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Peaks and Troughs v2

It is used to automatically detect and draw horizontal lines on a chart that represent price peaks and troughs based on analysis of historical price data.
The script allows the user to select the number of recent candles to analyze, the minimum gap between high and low, and the minimum number of candles needed to recognize a high or low.

It is a useful tool for traders who want to automatically detect and visualize important support and resistance levels on a chart, making it easier to make investment decisions based on technical analysis.
This also allows the user to interact via buttons on the chart to manage visibility and clear detected lines.

The set time period is important. If you are looking for support and resistance, it is worth considering showing the line on most intervals.
If you wish to draw Support and Resistance lines, view: daily market opening, classical pivot levels, Fibonacci pivot levels, trend lines, Fibonacci levels, the remaining time to candle closing, and current spread. If you seek to place your orders with the exact lot that meets your desired stop loss risk. If you wish to do all this and more with just one click, then this is the perfect tool to use. This tool will allow you to feel more relaxed when deciding to open orders, as well as predicting
Enhance your price action strategy: inside bar breakouts at your fingertips This indicator detects inside bars of several ranges, making it very easy for price action traders to spot and act on inside bar breakouts. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] Easy to use and understand Customizable color selections The indicator implements visual/mail/push/sound alerts The indicator does not repaint or backpaint An inside bar is a bar or series of bars which is/a
Darwin Assistant
Ramzi Abuwarda
隆重推出革命性的 MT5 指标 DARWIN Assistant   - 您通往成功交易世界的终极门户! DARWIN Assistant   采用精确和专业知识设计,采用特殊策略运行,利用先进技术指标(RSI、随机指标、CCI 和趋势)的力量,涵盖所有时间范围。准备好迎接非凡的交易体验吧,因为这个尖端指标为您提供最准确的入场信号,使您能够以无与伦比的信心驾驭市场。 借助 DARWIN Assistant   ,您可以访问关键指标的全面分析,并经过精心校准,以发现最有利可图的交易机会。告别不确定性,迎接明智决策的新时代。释放 RSI、随机指标、CCI 和趋势的力量,因为它们在 DARWIN Assistant   中无缝融合,以前所未有的方式描绘出一幅生动的市场动态图景。 由于 DARWIN Assistant   密切关注每个时间范围,因此可以轻松深入了解市场趋势和模式的世界。无论您喜欢短期的兴奋还是长期的战略投资,这个卓越的指标都能满足您的交易风格,为您提供市场潮起潮落的整体视图。 DARWIN Assistant   的准确性是其成功的基石。在广泛的研究和开发的支持下,该
FX Levels Premium indicator for MT5
Renaud Herve Francois Candel
Fx Levels Premium Indicator Support and Resistance are important concepts in trading. Fx Levels Premium was created to easily draw important levels of support and resistance for the active trader. The indicator will give you all important levels (support/resistance) to watch for a wide range of assets. Trading without these levels on your chart is like driving a car for a long journey without a roadmap. You would be confused and blind. Support and resistance levels should be used as guideline
Mine Farm
Maryna Kauzova
Mine Farm is one of the most classic and time-tested scalping strategies based on the breakdown of strong price levels. Mine Farm is the author's modification of the system for determining entry and exit points into the market... Mine Farm - is the combination of great potential with reliability and safety. Why Mine Farm?! - each order has a short dynamic Stop Loss - the advisor does not use any risky methods (averaging, martingale, grid, locking, etc.) - the advisor tries to get the most
Order Book, known also as Market Book, market depth, Level 2, - is a dynamically updated table with current volumes of orders to buy and to sell specific financial instument at price levels near Bid and Ask. MetaTrader 5 provides the means for receiving market book from your broker, but in real time only, without access to its history. The indicator OrderBook Cumulative Indicator accumulates market book data online and visualizes them on the chart. In addition, the indicator can show the market
1.7*24小时全时在线,安全,可靠,低延时ping; 2.按券商要求智能跟单,详见英文简介   3.本系统仅提供跟单软件服务,不提供交易策略,不代单操作; 4.不限交易手数,客户自行设置A仓手机app端即可,不额外收费 5.客户可按月,季,年付费方式,不同方式,不同优惠,先付费后使用; 6.因券商MT5服务器异常,导致断网后跟单异常,客户需自行风控处理,本系统不提供风控处理 7.券商下单规则改变,会自动更新最新跟单系统 8.详细购买流程,请咨询  wehcat  :zfflyer; 9.再次强调,本系统,仅保障以技术层面实现跟单功能,不参与客户的下单,交易策略,以及风控措施。 10.本系统已稳定运行9个月,经历各种复杂行情考验,稳定,可靠
Point Black
Ignacio Agustin Mene Franco
Black Card Pack indicator 5/1 point black It has the strategy of professional bollingers where each arrow gives you a different entry signal. It is used to operate in m1 and in d1 It is used for scalping and intraday, modified for forex markets ! suitable for all pairs modified for synthetic index markets suitable for all pairs! Ideal for volatility and jumps!
