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BuyLimit and SellLimit MQ5 buttons

BuyLimit and SellLimit Buttons opens any combination of Buy Limit and Sell Limit pending orders and closes all existing pending orders.


Before placing all pending orders, the input window is opened allowing you to modify all input parameters:

  • DeleteAllPendings; if true, all pending orders (for the current currency) can be deleted.
  • BuyLimit; if true, Buy Stop orders can be opened.
  • SellLimit; if true, Sell Stop orders can be opened.
  • InitLot; initial lot size.
  • LotCoeff; next lot size is increased/decreased by the coefficient.
  • InitStep; number of points between the first two pending orders.
  • StepCoeff; next step is increased/decreased by the coefficient.
  • NumOfOrders; number of pending orders.


  • You have to allow automated trading on the Expert Advisors tab (Tools->Options).
如果产品有任何问题或者您需要在此产品上添加功能,请联系我 Contact/message me if you encounter any issue using the product or need extra feature to add on the base version. There is Demo version of this panel Dashboard Super Three MA MT5 Demo in my product list, please try it out to get familiar with all functionalities for free Free version: LINK MT4 version: LINK This system basically utilizes PA and three adjustable Moving Average as the main indicator set to generate trading signal. With the feature that all MA_timefram
Expert was built on the basis of Trap . EA can trade in automatic and semi-automatic mode. In automatic mode, it will place pending orders. However, in semi-automatic mode, it will wait for the first manually opened order. It will then go into automatic mode. Before starting work, the expert will download 28 currency pairs:         "AUDCAD","AUDCHF","AUDJPY","AUDNZD","AUDUSD","CADCHF","CADJPY",         "CHFJPY","EURAUD","EURCAD","EURCHF","EURGBP","EURJPY","EURNZD",         "EURUSD","GBPAUD","GBP
如果产品有任何问题或者您需要在此产品上添加功能,请联系我 Contact/message me if you encounter any issue using the product or need extra feature to add on the base version. There is Demo version of this panel Dashboard Super MA RSI CCI Demo in my product list, please try it out to get familiar with all functionalities for free, LINK . Dashboard Super MA RSI CCI is an intuitive and handy graphic tool to help you to: Have 28 pairs under control with one dashboard Monitor price movement, identify possible trend based on MA, RS
Make grid trading safe again | Built by a grid trader >> for grid traders.     Walkthrough Video  <==   Get Grid Rescue up and running in 5 minutes   This is MT5 version, click  here  for  BlueSwift GridRescue MT4     (settings and logics are same in both versions)   BlueSwift Grid Rescue   MT5    is a risk management   utility  MT5 EA  (used together with other grid trading experts) that can help you trade aggressive grid / averaging / martingale systems with manageable drawdown, therefore
One Click Trader  is a tool designed for MetaTrader 4 platform, which enables you to take your trading to the next level. It enables you to open, manage and close your trades in simple an efficient way by just one click of your mouse button. "-"   ,  "+"  change OCT window size  Up arrow minimizes the OCT panel Down arrow maximizes the OCT panel Right arrow displays the next panel with additional features Left arrow hides the panel with additional features Red  SELL  button enables you to open s
Stop And Close
Tetyana Shcherba
2.75 (4)
The utility (Expert Advisor) is designed for monitoring and controlling the total drawdown, as well as closing all positions after reaching the specified levels or upon the occurrence of a specified time with the ability to disable the operation of the automatic EAs running in the same terminal. It is capable of tracking the status of the entire account, as well as individual pairs. It works with the positions opened manually or by other automatic EAs. It tracks the open trades in real time mode
A simple script that closes all current orders. Terminate once close all positions, so no worries about constantly closing your order. How to use : Drag the script from the navigator to the chart, and it will be activated. Do remember to enable algo trading to use this script. There are different version of the script that can choose whether to close all buy/sell posiitons, if you need this, do contact me in MQL5.
Viktor Shpakovskiy
用於管理未平倉頭寸和掛單的實用程序。 內置追踪止損有五種模式和七種工具。 有虛擬止損和虛擬止盈,可以在圖表上自由移動。 借助內置的交易模擬器,您可以檢查 EA 在策略測試器中的工作方式。 UTralVirtualMT5 的詳細指南可以在“評論”部分找到。 在 MT5 策略測試器中,手動移動虛擬線(SL 和 TP)不起作用! 好處 5種追踪止損模式:虛擬、正常、總計、百分比和移動止損; 7 個選項:按點、按柱極值、按分形、按交易量、按 MA、按拋物線 SAR 和按 ATR; 虛擬 TP 和 SL - 根據圖表手動自由移動; 為所有未平倉頭寸添加止損和止盈; 通過以下方式設置止損:點、分形、ATR 指標、每日高/低; 圖表上打開的所有訂單的追踪止損; 迷你利潤開始追踪止損。; 通過幻數和方向為未平倉頭寸設置追踪止損; 掛單的尾隨:按類型、方向、點、分形、柱極值; 圖表上的“熱鍵”用於快速執行命令; 適用於具有 4 位和 5 位報價的帳戶; 5位數賬戶,參數自動加10; 用於處理加密貨幣、指數、期貨、差價合約的特殊參數乘數。. 參數 Block 1. GENERAL SETTINGS All
Hello, Every one  This is "Close All Button" future 2 A script to manage order and close all market positions and/or pending orders. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is Close All  Market positions and/or pending orders button You can close all or manage orders in 1 second by one click  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Download for Demo Account: Demo version:  Close 1s manage v1.7 DEMO F
Mango Scalper
Mahmoud M A Alkhatib
Mango Scalper  is a fully automated scalping robot that uses a very Good and Smart breakout strategy, advanced money management and probabilistic analysis. Most effective in the price consolidation stages that occupy the bulk of the market time. Proven itself on real accounts with an excellent risk-to-reward ratio. Does not need forced optimization, which is the main factor of its reliability and guarantee of stable profit in the future. S uitable for both beginners and experienced traders.  
