading, two pending orders are placed, when one works, the second is deleted. Trading is not intermittent.
Mk R
Can Pei Pu
MK_R It is based on contrary patterns for EURUSD.  Basically, it will entry using the condition of 1 buy wave and 6 sell wave of Granville's law. The EA does not use indicators, grid, martingale, arbitrage.  The EA has been proven to be profitable in the six months of 2020 and is particularly suitable for the current EURUSD market since mid-December 2020. Monitoring: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/789229 Timeframe is M5. EA needs M1 chart,M5 chart,M15 Chart,H1 chart,H4 chart. Maxium Sp
Sergey Malysh
3.29 (7)
Expert.   Automatic and manual trading. Ready-made trading system based on   Elliott waves   and Fibonacci retracement levels . It is simple and affordable. Display of the marking of Elliott waves (main or alternative option) on the chart. Construction of horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, a channel. Superposition of Fibonacci levels on waves 1, 3, 5, A Alert system (on-screen, E-Mail, Push notifications).    visual panel for opening orders in manual trading. visual panel for sett
Vladislav Filippov
FullTrading is a fully automated trading advisor. The advisor's methodology is based on initiating a number of sequential processes: aggregating a diversified number of potential deals into a special channel with their subsequent transformation into a special information flow, internal calibration of deals by the indicator of eventuality and validity using a trend verifier and filtering entry and exit points thanks to a special software installation, integrated into an advisor (or indicators)
MAX Gold 1
Peng Peng Gao
这是一种全自动智能自适应算法。MAX Gold  系统计算历史数据,并根据即将突破支撑位和阻力位的概率百分比执行分析,并下达挂单。 EA 交易可适应任何市场条件。它使用质量为 99,9% 的真实刻度进行了回溯测试和优化。它已成功完成压力测试。 EA 包含统计信息收集算法,并在信息面板上输出。 建议选择ECN经纪商和点差最低的账户。 货币对/时间框架: EURUSD M30、 EURUSD H1、 USDJPY M30、 USDJPY  H1、   GBPUSD M30 、 GBPUSD  H1 、 XAUUSD M30 推荐货币对/时间框架: EURUSD   H1 、USDJPY   H1   or  EURUSD   M30 、 USDJPY  M30  or  XAUUSD M30 需要 VPS。 要求和建议 5 位引号。 最大点差:0 - 20 点。 最低存款额:100 美元。 最大止损水平:0 - 5 点。 建议使用 1:100 或更高的杠杆。 如果您在同一个账户上使用多个 Advisor,请确保所有 Advisor 都有不同的 Magic Num
Bonnitta EA
Ugochukwu Mobi
2.9 (20)
Bonnitta EA 基于挂单策略 (PPS) 和非常先进的秘密交易算法。 Bonnitta EA 的策略是秘密自定义指标、趋势线、支撑和阻力位(价格行动)和上述最重要的秘密交易算法的组合。 不要在没有超过 3 个月的任何真实货币测试的情况下购买 EA,我花了超过 100 周(超过 2 年)在真实货币上测试 BONNITTA EA 并在下面的链接中查看结果。 BONNITTA EA 由爱和力量组成。 仅适用于少数买家,这是盗版算法的价格和实施的原因。 Bonnitta EA 在 22 年的时间内使用质量为 99.9% 的真实报价成功通过了压力测试,滑点和佣金接近真实市场条件。 Expert Advisor包含统计采集和滑点控制的算法,具有完整的统计控制; 此信息用于保护您免受经纪人的欺骗。 Bonnitta EA 在下订单之前控制经纪人执行的质量,它还成功地通过了历史数据和不同数据馈送的蒙特卡罗模拟方面的严格标准。 结果 策略测试器的 Expert Advisor 结果:初始存款为 1000 美元的 Bonnitta EA 在 2020 年 1 月 1 日至 202
News Scalps
Tolulope Aanuoluwapo Bello
Introducing News scalp: The Premier News Scalping Expert Advisor And Arbitrage In the realm of forex trading, seizing fleeting opportunities amid market turbulence demands precision and speed. Enter News scalp, the pinnacle of news scalping Expert Advisors (EAs) designed to excel in the high-stakes arena of news-driven trading. With its innovative features tailored specifically for rapid-fire scalping strategies,   News scalp   promises to revolutionize how traders navigate volatile market co
Smooth Execution Bot
Josias Antimano Nazal
The EA Bot strategy was developed with a foundation in support and resistance, and a hedging scalping strategy in smooth way of entry. Additionally, it includes an auto-PNL, NEWS Filter settings feature designed to mitigate risk during periods of high volatility and high-impact news. The EA Bot also incorporates a money management tool to ensure minimal trade entry during market vulnerability. thank you  Note :  Recommended Timeframe 5mins, Good For Eurusd and USDCAD Currency pairs, recommende
