适用于MetaTrader 5的付费EA交易和指标 - 40
该页面提供MetaTrader 5应用程序的目录。
good community, here I present the bot
Crash500 Wolf
where it has the strategy of a stochastic already with its parameters
ideals and 2 moving averages of 5 and 44 periods
It is simple and easy to use
It is used from 0.50 to 2 lots with a minimum balance of 400usd
Then the stoploss is modified to 50,000
and a takeprofit of 200
to make the trend entry better
ro value a 15
the rest is left as it comes
just enjoy
World Investor
MT4 版本: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/103400
MT5 版本: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/103401
虚拟现实专家顾问 (EA) 是一种复杂的交易工具,旨在优化金融市场头寸执行时的保证金利用率。其独特的策略涉及一个两步过程:启动虚拟头寸,然后启动相应的真实头寸,旨在最大限度地降低保证金要求。
以下是虚拟现实 EA 的运作方式:
EA 首先根据其编程算法和市场分析确定交易机会。 它模拟在所选金融工具中开立“虚拟”或模拟头寸,而无需实际投入任何资本。该虚拟头寸反映了预期的真实交易。 真实头寸执行:
建立虚拟头寸后,EA 继续监控市场状况。 一旦市场确认了策略设定的有利条件或参数,EA 就会触发在市场中开立相应的真实头寸。 通过与虚拟头寸保持一致,EA 旨在减轻真实交易对保证金要求的影响。它优化了可用资本和保证金的使用,以有效管理风险。 风险管理和优化:
在整个过程中,EA 采用风险管理协议和可自定义的设置来确保谨慎交易。 它不断评估
1. Introduction to EA - The bot has 2 modes: automatic or manual by selecting the auto trade feature as true or false. + auto: means allowing automatic trading, transactions are based on the trend found by the EA. + buy(manual): means only trade in the upward direction. + sell(manual): means only trade in the downward direction. - The principle of trading in auto mode is as follows: based on the trend found in the large time frame, then we look in the small time frame to find the entry point. +
The provided MQL5 expert creates a custom information panel in the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platform This panel displays information about the trading positions for the current symbol (currency pair) on the chart. It shows the number of buy and sell positions, their sizes, and profits. Provide traders with a quick overview of their trading positions for the current symbol It is very useful when you open several positions of several sizes and you want to know the exact situation of the number
Build your own trading strategy using the combination of indicators you want from those offered (each indicator can be used up to 2 times) in addition to a few personal touches: Average True Range Bollinger Bands Ichimoku Kumo Breakout Ichimoku Tenkan Sen Kijun Sen Cross (TKC) MACD MFI Mobile Average RSI SAR Stochastic Double Mobile Average Triple Mobile Average
Other free expert advisors are available in my personal space as well as signals, do not hesitate to visit and leave a comment, it w
ATR Projection指标在技术分析中脱颖而出,旨在提供有关金融市场潜在价格移动极限的准确见解。其灵活的方法允许用户直观地定制分析指标,以适应每个交易资产的特定需求。
默认情况下,ATR Projection考虑最近100根蜡烛的平均值的30%。这种灵活性使用户能够根据其偏好和每个资产的独特特征调整指标,提供更个性化的分析。
ATR Projection的优势:
1. 可定制的技术准确性:用户可以根据每个交易资产的特定条件自由定制指标。
2. 专注于高概率:通过仅关注最近100根蜡烛的平均值的30%,ATR Projection将注意力集中在可能性较高的移动上,优化了明智的决策制定。
3. 适应交易资产:该指标的灵活性允许适应不同的资产,提供根据每种金融工具的独特特征定制的分析。
此外,值得注意的是,ATR Projecti
Default inputs in this EA is not tradable to get new none grid setfile for trading prop firms contact me www.nevergpea.com NeverGP EA updated with none grid strategy because some prop firm brokers are not allowed to trade in grid method This EA is fully automated work in gold chart ( XAUUSD ) time frame is not matter It takes two weeks to one month to pass prop firms with 10% profit daily drawdown is approximate 1.5% ( DD ) Not only prop firms you can use this NeverGP EA in normal accounts
A Simple Moving Average (SMA) is a statistical indicator used in time series analysis. This indicator represents the arithmetic mean of a sequence of values over a specific period of time. SMA is used to smooth short-term fluctuations in data, helping to highlight the overall trend or direction of changes. This aids analysts and traders in better understanding the general dynamics of the time series and identifying potential trends or changes in direction. More information you can find in Wiki
Introducing Boom Master EA , the revolutionary MQL5 expert advisor that transforms the way you trade the prestigious Boom 1000 pair! Developed by a team of experienced traders with trading experience.
Boom Master EA stands out from other expert advisors because of its remarkable approach to handling losing trades. Unlike traditional methods that rely solely on Stop Loss orders to limit losses, Boom Master uses a sophisticated technique to effectively manage losing positions. It then
Introducing Crash Master EA , the revolutionary MQL5 expert advisor that transforms the way you trade the prestigious Crash 1000 pair! Developed by a team of experienced traders with trading experience.