Grid MT5 Recovery
Volodymyr Hrybachov
具有用於“解決”一籃子訂單的自適應系統的網格顧問也可用於恢復賬戶上無利可圖的頭寸。 在線性回歸通道內工作,在多種條件下輸入。該信號使用線性回歸通道的方向、指數移動平均線、平均每日波動率,然後在價格偏離時構建訂單網格。 網格步長是可配置的,如果價格與我們相反,那麼在一定數量的訂單後,賬戶恢復功能(減少回撤)被激活,最遠的無利可圖的訂單通過與有利潤的相反訂單平倉來減少。 因此,EA 幾乎克服了任何無後坐力運動和回撤。該圖表顯示有關利潤的信息並繪製回歸通道本身。 Expert Advisor 還可以伴隨以手動模式開立的交易或由另一個 Expert Advisor 開立的交易 - 它可以解決這些問題並使賬戶受益。 建議存款金額從 $500 起。 時間表 M15 在自動模式下,您必須有 VPS。 MT4 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/69116 選項: START_LOT - FROM_BALANCE 的初始手數 - N 個餘額單位 LOT_MULTIPLIER - 訂單網格中的手數乘數; MAX_LOT - 最大手數; PER
Script for deleting pending orders If you need to delete all pending orders you placed, this script will do it for you! Allow AutoTrading before running the script. Usage: Run the script on a chart. Input parameters: Language of messages displayed (EN, RU, DE, FR, ES) - language of messages displayed (English, Russian, German, French, Spanish). Use Magic: (0 - ignore Magic, else - only this Magic) - if set to zero, the magic number is not considered. Otherwise the script deletes only orders wit
This utility sends notification to trader’s MT5 (for MT4 version, checkout this link ) mobile app, to remind traders about their open positions. Super useful for part time traders to keep track and not forget any positions. To turn on notification, please visit   this link   (https://www.metatrader4.com/en/trading-platform/help/setup/settings_notifications) Features Keep track on open orders (pending orders, running orders) Customize time to send notification Customize notification interval (se
Auto Trade Close
Makarii Gubaydullin
Automatic Trade Closure: at time, or Profit / Loss trigger With this utility, you can automate the trade closure under a given condition. My  #1 Utility : 65+ features, including this tool  |   Contact me  if you have any questions  |   MT4 version To activate the Auto-Close, you need to set the following parameters (on the panel): 1. Symbol   for which the function will be applied: for a specific   [Symbol]   / or for   [ALL]   symbols. 2. Condition, when to close: [if total] / [if single] / [
PZ Grid MT5
Evgenii Aksenov
4.63 (8)
You can use Stop Loss and Take Profit or activate the GRID function to open a series of orders in the direction of the Expert Advisor signal. We use advanced technologies DrawDown Reduce (reduce the deposit load) and Dynamic Zones (dynamic Buy and Sell zones) as well as News Filter and Time Filter to control price spikes during important news. Discounted Price: $199. Next price: $499 The Expert Advisor uses the signals of the ProfitZone PRO indicator  The strategy has proven itself in real test
Javier Antonio Gomez Miranda
EA Revolution - Smart Buy and Hold This EA is built for those who believe in the Buy and Hold strategy but want to take it to the next level. Instead of holding positions open for days or weeks, this system buys and sells daily, avoiding the risks of market gaps , eliminating swap costs, and improving risk management. The goal is simple: stick to the traditional investment philosophy but with a more dynamic and efficient strategy that adapts to the market day by day. It’s perfect for traders loo
Close All in 1s
Seng Yang
4.67 (21)
Hello, Every one  A script to close all market positions and/or pending orders. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is Close All      market positions and/or pending orders button  You can close all orders in 1 second by one click  For advanced version:  Advanced:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/77763           https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/89311 Key:  1 Close all button: The script will close All orders market + pending
Introducing Neural Bitcoin Impulse - an innovative trading bot created using neural network training technology on voluminous market data sets. The built-in mathematical model of artificial intelligence searches for the potential impulse of each next market bar and uses the resulting patterns of divergence and convergence between the predictive indicators and the price to form high-precision reversal points for opening trading positions. The trading robot is based on the Neural Bar Impulse ind
这个QuickCloseMT5帮助您一键即可立即关闭所有订单,其工作非常快。您可以选择您想要的符号或关闭所有符号,因此它将有助于您在交易中更快地管理交易。该EA可以通过选定的符号或总数快速关闭所有买入和卖出订单和删除全部挂单。此SymbolButton专为关闭订单而设计。有手动和自动关闭功能。自动关闭功能将根据参数关闭订单。 SymbolButton有两种类型的自动关闭参数:利润:当前货币利润或全部货币利润等于或高于预设值时,订单将被关闭. 输入参数 ALLPROFIT:30.00 全部货币利润等于或高于预设利润率时,订单将被关闭。 PROFIT:25.00 一个货币对利润等于或高于预设利润率时,订单将被关闭。 关于作者 作者:dayingcao,我是一个具有丰富经验的软件工程师.
Viktor Shpakovskiy
用於手動交易的 EA,能夠在一批中添加新訂單並取平均值。 您可以通過更改手數、訂單之間的步長以及限制未平倉頭寸數量和總手數來管理風險。 有移動止損、虛擬止損和虛擬止盈,可以在圖表上自由移動。 借助內置的交易模擬器,您可以檢查 EA 在策略測試器中的工作方式。 在 MT5 策略測試器中,根據時間表手動移動虛擬 SL 和 TP 線不起作用! 好處 初始手數由交易員或其他顧問開立; EA 將新訂單添加到平均 1 手的未平倉頭寸; 增加的手數是固定的,不取決於未平倉頭寸的大小; 風險管理(按手數、訂單數量和訂單之間的步驟); 以存款貨幣獲利; 虛擬止損和虛擬止盈; 按點追踪止損; 開始追踪止損的小利潤; 圖表上的“熱鍵”用於快速打開和關閉訂單; 適用於報價為小數點後 4 位和 5 位的賬戶; 5位數賬戶,參數自動加10; 用於處理加密貨幣、指數、期貨、差價合約的特殊參數乘數。 參數 Block 1. GENERAL SETTINGS Magic number (-1 for all) Fixed profit Profit in the deposit currency Virtual Tak
