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OpenAI Library MT5




The files needed to use the library can be found here:


重要提示:要使用EA,需要添加以下URL以允许访问OpenAI API  如附图所示



#import "StormWaveOpenAI.ex5"

COpenAI *iOpenAI(string);

CMessages *iMessages(void);

CTools *iTools(void);




#include <StormWaveOpenAI.mqh>      //--- 包含用于API集成的自定义OpenAI头文件
COpenAI *client;                    //--- 声明指向OpenAI客户端的指针
CMessages *_message_;               //--- 声明用于处理消息的指针
//--- OnStart函数是脚本的入口点
   client = iOpenAI("您的API密钥"); //--- 用您的API密钥初始化OpenAI客户端
   client.start_thread();            //--- 启动一个新线程以便OpenAI客户端操作
   string completion;                //--- 变量用于存储API响应
   _message_ = iMessages();          //--- 初始化消息处理器
   string user_content = "你好吗?";   //--- 定义消息内容
   _message_.AddMessage(user_content, user);  //--- 将消息添加到处理器,附带用户标识符
   //--- 调用API根据提供的消息生成完成
   completion = client.completions_create(
                   /*model =        */  "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125", //--- 指定用于完成的模型
                   /*messages =     */   _message_,           //--- 将消息传递给API
                   /*max_tokens =   */   300,                 //--- 设置生成的最大令牌数
                   /*temperature =  */   1.0                  //--- 设置响应的创造性等级
   client.PrintResultMessage(); //--- 打印API调用结果
   delete _message_;            //--- 清理消息处理器
   delete client;               //--- 清理OpenAI客户端

WalkForwardOptimizer MT5
Stanislav Korotky
3.63 (8)
WalkForwardOptimizer library allows you to perform rolling and cluster walk-forward optimization of expert advisers (EA) in MetaTrader 5. To use the library include its header file WalkForwardOptimizer.mqh into your EA source code, add call provided functions as appropriate. Once the library is embedded into EA, you may start optimization according to the procedure described in the User guide . When it's finished, intermediate results are saved into a CSV file and some special global variables.
NATS (Niguru Automatic Trailing Stop) will help you achieve more profits, by setting the trailing stop automatically. Pair this NATS application with EA, or can also be used as a complement to manual trading. A trailing stop is a powerful tool in trading that combines risk management and profit optimization.  A trailing stop is a type of market order that sets a stop-loss at a percentage below the market price of an asset, rather than a fixed number. It dynamically adjusts as the asset’s pr
The MetaCOT 2 CFTC ToolBox Demo is a special version of the fully functional MetaCOT 2 CFTC ToolBox MT5 library. The demo version has no restrictions, however, unlike the fully functional version, it outputs data with a delay. The library provides access to the CFTC (U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission) reports straight from the MetaTrader terminal. The library includes all indicators that are based on these reports. With this library you do not need to purchase each MetaCOT indicator sepa
Introducing "TG Risk Service Manager" — your comprehensive toolkit for swift and precise risk management and lot size calculations in the dynamic world of trading. Designed to streamline development processes and enhance trading strategies, this indispensable library equips developers with essential tools for optimizing risk assessment and trade profitability. Metatrader4 Version |  All Products  |  Contact   Key Features: Efficient Lot Size Calculation : Harness the power of precise lot size
The library is used to develop automatic trading on Binance Futures Market from MT5 platform. Support Binance Futures USD-M and Futures COIN-M Support Testnet mode Support all order types: Limit, Market, StopLimit, StopMarket, StopLoss and TakeProfit Automatically display the chart on the screen  Usage:  - Open MQL5 demo account -  Download Header file and EA sample https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=17fWrZFeMZoSvH9-2iv4WDJhcyxG2eW17 Copy BinanceFutures.mqh header file to folder \
