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Click and Go Trade Manager MT5


Click and Go Trade Manager, the ultimate solution for seamless trading execution. With a simple click on the chart, you can effortlessly define your stop loss, entry price, and target levels. No more hassle of inputting values manually - it's made incredibly intuitive and easy.

Embedded risk management is a key feature of our Trade Manager. We understand the importance of protecting your investments, which is why the Click and Go Trade Manager incorporates risk management. When placing orders, you can rest assured that the tool takes into account your desired risk.

Executing trades and managing positions is made effortless with the Click and Go Trade Manager. Once your trades are placed, the tool will monitor the market and automatically (partially) close your positions and/or set your stop loss to break even as soon as your specified targets are reached.

The Click and Go Trade Manager supports Keyboard Shortkeys. By using the specific keyboard shortcuts, you can open and close trades with a single keystroke.

The dashboard will give you insight in your trading performance. It shows the profit of the last 5 days, todays profit and the performance of the open trades.

Discover the power of simplified trading execution with the Click and Go Trade Manager.

Simplify Your Trading: 

  • Open trades with 2 clicks
  • Embedded Risk Management
  • Set your targets to take profit and set stop loss to break even
  • Dashboard to monitor your trading performance
  • Keyboard shortcuts to Open and Close orders with your keyboard

评论 4
Wendy Cheung
Wendy Cheung 2024.03.20 02:15 

Amazing product that's worth every cent plus more!! Absolutely love that you can place orders with just 2 clicks (much less than other trade managers I've used). Love the auto cancel existing order when new order is placed & love the ability to set partials and BE points so I can truly walk away. It has made trade execution & management so much easier & quicker. A must have for me (& any trader in my opinion)!