Viktor Shpakovskiy
A utility for managing open positions using virtual (invisible to the broker) stops. Virtual stop loss and virtual take profit can be freely moved around the chart. If the price touches the virtual stop line (TP, SL, TS), the EA will close all orders of the same direction on the current chart. Closing orders by virtual take profit is possible only if there is a profit. With the help of the built-in trading simulator, you can, in the strategy tester, see how the adviser works. Parameters Block
Scalping bot for the gold/dollar pair (XAU/USD) — a powerful and versatile solution for traders, designed to deliver maximum efficiency in a dynamic market. This bot is specifically engineered for scalping: it analyzes price changes and places trades even before significant market movements begin. This allows it to secure advantageous positions early and capitalize on even the smallest market fluctuations. Key Features: Flexibility: Adapts to any market conditions and suits your trading strategy
Close Simple MT5
This is an EA that supports simple order closing on MT5. EA Close MT5 (Homemade ) - EA closes orders when profit >= x$ - EA closes orders when loss >= -x$ - EA closes orders when Equity >= x$ - EA closes orders when Equity <= x$ - EA closes orders for all currency pairs or pairs using EA If you have any questions, please contact me: https://t.me/EAForexFree_Channel
[Translated with ChatGPT] 设置 Pos:您希望开仓的数量。 Risk:您希望承担的金额(例如美元)。 Lot:手数或交易量。 RR:风险与回报比例(例如3表示3:1)。 Sym:您希望交易的交易品种。 EA简介 如果您是一位追求快速高效开仓和平仓的剃头交易者,您需要一个强大的工具来帮助您实现目标。这就是为什么我们创建了Deriv Scalp Manager EA,这是一个智能且易于使用的专家顾问,可以自动化您的交易过程,为您节省时间和金钱。 通过Deriv Scalp Manager,您无需担心计算止损或获利水平,也不需要手动关闭交易。您只需输入您愿意承担的风险金额和期望的风险与回报比例,让EA来处理剩下的事情。EA将使您能够一键关闭所有交易、仅关闭盈利交易或仅关闭亏损交易。 目前,Deriv Scalp Manager EA仅与Booms和Crashs兼容,适用于任何时间框架。 立即获取此EA,提升您的绩效和利润。
The utility is designed to save funds on your trading account. There is support for three levels of minimum equity and free margin. For each level, you can set partial (by a certain percentage) or complete closing of all market orders. The partial close percentage is applied for each order separately based on its current size (i.e. the size at the time the equity or free margin reaches the appropriate level). Upon reaching the last third level, the utility can close all charts, which will make i
This utility provides the ability to use hot keys in manual trading instantly responding to the current market situation. You can assign hot keys to open/close positions by their type, open/close all positions on the current chart and remove all orders on the current chart. You can also assign hot keys for five predefined trade volumes and switch between them if necessary with no need to change the volume manually from time to time. It is also possible to set the auto calculation of a trade volu
Forex Scalping Hedge
Daophet Seng Athit
EA scalp Hedge is trading on trend reverse if open on loss site it will hedge opposite to recover loss until win and close all positions to rebalance. There are 2 mode to hedge single and double both of this is the same just working on different market direction, Last hope you all MM your capital carefully. Robot features: Lot = Starting Lot sizes when start robot. Lot_Martingale = Lot multiply when hedging on loss site. HEDGE_TYPE = type to hedging single or double. Hedge_Distance = Distance t
This panel brings convenient functionality - Virtual Stop Loss and Take Profit levels . Peculiarities This panel allows to hide the Stop Loss and Take Profi t levels of your trades.  The panel stores these levels in memory .  When the market price reached one of the levels, a trade is closed and terminal generates a message indicating that a virtual level was triggered. there are 4 options for setting Stop Loss: Fixed Stop Loss - fixed Stop Loss Trailing Stop Loss - classic Trailing Stop Loss.
Close All and Change Take Profit and Stop Loss All Orders. Main Features     Ability to Close All Orders the Symbol you put this EA.     Ability to Change Take Profit to All Order.     Ability to Change Stop Loss to All Order.     Show Order count.     Show Average price with info and Horizontal Line.     Show lot open.     Show Price diff from average to price now     Show broken price with info and Horizontal Line.     Easy to use . How to use Close All (Symbol) PC : you can click on CloseAl
Konstantin Chernov
4 (2)
A script for closing positions If you need to quickly close several positions, this script will make all the routine for you! The script does not have any input parameters. Allow AutoTrading before running the script. Usage: Run the script on a chart. If you need to specify the maximal deviation and the number of attempts to close positions, use the script with input parameters https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/625 You can download MetaTrader 4 version here: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/