Nikolaos Bekos
The Avato is one of our standalone tools. (A Signal based on it will also be provided on Mt4 Market in the future). It is designed around a combined form of hedging and martingale techniques and uses sophisticated algorithms and filters to place the trades. It uses Stop loss and Take profit levels while Lot size is calculated automatically following the according multiplier settings. We consider it a toolbox for every seasoned trader. Made with Gold market in mind, it can be tested in other inst
Price Action EA V3
Mehmet Haluk Tunc
Price Action EA for scalping. Open trades by bar height when bar height meet complex math calculations. Timerame is fundamentally M1 and works all forex symbols. Percentage trailing system. Time limitation. Autolot by percentage of balance. Settings by ea automatically. Close safety by time in minutes and close your order after x minute even if it is not in profit or loss by you. Set stoploss and takeprofit values automatically market price. Every major settings can be set automatically by robo
CSM System
Michal Milko
The CSM System is currently fully automated with all the special features and functions, controlled and regularly monitored. Its evolution, parameters and the individual algorithms are professionally evaluated and optimized by experienced development group of programmers who are developing new updated versions of system. Unlike the other systems, we focused to create the system where the backtesting successful results matching the real life situation. Our core lies in identification of these bi
Kryptosystém automaticky   Automatický kryptosystém je v súčasnosti plne automatizovaný so všetkými špeciálnymi vlastnosťami a funkciami, je kontrolovaný a pravidelne monitorovaný. Jeho vývoj, parametre a jednotlivé algoritmy sú odborne vyhodnotené a optimalizované skúsenou vývojovou skupinou programátorov, ktorí vyvíjajú nové aktualizované verzie systému. Na rozdiel od ostatných systémov sme sa zamerali na vytvorenie systému, v ktorom je spätné testovanie úspešných výsledkov zodpovedajúce situ
Tera Page EA 123X3是一個專家顧問,幾乎沒有交易和高命中率。僅交易德國股票指數Dax30。時間到4小時非常重要。停止服務器時間交易!!!!! 平台:Meta Trader 4或Meta Trader 5 儀器:Dax30 交易時間:服務器時間 等級:1:30 時間範圍:H4 Tera Page EA 123X3是一個專家顧問,幾乎沒有交易和高命中率。僅交易德國股票指數Dax30。時間到4小時非常重要。停止服務器時間交易!!!!! 平台:Meta Trader 4或Meta Trader 5 儀器:Dax30 交易時間:服務器時間 等級:1:30 時間範圍:H4 Tera Page EA 123X3是一個專家顧問,幾乎沒有交易和高命中率。僅交易德國股票指數Dax30。時間到4小時非常重要。停止服務器時間交易!!!!! 平台:Meta Trader 4或Meta Trader 5 儀器:Dax30 交易時間:服務器時間 等級:1:30 時間範圍:H4
Pisces EA
Nuttawut Khiawkiri
"Pisces Expert Advisor" Powered by FxGangster This EA Better work with GBPJPY and USD Pairs. this Expert Advisor has a Scalping, hedging and trend following  strategy when trade with wrong way, it will use hedging to fix it, and I have included too much indicator inside this EA, you can use all setting inside to set this EA, by the way you can look how many indicator and how to setting in my screenshots pictures. Live myfxbook : Pisces EA  ------------------- We provide Forex Analyst signals
Night Vision EA
Mehmet Haluk Tunc
22.12.2020 New version is released. Bug fixed and exit by MA removed.Improved fully automated Expert Advisor without martingale. Follow the trend. Checking important trade levels. It is complex calculated to catch right trend strategy. Special candles, custom indicator and maths are used for entries. Live Results shown at here  https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/669290   Default settings recomended for EURUSD m1/m5  gmt +3(or +2 winter time) .  Click here for the symbol sets you can make testing .