Crash Master EA stands out from other expert advisors because of its remarkable approach to handling losing trades. Unlike traditional methods that rely solely on Stop Loss orders to limit losses, Crash Master uses a sophisticated technique to effectively manage losing positions. It then strat
RSI 雷霆介绍 Rsi Thunder 不仅仅是另一种交易工具,它旨在彻底改变您使用 Prop Firm 或您自己的资金的交易体验。
高级多资产管理:RSI THUNDER 非常重视多资产(默认设置使用 15 个外汇对,并使用 MACDD 和 RSI 跨所有资产的相关性策略对它们进行交易。我建议使用的默认设置文件资产是 - - 欧元兑美元、欧元英镑、欧元澳元、欧元瑞郎、欧元新西兰元、美元加元、加元日元、英镑美元、GBPCHF、GBPAUD、AUDCAD、AUDCHF、NZDUSD、NZDCAD、NZDCHF)。
我们知道,小额交易的积累可能会导致日后出现重大问题。 这就是为什么我们投入大量精力来开发强大的 RM 功能,以帮助您充满信心地进行交易。
缓解小额贸易积累:告别小额交易造成的瓶颈效应。 RSI STORM 配备了部分功能、盈亏平衡、SL 和 TP 追踪以及 TP/SL 配置等功能,旨在降低风险。
精确的相关性分析:我们的尖端软件旨在仔细分析 RSI 指标以及 MACD 振荡器的高点和低点。 这种强大的关联方法可以让您更深入地了解市场动态,从而做出更明智的
釋放 TrendBomb 的力量。
萬聖節促銷 在有限的時間內,MQL5 市場中的所有交易機器人均可享受 95% 的折扣 – 不要錯過這個令人毛骨悚然的交易!
TrendBomb 是您的首選 EA(專家顧問),旨在使用 SMC 模型(溢價/折扣和 EQH/EQL 區域)掌握市場。
主要特點: 掌握多時間範圍:TrendBomb 是您跨多個時間範圍追蹤市場趨勢的專家合作夥伴。透過分析更長的時間範圍,您可以對整體市場方向獲得無與倫比的洞察力,從而做出明智的決策。 SMC 模型整合:以 SMC 模型為核心,TrendBomb 使用尖端的相關性分析來識別關鍵市場驅動因素並預測潛在的價格變動。這種複雜的策略增強了您做出精確預測的能力。 訂單管理專業知識:EA 直覺的訂單管理系統可在較短的時間範圍內無縫運作。它根據SMC模型提供的數據自動執行交易,優化您的交易策略並提高效率。 溢價折扣優勢:TrendBomb 為您的交易提供獨家溢價/折扣和 EQL 區域。 即時
萬聖節促銷 在有限的時間內,MQL5 市場中的所有交易機器人均可享受 95% 的折扣 – 不要錯過這個令人毛骨悚然的交易!
Fractals Storm 為您提供基於網格的交易方法,利用分形分析的力量將您的交易提升到新的高度。
主要特點: 分形分析:Fractals Storm EA 利用先進的分形分析來識別關鍵的市場轉折點,幫助您確定最佳的進入和退出水平。透過這種精確的分析,您可以前所未有地預測價格反轉。 網格交易策略:輕鬆擁抱網格交易的力量。我們的 EA 自動在策略層面部署買賣訂單網格,利用市場波動和價格波動。 可自訂的網格參數:自訂網格參數以適應您的特定交易偏好。根據您的風險承受能力和市場狀況設定網格間距、訂單大小和停盈/停損等級。 風險管理工具:透過內建風險管理功能保護您的資金,確保將損失降至最低。 即時監控:了解即時帳號監控的最新動態。即時追蹤電網的效能,使您能夠做出明智的決策和調整。 使用者友善的介面:Fractals Storm EA 的設計考慮到了各個層級的交易者。其直覺的介面使新手和經驗豐富的交易者都可以輕鬆進
萬聖節促銷 在有限的時間內,MQL5 市場中的所有交易機器人均可享受 95% 的折扣 – 不要錯過這個令人毛骨悚然的交易!
該指標背後的想法最初用於 RSI_THUNDER EA,我們開發該 EA 的目的是對趨勢方向和動量進行更精細的控制,以便與 RSI 指標相關聯。
我已將該指標轉換為可以傳遞並整合到 RSI_THUNDER EA 的訊號,或者您也可以按照自己的方式使用它。它供您使用和濫用,我們希望您喜歡它提供的體驗。
支持: 如需支持,請透過聊天聯絡我們的支援人員,我們將協助您開始工作。 發布路線圖與生命週期..
三重 MACD 倒賣
萬聖節促銷 在有限的時間內,MQL5 市場中的所有交易機器人均可享受 95% 的折扣 – 不要錯過這個令人毛骨悚然的交易!