Trade Assistant MT5
Evgeniy Kravchenko
4.41 (174)
它有助于计算每笔交易的风险,容易安装新的订单,具有部分关闭功能的订单管理, 7 种类型的追踪止损和其他有用的功能。   附加材料和说明 安装说明   -   应用程序说明   -   模拟账户应用程序的试用版 线条功能  - 在图表上显示开仓线、止损线、止盈线。 有了这个功能,就可以很容易地设置一个新的订单,并在开仓前看到它的附加特性。   风险管理  - 风险计算功能在考虑到设定的风险和止损单的大小的情况下,计算新订单的成交量。它允许你设置任何大小的止损,同时观察设定的风险。 批量计算按钮 - 启用 / 禁用风险计算。 在 " 风险 " 一栏中设置必要的风险值,从 0 到 100 的百分比或存款的货币。 在 " 设置 " 选项卡上选择风险计算的变量: $ 货币, % 余额, % 资产, % 自由保证金, % 自定义, %AB 前一天, %AB 前一周, %AB 前一个月。   R/TP 和 R/SL - 设置止盈和止损的关系。 这允许你设置相对于损失的利润大小。 例如, 1 : 1 - 这决定了 TP = SL 的大小。 2 : 1 - 这意味着 TP 是 SL 的两倍。 RR -
欢迎来到 Trade Manager EA——这是一个终极风险管理工具,旨在使交易变得更直观、精准和高效。它不仅仅是一个下单工具,而是一个用于无缝交易计划、仓位管理和风险控制的全面解决方案。不论您是新手交易员、资深交易员,还是需要快速执行的剥头皮交易员,Trade Manager EA 都可以满足您的需求,适用于外汇、指数、大宗商品、加密货币等各种市场。 借助 Trade Manager EA,复杂的计算已成过去。只需分析市场,在图表上用水平线标记入场、止损和止盈,设置您的风险水平,Trade Manager 就会立即计算出理想的头寸规模,并实时显示以点、账户货币计价的止损和止盈。每笔交易都得以轻松管理。 主要功能: 头寸规模计算器 :根据定义的风险瞬间确定交易规模。 简单的交易计划 :在图表上用可拖动的水平线直接计划交易,设置入场、止损和止盈。 实时显示 SL 和 TP :以账户货币、点或分显示止损和止盈,便于分析。 高级保护工具 盈亏平衡选项 : 基本盈亏平衡 :当您的交易达到设定水平时自动保护利润。 多级盈亏平衡 :设置多达 4 个级别以逐步保护利润。 尾随止损选项 : 基本尾随
TradePanel MT5
Alfiya Fazylova
4.85 (124)
交易面板是一个多功能的交易助手。该应用程序包含超过 50 个用于手动交易的交易功能,并允许您自动化大多数交易操作。 注意,该应用程序在策略测试器中不起作用。购买之前,您可以在模拟帐户上测试演示版本。演示版 这里 。 完整说明 这里 。 贸易. 让您只需单击一下即可执行交易操作: 开立挂单和仓位并自动计算风险。 只需单击鼠标即可打开多个订单和仓位。 打开订单网格。 按组关闭挂单和仓位。 仓位反转(平掉买入 > 开仓卖出,平掉卖出 > 开仓买入)。 锁仓(通过以缺失手数开仓,使买入和卖出手数相同)。 单击即可部分关闭所有仓位。 以相同的价格水平设置所有仓位的获利和止损。 将所有仓位的止损设置为仓位的盈亏平衡水平。 当开设挂单和仓位时,可以应用以下函数: 在多个订单或仓位之间分配计算出的交易量(当单击打开多个订单和仓位时)。 在开单过程中,图表上交易水平的可视化。 仅当当前价差不超过指定价差时才开仓。 获利与止损之间的自动比率。 虚拟止损和止盈。 根据当前价差的大小自动增加止损和获利。 根据 ATR 指标读数计算获利和止损。 设置挂单的到期日期。 设置挂单的追踪(面板自动根据当前价格移动挂单
Grid Manual MT5
Alfiya Fazylova
4.88 (17)
Grid Manual是一个交易面板,用于处理订单网格。 该实用程序是通用的,具有灵活的设置和直观的界面。 它不仅可以在亏损方向上设置订单网格,还可以在盈利方向上设置订单网格。 交易者不需要创建和维护订单网格,实用程序会这样做。 打开一个订单就足够了,Grid manual会自动为它创建一个订单网格,并伴随它直到非常关闭。 完整说明和演示版 此處 。 该实用程序的主要特性和功能: 伴隨以任何方式打開的訂單,包括從移動終端打開的訂單。 適用於兩種類型的網格:“限制”和“停止”。 使用兩種方法計算網格間距:固定和動態(基於 ATR 指標)。 允許您更改未結訂單網格的設置。 顯示圖表上每個網格的盈虧平衡水平。 顯示每個網格的利潤率。 允許您一鍵關閉網格中的盈利訂單。 讓您一鍵關閉每個訂單網格。 允許您對訂單網格應用追踪止損功能。 允許您在訂單網格上應用將訂單網格的止損轉移到盈虧平衡水平的功能。 相對於訂單網格的盈虧平衡水平自動重新排列止盈(僅在限價網格模式下,距離取決於所選的計算類型:“保守”或“激進”)。 最多可管理 20 個訂單網格,每個網格最多可包含 100 個訂單。 計算初始手數時,
The product will copy all telegram signal to MT5 ( which you are member) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up, copy order instant, can work with almost signal formats, image signal,  s upport to translate other language to English Work with all type of channel or group, even channel have "Restrict Saving Content", work with  multi channel, multi MT5 Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. Support to backtest signal. How to s
Telegram To MT5 Receiver
Levi Dane Benjamin
4.82 (11)
将信号从您所属的任何渠道(包括私人和受限渠道)直接复制到您的 MT5。 该工具在设计时充分考虑了用户的需求,同时提供了管理和监控交易所需的许多功能。 该产品采用易于使用且具有视觉吸引力的图形界面。 自定义您的设置并在几分钟内开始使用该产品! 用户指南 + 演示  |   MT4版本  |   不和谐版本 如果您想尝试演示,请参阅用户指南。 Telegram To MT5 接收器在策略测试器中不起作用! Telegram 至 MT5 功能 一次复制多个通道的信号 从私人和受限频道复制信号 不需要机器人令牌或聊天 ID(如果出于某种原因需要,您仍然可以使用这些) 使用风险百分比或固定手数进行交易 排除特定符号 选择复制所有信号或自定义要复制的信号 配置单词和短语以识别所有信号(默认值应适用于 99% 的信号提供商) 配置时间和日期设置以仅在需要时复制信号 设置一次打开的最大交易量 交易和头寸管理 使用信号或自动设置的管理 通过设置每月、每周、每天、每小时或每分钟的最大交易次数,停止过度交易和报复性交易。 支持市价订单和挂单 每日最大利润目标(以美元为单位)以确保头寸并停止过度交易 确
I present to your attention a powerful utility for predicting the future movement of an asset based on W.D. Ganna’s law of vibration. This utility analyzes the selected market model and provides codes for future possible market movement patterns. If you enter the selected code into the appropriate box, you will receive a forecast of the potential market movement. The utility has the ability to display several potential forecast models. The forecast is not yet tied to time and price and gives th
Custom Alerts:同时监控多重市场,绝不错过任何关键机会 概述 Custom Alerts 为需要在多个交易品种间集中跟踪潜在信号的交易者提供了动态解决方案。通过整合 FX Power、FX Volume 和 IX Power 等旗舰工具的数据, Custom Alerts 会在您无需频繁切换图表或担心错失良机的情况下,自动通知您各种关键市场变化。如果您想使交易更加智能和高效, Custom Alerts 将大幅提升您的市场监控能力。 1. 为什么 Custom Alerts 对交易者非常有价值 全方位市场监控 • Custom Alerts 汇聚多种交易品种的信号,包括八大主要货币、黄金,及您可选择的最多七种指数或商品。 • 无需在多个图表间来回切换——只需接收集中且清晰的通知即可。 量身定制的警报策略 • 精准配置警报参数,无论您追踪的是成交量飙升、货币强度阈值,还是特定的价格形态, Custom Alerts 都能确保您不错过关键信号。 • 与 Stein Investments 的其他工具无缝整合,进一步提高您的交易精度。 省时且便捷 • 无需时刻盯盘,
MT5 to Telegram Signal Provider 是一个易于使用且完全可自定义的工具,它允许向 Telegram 的聊天室、频道或群组发送 指定 的信号,将您的账户变为一个 信号提供商 。 与大多数竞争产品不同,它不使用 DLL 导入。 [ 演示 ] [ 手册 ] [ MT4 版本 ] [ Discord 版本 ] [ Telegram 频道 ] 设置 提供了逐步的 用户指南 。 不需要了解 Telegram API;开发者提供了您所需的一切。 关键特性 能够自定义发送给订阅者的订单详情 您可以创建分层的订阅模型,例如铜、银、金。其中金订阅获得所有信号等。 通过 id、符号或评论过滤订单 包括执行订单的图表截图 在发送的截图上绘制已关闭的订单,以便额外核实 延迟发送新订单消息的可能性,以便在发送前对位置进行调整 订单详情完全透明: 新的市场订单*带截图 订单修改(止损、获利) 已关闭的订单*带截图 部分关闭的订单** 新的挂单 修改的挂单(进场价格) 挂单激活(作为新的市场订单附加) 已删除的挂单 历史订单报告*** 可自定义的评论 注意: * 发送截图时,您图
Vladislav Andruschenko
3.9 (30)
