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HFT Prop Firm EA

HFT Prop Firm EA 也被称为 Green Man,因为其独特的标志,是专为克服允许高频交易 (HFT) 策略的专有交易公司 (prop firms) 的挑战或评估而设计的专家顾问 (EA)。

限时优惠:购买 HFT Prop Firm EA 免费赠送价值 $198 的工具

通过 HFT 挑战表现监控(起价 $200):
1) 经纪商:IC Markets
账号 66603384

2) 经纪商:IC Markets
账号 21718043

为您的资助账户免费提供 4 个 Prop Firm 交易工具:Prop Firm 工具箱(Consistency Lot Size Tools, Spread Meter, Profit Consistency Tools)价值 $99 和 Prop Firm Equity Protector 价值 $99。还可加入 Swing Signal Group!


专为 HFT 挑战设计:量身定制,通过低回撤和止损来有效通过 prop firm 挑战。
兼容性和使用:能够通过超过 14 个支持的 HFT prop firms 的无限数量账户,只需一次性购买费用。在购买之前,向我询问支持的 prop firms 列表。
超过 100 个 setfiles:超过 100 个针对支持的 prop firms 和经纪商演示的各种账户大小的 setfiles。
创新的资金管理:采用 Pro Ratio Money Management (PRMM) 进行自动手数调整,并内置 equity protector,一旦达到目标便停止交易。
支持:除了提供 setfiles,还提供详细手册和 VPS 设置、MT4 设置、EA 下载、机器人设置和运行的视频教程。折扣码和链接可按需提供。
Team Viewer、AnyDesk 或远程桌面访问支持也可供初学者/新手使用。
回测:默认设置,符号:US30,日期:不要勾选使用日期,时间框架:M1,点差:100 到 160。如果您在回测时遇到问题,请通过私信联系我,我会教您如何导入 tick 数据。
通过测试的 prop firms:
Algo Forex Funds
Nova Funding(15% 折扣)
Sure Leverage(折扣码 $50 到 $150,询问我)
Genesis Forex Funds(20% 折扣,询问我)
Lion Heart(Roar,45% 折扣,限时)
Next Step Funding(2-Step Challenge,HFT Limited,15% 到 35% 折扣)
Pro Trade Funded(16% 到 30% 折扣码:询问我)
Quantec Trading Capital(One/Two Step Challenge,10% 折扣码:P5NET10)
Social Trading Club(1 Step/HFT,10% 折扣:询问我)
Only Funds(HFT,15% 折扣码:询问我)
M Solutions
Waka Funding
Infinity Forex Funds(HFT Limited/Algo/HFT,10% 到 20% 折扣码:P5NET10)

注意:要通过 Kortana FX MT5 HFT 挑战,需要使用 HFT PropFirm EA MT5。

访问 prop firm 网站阅读并了解他们的规则,在 Trustpilot.com 上查看 prop firm 的评论,并在注册 prop firms 和购买此 EA 之前进行自己的尽职调查。


高效 HFT 算法,无需 VPS。此 EA 已测试通过 500ms ping/延迟的挑战。

独家:专为通过支持的 HFT prop firm 挑战而设计。未在实盘/真实账户、其他类型挑战或不支持的 prop firms 上进行测试。
经纪商/prop firms 在其实盘或资助账户中增加滑点和高点差,因此此 EA 无法盈利。
尽职调查:鼓励用户在注册 prop firms 和购买此 EA 之前,研究并了解 HFT prop firms、HFT 挑战、他们的支付、规则等,以及当地法规。
联系方式和支持:有关 setfiles、VPS 信息和任何查询,请通过私信联系我。购买后会提供详细手册、常见问题解答和视频教程,以确保顺利设置和操作。

免责声明:此产品仅用于通过 HFT prop firms 挑战,不用于实盘或资助账户,因为您的经纪商引入滑点和高点差。如果您不知道 HFT Prop Firm Challenge 是什么,或者不了解我在这里写的内容,请不要购买此 EA。此外,在购买此 EA 之前,请检查您感兴趣的 prop firm 是否对您所在国家的居民开放。

评论 742
Nicholas Yvan O Van Doorselaere
Nicholas Yvan O Van Doorselaere 2025.02.19 17:35 

very good

Token Chan
Token Chan 2025.01.20 16:34 

Dilwyn is a very friendly EA provider. The EA is very nice and profitable if you use it properly.

Sujit Kumar Patel
Sujit Kumar Patel 2024.12.23 10:13 

I must say, this "HFT Prop Firm EA" HFT expert advisors designed for MT4 and MT5 account are excellent HFT expert advisors in the market with 100% pass rate in MT4 and MT5 HFT challenge accounts. I have purchased both version of expert advisors and passed all the HFT challenges using these expert advisors always and received the funded accounts. Thanks a lot for creating these expert advisors. Very very helpful.