PnL Calendar
Keni Chetankumar Gajanan -
Monitoring your trades over time helps you build up your account balance and shows when you miss your goals. Viewing the closed trades of a symbol on the chart can help you adjust your strategy for better results. Maintaining a trade book allows you to record the applied strategy and note the reason for taking each trade. It helps you to evaluate and refine strategies based on its profitability. A possibility to download the Account history as a text file with delimited fields, allows upload to
该工具可以帮助你一键平仓所有持仓订单,只需要点击“Close all”.如果你只想平仓盈利中的订单时,就点击“Close profitable"按钮,点击之后,所有浮盈中的订单都会被全部平掉;如果你只想平仓浮亏中的订单,就点击“Close losable”按钮,点击之后,所有浮亏中的订单就会被全部平掉。 该工具经过一年的真实测试,一键平仓功能非常完善,平仓及时,延迟范围较小,当然,延迟和你所处的地区以及网络环境也有关系,这一点还请注意。 在历史数据的回测过程中,该工具表现更加完美,100张订单全部平仓完成最多只需要0.495秒。在真实交易过程中,本人最多持仓订单数量只有26笔,全部平仓完成的时间是1.28秒。
T Manager for Price action Traders
Haidar, Lionel Haj Ali
4.38 (8)
T Manager, the ultimate trade management solution designed by traders for traders. If you are searching for a simple and efficient trade panel, trade manager, or trade assistant, you are at the right place.   The market contains a diverse number of those tools , but this one is designed by traders for traders . I designed this tool, and I am using it daily. Take my advice and stop buying tools blended with un-useful features that you will never use,   T Manager provides you with the essential y
This script is for changing all open tabs/charts at once on MetaTrader 5 using the drop-down box once the script has been initialized. It has all the standard timeframes available to be selected for MetaTrader 5. This is an individual script for all timeframes. You will need to select the timeframe you want all charts to go. Please watch the video for the installation instructions. 
MT5 to Telegram
Alessandro Lentini
Bot to attach to any different chart than the one using to get the orders and send them to telegram Inputs: Telegram Bot Token, Telegram Chat ID Sends Open Price, Order Type, Lots, Take Profit and Stop Loss instantly after the trade is executed. Easy to SetUp and to use My other Bot for XAUUSD and USDCHF:   https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94001 Just remember to go to Tolls->Options->ExpertAdvisors->Allow Web Request for listed URL:  https://api.telegram.org/
Virtual TP SL TS
Andrei Sviatlichny
使經紀人看不到您的止盈,止損和追踪止損水平! 主要選項: 隱身模式 虛擬尾隨止損 虛擬獲利 虛擬盈虧平衡點 虛擬止損 虛擬訂單生命週期 警告: EA交易本身不會下訂單。 您必須自己打開訂單(包括通過“專家”面板),或在同一貨幣對的另一張圖表上使用第三方專家。 請在專家設置中指定魔術數字“ -1”,以便專家處理這些訂單。 用於測試使用視覺模式!!! 工作算法 當您(或其他EA交易)打開買/賣定單,或觸發掛單或圖表上可能已經有未平倉頭寸/定單時,專家將安裝控制面板並開始跟踪v-StopLoss, v-BreakEven,v-TakeProfit參數。 提醒: 當您使用“ -1”以外的幻數時,專家將僅跟踪通過其面板開立的訂單/頭寸。 使用的縮寫:v-SL =虛擬止損,v-BR =虛擬收支平衡,v-BRD =虛擬收支平衡距離,v-TS =虛擬尾隨停止,UP =刷新尾隨停止。 看圖片 “OPTIONS HELP CHART” 用於視覺感知算法. 當價格達到[v-SL]水平時,頭寸將被平倉。 當價格達到[v-BR + v-BRD]水平時,v-BR標記將設置為[v-BR]水平。 如果價格接近v-BR
Designed for automated trading on the Nasdaq (US100, USTEC, NAS100, NDX100, etc.). It will not work on other assets! To correctly   test, it is necessary to configure the TesterTimeShift parameter.  TesterTimeShift   is the time difference in hours between the terminal time and the time in the visual mode of the strategy tester. This is based on research by BIASMACHINE And the related Telegram notification service . It uses statistical patterns identified in the research to find and place tr
One Click Trader  is a tool designed for MetaTrader 4 platform, which enables you to take your trading to the next level. It enables you to open, manage and close your trades in simple an efficient way by just one click of your mouse button. "-"   ,  "+"  change OCT window size  Up arrow minimizes the OCT panel Down arrow maximizes the OCT panel Right arrow displays the next panel with additional features Left arrow hides the panel with additional features Red  SELL  button enables you to open s
控制您的外匯投資組合。立即查看您的站立位置、工作原理以及導致您疼痛的原因! 此處提供 MT4 版本: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/58375 交易經理儀表板旨在讓您一目了然地顯示您當前在外匯市場中的每個頭寸,並使風險管理和貨幣敞口更易於理解。 對於通過多個頭寸或交易網格和籃子策略逐漸進入市場的交易者,這是需要查看的關鍵信息。監控終端中的多個位置通常很難管理。 過度槓桿化和使用低風險:回報是新交易者和一些經驗豐富的交易者面臨的主要問題,交易經理向您展示您對每種貨幣的風險敞口,確保您不會同時進行雙向交易。 特徵: 未平倉交易 - 查看您當前按貨幣對排序的所有未平倉交易。您不僅可以在該貨幣對上看到您的方向偏差,還可以在該貨幣對上運行的每筆交易或頭寸上看到您的方向偏差。 回撤和利潤信息 - 立即查看您交易活躍的貨幣對的回撤或盈利情況。輕鬆識別需要管理的交易。 手數大小 - 查看您在每個貨幣對上的手數以及您進行的交易數量。 風險敞口 - 查看您對每種貨幣的方向偏差,以確保您不會在另一個入場時以相反的方向交易。另請查看您在該貨幣中使用不同貨
The script allows to use the mouse for placing a grid of orders with fixed or variable step quickly and with as few mistakes as possible. Drag the script to the chart using the left mouse button and release. The grid will be plotted starting from that point. If the current price is lower than the grid start point, the grid will be placed "to the north" towards the buys, and if higher - towards the sells, "to the south". Setting take profit and stop loss is left to trader's discretion. Input Par
键盘交易 MT5 是一个热键 MT5 实用程序 加载 EA 的图表必须是活动图表(用鼠标点击)才能使用热键进行交易。如果开立多个仓位,则移动的止损为第一笔交易的止损,但其余交易需要调整用鼠标。   可供选择的输入:   1.添加注释1和2显示在左上角 1.手数(最小0.01) 2. 止损和获利点数(0 = 禁用):适用于所有订单 3. 以点为单位的预定义距离:下限价单和止损单(不是市价单:热键 1 和 2)与当前价格的距离。 4. 移动止损距离,以点为单位(必须是最小移动报价的倍数) 请注意,如果仪器以 25 点的增量移动,那么您设置的距离必须是 25 的倍数,否则它将不起作用。 5.幻数:以上所有键盘交易和订单都具有相同的幻数 6. 键盘热键:您可以输入您选择的按键。   注意:如果热键不是数字,请使用大写字母。   默认热键:   在市场键购买=“W” 以市场键=“Q”出售 买入限价订单键=“S” 卖出限价单键=“1” 买入止损订单键=“2” 卖出止损单键=“A” 关闭未平仓交易键=“C” 删除挂单键 =“D” 反转当前位
This utility provides the ability to use hot keys in manual trading instantly responding to the current market situation. You can assign hot keys to open/close positions by their type, open/close all positions on the current chart and remove all orders on the current chart. You can also assign hot keys for five predefined trade volumes and switch between them if necessary with no need to change the volume manually from time to time. It is also possible to set the auto calculation of a trade volu