This is a simplified and effective version of the library for walk forward analysis of trading experts. It collects data about the expert's trade during the optimization process in the MetaTrader tester and stores them in intermediate files in the "MQL5\Files" directory. Then it uses these files to automatically build a cluster walk forward report and rolling walk forward reports that refine it (all of them in one HTML file). Using the WalkForwardBuilder MT5 auxiliary script allows building othe
Designed for automated trading on the Nasdaq (US100, USTEC, NAS100, NDX100, etc.). It will not work on other assets! To correctly   test, it is necessary to configure the TesterTimeShift parameter.  TesterTimeShift   is the time difference in hours between the terminal time and the time in the visual mode of the strategy tester. This is based on research by BIASMACHINE And the related Telegram notification service . It uses statistical patterns identified in the research to find and plac
MetaCOT 2 CFTC ToolBox MT5
Vasiliy Sokolov
3.67 (3)
MetaCOT 2 CFTC ToolBox is a special library that provides access to CFTC (U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission) reports straight from the MetaTrader terminal. The library includes all indicators that are based on these reports. With this library you do not need to purchase each MetaCOT indicator separately. Instead, you can obtain a single set of all 34 indicators including additional indicators that are not available as separate versions. The library supports all types of reports, and prov
K Trade Lib5
Kaijun Wang
2 (1)
MT4/5通用交易库(  一份代码通用4和5 ) #import "K Trade Lib5.ex5"    //简单开单    long OrderOpen( int type, double volume, int magic, string symbol= "" , string comment= "" , double opprice= 0 , double sl= 0 , double tp= 0 , int expiration= 0 , bool slsetmode= false , bool tpsetmode= false );    //复杂开单    void SetMagic( int magic, int magic_plus= 0 ); void SetLotsAddMode(int mode=0,double lotsadd=0);    long OrderOpenAdvance( int mode, int type, double volume, int step, int magic, string symbol= "" , string comm
Chart Notes = MULTI LINE TEXT INPUT ON CHART FOR MT5 is finally here! # sticky notes This indicator is a powerful text editor for placing notes on chart, similarly like the feature on Tradingview. There are 2 types of messages: anchored (on screen ) and free (on chart).  1. Anchored = stays on the same place on screen (x point, y point) -this text can be EDITED on click (first line is for dragging the message around- this line is edited via right clicking- >properties) -move the messages by
Trade Dashboard MT5
Fatemeh Ameri
4.97 (58)
疲于复杂的订单下达和手动计算?Trade Dashboard 是您的解决方案。凭借其用户友好的界面,订单下达变得轻而易举,只需点击一下,您就可以开设交易、设置止损和止盈水平、管理交易手数,并计算风险回报比,让您只需专注于您的策略。告别手动计算,使用 Trade Dashboard 简化您的交易体验。 立即下载演示版本 。 您可以在这里找到仪表盘功能和特性的详细信息 。 加入 Telegram 频道 。 购买后请给我发消息以获取支持。如果您需要添加更多功能,可以在产品的评论区留下您的想法,我愿意听取任何建议,希望您能在使用我的产品时获得最佳体验 。 这是 MT4 版本。 风险管理:使用 Trade Dashboard,可以将您的风险设置为账户余额或权益的百分比,或将风险设置为总金额。在图表上直观地定义您的止损,让工具准确计算每个货币对的适当手数。该工具还可以根据您期望的风险回报比自动设置止盈水平。它甚至可以在手数计算中涵盖佣金和点差费用。此外,您的止损和止盈可以转变为虚拟水平,隐藏于经纪商。通过 Trade Dashboard 的高级风险管理功能,掌控风险,保护您的资本。
区间突破策略简介(收盘前清仓)      区间=昨高-昨低 上轨=开盘价+区间*k;下轨=开盘价-区间*K 止损平仓: 当价格向上突破上轨或向下突破下轨后, 再次回破当日开盘价  参数: Pairs List (comma separated)     = "GBPUSD,GBPJPY,USDJPY,XAUUSD,XTIUSD,USTEC"; - TimeFrame = PERIOD_D1; - MagicNumber    = 60037;          - OrderComment   = "RangeBreakOut"; - FixedLots( RiskPercent = 0)  = 0.1;            - RiskPercent(0 - 100)     = 1;              - RangeMultiplier   = 1;               - DistancePoints   = 10; - Exit Method   =  backopen;      - Close all positions n hours before c
这是一个可以定时自动交易的EA。根据你设定的时间,精确到秒,可以设置最多下几单。下单buy或者Sell.可以设置值止盈止损点。并且可以设定在下单后多久平仓。一般都是用来做事件。祝你好运。 请看图片自己根据设定来使用。每一次使用请重新加载EA。不用的时候记得关闭EA按钮。 我来举个例子。比如英国央行利率决议。你在最后两秒下单(设置的是你本机的时间)。因为可能瞬间点差扩大,你可能不敢直接下最大手数,所以你可以选择小手分批从最后5秒开始进场。我相信做过的人知道我说的意思。因为我专业做这个已经十年。最近才做出了这个自动化EA。并且这里面有个检测就是你点击开始之后如果超过了你设定的时间十秒他就不会执行了。保证你的安全。你自己用DEMO账户测试几次你就知道我这个有多好用了!
