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YKL Maps


Indicador MAPS

Indicador é um oscilador que faz o plot da Curva de Retorno de uma regressão de segundo grau para os preços de fechamento do ativo do gráfico. A Curva de Retorno é a linha central do indicador MAPS e representa a região de equilíbrio do preço entre vendedores e compradores.

Os plots do indicador são:

  • Linha central - C0 - cor da mesma varia de acordo com a tendência do mercado, sendo verde para tendência de alta e vermelho para baixa;
  • Linhas superiores: S1, S2, S3 e S4, sendo que a S4 é a mais afastada do centro;
  • Linhas inferiores: I1, I2, I3 e I4, sendo que a I4 é a mais afastada do centro.

Inputs do indicador:

  • Barras de regressão: número de barras para que seja feita a regressão de segundo grau.
  • Desvio padrão: é o desvio considerado nos cálculos da regressão de segundo grau.
  • Nível ATR: é o tamanho de cada nível (linha do plot) no indicador MAPS. Quanto maior o nível de ATR, maior será o espaçamento entre as linhas do indicador. Considere um nível de ATR 0.5 como sendo um nível equilibrado para que o total de 4 linhas para baixo ou para cima resulte em um valor de 2 desvios padrão da linha central.

Resumo de todos os buffers do indicador:

  • Buffer 0 - Linha Superior 1 (S1)
  • Buffer 1 - Linha Superior 2 (S2)
  • Buffer 2 - Linha Superior 3 (S3)
  • Buffer 3 - Linha Superior 4 (S4)
  • Buffer 4 - Linha Inferior 1 (I1)
  • Buffer 5 - Linha Inferior 2 (I2)
  • Buffer 6 - Linha Inferior 3 (I3)
  • Buffer 7 - Linha Inferior 4 (I4)
  • Buffer 8 - Linha Central (C0)
  • Buffer 9 - buffer de coloração da linha central

Indicador está otimizado para o par de ativos do WINFUT e WDOFUT da Bolsa Brasileira B3, porém funciona para qualquer ativo incluindo Forex.

评论 1
ansonwin 2023.09.21 17:14 


YKL Multiple Regression
Ygor Keller Luccas
5 (1)
Indicador Multiple Regression Indicador faz o plot da  Curva de Retorno  e dos canais superior e inferior de uma  regressão para os preços de fechamento do ativo do gráfico. A  Curva de Retorno  é a linha central do indicador e representa a região de equilíbrio do preço entre vendedores e compradores. Nesse indicador o usuário escolhe o tipo da regressão podendo ser de 3 tipos: primeiro grau, segundo grau ou terceiro grau. Os plots do indicador são: Linha central – cor padrão preta; Linha superi
Value Chart Candlesticks
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
4.73 (11)
The idea of a Value Chart indicator was presented in the very good book I read back in 2020 , " Dynamic Trading Indicators: Winning with Value Charts and Price Action Profile ", from the authors Mark Helweg and David Stendahl. The idea is simple and the result is pure genius: Present candlestick Price analysis in a detrended way! HOW TO READ THIS INDICATOR Look for Overbought and Oversold levels. Of course, you will need to test the settings a lot to find the "correct" one for your approach. It
Bollinger Bands B
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
4.5 (2)
John Bollinger created this indicator in 2010 as a way to read the original indicator (Bollinger Bands) in a more "technical" way, shown as an oscillator. The typical range of the Bollinger Bands %B is 0 - 0.5 - 1.0, where "0" represents the lower band, the "0.5" the middle band, and "1" the upper band. The line on the indicator represents the Closing prices. As simple as that. SETTINGS Bollinger Bands period of analysis Standard Deviation multiplier Shift Price type to be analyzed If you like
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
4.44 (9)
Imagine VWAP, MVWAP and MIDAS in one place... Well, you found it! Now you can track the movement of Big Players in various ways, as they in general pursue the benchmarks related to this measuring, gauging if they had good execution or poor execution on their orders. Traders and analysts use the VWAP to eliminate the noise that occurs throughout the day, so they can measure what prices buyers and sellers are really trading. VWAP gives traders insight into how a stock trades for that day and deter
Vegas indicador
Valter Cezar Costa
3.5 (2)
Esse Indicador é uma boa opção para quem gosta de operar a longo prazo e com paciência. Ele trabalho com os níveis de fibo na media de 200 são  9 níveis  onde você pode operar nas reversões o mercado partir do níveis abaixo.    Level 1 = 550 pontos    Level 2 = 890 pontos    Level 3 = 1440 pontos    Level 4 = 2330 pontos    Level 5 = 3770 pontos    Level 7 = 9870 pontos    Level 8 = 15970 pontos   Level 9 = 25840 pontos      Level 6 = 6100 pontos
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
4.17 (6)
Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) is a trading benchmark commonly used by Big Players that gives the average price a Symbol has traded throughout the day. It is based on both Volume and price. Additionally we put in this indicator the MVWAP (Moving Volume Weighted Average Price). For those who do not know the usage and the importance od this indicator I recommend a great article about this subject at Investopedia ( https://www.investopedia.com/articles/trading/11/trading-with-vwap-mvwap.asp )
Midas VWAP
Paulo Henrique Faquineli Garcia
4 (1)
Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) is a trading benchmark commonly used by Big Players that gives the average price a Symbol has traded throughout the day. It is based on both Volume and price. This indicator contains Daily VWAP and MIDAS' VWAP, which means you are able to anchor the beggining of MIDAS' calculations and, therefore you will be able to use this methodology to study price versus volume moves after anchor point. You will be able to anchor up to 3 HIGH MIDAS VWAP's and 3 LOW. Wish