Green Power
Ignacio Agustin Mene Franco
Black Card Pack indicator 5/3 Green power It has the high and low breakout strategy giving the signal with the red or green dot the red dot for short and the green dot for long , perfect for forex markets and synthetic index markets, works for all seasons It is used for scalping and intraday! Ideal for Crash and boom markets!! Volatilitys y jumps !! Micro y macro en forex !
Owl Smart Levels MT5
Sergey Ermolov
4.07 (28)
MT4版本  |   FAQ Owl Smart Levels Indicator 是一個完整的交易系統,包含 Bill Williams 的高級分形、構建正確的市場波浪結構的 Valable ZigZag 以及標記準確入場水平的斐波那契水平等流行的市場分析工具 進入市場和地方獲利。 策略的详细说明 指示灯使用说明 顾问-贸易猫头鹰助手助理 私人用户聊天 ->购买后写信给我,我会将您添加到私人聊天中,您可以在那里下载所有奖金 力量在於簡單! Owl Smart Levels 交易系統非常易於使用,因此適合專業人士和剛開始研究市場並為自己選擇交易策略的人。 策略和指標中沒有隱藏的秘密公式和計算方法,所有策略指標都是公開的。 Owl Smart Levels 允許您快速查看進入交易的信號,突出顯示下訂單的水平並向您發送有關已出現信號的通知。 優點很明顯: 清楚地顯示主要和更高時間框架的趨勢方向。 指示儀器信號的出現。 標記開單、止損設置和固定利潤的水平。 沒有多餘的,只有必要的結構! ZigZag 表示全球趨勢的方向,因此也表示貿易方向。 市場反轉點的短線清楚地表明在什麼水平上構建斐波那
Looking for reliable levels on a price chart? Already tired of searching for similar indicators? Are the levels not working out as they should? Then this is the indicator for you. Volume Prices Universal is a reliable indicator of horizontal volumes. What does it show? First of all, the main idea of ​​the indicator is to display at which price mark the price has been for the longest time. Thus, the display of price volumes on the price chart is formed. With the help of which you can very simpl
https://youtu.be/JJanqcNzLGM ,  https://youtu.be/l70MIHaQQa4 ,  https://youtu.be/pg0oiT5_8y0   Automated Supply and Demand Trading Edge MT5. These videos demonstrate how we apply the supply and demand system to our latest trading review and market analysis Enhance your Trading Strategy with the Supply and Demand Trading Edge MT5. Gain a competitive market advantage with the Supply and Demand Trading Edge MT5 indicator, a powerful tool that combines MACD signals with supply and demand zones. By
使用说明: https://www.mql5.com/zh/blogs/post/754946 MT4版本: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/88205 MT5 版本: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/88204 ---------------------------------------------- 1.复制订单,从12个主帐号到100个从帐号.从帐号数量可以自定,从12个到100个。 2.支持MT4到MT4, MT4到MT5, MT5到MT4,MT5 到MT5. 3.识别不同平台的交易品种后缀,如EURUSD,EURUSDm,EURUSDk. 4.自定义货币匹配,如XAUUSD=GOLD. 5.可复制所有交易,或只复制BUY,SELL,CLOSE指令 6.可选择是否复制止盈止损 7.可反向复制,如主帐号是BUY,从帐户就是SELL,反之也是。当主帐号平仓时,从帐户不管是同向复制还是反向复制,都会同时平仓 8.发生意外如从帐号关闭时,主帐号有平仓信号而从帐号没有及时复制,当从帐号再次启
Trend Lines Supports and Resistances is an indicator that analyses the market structure, identifies Pivot Points, displays active Support/Resistance zones and trend levels. Main Features: Defining and displaying Pivot Points. Analyse Pivot Points to build and display trend lines. Setting up visual display of trend lines. Setting up trend lines broken notifications. Analyse Pivot Points to define and display support and resistance levels. Setting up visual display of support and resistance leve
Hello My Dear Friend, im introduce about Binary Option Premium V8 it work, all currency pair 1 minute time frame, 1-5 minute expire 100% non repaint, no delay signal Alright. This indicator works on MT5 and is very easy to use. When you receive a signal from it, you wait for that candle with the signal to close and you enter your trade at the beginning of the next new candle. A red arrow means sell and a green arrow means buy. for easy identification of trade signal. Are you okay with that?  W
WAPV Weis Wave Chart Forex
Eduardo Da Costa Custodio Santos