Trading Notes   is an innovative tool designed for traders to streamline their decision-making process by allowing them to write and display important reminders or short details directly over their trading charts. This essential feature ensures that traders have quick access to their personalized checklist before opening any positions, enhancing their trading efficiency and accuracy. MT4 Version -  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/120613 Key Features: Five Customizable Input Fields:   Trad
CloseAllOrders at once
Lamont Simone Reynecke
Simple program i created, to help close all your orders instantly when you are busy scalping the market or if you want to avoid news days but still have a lot of orders and pending orders open and can't close them in time.. with this script all you're problems will be solved. Simple drag and drop and the script automatically does it's thing, quick and easy  also a very good tool to use when scalping
Liang Qi Quan
这段代码是一个简单的交易专家顾问(Expert Advisor)示例,主要功能如下: 使用两个移动平均线(MA)作为交易信号: 快速MA(FastMA)和慢速MA(SlowMA) 初始化函数(OnInit): 创建两个MA指标句柄 设置数组为时间序列模式 清理函数(OnDeinit): 释放指标句柄,防止内存泄漏 主要交易逻辑(OnTick): 获取最新的MA值 判断趋势和交易信号 在无持仓时执行交易 交易规则: 上升趋势+买入信号时开多单 下降趋势+卖出信号时开空单 使用固定的止损和止盈点数 风险管理: 使用输入参数设置交易手数、止损和止盈 每次只允许一个持仓(inTrade变量) 使用MQL5的Trade库进行交易操作,简化了下单过程 这个EA适合初学者学习,展示了基本的EA结构和简单的交易策略实现方法。但在实际使用前,还需要进行更多的测试和优化。
该库将允许您使用任何 EA 来管理交易,并且非常容易集成到任何 EA 上,您可以使用描述中提到的脚本代码以及显示完整过程的视频演示示例自行完成。 - 下限价、止损限价和止盈限价订单 - 下达市场订单、SL 市场订单、TP 市场订单 - 修改限价订单 - 取消订单 - 查询订单 - 更改杠杆、保证金 - 获取位置信息 和更多... 租赁加密货币图表是可选的,除非您的 MT5 上没有币安图表。 对于脚本演示:单击此处 如果您想与交易面板进行交易,您可能对此产品感兴趣 该产品是加密图表的插件 该库将允许您使用任何 EA 来管理交易,并且非常容易集成到任何 EA 上,您可以使用描述中提到的脚本代码以及显示完整过程的视频演示示例自行完成。 - 下限价、止损限价和止盈限价订单 - 下达市场订单、SL 市场订单、TP 市场订单 - 修改限价订单 - 取消订单 - 查询订单 - 更改杠杆、保证金 - 获取位置信息 和更多... 租赁加密货币图表是可选的,除非您的 MT5 上
This script notifies a user about different events by playing sounds, sending emails and text messages to a mobile device. The following events are supported: New deals (in/in out/out). Expiration of Pending orders. The terminal disconnected. The terminal or the script closed. Please set a notification type for each event separately. If you need notifications via Email, please make sure that the settings on the Email tab are correct. If you need to receive notifications on a mobile device, pleas
Binance Library
Hadil Mutaqin SE
5 (1)
The library is used to develop automatic trading on Binance Spot Market from MT5 platform. Support all order types: Limit, Market, Stop-Limit and Stop-Market. Support margin trading. Automatically display the chart on the screen. Usage: - Open MQL5 demo account - Move BinanceLib.ex5 from folder \MQL5\Scripts\Market to MQL5\Libraries - Download Header   file and EA sample   https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1kjUX7Hyy02EiwTLgVi8qdaCNvNzazjln Copy Binance.mqh header file to folder \M
MT5 AI Chatbot
Thomas Bradley Butler
请耐心等待机器人,因为响应时间可能只有几秒钟。它会响应。确保按下发送,然后等待。这是一个适用于 MT5 和 MQL5 的简单聊天 GPT 机器人。在评论中,在输入中添加您的 API 密钥,并将其添加到 Expert Advisor 选项卡中的 Web 请求中: 在 MQL5 和 MT5 上与 AI 聊天。提示必须包含 MQL5 或 MT5,否则它将不会响应。它仅在 MT5 和 MQL5 上进行训练。请注意,它仅在实时图表中工作,而不是在回测中工作。在输入中添加您的 API 密钥,并将其添加到 Expert Advisor 选项卡中的 Web 请求中: MT4 版本: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/118576 此聊天机器人是一种旨在帮助用户更有效地与 Meta Trader 5 (MT5) 和 MQL5 聊天的工具。它基于名为 GPT-3.5 的强大 AI 模型,该模型能够理解和生成类似人类的文本响应。 它的工作原理如下: 与机器人互动:您可以通过输入与 MT5(MetaTrader 5)和 MQL5(MetaQuo
product video: https://vimeo.com/824742776?share=copy Trade Assistant, Trade Manager, Trade Panel for MetaTrader 5 with the following functions: - Display the remaining candle time and the current time of day - Open long and short positions without SL and TP at the current market price - Display of the current ask, bid and spread - Open long and short positions with predefined lot size, SL and TP at the current market price - Quick selection of the lot size (freely selectable lot