Joel Protusada
BuckWise   is a fully automated scalping Expert Advisor that can be run successfully using EURUSD currency pair at H1 timeframe. Very Important This Expert Advisor can not run with any EAs in the same account. As part of the money management plan, it calculates and monitors the Margin Level % and assumes that all open trades are created by it. If you want an Expert Advisor that trades in a daily basis, this EA is not for you because using this requires a patience to wait for a few days or weeks
PipFinite EA Breakout EDGE
Karlo Wilson Vendiola
5 (4)
The Official Automated Version of the Reliable Indicator PipFinite Breakout EDGE EA Breakout EDGE takes the signal of PipFinite Breakout EDGE indicator and manages the trade for you. Because of numerous financial instruments to consider, many traders want the signals to be fully automated. The EA will make sure all your trades are executed from entry to exit. Saving you time and effort while maximizing your profits. The Edge of Automation Effortless price action trading is now possible acros
| Fully-automated Smart Money Concept (ICT) inspired trading solution with multi-strategy capabilities | Built by a grid trader >> for grid traders.  This is MT4 version, click  here  for  Blue CARA MT5  (settings and logics are same in both versions)     Real monitoring signal  -->  Cara Gold Intro Blue CARA EA   ('CARA') - short for  C omprehensive  A lgorithmic R esponsive A dvisor is a next-gen  multi-currency    multi-timeframe  EA base on the widely known (and perhapse most popular) Inn
Long Waiting MT4
Aleksandr Davydov
Expert description Algorithm optimized for Nasdaq trading The Expert Advisor is based on the constant maintenance of long positions with daily profit taking, if there is any, and temporary interruption of work during the implementation of prolonged corrections The Expert Advisor's trading principle is based on the historical volatility of the traded asset. The values of the Correction Size (InpMaxMinusForMarginCallShort) and Maximum Fall (InpMaxMinusForMarginCallLong) are set manually. Recomme
Joel Protusada
Vizzion is a fully automated scalping Expert Advisor that can be run successfully using GBPJPY currency pair at H1 timeframe. Very Important This Expert Advisor can not run with any EAs in the same account. As part of the money management plan, it calculates and monitors the Margin Level % and assumes that all open trades are created by it. If you want an Expert Advisor that trades in a daily basis, this EA is not for you because using this requires a patience to wait for a few days or weeks on
Neural Links
Catalin Zachiu
5 (1)
专家是使用每侧的三个神经元巢来构建的,长/短,它们都由用作过滤器的互补神经元调节。如果第一层神经元发出相反的信号,则交易方向被重置。该专家主要针对 EUR\USD、GBP\USD 货币对、M15 时间框架而构建。 所有设置都可以在帖子 #1 的“评论”部分中找到。 默认设置的风险级别略有上升,为了更安全的设置,“Use_Rescovery”参数可以设置为“false”。 手数可以手动输入,也可以通过调整“Risk_Ratio”参数来使用“Auto_Lot”功能。如果使用“Auto_Lot”,则随着账户净值的增加,手数会增加,如果净值下降,则不会减少手数,以保持恢复比例。 神经元巢受“Lairs_Affinity”和“Threshold_Value”参数的影响。第一个,“Lairs_Affinity”参数是所有神经元巢穴的主要过滤器,“Threshold_Value”仅用于第一个神经元巢穴。 使用的神经巢的数量是可定制的,默认设置全部使用三个,使用两个,或者只使用第一个会产生更多的交易,但也会增加回撤的风险。通过将 "Close_By_Oposite_Signal" 参数设置
Konstantin Nikitin
1 (1)
This is an automated Expert Advisor that trades using the MACD and Envelopes indicators. The free version has the following limitations. No panel for opening orders. The trading is limited to the EURUSD currency pair and similar. Orders can only be opened with the minimum lot, no more than 5 orders can be opened in the same direction, to a total of 10 orders. Pause after closing of all orders is 6000 minutes. During the analysis, no more than 50 orders are added to the database and 15 bars are c
PZ Goldfinch Scalper EA
1 (4)
这是我著名的剥头皮机Goldfinch EA的最新版本,它是十年前首次发布。它以短期内突然出现的波动性扩张为市场提供了头条:它假设并试图在突然的价格加速后利用价格变动的惯性。这个新版本已经过简化,使交易者可以轻松使用测试仪的优化功能来找到最佳交易参数。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 简单的输入参数可简化优化 可定制的贸易管理设置 交易时段选择 工作日选择 金钱管理 谨防... ick牛黄牛是危险的,因为许多因素都会破坏收益。可变的点差和滑点降低了交易的数学期望,经纪人的低报价密度可能导致幻像交易,止损位破坏了您获取利润的能力,并且网络滞后意味着重新报价。建议注意。 回溯测试 EA交易仅使用报价数据。请以“每笔交易”模式回测。 它根本不使用HLOC(高-低-开-关)数据 交易时间无关紧要 为了获得更好的性能,请为您希望在每个刻度线模式下交易的每个交易品种运行云优化。稍后分享! 输入参数 触发点:触发点差所需的价格变动。 (预设= 10) 最小时间窗口:价格波动发生的最短时间。 (默认= 3) 最长时间窗口:价格波动发生的最长时间。
Exp4 THE X FULL Universal EA for MT4
Vladislav Andruschenko
4.2 (15)
MetaTrader 4 的通用指标顾问,具有广泛的功能,可处理标准指标。 1 个智能交易系统中的策略构建器。 来自标准 MetaTrader 集的大量交易指标。 可以选择 20 个信号中的 1 个和 20 个滤波器中的 5 个。 一百多个参数进行个性化定制以满足您的要求。 对于每个信号,您可以自定义指标参数、选择时间范围并指定信号条。 链接: MetaTrader 5 终端的 X       (MT5 的 X) 注意力     !新的通用交易顾问     Exp The xCustomEA     为了   元交易者 4       , 处理自定义指标 如果您想购买自我优化的自动交易顾问,请参阅我们的           滴答狙击手     ! 可以在我们的博客中找到 EA 设置 + 演示 + PDF   的完整手册和说明 设置和输入的描述 即使 在博客中,也有关于如何优化和测试我们的顾问 The X 的信息 一个简短的功能列表: 逆势平均, 对趋势的额外发现, 追踪止损,盈亏平衡点, 关闭总损益, 虚拟止损、止盈和追踪止损, 处理头寸或挂单/限价单的能力, 鞅, 抛物线追踪止损
Macd Martin
Roman Yablonskiy
2.5 (2)
Double Breakout   is an automatic expert advisor with two separate strateges that uses martingale. The MACD indicator with adjustable parameters is used as inputs for each flow of orders. The specified takeprofit and stoploss levels are used to exit the position.  General recommendation The minimum recommended deposit is 1000 cents. Spread is recommended not more than 3 points. It is better to use trend currency pairs. The martingale parameter can be set from 0.1 to any value. When martingale i
Smart Funded Hft
Barbaros Bulent Kortarla
4.88 (64)
解锁您的交易潜力,使用智能资金化HFT EA! 无需VPS/无需设置文件/享受即插即用/请查看下方的简易设置视频 限时促销价格 我很兴奋地分享我的交易秘密——智能资金化EA。我已经用完美的成功率征服了数百个挑战,现在轮到您提升您的交易游戏了! 此EA旨在通过允许使用其服务的道具公司的HFT挑战。如果挑战不允许使用HFT/资金账户/实盘账户,请不要使用它。 智能资金化HFT EA的独特之处: 挑战掌控: 在几乎所有HFT挑战中经过验证的成功,确保了100%的成功率。它不仅仅是一个工具;它是一个经过验证的强大工具。 极致简约: 无需陷入复杂的设置或VPS设置。加载它,调整手数大小,然后点击运行按钮——极致简约。 为什么分享?时间宝贵,挑战可能真的令人头疼。由于我不能再承担更多的挑战,我想,为什么不分享财富呢?所以我们来到了这里。 独家限时租赁选项:限时抓住机会在MQL5市场以促销价格租赁智能资金化EA。在您的挑战中测试它,体验它的魔力。 购买它:准备承诺?购买智能资金化EA,将您的交易提升到新的水平。在成功的挑战后请留下真实的评论。 评论激励:对于买家,这里有一个特别的待遇。留下评论后,如
This automated trading robot uses the capabilities of the macd indicator to create a grid strategy. The algorithm creates a grid strategy at overbought and oversold levels and in times of high volatility. This makes it susceptible to all price fluctuations. The Close Money input is the total amount of earnings in the cycle. We define it as the total take profit amount in the cycle. It has the ability to open more cycles in short periods. However, you can use the robot in medium-term trading. Rea
Mona Lisa
Ivan Pochta
5 (1)
Mona Lisa Presets: Download >> Mona Lisa  for  MetaTrader 5 >> Mona Lisa is a unique and fully automated Trading Advisor. The system is based on its own trading strategy, which is based on both indicator-based Technical Analysis and Price Action principles. This makes the system flexible and adaptive for trading a large number of currency pairs and minimizes the chance of over-optimization. Mona Lisa is a midnight trading scalper that trades for a short period of time during the rollover perio