產品描述: 這款專家顧問經過精心設計,不僅可以利用一個指標,還可以利用兩個 MACD(移動平均收斂分歧)指標的強大功能。 該 EA 的獨特之處在於其複雜的策略,在執行任何訂單(根據第三個訊號)之前,等待這些雙 MACD 指標的兩個確認(可設定)訊號。 透過等待兩個確認的 MACD 訊號,雙 MACD 倒賣可以減輕與倒賣相關的多種風險,並增強您做出明智交易決策的能力。
MT4版本: Triple MACD Scalping MT4 版本可以在這裡找到:Triple MACD Scalping MT4
附加元件: 增強體驗非常重要,因此我們創建了 Rsi Macd 指標,您可以免費添加到雙 MACD 倒賣作為增強功能。
主要特點: 三重 MACD 交叉策略:三重 MACD 倒賣 EA 採用獨特的三重 MACD 交叉策略。它耐心等待來自兩個獨立 MACD 指標的兩個不同訊號來驗證交易機會,然後進入
CCI OverBought OverSold EA MT5 Overview: The CCI OverBought OverSold EA for MT5 automates trading activities based on the Commodity Channel Index (CCI) indicator's overbought and oversold conditions. It allows seamless execution of buy and sell trades upon CCI entry or exit into these predefined zones. Additionally, it offers the flexibility to reverse trade setups within these regions. You can find the MT4 version here For detailed documentation Overall Settings/Input Guide | Backtests & Set
This Expert Advisor is suitable for trading on any currency pair. The expert himself uses complex strategies of the augmented and main grid, using three indicators. Many settings can be configured in the expert settings. There are icons on the chart for visualization. He displays his solution on a graph in the form of icons and arrows, as well as lines. There are different types of icons. It works fine in the tester by default in the settings. It is already configured by default. Trades using a
This is a simple trading robot which works on the EMA crossover strategy. It uses ATR indicator based hard Stop Loss and Take Profit levels on every trade. Also uses very risky Martingale Lot System. As mentioned early, this is a martingale system which may or may not wipe your trading account. You must use it with proper input settings and proper money-risk management. Symbol: EURUSD Timeframe: H1
ACCOUNT REQUIREMENTS: Minimum balance = $1000 Minimum leverage =
Make your decisions easier when rolling Covered Call. This robot provides you with information that aids in decision on how and when to roll your structure. It works for any asset in the spot market that has authorized options series on B3 (Brazilian stock exchange). Associate the robot with the asset you want to use for the Covered Call. How to use the robot: Set parameters for your current structure: Purchase price of the base asset in your structure. Code of the Call you used to build your st
- O Indicador "Agressão Acumulada" da CIT Group é um indicador especializado na bolsa brasileira (B3).
- Especificamente desenvolvido para o perfil de pessoas que operam IntraDay.
- Calculado com base nos trades realizados durante o pregão, sendo atualizado a cada 1 segundo, tendo maior precisão da agressão
- Entrega de um conjunto de parâmetros para calcular a média de agressão (Volume ou Quantidade), estes podendo
This PORTFOLIO of 3 strategies has been developed, tested and traded live on DAX M30 timeframe.
Multiple EAs traded together will lead to a BIGGER PROFITS and SMOOTHER EQUITY CURVE. 3 not correlated EAs logics for DAX M30 timeframe merged to a single strategy. Very SIMPLE STRATEGIES with only FEW PARAMETERS. Every trade has his own logic for STOP LOSS. To catch the profits every strategy uses different approach - some has TAKE PROFIT, some uses TIME BASED EXITS or PROFIT TRAILING. EA has bee
Unlock the power of the market with our game-changing SMC Liquidity Zone Scanner – the ultimate tool that transforms your trading strategy! Say goodbye to uncertainty and hello to precision with our cutting-edge indicator, engineered to elevate your trading game. The SMC Liquidity Zone Scanner isn't just another tool; it's your gateway to mastering market liquidity, identifying critical break of structure points, and pinpointing support and resistance levels effortlessly. Powered by state-of-th
Daily supply and demand levels for breakouts or reversals. Use on 1 Hour charts No nonsense, for the confident trader who trades price action supply and demand levels with daily projections without the fluff using 1 Hour charts. MT4 Version: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/108234 The Bank Trader Indicator is a sophisticated tool employed by institutional traders, particularly those in banking institutions, to navigate the complex world of forex markets. Rooted in the principles of daily
- O Indicador "Volume Time" da CIT Group é um indicador especializado na bolsa brasileira (B3). Objetivo:
- Especificamente desenvolvido para o perfil de pessoas que operam IntraDay.
- Calculado com base nos trades realizados durante o pregão, sendo atualizado a cada 1 segundo, tendo maior precisão dos volumes Funcionalidades:
- Entrega de um conjunto de parâmetros como tipo de indicador (Financeiro, Volume ou Quantidade), estes podendo ser calculado (Unitár
Orders SL and TP Values Show 此指標在主圖表中的線條上顯示損益值。此外,也會顯示以點為單位的距離。
選擇包含掉期值以更精確地計算您的訂單停損和止盈值。 (預設啟動) 可以選擇在價格左側包含票號。這對於根據終端的工具箱識別等級很有用。 (預設為禁用) 無論停損值還是止盈值,當盈利時,它們都會被塗成藍色,當它們虧損時,它們會被塗成紅色。 如果存在 2 個或多個具有相同價值的不同票據的止損或止盈,他們將隨機旋轉資訊以及票據編號,以便正確識別每一張。 這些值將以您帳戶上的貨幣顯示。積分也會顯示。 顏色或距離可以透過輸入參數進行調整。 計數器顯示符合的總訂單的目前索引(具有相同止損或止盈值的訂單)。 顯示考慮目前工具的所有停損和止盈水準的損失和利潤比率資訊的文字(在此計算中可以將掛單設為忽略)。
Robo Vegas
The robot's trading signal is given by touching the channels created by a moving average and distanced lines based on the Fibonacci Theory. See the Vegas Tunnel Signal indicator.