Open Risk Profit  shows your current risk or possible profit of all open positions. Total open risk is your loss if all positions run into the stop loss. Total open profit is your profit if all positions reach your take profit. Total float is your current profit or loss of all positions. The program also breaks down the information into the individual symbols. For example, you can monitor how much is your current profit and your potential risk in EURUSD, no matter how many individual positio
EQUITY DRAWDOWN MONITOR   This is a simple mt5 advisor that monitors the drawdon levels Features: Easy to use Useful for money managers How to Use  Load the EA once a single chart Type the maximum drawdown desired in inputs Leave the EA alone and never close that chart The EA monitors all trades and magic numbers in your account. Input Parameter Drawdown Percent:   Maximum drawdown in percentage terms allowable in the account. When the drawdown level is surpassed, the EA will close all tra
ICT PD Arrays Trader
Aesen Noah Remolacio Perez
Attention All ICT Students! This indispensable tool is a must-have addition to your trading arsenal... Introducing the ICT PD Arrays Trader: Empower your trading with this innovative utility designed to enhance and simplify your ICT trading strategy and maximize your potential profits.  How does it work? It's simple yet highly effective. Begin by placing a rectangle on your trading chart and assigning it a name like 'ict' or any preferred identifier. This allows the system to accurately ide
News Filter Tool
Apex Software Ltd
5 (1)
提升您的交易表现,通过新闻事件洞察 在快節奏的交易世界中,新聞事件可能會對市場價格產生重大影響。了解這些事件如何影響價格變動對於在波動時期管理交易至關重要。新聞工具 EA 旨在提供對歷史和即將發生的新聞事件的見解,幫助您做出明智的交易決策。 此EA无法在策略测试器中运行。 用户指南 主要功能: 历史影响分析 了解价格如何响应特定过去新闻事件的波动。分析事件是否通常伴随着看涨或看跌趋势,并查看平均价格影响,以点数或百分比形式,随时间框架的调整而变化。可视化图表帮助您观察新闻事件与价格反应的关系,从而获得更深入的市场见解。 实时新闻集成 在MT5中直接接收即将发生的新闻事件的实时更新。为特定事件或重要性级别设置提醒,并按货币和相关性筛选事件,以关注对您的交易策略至关重要的内容。 自动化EA管理 此工具帮助您在新闻事件期间管理专家顾问(EA),允许您在重大新闻事件之前暂停EA,并在事件后无缝重新应用。您可以自定义时间设置,确保EA恢复时保持相同的参数,避免中断。 用户友好界面 使用符号选择器轻松切换分析不同的市场工具。新闻事件以颜色编码的重要性级别和国家旗帜标记在图表上,便于快速识别
Just a panel for drawing levels. Minimal but very useful thing. This is a further development of the free version. This is the version that I use myself and it has many behavior adjustments. ---- 12 types of customized levels. Support for rectangle and line levels. If you need to prevent a level from extending, add "noext" to the end of the name level object. For any update idea please contact me here. ---- This is not an indicator, don't download the demo, it doesn't work For test see free ver
KP TRADE PANEL EA is an EA MT5 facilitates various menus. KP TRADE PANEL EA is an EA skin care in MT5 is an EA that puts the system automatically in download EA MT5 to test with demo account from my profile page while some Trailing Stop Stop Loss require more than 0 features EA determines lot or money management calculates lot from known and Stop loss TS = Trailing stop with separate stop loss order Buy more AVR TS = Trailing stop plus
Aleksey Rodionov
HelloTrader is a completely new product view for the MetaTrader platform. Immediately after launching, the utility displays randomly one of the lines of the phrase, quotes of famous people or an aphorism in the upper left corner of the terminal. Every 5 minutes the recording changes. The structure includes more than 1000 phrases, quotes and aphorism in Russian and English. In the input parameters, you can choose the Russian language display of records, the default is English. The utilit
Position Limit Monitor: Efficient Control of Your Trading Operations Have you ever worried about having too many open trades simultaneously? Would you like precise control over the maximum number of positions in your account? Position Limit Monitor is the solution you need. Main Features: • Real-time monitoring: Constantly supervises the number of open positions in your account. • Customizable limit: Easily set the maximum number of positions you want to keep open. • Automatic closure: When th
Chart Spot Binance
Ghavamipour Mohammadreza