Save your time . Select area and the trend line will draw automatically . Draw a support and resistance line for the selected range with two mouse clicks .  If you need to, you can also draw a line for support and resistance based on separate areas. The resistance trend line is drawn based on the first and last highs inside the selected area; The support trend line is drawn based on first and last lows inside the selected area;
Phoenix MT5 Discord Notifier is a trading utility that integrates with both MetaTrader5 and Discord. The utility publishes all your trades as signals in your channels or groups. This allows you to track in real time what is happening with your account via Discord . Notifications for : Opened order Closed order Modified order Parameters : Discord Webhook - Discord webhook which will be used for receiving the info Discord Bot name - Bot name in Discord server/channel Notify for opened order - no
Itrade Manager
Nestor Smill Soler Olivero
Itrade manager expert advisor (EA) is a type of software that can be programmed to perform a variety of tasks related to managing trades in the financial markets. Some of the ways in which the Itrade manager EA can help you trade better include: Itrade manager EA can automatically modify, and close trades based on predefined rules and conditions, freeing you up to focus on other aspects of your trading strategy. Managing risk: Itrade manager EA can help you manage risk by placing stop-loss and t
这个QuickCloseMT5帮助您一键即可立即关闭所有订单,其工作非常快。您可以选择您想要的符号或关闭所有符号,因此它将有助于您在交易中更快地管理交易。该EA可以通过选定的符号或总数快速关闭所有买入和卖出订单和删除全部挂单。此SymbolButton专为关闭订单而设计。有手动和自动关闭功能。自动关闭功能将根据参数关闭订单。 SymbolButton有两种类型的自动关闭参数:利润:当前货币利润或全部货币利润等于或高于预设值时,订单将被关闭. 输入参数 ALLPROFIT:30.00 全部货币利润等于或高于预设利润率时,订单将被关闭。 PROFIT:25.00 一个货币对利润等于或高于预设利润率时,订单将被关闭。 关于作者 作者:dayingcao,我是一个具有丰富经验的软件工程师.
这是一个辅助ea,在电脑或者vps上开启后,可以方便的在手机上下单,自动设置止损止盈,特别适合超短线和剥头皮的快速止盈,让你在手机上就可以方便的设置损赢。这个ea只有两个参数,TP就是你想要设置的止盈数字,比如xauusd当前价格是2450.32,设置止盈100,当buy后价格达到2451.32的时候即可以止盈。 SL就是你想要设置的止盈数字,比如xauusd当前价格是2450.32,设置止损100,当buy后价格达到2449.32的时候即可以止损。这是一个很方便的工具,可以使您在使用mt5手机软件操作的时候,更方便快捷的交易,而不需要点开下单界面然后再输入止盈止损或者是下单后再去手动设置止盈止损,快人一步就是金钱。
RenkoChart EA
Paulo Henrique Da Silva
4.33 (3)
The RenkoChart tool presents an innovative and highly flexible approach to visualizing market data in MetaTrader 5. This expert creates a custom symbol with Renko bricks directly on the chart, displaying accurate prices at the respective opening date/time for each brick. This feature makes it possible to apply any indicator to the Renko chart. Furthermore, this tool also allows access to historical brick data through native methods in the MQL5 programming language, such as iOpen, iHigh, iLow and
快捷操作,快速买,卖,清空操作。 提供三个按钮:Buy,Sell,清空。 Buy:点击后快速下多单,默认1手,盈利点和止损点都是110点,下单成功后可手动修改。 Sell:点击后快速下空单,默认1手,盈利点和止损点都是110点,下单成功后可手动修改。 清空:快速全部订单清仓,包括买,卖订单。 提供快速操作,默认大小,盈利点和止损点都可以单独找我,定制开发。    图表可以自行设定品种,时间周期。 快捷操作,快速买,卖,清空操作。 提供三个按钮:Buy,Sell,清空。 Buy:点击后快速下多单,默认1手,盈利点和止损点都是110点,下单成功后可手动修改。 Sell:点击后快速下空单,默认1手,盈利点和止损点都是110点,下单成功后可手动修改。 清空:快速全部订单清仓,包括买,卖订单。 
This script will show you information about the execution speed of market orders. Instruction 1. Press " File/Open Data Folder " 2. Open the " Logs " folder. 3. Copy the log-files to " MQL5\Files " 4. Run the CheckExec script on EURUSD chart, for example 5. Select parameters: AllOrders - check execution time of all market orders for EURUSD, OpenOrders - check execution time of market orders which where used to open positions on EURUSD, CloseOrders - check execution time of market orders which wh
All Pending Orders with StopLoss opens any combination of Buy Stop, Sell Stop, Buy Limit and Sell Limit pending orders and closes all existing pending orders. If boolSL = true then this Script will calculate one common StopLoss value as the StopLoss for a first/last orders and put this value in all pending orders. Input Parameters Before placing all pending orders, the input window is opened allowing you to modify all input parameters: DeleteAllPendings : if true , then all pending orders (for
Do you think it's a bit cumbersome when you need to switch symbols or timeframes with mouse click? 1. What is this? This is a program that can switch symbols and timeframes with direction keys. Fast switching, very convenient, no mouse click required. For traders, one symbol with multi-timeframe charts are usually added,  you can change symbol on those charts  easily . For multi-currency traders, different symbol charts are usually added, you can also change those timeframes easily. I wrote thi
Equity X MT5
Alessandro Grossi
Equity X è una utility che chiude tutte le posizioni ed eventuali ordini pendenti ad un importo prestabilito, è possibile fissare il bilancio del tuo conto quando il netto e uguale o superiore oppure uguale inferiore all'importo desiderato Ha integrato un sistema per la notifica mobile instantanea che genera il messaggio ad operazione avvenuta Uno strumento che permette di ottimizzare al massimo il rendimento del tuo investimento, è possibile utilizzarlo anche come gestore virtuale di take prof
The Expert Advisor will help you forward all alert from  MetaTrader 5 to Telegram channel/ group.  All alert must save to folder <Data folder>MQL5\Files\Alerts\ , text file with format *.txt and screenshot with format *.gif or *.png. Parameters: - Telegram Bot Token: - create bot on Telegram and get token. - Telegram Chat ID:  - input your Telegram user ID,  group / channel ID - Forward Alert: - default true, to forward alert. - Send message as caption of Screenshot: - default false, set true t
AutoCloseTimer allows you to close positions and delete pending orders at a specified time. Usage Download and drag and drop AutoCloseTimer onto the chart. Check Allow AutoTrading in Common tab. Set parameters in Inputs tab. Notice: The close time must be later than the current market time. Input Parameters CloseSymbol - there are 2 options SymBol Of Chart - just close the symbol of the current chart All Symbols - close all symbols CloseTimerDay - specify a day for AutoCloseTimer. The default