Global EA DJ
Global Scale Europe Consulting, S.L.
Robot experto diseñado para valorar las tendencias del mercado especialmente  y apropiado para operar sobre el índice Dow Jones. Realiza operaciones de forma automática siguiendo la tendencia del mercado en las últimas horas. Adecuado para todo tipo de usuarios interesados en un robot sencillo de gestionar, muy intuitivo y apto para personas no expertas.
Qiuqing Zeng
3 (2)
RocketRise EA  Key Advantages Congratulations on China's new type of coronary pneumonia being controlled, 50% off from March 1st to March 15th, 2020. The EA is  the symbiosis of trading algorithms. Designed for trading major currency pairs,It implements a simple and universal trading strategy which can be applied to any instrument. 1.Fully automated trading 24/5. 2.Can handle deposits of any size. 3.Always use stop loss risk. 4.Use tracking to stop chasing profits. 5.Ability to set the time of
海滩旅行EA 这款EA是为认真的交易者设计的,他们变得过于严肃,需要放松,并且仍然有一些不错的交易,设置如此简单,可以在任何图表上运行 机器人将在1分钟,5分钟和15分钟图表上连续扫描。请参阅《策略测试人员指南》以了解您的历史记录数据是否足够有效。 EA并没有针对任何一种货币进行优化,因此资金管理不会持续很长时间,也不会在某些货币对上形成不切实际的抛物线。 赢利,每月以新的更新资本设置重新启动EA。 阅读下图中的重要说明。 看看我的其他产品海滩波分流指示器,这对交易者来说也很棒。 如何自定义EA 在输入选项卡下,您将看到一些可自定义的选项,可以对其进行调整以在每个符号/对之间进行优化。 Beach Trip EA使用最少的设置进行自定义。 如果您认为技术分析有效(就像我一样!!),那么您就不必使选择过于复杂吗? EA与海滩波动指标一样,也意识到市场的差异。 强烈建议使用VPS来连续扫描市场 您可以更改以下内容: 1.指标的RSI周期。 (整数/无小数) 2.固定手数:设
除去暴力爆仓的观点,本ea以稳定盈利为中心 适用品种,audusd,usdchf,nzdusd,usdjpy等等走势相对平稳的货币 本ea提供图表参数,和快捷平仓按钮,桌面文字都是汉语和拼音拼写而成,更方便中国人观看,只需要简单拼读便可以理解变量意思,账户应该保持3000以上的资金,如果小于3000,请将xiadanlaing修改至0.01, 和jiacangjiange修改至900,如果不够可以用美分账户。如果资金量很大可以提高xiadanliang,但请不要高于0.2,jiacangjiange不要低于500. “如果ea盈利高于50%应当将盈利部分取出”保存利润才是交易的根本 解释“zuidazhisunjinekaiguan”最大止损金额开关.如果需要开启,请在输入栏输入“kai”当浮亏金额大于“zuidakuisunjine”就会清仓止损 xiadanliang----------------------------------------下单量 jiacangbeishu-------------------------------------加仓倍数 zhiyingd
Vladislav Filippov
1 (1)
For the expert to work correctly, do not forget to upload the files to the directory of the agreement (... AppData \ Roaming \ MetaQuotes \ Terminal \ Common \ Files) Alfascal is a new model of a fully automated trading neuro-system, working on short timeframes. This system, which is based on a specialized neural network, is able to provide continuous training, transform the chaotic realities of the market into a specific system that can improve the quality of open transactions and absorb mos
随着AI行业的发展,有很多观点认为人类将被算法取代, 有些人担心工作会被机器人取代。 而有些人则认为机器人能比人做得更好(如果不是完美的话)。 “只有少数人意识到这是人类的创造力和洞察力与AI的失误和不知疲倦的结合 那将是真正的卓越。”-SomeGuy引用。 人们正在寻找合适的EA来长期进行投资, 根据先前的数据,从统计上讲,它有效。但是我们仍然会有疑问。 回测基于先前的数据,因此对于任何程序员而言,更容易将其EA绑定到特定环境下进行工作(对) 例如,他们知道的情况(在2017年上升,在2018年下降) 因此,有理由认为人们不会对自己的EA承担大风险,而只会对它承担小风险。 即使是最佳EA也只是下注。 首先,信任EA的人们应该已经看到了技术分析有效的证据, 然后,他们将尝试使用机器人寻找更简便的方法和更精确的方法。 尽管有挑衅性的标签“坚硬的石头贸易比你更好”。与其他EA不同。 所有EA均应符合可在任何时间任何对中使用的标准,并且它们必须在大多数时间工作。 表示它使用了统计上可以超时工作的通用