The custom Bollinger Bands Height indicator measures and displays the current state of the Bollinger Bands indicator, showing whether the bands are widening (moving away from each other) or narrowing (starting to converge). Contraction, indicated by the narrowing of the bands, suggests that the current market movement is losing momentum and hints at the potential start of a new strong movement. This can be a signal to look for an opportune moment to enter a position, as a sharp price change may
Volume Weighted Average Price or VWAP is an indicator wich shows different average prices on chart. This is very useful to find strong negotiation price areas and as trend following. Configurations: Day, Week and Month - Show different VWAPs according to the period. You can change each line style on "colors" tab. Any doubt or suggestion please contact us. Enjoy! This is a free indicator, but it took hours to develop. If you want to pay me a coffee, I appreciate a lot   <3 PayPal, Skrill, Nete
VisualVol EURUSD
Maxim Kuznetsov
The indicator highlights the points that a professional trader sees in ordinary indicators. VisualVol visually displays different volatility indicators on a single scale and a common align. Highlights the excess of volume indicators in color. At the same time, Tick and Real Volume, Actual range, ATR, candle size and return (open-close difference) can be displayed. Thanks to VisualVol, you will see the market periods and the right time for different trading operations. This version is intended f
Stackable VWAP
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
3.5 (4)
Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) is a trading benchmark commonly used by Big Players that gives the average price a Symbol has traded throughout the day. It is based on both Volume and price. Additionally we put in this indicator the MVWAP (Moving Volume Weighted Average Price). For those who do not know the usage and the importance od this indicator I recommend a great article about this subject at Investopedia ( https://www.investopedia.com/articles/trading/11/trading-with-vwap-mvwap.asp
Bollinger Bands Percentage
Emanuel Cavalcante Amorim Filho
Bollinger Bands %  or Bollinger Bands Percentage is one of the indicators used in the Sapphire Strat Maker - EA Builder . It is calculated using the following formula: Perc = (CLOSE_PRICE - LOWER_BOLLINGER) / (UPPER_BOLLINGER - LOWER_BOLLINGER) * 100 Thus, by taking the difference between closing price to the lower band and dividing it by the difference of the upper and the lower price levels of a Bollinger Bands indicator, we can calculate this indicator. It shows how far the price is from
Non Lag Ma MTF
Juan Manuel Rojas Perez
Versión Beta El indicador técnico Non Lag MA MTF (Non-Lagged Moving Average Multi-Time Frame) es una versión avanzada del Non Lag MA que permite visualizar la media móvil en varios marcos temporales simultáneamente.   Pros: - Visión integral: Proporciona una visión más completa al mostrar la media móvil en diferentes marcos temporales en un solo gráfico. - Anticipación de tendencias: Ayuda a anticipar cambios de tendencia al observar la convergencia o divergencia de las medias móviles en distint
Spike Catch Pro
Amani Fungo
4.14 (7)
Spike Catch Pro 22:03 release updates Advanced engine for searching trade entries in all Boom and Crash pairs (300,500 and 1000) Programmed strategies improvements Mx_Spikes (to combine Mxd,Mxc and Mxe), Tx_Spikes,   RegularSpikes,   Litho_System,   Dx_System,   Md_System,   MaCross,   Omx_Entry(OP),  Atx1_Spikes(OP),   Oxc_Retracement (AT),M_PullBack(AT) we have added an arrow on strategy identification, this will help also in the visual manual backtesting of the included strategies and see ho
Bar Countdown
Mario Antonio Oliveira
4.75 (4)
Bar Countdown is a simple indicator for MetaTrader 5 that shows the time remaining of the each candle. It can be placed in any corner of the chart or near of the price close and it'll help you to know if the current candle is ending. Choose the counter format between HR:MIN:SEC and MIN:SEC It is so easy to use, configure the color, size and counter position on the chart and that's it!!! The Countdown starts now! Updates: 2021/02/28; v1.0: Initial release 2021/03/16; v1.1: Minor code changes   
LT Donchian Channel
Thiago Duarte
4.83 (6)
Donchian Channel is an indicator created by Richard Donchian. It is formed by taking the highest high and the lowest low of the last specified period in candles. The area between high and low is the channel for the chosen period. Its configuration is simple. It is possible to have the average between the upper and lower lines, plus you have alerts when price hits one side. If you have any questions or find any bugs, please contact me. Enjoy!
High Low Open Close
Alexandre Borela
4.98 (42)
如果你象这个项目一样,就有5个饥饿审查。 这项指标采用了既定价格的公开、高、低价和关闭价格 可以对特定时间区加以调整。 许多机构和专业人士都认为这些是重要的。 贸易商可以为你了解他们可能更进一步的地点, 积极。 现有期间为: 前一日。 前一星期。 曾任Month。 曾任。 前一年。 或: 目前日。 目前周。 目前 Month。 目前配额。 今年。
Guppy Zones
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
4.84 (19)
If you have the opportunity to read the book " Trend Trading - A Seven-Step Approach to success " by Daryl Guppy, you will have a great deal of information about how to "read" the market. In his book Daryl show, among other things, how can we use a visual tool to measure the volatility and trend between Long and Short-term periods: The GMMA - Guppy Multiple Moving Averages . Instead of using his original idea of having 12 Exponential Moving Averages in your chart - which could be very CPU-deman
Amiguinhos Bar Counter
Eduardo Correia Da Silva
3.67 (3)
Amiguinho's Bar Counter is a price action indicator to display the bar count (candles) with some interesting options. About the "Period of analysis" parameter: if the current timeframe is in minutes, then the analysis period will be considered in days; if the current timeframe is in days, then the analysis period will be considered in months; or  if the period of analysis will be considered in years.