MMM Zig Zag Strategy: The Expert Advisors uses its built-in Zig Zag indicator to determine the prices trends and calculates the signal to decide to open buy or sell positions. It sends an order, closes or moves the Trailing Stop loss position as the indicator works. You can define the time period of each day of the week the EA should not trade (the bad time to trade). Usually the period of day when the impact news are published. General Inputs: Closes orders with any profit of value (currency):
Matrix Arrow EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (8)
Matrix Arrow EA MT4 是一款独特的智能交易系统,可以通过图表上的交易面板手动或 100% 自动交易 Matrix Arrow Indicator 的 MT4 信号。 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 将在其早期阶段确定当前趋势,从多达 10 个标准指标中收集信息和数据,它们是: 平均定向运动指数 (ADX) 商品渠道指数 (CCI) 经典 Heiken Ashi 蜡烛 移动平均线 移动平均收敛散度 (MACD) 相对活力指数 (RVI) 相对强弱指数 (RSI) 抛物线SAR 随机振荡器 威廉姆斯的百分比范围 当所有指标给出有效的买入或卖出信号时,相应的箭头将打印在图表上,在下一个蜡烛/柱线的开盘时表示强劲的上升趋势/下降趋势。用户可以选择使用哪些指标,并可以单独调整每个指标的参数。使用 Matrix Arrow EA MT4 ,您可以直接从图表上的交易面板手动交易 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 信号,或使用 100% 算法交易选项 100% 自动交易! 注意力:   如果您想用您的   Matrix Arrow EA M
Yellow mouse scalping
Vasiliy Kolesov
5 (2)
Yellow mouse scalping   is a fully automatic Expert Advisor designed for night trading on a calm market. The strategy is night scalping. The standard RSI and ATR indicators are used to find entry points. Closing of transactions takes place according to the author's algorithm, which significantly improves the risk control and security of the deposit. Risky strategies like "martingale" are not used. Monitoring of the advisor's work, as well as my other developments, can be viewed at   https://www
Reversepro Smartsma ea mt4
ReversePro SmartSMA EA – A Fully Customizable Moving Average Strategy ReversePro SmartSMA EA is an advanced yet fully customizable trading tool designed for traders who prefer to fine-tune their strategies. This Expert Advisor (EA) is not pre-optimized, allowing you the flexibility to adjust its settings to fit your trading style, risk management preferences, and market conditions. How It Works This EA is based on the well-known Simple Moving Average (SMA) crossover strategy , enhanced wit
The Fox
Hatem Koshok
1 (1)
The Fox EA is a fully automated EA that works on both Classical and ECN accounts on USDCHF pair and is programmed to trade using both level trading and hedging strategies. All you need is to set the risk percent and start trading. The screenshots section shows the back-test results. The minimum balance of $2000 is required for standard accounts or $20 for micro accounts. Parameters Lots = 0.01 Riskpercent = 0.5 (risk percent and its optimum at 0.5 for balance starting from $2000) Magic Number .
Symphony Trading
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
5 (2)
Expert  Symphony Trading  is programmed with exclusive and advanced algorithms. This is an automatic trading robot for the Forex and Gold markets. EA applies scalper strategies combined with smart position management strategies to optimize performance and reduce risk. The signal patterns are carefully calculated and have a high probability of winning. Scalper strategy is applied with small Stop Loss and small Trailing to quickly exit the market with low risk. The EA is very simple to use. No ne
EA KOGORO TREND PROFITABLE HIGHER, FLEXIBLE AND SAFER EA KOGORO is a robot that operates on the most basic principle of the market: "Trend is Friend" combined with the improved Martingale principle with many times more safety than conventional Martingale. - EA KOGORO is a fully automatic EA robot for established pairs. - The principle of order balancing, low DD protects accounts better for high profits. - Opening and closing orders is really flexible. - Safer, high profit. - Manage b
Mir Station MT4
Marta Gonzalez
Mir Station MT4  it is a Secure Automated Software for trade Forex market and indices. The architecture is a Fully Automatic Autonomous Robot Expert capable of independently analyzing the market and making trading decisions Mir Station MT4     Have  neurals nets to used the correct algoritm in the correct market situation Mir Station MT4         It is an advanced trading system. This is a fully automatic Expert Advisor.      Mir Station MT4     is a plug and play system Mir Station MT4     It
ISS Station MT4
Marta Gonzalez
ISS Station MT4        it is a Secure Automated Software for trade Forex market and indices. The architecture is a Fully Automatic Autonomous Robot Expert capable of independently analyzing the market and making trading decisions       ISS Station MT4         Have neurals nets to used the correct algoritm in the correct market situation       ISS Station MT4               It is an advanced trading system. This is a fully automatic Expert Advisor.        ISS Station MT4     is a plug and play
CCI and ATR Trader
Evgeniia Terekhova
3 (2)
Советник работает на двух индикаторах CCI и ADX. Условия для входа в BUY: 1. ADX пересекает уровень 20 2. CCI пересекает уровень 100 снизу вверх 3. Выставляем фиксированный StopLoss и TakeProfit 4. Закрываем позицию по рыночной цене, когда CCI пересекает уровень 100 сверху вниз. Условия для входа в SELL: 1. ADX пересекает уровень 20 2. CCI пересекает уровень -100 сверху вниз 3. Выставляем фиксированный StopLoss и TakeProfit 4. Закрываем позицию по рыночной цене, когда CCI пересекает уровень -10
Grid and MACD
Volodymyr Hrybachov
This is a grid Expert Advisor. It has several trading strategies based on the MACD indicator. The virtual trailing stop, stop loss, take profit levels can be set pips, in the deposit currency or as a percentage of the balance. Depending on the settings, different orders may be opened for diversifying risks. Their closure can be either an oppositely directed or unidirectional basket of orders. The orders grid is adaptive, only market orders are used in it. If the price moves the distance of Order
Simple RSI Forex Trading Strategy
Victor Manuel Valderrama Zamora
4 (1)
Diversify the risk in your trading account by combining our Expert Advisors. Build your own custom trading system here:   Simple Forex Trading Strategies The expert advisor opens trades when RSI indicator enter in oversold or overbought areas. The Stop Loss, Take Profit, and Trailing Stop are calculated based on the ATR indicator. The recommended currency pair is EURGBP and the recommended timeframe to operate and to do backtests is H4. This Expert Advisor can be profitable in any TimeFrame an
Magic Grid
Aliaksandr Charkes
4.44 (25)
Magic Grid is an indicator-free advisor that uses a grid strategy. The strategy is based on automatic reopening of grid pending orders, after closing their market positions (by Take-Profit, Stop-Loss or manually). Pending orders are placed with a specified step from the initial prices, which can be entered manually or generated automatically ( one time at the beginning of the trade ). The robot can trade on any time frame, on any currency pair, on several currency pairs, and on any number of di
Grid and MA
Volodymyr Hrybachov
5 (3)
This is a grid Expert Advisor. It features several trading strategies based on Moving Average. It works on minute bar Open prices. Virtual trailing stop, stop loss and take profit can be set in pips, in the deposit currency or as a percentage of the balance. Depending on the settings, different orders may be opened for diversifying risks. Their closure can be either an oppositely directed or unidirectional basket of orders. The order grid is adaptive and is made of market orders. If the price ha