The Weis Wave Chart Forex for MT5 is a Price and Volume indicator. The Price and Volume reading was widely disseminated through Richard Demille Wyckoff based on the three laws created by him: Supply and Demand, Cause and Effect and Effort vs. Result. In 1900 R.Wyckoff already used the wave chart in his analyses. Many years later, around 1990, David Weis Automated R. Wyckoff's wave chart and today we bring you the evolution of David Weis' wave chart. It shows the amount of Volume and the amount o
Introducing   Order Blocks Breaker , a brand-new way to identify and leverage order blocks in your trading strategy. After developing multiple order block tools with unique concepts, I’m proud to present this tool that takes things to the next level. Unlike previous tools,   Order Blocks Breaker   not only identifies order blocks but also highlights   Breaker Order Blocks —key areas where the price is likely to retest after a breakout. MT4 -  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/124101/ This t
RenkoChart EA
Paulo Henrique Da Silva
4.33 (3)
The RenkoChart tool presents an innovative and highly flexible approach to visualizing market data in MetaTrader 5. This expert creates a custom symbol with Renko bricks directly on the chart, displaying accurate prices at the respective opening date/time for each brick. This feature makes it possible to apply any indicator to the Renko chart. Furthermore, this tool also allows access to historical brick data through native methods in the MQL5 programming language, such as iOpen, iHigh, iLow and
XCalper CandleTimer
Aecio de Feo Flora Neto
4.62 (13)
This auxiliary indicator displays time left before closing on the current timeframe with continuous update . It also shows the last trade price and variation from a previous day close in percentage and points. This indicator is pretty handy for daytraders and scalpers who want to precisely monitor closing and opening of candles. Indicator parameters Show in shifted end - Default: False. Display time and values on screen. If True, Displays only time to close aside last candle. Distance from the
Gold instrument scanner is the chart pattern scanner to detect the triangle pattern, falling wedge pattern, rising wedge pattern, channel pattern and so on. Gold instrument scanner uses highly sophisticated pattern detection algorithm. However, we have designed it in the easy to use and intuitive manner. Advanced Price Pattern Scanner will show all the patterns in your chart in the most efficient format for your trading. You do not have to do tedious manual pattern detection any more. Plus you
Supply and Demand Indicator + FREE Currency Strength Meter ADD-ON Looking for a powerful tool that can help you identify the most reactive zones in the forex market? Our supply and demand indicator for MetaTrader 4 and 5 is exactly what you need. With its advanced algorithms and real-time analysis, this indicator helps traders of all experience levels make informed trading decisions. The supply and demand indicator is a cutting-edge tool that helps traders identify areas where buyers and sellers
ArcturusFX MT5
Fernando Jose Anton
ArcturusFX 手册: https ://www .mql5 .com /en /blogs /post /760580 推荐交易品种: GBPUSD - 时间框架: 5M 交易配置: 保守配置 - 对冲交易: https ://c .mql5 .com /6 /965 /Conservative_Hedge_Setup_- GBPUSD -_5M .ini 中等激进配置 - 对冲交易: https ://c .mql5 .com /6 /965 /Medium_Aggressive_Setup_- GBPUSD -_5M .ini 高激进配置 - 对冲交易: https ://c .mql5 .com /6 /965 /High_Aggressive_Setup_- GBPUSD -_5M .ini 保守配置(不进行对冲交易): https ://c .mql5 .com /6 /965 /Configuration_Without_Hedging_- GBPUSD -_5M .ini 当前价格: $49.99 – 价格将根据已售出许可证数量进行调整 – 最终价格: $
Renko System
Marco Montemari
This indicator can be considered as a trading system. It offers a different view to see the currency pair: full timeless indicator, can be used for manual trading or for automatized trading with some expert advisor. When the price reaches a threshold a new block is created according to the set mode. The indicator beside the Renko bars, shows also 3 moving averages. Features renko mode median renko custom median renko 3 moving averages wicks datetime indicator for each block custom notification