CAP Channel Trading MT5
3.93 (55)
The   CAP Channel Trading   is a volatility-based indicator that makes use of the “advanced envelope theory”. These envelopes consist of two outer lines. Envelope theory states that the market price will generally fall between the boundaries of the envelope (or channel). If prices move outside the envelope, it is a trading signal or trading opportunity. Benefits of the Channel Trading Indicator CAP Channel Trading works with any asset It can be applied to any financial assets: forex, cryptocur
Media Móvel Grátis para uso em conjunto ao Diamond Indicator Atenção. Essa é a mm para conjugar ao indicador.  Esse não é o indicador.  Comprem o indicador que está tendo ótimos resultados.  A seguir informações sobre o indicador: Indicador Para Opções Binarias. Usa dois gales. Instalar em mt5 Esse indicador é para ser usado no tempo de vela de 5 minutos e em M5. Este também funciona em M1, porém é mais eficiente em M5. Só descompactar e copiar os arquivos na pasta de dados do seu MT5. Arquivos
Girassol Sunflower MT5 Indicator
Saullo De Oliveira Pacheco
4.33 (6)
This is the famous Sunflower indicator for Metatrader5. This indicator marks possible tops and bottoms on price charts. The indicator identifies tops and bottoms in the asset's price history, keep in mind that the current sunflower of the last candle repaints, as it is not possible to identify a top until the market reverses and it is also not possible to identify a bottom without the market stop falling and start rising. If you are looking for a professional programmer for Metatrader5, please
QuantumAlert RSI Navigator is a free indicator available for MT4/MT5 platforms, its work is to provide "alerts" when the market is inside "overbought and oversold" regions in the form of "buy or sell" signals. This indicator comes with many customization options mentioned in the parameter section below, user can customise these parameters as needful. Join our MQL5 group , where we share important news and updates. You are also welcome to join our private channel as well, contact me for the priva
VWAP Indicator
4.13 (23)
Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) The volume weighted average price (VWAP) is a  trading   benchmark  used by traders that gives the average price a security has traded at throughout the day, based on both volume and price. It is important because it provides traders with insight into both the trend and value of a security. This indicator VWAP V2 is free and is the manual version of the extended Easy VWAP indicator (30 Euro), where the date and time properties are automatically entered. With
Wave Box Market Frenquency
Jean Jacques Huve Ribeiro
4.75 (4)
Totally linked to the result of a movement and the duration he had. Its height records how many ticks the asset walked during a given movement, its width shows us the duration that movement had. Its configuration must be in line with the Weis Wave Indicator configuration to observe the movement force and can indicate a possible accumulation or distribution of the movement;
Hi you, I need your help! Be my Patron, let's make it possible! https://www.patreon.com/joaopeuko https://github.com/Joaopeuko/Mql5-Python-Integration Channel: English version - Versão Inglês: https://www.mql5.com/en/channels/Mql5_Python_Integration_EN Portuguese version - Versão Português: https://www.mql5.com/en/channels/Mql5_Python_Integration_PT Free version with 5 indicators: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/57574 This version has 38 indicators, 5 from the free version plus
Colored Dynamic Momentum Index DMI
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
5 (4)
If you are (or were) a fan of the RSI indicator will love Tushar Chande's Dynamic Momentum Index indicator, that simply put is a dynamic variable lenght RSI, so it is more powerful. The DMI indicator internally uses a variable number of bars in its calculations, taking into consideration the volatility levels of the current market you are analyzing. This way, the DMI indicator will use more bars as volatility decreases and less bars when volatility increases, giving you a more powerfull analysis