Bfxenterprise CCI
Ricky Romadona Tri Saputra
Bfxenterprise CCI When you use this Expert Advisor (EA), transactions will be based on the CCI indicator. Every calculation of trend or price reversal uses CCI. The prowess of this indicator is the reason for optimization in the program. Version of Bfxenterprise The version with the name “Bfxenterprise” focuses on special and thorough sorting of transactions. So this version does not always make transactions, unlike the Expert Advisor version in general. This version relies on accuracy at the t
Bfxenterprise RSI
Ricky Romadona Tri Saputra
Bfxenterprise RSI Inspired and optimized RSI indicator is the focus of this Expert Advisor (EA). Designed with the use of RSI to perform optimal transactions. Reading trends and price reversals is done by the RSI whose functions have been sorted. Version of Bfxenterprise The version with the name “Bfxenterprise” focuses on special and thorough sorting of transactions. So this version does not always make transactions, unlike the Expert Advisor version in general. This version relies on accuracy
Soul Gou
Yuzhu Liu
Language of messages displayed (EN, RU, DE, FR, ES) - language of the output messages (English, Russian, German, French, Spanish). Price for open - open price. If set to 0, the orders will be placed on the following distance from the current price: current price + "The distance in the first order". Lot - lot size for pending orders. Use Order type - type of pending orders. The distance in the first order - distance for the first order in points. Count of orders - number of orders to be opened.
大银行可能输的不只是您的平均EA 已被证明是真实账户中有利可图的助手,基本上是您交易中的PRO交易者 以下是使该EA在产品其余部分中脱颖而出的原因: 1.准确的资金管理:您可以手动计算位数,在一对中花费10分钟,只是要意识到机会已经过去,甚至不值得交易 2.这不仅仅是一个剥头皮交易,您的保证金限制为每笔交易20点甚至10点,亏损额很大。 3.您将获得专业人士所知的独家订户知识:互联网上从未有过的独家秘密! 4.由一组具有成员数量的技术分析师组成局限性:采用复杂的策略,技术分析师往往比程序员具有更多的市场经验。 5.您作为交易员的终身职业的途径:使用它几个月后,您很快就会对市场有了更多的了解,并可能基于EA制定交易策略。 6.可以同时应用于任何市场:其他EA限制您将其应用于所有货币对的可能性是多少?我从来没有遇到过建议同时适用于这么多双货币对的其他EA,(我使用22对货币对,但坦率地说,上个月的结果表明,我可以在全部28对货币对中多赚30个货币) 7.有限的机会几乎可以立即成为专业交易员。 8.即使在手工交易中也可用于协助您
KAYDOZ AI EA This Expert Advisor is an advanced AI system , it doesn't use martingales or hedging . Runs perfect on pairs ( XAUUSD , US30, GBPUSD ) . Kaydoz EA achieves more than 100% net profits monthly . Any Trusted broker is good for KAYDOZ AI EA . " KAYDOZ AI EA " LIVE PERFORMANCE MONITORING LINKS : -------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2255968 -------------------------------------------------------------- Pairs and Time Frame Pairs :