Super grid nineth (ninth) generation is another grid type EA on this huge forex system population, this EA not using any indicator to avoid any fake signaling to open or closing position orders. This EA will open pending order stop and limit in the first time EA run, then maintain all opened order with unique way to balancing account free margin and make equity growth. This EA have unique system not like anyother grid EA, with correct setup and run on max 3 pairs in one account, this EA capable
Mikhail Sergeev
4.74 (27)
Ilanis is and Expert Advisor for stock trading, it can be used for trading on Forex and other markets, including commodities, metals and index markets. To determine the market entry, the EA uses the modern and ultra-light adaptive indicator FourAverage. Principle of position maintaining is similar to that of the popular Forex robot Ilan, using averaging. But unlike Ilan, Ilanis uses an accurate entry into the market. The robot pays a lot of attention to position control, if the price goes in the
Brexit Breakout (GBPUSD H1) This EA has been developed for GBPUSD H1.  Everything is tested for H1 timeframe . Strategy is based on breakout of the This Bar Open indicator after some time of consolidation. It will very well works on these times, when the pound is moving. It uses Stop pending orders with  FIXED Stop Loss and Take Profit . It also uses PROFIT TRAILING to catch from the moves as much as possible. At 9:00 pm we are closing trading every Friday to prevent from weekly gaps. !!!Adjust
Gold Scalping AI
Ho Tuan Thang
5 (6)
10 份中仅剩 3 份,售价 399 美元! 此后,价格将上涨至 499 美元。 - 真实信号(真实信号有效期超过 6 个月): 默认设置: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2276213 Gold Scalping AI 是一款使用人工智能技术的 EA,分析许多指标的数据。从那里,EA 将有最好的选择来进入订单。黄金 Scalping   AI 最大的不同在于,EA 可以比其他 EA 更好地控制风险:回报率。这要归功于一套控制切入点和管理未结订单的工具。  EA 对所有订单使用止损,EA 不使用任何危险的交易方法:没有网格,没有马丁格尔,......黄金剥头皮 AI 是我使用过的 EA 之一。多年来一直在基金管理账户中使用和交易。我正式发布了最优化的 EA 版本。交易时间框架对 EA 来说并不重要。不过,我还是建议保留时间范围 H1,这样 EA 就可以从 H1 开始的所有时间范围获取数据作为参数。 限价 $299 仅限前 10 次销售。10 次销售后,价格将上涨 +100 美元。黄金剥头皮 AI 的最终价格为 1999 美元。 外汇 EA 交易频道:
Scalping Robot MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
5 (6)
Introducing our advanced   Scalping Forex Robot , specifically designed to maximize trading opportunities. The scalping algorithm is built to spot high-probability entry and exit points, ensuring that every trade is executed with the highest chance of success within the   M1 timeframe . This robot is perfect for traders who prefer the   scalping method   and want to take advantage of rapid price movements without having to manually monitor the charts. It is suitable for both beginners looking fo
GbpUsd Robot MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
5 (42)
The GBPUSD Robot MT4 is an advanced automated trading system meticulously designed for the specific dynamics of the  GBP/USD  currency pair. Utilizing advanced technical analysis, the robot assesses historical and real-time data to  identify potential trends , key support and resistance levels, and other relevant market signals specific to GBP/USD. The Robot opens positions  every day,  from Monday to Friday, and  all positions are secured  with Take Profit, Stop Loss, Trailing Stop, Break-Even
Ai General EA MT4
Indra Maulana
5 (1)
43% off for 48 hours only (Original price: $1,595) 50% bonus by purchasing this Robot, Contact us "after purchase" to receive the bonus A fully automatic expert Designed and produced 100% by artificial intelligence, with the world's most advanced technology All trades have profit and loss limits, with the best and least risky market strategy, without using dangerous strategies such as Martingale and hedges, etc. A specialist who has been trained by artificial intelligence for years to correctl
Quantum Emperor MT4
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.84 (154)
介绍     QuantumEmperor EA 是一款突破性的 MQL5 专家顾问,它正在改变您交易著名的 GBPUSD 货币对的方式!由拥有超过13年交易经验的经验丰富的交易者团队开发。 IMPORTANT! After the purchase please send me a private message to receive the installation manual and the setup instructions. ***购买 Quantum Emperor EA,即可免费获得 Quantum Wizard  或 Quantum StarMan 或 Quantum Gold Emperor !*** 私信询问更多详情 新版直播信号 V5:   点击此处 MT5版本:  点击这里 量子 EA 通道:       点击这里 每购买 10 件,价格将增加 50 美元。最终价格为 1999 美元 量子皇帝EA     采用独特的策略,将单个交易连续拆分为六个较小的交易。这意味着 EA 每次执行交易时,都会自动将其分为 6 个较小的头寸。 量子皇帝EA  
Aura Neuron MT4
Stanislav Tomilov
5 (3)
Aura Neuron 是一款独特的 EA 交易系统,延续了 Aura 系列交易系统。通过利用先进的神经网络和尖端的经典交易策略,Aura Neuron 提供了一种具有出色潜在性能的创新方法。这款 EA 交易系统完全自动化,旨在交易 EURUSD 和 XAUUSD (GOLD) 等货币对。从 1999 年到 2023 年,它在这些货币对中表现出了一致的稳定性。该系统避免了危险的资金管理技术,例如马丁格尔、网格或剥头皮,使其适用于任何经纪商条件。Aura Neuron 由多层感知器 (MLP) 神经网络驱动,利用它来预测市场趋势和走势。MLP 是一种前馈人工神经网络 (ANN),通常被称为“原始”神经网络,尤其是当它们由单个隐藏层组成时。MLP 包括三个基本层:输入层、隐藏层和输出层。除输入节点外,每个神经元都使用非线性激活函数。该网络使用称为反向传播的监督学习技术进行训练。 MLP 的多层结构和非线性激活使其有别于线性感知器,使其能够识别数据中非线性可分的模式。通过其复杂的 NN 智能,Aura Neuron 能够识别模式并适应不断变化的市场条件,例如汇率或交易者行为的变化。其处理复杂
AI Golden Jet Fighter GTX MT4
Andrei Nazarets
4.29 (7)
AI Golden Jet Fighter GTX     MT4 是 Meta Trader 4 平台上一款简单而高效的黄金交易专家顾问 (EA)。该 EA 利用神经网络,专为黄金市场 (XAU/USD) 的剥头皮交易而设计。AI Golden Jet Fighter GTX 的主要策略侧重于识别小幅价格​​波动并开仓以在短时间内获利。EA 实时分析市场状况,并自动执行具有预定义止损和止盈水平的交易。它还支持追踪止损功能,允许交易者在市场有利时锁定利润。为确保准确性,EA 使用价差过滤器来避免在不利条件下交易,并使用滑点保护机制来精确执行订单。AI Golden Jet Fighter GTX 包含风险管理功能,使交易者能够将风险水平设置为其账户余额的百分比,使其能够适应不同的交易方式。EA 利用 NN 算法实时分析市场数据,适应不断变化的条件,并为交易的进入和退出提供高度准确的信号。该 EA 易于使用且完全自动化,只需极少的设置,因此从初学者到专业人士,各个级别的交易者都可以使用它,无需持续监控市场。                              接下来的 10 位买
Bitcoin Robot MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
4.81 (42)
The Bitcoin Robot  MT4 is engineered to execute Bitcoin trades with unparalleled   efficiency and precision . Developed by a team of experienced traders and developers, our   Bitcoin Robot   employs a sophisticated algorithmic approach (price action, trend as well as two personalized indicators) to analyze market and execute trades swiftly with   M5 timeframe , ensuring that you never miss out on lucrative opportunities.   No grid, no martingale, no hedging,   EA only open one position at the sa
Denis Kurnev
3.7 (44)
The   AI Gen ProX   Expert Advisor is a powerful solution based on advanced market analysis and data processing technologies. Utilizing cutting-edge algorithms for time series analysis and complex mathematical models, it ensures high accuracy in forecasts and automates trading processes. The EA is designed to combine performance and reliability, making it an effective tool for trading.   Real Time Signal GEN PRoX:  https://www.mql5.com/ru/signals/2283186 The price of the advisor will increase si
Neon Trade MT4
Evgeniy Ilin
5 (2)
综合方法的精髓,其主要目标是为交易员实现长期和现实的收益,同时将风险降至最低。基础是结合了高级交易概念和机器学习,这两者能够有效地相互增强。另一个独特之处在于,系统无需进行优化,因为这个功能已经交给了我的服务器。最新的设置每天都会在我们的 Telegram 频道上发布,不断保持系统的高度相关性。 我们的 Telegram 社区 贸易监控 !!! MetaTrader 5 的版本 !!! MetaTrader 4 的免费(简化)版本  安装和操作指南 特别想强调一下, 为什么要买这个顾问? 很多人可能觉得免费版本几乎完全符合原版。但事实并非如此。免费版本只有演示功能,所有的设置都需要你自己选择,从我将定期为您发布的那些选择。静态设置很快就会过时。意思是,在付费版本中,你可以连接到不同的信号,选择你喜欢的。不久的将来这样的信号会越来越多。我会在有能力的时候增加它们。信号只不过是一种设置集,选择工作由我来完成。因此,通过这种方式,你完全摆脱了组建投资组合和更新它们的日常工作。选择一个已经准备好的投资组合(信号)或使用默认设置,其中包括我认为目前最稳定的投资组合。因此, 对你来说,使用 AP