Market Strength Radar
Inicialmente este indicador foi elaborado e pensado para rastrear pontos ou velas onde há força de tendência. Como nas grandes descobertas, cheguei ao indicador que mostra principalmente velas de reversão, pontos de tensão, alta liquidez, resistência. O indicador traz simplificação ao gráfico, indicando todos os pontos onde possivelmente teríamos lta´s, ltb´s, médias móveis, bandas, ifr alto. O indicador não faz o gerenciamento de risco, apenas mostra as velas onde podem ocorrer reversão. Lembre
Trendline mt5 indicator
David Muriithi
3 (1)
Are you tired of drawing trendlines every time you're analyzing charts? Or perhaps you would like more consistency in your technical analysis. Then this is for you. This indicator will draw trend lines automatically when dropped on a chart. How it works Works similar to standard deviation channel found on mt4 and mt5. It has 2 parameters: 1. Starting Bar 2. Number of bars for calculation The   starting bar   is the bar which drawing of the trend lines will begin, while the   number of bars for c
Trend Screener Pro MT5
4.84 (76)
使用趋势筛选指标释放趋势交易的力量:由模糊逻辑和多货币系统提供支持的终极趋势交易解决方案! 使用趋势筛选器(由模糊逻辑提供支持的革命性趋势指标)提升您的趋势交易。 它是一个强大的趋势跟踪指标,结合了超过 13 种高级工具和功能以及 3 种交易策略,使其成为使您的 Metatrader 成为趋势分析器的多功能选择。 限时优惠:趋势筛选指标终身仅需 50 美元。 ( 原价 250$ ) (优惠延长) 体验趋势筛选器 100% 无需重新绘制的准确性,确保您的交易决策不受过去价格变化的影响。 释放多时间框架和多货币功能的多功能性,使您能够以无与伦比的信心在外汇、商品、加密货币和指数领域进行交易。 利用 Trend Screener 的综合策略套件增强您的交易: - 趋势跟踪策略和趋势延续策略 :趋势筛选器的趋势跟踪策略提供清晰的趋势延续信号,让您有效捕捉趋势走势并管理风险。 - 反转策略和早期入场点策略 :趋势筛选器的反转策略可检测市场方向的潜在变化,使您能够预测趋势反转并利用疲弱的市场趋势。通过早期入场点,您可以在潜在的趋势变化之前定位自己 获取可观的利润。 - 倒卖策略: 趋势筛选器的倒卖
Golden Trend Indicator MT5
Noha Mohamed Fathy Younes Badr
4.88 (16)
Golden Trend indicator  is The best indicator for predicting trend movement this indicator never lags and never repaints and never back paints    and give  arrow buy and sell    before the candle appear  and it will help you and  will make your trading decisions clearer its work on all currencies and  gold and crypto and all time frame This unique  indicator uses very secret algorithms to catch the  trends, so you can trade using this indicator and see the trend clear on charts  manual guide and
FX Levels MT5
Daniel Stein
5 (3)
FX Levels:适用于所有市场的高精度支撑与阻力 快速概览 想要精准确定适用于任何市场(外汇、指数、股票或大宗商品)的支撑与阻力吗? FX Levels 将传统的“Lighthouse”方法与前沿的动态分析相结合,实现近乎通用的准确性。依托真实经纪商经验和自动化的每日与实时更新, FX Levels 帮助您捕捉价格反转点、设置合理的盈利目标,并自信地管理交易。立即使用,体验更准确的支撑/阻力分析如何助力您的交易更上层楼! 1. 为什么 FX Levels 对交易者非常有利 极度精准的支撑 & 阻力区 • FX Levels 专为不同经纪商提供的行情源和时间设置而设计,可生成几乎相同的价位区,解决数据不一致的常见问题。 • 这意味着无论您在哪里交易,都能获得稳定一致的水平线,为策略打下更加牢固的基础。 结合传统与先进技术 • 通过将久经考验的“Lighthouse”方法与动态分析相融合, FX Levels 不仅限于每日刷新,还可针对新的价格波动进行即时更新。 • 您可以选择经典的静态方式,或实时捕捉新出现的水平,以贴近最新的市场行为。 识别清晰的反转点 • FX Lev
TPSpro RFI Levels MT5
Roman Podpora
4.53 (19)
指示       俄罗斯 -        英语   建议 与指示器一起使用     -       TPSpro 趋势专业版 -   MT4版本       交易中的一个关键要素是做出买卖交易工具决定的区域或水平。尽管主要参与者试图隐藏他们在市场中的存在,但他们不可避免地会留下痕迹。我们的任务是学习如何识别这些痕迹并正确解释它们。 主要功能: 向卖家和买家显示活跃区域! 该指标显示所有正确的初始买入和卖出脉冲水平/区域。激活这些水平/区域后,开始寻找切入点,水平会改变颜色并填充特定阴影。此外,还会显示箭头,以便更直观地了解情况。 显示更高时间范围内的级别/区域(MTF 模式) 添加了使用更高时间间隔显示级别/区域的功能。此外,该指标还具有自动趋势检测功能(   TPSproTREND PRO   )。 用于交易的单独专业的逐步算法。 该算法专为日内交易而设计,既可顺势交易,也可逆势交易。每个活动模板均提供详细说明。 适用于多种时间范围 。 TPSpro RFI 水平指标可用于图表上的任何时间范围,从一分钟(M1)开始一直到每月(MN)。 图形和声音警报。 该指标提供图形和声音指示,
Roman Podpora
4.65 (17)
FX Power MT5 NG
Daniel Stein
5 (11)
FX Power:分析货币强度,助您做出更明智的交易决策 概述 FX Power 是一款专业工具,帮助您全面了解主要货币和黄金在任何市场条件下的真实强度。通过识别强势货币用于买入,弱势货币用于卖出, FX Power 简化了交易决策,并帮助您发现高概率的交易机会。不论您是想跟随趋势还是通过极端的 Delta 值预测反转,这款工具都能完美适应您的交易风格。别再盲目交易——用 FX Power 让您的交易更加智慧。 1. 为什么 FX Power 对交易者极具价值 实时货币和黄金强度分析 • FX Power 实时计算并显示主要货币和黄金的相对强度,助您全面了解市场动态。 • 监控领先或落后资产,轻松识别值得交易的货币对。 全面的多时间框架视图 • 跟踪短期、中期和长期时间框架的货币和黄金强度,以便将您的交易策略与市场趋势保持一致。 • 无论是快进快出的短线交易还是更长期的投资策略, FX Power 都能为您提供所需的信息。 Delta 动态分析用于趋势和反转 • 极端 Delta 值常常预示反转机会,而平缓的 Delta 变化则确认趋势延续。 • 使用 Delta 分析,轻