关于指标 该指标基于金融工具收盘价的蒙特卡罗模拟。按照定义,蒙特卡罗是一种统计技术,用于通过基于之前观察的结果的随机数来模拟不同结果的概率。 它是如何工作的? 该指标通过基于历史数据模拟随时间变化的随机价格变动,为证券生成多个价格情景。每次模拟试验使用随机变量来有效地模拟未来在给定时间范围内的市场波动,重点在 收盘价 的波动。 蒙特卡罗模拟的优势 - 蒙特卡罗模拟通过在多种可能的未来情景下进行测试,有助于分析不同交易策略的风险。 - 它有助于确定策略在不同市场条件下的表现,包括罕见的极端事件(尾部风险)。 - 与依赖单点预测不同,蒙特卡罗提供了具有相关概率的潜在结果范围。这有助于理解盈利或亏损的可能性。 对于希望基于不同结果的概率而不是绝对预测来管理风险的交易者来说,蒙特卡罗是一个有用的工具。
Mean Reversion Supply Demand Indicator Mean Reversion Supply Demand is the indicator to detect the important supply demand zone in your chart. The concept of supply demand trading relies on the quantity mismatching between buying and selling volumes in the financial market. Typically, supply demand zone serves to predict the turning point. The wave pattern, for any supply demand zone to work as an successful trade, looks like the price must touch the base zone, move away and then return to zone
Ice up
Ignacio Agustin Mene Franco
Ice Up. It is an indicator where it fulfills the professional function of a zigzag together with support and resistance. Perfect for grabbing long and short trends. In the new version of Ice, it improves the pivots to %100. works for all seasons It works for forex and synthetic indices, and if the broker also has crypto. works for all forex pairs and synthetic indices.
Manyal trading system, CovEchoTrend Robot, focuses on reliability and flexibility. By employing statistical analysis methods to study the relationships between the base indicator and market patterns, the system enables a deeper understanding of market processes. Intelligent pattern analysis: The application of statistical data processing helps identify key trend reversal points more accurately, signaling significant market shifts. Informed decision-making is based on the intersection of indicato
Mcblastus Gicharu Ndiba
Forex Trade copier MT5.  It copies forex trades, positions, orders from any accounts to any other account,  MT5 even multiple accounts. The unique copying algorithm exactly copies all trades from the master account to your client account. It is also noted for its high operation speed and Tough error handling. It also can copy from demo account to live account too. It is one of the best free trade copiers that can do ,  MT5 or to multiple accounts  MT5 to multiple accounts  Features of Trade Copi
Fast API Copier
Konstantin Stratigenas
This EA connects trading systems on a Windows Server (VPS), providing top-tier trade copying locally or remotely and powerful API integration. Experience lightning-fast performance with a 10ms reaction time for seamless, reliable trading. For seamless operation, use the EA on a hosted server (VPS or cloud). It also works on your own server or computer. Copy Trades: Effortlessly copy trades between terminals, local or remote. Just select the same channel for both terminals and set the Direction t
Blahtech VWAP MT5
Blahtech Limited
5 (1)
Was: $69  Now: $49   Blahtech VWAP - Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) is the ratio of price to total volume. It provides an average price over a specified time interval.  Links [  Install  |  Update  |  Documentation   ] Feature Highlights Configurable VWAP Line Sessions, intervals, anchored or continuous Previous day settlement line Standard Deviation bands Alerts at bar close or real time Automatic Broker or Tick volumes Significantly reduced CPU usage Input Parameters Expert Advisor Mo
TradePanel MT5
Alfiya Fazylova
4.85 (124)