Supply Demand EA ProBot
Georgios Kalomoiropoulos
5 (8)
基于 供需 原则的 全自动 EA。第一个提供完全自动化的 供需 EA 。 现在 交易 变得轻松 ,完全控制您的交易策略 通过用户友好的图形交易面板。 您将获得包含超过 15,000 行代码的超高质量 算法交易 软件。 供应需求 EA ProBot 手册 交易“Prop Firms Challenges”和通过所有阶段成为合格交易员的最佳方式。 所有交易均自动进行和管理。只需 选择您的输入 ,然后坐下来,观察您的利润增长。 面板输入参数: 选择 交易方向 (买入或卖出) 选择您想要进行交易的 时间范围 选择您想要交易 的区域类型 (宽、中、窄、超窄) 选择 3 种资金管理 选项 选择 EA 在 盈利 或 亏损 交易 次数后停止 选择 基于风险 或 基于 ATR 的 TP 和 SL 比率 选择 看涨通道 或 看跌通道 内的交易区域 选择 上限 和 下限 范围 如果您只想在一天中的特定时段进行交易,请选择 时间范围 多种 追踪止损 和 盈亏平衡 功能可供选择 您最多可以查看三个更高时间范围的区域。因此,如果您处于 30 分钟时间范围内,则可以激活 1 小时、4 小时和每日供应
CyNera MT4
Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
2.8 (15)
CyNera:您的交易,我们的技术 信号 >400%:  CyNera 信号 >500%: CyNera Turbo 手册和设置文件:购买后请联系我以获取手册和设置文件 价格: 价格根据售出的许可证数量上涨 可用副本: 4 交易黄金,市场上最波动的工具之一,需要精确的操作、深入的分析和强有力的风险管理。CyNera 专家顾问将这些要素无缝集成到一个复杂的系统中,专为优化黄金交易而设计。CyNera 的先进策略和技术旨在帮助经验丰富的交易员和新手应对黄金交易所带来的独特挑战和机遇。 有了 CyNera,您就拥有了一套可靠的解决方案,专门针对黄金市场的复杂性。它结合了自适应、智能策略以及多时间框架分析、自动交易调整和精确的风险管理等高级功能。正是这种适应性,使得 CyNera 成为一种多功能工具,能够应对快速的市场变化,同时确保您的资本在长期内得到保护。 符号 XAUUSD (黄金) 时间周期 M30   资本 最少 100 美元 经纪商 任何经纪商 账户类型 任何,较低点差优先 杠杆 从 1:20 起 VPS 首选,但不是必须,也可以使用 MQL VPS CyNera 的核心力量
Lo Thi Mai Loan
5 (2)
EA Gold Isis – 一个安全且高效的黄金交易解决方案   启动促销! 当前价格仅剩 3 份!  下一价格:$458 最终价格:$1998  实时信号 MT5版本 你好!我是EA Gold Isis,是Diamond Forex Group家族中的第二款EA,专为黄金交易(XAU/USD)设计。凭借卓越的功能和安全优先的理念,我承诺为交易者提供可持续且高效的黄金交易体验。   EA Gold Isis 有何独特之处?   - 动态止损(SL):EA 根据最近K线的价格范围设置止损(SL)。这一功能确保SL能够灵活适应市场变化,更有效地保护您的账户。   - 多样化交易策略:EA配备了3种交易策略,每种策略最多可同时开启3个订单,总计最多可进行9笔交易。   - 灵活的移动止盈:提供利用移动止盈锁定利润的功能。您可以根据个人偏好完全自定义该功能。   - 安全至上:每笔交易均设置了预设止损(SL),以保障您的账户免受意外风险的侵害。   EA Gold Isis 的工作原理   1. 无风险策略:      - 不使用马丁策略或网格交易。      - 不执行
The Infinity EA MT4
Abhimanyu Hans
3.48 (25)
ChatGPT Turbo 人工智能驱动技术 Infinity EA 是一款专为 GBPUSD 和 XAUUSD 设计的高级交易专家顾问。它专注于安全性、持续回报和无限盈利能力。与许多其他依赖高风险策略(如马丁格尔或网格交易)的 EA 不同。Infinity EA 采用基于神经网络的规范、有利可图的剥头皮策略,该神经网络嵌入机器学习、数据分析 AI 技术,由最新的 ChatGPT 版本提供,可让您的整体交易体验卓越不凡。 加入我们拥有超过 6000 名成员的 MQL5 社区, 与其他交易者建立联系。及时了解最新的产品更新、提示和独家内容。 MT5 版本 如何设置 Infinity EA 特征 Infinity EA 利用人工智能驱动的剥头皮策略。 该 EA 与 ChatGPT-4 Turbo 集成,可进行实时数据分析。 Infinity EA 利用机器学习不断从市场数据中学习。 风险管理是 Infinity EA 的核心,具有固定止损和获利设置等功能,可以保护资本并锁定利润。 该 EA 还进行高级蜡烛图分析,以识别高质量的交易条目。 Infinity EA 与道具公司完全兼容。 促销
EvoTrade EA MT4
Dolores Martin Munoz
5 (1)
EvoTrade:市场上首个自学习交易系统 让我为您介绍EvoTrade——一款结合了前沿计算机视觉和数据分析技术的独特交易顾问。这是市场上首个自学习交易系统,能够实时运行。EvoTrade会分析市场情况,调整策略,并动态适应变化,在任何环境下都能提供卓越的精准度。 EvoTrade使用先进的神经网络技术,包括用于分析时间依赖性的长短期记忆网络(LSTM)和门控循环单元(GRU),用于识别复杂市场模式的卷积神经网络(CNN),以及用于实时策略调整的强化学习算法,例如近端策略优化(PPO)和深度Q学习(DQL)。这些技术使EvoTrade能够发现隐藏的市场信号,并精确调整其操作以适应当前市场动态。 在每次交易后,EvoTrade会重新评估其方法,自动更新止盈(TP)和止损(SL)等参数。系统的使命不仅是对变化做出反应,还要不断优化其交易策略,确保在任何市场条件下都能保持相关性和高效性。 为什么选择EVOTRADE交易顾问? 实时信号 : https ://www .mql5 .com /en /signals /2281752 交易顾问的价格将与其实时信号的增长成正比迅速上升 EvoT
Richter R4
Yvan Musatov
A Richter Expert is a professional market analyst working using a specialized algorithm. By analyzing prices over a specific time period, it determines the strength and amplitude of prices using a unique indicator system based on real data. When the trend and its direction change, the expert closes the current position and opens a new one. The bot's algorithms take into account signals about overbought and oversold markets. Buying occurs when the signal falls below a certain level and then rise
Diamond PRO
Fanur Galamov
4.83 (41)
1 copу left for $225 Next price  --> $299 Diamond PRO is enhanced powerful version of Diamond for advanced traders. Pro version includes optimized cores, new impoved entry points filters, new multistage profit closure algorithm and сontains number of external control parameter that allows build and fine tune own tradind decisions and algorithms. The system provides more accurate market entries, analyzes and filters upcoming economic news, contains spread protection and an advanced position mana
Dark Algo
Marco Solito
4.77 (56)
Last copy at 399$ -> next price 499$ Dark Algo  is a fully automatic Expert Advisor for Scalping Trading on Eurusd . This Expert Advisor is based on the latest generation of algorithm and is highly customizable to suit your trading needs.  If you   Buy this Expert   Advisor you can   write a feedback   at market and   get   a second EA for   Free , for More info contact me The basic strategy of this EA is built on a sophisticated algorithm  that allows it to identify and follow market trends . T
CoreX G MT4
Arseny Potyekhin
5 (7)
概述 CoreX G EA 是一种专为应对外汇市场复杂性而设计的先进交易系统。通过利用尖端的神经网络、复杂的机器学习技术和集成的大数据策略,CoreX G 在交易中提供了卓越的准确性和安全性。这个专家顾问(EA)因其技术卓越性和优质的客户支持而脱颖而出,确保用户在遇到任何问题或疑虑时都能得到帮助。 信号:   Live Signal Live Signal 2 Blog: CoreX G EA 由于该策略非常独特,我只想出售有限数量的许可证。因此,价格将稳步上涨以限制销售。 下一个价格是  790 USD 。 经纪商 任何经纪商,优选 ECN / ZERO 点差 杠杆 从 1 : 20 起 存款 最低 200 美元     符号 XAUUSD 时间框架 H1 大数据集成与交易策略 大数据是 CoreX G 策略的基石。它处理大量的历史和实时市场数据,以做出明智的交易决策。大数据的使用使系统能够更有效地识别外汇市场中的模式和趋势,从而做出更准确的预测并提高交易机会。通过将机器学习与大数据结合,EA 动态适应市场变化,不断整合新数据并优化其模型。 使用的神经网络 卷积神经网络(CN
Quantum Gold Emperor MT4
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.82 (11)
介绍     Quantum GoldEmperor EA 是一款突破性的 MQL5 专家顾问,它正在改变您交易著名的 XAUUSD(黄金)货币对的方式!由拥有超过13年交易经验的经验丰富的交易者团队开发。 重要的! 购买后请给我发私信以接收安装手册和设置说明。 ***购买量子金皇EA,即可免费获得量子贸易EA!*** 详情请私聊 实时信号: 点击这里 MT5版本:   点击这里 量子 EA 通道:       点击这里 在先进算法的支持下,我们的 EA 交易能够利用每一个稍纵即逝的机会,确保最佳的进场和出场。 实时适应性:     黄金市场的动态性质需要快速调整。我们的顾问无缝适应不断变化的市场条件,让您保持领先地位。 风险管理掌握:     通过我们复杂的风险管理协议将风险降至最低。您的交易资金通过战略止损和止盈机制得到保障: 量子金皇 EA 采用独特的策略,将单个交易连续拆分为四个较小的交易。这意味着 EA 每次执行交易时,都会自动将其分为四个较小的头寸。 量子金皇 EA 因其处理亏损交易的卓越方法而在其他专家顾问中脱颖而出。与传统方法单纯依靠止损单来限制
Aurum AI mt4
Leonid Arkhipov
4.56 (27)
Aurum AI – 用于黄金交易 (XAU/USD) 的人工智能力量 感受科技在交易中的全部潜力! Aurum AI 是一款突破性的专家顾问,专为黄金市场的稳定和安全交易而设计。它结合了人工智能的力量、精确的趋势分析和严格的风险控制,让每一笔交易都最大限度地发挥效益。 促销 Discount - 50%. 3 copies available at a price of $225 高风险实时信号 (最大回撤可达 20%) Aurum AI 奖励 – 独家 GoldPrime AI 顾问,基于分形系统运行! (查看测试结果) 购买 Aurum AI 即可免费获得 GoldPrime AI – 市场上独一无二的顾问! 仅限 Aurum AI 的购买者。 如何领取奖励? 购买后请与我联系,我将赠送您的奖励。 Aurum AI 的主要优势: 分析全球趋势: 严格按照趋势方向开仓交易。 安全策略: 排除马丁格尔、网格或锁单等激进策略。 固定止损: 明确的止损和止盈,没有复杂的止损参数。 简单安装: 使用基本设置即可运行,仅需选择交易量或激活自动风险计算。 适合 Prop 公司: 符合严格的
FX EurUsd Robot MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
5 (13)
The EUR/USD Multi-Strategy Trading Robot MT4 is an advanced tool designed to optimize trading by combining 3 key systems:   daily trading, volume analysis, and Fibonacci   retracement levels. This robot works by integrating these different approaches to create a more dynamic and adaptable strategy for trading the   EUR/USD pair . EA adapts to different market conditions, this makes it an ideal solution for traders looking to enhance their trading strategy with a powerful, multi-faceted approach.
AlphaFlow EA MT4
Dolores Martin Munoz
Alpha Flow EA:将您的交易提升到新高度 介绍   Alpha Flow EA   —— 一款先进的交易顾问,通过战略精准性、适应性和深度市场分析,彻底改变您的交易体验。 Alpha Flow EA   基于专有交易算法和深度市场洞察,能够在各种交易环境中表现出色,帮助您始终保持领先市场趋势的优势。 Alpha Flow EA 实时交易信号 XAUUSD 信号:   查看实时信号 EURUSD 信号:   查看实时信号 US 500 信号:   查看实时信号 Alpha Flow EA 的独特之处 先进的市场分析 Alpha Flow EA   采用多层次的分析方法,将传统的技术分析与现代的量化策略相结合。它的高级模式识别算法能够发现新兴趋势,提供具有战略意义和时效性的交易机会。 多样化的交易策略 此顾问具备多种预设策略,能够自动适应当前的市场状况。与依赖固定规则的系统不同, Alpha Flow EA   动态选择最佳策略,在不同的市场情景中提升表现。 超高速交易执行 借助高频交易 (HFT) 技术, Alpha Flow EA   以惊人的速度执行交易。这不仅能将滑点降至