Visit our all-new   Stein Investments Welcome Page   to get the latest information, updates and trading strategies. Do you want to become a constantly profitable 5-star forex trader? Then  get our Stein Investments trading tools  and send us a screenshot to get your personal invitation to our exclusive trading chat with 500+ members. Crosshair is a fantastic tool that simplifies our chart analysis by bringing the price candles perfectly in line with the indicator values in the subwindows. Yo
Correlation indicator
Hendrikus Alberto Lauricella
Correlation indicator is a trading indicator that compares price correlations on up to 8 different instruments simultaneously. This indicator is designed to be very versatile. It can be used to trade many different strategies from scalping to hedging to simple trend-following based on an average trend direction of multiple currency pairs or it can signal only when all the pairs correlate on the same side of a particular moving average. The indicator automatically applies the same moving average
Simple Stats is utility for trades history management. (works as Expert Advisor) Allowing you to:   see trading performance for each symbol separately , and so it     helps you to find the most and the worst profitable type of trades  based on past results. filters: see only manual trades see only EA trades see only EA trades from one specific Magic Number select time period for history SS will  distinguish reports with filename - each history report is named with account number an
ATTENTION: the utility cannot work in the Strategy Tester, if you want to try the demo version for free for a week, or have any questions, write me an email! You can find my address on my user profile. TrendLine Auto Executor is a software capable of identifying the trendlines you have drawn on the chart and opening orders as soon as they are touched or exceeded. The software allows you to manage two orders at a time for each chart by tracking two groups of trendlines, one for each order, and e
Simple Telegram Notification – Stay Informed on Your MT5 Trading Activity! Stay connected with your MetaTrader 5 trading activity using Simple Telegram Notification , the Expert Advisor that sends real-time notifications to your Telegram app whenever orders are opened, modified, or closed . Whether you're at your desk or on the move, you’ll always be up-to-date with critical trading information. Key Features: Order Notifications : Receive instant Telegram alerts whenever an order is opened, mod
Trade Assistant MT5
Evgeniy Kravchenko
4.41 (174)
它有助于计算每笔交易的风险,容易安装新的订单,具有部分关闭功能的订单管理, 7 种类型的追踪止损和其他有用的功能。   附加材料和说明 安装说明   -   应用程序说明   -   模拟账户应用程序的试用版 线条功能  - 在图表上显示开仓线、止损线、止盈线。 有了这个功能,就可以很容易地设置一个新的订单,并在开仓前看到它的附加特性。   风险管理  - 风险计算功能在考虑到设定的风险和止损单的大小的情况下,计算新订单的成交量。它允许你设置任何大小的止损,同时观察设定的风险。 批量计算按钮 - 启用 / 禁用风险计算。 在 " 风险 " 一栏中设置必要的风险值,从 0 到 100 的百分比或存款的货币。 在 " 设置 " 选项卡上选择风险计算的变量: $ 货币, % 余额, % 资产, % 自由保证金, % 自定义, %AB 前一天, %AB 前一周, %AB 前一个月。   R/TP 和 R/SL - 设置止盈和止损的关系。 这允许你设置相对于损失的利润大小。 例如, 1 : 1 - 这决定了 TP = SL 的大小。 2 : 1 - 这意味着 TP 是 SL 的两倍。 RR -
TradePanel MT5
Alfiya Fazylova
4.85 (124)
交易面板是一个多功能的交易助手。该应用程序包含超过 50 个用于手动交易的交易功能,并允许您自动化大多数交易操作。 注意,该应用程序在策略测试器中不起作用。购买之前,您可以在模拟帐户上测试演示版本。演示版 这里 。 完整说明 这里 。 贸易. 让您只需单击一下即可执行交易操作: 开立挂单和仓位并自动计算风险。 只需单击鼠标即可打开多个订单和仓位。 打开订单网格。 按组关闭挂单和仓位。 仓位反转(平掉买入 > 开仓卖出,平掉卖出 > 开仓买入)。 锁仓(通过以缺失手数开仓,使买入和卖出手数相同)。 单击即可部分关闭所有仓位。 以相同的价格水平设置所有仓位的获利和止损。 将所有仓位的止损设置为仓位的盈亏平衡水平。 当开设挂单和仓位时,可以应用以下函数: 在多个订单或仓位之间分配计算出的交易量(当单击打开多个订单和仓位时)。 在开单过程中,图表上交易水平的可视化。 仅当当前价差不超过指定价差时才开仓。 获利与止损之间的自动比率。 虚拟止损和止盈。 根据当前价差的大小自动增加止损和获利。 根据 ATR 指标读数计算获利和止损。 设置挂单的到期日期。 设置挂单的追踪(面板自动根据当前价格移动挂单
The product will copy all telegram signal to MT5 ( which you are member) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up, copy order instant, can work with almost signal formats, image signal,  s upport to translate other language to English Work with all type of channel or group, even channel have "Restrict Saving Content", work with  multi channel, multi MT5 Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. Support to backtest signal. How to s
Telegram To MT5 Receiver
Levi Dane Benjamin
4.82 (11)
将信号从您所属的任何渠道(包括私人和受限渠道)直接复制到您的 MT5。 该工具在设计时充分考虑了用户的需求,同时提供了管理和监控交易所需的许多功能。 该产品采用易于使用且具有视觉吸引力的图形界面。 自定义您的设置并在几分钟内开始使用该产品! 用户指南 + 演示  |   MT4版本  |   不和谐版本 如果您想尝试演示,请参阅用户指南。 Telegram To MT5 接收器在策略测试器中不起作用! Telegram 至 MT5 功能 一次复制多个通道的信号 从私人和受限频道复制信号 不需要机器人令牌或聊天 ID(如果出于某种原因需要,您仍然可以使用这些) 使用风险百分比或固定手数进行交易 排除特定符号 选择复制所有信号或自定义要复制的信号 配置单词和短语以识别所有信号(默认值应适用于 99% 的信号提供商) 配置时间和日期设置以仅在需要时复制信号 设置一次打开的最大交易量 交易和头寸管理 使用信号或自动设置的管理 通过设置每月、每周、每天、每小时或每分钟的最大交易次数,停止过度交易和报复性交易。 支持市价订单和挂单 每日最大利润目标(以美元为单位)以确保头寸并停止过度交易 确
I present to your attention a powerful utility for predicting the future movement of an asset based on W.D. Ganna’s law of vibration. This utility analyzes the selected market model and provides codes for future possible market movement patterns. If you enter the selected code into the appropriate box, you will receive a forecast of the potential market movement. The utility has the ability to display several potential forecast models. The forecast is not yet tied to time and price and gives th
-25% discount ($149 -> $111) Everything for chart Technical Analysis indicator mt5 in one tool Draw your supply demand zone with rectangle and support resistance with trendline and get alerts to mobile phone or email alert -  Risk reward indicator mt5 Video tutorials, manuals, DEMO download   here .   Find contacts on my   profile . 1.   Extended rectangles and trendlines Object will be extended to the right edge of the chart when price will draw new candles on chart. This is rectangle extende