交易面板是一个多功能的交易助手。该应用程序包含超过 50 个用于手动交易的交易功能,并允许您自动化大多数交易操作。 注意,该应用程序在策略测试器中不起作用。购买之前,您可以在模拟帐户上测试演示版本。演示版 这里 。 完整说明 这里 。 贸易. 让您只需单击一下即可执行交易操作: 开立挂单和仓位并自动计算风险。 只需单击鼠标即可打开多个订单和仓位。 打开订单网格。 按组关闭挂单和仓位。 仓位反转(平掉买入 > 开仓卖出,平掉卖出 > 开仓买入)。 锁仓(通过以缺失手数开仓,使买入和卖出手数相同)。 单击即可部分关闭所有仓位。 以相同的价格水平设置所有仓位的获利和止损。 将所有仓位的止损设置为仓位的盈亏平衡水平。 当开设挂单和仓位时,可以应用以下函数: 在多个订单或仓位之间分配计算出的交易量(当单击打开多个订单和仓位时)。 在开单过程中,图表上交易水平的可视化。 仅当当前价差不超过指定价差时才开仓。 获利与止损之间的自动比率。 虚拟止损和止盈。 根据当前价差的大小自动增加止损和获利。 根据 ATR 指标读数计算获利和止损。 设置挂单的到期日期。 设置挂单的追踪(面板自动根据当前价格移动挂单
The product will copy all telegram signal to MT5 ( which you are member) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up, copy order instant, can work with almost signal formats, image signal,  s upport to translate other language to English Work with all type of channel or group, even channel have "Restrict Saving Content", work with  multi channel, multi MT5 Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. Support to backtest signal. How to s
I present to your attention a powerful utility for predicting the future movement of an asset based on W.D. Ganna’s law of vibration. This utility analyzes the selected market model and provides codes for future possible market movement patterns. If you enter the selected code into the appropriate box, you will receive a forecast of the potential market movement. The utility has the ability to display several potential forecast models. The forecast is not yet tied to time and price and gives th
-25% discount ($149 -> $111) Everything for chart Technical Analysis indicator mt5 in one tool Draw your supply demand zone with rectangle and support resistance with trendline and get alerts to mobile phone or email alert -  Risk reward indicator mt5 Video tutorials, manuals, DEMO download   here .   Find contacts on my   profile . 1.   Extended rectangles and trendlines Object will be extended to the right edge of the chart when price will draw new candles on chart. This is rectangle extende
Mentfx Mmanage mt5
Anton Jere Calmes
4.25 (8)
The added video will showcase all functionality, effectiveness, and uses of the trade manager. Drag and Drop Trade Manager. Draw your entry and have the tool calculate the rest. Advanced targeting and close portions of a trade directly available in tool (manage trades while you sleep). Market order or limit order on either side with factored spread. Just draw the entry, the tool does the rest. Hotkey setup to make it simple. Draw where you want to enter, and the stop loss, the tool calculates al
HINN Lazy Trader
5 (2)
B e sure to watch this video before using A community for users, product discussion, update news, and first line of support  Use Webmoney For payments in cryptocurrencies. How I use this algo tool   Lazy Trader is NOT SUITABLE FOR SCALPING EVERY MINUTE MOVEMENT, ESPECIALLY IN CRYPTO. WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING WHAT IS HAPPENING ON THE CHART, THERE IS NO POINT IN BLINDLY HOPING FOR PROFITS! Lazy Trader does NOT USE openAI chat-gpt-4 technologies, which are added to descriptions for product promotion
Yury Kulikov
4.93 (41)
Attention: You can view the program operation in the free version  YuClusters DEMO .  YuClusters is a professional market analysis system. The trader has unique opportunities to analyze the flow of orders, trade volumes, price movements using various charts, profiles, indicators, and graphical objects. YuClusters operates on data based on Time&Sales or ticks information, depending on what is available in the quotes of a financial instrument. YuClusters allows you to build graphs by combining da
1 (1)
ShSH: an Automated Trading Tool Discover the future of trading with our ShSH an Automated Trading Tool , meticulously designed to harness the unique characteristics of the daily market's volatility . This cutting-edge system leverages the price breakout method , Analizing on market movements during the low-liquidity hours to deliver consistent and reliable results. Core Features: 1. Intraday Market Volatility Mastery: The robot is fine-tuned to detect subtle price patterns and movements unique