Easter Egg 1 EA
Quang Nguyen Dien
The Easter Egg (EE) is developed and fully completed in 3 years. Transaction pairs performed by this EA are experienced backtest process ( with 99% accurate data )successfully at least 5 years, GOLD pair is 10 years. The robot is also tested on real accounts for more than 1 year, the rest results have a winning rate of over 90% and correct with the backtest results. EA designing is not based on indicators to limit errors caused by the tools themselves. It also do not use tactics which can cause
Darker MT4
Evgeniy Zhdan
The EA uses a unique non-linear formula for calculating market entry points and a unique algorithm for fixing the result of work. The trading expert does not use the increase in the volume of transactions to block unprofitable positions. Mandatory take profit and stop loss levels are used. Support: https://www.mql5.com/en/channels/TrendHunter The adviser controls the spread increase by the broker and skips trading until the spread returns to its "normal" values. The best results are achie
NewHorizon MT4
Evgeniy Zhdan
The EA uses a complex non-linear formula for calculating market entry points and a unique algorithm for fixing the result of work. The trading expert does not use the increase in the volume of transactions to block unprofitable positions. Mandatory take profit and stop loss levels are used. The adviser controls the spread increase by the broker and skips trading until the spread returns to its "normal" values. The best results are achieved when working with trading instruments with defa
===== NEW YEAR 2023 PROMO PRICE TILL END MONTH IS 4.999$ or 10 Licenses ================== REGULAR PRICE 4.999$ PPtraderEA42 is an EA developed on the basis of years of PROFESSIONAL experience It is based on the original INDICATOR and is executed in compound interest lot, which will give you EXCELLENT results, as you can see when doing Backtesting. The minimum and recommended DEPOSIT is only $ 100 USD It is a RISK strategy, but if you are PATIENT, the profits will come EA supplied in
Mhd Amran Bin Lop
EagleEye is an automated trading system that uses a indicator and price action to open and close trades. Trades every day at a full time. Every trade has Stop Loss from very beginning, and they do not change. This is for those, who are looking for steady and stable growth over the long run. The EA works according to the "Trend Follow" strategy, which means following the trend. Doesn't use grid, martingale or other dangerous money management methods. Timeframe H1, currency pairs EURUSD, GBPU