Parameter configuration can be obtained from Support.
Support and product questions at the link below:
Select in the parameters which Fibonacci line will be used to open positions.
You will receive all updates and insertions of new trading signals.
Discover our o
Black horse 指标的目标是找出价格走势与VWAP指标之间的背离。它使用过滤器来排除许多虚假的背离,提供高质量、准确的信号。
Introducing the Ultimate Trade Panel MT5 - Your All-in-One Trade Manager for MQL5 Trading Are you a trader looking to streamline your trading activities and gain a competitive edge in the market? Look no further! The Ultimate Trade Panel MT5 is here to revolutionize your trading experience on the MQL5 platform. With a plethora of unique and time-saving features, this expert advisor is designed to be your reliable companion for day-to-day trading activities. Key Features: Indicator Manager: Say g
- O Indicador "VWAP Contínua" da CIT Group é um indicador especializado na bolsa brasileira (B3). Objetivo:
- Especificamente desenvolvido para o perfil de pessoas que operam IntraDay.
- Calculado com base nos trades realizados durante o pregão, sendo atualizado a cada 1 segundo, tendo maior precisão dos preços Funcionalidades:
- Entrega de até 5 VWAPs simultâneas, onde as 4 primeiras são configuráveis, e a última é fixa sendo a diária - Opção para visualiz
Introducing MT5 EA: This program is based on a strategy based on open price behavior. If you want: you can open positions with stop loss or not (of course it's dangerous and needs long-term optimization, but it's possible), you can close position with take profit or not, open positions with automated trailing stop loss. Recommended currency pairs: USDJPY, CADJPY, EURJPY. and other :) Recommended optimization: It is recommended to do balance max optimization. Min 1/ 2 year in M15/M30/H1 (
In this article, we would like to introduce the trade panel product with the Martingale panel.
This panel is made in such a way that it can meet the needs of traders to a great extent.
This trade panel actually consists of two trade panels at the same time, with the first one you can take positions with certain profit and loss limits, and with the second one, you can have positions with profit limits but without loss limits.
When positions lose, a new position will be added based on the setti
耀眼黃金暴雪交易策略:綜合指南 在動態的交易世界中,Dazzling Gold Blizzard 策略不僅作為一種交易方法,而且作為一個強大的平台,為交易者提供塑造其客製化交易工具的機會。 本文深入探討了該策略的複雜性,探討其客製化功能、最佳交易實踐以及它為交易者帶來的無數好處。
炫金暴雪的基礎 從本質上講,炫金暴雪策略並不局限於獨立的方法。 它是一個多功能平台,使交易者能夠根據自己獨特的風格和市場洞察力塑造他們的交易工具。 這種靈活性改變了遊戲規則,允許在不斷發展的市場中採用量身定制的方法。
廣泛的客製化功能 炫金暴雪的真正威力在於其客製化功能。 交易者可以製定一種完全符合他們獨特偏好的方法。 從進入點和退出點到風險管理,此策略的客製化選項非常豐富,可確保個人化的交易體驗。
設定檔案以增強決策能力 Dazzling Gold Blizzard 的突出特點之一是為主要貨幣對提供 8 個設定檔。 這些文件可作為有價值的參考,為決策過程提供見解和指導。 交易者可以利用這些文件以及他們的策略來獲得更明智、更細緻的方法。
炫金暴雪MT5版 為了進一步簡化交易,Dazzling
This MetaTrader 5 indicator helps traders by identifying and marking two important levels on the chart:
1. Previous Day's High (PDH):
- The highest price reached in the market during the previous trading day.
2. Previous Day's Low (PDL):
- The lowest price reached in the market during the previous trading day.
How it Works:
1. Initialization:
- When you attach the indicator to a chart, it initializes by calculating the PDH and PDL based on the highest and lowest prices of
This EA help trader to manage his pending orders, when you place many Pending Orders this utility monitor them and when of them get filed (executed) the EA cancel and delete all rest of pending orders, to avoid opening of all of pending orders at the same time , and lose your risk management. this utility is very useful for trader when he /she is not available on the desk.