Trading Chaos Expert
Gennadiy Stanilevych
5 (10)
世界上没有本软件的同等产品,它代表一个覆盖交易信号的通用交易 "控制台",自动入场,设置止损和止盈,还有在单一窗口里同时进行多交易尾随终止。EA 的 "三次点击" 直观控制,确保在不同计算机上全方位使用所有功能,包括平板电脑。 与附加的信号指标交互来标记图标,给出实际市场的全貌,EA 令您做出正确的选择,以及在大多数情况下成为胜者一方。内置资金管理算法, 还有自动计算手数, 虚拟订单交易, 以及一些其它从崩溃账户里挽救交易者的 "诀窍"。它不是一个 "黑盒子"。而是一个深思熟虑的交易员的不可或缺的助理, 至少要尝试一次它的动作。 注,在面板上形成的 EA 不能在策略测试员中测试。可以在您的模拟账户里以实时模式检查它, 您可以下载本 EA 的免费版 - 混沌交易 EA 演示 。 EA 表现为一个面板,带有内置功能的交易机器人的,自动基于交易者可直观检查的交易信号入场,完全按照比尔·威廉姆斯的策略“混沌交易:第二版”和“新贸易维度”。在单独的窗口里,EA 识别价格走势的导向,用于指定品种和时间帧的全自动交易模式,也可以多品种并发。 它同时分析 MetaTrader 5“市场观察”窗口中显示
Unlimited Trade Copier Pro MT5 is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will n
RiskGuard Management
5 (18)
ATTENTION the expert does not work in strategy tester, for a trial version visit my profile. Manual to download the automatic journal visit my profile RiskGuard Management – Professional trading, without compromise RiskGuard Management is the ultimate ally for traders who want to maximize profits and minimize losses with advanced risk management. It’s not just a tool; it’s an intelligent system that helps you stick to your trading plan, avoid emotional mistakes, and operate with maximum efficie
50% off. Original price: $375 Reward Multiplier is a semi-automatic trade manager based on pyramid trading that opens additional orders with the running profit of your trades to maximize return exponentially without increasing the risk. Unlike other similar EAs, this tool shows potential profit/loss and reward to risk ratio before even entering the first trade! Download Demo here  (starting lot is fixed at 0.01) Guide + tips here MT4 version   here You only open the first order. When your trade
GRat Crypto
Ivan Titov
4.5 (2)
Trade on crypto exchanges in MT5! GRat_Crypto is a tool for manual and automated trading , including ANY available EA, ANY  cryptocurrency  on most popular crypto exchanges in the familiar MT5 environment 24/7. Features 1. ALL instruments of the 9 most popular crypto exchanges are available: Binance, BingX, Bybit, Coinbase, CoinEx, Kraken,   KuCoin, MEXC and OKX . 2. The ability to place ANY type of order available in MT5, both market and pending, to modify orders and positions, to delete order
Crypto Charting
Rajesh Kumar Nait
5 (2)
MT5 的加密货币图表。 特征 : 1. 通过 Websocket (wss) 实时 OHLC 图表 2. 从 API 更新柱的历史记录 3. 当 MT5 重新启动时,自动更新图表上的历史记录,以确保柱状图中没有丢失数据,并且始终像原生图表一样保持最新状态 4. API 的预定历史记录更新:如果互联网断开一毫秒,bar ohlc 值可能不正确,因为 websocket 是流协议。 为了减少 1-2% 的错误几率,我们添加了一项通过 API 进行预定历史更新的功能,该功能每隔几分钟就会更新一次数据,这可以通过实用程序设置进行设置。 它确保 OHLC 值始终正确,使您的分析不会出现错误。 5.实用程序支持从M1到MN1的所有时间范围支持 6. 可用数据:开盘价、开盘价、最低价、实际成交量和即时成交量 7. 您可以使用策略测试器对加密数据使用 EA 交易来回测任何策略 8. 断线时自动重连websocket 可用交易所列表: 1. 币安现货、期货和币安 2.ByBit现货、期货和反向期货(v5 API) 3.OKX现货和期货(v5 API) 4. Kucoin现
Vyacheslav Izvarin
5 (2)
ADAM EA Special Version for FTMO Please use ShowInfo= false for backtesting ! Our 1st EA created using ChatGPT technology Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS  Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Tested on EURUSD and GBPUSD only  Use 15MIN Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading  before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3  Friday For Prop Firms MUST use special Protector  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94362 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Trade Assistant 38 in 1
Makarii Gubaydullin
4.9 (21)