Stock Indexes EA MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
5 (1)
Stock Indexes EA is a sophisticated trading robot meticulously engineered to capitalize on the dynamics of the US30 . This expert advisor employs advanced algorithms and technical indicators to analyze market trends, identify potential entry and exit points, and execute trades with precision. A news filter has also been added to the robot, which prevents it from opening a position during important economic news , minimizing the risk. In robot, you can also specify the days and hours when the EA
Boring Pips MT4
Thi Thu Ha Hoang
4.73 (15)
Boring Pips EA 40% 折扣 – 限时优惠! 仅需 $399 USD 即可获得 8 次激活 – 仅限 10 份! 为什么选择 Boring Pips EA? 验证过的成果 – 123 周的跟踪信号,收益超 1000% 安装简单 – 几分钟即可开始 全自动化 不要错过这个自信精准交易的机会! 立即获取 Boring Pips EA! 你是否曾 经想过为什么大多数专家顾问在实盘交易中并不有效,尽管它们在回测中表现完美? 最有可能的答案是 过拟合。许多专家顾问被创建为对现有的历史数据进行 “ 学 习 ” 和完美适 应,但由于构建模型的泛化能力不足,它们无法预测未来。 一些开 发者可能根本不知道过拟合的存在,或者他们知道但没有办法防止它。其他人则将其作为美化回测结果的工具,他们添加了数十个输入参数,而不考虑统计学意义,使交易策略过度依赖历史数据,并试图说服他人他们的专家顾问未来能够实现类似的表现。 如果你 对这个迷人的主题感兴趣,并想更深入地了解过拟合,请参考我的这些文章: Avoiding Over-fitting in Trading St
Exp4 AI Sniper for MT4
Vladislav Andruschenko
5 (2)
我们的团队很高兴推出交易机器人,这是 MetaTrader 终端的尖端智能交易专家顾问。 AI Sniper 是一款智能的、自我优化的交易机器人,专为   MT4   终端设计。 AI Sniper 利用复杂的算法和尖端的交易方法,体现了交易优化的卓越性。 我们的团队在交易所和股票市场拥有超过 15 年的丰富经验,精心设计了此专家顾问,融合了创新的策略管理功能、智能功能和直观的图形界面。 AI Sniper 的每个方面都经过精心设计,并由经过严格测试的程序代码支持。 其先进的计算智能通过复杂的技术分析进行运作,每次价格变动都会进行数千次数学计算。 这使得 AI Sniper 能够精确定位交易的最佳入场点和出场点,无论是在看涨还是看跌的市场趋势中,确保精确执行买入或卖出订单。 我们的愿景、使命和战略始终致力于为交易者提供无与伦比的成功工具。 AI Sniper 将多种交易策略功能融合到一个单一的、全面的交易机器人中,旨在提升您的交易能力。 我们的首要目标是您的成功。 我们邀请您下载、测试并亲眼见证 AI Sniper 的变革能力。 今天就体验交易的未来。 MT5版本 Full Des
Secret Impulse MT4
Eugen Funk
3.33 (18)
EA(交易专家)会在纽约交易时段市场开始波动时开仓(交易量增加)。因此,冲量得到了交易量的支持,我们可以以较高的概率迅速达到止盈(Take Profit)。 信号 (292%, 10% DD):   https ://www .mql5 .com /en /signals /2274145 纽约交易时段的冲量入场 EA通过低时间框架上的FVG(公平价值缺口)检测隐藏的冲量。如果冲量在纽约交易时段之前或期间被检测到,EA会开仓。 根据市场动态管理仓位 如果冲量迅速消失,EA会采用以下三种策略之一: 在某个已识别的价格水平触发止损,并停止交易。 触发止损后,在相反方向开设新仓位。 继续管理原始仓位,通过增加或减少仓位直至获得利润。 如何使用 购买后,请与我联系以获取详细的设置说明。EA运行需要网络连接(内部使用了Rithmic验证的订单簿数据)。 如何进行回测 在黄金(XAUUSD)上运行测试。 时间框架:1分钟。 在输入字段“Lot Factor”中设置手数。1x表示0.01手,10x表示0.1手,以此类推。 设置您的账户货币中的最大允许回撤,例如100美元。如果达到指定的回撤值,所有仓
Tree Of Life
Oeyvind Borgsoe
Tree Of Life EA is an fully automatic trading advisor which recognise patterns and trends in a highly accurate manner. It is designed to generate stable long-term gains while providing excellent risk management. After years of trading and testing, we have discovered spesific combinations of indicators and internal calculations that secure a solid foundation for a robust strategy. The main indicators Tree Of Life uses are the Moving Average and Stochastic. Together with internal calculations, ou
Gold One MT4
Habib Gholamali Heidari
3.3 (10)
Gold One  MT4 大家好,外汇黄金交易爱好者们, 欢迎使用我们的机器人,加入顶级黄金交易者的行列。凭借超过二十年的精准外汇市场经验,我们自豪地推出最新一代的交易机器人。 特点:  非常适合prop公司挑战。 适合所有账户规模,包括小额资本。 无   网格和   无   马丁格尔 100% 完全自动化 该机器人采用最新的、最先进的专门用于黄金交易的指标,具有无与伦比的准确性来识别买入和卖出点。这代表了外汇市场中黄金交易的革命性突破。这一创新是经过十多年研究、试验和广泛测试的成果,融入了顶级黄金交易专家的见解。通过利用复杂的黄金交易模式,我们的机器人确保了您的安心,让您可以无压力地监控其完全自动化的交易。多年的测试结果清楚地表明,我们的机器人表现优越。 其他主要特点 自动交易  XAUUSD  货币对。 每笔交易都有  SL 保护,TP 和 SL 都可以根据市场条件 变化 。 非常容易安装,无需更改设置,只需在  XAUUSD H1上运行一次 建议使用 VPS 来保持EA 24/7运行,具有低延迟 推荐使用  低点差的经纪商 最低初始存款:$500 新闻和替代设置在Tel
CyNeron MT4
Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
3.8 (5)
CyNeron: 精准交易与人工智能创新的结合 信号 :   CyNeron 操作手册和设置文件 : 购买后请与我联系以获取操作手册和设置文件 价格 : 价格会根据售出副本的数量逐步提高 可用副本 : 5 AI驱动的快照分析:市场首创 CyNeron是市场上首个将先进人工智能整合到革命性交易方法中的EA, 通过捕获和处理详细的市场状况快照, 利用最先进的AI神经网络评估价格数据和技术指标, 提供高度准确的市场走势预测,从而实现精准且具有战略性的交易决策。 这一AI驱动技术使CyNeron与众不同,能够实时动态适应不断变化的市场动态, 为交易者提供此前无法获得的洞察力。 交易品种 XAUUSD (黄金) 时间周期 M15 或 M30   最低资金 最低 $100 经纪商 任何经纪商 账户类型 任何账户类型,优先低点差 杠杆 最低 1:20 VPS 推荐使用,但不是必须,也支持MQL VPS CyNeron的核心力量 AI驱动的快照分析 CyNeron通过捕获和处理市场状况快照, 利用先进的神经网络评估价格和指标, 从而实现准确的市场走势预测, 并支持精准的交易决策。 Transf
HFT PropFirm EA MT5
Dilwyn Tng
4.89 (37)
MT4版本: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/104871 通过HFT MT5挑战性能监控(不适用于真实账户): 经纪商:Fusion Market 登录:89600 密码:Greenman89$ 服务器:FusionMarkets-demo 超过700条5星真实评价(早期发布的MT4版本): https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/104871?source=Unknown#!tab=reviews 公共频道: https://www.mql5.com/en/channels/hftpropfirmea MT4版本: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/104871 主要特点 专为HFT挑战设计: 针对Prop Firms挑战设计,低回撤,带止损。 支持: 除了提供set文件外,还提供全面的手册和视频教程,包括VPS设置、MT设置、EA下载、机器人设置和运行。应要求提供折扣代码和链接。还提供Team Viewer、AnyDesk或远程桌面访问支持,适合初学者。
Range Auto TP SL
Dilwyn Tng
4.42 (31)
Range Auto TP SL  is for you, 100% free for now, download it and give me a good review and you are free to use it for lifetime !!!! Range Auto TP SL is a EA to set Stop Loss and Take Profit level based on range using Average True Range (ATR). It works on both manually opened positions via PC MT5 Teriminals or MT5 Mobiles and EA/robots opened position. You can specify magic number for it to work on or it can work on all the positions. Many EA does not good Stop Loss and Take Profit function and
This is FREE !!!   Copy Cat Trade Copier is a fast and fully Functional Trades Copier.  D ownload it and give me a good review and you are free to use it for lifetime !!!! Especially if you are new in using EA, to start off,  setup as per the youtube video using 2 demo account of the same brokers, one as Master, one as Slave, make some trades on Master and you will see Slave has the same trade opened. For more advanced function test them with the 2 demo accounts. Before you do anything, read t
This 100% FREE!!!!  Copy Cat Trade Copier is a fast and fully Functional Trades Copier.  D ownload it and give me a good review and you are free to use it for lifetime !!!! Especially if you are new in using EA, to start off,  setup as per the youtube video using 2 demo account of the same brokers, one as Master, one as Slave, make some trades on Master and you will see Slave has the same trade opened. If not watch the video and follow exactly. For more advanced function test them with the 2 de
Prop Firm Equity Protector safe guard your hard earned prop firm account from balance or equity downdraw. It can be used for live/personal account too. It will close all positions if drawdown hit the preset level or percentage. It can be set to close other EA in the same MT4 terminal too.  This utility is not need to use conjuction with  HFT Prop Firm EA (Green Man),   HFT Prop Firm EA has it build-in equity protector and also it has ultra low drawdown. Setting: Prop Firm Account Size Drawdown
Prop Firm Toolbox contains the important tools for maximising your funded account prop firm accounts. It contains function: - Lot Size Consistency Advisor  (This is the number one reason of prop firm not paying if you soft bleach this rule) - Biggest Profit Size Warning  (This is the number two reason of prop firm not paying if you soft bleach this rule) - Spread Meter
Nicholas Yvan O Van Doorselaere
Nicholas Yvan O Van Doorselaere 2025.02.19 17:35 