show live chart spot All symbol binance If you want to get this product with a 99% discount, send a message to my Telegram admin and rent this product for 1 $ per month or 10 $ per year. Even if you do not like the way the chart is displayed, you can tell the admin in Telegram how to display it so that your own expert is ready. https://t.me/Bella_ciao1997 https://t.me/Binance_to_mql5
The library is dedicated to help manage your trades, calculate lot, trailing, partial close and other functions. Lot Calculation Mode 0: Fixed Lot. Mode 1: Martingale Lot (1,3,5,8,13) you can use it in different way calculate when loss=1 ,when profit=0. Mode 2: Multiplier Lot (1,2,4,8,16) you can use it in different way calculate when loss=1 ,when profit=0. Mode 3: Plus Lot (1,2,3,4,5) you can use it in different way calculate when loss=1 ,when profit=0. Mode 4: SL/Risk Lot calculate based on
BitMEX Trading API
Romeu Bertho
5 (1)
Cryptocurrency analysis has never been easier with Crypto Charts for MetaTrader 5. Now, trading on BitMEX has never been easier with BitMEX Trading API for MetaTrader 5. BitMEX Trading API library was built to be as easy to use as possible. Just include the library into your Expert Advisor or Script, call the corresponding methods and start trading! Features Trade on BitMEX and BitMEX Testnet. Build and automate your strategies. Concern more with the trading strategy logic and less with the c
Goliath Mt5
Nicolokondwani Biscaldi
Goliath MT5 - scalper fully automated Expert Advisor for medium-volatile forex markets P roperties: The Library trades 10 currency pairs (USDCHF, EURCHF, EURGBP, AUDUSD, USDCAD, GBPUSD, EURUSD, NZDUSD, CADCHF, EURAUD, EURCAD, AUDJPY) The Library does not use martingale The Library sets a fixed stop loss and take profit for all orders The Library only trades a user input volume The Library can be installed on any currency pair and any timeframe Recommendations: Before using on a real account,
EA Toolkit
Esteban Thevenon
EA Toolkit   is a library that allows any developer to quickly and easily program Advisor experts. It includes many functions and enumerations such as trailing stop, lot, stop loss management, market trading authorisations, price table updates, trading conditions and many more. Installation + Documentation : You will find all the information to install this library and the documentation of its functions on this GitHub : https://github.com/Venon282/Expert-Advisor-Toolkit WARNING : The installa
This is standard library built for flexible neural Networks with performance in mind. Calling this Library is so simple and takes few lines of code:    matrix Matrix = matrix_utils.ReadCsv( "Nasdaq analysis.csv" );       matrix x_train, x_test;    vector y_train, y_test;         matrix_utils.TrainTestSplitMatrices(Matrix,x_train,y_train,x_test,y_test, 0.7 , 42 );    reg_nets = new CRegressorNets(x_train,y_train,AF_RELU_,HL, NORM_MIN_MAX_SCALER); //INitializing network       reg_nets.RegressorN
Hello everyone! I am a professional MQL programmer , Making EAs, Indicators and Trading Tools for my clients all over the world. I build 3-7 programs every week but I seldomly sell any ready-made Robots. Because I am fastidious and good strategy is so few...  this EA is the only one so far I think its good enough to be published here.  As we all know, the Ichimoku indicator has become world popular for decades, but still, only few people knows the right way of using it, and if we check the cl
Applying these methods, I managed to arrive at a nuanced conclusion that is crucial to understanding the importance of unique strategies in contemporary trading. Although the neural network advisor showed impressive efficiency in the initial stages, it proved to be highly unstable in the long run. Various factors such as market fluctuations, trend changes, external events, etc. cause its operation to be chaotic and eventually lead to instability. With these experiences, I accepted the challenge
Ben Mati Mulatya
The Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm (HMA) is a cutting-edge optimization approach that combines the strengths of genetic algorithms with the best features of population-based algorithms. Its high-speed computation ensures unparalleled accuracy and efficient search capabilities, significantly reducing the total time required for optimization while identifying optimal solutions in fewer iterations. HMA outperforms all known population optimization algorithms in both speed and accuracy. Use Cases AO
Native Websocket
Racheal Samson
5 (5)
An   easy to use, fast,  asynchronous   WebSocket library  for MQL5. It supports: ws://   and   wss://  (Secure "TLS" WebSocket) text   and   binary   data It handles: fragmented message  automatically (large data transfer) ping-pong   frames  automatically (keep-alive handshake) Benefits: No DLL required. No OpenSSL installation required. Up to 128 WebSocket Connections from a single program. Various Log Levels for error tracing Can be synchronized to MQL5 Virtual Hosting . Completely native to
The library is dedicated to help manage your trades, calculate lot, trailing, partial close and other functions. Lot Calculation Mode 0: Fixed Lot. Mode 1: Martingale Lot (1,3,5,8,13) you can use it in different way calculate when loss=1 ,when profit=0. Mode 2: Multiplier Lot (1,2,4,8,16) you can use it in different way calculate when loss=1 ,when profit=0. Mode 3: Plus Lot (1,2,3,4,5) you can use it in different way calculate when loss=1 ,when profit=0. Mode 4: SL/Risk Lot calculate based on
The Trade Tracker Library is used to automatically detect and display trade levels on custom charts. It is an especially useful add-on for EAs that trade on custom charts in MT5. With the use of this library, the EA users can see trades as they are placed via the EA (Entry, SL & TP levels) in real-time. The header file and two examples of EA skeleton files are attached in the comments section (first comment). The library will automatically detect the tradable symbol for the following custom
OrderBook History Library
Stanislav Korotky
3 (2)
Order Book, known also as Market Book, market depth, Level 2, - is a dynamically updated table with current volumes of orders to buy and to sell specific financial instument at price levels near Bid and Ask. MetaTrader 5 provides the means for receiving market book from your broker, but in real time only, without access to its history. The library OrderBook History Library reads market book state in the past from archive files, created by OrderBook Recorder . The library can be embedded into you
GetFFEvents MT5 I tester capability
Hans Alexander Nolawon Djurberg
Want to get all events like Previous/Forecast/Actual values for each news to analyze/predict it? By this simple library you can do it easily,Just import/integrate the library into your system,then get all possible values for each news   Even In Strategy Tester   . Note: Please add the address " https://www.forexfactory.com/ " of news feed at your MT5 tab > Tools > Options > Expert Advisors > Check Allow web request for listed URL. Since the WebRequest() function can't be called from indicator ba
BitMEX Trading API
Romeu Bertho
5 (1)
Cryptocurrency analysis has never been easier with Crypto Charts for MetaTrader 5. Now, trading on BitMEX has never been easier with BitMEX Trading API for MetaTrader 5. BitMEX Trading API library was built to be as easy to use as possible. Just include the library into your Expert Advisor or Script, call the corresponding methods and start trading! Features Trade on BitMEX and BitMEX Testnet. Build and automate your strategies. Concern more with the trading strategy logic and less with the c
Teclado trader, é uma BIBLIOTECA que você pode chamar no OnChartEvent para abrir posição de compra/venda/zerar, os botões padrões são: V = venda C = compra Z = zerar posições a mercado S = zerar posições opostas e depois a mercado X = zerar posições opostas Além da função de teclado, é possível mostrar os estados do ExpertAdvisor usando o MagicId, com informação de: lucro mensal, semanal, diario, e posição aberta, para isto use o OnTick, ou qualquer outro evento (OnTimer / OnTrade / OnBookEv
Goliath Mt5