多功能工具:超过65个功能,其中包括:手数计算,价格行为,盈亏比,交易管理,供需区域。 演示版   |   用户手册   |  MT5版 任何问题 / 改进意见 / 如果发生了故障或错误    都可以联系我 该实用程序在策略测试器中不起作用:您可以在此处下载 演示版来测 试产品。 Trading functions require permitted auto trading (including on the broker's side) 简化,加快并且自动化你的交易过程。利用这款工具的控制功能就能增强普通交易端的执行力。 建立一笔新的交易:手数 / 风险 / 盈亏计算 1. 手数计算工具 (基于风险规模的交易量计算) 2. 风险计算工具 (基于手数大小的风险额计算) 3. 盈亏比 4. 订单的激活和触发,买入或卖出限价/买入或卖出止损 5. 虚拟的止损/止盈 (隐藏的止损,止盈:交易商不可见) 6.  智能的止损/入场点:当价格柱在收盘时已超越了才入场 (避免无效触发) 7. 隐藏掉挂单 (虚拟的订单) 8. 预订挂单:在市场关闭的时候你也可以下挂单 (适合周末做计划的交易者)
Bots Builder Pro MT5
Andrey Barinov
4.17 (6)
This is exactly what the name says. Visual strategy builder . One of a kind. Turn your trading strategies and ideas into Expert Advisors without writing single line of code. Generate mql source code files with a few clicks and get your fully functional Expert Advisors, which are ready for live execution, strategy tester and cloud optimization. There are very few options for those who have no programming skills and can not create their trading solutions in the MQL language. Now, with Bots Builde
The  Easy Strategy Builder (ESB)  is a " Do It Yourself " solution that allows you to create a wide range of the automated trading strategies without any line of codes. This is the world’s easiest method to automate your strategies that can be used in STP, ECN and FIFO brokers. No drag and drop is needed. Just by set conditions of your trading strategy and change settings on desired values and let it work in your account. ESB has hundreds of modules to define unlimited possibilities of strategi
The product will copy all  Discord  signal   to MT5   ( which you are member  ) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up. Work with almost signal formats, support to translate other language to English Work with multi channel, multi MT5. Work with Image signal. Copy order instant, auto detect symbol. Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. How to setup and guide: Let read all details about setup and download Discord To MetaTrader
This Expert Advisor waits a position to be opened, no matter if you open manually or with the EA buttons or eventually via mobile: it creates a Grid in Anti Martingale with pending stop orders in the same direction of the first position. You can specify the number of orders, the size and the distance between the orders. You can also adjust the Monetary Target of the Grid, the monetary Stop Loss, the Intermediate Target (when reached the EA insert an order with opposite direction of the total pos
Guilherme Emiliao Ferreira
5 (3)
AUTOGRIDS MT5 Autogrids EA is a cutting-edge trading automation tool designed to give Forex traders an unparalleled edge in the market. Built on a powerful quantitative strategy, it analyzes the frequency distribution of daily price movements, leveraging historical data to create a highly optimized operational grid. Unlike conventional grid trading systems, Autogrids EA strategically models price distributions to define precise trading intervals, ensuring optimized entry points. Whether the mar
Mt5 To InterativeBrokers Copier allows you to copy deals from MT5 account to Interactive Brokers. With this, you can run your EA strategy on a MT5 Demo/Real Account, then copy all the deals to Interactive Brokers account real time. Features: 1. Copy or Invert-Copy deals Realtime from MT5 to IB Account. 2. Synchronizing positions of both accounts periodicaly, in case any missing copying. 3. You can choose only Buy position or Sell position. Symbols Setup: General Format:  {MT Symbol} -> {IB S
Market Screener
Andrey Khatimlianskii
5 (1)
Professional tool for professional traders It allows you to browse all available financial instruments and select best ones to trade with lightning speed. Fastest market screening ever Move your mouse over the instruments and instantly see 3 charts with selected timeframes and predefined indicators! Click on the symbol name to hold it. Use UP and DOWN keys to select previous /  next instrument. Ultimate charting Smooth scale, automatic indicator lines width, smart grid and much more. You'll li