Mentfx Mmanage mt5
Anton Jere Calmes
4.25 (8)
The added video will showcase all functionality, effectiveness, and uses of the trade manager. Drag and Drop Trade Manager. Draw your entry and have the tool calculate the rest. Advanced targeting and close portions of a trade directly available in tool (manage trades while you sleep). Market order or limit order on either side with factored spread. Just draw the entry, the tool does the rest. Hotkey setup to make it simple. Draw where you want to enter, and the stop loss, the tool calculates al
2025 happy new year -25% discount ($199 -> $149) Advanced trading tool: One click smart orders that execute under your conditions Developed by trader for trading community:  position size calculator (lot size), open position after price action, strategy builder, set and forget trading, mobile notifications... Risk Management -  Risk percentage position size calculator, gain percentage, target risk reward ratio, spread and commissions are included in calculations 7 Advanced order types  - Set a
HINN Lazy Trader
5 (2)
B e sure to watch this video before using A community for users, product discussion, update news, and first line of support  Use Webmoney For payments in cryptocurrencies. How I use this algo tool   Lazy Trader is NOT SUITABLE FOR SCALPING EVERY MINUTE MOVEMENT, ESPECIALLY IN CRYPTO. WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING WHAT IS HAPPENING ON THE CHART, THERE IS NO POINT IN BLINDLY HOPING FOR PROFITS! Lazy Trader does NOT USE openAI chat-gpt-4 technologies, which are added to descriptions for product promotion
Discord To MT5 Receiver
Levi Dane Benjamin
5 (1)
将信号从任何您是会员的渠道(无需机器人令牌或管理员权限)直接复制到您的 MT5。 它的设计以用户为中心,同时提供您需要的许多功能 该产品采用易于使用且具有视觉吸引力的图形界面。 自定义您的设置并在几分钟内开始使用该产品! 用户指南 + 演示  | MT4版本 | 电报版本 如果您想尝试演示,请参阅用户指南。 Discord To MT5 在策略测试器中不起作用。 Discord MT5 功能 从您是会员的任何频道复制。 无需机器人令牌或聊天 ID 使用风险百分比或固定手数进行交易 排除特定符号 选择复制所有信号或自定义要复制的信号 配置单词和短语以识别所有信号(默认值应适用于 99% 的信号提供商) 配置时间和日期设置以仅在需要时复制信号 设置一次打开的最大交易量 交易和头寸管理 使用信号或自动设置的管理 通过设置每月、每周、每天、每小时或每分钟的最大交易次数,停止过度交易和报复性交易。 支持市价订单和挂单 每日最大利润目标(以美元为单位)以确保头寸并停止过度交易 确保仓位的每日最大利润目标(%) 最大开放交易以限制风险和敞口。 使用 RR、点数或价格自动获取部分内容 使用固定R
Yury Kulikov
4.93 (41)
Attention: You can view the program operation in the free version  YuClusters DEMO .  YuClusters is a professional market analysis system. The trader has unique opportunities to analyze the flow of orders, trade volumes, price movements using various charts, profiles, indicators, and graphical objects. YuClusters operates on data based on Time&Sales or ticks information, depending on what is available in the quotes of a financial instrument. YuClusters allows you to build graphs by combining da
Trading Chaos Expert
Gennadiy Stanilevych
5 (10)
世界上没有本软件的同等产品,它代表一个覆盖交易信号的通用交易 "控制台",自动入场,设置止损和止盈,还有在单一窗口里同时进行多交易尾随终止。EA 的 "三次点击" 直观控制,确保在不同计算机上全方位使用所有功能,包括平板电脑。 与附加的信号指标交互来标记图标,给出实际市场的全貌,EA 令您做出正确的选择,以及在大多数情况下成为胜者一方。内置资金管理算法, 还有自动计算手数, 虚拟订单交易, 以及一些其它从崩溃账户里挽救交易者的 "诀窍"。它不是一个 "黑盒子"。而是一个深思熟虑的交易员的不可或缺的助理, 至少要尝试一次它的动作。 注,在面板上形成的 EA 不能在策略测试员中测试。可以在您的模拟账户里以实时模式检查它, 您可以下载本 EA 的免费版 - 混沌交易 EA 演示 。 EA 表现为一个面板,带有内置功能的交易机器人的,自动基于交易者可直观检查的交易信号入场,完全按照比尔·威廉姆斯的策略“混沌交易:第二版”和“新贸易维度”。在单独的窗口里,EA 识别价格走势的导向,用于指定品种和时间帧的全自动交易模式,也可以多品种并发。 它同时分析 MetaTrader 5“市场观察”窗口中显示
Unlimited Trade Copier Pro MT5 is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will n
RiskGuard Management
5 (18)
ATTENTION the expert does not work in strategy tester, for a trial version visit my profile. Manual to download the automatic journal visit my profile RiskGuard Management – Professional trading, without compromise RiskGuard Management is the ultimate ally for traders who want to maximize profits and minimize losses with advanced risk management. It’s not just a tool; it’s an intelligent system that helps you stick to your trading plan, avoid emotional mistakes, and operate with maximum efficie
50% off. Original price: $375 Reward Multiplier is a semi-automatic trade manager based on pyramid trading that opens additional orders with the running profit of your trades to maximize return exponentially without increasing the risk. Unlike other similar EAs, this tool shows potential profit/loss and reward to risk ratio before even entering the first trade! Download Demo here  (starting lot is fixed at 0.01) Guide + tips here MT4 version   here You only open the first order. When your trade
GRat Crypto
Ivan Titov
4.5 (2)
Trade on crypto exchanges in MT5! GRat_Crypto is a tool for manual and automated trading , including ANY available EA, ANY  cryptocurrency  on most popular crypto exchanges in the familiar MT5 environment 24/7. Features 1. ALL instruments of the 9 most popular crypto exchanges are available: Binance, BingX, Bybit, Coinbase, CoinEx, Kraken,   KuCoin, MEXC and OKX . 2. The ability to place ANY type of order available in MT5, both market and pending, to modify orders and positions, to delete order
Crypto Charting
Rajesh Kumar Nait
5 (2)
MT5 的加密货币图表。 特征 : 1. 通过 Websocket (wss) 实时 OHLC 图表 2. 从 API 更新柱的历史记录 3. 当 MT5 重新启动时,自动更新图表上的历史记录,以确保柱状图中没有丢失数据,并且始终像原生图表一样保持最新状态 4. API 的预定历史记录更新:如果互联网断开一毫秒,bar ohlc 值可能不正确,因为 websocket 是流协议。 为了减少 1-2% 的错误几率,我们添加了一项通过 API 进行预定历史更新的功能,该功能每隔几分钟就会更新一次数据,这可以通过实用程序设置进行设置。 它确保 OHLC 值始终正确,使您的分析不会出现错误。 5.实用程序支持从M1到MN1的所有时间范围支持 6. 可用数据:开盘价、开盘价、最低价、实际成交量和即时成交量 7. 您可以使用策略测试器对加密数据使用 EA 交易来回测任何策略 8. 断线时自动重连websocket 可用交易所列表: 1. 币安现货、期货和币安 2.ByBit现货、期货和反向期货(v5 API) 3.OKX现货和期货(v5 API) 4. Kucoin现
Vyacheslav Izvarin
5 (2)
ADAM EA Special Version for FTMO Please use ShowInfo= false for backtesting ! Our 1st EA created using ChatGPT technology Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS  Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Tested on EURUSD and GBPUSD only  Use 15MIN Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading  before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3  Friday For Prop Firms MUST use special Protector  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94362 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Trade Assistant 38 in 1