FX Volume MT5
Daniel Stein
4.82 (17)
FX Volume:从经纪商视角洞察真实市场情绪 简要概述 想要提升您的交易策略? FX Volume 可提供零售交易者和经纪商的持仓实时数据——远早于诸如 COT 之类的延迟报告。不论您希望获得持续稳定的收益,还是想在市场中多一分制胜的砝码, FX Volume 都能帮您识别重大失衡、确认突破以及完善风险管理。立即开启体验,让真实的成交量数据为您的交易决策带来革新! 1. 为什么 FX Volume 对交易者格外有用 极具准确度的早期预警 • 快速捕捉有多少交易者正在买入或卖出某个货币对——比大多数人提前一步。 • FX Volume 是 唯一 能够整合多家零售经纪商真实成交量数据并以简洁方式呈现的工具。 强力风险管理 • 及时识别多头或空头仓位的巨大不平衡,这往往预示着潜在的趋势反转,帮助您更自信地设置止损和目标位。 • 独家而真实的数据让每一次交易决策更具可靠性。 优化进场与出场点 • 发现“过度集中”的交易(大多数交易者都在同一方向),并通过真实成交量来确认突破。 • 避免依赖常见指标可能带来的误导信号,而是利用真实的实时成交量。 适配各种交易策略 • 将 FX
Entry Points Pro for MT5
Yury Orlov
4.46 (130)
这款指标用于 MT5,可提供准确的入场交易信号,且无重绘。 它可应用在任何金融资产:外汇、加密货币、贵金属、股票、指数。 它将提供极其精准的评估,并告诉您何时开仓和平仓的最佳时机。 观看 视频 (6:22),其中包含一个仅处理单一信号的示例,该信号即可值回指标购价! 大多数交易者在 Entry Points Pro 指标的帮助下,在第一个交易周内即改善了他们的交易结果。 订阅我们的 Telegram 群 ! Entry Points Pro 指标的益处。 入场信号无重绘 如果信号出现,并得到确认,则它不会再消失;不像是重绘指标,它会导致重大的财产损失,因为它们可以在显示信号后再将其删除。 无差错开仓 指标算法可令您找到入场交易(买入或卖出资产)的理想时机,从而提高每位交易者的成功率。 Entry Points Pro 可操作任何资产 它允许您在 MT5 平台上交易任何经纪商的加密货币、股票、贵金属、指数、大宗商品和货币。 提供任何方向的信号 Entry Points Pro 指标提供针对任意价格走势的入场交易信号 - 上涨、下跌或横盘(横向)。 最大盈利潜力 离场信号
IX Power MT5
Daniel Stein
4.86 (7)
IX Power:解锁指数、大宗商品、加密货币和外汇市场洞察 概述 IX Power 是一款多功能工具,可分析指数、大宗商品、加密货币和外汇市场的强弱表现。 FX Power 提供针对货币对的最高精度,利用所有可用货币对数据进行分析,而 IX Power 专注于基础资产的市场数据。这使得 IX Power 成为非外汇市场的理想选择,同时在需要简单外汇分析时也非常可靠。它可以无缝适用于任何图表,提供清晰的、有行动价值的洞察,帮助提升您的交易决策。 1. 为什么 IX Power 对交易者非常有价值 多市场强弱分析 • IX Power 分析指数、大宗商品、加密货币和外汇市场的强弱表现,为每个市场提供量身定制的洞察。 • 监控 US30、WTI、黄金、比特币等资产的表现,发现交易机会。 适用于更广泛的市场 • 对于外汇交易, FX Power 提供无与伦比的精度,通过分析所有相关货币对。 • IX Power 专注于基础资产的市场数据,非常适合非外汇市场及简化的外汇分析。 实时适应性 • 借助自适应算法, IX Power 实时响应市场数据变化,保持分析的最新性。 • 实时更新
Quantum TrendPulse
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
5 (13)
介绍 Quantum TrendPulse   ,这是一款终极交易工具,它将 SuperTrend   、   RSI 和 Stochastic 的强大功能整合到一个综合指标中,以最大限度地发挥您的交易潜力。该指标专为追求精准和效率的交易者而设计,可帮助您自信地识别市场趋势、动量变化以及最佳进入和退出点。 主要特点: 超级趋势整合: 轻松跟随当前的市场趋势并乘上盈利浪潮。 RSI 精度: 检测超买和超卖水平,非常适合把握市场逆转时机,可用作 SuperTrend 的过滤器 随机精度: 利用随机振荡在波动的市场中寻找隐藏的机会, 用作超级趋势的过滤器 多时间范围分析: 从 M5 到 H1 或 H4,在不同时间范围内关注市场动态。 可定制的警报: 当您的自定义交易条件得到满足时收到通知,这样您就不会错过任何交易。 无论您是新手还是经验丰富的交易员,   Quantum TrendPulse 都能为您提供所需的优势,帮助您增强策略并自信地进行交易。借助这一强大的指标,将洞察力转化为利润 — 掌控您的交易! ***购买 Quantum TrendPulse,即可免费获得 Quantum Tr
Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (13)
矩阵箭头指标 MT5   是一种独特的 10 合 1 趋势,遵循   100% 非重绘多时间框架指标 ,可用于所有符号/工具: 外汇 、 商品 、 加密货币 、 指数 、 股票 。 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5 将在其早期阶段确定当前趋势,从多达 10 个标准指标中收集信息和数据,它们是: 平均定向运动指数 (ADX) 商品渠道指数 (CCI) 经典 Heiken Ashi 蜡烛 移动平均线 移动平均收敛散度 (MACD) 相对活力指数 (RVI) 相对强弱指数 (RSI) 抛物线SAR 随机振荡器 威廉姆斯的百分比范围 当所有指标给出有效的买入或卖出信号时,相应的箭头将打印在图表上,在下一根蜡烛/柱线开盘时,指示强劲的上升趋势/下降趋势。用户可以选择使用哪些指标,并可以单独调整每个指标的参数。 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5 仅从选定的指标中收集信息,并仅根据其数据打印箭头。   Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5   还可以为所有新信号发送终端、推送通知或电子邮件警报。无论您是黄牛、日内交易者还是波段交易者, Mat
FX Dynamic:借助可定制的 ATR 分析,追踪波动率与趋势 概述 FX Dynamic 是一款强大的工具,通过计算平均真实波幅(ATR)来为交易者提供日内和日间波动性方面的深度见解。通过设置 80%、100%、130% 等关键波动率阈值,您可以快速识别潜在的盈利机会,或者在市场超出常规范围时及时得到预警。 FX Dynamic 可根据您经纪商的时区进行调整,帮助您保持一致的波动率衡量标准,并能与 MetaTrader 平台完美结合,实现实时分析。 1. 为什么 FX Dynamic 对交易者极具价值 实时 ATR 洞察 • 仅需一眼便可了解日间与日内波动水平。当价格触及或突破 80%、100%、130% 的 ATR 阈值时,会发出提示,让您知道市场是否达到临界水平。 • 在波动完全爆发前预判可能的衰竭或突破走势。 多市场通用 • 适用于外汇、商品、指数等多种资产。 FX Dynamic 可以自动识别经纪商时区,也可手动进行调整。 • 您可选择只专注于某一特定品种,或在多市场保持一致的 ATR 标准。 更智能的风险管理 • 利用 ATR 门槛来优化止损或止盈位置。当市场
This indicator is based on the mathematics of the great trader W.D. Ganna. With its help, you can easily find strong levels by analyzing swings to find the optimal entry point. The indicator works on all instruments and all timeframes. The indicator is fully manual and has control buttons. All you need to do is press the NEW button, a segment will appear, which you can place on any movement, swing or even 1 candle that you want to analyze. By placing the segment, press the OK button. A grid (th