MT5 交易复印机是 МetaТrader 5 平台的交易复印机 。 它复制外汇交易 之间   任何账户 MT5   -   MT5, MT4   -   MT5 对于 COPYLOT MT5 版本(或 MT4   - MT4 MT5   -   MT4 对于 COPYLOT MT4 版本) 值得信赖的复印机! MT4版本 详细描述   +DEMO +PDF 如何购买 如何安装     如何获取日志文件     如何测试和优化     Expforex 的所有产品 您还可以在 МТ4 终端 (   МТ4   -   МТ4, МТ5   -   МТ4   ) 中 复制交易: COPYLOT CLIENT for MT4 此版本包括在终端 МТ5   -   МТ5, МТ4   -   МТ5 之间 。 交易复制器用于在 2/3/10 终端之间复制交易/头寸。 支持从模拟账户和投资账户复制。 该程序可以在多个终端绑定上运行。 使用它作为您在一个账户上交易的各种投资者账户的交易的同步器, - COPYLOT 会将您的交易复制到其他终端。 从 多个 终端复制到一个; 从一个终端复
-25% discount ($149 -> $111) Everything for chart Technical Analysis indicator mt5 in one tool Draw your supply demand zone with rectangle and support resistance with trendline and get alerts to mobile phone or email alert -  Risk reward indicator mt5 Video tutorials, manuals, DEMO download   here .   Find contacts on my   profile . 1.   Extended rectangles and trendlines Object will be extended to the right edge of the chart when price will draw new candles on chart. This is rectangle extende
Mentfx Mmanage mt5
Anton Jere Calmes
4.25 (8)
The added video will showcase all functionality, effectiveness, and uses of the trade manager. Drag and Drop Trade Manager. Draw your entry and have the tool calculate the rest. Advanced targeting and close portions of a trade directly available in tool (manage trades while you sleep). Market order or limit order on either side with factored spread. Just draw the entry, the tool does the rest. Hotkey setup to make it simple. Draw where you want to enter, and the stop loss, the tool calculates al
2025 happy new year -25% discount ($199 -> $149) Advanced trading tool: One click smart orders that execute under your conditions Developed by trader for trading community:  position size calculator (lot size), open position after price action, strategy builder, set and forget trading, mobile notifications... Risk Management -  Risk percentage position size calculator, gain percentage, target risk reward ratio, spread and commissions are included in calculations 7 Advanced order types  - Set a
HINN Lazy Trader
5 (2)
B e sure to watch this video before using A community for users, product discussion, update news, and first line of support  Use Webmoney For payments in cryptocurrencies. How I use this algo tool   Lazy Trader is NOT SUITABLE FOR SCALPING EVERY MINUTE MOVEMENT, ESPECIALLY IN CRYPTO. WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING WHAT IS HAPPENING ON THE CHART, THERE IS NO POINT IN BLINDLY HOPING FOR PROFITS! Lazy Trader does NOT USE openAI chat-gpt-4 technologies, which are added to descriptions for product promotion
MT4 to Discord Signal Provider 是一款用户友好、完全可定制的工具,专为直接向 Discord 发送交易信号而设计。这个工具将您的交易账户转变为一个高效的信号提供者。 自定义消息格式以适应您的风格!为了方便使用,您可以从预先设计的模板中选择,并决定包括或排除哪些消息元素。 [ 演示 ] [ 手册 ] [ MT4 版本 ] [ Telegram 版本 ] 设置 遵循我们详细的 用户指南 进行简单设置。 不需要预先了解 Discord API;我们提供所有必要工具。 主要特性 为订阅者更新自定义订单详情。 实施分层订阅模型,如铜牌、银牌、金牌,每一层都提供不同级别的信号访问。 附加执行订单的图表截图。 在这些截图上显示已关闭的订单,以增加清晰度。 提供延迟发送新订单消息的选项,以便在发送前进行最后调整。 透明和详细的订单信息: 带截图的新市场订单。 订单修改(止损、获利)。 已关闭和部分关闭的订单。 新的和修改的挂起订单。 挂起订单的激活和删除。 关于历史订单的详细报告。 每个订单的可定制评论。 注意: * 截图包括图表上的任何对象,如指标。 ** 在报告中
交易面板一键交易。 处理仓位和订单! 通过 图表 或 键盘 进行交易 。 使用我们的交易面板,您只需单击一下即可直接从图表中执行交易,执行交易操作的速度比使用标准 MetaTrader 控件快 30 倍。 参数和函数的自动计算使交易者的交易更加快捷、方便。 图形提示、信息标签和有关贸易交易的完整信息均位于图表 MetaTrader 上。 MT4版本 详细描述   +DEMO +PDF 如何购买 如何安装     如何获取日志文件     如何测试和优化     Expforex 的所有产品 打开和关闭、反转和锁定、部分关闭/Autolot。虚拟/真实止损/止盈/追踪止损/盈亏平衡,订单网格... МetaТrader 5 中主要订单的交易控制面板 :买入、卖出、buystop、buylimit、sellstop、selllimit、平仓、删除、修改、追踪止损、止损、获利。 有 5 个选项卡 可用:头寸、挂单、账户信息、信号和总利润。 Description on English VirtualTradePad在“  MQL5语言最佳图形面板  ”竞赛中 获得二等奖 。 注意!如果
立即在一張圖表上查看按日和按週的已平倉交易歷史記錄、當前未平倉交易以及外匯風險敞口!使用熱圖來識別有利可圖的交易以及您交易組合中的當前虧損情況。 快速關閉按鈕 使用快速關閉按鈕可以關閉單一符號的每筆交易、全部關閉單筆交易,或點擊按鈕以取得部分利潤或損失。不再需要在清單中尋找交易並研究如何關閉部分交易。儀表板還會顯示您在交易外匯對時目前對每種貨幣符號的風險敞口,這可以幫助您識別重大新聞事件發生前可能過度暴露的領域。您可以使用按鈕在新聞發布前立即快速降低您的風險,或者如果新聞已經發生並為您帶來利潤,只需單擊即可快速獲得該利潤! 開放交易熱圖 交易熱圖是一種視覺化工具,專為使用頭寸交易或波段交易策略的交易者設計,使用美元成本平均法來擴大和縮小交易規模。您可以快速識別您的投資組合中可以存入的單一交易,以及您可以部分平倉的虧損交易。只需使用全部或部分關閉按鈕即可立即賺錢並降低風險。 快速識別控制回撤的機會 虧損控制切換「D 按鈕」將突出顯示您的投資組合中所有虧損高於每個交易符號平均價格的交易。這是透過在所有符號的單一交易周圍添加一個矩形來實現的,這樣您就可以看到首先要關注哪些交易。 這使
Discord To MT5 Receiver
Levi Dane Benjamin
5 (1)
将信号从任何您是会员的渠道(无需机器人令牌或管理员权限)直接复制到您的 MT5。 它的设计以用户为中心,同时提供您需要的许多功能 该产品采用易于使用且具有视觉吸引力的图形界面。 自定义您的设置并在几分钟内开始使用该产品! 用户指南 + 演示  | MT4版本 | 电报版本 如果您想尝试演示,请参阅用户指南。 Discord To MT5 在策略测试器中不起作用。 Discord MT5 功能 从您是会员的任何频道复制。 无需机器人令牌或聊天 ID 使用风险百分比或固定手数进行交易 排除特定符号 选择复制所有信号或自定义要复制的信号 配置单词和短语以识别所有信号(默认值应适用于 99% 的信号提供商) 配置时间和日期设置以仅在需要时复制信号 设置一次打开的最大交易量 交易和头寸管理 使用信号或自动设置的管理 通过设置每月、每周、每天、每小时或每分钟的最大交易次数,停止过度交易和报复性交易。 支持市价订单和挂单 每日最大利润目标(以美元为单位)以确保头寸并停止过度交易 确保仓位的每日最大利润目标(%) 最大开放交易以限制风险和敞口。 使用 RR、点数或价格自动获取部分内容 使用固定R
Trader Evolution
Siarhei Vashchylka
5 (5)
" Trader Evolution " - A utility designed for traders who use wave and technical analysis in their work. One tab of the utility is capable of money management and opening orders, and the other can help in making Elliott wave and technical analysis. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) | Version for MT4 Advantages 1. Trading in a few clicks. Immediate and pending orders are available in the panel 2. Money management. The program automatically selects the appropriate lot size 3. Simplifies