very good

Token Chan
Token Chan 2025.01.20 16:34 

Dilwyn is a very friendly EA provider. The EA is very nice and profitable if you use it properly.

Sujit Kumar Patel
Sujit Kumar Patel 2024.12.23 10:13 

I must say, this "HFT Prop Firm EA" HFT expert advisors designed for MT4 and MT5 account are excellent HFT expert advisors in the market with 100% pass rate in MT4 and MT5 HFT challenge accounts. I have purchased both version of expert advisors and passed all the HFT challenges using these expert advisors always and received the funded accounts. Thanks a lot for creating these expert advisors. Very very helpful.

翊慆 邱
翊慆 邱 2024.12.19 06:33 

"I am extremely disappointed. Since purchasing the seller's EA, both 8FigureTrader and DeltaFundingFX have refused to make the payment. Since you use proprietary traders as part of your EA marketing, you have a responsibility to assist in understanding whether withdrawals can be processed normally. The $200, along with the cost of purchasing the challenge account, is a significant expense. Please avoid purchasing this EA."

Here’s an additional point: Of course, I understand their rules, and I know your EA is not applicable to FUNDED accounts. What I’m referring to is that after not violating any rules, they still refuse to process the withdrawal!!!!! They don’t even respond!!! And as I’ve mentioned, since you are using prop firms as part of your EA marketing, you naturally bear responsibility. Otherwise, what’s the point of buying your EA? Is it useless?

Additionally, I did my best to use trustpilot.com as a reference to select prop firms that should be reliable, but I never expected to still be scammed. I dare say that your list only supports customers with small withdrawals. As soon as there are higher profits, they refuse to process the withdrawal!!!

Dilwyn Tng
来自开发人员的回复 Dilwyn Tng 2025.01.20 19:19
Sorry to hear that you are disappointed. If you have withdrawal issue, please check with your prop firm and make sure you stick with their rules, read and understand all rules before even purchase the challenges. I am not promoting or recommending any prop firms in particular. Some of my HFT prop firm EA users did get payouts from those prop firms you claimed you did not get, so where is the problem? I am not siding any parties, I am just stating facts.
twmuttwill 2024.12.04 18:05 

Let me tell you one thing! Dilwyn Tng and his EA are the best. Top notch service and support. I missed a small setting and EA was running, but not taking any trades. Dilwyn Tng offered to connect and check himself. He made the small change and less than an hour later the challenge was passed. Thank you so much

kévin demonchy
kévin demonchy 2024.12.01 12:18 

Thank for this perfect EA 🔥

mohammed6969 2024.11.19 15:50 


I hope you are doing well.

I am facing an issue with the Expert Advisor you developed. It worked perfectly for two days but then completely stopped functioning. I also attempted to download the available update for the EA, but I was unable to do so as the process was either rejected or an error occurred.

Kindly review the issue and provide a solution to make the EA work again and ensure its stability. If there are any additional steps I need to take, please let me know.

Thank you for your assistance.

Dilwyn Tng
来自开发人员的回复 Dilwyn Tng 2024.11.19 16:22
The right place to ask for help is to DM me. Please approach me there, so I can help you fast
MagnumAlgo 2024.11.15 15:50 

Dilwyn Tng offers one of the best software solutions I’ve come across. The product performs exceptionally well, delivering exactly what it promises. What sets Dilwyn apart is his dedication to providing outstanding customer service—he's always prompt and thorough in addressing my questions and concerns. Highly recommended for anyone looking for top-tier tools with reliable support!

Prince Muogbo
Prince Muogbo 2024.10.28 12:59 

Best HFT Trading Ea. I really like this ea, it does exactly what it promises to do. fantastic for passing your HFT prop Firm Challenges. I greatly appreciate quick responses and great support from Dilwyn Tng, he is wonderful! Thank you so much for all your support to traders worldwide. Keep up the excellent work.

mongiwa 2024.10.03 15:50 

Great EA I passed my challenge after 3days.The technical support was great developer is very patient . He is the best on Mql5.The EA did exactly what it was described to do on the advert.When do i get the equity protector?

Crypto_Magnate 2024.10.02 19:15 


Ruslan075 2024.09.26 14:13 


chiukimwa 2024.09.25 11:52 

I used this EA to pass different HFT propfirm, is really 100% passing rate and Dilwyn Tng is a very good people, because he kept to update the list of HFT company, even some HFT company is not support MT5. Dilwyn Tng also find some HFT company to let us know more. so I recomanded you to use this EA.

Notpawat Sornvieng
Notpawat Sornvieng 2024.09.21 18:22 

I have passed my HFT challenge with this EA. The support is amazing. Massive Thank You.

Mohammad Joursara
Mohammad Joursara 2024.09.19 04:27 

Hi Cumming, I bought this nice product, pass 3 challenges total in less than 20 minutes. so much thanks to Mr Dilwyn Tng for his great support. if you search a lot to find best HFT EA, its awesome, just buy it because Mr Tng make it ready-to-use, files from package (zero to hero tutorials , setfiles and tools to help you with props rules). Best Regards Sir.

Dilwyn Tng
来自开发人员的回复 Dilwyn Tng 2024.09.19 14:38
Hi Mohammad Joursara! 🌟 Wow, thank you for this incredible review! We're absolutely thrilled to hear about your success with our HFT Prop Firm EA. Passing 3 challenges in less than 20 minutes is truly impressive! 🚀 We're so glad that Mr. Dilwyn Tng's support was helpful to you. It's our mission to provide not just a great product, but also top-notch support to ensure your success. Don't forget to take advantage of your free 4-in-1 tools and Equity Protector for your funded accounts. They're designed to help you maintain and build upon your amazing results! 🎁💼 We wish you continued success in your trading journey, with consistent profits and regular payouts. May your funded accounts bring you the financial freedom you're aiming for! 💰📈 Thank you again for your support and kind words. Happy trading! 🍀
Riaanalbrecht9 2024.09.18 13:36 

I have passed my HFT challenge with this EA

Dilwyn Tng
来自开发人员的回复 Dilwyn Tng 2024.09.19 14:38
Hi Riaanalbrecht9! 🎉 Thank you so much for your fantastic 5-star review! We're absolutely thrilled to hear that you've successfully passed your HFT challenge using our EA. Your success is what drives us to keep improving and providing the best tools for our users. 🏆 We truly appreciate your support and trust in our product. It's always exciting to see our EA helping traders like you achieve their goals! Don't forget to collect your free 4-in-1 tools and Equity Protector for your funded account. These additional resources are designed to help you maintain your success and optimize your trading even further. 🎁💼 We wish you continued success in your trading journey, with consistent profits and regular payouts. May this be just the beginning of many more achievements in your trading career! 📈💰 Thank you again for choosing our HFT Prop Firm EA. Happy trading and here's to your ongoing success! 🚀🍀
Avdeep Sandhu
Avdeep Sandhu 2024.09.18 12:53 

I have passed my HFT challenge with this EA. The support is amazing. Massive Thank You.