Presenting our ground-breaking MQL5 Expert Advisor (EA) You can easily manage up to five pairs at once with this EA, all while keeping an eye on your account balance and profit/risk ratio. The foundation of this amazing tool is our tried-and-true approach, which was carefully created and tested between January 1, 2014, and October 30, 2023 (details in line). Two key indicators are at the center of our plan. The first one, which is based on the Markov principle , makes use of a set of nearby val
This indicator provides the ability to recognize the SMC pattern, essentially a condensed version of the Wyckoff model. Once the pattern is confirmed by RTO, it represents a significant investment opportunity. There are numerous indicators related to SMC beyond the market, but this is the first indicator to leverage patterns to identify specific actions of BigBoy to navigate the market. The SMC (Smart Money Concept) pattern is a market analysis method used to understand the behavior of "smart
“Scalping Scale in”是一款实用工具,专为想要在固定距离的初始位置进行缩放而无需担心 S/L 和 T/P 位置的黄牛而设计,因为剥头皮时每一秒都很重要。
您在 EA 的输入选项卡中设置所需的值,更具体地说,您希望 T/P 放置的风险回报比、您希望 S/L 的宽度(以点为单位)-也是下一个止损订单的距离(位置比例)。您在 MT5 上手动点击“买入/卖出”,EA 会自动设置止损和止盈,同时在相同方向设置新的止损单,距离等于止损(以点数为单位)(即,如果您买入,止损/止损为 5 点,下一个买入止损订单将放置在高于初始入场价格 5 点的位置)。一旦止损挂单被执行,之前的仓位将被追至盈亏平衡点,并且将下达新的止损单,其止损位于之前交易的入场水平。 本质上,这个工具利用了均匀分布的规模来捕捉激进的动作。 输入参数说明: 自动跟踪 - 两个选项:开/关。如果设置为开,则启用自动追踪,并且在触发(输入)的每个新止损订单上,之前的交易将按照刚刚触发的订单的止损水平进行追踪。如果关闭,则不会发生任何事情,但请注意,新的头寸规模不会有 S/L,因此需要用户主动管理!
This PORTFOLIO of 5 strategies has been developed, tested and traded live on DAX M30 timeframe.
Multiple EAs traded together will lead to a BIGGER PROFITS and SMOOTHER EQUITY CURVE. 5 not correlated EAs logics for DAX M30 timeframe merged to a single strategy. Very SIMPLE STRATEGIES with only FEW PARAMETERS. Every trade has his own logic for STOP LOSS. To catch the profits every strategy uses different approach - some has TAKE PROFIT, some uses TIME BASED EXITS or PROFIT TRAILING. EA has bee
MT5 Broker Ticks HTTP Provider Description EA turns your MT5 terminal into historical/realtime ticks data provider for your application.
There are many market data providers on the internet, but in practice, the data provided is not always of good quality. Moreover, these services are often more expensive and typically require monthly subscription fees per each symbol.
With this EA, you can feed your application with exactly the same tick data that you see in the MT5 terminal, the same dat
MT5 Broker Rates (OHLC, candles) HTTP Provider Description EA turns your MT5 terminal into historical/realtime rates data provider for your application.
There are many market data providers on the internet, but in practice, the data provided is not always of good quality. Moreover, these services are often more expensive and typically require monthly subscription fees per each symbol.
With this EA, you can feed your application with exactly the same rates data that you see in the MT5 term
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This indicator searches for Buy and Sell SIGNALS in Stock Exchange Assets. It works on any asset on the market.
Select in the parameters which Fibonacci line the signal will be sent a
Precision Trading Systems的PTS Demand Index代码
Demand Index是James Sibbet的创作,使用复杂的代码来简化对成交量和价格组合的解释工作。
背离(作为领先指标) 多年来,我研究了许多技术指标,我认为Demand Index是发现有意义的背离的佼佼者之一。
如果市场价格创出新高,而Demand Index没有创出新高,这被称为熊市背离。在我的网站上有几张极端背离案例的照片,可以帮助您理解要寻找什么。背离的差异越大,从趋势变化事件的预测角度来看,它就越重要。
趋势检测(作为滞后指标,带有内置的警报功能) 零线的交叉表示在您指定的长度内进行净卖出或净买入的迹象,必须注意,在这种情况下,该指标充当滞后指标,并且需要更长的长度以及一些平滑来提供有意义的结果。我建议为此目的使用至少>40的长度,添加一些平滑>5以减少虚假信号。
The Datasource AC indicator is a technical analysis tool developed by the author based on the Accelerator Oscillator. Everyone knows the general principles of working with the AC indicator. Therefore, I will not describe them separately. I will focus on differences.
Differences are a purely technical implementation and expanded indicator. An important feature is that the indicator does not change its values even when using the closing price, since the indicator uses the safe calculation algor
Introducing the "Bull vs Bear Price Strength Oscillator" Indicator: Your Key to Smart Trading Decisions! Are you looking for a trading tool that can provide you with a clear and visual representation of price trend strength? Look no further! The Price Strength Indicator is here to transform the way you analyze the markets and make trading decisions. Uncover Hidden Market Strength: The Price Strength Indicator is designed to help you assess the market's momentum with ease. It does this by evaluat
Unlock the power of trend continuation with TrendWizard, your ultimate companion in the world of Forex and financial trading ,
Are you tired of missing out on profitable trend continuation opportunities?