Extreme Reversal EA EA is designed to trade CS ATR Fibo Channels Indicator :  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/60415 Extreme Reversal EA opens trades according to the following calculations: - ATR - TMA  - Cycles - Murrey Math Calculations - Moving Averages Extreme Reversal EA works on every timeframe and instrument. Full alert and push notification functions. INPUTS: GLOBAL VARIABLES: MAGIC NUMBER: CHANGE THE VALUE TO TRADE ON THE SAME INSTRUMENT / TIMEFRAME ORDER LOTS: MANUAL / USER DE
Magic Leo
Lui Shuk Ting
This is a   trading robot   to work on the   forex market . It uses a very special indicator trend and grid system that will bring you excellent results.   Backtest Now!    Special   OFFER   for this week     Discount price - $58. Next price $149.   BUY NOW!!! Backtest You can run the backtest from   2010.01.01   to   2021.03.01 , mainly in the   EURUSD   pair and preferably in H1 timeframe to do it faster. Use the default parameters, as shown in the below. Recommendations for effect
Chiedozie Titus Ugwu
RippleBullRunwizard 是专为 MT4 平台和 XRP/USD 对设计和优化的专业自动交易系统。 该系统在您的终端上独立运行,您可以在您的计算机或 VPS 上运行它,因为在机器人运行时必须打开计算机。 机器人一天 24 小时分析市场,因此它比人类更有效。 更新和优化是持续进行的,并将提供给买方。 机器人将得到进一步发展,这将有助于在未来实现更好的交易效果。 不要使用危险的策略。只有真正的止损和获利。 即使您的互联网连接或电力中断,您的订单也会受到保护止损。 机器人 RippleBullRunwizard 的工作原理。 机器人很少进行交易,但它们的质量很好,所以请耐心等待,让机器人启动并在几个月内检查结果。 机器人的工作,为了让机器人以最佳方式工作,在您的终端上的 XRPUSD(30M 时间帧)图表上运行它,最低存款为 100 美元。 购买后记得联系我获取设置文件 推荐杠杆为1:500 EA 交易设置 名称输入 交易期 40  风险百分比 1  滑点 6   时限 30M 注:每 100 美元 0.01 手
使用带有管理按钮的EA的优势 1. 时间效率 EA允许交易者通过单击快速执行多个操作(关闭所有头寸、关闭亏损头寸和关闭盈利头寸),从而节省宝贵的时间。 例子:与其在篮子策略中手动关闭每个20个头寸,交易者可以通过“关闭所有头寸”按钮同时关闭所有头寸。 2. 减少情绪化交易 自动化操作减少了决策中的情绪参与,帮助交易者坚持他们的策略和规则。 例子:当交易者看到几个头寸亏损时,坚持不放希望反转的诱惑可能很强烈。“关闭亏损头寸”按钮可以帮助执行预先决定的操作而不犹豫。 3. 提高策略专注度 通过自动化重复性任务,交易者可以更多地关注他们的交易策略和市场分析,而不是手动管理交易。 例子:交易者可以花更多时间分析市场趋势和完善他们的篮子策略,而不是手动管理每个头寸。 4. 交易管理的一致性 EA确保交易管理规则的一致执行,减少人为错误。 例子:交易者的规则可能是当达到一定的利润水平时关闭所有盈利头寸。“关闭盈利头寸”按钮确保这个规则被一致应用,而不会忘记或怀疑。 5. 快速响应市场变化 EA允许对市场变化立即做出反应,这在波动的市场中至关重要。 例子:如果突然发生不
版本 1.4 2024.09.30
豹式剥头皮EA v1.4
• 用户友好界面:EA具有买卖按钮,可直接从图表进行手动交易。额外按钮包括关闭盈利头寸、关闭所有头寸和关闭亏损头寸。实时交易统计显示每日、每周、每月和每年不同时间段内的交易数量和利润。此外,还显示当前市场波动性、交易时间以及点差信息(点数、点位和美元)。
• 动态风险管理:EA根据账户权益和用户定义的风险设置自动调整手数,确保随着账户余额的变化进行适当的规模调整,增强风险管理和盈利能力。
• 供需区与趋势信息:EA集成了自定义计算的供需区与趋势检测,以提高交易精准度。触发交易的信号以及额外的蜡烛计时器和点位值选项也显示在图表上。
• 主要策略 - 布林带:核心策略围绕布林带展开,辅以随机指标、RSI、ADX和供需区等附加确认指标。所有计算均为内部计算,无需外部指标。
• 高级交易管理:豹式剥头皮EA包含一个强大的止损和追踪止损机制,亦作为保本功能。当价格在有利的情况下回撤时,追踪止损通过动态跟随价格锁定利润。
• 新闻交易功能:EA附带一个独特的新闻交易功能。如果用户在EA属性部分启用该功能,在重大新闻事件发布前10秒,EA会同时开立买卖头寸,从而利用新闻引发的波动。追踪止损会随着价格动态调整,并且当蜡烛双向波动时,EA会继续开立新头寸。