Makarii Gubaydullin
4.9 (21)
多功能工具:超过65个功能,其中包括:手数计算,价格行为,盈亏比,交易管理,供需区域。 演示版   |   用户手册   |  MT5版 任何问题 / 改进意见 / 如果发生了故障或错误    都可以联系我 该实用程序在策略测试器中不起作用:您可以在此处下载 演示版来测 试产品。 Trading functions require permitted auto trading (including on the broker's side) 简化,加快并且自动化你的交易过程。利用这款工具的控制功能就能增强普通交易端的执行力。 建立一笔新的交易:手数 / 风险 / 盈亏计算 1. 手数计算工具 (基于风险规模的交易量计算) 2. 风险计算工具 (基于手数大小的风险额计算) 3. 盈亏比 4. 订单的激活和触发,买入或卖出限价/买入或卖出止损 5. 虚拟的止损/止盈 (隐藏的止损,止盈:交易商不可见) 6.  智能的止损/入场点:当价格柱在收盘时已超越了才入场 (避免无效触发) 7. 隐藏掉挂单 (虚拟的订单) 8. 预订挂单:在市场关闭的时候你也可以下挂单 (适合周末做计划的交易者)
The  Easy Strategy Builder (ESB)  is a " Do It Yourself " solution that allows you to create a wide range of the automated trading strategies without any line of codes. This is the world’s easiest method to automate your strategies that can be used in STP, ECN and FIFO brokers. No drag and drop is needed. Just by set conditions of your trading strategy and change settings on desired values and let it work in your account. ESB has hundreds of modules to define unlimited possibilities of strategi
Bots Builder Pro MT5
Andrey Barinov
4.17 (6)
This is exactly what the name says. Visual strategy builder . One of a kind. Turn your trading strategies and ideas into Expert Advisors without writing single line of code. Generate mql source code files with a few clicks and get your fully functional Expert Advisors, which are ready for live execution, strategy tester and cloud optimization. There are very few options for those who have no programming skills and can not create their trading solutions in the MQL language. Now, with Bots Builde
The product will copy all  Discord  signal   to MT5   ( which you are member  ) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up. Work with almost signal formats, support to translate other language to English Work with multi channel, multi MT5. Work with Image signal. Copy order instant, auto detect symbol. Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. How to setup and guide: Let read all details about setup and download Discord To MetaTrader
1 (1)
ShSH: an Automated Trading Tool Discover the future of trading with our ShSH an Automated Trading Tool , meticulously designed to harness the unique characteristics of the daily market's volatility . This cutting-edge system leverages the price breakout method , Analizing on market movements during the low-liquidity hours to deliver consistent and reliable results. Core Features: 1. Intraday Market Volatility Mastery: The robot is fine-tuned to detect subtle price patterns and movements unique
This Expert Advisor waits a position to be opened, no matter if you open manually or with the EA buttons or eventually via mobile: it creates a Grid in Anti Martingale with pending stop orders in the same direction of the first position. You can specify the number of orders, the size and the distance between the orders. You can also adjust the Monetary Target of the Grid, the monetary Stop Loss, the Intermediate Target (when reached the EA insert an order with opposite direction of the total pos
Guilherme Emiliao Ferreira
5 (3)
AUTOGRIDS MT5 Autogrids EA is a cutting-edge trading automation tool designed to give Forex traders an unparalleled edge in the market. Built on a powerful quantitative strategy, it analyzes the frequency distribution of daily price movements, leveraging historical data to create a highly optimized operational grid. Unlike conventional grid trading systems, Autogrids EA strategically models price distributions to define precise trading intervals, ensuring optimized entry points. Whether the mar
Ultimate Trailing Stop EA MT5
4.13 (8)
This EA Utility allows you to manage (with advanced filtering) unlimited open orders (manual or EA) with 16 trailing stop methods: fixed, percent, ATR Exit, Chandelier Exit, Moving Average, Candle High Low Exit, Bollinger Bands, Parabolic, Envelope, Fractal, Ichimoku Kijun-Sen, Alligator, Exit After X Minutes or Bars, RSI and Stochastic. The trailing stop can be either real or virtual, and you can exit fully or with a partial close percent on touch or bar close.  Moreover, you can add (override
这是一个可视化的交易面板,可帮助您轻松进行交易管理,避免人为错误并增强交易活动。它结合了易于使用的视觉界面以及完善的风险和位置管理方法。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 易于使用 从图表轻松交易 精确的风险管理交易,无忧 保本是重中之重 让利润不受您的关注 尽快享受无风险交易 所有已开通交易的自动追踪止损 交易开始后立即设置初始止损 进行交易后,EA将执行以下任务: 初始止损/获利被自动放置 它会尽快锁定自由行(可选) 它将止损首次移动到盈亏平衡点(可选) 它使用您所需的方法跟踪止损,直到止损为止 其他很酷的功能是: 出色的终端活动报告 单一但功能强大的尾随止损方法 干净的图表界面 没有输入参数 我进行交易后会怎样? 这是您进行交易后EA的操作: 它放置初始止损并获利订单。 尽快搭便车并确保保本。默认情况下,这是通过在达到盈亏平衡点时关闭50%的交易来完成的,默认情况下为5点。这意味着,如果您日后被淘汰,您将一无所获(可选)。 盈亏平衡后,跟踪止损开始运行。 它跟踪止损,直到止损为止,让利润运行。 尾随止损如何运作? 追踪止损表示为所管
Mt5 To InterativeBrokers Copier allows you to copy deals from MT5 account to Interactive Brokers. With this, you can run your EA strategy on a MT5 Demo/Real Account, then copy all the deals to Interactive Brokers account real time. Features: 1. Copy or Invert-Copy deals Realtime from MT5 to IB Account. 2. Synchronizing positions of both accounts periodicaly, in case any missing copying. 3. You can choose only Buy position or Sell position. Symbols Setup: General Format:  {MT Symbol} -> {IB S
Riskless Pyramid Mt5
Snapdragon Systems Ltd
3.5 (2)
Introduction This powerful MT4 trade mangement EA offers a way potentially to aggressively multiply trade profits in a riskfree manner. Once a trade has been entered with a defined stoploss and take profit target then the EA will add three pyramid add-on trades in order to increase the overall level of profit. The user sets the total combined profit target to be gained if everything works out. This can be specified either as a multiple of the original trade profit or as a total dollar amount. Fo