Look no further – TrendWizard is here to elevate your trading game and maximize your profits. --This EA is based on WH Trend Continuation MT5 with custom setting and other EA features-- MT4 Version : WH TrendWizard MT4 -This EA does NOT use : No Martingale - No Grid - No Doubling -De
This EA has been developed, tested and traded live on DAX H1 TF. Everything is ready for immediate use on real account. Very SIMPLE LONG ONLY STRATEGY with only FEW PARAMETERS. Strategy is based on the breakout of the UNDECISION on the daily chart. It enters if volatility raise after some time of consolidation . It uses STOP pending orders with ATR STOP LOSS. To catch the profits there is a TRAILING PROFIT function in the strategy and TIME BASED EXIT . EA has been backtested on m
Universal Telegram Alerts is a cutting-edge trading tool that seamlessly integrates with both MT5 and Telegram, providing traders with unparalleled flexibility and convenience. The EA links your MT5 platform with Telegram, sending real-time alerts with screenshots of the chart directly to your Telegram from any indicator with buffers. The EA allows you to stay connected to your trading account at all times, even when you're away from your computer. You can receive alerts on your mobile device o
This PORTFOLIO of 3 strategies has been developed, tested and traded live on DAX H1 timeframe.
Multiple EAs traded together will lead to a BIGGER PROFITS and SMOOTHER EQUITY CURVE. 3 not correlated EAs logics for DAX H1 timeframe merged to a single strategy. Very SIMPLE STRATEGIES with only FEW PARAMETERS. Every trade has his own logic for STOP LOSS. To catch the profits every strategy uses different approach - some has TAKE PROFIT, some uses TIME BASED EXITS or PROFIT TRAILING. EA has been
Grape PullBack Indicator for Manual Trading. Indicator (arrow) Type Strategy (Pullback) for all Symbols and Periodicity, Preferably from 30M periodicity. Can be used for manual trading. The indicator i s determined by strategies that is based on criteria for the location of candlesticks in the channel and for the Rsi, Atr, Fractal and Market facilitation index indicators. Its workspace corresponds to channel of 3 bars of Bill Willians with a channel extension . BUY when there is a Green A
Greetings to all friends! I present to you an advisor and an indicator in one project. The advisor settings are displayed on the screens presented in the market. You choose the basic design principle yourself. The first thing you should do is set a specific price at which the advisor will start calculating and drawing the trading zone, the range is also set by you. The advisor trades on the principle of breaking out the previous or future zone.
Corr指标,也被称为相关性指标,作为对冲机构参考指标之一。 用于度量两个或多个金融产品之间的关系程度。在金融领域,特别是在货币市场,相关系数常用来研究不同货币之间的相关性和相关程度。 相关系数通常表示为介于-1和1之间的数值。以下是一些相关系数的常见含义: 相关系数为1:这表示两个变量之间存在完全正相关,即它们的变动完全一致。在货币市场中,这可能表示两种货币汇率完全同向波动,通常不太常见。 相关系数为0:这表示两个变量之间没有线性相关性,它们的变动是独立的,一个变量的变化不会影响另一个变量。在货币市场中,这可能表示两种货币汇率之间没有线性关系。 相关系数为-1:这表示两个变量之间存在完全负相关,即它们的变动是完全相反的。在货币市场中,这可能表示两种货币汇率完全反向波动,也相对不太常见。 相关系数通常用于分析货币之间的相关性,以帮助投资者了解它们之间的关联程度。 例如,投资者可以使用相关系数来评估两种货币汇率是否倾向于朝着相同的方向波动,或者它们可能会在不同的市场情境下表现出相反的动向。 这有助于投资者更好地制定多货币投资策略,管理风险和把握机会。
神奇九转, 顾名思义就是每当出现数字9时,行情就很大的几率会发生逆转,这时应该注意止盈。是一个很有效的指标。 在序列显示和形成过程中,一旦出现不符合触发条件的情况,则前面序列数字消失,本次九转序列结构不存在。如果连续九天都达到触发条件,九转序列结构形成,价格走势可能发生反转。
九转序列可分为上升九转结构和下降九转结构,也就是九转序列在买多和买空以及判断各种走势反转是都可以使用。 九转序列买入建仓,即下降九转序列结构形成时,价格走势将要发生转变,考虑建仓买入。 买入条件:连续出现九根K线,并且满足收盘价都低于前一根K线收盘价,当第8、9根K线满足上述条件时,九转序列形成,投资者准备买入建仓。
使用分时九转时需要注意两点: 1、极端行情时(连续上涨或下跌),九转序列失效; 2、当九转序列完全形成时,再进场操作(尤其不用刚出现数字8或9就入场,一定要完全形成之后才可以。)
β指标,也被称为贝塔指标,作为对冲机构参考指标之一。 允许您测量个别资产(如货币和大宗商品)相对于市场组合、跨货币对、美元指数和股票指数的相对风险。通过了解您的资产与市场基准相比的表现,您将更清晰地了解您的投资风险状况。 显著特点: 准确的风险评估:β指标提供了资产相对于更广泛市场的风险的精确评估,帮助您做出明智的投资选择。 多样化策略:使用该指标优化您的投资组合,探索各种资产类别的多样化机会。 适用于多货币对冲:参与多货币对冲的投资者可以将该指标视为重要参考点。 实时见解:随时了解实时数据分析,以及时做出决策。 通过将β指标融入您的交易工具箱,解锁数据和风险分析的力量。开始做出更明智的选择,减少投资组合暴露于不必要风险。 β = 1:如果β等于1,表示资产的价格波动与市场整体的波动一致,即资产的价格变化与市场一致,通常意味着资产的风险与市场相当。 β > 1:如果β大于1,表示资产的价格波动比市场整体更大,即资产的价格变化波动较大,通常意味着资产更具风险。 β < 1:如果β小于1,表示资产的价格波动比市场整体更小,即资产的价格变化波动较小,通常意味着资产相对较低风险。 β = 0:
Magic Channel Scalper is a channel indicator for the MetaTrader 5 terminal. This indicator allows finding the most probable trend reversal points. Unlike most channel indicators, Magic Channel Scalper does not redraw. The alert system (alerts, email and push notifications) will help you to simultaneously monitor multiple trading instruments. Attach the indicator to a chart, and the alert will trigger once a signal emerges. With our alerting system, you will never miss a single position opening
Entry and exit signals from the IFR2 Strategy by Larry Connors in his book "Short Term Trading Strategies That Work".