• 手动与自动交易:无论您是使用买卖按钮手动交易,还是让EA自动交易,所有的风险和交易管理工具都会保持启用。这包括止损、追踪止损等设置,确保资金得到全面保护。然而,基于我们的经验,我们建议尽量减少手动干预,以获得最佳效果。
• 自动买卖控制:豹式剥头皮EA附带两个额外按钮,用于启用或禁用自动买卖交易,允许用户完全控制趋势跟随策略。这些按钮可以根据需要切换自动趋势交易订单。此功能提供了灵活性,如果您希望手动跟随趋势或限制自动交易,您可以轻松做到。一旦禁用,EA将不再根据趋势信号下买卖订单,但手动交易或关闭头寸等其他交易管理功能仍然有效。
• 交易条件:豹式剥头皮EA内置保护功能,避免在不利的市场条件下下单。如果点差过高或市场波动范围/波动性过低,EA将停止交易。这些条件会在图表上清晰显示,因此用户随时可以看到是否由于高点差或低波动性导致交易被暂停。此功能有助于避免在不利交易条件下的不必要损失。
• 对冲功能:如果用户在EA属性部分启用该功能,在发生止损的情况下,EA会自动开立反向对冲头寸,以更有效地弥补损失。
• 多周期交易统计:查看各种时间段内(每日、每周、每月、每年)的交易统计数据,以跟踪长期表现。
• 交易时间配置:用户可在EA的属性中设置多达5个不同的交易时间间隔,这些时间间隔将决定EA何时可以开立头寸,提供基于用户偏好的交易时间灵活性。
• 低起始资金:EA支持最低$100的启动资金。虽然我们曾在低至$15的情况下测试,但由于经纪商的最低手数为0.01,难以从该金额开始增长。我们建议至少使用$100或更多的资金以获得最佳表现。
• 实时提醒:每次EA下单时,报警功能会通知您,即使您不在电脑旁也能监控活动。

参数 :

1. Risk in % of Free Margin: 设置每笔交易风险的自由保证金百分比。
2. Slippage value, adjust as needed: 定义交易执行时可接受的滑点。
3. Max Buy Orders: 限制任意时刻最大打开的买单数量。
4. Max Sell Orders: 限制任意时刻最大打开的卖单数量。
5. Minimum number of candles between positions: 指定开立新仓位之间的最少蜡烛数量,以避免过度交易。
6. Stop Loss in points: 设置交易的止损点位。
7. Trailing TriggerPips: 触发追踪止损的点数距离。
8. Trailing Stop in pips: 设置当前价格与追踪止损的点数距离。
9. TrailingStop ReplaceBreakevenPips: 设置替换追踪止损的盈亏平衡点数距离。
10. Reversal Adjustment Pips: 趋势转变后进行反转调整的点数。
11. Action of TrailingStop at Reversal: 在发生反转时调整追踪止损。
12. Higher timeframe for trend filtering: 设置用于基于更高时间框架过滤交易的时间框架。
13. Period for the moving average to define the trend: 指定用于定义趋势的移动平均线周期。
14. Shift for the moving average: 移动平均线用于趋势计算的偏移。
15. RangeValue: 设置交易可接受的范围或波动值。
16. Maximum Spread acceptable in points: 定义允许交易执行的最大点差。
17. Deviation for Bollinger Bands: 波林格带使用的标准差。
18. Period for Bollinger Bands: 设置波林格带的计算周期。
19. EnableTotalProfit: 启用或禁用总利润目标。
20. Target profit of balance in % (should be risk × 2): 定义账户余额的目标利润百分比,建议为风险的两倍。
21. e.g. 20% drawdown: 推荐的回撤值输入示例。
22. Hedge: 启用或禁用对冲功能。
23. ADXPeriod: 设置ADX(平均趋向指数)指标的周期。
24. ADXThreshold: 定义用于确认趋势的ADX指标阈值。
25. VolumePeriod: 设置计算基于交易量条件的周期。
26. ChannelBar1: 第一个用于交易分析的通道周期。
27. ChannelBar2: 第二个用于交易分析的通道周期。
28. ChannelWidth: 定义通道的宽度。
29. Local Time Period1: 设置第一个交易时间段(本地时间05:00-07:00)。
30. Local Time Period2: 设置第二个交易时间段(08:00-12:00)。
31. Local Time Period3: 设置第三个交易时间段(14:00-14:30)。
32. Local Time Period4: 设置第四个交易时间段(16:00-18:00)。
33. Local Time Period5: 设置第五个交易时间段(20:00-21:00)。
34. UseNewsTime: 启用或禁用新闻时间过滤器。
35. NewsTime Set To 10secondsBeforeNews BrokersTime: 显示新闻事件的时间,在新闻发布前10秒决定交易。
36. Show Candle Timer: 启用或禁用图表上的蜡烛计时器显示。
37. Show Candle PointCounter: 启用或禁用蜡烛点数计数器显示。

• 经纪商要求:建议的最低起始资金为$100。EA在M5图表上运行,并针对黄金(XAUUSD)进行了优化。
• 风险提示:交易涉及风险,亏损是不可避免的。始终负责任地交易,并确保适当的风险管理技巧。
• 兼容性:适用于MetaTrader 4平台。确保您的经纪商支持必要的保证金和手数要求。