支撑和阻力筛选器是 MetaTrader 的一个级别指标,它在一个指标内提供多种工具。 可用的工具有: 1. 市场结构筛选器。 2. 看涨回调区。 3. 看跌回调区。 4.每日枢轴点 5.每周枢轴点 6. 每月枢轴点 7. 基于谐波形态和成交量的强大支撑和阻力。 8. 银行级区域。 限时优惠:HV 支撑和阻力指示器仅售 50 美元且终生可用。 (原价 125$) 通过访问我们的 MQL5 博客,您可以找到我们所有带有分析示例的高级指标: 单击此处 主要特点 基于谐波和音量算法的强大支撑和阻力区域。 基于谐波和成交量算法的看涨和看跌回调区域。 市场结构筛选器 每日、每周和每月的枢轴点。 文档 所有支持和阻力筛选器文档(说明)和策略详细信息均可在我们 MQL5 博客的这篇文章中找到: 单击此处。 接触 如果您有任何问题或需要帮助,请通过私信联系我。 作者 SAYADI ACHREF,金融科技软件工程师,Finansya 创始人。
首先,值得强调的是,这个交易工具是非重绘、非重画和非滞后的指标,非常适合专业交易。 在线课程,用户手册和演示。 智能价格行动概念指标是一个非常强大的工具,既适用于新手,也适用于经验丰富的交易者。它将超过20个有用的指标合并到一个指标中,结合了高级交易思想,如内圈交易员分析和智能资金概念交易策略。该指标侧重于智能资金概念,提供有关大型机构交易方式的见解,帮助预测它们的动向。 它在流动性分析方面尤其擅长,有助于理解机构的交易方式。它擅长预测市场趋势,并仔细分析价格波动。通过将您的交易与机构策略对齐,您可以更准确地预测市场走向。该指标多才多艺,擅长分析市场结构,识别重要的订单区块,并识别各种模式。 它擅长识别BOS和CHoCH等模式,理解动量的转变,并突出显示供需强劲的关键区域。它还擅长发现强大的不平衡,并分析价格创造更高高点或更低低点的模式。如果您使用斐波那契回撤工具,该指标可以满足您的需求。它还可以识别相等的高点和低点,分析不同的时间框架,并通过仪表板显示数据。 对于使用更高级策略的交易者,该指标提供了工具,如公平价值差指标和优惠和折扣区域的识别。它特别关注高时间框架订单区块,并
Basic Harmonic Patterns Dashboard MT5
Mehran Sepah Mansoor
4.57 (7)
该仪表盘显示所选符号的最新可用谐波形态,因此您可以节省时间并提高效率 /  MT4 版本 。 免费指标:  Basic Harmonic Pattern 指标列 Symbol:   显示所选符号 Trend:     看涨或看跌 Pattern:    形态类型(Gartley、蝴蝶、蝙蝠、螃蟹、鲨鱼、Cypher 或 ABCD) Entry:     入口价格 SL: 止损价 TP1: 第一止盈价 TP2: 第二次获利价格 TP3: 第三次获利价格 Current price:    当前价格 Age (in bars):   最后绘制的模式的年龄 主要输入 Symbols :   从 "28 种主要货币对 "或 "选定符号 "中选择。 Selected Symbols :   希望监控的符号,用逗号分隔("EURUSD,GBPUSD,XAUUSD")。如果您的经纪商为货币对设置了后缀或前缀,您必须在以下两个参数中添加(货币对前缀或货币对后缀)。 Max Iteration:   调整模式的最大迭代次数(如果该值越小,则模式越少,性能越快;如果该值越大,则模式越多,性能越慢)
Gold Stuff mt5
Vasiliy Strukov
4.92 (173)
Gold Stuff mt5 是专为黄金设计的趋势指标,也可用于任何金融工具。 该指标不会重绘,也不会滞后。 推荐时间框架 H1。 购买后立即联系我以获得设置和个人奖励!   你可以在我的个人资料中找到它。   重要! 购买后立即与我联系,以获得说明和奖金!   您可以免费收到我们的强力支持和趋势扫描指标的副本,请私信。大部头书!   设置 绘制箭头 - 打开关闭。 在图表上绘制箭头。 警报 - 打开关闭声音警报。 电子邮件通知 - 打开关闭。 电子邮件通知。 Puch-notification - 打开关闭。 推送通知。 接下来,调整色域。 Gold Stuff mt5 是专为黄金设计的趋势指标,也可用于任何金融工具。 该指标不会重绘,也不会滞后。 推荐时间框架 H1。 购买后立即联系我以获得设置和个人奖励!   设置 绘制箭头 - 打开关闭。 在图表上绘制箭头。 警报 - 打开关闭声音警报。 电子邮件通知 - 打开关闭。 电子邮件通知。 Puch-notification - 打开关闭。 推送通知。 接下来,调整色域。
Bill Williams Advanced
Siarhei Vashchylka
5 (9)
Bill Williams Advanced is designed for automatic chart analysis using Bill Williams' "Profitunity" system. The indicator analyzes four timeframes at once. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) Advantages 1. Automatically analyzes the chart using the "Profitunity" system of Bill Williams. The found signals are placed in a table in the corner of the screen. 2. Equipped with a trend filter based on the Alligator indicator. Most of the system signals are recommended to be used only according t
Gartley Hunter Multi
Siarhei Vashchylka
5 (9)
Gartley Hunter Multi - An indicator for searching for harmonic patterns simultaneously on dozens of trading instruments and on all possible timeframes. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) | Version for MT4 Advantages 1. Patterns: Gartley, Butterfly, Shark, Crab. Bat, Alternate Bat, Deep Crab, Cypher 2. Simultaneous search for patterns on dozens of trading instruments and on all possible timeframes 3. Search for patterns of all possible sizes. From the smallest to the largest 4. All fou
PZ Trend Trading MT5
3.8 (5)
许多盈利交易者不仅知道如何识别市场趋势,而且也能把握趋势建立后的交易机会。 Pz 趋势交易 指标设计用来在趋势行情中尽可能的赚取利润。 已建立的趋势提供了一揽子交易机会,但大多数趋势交易指标完全忽视了它们,让交易者在趋势行情时完全不知道该如何做!一般趋势指标只通知有关的趋势变化,但根本不足以得到卓越的回报. Pz 趋势交易 指标比一般趋势指标显示多达 20 倍的交易 , 因为它注重所谓的市场时机。它不仅显示当前的市场趋势,也有回调,内柱线的突破和调整。它令您在趋势回调之后介入,安全的柱线内突破金字塔加仓,以及发现潜在的反转,和已知的调整。 趋势改变 一个趋势改变在市场方向变化时发生。趋势变化在图表上用带数字的彩色圆圈显示。蓝色 (1) 信号为上涨开始, 而红色 (1) 信号为下跌开始。趋势变化并非评估当前价格动作的结果, 它意味着交易设置是不定时地。如果您正确使用本指标, 在趋势变化时, 您将将已经入场 (参看下面的调整)。 回调 但凡趋势在运动中,行情上下抖动,盈利者收割利润,且其它参与者入场。趋势回调代表好的买入机会,通常是由主力获利离场导致。如果行情在回调后回归上行, 指标将
Gold Trend 5
Sergei Linskii
3.5 (2)
黄金趋势 - 这是一个很好的股票技术指标。该指标算法分析资产的价格走势,并反映波动性和潜在进入区。 最佳指标信号: - 卖出 = 红色柱状图 + 红色短指针 + 同方向黄色信号箭头。 - 买入 = 蓝色柱状图 + 蓝色多头指针 + 同方向水蓝色信号箭头。 该指标的优点 1. 该指标生成的信号准确度高。 2. 只有当趋势发生变化时,才能重新绘制已确认的箭头信号。 3. 您可以在任何经纪商的 MetaTrader 5 交易平台上进行交易。 4. 您可以交易任何资产(货币、金属、加密货币、股票、指数等)。 5. 最好在 H1 时间框架(中期交易)上进行交易。 6. 在指标设置中可更改个别参数(TF、颜色等),以便每位交易者都能轻松定制适合自己的指标。 7. 该指标既可作为交易系统的主要补充,也可作为独立的交易系统使用。   注意:交易的入市准确性和盈利能力仅取决于交易者的技能。任何指标都只是交易者的助手,而非行动指南。 MetaTrader 4 黄金趋势指标版本  祝大家交易好运,稳定盈利!