跟单->方便快捷的界面交互,用户上手即用       ->>>> 推荐在windows电脑,或者VPS Windows上使用 特色功能: 多样化个性跟单设置: 1.对不同的信号源可以设置不同的手数模式 2.不同的信号源分别设置正向反向跟单 3.信号分别设置注释 4.是否根据合约手数校准手数 多样化个性跟单设置2: 1.对不同的品种可以设置不同的手数模式 2.不同的品种分别设置正向反向跟单 3.信号分别设置注释 4.是否根据合约手数校准手数 注释过滤,MAGIC过滤,信号手数过滤,本地品种过滤 净持仓模式(该模式下手数计算仅支持倍率) 工作时间设置 反向同步接收端的平仓 订单绑定功能:任意订单可以绑定到设置信号源订单上( 双击表格更改) 账户风险控制 基本功能: 跟单正常交互速度0.5s以下 自动检测信号源,并显示信号源账号列表 自动匹配品种,不同平台常用交易品种(后缀不同等特殊情况)95%自动匹配,基本无需手动设置,品种映射表可随意双击更改对应品种.(映射表具有快速搜索品种功能) 4种手数计算模式(1.倍率 2.固定手数 3.自适应资金风险 4.源账户资金比例风险) 特殊手数模式:
Yury Kulikov
4.93 (41)
Attention: You can view the program operation in the free version  YuClusters DEMO .  YuClusters is a professional market analysis system. The trader has unique opportunities to analyze the flow of orders, trade volumes, price movements using various charts, profiles, indicators, and graphical objects. YuClusters operates on data based on Time&Sales or ticks information, depending on what is available in the quotes of a financial instrument. YuClusters allows you to build graphs by combining da
RSI Divergence Scanner is a multi-timeframe and multi-symbol dashboard and alert that checks all timeframes and symbols to find regular and hidden divergences between price chart and RSI indicator. This divergence scanner is integrated with support and resistance zones so you can check the RSI divergences in the most important areas of the chart to find trend reversals in price chart. Download demo version   (works on M4,M5,M6,M12,H3,H8 timeframes) Full description of scanner parameters ->   cli
Comprehensive on chart trade panel with the unique ability to be controllable from mobile as well. Plus has a library of downloadable configuration, e.g. exit rules, extra panel buttons, pending order setup and more. Please see our product video. Works with all symbols not just currency pairs. Features On chart panel plus controllable from free app for Windows, iPhone and Android Built-in script engine with library of downloadable configuration, e.g. add 'Close All Trades in Profit' button, exit
1 (1)
ShSH: an Automated Trading Tool Discover the future of trading with our ShSH an Automated Trading Tool , meticulously designed to harness the unique characteristics of the daily market's volatility . This cutting-edge system leverages the price breakout method , Analizing on market movements during the low-liquidity hours to deliver consistent and reliable results. Core Features: 1. Intraday Market Volatility Mastery: The robot is fine-tuned to detect subtle price patterns and movements unique
Risk Manager for MT5
Sergey Batudayev
4.53 (15)
MT5 的 Expert Advisor 风险管理器是一个非常重要的程序,我认为对每个交易者来说都是必要的程序。 使用此 EA 交易,您将能够控制您交易账户中的风险。风险和利润控制可以以货币形式和百分比形式进行。 要让智能交易系统工作,只需将其附加到货币对图表并以存款货币或当前余额的百分比设置可接受的风险值。 PROMO BUY 1 GET 2 FREE -   https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/754725 顾问功能 该风险经理将帮助您控制风险: - 交易 - 每天 - 一个星期 - 一个月 你也可以控制 1) 交易时允许的最大手数 2) 每天最大订单数 3) 每天最大利润 4) 设置 Equity 的获利了结 不仅如此,如果您在设置中指定自动设置,顾问还可以为您设置默认的止损和止盈。 顾问会在每个事件中附上警报,并向您解释删除订单的原因。比如你开了,你开了第6个订单,按照你的规则你每天只允许开5个订单,顾问会立即删除6个并说明原因。 例如,您开仓的手数比您最初向自己指示的手数大,顾问将删除订单并解释原因。例如,您每天赚取 5
The Expert Advisor is a risk manager helping users to control their trading. In the settings, it is possible to specify the parameters at which the risk manager force closes the opened trades and closes the terminal as well, if it is needed to prevent opening trades on emotions, which do not correspond to the trading strategy. Risk Manager settings Check limit to close   - check the equity limit Limit to close   - minimum account equity triggering loss prevention measures Check day limit to cl
Trading Chaos Expert
Gennadiy Stanilevych
5 (10)
世界上没有本软件的同等产品,它代表一个覆盖交易信号的通用交易 "控制台",自动入场,设置止损和止盈,还有在单一窗口里同时进行多交易尾随终止。EA 的 "三次点击" 直观控制,确保在不同计算机上全方位使用所有功能,包括平板电脑。 与附加的信号指标交互来标记图标,给出实际市场的全貌,EA 令您做出正确的选择,以及在大多数情况下成为胜者一方。内置资金管理算法, 还有自动计算手数, 虚拟订单交易, 以及一些其它从崩溃账户里挽救交易者的 "诀窍"。它不是一个 "黑盒子"。而是一个深思熟虑的交易员的不可或缺的助理, 至少要尝试一次它的动作。 注,在面板上形成的 EA 不能在策略测试员中测试。可以在您的模拟账户里以实时模式检查它, 您可以下载本 EA 的免费版 - 混沌交易 EA 演示 。 EA 表现为一个面板,带有内置功能的交易机器人的,自动基于交易者可直观检查的交易信号入场,完全按照比尔·威廉姆斯的策略“混沌交易:第二版”和“新贸易维度”。在单独的窗口里,EA 识别价格走势的导向,用于指定品种和时间帧的全自动交易模式,也可以多品种并发。 它同时分析 MetaTrader 5“市场观察”窗口中显示
Samuel Bandi Roccatello
5 (3)
避免過度交易、FOMO和強迫性行為,通過使用EmoGuardian對你的交易帳戶施加高級風險限制。 自動為倉位添加 止損 , 管理 EA 損失 , 自動載入 / 卸載 EA 。 限制 每個頭寸、每筆交易、每個時間範圍、每天的風險。 風險管理選項旨在專門解決導致交易者爆倉的強迫行為。 注意 : 這是一個實用程式 , 因此它不適用於策略測試器。EmoGuardian 不適用於凈額結算帳戶 (大多數交易帳戶都是對沖帳戶) 完整、詳細的手冊,請訪問以下連結: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/753194 獨特功能: 自動將止損添加到賬戶餘額的百分比或點數的頭寸中 當達到風險限制時終止 EA,並在第二天自動重新載入它們 創建緊急信號以管理 在 VPS 伺服器上運行的 EA 每日限額 以帳戶貨幣設置最低/最高凈值水準 以貨幣價值或百分比設置每天的最大損失/最大收益 自訂一天的開始時間 持倉限額 限制每個倉位的最大開倉量 限制每日最大交易量 限制每天的交易數量 施加最大連續失敗者數 對每筆交易或每個交易品種施加最大未平倉風險 每個時間範圍的限制 最多可定義 3
The News Filter MT5
Leolouiski Gan
4.75 (16)