Larry claims this strategy correctly predicted the shortterm direction of the S&P 500 83.6% of the time from 1995 to 2007.
How does it work? The indicator activates the buy signal when the price closes above the 200-day moving average and the 2-period IFR closes below 5. The sell signal is the opposite.
How to use it? Enter the trade with a market order as soon as the cand
Market Noise 市場噪音是確定價格圖表上的市場階段的指標,並且還可以在累積或派發階段發生時區分清晰平滑的趨勢運動和嘈雜的平坦運動。
每個階段都適合自己的交易類型:趨勢適合趨勢追蹤系統,平坦適合激進型交易。 當市場噪音開始時,您可以決定退出交易。 同樣,反之亦然,一旦噪音結束,您就需要關閉激進的交易系統。 有人可以使用兩種類型的交易策略進行交易,從一種策略切換到另一種策略。 因此,該指標在交易決策領域中扮演了好助手的角色。 任何價格變動都可以分為兩個部分 - 選定時間段內的總體價格變動以及該時間段內以價格波動形式出現的噪音。 同時,不同時期的不同市場可以表現出噪音和趨勢成分之間廣泛的相互關係(圖1)。 價格變動的噪音水平越高,辨別潛在趨勢的方向和強度就越困難。 因此,在這種情況下有必要使用較慢的趨勢識別方法。 另一方面,在低噪音水平的市場中,主要趨勢很容易確定,並且更快的確定趨勢的方法是合理的,確保價格方向變化的交易訊號的滯後最小。 為了確定市場狀態,使用高級效率比 (ER),該比率基於特定時期內總價格變動與噪音市場變動總和的指數比較。效率比 (ER) 可以變化從0到1。
NumberSix Scalper是一种多功能的交易策略,旨在交易多种货币对、金属和指数。该策略利用蜡烛图形、趋势检测和新闻过滤器的组合来识别高概率的交易机会。为了优化性能,我们提供可以与EA一起使用的设置文件。 购买后,请与我联系,以获取根据您首选的交易工具和时间框架定制的设置文件。
Set Files || NumberSix Channel || 作为奖励,如果您购买该EA并提供反馈,您将免费获得MT4版本。抓住促销价,仅售299.00美元,因为价格很快会上涨至399.00美元。此外,每购买10个后价格将增加50.00美元。 主要特点: 适用于交易各种货币对、金属和指数的短线交易策略。 强调低回撤以最小化潜在损失。 与ECN账户兼容。 最低存款要求为500.00美元。 包含资金管理原则。 利用蜡烛图形、趋势检测和新闻过滤器来识别高概率的交易机会。 工作原理:
NumberSix Scalper采用两种方法来识别有利的交易机会。首先,它寻找特定的蜡烛图形,这些图形出现在趋势结束时。然后,采用趋势检测技术来确认趋势反转的可能性。此外,还集成了一个新闻过滤器,以避免在高影响的新闻
Are you tired of the uncertainty that arises when your orders fail to stop at a specific line due to the spread? Look no further! Introducing our indicator that plots candlesticks based on the Ask price instead of the traditional bid-based chart commonly used in MQL4. With this indicator, you can say goodbye to the frustrations caused by the bid-based chart, as it provides you with a more accurate representation of market movements. By utilizing the Ask price, which represents the price at whic
Fuzzy Gold uses fuzzy logic. Optimize the inputs for results you want. Time functions and exit on bars as stops is used if you choose , and you acknowledge you have tested and optimized, and it works for you. The Fuzzy Gold for XAU/USD H1 is a robust automated trading system that takes into account various technical and fundamental factors to determine optimal entry and exit points for trading Gold against the US Dollar. It operates as follows: Data Input: The EA collects and processes a wide
This PORTFOLIO of 5 strategies has been developed, tested and traded live on DAX H1 timeframe.
Multiple EAs traded together will lead to a BIGGER PROFITS and SMOOTHER EQUITY CURVE. 5 not correlated EAs logics for DAX H1 timeframe merged to a single strategy. Very SIMPLE STRATEGIES with only FEW PARAMETERS. Every trade has his own logic for STOP LOSS. To catch the profits every strategy uses different approach - some has TAKE PROFIT, some uses TIME BASED EXITS or PROFIT TRAILING. EA has been
Choose your desired lot size and profit target, and watch the magic happen!