PZ Swing Trading MT5
5 (5)
Swing Trading 是第一个旨在检测趋势方向的波动和可能的反转波动的指标。它使用在交易文献中广泛描述的基准摆动交易方法。该指标研究多个价格和时间向量,以追踪总体趋势方向,并检测市场超卖或超买并准备好进行修正的情况。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 市场波动的利润不会被窃取 指示器始终显示趋势方向 彩色价格带代表机会基准 彩色虚线表示可能的反转波动 该指标分析其自身的质量和性能 它实现了一个多时间仪表板 可定制的趋势和波动周期 它实现了电子邮件/声音/推送警报 指示器为非重涂或重涂 什么是摇摆交易 摇摆交易是一种尝试在一天到一周内从证券中获得收益的交易方式,尽管某些交易最终可以保持更长的寿命。摇摆交易者使用技术分析来买入弱点和卖出力量,并有耐心等待这些机会的发生,因为在发生一波抛售浪潮之后购买证券而不是陷入抛售更有意义。 机会基准 关于历史数据的大量研究证明,适合于波动交易的市场倾向于在基线价格带上下交易,基线价格带由图表显示,使用平均真实区间计算得出。波动交易者使用基线,该策略是购买常态和卖出躁狂,或做空常态并掩盖沮丧。在没有疲
Mikhail Sergeev
5 (2)
FourAverage是趋势检测中的一个新词。 随着信息技术的发展和大量的参与者,金融市场越来越不太适合用过时的指标进行分析。 传统的技术分析工具,如移动平均线或随机指标,无法确定趋势的方向或其纯粹形式的逆转。 一个指标可以根据14年的历史指示未来价格的正确方向,而不改变其参数吗? 与此同时,不要失去充足的横盘市场走势? 答案是肯定的,它可以。 我们的团队开发了一个指标,具有相当强大和有效的机制来适应不断变化的市场条件。 2025年,领先的趋势指标"FourAverage"正进入新的发展阶段。 现代加密货币和股票市场似乎是为此指标创建的。 独特的平滑公式允许您调整(识别模式)指标的任何特征的货币对或其他工具。 现在,为了盈利,一个指标就足够了,而这仅仅是个开始。 与其他工具结合使用或作为信号滤波器,FourAverage的好处是巨大的。 该指标有一个内置函数,绘制箭头并在指标上显示前一笔交易的结果。 这使得检查历史非常方便。 这是非常容易使用这个趋势指标。 1)确定具有良好增长潜力的资产。 2)使用一组内置指标设置或选择您自己的选项。 3)您正在等待指标的信号来开启交易。 4)打开一个
Quantum Trend Sniper
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.73 (51)
介绍   量子趋势狙击指标 ,突破性的 MQL5 指标,正在改变您识别和交易趋势反转的方式!由拥有超过13年交易经验的资深交易员团队开发,     量子趋势狙击指标   旨在通过其创新的方式以极高的准确度识别趋势反转,将您的交易之旅推向新的高度。 ***购买量子趋势狙击指标,即可免费获得量子突破指标!*** 当量子突破指标识别出趋势反转时,它会向您发出警报和信号箭头,并建议您三个止盈水平。 它既适合新手交易者,也适合专业交易者。 量子 EA 通道:       点击这里 MT4版本:       点击这里 建议: 时间范围: 所有时间范围。为了获得最佳结果,我们建议在 M15、M30 和 H1 时间范围内使用它。 货币对:欧元兑美元、英镑兑美元、澳元兑美元、欧元兑英镑、, EURAUD,  XAUUSD 账户类型:ECN、Raw 或 Razor,点差极低 经纪时间:任意 经纪商:IC Markets、Pepperstone with Raw 和 Razor 的点差最低 建议止损:50 点 建议止盈水平:20 点、50 点和 100 点 规格: 不重漆! 最
Auto Order Block with break of structure based on ICT and Smart Money Concepts (SMC) Futures Break of Structure ( BoS )             Order block ( OB )            Higher time frame Order block / Point of Interest ( POI )    shown on current chart           Fair value Gap ( FVG ) / Imbalance   -  MTF      ( Multi Time Frame )    HH/LL/HL/LH  -  MTF      ( Multi Time Frame )  Choch  MTF      ( Multi Time Frame )  Volume Imbalance     ,  MTF          vIMB Gap’s Power of 3 Equal High / Low’s  
Golden Spikes Detector
Batsirayi L Marango
3.25 (4)
Golden Spikes Detector This indicator is based on an advanced strategy primarily for trading spikes on Boom and Crash Indices. Complex algorithms were implemented to detect high probability entries only. It alerts on potential Buy and Sell entries. To trade spikes on the Deriv or Binary broker, only take Buy Boom and Sell Cash alerts. It was optimised to be loaded on 5-minute timeframe although multiple timeframe analysis is done in the background. Features ·             Desktop pop up and sound
Atomic Analyst MT5
Issam Kassas
4.32 (19)
首先值得强调的是,该交易指标是非重绘、非延迟的指标,这使其成为手动和机器人交易的理想选择。 用户手册:设置、输入和策略。 Atomic Analyst是一种PA价格行动指标,利用价格的力量和动量来寻找市场上更好的机会。配备了高级过滤器,可帮助去除噪音和假信号,并提高交易潜力。使用多层复杂的指标,Atomic Analyst扫描图表,并将复杂的数学计算转化为任何初学者都能理解并用来做出一致交易决策的简单信号和颜色。 “Atomic Analyst”是专为新手和经验丰富的交易者量身定制的综合交易解决方案。它将高级指标和一流功能融合为一体的交易策略,使其成为所有类型交易者的多功能选择。 日内交易和剥头皮策略:专为快速准确的日内交易和短期交易而设计。 日内和摆动交易策略:可用作追求价格大幅波动的日内和摆动交易者的可靠工具。 多货币和市场:凭借其可靠的精度,在不同的工具和市场上运作。 多个时间框架:可在多个时间框架上使用,性能良好。 稳定性:所有指标均不重绘、不重绘和不滞后,确保可靠的信号。 信号清晰度:提供箭头信号,用于清晰的入场和出场点。 实时警报:通过交易入场、SL和TP警报通知交易者
Dark Absolute Trend   is an Indicator for intraday trading. This Indicator is based on   Trend Following  strategy but use also candlestick patterns and Volatility. We can enter in good price with this Indicator, in order to follow the main trend on the current instrument. It is advised to use low spread ECN brokers. This Indicator does   Not repaint   and   N ot lag . Recommended timeframes are M5, M15 and H1. Recommended working pairs: All. I nstallation and  Update Guide   -  Troubleshooting
RelicusRoad Pro MT5
Relicus LLC
4.78 (18)
现在$ 147(更新后增加到$ 499) - 无限帐户(PC或Mac) RelicusRoad 用户手册 + 培训视频 + 访问 Private Discord Group + VIP 身份 一种看待市场的新方式 RelicusRoad 是世界上最强大的外汇、期货、加密货币、股票和指数交易指标,为交易者提供保持盈利所需的所有信息和工具。我们提供技术分析和交易计划,帮助每一位交易者取得成功,从初学者到高级。它是一个关键的交易指标,可以提供足够的信息来预测未来的市场。我们相信一个完整的解决方案,而不是图表上几个没有意义的不同指标。这是一个多合一指标,显示无与伦比且非常准确的信号、箭头 + 价格行为信息。 RelicusRoad 基于强大的人工智能,提供缺失的信息和工具来教育您并使您成为交易专家,成为成功的交易者。 几乎所有技术指标都滞后,这意味着它们只能报告已经发生的事情。因此,他们只确认您过去可以看到的价格已经在哪里。我们相信领先指标可以预测未来价格,而无需重新绘制,也不要过度依赖可能改变并导致重新绘制的滞后指标。如果您根据滞后指标进行交易并建立头寸,您就知道您已经大部分时间
Black Dragon indicator mt5
Ramil Minniakhmetov
4.83 (58)
趋势检测指标将补充任何策略,也可用作独立工具。   好处 易于使用,不会因不必要的信息而使图表过载; 可用作任何策略的过滤器; 具有内置的动态支撑和阻力水平,可用于获利和设置止损; 指标在烛台关闭后不会改变颜色;  适用于股票市场、指数、石油、黄金和所有时间范围; 具有吐司通知、邮件通知、推送通知和声音提醒功能。 我的其他开发可以在这里找到: https://www.mql5.com/zh/users/mechanic/seller 输入参数 Alert - 开/关。警报; Push Notification - 开/关。推送通知; Mail - 开/关电子邮件通知; Fibo 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,21,31,41,51,61,71 - 动态支撑和阻力位的设置。
YKL Multiple Regression
Ygor Keller Luccas
5 (1)