Introduction The SDS_TradeManager EA is a powerful EA designed to manage your positions once you have been filled. It basically works a break-even stop and also a trailing stop where the trigger levels and trail levels are all specified in "R's", that is to say multiples of the initial trade risk. Many successful professional traders think about all their trades and profit taking in terms of multiples of the initial risk R. So for example, if your initial risk on your trade is 50 pips and you wa
Exit Manager
Victor Christiaanse
5 (2)
Enhance Your Trading with the Exit Manager Elevate your trading strategy with the Exit Manager, designed to ensure optimal closure of your trades at precisely the right moments. Once you've placed an order, our Exit Manager steps in and starts monitoring the order based on YOUR predetermined conditions, and can even trail your stop loss to mitigate risk. Key Features: Set & Forget Functionality With the Exit Manager, simply place your trade and let the tool do the rest. It continuously monitor
This scanner is monitoring the entire market for trade opportunities for all symbols and for all   time frames. You don't have to look to all the charts, for all symbols and for all time frames. This scanner will alert you on your computer, or on your mobile, when a trade opportunity has been found.  You never have to miss a trade opportunity!   This indicator is designed to scan all pairs and symbols, for all time frames, to find a cross of the MACD main and signal line.   MACD Definition The
Click and Go Trade Manager
Victor Christiaanse
5 (8)
Click and Go Trade Manager, the ultimate solution for seamless trading execution. With a simple click on the chart, you can effortlessly define your stop loss, entry price, and target levels. No more hassle of inputting values manually - it's made incredibly intuitive and easy. Embedded risk management is a key feature of our Trade Manager. We understand the importance of protecting your investments, which is why the Click and Go Trade Manager incorporates risk management. When placing orders,
Ichimoku Scanner
Victor Christiaanse
5 (1)
This scanner is monitoring the entire market for Ichimoku trade opportunities for all symbols and for all time frames. You don't have to look to all the charts, for all symbols and for all time frames. This scanner will alert you on your computer, or on your mobile, when a trade opportunity has been found.  You never have to miss a trade opportunity!   This indicator is designed to scan all pairs and symbols, for all selected time frames, to find a Tenkan and Kijun Cross or a breakout of the Ich
Three Moving Average Scanner
Victor Christiaanse
5 (8)
This scanner is monitoring the entire market for trade opportunities for all symbols and for all time frames. This scanner will alert you on your computer, or on your mobile, when a trade opportunity has been found. Three moving average strategy   The three moving average strategy is a very popular and proven strategy. The slowest moving average is used to determine the direction of the trend. If the price is above the slowest moving average, we are in a Bullish market and if the price is below
Keyboard Trading
Victor Christiaanse
5 (1)
Keyboard Trading  Open and Close orders with your keyboard. This tool allows you to open and close orders with your keyboard. As opening and closing orders with your keyboard is faster than with your mouse, this tool is very useful for Scalpers. How does it work? If you press the key "b", it will open a buy order with lot size, SL and TP as specified in the settings. If you press the key "s", it will open a sell order with lot size, SL and TP as specified in the settings. If you press the key "c
Trendline Trading
Victor Christiaanse
3 (1)
If you use Resistance and Support Trendlines in your trading, this tool will be very useful for you!  The Trendline Trading EA is a smart and easy tool to helps you in your trading using trendlines on your chart. Just create a trendline for the Resistance and Support, and the EA will create pending orders when the price touch the trendline. The following orders will be created when the price touch the trendline: Pending order in case the price breaks the trendline Pending order in case the price
This indicator is designed to scan all pairs and symbols, for all selected time frames, to find a cross of moving averages. The 4 Moving Average Strategy The scanner has 4 moving averages: - 2 moving averages to define the trend - 2 moving averages are used to find the right moment to send an alert If the fast trend MA is above the slow trend MA, than it is considered as a bullish market and it will only provide bullish alerts. If the fast trend MA is lower then the slow trend MA, it is conside
This scanner is monitoring the entire market for trade opportunities for all symbols and for all time frames. You don't have to look to all the charts, for all symbols and for all time frames. This scanner will alert you on your computer, or on your mobile, when a trade opportunity has been found.  You never have to miss a trade opportunity! This indicator is designed to scan all pairs and symbols, for all selected time frames, to find an Engulfing Candlestick Pattern. Features The scanner will
Exit Manager MT5
Victor Christiaanse
Enhance Your Trading with the Exit Manager Elevate your trading strategy with the Exit Manager, designed to ensure optimal closure of your trades at precisely the right moments. Once you've placed an order, our Exit Manager steps in and starts monitoring the order based on YOUR predetermined conditions, and can even trail your stop loss to mitigate risk. Key Features: Set & Forget Functionality With the Exit Manager, simply place your trade and let the tool do the rest. It continuously monitors
Wendy Cheung
Wendy Cheung 2024.03.20 02:15 