Introducing the Trend Follower EA , your ultimate trend-tracking trading assistant. This intelligent algorithm tirelessly follows market trends and trades in the chosen direction until your profit target in dollars is met.
Additionally, we offer a unique "Single Cycle" option. When activated ( strongly recommended ), the EA automatically removes itself from your chart after reaching its profit goal. It patiently w
MT4版本: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/79803 MT5版本: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/107840
“Grandmaster”EA 交易系统是专为指数交易而设计的先进自动交易系统。 该 EA 采用基于先进信号分析和强大风险管理技术相结合的战略方法来开立和管理交易头寸。 以下是详细说明:
指数交易“大师”专家顾问 基于信号的建仓 “Grandmaster”EA 旨在高精度地检测和解释市场信号。 它综合利用技术指标、模式识别算法和市场情绪分析来确定最佳入场点。 这些信号源自:
技术指标:利用移动平均线、RSI、MACD、布林带等技术工具来分析市场趋势和动量。 模式识别:检测图表模式,例如头肩形、双顶/双底和旗形,以预测潜在的价格走势。 情绪分析:结合市场情绪数据,衡量市场整体情绪,提高入场信号的准确性。 一旦识别出信号汇合,EA 就会在市场中建仓,确保其符合整体交易策略和当前市场状况。
风险管理和平均 风险管理是“Grandmaster”EA 的基石,确保可持续且
Introducing our cutting-edge MQ5 Expert Advisor: the ultimate solution for automated trading in the dynamic world of finance. Designed specifically for the newly launched Deriv Synthetic Index, the Drift Switch Index 20, this EA is engineered to revolutionize your trading experience.
**Key Features:**
**1. Fully Automated Trading:** This EA operates seamlessly, executing trades without any manual intervention. Say goodbye to tedious market analysis and hello to effortless trading.
**2. Pr
Mathematician EA MQLSquare is not just another trading tool; it's a high-end solution designed to empower traders with exceptional precision and unwavering confidence in the dynamic world of financial markets. Armed with advanced algorithms and mathematical models, this cutting-edge software provides traders, both seasoned professionals and newcomers, with a formidable edge to make informed decisions and optimize their trading strategies. Key Features: Tested and Proven: Mathematician EA has un
该专家顾问旨在测试和执行您在指标 规则绘图工具 中创建的策略。 使用方法: 免费下载指标 规则绘图工具 - 无需编程知识即可创建策略的工具 。 然后,开发在规则绘图工具中创建的策略。 最后,使用该专家顾问执行您创建的策略。 参数: Strategy : 在规则绘图工具中创建的交易系统。 Lot: 交易量;如果设置为0,该专家顾问将以最小交易量交易。 Take Profit: 止盈(以点数表示);如果设置为0,您的交易将没有止盈。 Stop Loss: 止损(以点数表示);如果设置为0,您的交易将没有止损。 Magic ID: 该参数允许您在同一资产上运行该专家顾问的多个版本,只需修改魔术编号。 请将我添加为朋友,以便在我发布新项目时得知, MQL5.com 。
Announcement: All EAs (Expert Advisors) from QuanticX are currently available for free, but only for a limited time! To enjoy a Lifetime QuanticX support and continue receiving free EAs, we kindly request you to leave a review and track the performance of our EAs on Myfxbook. Additionally, don't hesitate to reach out to us for exclusive bonuses on EAs and personalized support.
Seaguard by QuanticX Step into the cutting-edge domain of QuanticX , a leading FinTech startup reshaping the landscape
多重分形是 一種改良的比爾威廉斯分形指標,輔以高階分形,其大小相差四倍,類似於改變時間範圍。 與原廠終端指示器相比的優點: 方便 能見度 資訊內容 此指標很方便,因為您在工作時無需切換到不同的時間範圍。 可見度 - 在一張圖表中,您可以看到從小到中、大市場走勢的圖表結構。 資訊內容 - 直觀地我們獲得有關圖形的更多資訊。 現在,所有基於或基於多重分形指標的交易策略都將具有附加訊號。
此外,如您所知,分形可以充當支撐位和阻力位。 並且在一些交易策略中,顯示流動性水準。
如果價格無法突破先前的分形並在先前的分形後面鞏固,那麼市場就形成了橫盤。 祝您在交易中獲得豐厚的利潤。
Painel Boleta com botões BUY (COMPRA À MERCADO), SELL (VENDA À MERCADO) e CLOSE (FECHA TODAS AS OPERAÇÕES). Possui também CAIXAS de quantidade de LOTES, VALORES de STOPLOSS (PERDAS EM PONTOS) e TAKEPROFIT (GANHOS EM PONTOS). Com o Painel Boleta Flash é possivel arrastar o painel pelo gráfico, com um click do mouse, possicionando no melhor local. Para remove-lo do gráfico é só clicar no "x" do painel.
Click here to see my best trading robot: Prosperity MT5 !
Prosperity MT4 version
Some EAs we use are great, but sometimes they don't have built-in drawdown limiters internally that just affect the EA. Other DD limiters operate on the whole account, this one is designed specifically so one EA (designated by the magic numbers it uses) can be monitored and closed off if it reaches a certain DD limit.
1. Find the magic numbers the EA uses . Normally (including for martingale / grid EAs) the
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