这个产品在新闻时间过滤所有的专家顾问和手动图表,因此您不必担心突然的价格波动会破坏您的手动交易设置或其他专家顾问输入的交易。此产品还带有完整的订单管理系统,可在任何新闻发布前处理您的持仓和挂单。一旦您购买了   The News Filter ,您将不再需要依赖以后的专家顾问内置的新闻过滤器,因为这个产品可以从此过滤它们所有。 新闻选择 新闻来源于Forex Factory的经济日历。 选择可以基于任何一种货币,如USD,EUR,GBP,JPY,AUD,CAD,CHF,NZD和CNY等。 选择也可以基于关键识别,例如Non-Farm (NFP),FOMC,CPI等。 能够选择新闻影响级别的筛选,从低、中、到高影响。 自动模式只选择与图表相关的新闻。 新闻来源每小时自动刷新,以确保最新的新闻数据。 为每个新闻影响级别提供单独的输入,以确定您要过滤掉的新闻发布前后的分钟数。 订单管理选项 在新闻发布前关闭未平仓头寸的选项,并在新闻发布后恢复它们。 在新闻发布前删除挂单的选项,并在新闻发布后恢复它们。 在新闻发布前移除止损和止盈水平的选项,并在新闻发布后恢复它们。 在新闻发布前移动止损和
Unlimited Trade Copier Pro MT5 is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will n
This Multi TimeFrame indicator is based on the "Fractals" classical indicator. 2 Inputs: TimeFrame1; TimeFrame2; You can put any available TimeFrame values (from M1 (Period_M1) to MN1 (Period_MN1)) equal or greater ( >= ) than the Period of the current Time Frame. The last Fractals will shown as color lines (Dots Line) of Support and Resistance for the Price moving.
This is a Multi-Time indicator which allows to display RSI and Stochastic indicators from upper timeframes on a single chart. As an example: a single chart EURUSD M5 and RSI (blue line) and Stochastic (yellow line) from H1. Red Histogram is representing Lower trend and Green Histogram is representing Upper trend.
When you put this Multi TimeFrame Parabolic SAR indicator on the chart it will automatically use Parabolic SAR from next available 3 timeframes. Green arrow will show the beginning of Up trend and Red arrow will show the beginning of Down trend. If AlertsEnabled = true, the indicator will show the Alert (message window) with a text like this: "Price going Down on ", Symbol(), " - ", Period(), " min", " price = ", Bid; If eMailEnabled = true the Indicator will send you an eMail with the same text
The zero line is characterized the Flat trend. V-shaped impulse indicates the entrance to the opposite direction. U-shaped impulse = entry orders in the same direction. If AlertsEnabled = true, the indicator will show the Alert (message window) with a text like this: "Price going Down on ", Symbol(), " - ", Period(), " min", " price = ", Bid; If eMailEnabled = true the indicator will send you an eMail with the same text an Alert message with subject: "Trinity-Impolse" (of course you have to chec
The indicator displays the usual Moving Average with input parameters: maPeriod_1; maMethod_1; maAppPrice_1. Then it calculates and displays MA on MA1 with input parameters: maPeriod_2; maMethod_2. Then it calculates and displays MA on MA2 with input parameters: maPeriod_3; maMethod_3. If AlertsEnabled = true the Indicator will show the Alert (message window) with a text like this: "Price going Down on ", Symbol(), " - ", Period(), " min", " price = ", Bid; If eMailEnabled = true the Indicator w
Multi TimeFrame Indicator "MTF CCI Trigger" based on the Commodity Channel Index from the upper TF (input parameter "TimeFrame") yellow line. Aqua line is representing ATR envelopes from the current TF. Green and Red arrows is triggered by CCI and represented UP and DOWN trends accordingly.
The BBImpulse indicator is based on the standard Moving Average indicator. You have MA input parameters: maPeriod - Moving Average period; maMODE - Moving Average mode (0 = MODE_SMA; 1 = MODE_EMA; 2 = MODE_SMMA; 3 = MODE_LWMA); maPRICE - Applied price (0=PRICE_CLOSE; 1=PRICE_OPEN; 2=PRICE_HIGH; 3=PRICE_LOW; 4=PRICE_MEDIAN; 5=PRICE_TYPICAL; 6=PRICE_WEIGHTED). Green Histogram is representing an UP-trend, Red Histogram is representing a Down-trend.
Multi TimeFrame indicator MTF ADX with Histogram shows ADX indicator data from the TF by your choice. You may choose a TimeFrame equal or greater than current TF. Yellow line is representing a price trend from the upper TF. Green line is representing +DI from the upper TF. Red line is representing -DI from the upper TF. Green histogram is displaying an Up-trend. Red histogram is displaying a Down-trend.
This Indicator creates 2 white lines based on Exponential Moving Averag e of High and Low prices. You can regulate how many bars will be involved in the calculation with input parameter HL_Period. Red and Blue arrows are displaying the moment to go Short and Long trades accordingly.
The most common way to interpreting the price Moving Average is to compare its dynamics to the price action. When the instrument price rises above its Moving Average, a buy signal appears, if the price falls below its moving average, what we have is a sell signal. To avoid a spontaneous entries one may use this update from Moving Average Indicator = Stepper-MA.
Envelopes technical Indicator is formed with two Moving Averages one of which is shifted upward and another one is shifted downward. Envelopes define the upper and the lower margins of the price range. Signal to sell appears when the price reaches the upper margin of the band; signal to buy appears when the price reaches the lower margin. To avoid a spontaneous entries one may use this update from Envelopes Indicator = Envelopes-Stepper.