Dilwyn Tng
来自开发人员的回复 Dilwyn Tng 2024.09.19 14:39
Hi Avdeep Sandhu! 🌟 Thank you so much for your fantastic 5-star review! We're absolutely thrilled to hear that you've successfully passed your HFT challenge using our EA. Your success is what motivates us to keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible with automated trading. 🏆 We're equally delighted that you found our support amazing. We strive to provide top-notch assistance to all our users, and it's wonderful to know we've met your expectations. Your appreciation means the world to us! 💖 Don't forget to collect your free 4-in-1 tools and Equity Protector for your funded account. These additional resources are designed to help you maintain your success and optimize your trading even further. 🎁💼 We wish you continued success in your trading journey, with consistent profits and regular payouts. May this achievement be the first of many in your trading career! 📈💰 Thank you again for your support and kind words. Here's to your ongoing success and profitable trading! 🚀🍀
Dmitrijs Ivanajevs
Dmitrijs Ivanajevs 2024.09.17 18:52 

Отлично! Прошёл проверку на PropFirmCapital.

Dilwyn Tng
来自开发人员的回复 Dilwyn Tng 2024.09.19 14:40
Wow, we're over the moon about your awesome 5-star review, Dmitrijs Ivanajevs! 🚀😃 It's fantastic to hear that you successfully passed the PropFirmCapital verification using our EA. Your success is what drives us to keep innovating and improving our product. We truly appreciate your support and the time you took to share your experience. It's always exciting to see our EA helping traders like you achieve their goals! Don't forget to grab your complimentary 4-in-1 tools and Equity Protector for your funded account. They're designed to boost your trading performance even further! 🎁💼 Wishing you consistent profits and regular payouts in your trading journey. May this be just the beginning of many successful verifications and funded accounts for you! 📈💰 Thank you again for choosing our HFT Prop Firm EA. Here's to your continued success in the trading world! 🍀🏆
MICHEL EMILE F DAMOISEAU 2024.09.13 11:50 

Not happy... but, it's my fault

No support for me

Dilwyn Tng
来自开发人员的回复 Dilwyn Tng 2024.09.13 11:58
Approach me after your purchase by clicking Send Message at: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/rodeong . I don't know who bought my EA. I have just checked, there is no PM from you
Red Sol
Red Sol 2024.09.12 11:06 

Perfect and it does what it says on the box, passed Algo prop firm in 2 days! kudos to Dilwyn Tng!!!

Dilwyn Tng
来自开发人员的回复 Dilwyn Tng 2024.09.19 14:41
Red Sol 2024.09.12 11:06 # EN
Perfect and it does what it says on the box, passed Algo prop firm in 2 days! kudos to Dilwyn Tng!!!
版本 5.805 2025.03.01
Sync with MT5
版本 5.801 2025.01.27
Merging MT5 version
版本 5.800 2025.01.14
Major Update with many new automatic features
版本 5.116 2024.11.15
Another update
版本 5.115 2024.09.23
fix 8Figure
版本 5.113 2024.09.16
pass deltafundingfx
版本 5.112 2024.08.22
Now 8figure pass fast
版本 5.111 2024.08.15
fixed a bug
版本 5.110 2024.07.23
Fixed a short order bug
版本 5.109 2024.07.22
fix a consecutive loss bug
版本 5.108 2024.07.12
Add Take Profit Setting
版本 5.107 2024.06.30
fix a bug in consecutive loss
版本 5.106 2024.06.13
Add setting to halt EA for consecutive loss
版本 5.105 2024.05.28
fixing error
版本 5.103 2024.05.27
fixing ...
版本 5.102 2024.05.17
Add Beautiful Greenman logo
版本 5.101 2024.05.13
Improve to work in less favorable latency
版本 5.1 2024.04.21
Added Max Number of Requestion per day
版本 5.0 2024.04.11
This version can take to 500ms latency, but less then 100ms is perferred for better winrate and hitting profit target.
版本 2.818 2024.04.08
removed max and min lot size of symbol
版本 2.817 2024.03.28
Clearer Display
版本 2.816 2024.03.10
Better Kortana Taurex Support
版本 2.815 2024.03.04
Live Account Alert is removed
版本 2.812 2024.03.04
Over Lot Size warning
版本 2.811 2024.02.28
Changed Live Account warning
版本 2.810 2024.02.26
Give proper warning message
版本 2.809 2024.02.25
Changes of display from ATTENTION to WARNING. Many users didnt know the meaning of ATTENTION.
版本 2.808 2024.02.12
Optional Comment Field is added
版本 2.807 2024.01.27
Display Change
版本 2.806 2024.01.19
Display Change (5E4)
版本 2.805 2024.01.19
Display Change
版本 2.804 2024.01.19
Add MM Mode Display
版本 2.803 2024.01.18
Add MM mode on Display
版本 2.802 2024.01.18
Added MM mode on Display
版本 2.801 2024.01.10
- change to faster passing
版本 2.800 2024.01.08
- back to best dashboard
版本 2.750 2024.01.05
- Fixed Kortana spread surge issue
版本 2.700 2024.01.02
- Killed a Bug on lot size
版本 2.609 2023.12.26
- add in more info at display
版本 2.608 2023.12.18
killed a bug (1DA)
版本 2.607 2023.12.10
Added period on display
版本 2.606 2023.12.04
Added Timeframe info on screen
版本 2.605 2023.11.30
Allow turning off of backgroup box
版本 2.604 2023.11.30
Reduce Screen Box to 800 width
版本 2.603 2023.11.29
- give account type pop out warning
- improve visual of idiot proof display
版本 2.602 2023.11.27
Fixed a bug on lot size suggestion on display
版本 2.601 2023.11.22
Added Suggested Lot Size for using of default setfile (1DA)
版本 2.600 2023.11.20
Added Slow Market Filter.
版本 2.500 2023.11.16
- Full fool-proof display, those who can read will be able to use this EA.
- Max Lot size is suggested on screen
版本 2.109 2023.11.13
added a Foolproof, Self-diagnose display
版本 2.108 2023.11.11
mproving on a self-explainatory, fool-proof display (1DA)
版本 2.107 2023.11.10
Improving on a self-explainatory, newbie-proof display (1DA)
版本 2.106 2023.11.10
Improving on a intutive newbie-proof display
版本 2.105 2023.11.09
Added: EA Trade Allowed on Display (1DA)
版本 2.104 2023.11.07
- a prop firm changed broker
版本 2.103 2023.11.05
Added Symbol Advisory
版本 2.101 2023.11.04
Added Symbol Advisory
版本 2.1 2023.10.29
- set default backtest parameter for US30
版本 2.0 2023.10.25
- OpenWait Added
- Comfirm to pass 2 new prop firm
版本 1.311 2023.10.25
- Added OpenWait parameter
版本 1.310 2023.10.22
- remove Money Not Enough warning when there is enough margin.
版本 1.309 2023.10.18
- Added Account Type in Display
版本 1.308 2023.10.15
Added Symbol at display (1DA)
版本 1.307 2023.10.09
- Improve surge detection (1DA)
版本 1.306 2023.10.09
- added new prop firm
版本 1.305 2023.10.09
- Fixed MS
版本 1.304 2023.10.09
- Fixed Backtest issues (1DA)
版本 1.303 2023.10.05
- fixed default setting for backtest
版本 1.302 2023.10.04
- added lot size on display (1DA)
版本 1.301 2023.10.02
- a bug is removed, please update to this revision 1.301 (1DA)
版本 1.30 2023.10.02
- added Server Info on display (1DA)
- added Account Info on display (1DA)
- more prop firms supported
版本 1.29 2023.09.25
- Algo Update
版本 1.28 2023.09.25
- Improve Algo (1DA)
版本 1.27 2023.09.19
Fix MaxSpread (1DA)
版本 1.26 2023.09.15
Updated Contact Info (1DA)
版本 1.25 2023.09.15
Added: Not Enough Money display (1DA)
版本 1.21 2023.09.12
Added bigger crosses at display
版本 1.2 2023.09.12
Added Speed Control
版本 1.1 2023.09.07
Fix typo error