版本 3.2
What's new in ver. 3.2?
1. There are two new buttons:
- 2xTgt - Double Target
- 3xTgt - Triple Target
This creates price movement channels that you can trade.
2. The indicator now allows defining deviations for the volume points. By default, the blue point represents two deviations of the average volume, and the purple one represents three. You can currently change them. For example, 1.5 or 1 will give you more points on the chart. You can even use values smaller than 1.
Application: By default, the considered volume deviations are 2 and 3, which represent a significant deviation in volume. If the market is not as volatile, the volume may be more uniform and not have such extreme values. However, the bullish or bearish volume is still larger, even though it might not have such large values. When you reduce the deviations, you will get points on the chart where the volume still shows deviations in one direction or the other, even if the deviations are not as large. This indicates which direction the market is inclined to move.
3. An option has also been added that allows you to reposition the buttons up or down, enabling the indicator to avoid overlapping with other indicators on the chart that may be located in the same place.
版本 3.0
The indicator has been completely rewritten.
All functions are displayed as buttons on the chart, ensuring quick responsiveness during trading. The right tool at the right moment.
Second and third deviations have been added.
Volume analysis has been added.
A signal when the target line is reached.
Automatic color change of the indicator, resulting in new themes being applied automatically.
版本 2.60
Version 2.60
In the new version, the indicator automatically assigns the next identifier number. This allows you to add as many indicators as you want to your charts without mixing the buffers of individual indicators, ensuring the indicator's position remains unaffected. Previously, this was done manually.
版本 2.50
Good new functionality added.
1. First bullish and and first bearish deviation lines
The first deviation line in Enigmerа refers to measuring the deviation of the price from its average value, that is, how much the price has deviated from the support line.
High deviation indicates high volatility, while low deviation indicates stability.
Traders use this information to determine entry and exit points. For example, in high volatility, breakout strategies can be applied, while in low volatility – range trading strategies.
Sensitivity to Anomalies: Single sharp movements can distort the calculation of deviation.
2. Support channel of two additional optional support lines (a bearish and bullish)
版本 2.40
Two new lines added to Enigmera in ver. 2.4
These are the first bullish and bearish deviations of the support line.
If the price primarily moves between the Enigmera line and its 45 deg lines, the market is in consolidation or sideways movement, which does not indicate a clear trend.
What is the difference between 45 deg line and Single deviation line?
45 deg lines defines the trend. If below non-sustainable, if over strong, if alongside the 45 deg line - sustainable.
Deviation line defines the acceptable distance whithin we consider lack of trend.
Outside the first devition is a trend sign, and it is simply because the market reached a new land.
The first standard deviation often acts as a boundary for normal price fluctuations around this average value.
版本 2.30
- Bugs removed.
- 50% target line added. Be default is off.
- Non-Enigmera functionality removed.
Generally better performance.
版本 2.24
More friendly labels.
版本 2.23
The update is quite important. The convenience is undeniable:
- Just add the indicator to the chart. It is no longer necessary to enter the date and time.
- Putting a top or bottom is done by pulling and dragging the indicator.
- Reestimation of the trend is much more faster.
版本 2.1
- Warning when target is reached
- Line labels added. On/Off option
- Warning if indicator is not placed correctly
- Indicator identifier (when using more than one indicator on a graphic)
版本 2.0
1. 新增艾略特通道。现在,您可以为艾略特通道使用任何时间框架。默认为 4 小时。这将使您的计算更加轻松。
2. 添加了自动斐波纳契时区。这也可以方便您计数。
3. 新增自动 50%线。对任何级别的运动都很重要。
4. 可选择限制指标计算的蜡烛图数量。默认值为 377。这个数字足以衡量大多数走势。您可以根据自己的想法进行更改。
5. 消除了从高时间段到低时间段时由于大量分形计算而导致的无响应现象。这不再是一个问题。
6. 通过优化代码提高性能。
7. 增加了颜色和线条选项。
8. 添加了标识符。如果要在图表上多次使用指标,最好为每个实例使用新的标识符。这样,指标将在每个实例中使用不同的缓冲区。
9. 对界面进行了一些修改。目标线变粗,使其更加重要,以吸引注意力。
版本 1.3
- 角度 45 度线
- 45 度偏差线
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