Fundamental Signals Scanner MT5
Kyra Nickaline Watson-gordon
5 (1)
Fundamental Scanner is a Non-Repaint, Multi Symbol and Multi Time Frame Dashboard based on Fundamental Signals Indicator . Fundamental Signals Indicator has a powerful calculation engine that can predict market movement over 3000 pips (30000 points). The indicator is named fundamental because it can predict trends with large movements, no complicated inputs and low risk. Features : Multi-Symbol Support (Support automatic listing of market watch symbols) Multi-TimeFrame Support (Over 7 custo
News Trade EA MT5
Konstantin Kulikov
4.55 (11)
在此向大家介绍一款我本人使用多年的机器人。该产品支持半自动和全自动交易模式。 本程序包含基于经济日历新闻的灵活交易设置功能。不支持策略测试器检验。仅可进行实际操作。需在终端设置允许URL 列表中添加新闻网站。点击服务 > 设置 > 智能交易系统。选中“允许WebRequest对下列URL发出请求:”。添加下列(删除空格):https://  nfs.faireconomy.media 下載最新的設定檔: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/747929 请参考博客中各类参数说明自行实现个性化设置   : https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/748545   。 主要默认设置说明 单一图表英镑/GBP(英镑美元/GBPUSD、欧元英镑/EURGBP、英镑日元/GBPJPY、英镑加拿大元/GBPCAD、英镑澳大利亚元/GBPAUD、英镑瑞士法郎/GBPCHF)货币对操作。英镑/GBP是波动性最大的货币,能够为用户顺利完成交易提供更多机会。 Use_Symbols_from_Line = true; Symbols_L
Trade like a time traveler thanks to latency arbitrage Everyone knows that the best way to make money in the markets is by knowing the future. Have you ever wished to know the future price of something in advance? Even if it were just a few days, hours, or minutes ahead? What if it were possible to know it but with less than a second of advance notice? That's precisely what the PZ Latency Arbitrage EA robot does. PZ Latency Arbitrage EA is your personal time machine: but it can only travel into
Designed for automated trading on the Nasdaq (US100, USTEC, NAS100, NDX100, etc.). It will not work on other assets! To correctly   test, it is necessary to configure the TesterTimeShift parameter.  TesterTimeShift   is the time difference in hours between the terminal time and the time in the visual mode of the strategy tester. This is based on research by BIASMACHINE And the related Telegram notification service . It uses statistical patterns identified in the research to find and place tr
适用于 MT5 的币安交易工具 1. 本产品包括来自websocket的实时图表、历史图表、 mt5终端重启时自动更新,使其运行流畅,零人工干预,让您体验顺畅交易币安。 现货和期货交易、实时图表和历史数据 如何使用 : 1. 您需要在此实用程序的输入字段中添加您的 API 密钥和密码。 创建 API 时,请确保启用 Futures 来交易 Futures 3. 您需要按照工具 > 选项 > 允许来自 URL 选项卡的 Web 请求添加 Binance api URL,并勾选允许 Web 请求复选框 币安现货 网址 1:api.binance.com 网址 2:stream.binance.com 币安期货 网址 1:fapi.binance.com 网址 2:fstream.binance.com 将这些信息添加到 MT5 中的 Utiltiy 和 Webrequest 中以测试模拟交易 Binance Spot Testnet(测试交易工具) 网址 1:testnet.binance.vision 前缀:api 币安期货测试网(测试交易工具) 网址 1:testnet
The program is use to copy trading from MT5 to MT4 and MT5 on local PC or copy  over the Internet .  Now you can easy copy trades to any where or share to friends. Only run one Flash Server on VPS, also need allow the apps if you turn on Windows Firewall. Can not add more than 20 account copier to server at same time,  include both  MT4 and MT5 Get free Copier EA  for MT4 and MT5 (only  receive signal), download here Instants copy, speed smaller 0.1 seconds, easy to setup How to setup and guide
Crypto Ticks and Depth
Rajesh Kumar Nait
5 (1)
EA 的加密货币实时报价数据买价和卖价以及预订深度 可用兑换: 1.币安现货(支持活动图表窗口上的订单簿深度)和期货(支持多个订单簿深度) 2. Kucoin现货和期货,支持活动图表窗口的订单簿深度 3.Bybit期货和反向期货价格变动数据最后出价 即将推出的交易所:OKX、MEXC 等.. 特征 : 1. 带有出价和要价信息的实时报价数据 2. 最佳买价和订单数量,用户可以从设置中启用/禁用深度 3. 加载历史记录:更新开盘高低收盘量和跳动量数据 4. 自动更新历史记录:重启MT5终端时填充缺失的栏 5. 您可以使用策略测试器对加密数据使用您的 EA 交易对加密交易品种的任何策略进行回溯测试 6. 该实用程序不需要加载任何外部DLL文件,并且可以在VPS上运行。 7. 自动重新连接:如果买价/卖价因网络故障而停止更新,用户可以自定义输入秒数以强制重新连接到 websocket。 注意:Webrquest 函数不支持在策略测试器上运行,因此演示将无法运行。 如果想要demo可以私信联系我 将 URL 添加到工具 > 选项 > Expert Advisors