Indicador Multiple Regression Indicador faz o plot da  Curva de Retorno  e dos canais superior e inferior de uma  regressão para os preços de fechamento do ativo do gráfico. A  Curva de Retorno  é a linha central do indicador e representa a região de equilíbrio do preço entre vendedores e compradores. Nesse indicador o usuário escolhe o tipo da regressão podendo ser de 3 tipos: primeiro grau, segundo grau ou terceiro grau. Os plots do indicador são: Linha central – cor padrão preta; Linha superi
Indicador Monte Carlo Simulation Indicador faz uma regressão linear nos preços de fechamento do ativo escolhido e gera uma simulação de Monte Carlo de N preços aleatórios para definir 3 níveis de sobrecompra e 3 níveis de sobrevenda. O primeiro processo é a Regressão Linear dos preços de fechamento do ativo, no qual é regido pela equação: Y = aX + b + R Onde   Y   é o valor do ativo escolhido,  X   é o tempo,   a   é a inclinação da reta,   b   é a intersecção da reta e   R   é o resíduo. O resí
YKL Regressao Intraday
Ygor Keller Luccas
Indicador Regressão Linear – Par de Ativos - INTRADAY Indicador é um oscilador que faz o plot do Resíduo resultado da regressão linear entre os dois ativos inseridos como input do indicador, representado pela fórmula: Y = aX + b + R Onde Y é o valor do ativo dependente, X é o valor do ativo independente, a é a inclinação da reta entre os dois ativos, b é a intersecção da reta e R é o resíduo. O resíduo representa a quantidade da variabilidade que Y que o modelo ajustado não consegue explicar. E
Indicador Volatilidade Histórica Indicador é um oscilador que faz o plot da volatilidade histórica de um ativo, representado pelas fórmulas: Volatilidade Histórica = Raiz quadrada da média das diferenças ao quadrado * Fator de anualização. Média das diferenças ao quadrado = soma de todas as diferenças de retorno diário / número total das diferenças. Retorno diário = (preço atual - preço anterior) / preço anterior. Nesse indicador estamos utilizando os preços de fechamento de cada barra e fazemos
Ygor Keller Luccas
5 (2)
Dynamic Indicator --> YKL_DinDX Dynamic Indicator that creates a Band based on the distance from moving average specified by the user. The indicator considers the period entered by the user in order to calculate the average distance from moving average, creating an upper band and a lower band. This indicator is utilized by EA YKL_Scalper, version 2.0 or superior.
YKL Regressao Linear
Ygor Keller Luccas
Indicador Regressão Linear – Par de Ativos Indicador é um oscilador que faz o plot do Resíduo resultado da regressão linear entre os dois ativos inseridos como input do indicador, representado pela fórmula: Y = aX + b + R Onde Y é o valor do ativo dependente, X é o valor do ativo independente, a é a inclinação da reta entre os dois ativos, b é a intersecção da reta e R é o resíduo. O resíduo representa a quantidade da variabilidade que Y que o modelo ajustado não consegue explicar. E os resíduos
Estratégia Bandas de Bollinger (“Estratégia da Paula”) Estratégia A estratégia desse robô é baseada no retorno as médias, operando o indicador Bandas de Bollinger. Essa estratégia é popularmente conhecida como “Estratégia da Paula”. Basicamente o robô fica monitorando barras que rompam a Banda de Bollinger (tanto a superior quanto a inferior) para depois voltar para dentro da Banda na próxima barra. Se a condição acima for satisfeita, considerando também os demais parâmetros do robô, o mesmo e
YKL Scalper 8
Ygor Keller Luccas
YKL Scalper   Estrategia YKL Scalper - NOVA VERSÃO 8.0   Estratégia Afastamento da Média Móvel Estratégia A estratégia desse robô é baseada no afastamento do preço em relação as médias móveis, operando o indicador Média Móvel, standard do MT5. Basicamente o robô fica monitorando o afastamento da média móvel, conforme distância DX inserida pelo usuário. Quando o afastamento atinge a distância DX, o robô inicia uma operação de compra ou venda, no sentido de voltar ao encontro da média móvel. Se
YKL Quant
Ygor Keller Luccas
EA YKL Quant Esse EA faz operações de compra e venda de dois pares de ativos com base no Resíduo  resultado da regressão linear entre esses dois ativos, representado pela fórmula: Y = aX + b + R Onde  Y  é o valor do ativo dependente,  X  é o valor do ativo independente,  a  é a inclinação da reta (Beta) entre os dois ativos,  b  é a intersecção da reta e  R  é o resíduo. O resíduo representa a quantidade da variabilidade que Y que o modelo ajustado não consegue explicar. E os resíduos podem ser
YKL DayTrade
Ygor Keller Luccas
EA YKL DayTrade Esse EA faz operações de compra de ações da bolsa Brasileira B3 de acordo com uma das 3 estratégias pré-definidas e realiza a venda das mesmas no final do dia (operação DAYTRADE). Cada estratégia tem um algoritmo de cálculo do valor de entrada (compra), do stop loss e possíveis filtros. Estratégias : JoeBiden : entrada com 1.5% de desconto em relação às duas mínimas anteriores saída no final do dia stop loss de 4% em relação a entrada timeframe diário sem filtros Chicotada : entr
ansonwin 2023.09.21 17:14 

