Way To Stars MT5
Way To Stars是一款夜间头皮EA,专门设计在市场波动性较低的时间段进行交易来利用低波动性,以此降低风险。这款夜间头皮EA专注于利用小的价格变动进行频繁交易,通过积少成多的方式积累利润。本EA采用严格的止损措施来限制每笔交易的潜在亏损,确保了风险管理的有效性。Way To Stars 是一个真实且诚实的交易系统,它不依赖于号称的神经网络、人工智能、ChatGPT或完美的直线回测结果。
signal : https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2271312
下一个价格: $ 699
setfile of Medium-low Risk (signal's setfile)
- 适合货币对:GBPUSD
- 加载时间框架:任意
- 无网格,无马丁,一次交易
- 将订单分散为多笔订单,降低风险,提高成功率
- 通过最大持仓时间和最大浮亏比例来管理风险
- 自动调整交易时间,考虑时区和夏令时变化
- 小资金账户适用
- 适用于低点差高流动性平台,如IC Markets
I have been using this WTS for over five months now, and the overall performance has been very stable. Last month, there was indeed a bit of a loss, but it was completely within an acceptable range. Moreover, this month, profits have gradually returned, just as the strategy indicated, with fluctuations in gains and losses being a normal occurrence. Throughout my experience, I really appreciate the risk control and stability it provides. Additionally, the seller is very professional and enthusiastic, patiently answering all my questions, which has further strengthened my confidence in the strategy. Highly recommended.