Nicolokondwani Biscaldi
Goliath MT5 - scalper fully automated Expert Advisor for medium-volatile forex markets P roperties: The Library trades 10 currency pairs (USDCHF, EURCHF, EURGBP, AUDUSD, USDCAD, GBPUSD, EURUSD, NZDUSD, CADCHF, EURAUD, EURCAD, AUDJPY) The Library does not use martingale The Library sets a fixed stop loss and take profit for all orders The Library only trades a user input volume The Library can be installed on any currency pair and any timeframe Recommendations: Before using on a real account,
Gold plucking machine   Gold plucking machine   is an Expert Advisor designed specifically for trading gold. The operation is based on opening orders using the Fast and Slow lines indicator, thus the EA works according to the "Trend Follow" strategy, which means following the trend. Use grid strategy to place orders without stop loss operation, so please make sure the account has sufficient funds. magic number        -  is a special number that the EA assigns to its orders. Lot Multiplier     
Gold plucking machine S   Gold plucking machine  S Gold plucking machine S   is an Expert Advisor designed specifically for trading gold. The operation is based on opening orders using the Fast and Slow lines indicator, thus the EA works according to the "Trend Follow" strategy, which means following the trend. Use grid strategy to place orders without stop loss operation, so please make sure the account has sufficient funds. magic number        -  is a special number that the EA assigns to its
MT4/5通用交易库(  一份代码通用4和5 ) #ifdef __MQL5__      #define KOD_TICKET ulong      #define KOD_MAGIC   long #else        #define KOD_TICKET long      #define KOD_MAGIC   int #endif class ODLIST; #import "K Trade Lib Pro 5.ex5"       //祝有个美好开始,运行首行加入    void StartGood() ;    //简单开单    long OrderOpen( int type, double volume, int magic, string symbol= "" , string comment= "" , double opprice= 0 , double sl= 0 , double tp= 0 , int expiration= 0 , bool slsetmode= false , bool tpsetmode= false );    //复杂开单
If you're a trader looking to use Binance.com and Binance.us exchanges directly from your MetaTrader 5 terminal, you'll want to check out Binance Library MetaTrader 5. This powerful tool allows you to trade all asset classes on both exchanges, including Spot, USD-M   and COIN-M futures, and includes all the necessary functions for trading activity. With Binance Library MetaTrader 5, you can easily add instruments from Binance to the Symbols list of MetaTrader 5, as well as obtain information ab
1. 这是什么 MT5系统自带的优化结果非常少,有时候我们需要研究更多的结果,这个库可以让你在回测优化时可以输出更多的结果。也支持在单次回测时打印更多的策略结果。 2. 产品特色 优化的输出的结果非常多。 可以自定义CustomMax。 输出结果在Common文件夹。 根据EA名称自动命名,且同一个EA多次回测会自动更新名称,不会覆盖上一次的结果。 函数非常简单,你一眼就可以看懂。 #import "More BackTest Results.ex5" // Libraries Folder, Download from the market. //---Set CustomMax void iSetCustomMax( string mode); //---Display multiple strategy results when backtesting alone (not opt). void iOnDeinit(); //--- void iOnTesterInit(); double iOnTester(); void iOnTesterPass( string lang
The Matrix
Omega J Msigwa
Matrix is the foundation of complex trading algorithms as it helps you perform complex calculations effortlessly and without the need for too much computation power, It's no doubt that matrix has made possible many of the calculations in modern computers as we all know that bits of information are stored in array forms in our computer memory RAM, Using some of the functions in this library I was able to create machine learning robots that could take on a large number of inputs To use this libra
T5L Library is necessary to use the EAs from TSU Investimentos, IAtrader and others. It contains all the functions framework needed to Expert Advisors working properly.  ツ - The Expert Advisors from  TSU Investimentos does not work without this library,  the T5L library can have updates during the year - At this Library you will find several funcionalities like order sends, buy and sell, trigger entry points check, candlestick analyses, supply and demmand marking and lines, and much more. 