The interpretation of the Bollinger Bands is based on the fact that the prices tend to remain in between the top and the bottom line of the bands. Abrupt changes in prices tend to happen after the band has contracted due to decrease of volatility; If prices break through the upper band, a continuation of the current trend is to be expected; If the pikes and hollows outside the band are followed by pikes and hollows inside the band, a reverse of trend may occur; The price movement that has starte
Fibonacci sequence is defined by integer sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 34, 55, 89, 144, ... By definition, it starts from 0 and 1, the next number is calculated as a sum of two previous numbers. Instead of the standard moving average, the indicator uses the caluclation of average price in form: Bar0 + Bar1 + Bar2 + Bar3 + Bar5 + Bar8 + Bar13 +... Input parameters:  FiboNumPeriod (15) - Fibonacci period; nAppliedPrice (0) - applied price (PRICE_CLOSE=0; PRICE_OPEN=1; PRICE_HIGH=2; PRICE_LOW=
This indicator present a main Moving Average line with input parameters maPeriod_1, maMethod_1 and maAppPrice_1. The second line will be a calculation of the Moving Average data of a first line with input parameters maPeriod_2, maMethod_2. The third line will be a calculation of the Moving Average data of a second line with input parameters maPeriod_3, maMethod_3. To avoid a spontaneous entries one may use this indicator-stepper.
Average Bar
Leonid Basis
This indicator (as almost all others) is based on classical Moving Averages. It shows the Average Bar under the current bar colored in aqua or over the current bar colored in orange. Input Parameters: ma_Period and ma_Method. The Average Bar maybe helpful to predict where the price will move in the nearest future. Of course, this "near future" depends of the current time frame.
Buy when the market is falling and sell when the market is rising. When the market is moving down you start observing and looking for buy signals. When the market is moving up you start looking for sell signals. This indicator points to the moments to Buy (Blue arrow) and to Sell (Orange arrow). Two input parameters: barsNumber and step for optimization (depending on symbol and Time Frame).
This indicator shows: A green light in case the price goes up; A red light in case the price goes down; A yellow light in case there are a sideways trend. A sideways trend is the horizontal price movement that occurs when the forces of supply and demand are nearly equal. This typically occurs during a period of consolidation before the price continues a prior trend or reverses into a new trend
Sum of Ticks
Leonid Basis
This indicator is created for M1 timeframe. It shows how many ticks has occurred during current minute and ( after the slash) the sum of points Up (aqua color) and Down (orange color). In times of a high trading activity a grow up number of ticks Up and Down will signal of a big move of the price in the near future. In times of a high trading activity a grow up number of sum of points Up and Down will signal of a big move of the price in the near future too.
CCI Envelopes
Leonid Basis
Two yellow lines. This is similar to classical Envelopes but with automatic deviation. The Envelopes indicator is   a tool that attempts to identify the upper and lower bands of a trading range. Aqua line. This is a classical Commodity Channel Index added to the Envelopes on the chart, not in a separate window. The Commodity Channel Index ( CCI ) is a technical   indicator   that measures the difference between the current price and the historical average price.
Leonid Basis
Probability deals with the likelihood of an event happening.   Forex   probability indicates a possibility at a specific time. This is because the forex market is highly volatile, and predicting future events affecting it is impossible. This indicator will show a positive number above the current High or negative number under the current Low as a probability of the trend. Higher time frames usually show a higher probability, even more then 100%.
Envelopes is an excellent indicator when the market is trending. Open Long position when the ClosePrice crossed the upper Aqua band. Close Long position when the Price crossed the upper Yellow band moving down. Open Short position when the ClosePrice crossed the lower Aqua band. Close Short position when the Price crossed the lower Yellow band moving up.
Moving Average Bars is a self-explanatory indicator with one input parameter: nPeriod. When the previous Price Close is above the previous indicator Bar, the probability to go Long is very high.   When the previous Price Close is under the previous indicator Bar, the probability to go Short is very high.
This indicator is based on the same idea as https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/2406 , but instead of Average Bars it uses series or Fibonacci sequence. When the previous Price Close is above the previous indicator Bar, the probability to go Long is very high. When the previous Price Close is under the previous indicator Bar, the probability to go Short is very high.
This indicator is based on two ideas: Correlations between 5 main currency pairs: EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCHF, USDJPY, USDCAD; US Dollar Index = the value of the United States dollar relative to a basket of foreign currencies. The use of the indicator is the same as classical  Commodity Channel Index  (CCI) indicator. CCI is calculated with the following formula:  (Typical Price - Simple Moving Average) / (0.015 x Mean Deviation) (Typical Price - Simple Moving Average) / (0.015 x Mean Deviation)
Tick by Tick
Leonid Basis
A  tick  is a measure of the minimum upward or downward movement in the  price  of a security. A  tick  can also refer to the change in the  price  of a security from one trade to the next trade.  This indicator will show amounts of ticks when the price goes up and down. This indicator is designed for M1 time frame and shows: Sum of points when the price goes up (Green Histogram). Sum of points when the price goes down (Red Histogram). 
This indicator is a combination of 2 classical indicators MA and RVI. The Relative Vigor Index (RVI) is a momentum indicator used in technical analysis that measures the strength of a trend by comparing a security's closing price to its trading range while smoothing the results using a simple moving average   The input parameter  counted_bars  determines how many bars the indicator's lines will be visible. The input parameter MaRviPeriod  is used for MA and RVI calculation.
This indicator is a combination of 2 classical indicators: MA and Force Index. The input parameter  counted_bars  determines on how many bars the indicator lines will be visible. The input parameter  MaForcePeriod  is used for MA and Force calculation. You may go Long if the current price crossed Up the Ribbon (HISTOGRAM)  and you may go Short if the current price crossed Down the Ribbon (HISTOGRAM)
This indicator is a combination of 2 classical indicators: MA and CCI. Two moving averages form Upper and Lower bands. The input parameter  counted_bars  determines on how many bars the indicator's lines will be visible. The input parameter  barsNum  is used for MA and CCI calculation.
This indicator is using 2 classical indicators: Commodity Channel Index from the higher TF (which you may change using input parameter TimeFrame ) and Average True Range from the current TF. The Green ribbon indicates the upper trend and the Red ribbon indicates the down trend. Buy when the Yellow line crosses the Upper bound (Aqua line). Sell when the Yellow line crossover the Lower bound (Aqua line).
Flat Market
Leonid Basis
This is a self-explanatory indicator - do nothing when the current price in the "fence" (flat) mode. Definition of a flat market: A market price that is neither Up nor Down. The input parameter  counted_bars  determines on how many bars the indicator's lines will be visible starting from the current Bar backward. The input parameter  barsNum  is used as a Period for aqua "fence" calculation.
版本 4.5 2021.11.18
Update on the latest platform release build