Amazing product that's worth every cent plus more!! Absolutely love that you can place orders with just 2 clicks (much less than other trade managers I've used). Love the auto cancel existing order when new order is placed & love the ability to set partials and BE points so I can truly walk away. It has made trade execution & management so much easier & quicker. A must have for me (& any trader in my opinion)!

Victor Christiaanse
来自开发人员的回复 Victor Christiaanse 2024.03.22 22:02
Thank you for your review Wendy!
161312 2024.02.07 23:24 


Victor Christiaanse
来自开发人员的回复 Victor Christiaanse 2024.03.09 08:32
Many thanks for your feedback! Highly appreciated!
31danielel 2023.11.05 20:12 


Victor Christiaanse
来自开发人员的回复 Victor Christiaanse 2023.11.05 20:38
Many thanks for the effort you put into testing multiple products, and sharing your honest feedback. Much appreciated!
tomchurch07 2023.10.13 12:26 


Victor Christiaanse
来自开发人员的回复 Victor Christiaanse 2023.10.13 12:27
Many thanks for your feedback, much appreciated!
版本 1.8 2024.06.17
Small bug fix.
版本 1.7 2024.05.17
An option is added to split a large order into multiple smaller ones, reducing slippage and enabling you to place orders exceeding your broker's maximum lot size per trade.
The EA parameter for this new option is "Split up order into orders with max lot size specified".
版本 1.6 2024.05.11
- Added the option to add a buffer to the pending order entry price (in pips)
- Added the option to add a buffer to the stoploss (in pips)
版本 1.5 2024.04.16
Added the option to change font size for the panels
版本 1.4 2024.04.05
Small bug fix
版本 1.3 2023.11.09
- Added the ability to change the color and style of the Stoploss Line
- Added the ability to change the color and style of the Target Lines
- Added the ability to change the color and style of the Pending Order Entry Line
版本 1.2 2023.10.27
- Delete Pending Orders when a Target is hit
- Resolved small bugs
版本 1.1 2023.08.14
Added the following feature:
- Stop Loss in pips readout during placing a market or pending order