AO Core
Andrey Dik
3 (2)
AO Core is the core of the optimization algorithm, it is a library built on the author's HMA (hybrid metaheuristic algorithm) algorithm. Pay attention to the MT5 Optimization Booster product , which makes it very easy to manage the regular MT5 optimizer . An example of using AO Core is described in the article: https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/14183 https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/756510 This hybrid algorithm is based on a genetic algorithm and contains the best qualities and properties of
EA Toolkit
Esteban Thevenon
EA Toolkit   is a library that allows any developer to quickly and easily program Advisor experts. It includes many functions and enumerations such as trailing stop, lot, stop loss management, market trading authorisations, price table updates, trading conditions and many more. Installation + Documentation : You will find all the information to install this library and the documentation of its functions on this GitHub : https://github.com/Venon282/Expert-Advisor-Toolkit WARNING : The installa
This is standard library built for flexible neural Networks with performance in mind. Calling this Library is so simple and takes few lines of code:    matrix Matrix = matrix_utils.ReadCsv( "Nasdaq analysis.csv" );       matrix x_train, x_test;    vector y_train, y_test;         matrix_utils.TrainTestSplitMatrices(Matrix,x_train,y_train,x_test,y_test, 0.7 , 42 );    reg_nets = new CRegressorNets(x_train,y_train,AF_RELU_,HL, NORM_MIN_MAX_SCALER); //INitializing network       reg_nets.RegressorN
这个库用于key 和 value 数组进行排序, 我们常常需要对值进行排序。 像python语言里面的 sorted(key_value.items(), key = lambda kv:(kv[ 1 ], kv[ 0 ])) 导入函数 #import "SortedByValue.ex5" bool SortedByDouble( long       &key[], double    & value []); bool SortedByDouble( string    &key[], double    & value []); bool SortedByInteger( long      &key[], long      & value []); bool SortedByInteger( string   &key[], long      & value []); bool SortedByDateTime( long     &key[],datetime & value []); bool SortedByDateTime( string &key[],
A Simple Moving Average (SMA) is a statistical indicator used in time series analysis. This indicator represents the arithmetic mean of a sequence of values over a specific period of time. SMA is used to smooth short-term fluctuations in data, helping to highlight the overall trend or direction of changes. This aids analysts and traders in better understanding the general dynamics of the time series and identifying potential trends or changes in direction.  More information you can find in Wiki 
Hello everyone! I am a professional MQL programmer , Making EAs, Indicators and Trading Tools for my clients all over the world. I build 3-7 programs every week but I seldomly sell any ready-made Robots. Because I am fastidious and good strategy is so few...  this EA is the only one so far I think its good enough to be published here.  As we all know, the Ichimoku indicator has become world popular for decades, but still, only few people knows the right way of using it, and if we check the cl
Applying these methods, I managed to arrive at a nuanced conclusion that is crucial to understanding the importance of unique strategies in contemporary trading. Although the neural network advisor showed impressive efficiency in the initial stages, it proved to be highly unstable in the long run. Various factors such as market fluctuations, trend changes, external events, etc. cause its operation to be chaotic and eventually lead to instability. With these experiences, I accepted the challenge