适用于MetaTrader 5的新EA交易和指标
该页面提供MetaTrader 5应用程序的目录。
# NeuroX Quantum Arbitrage EA: Revolutionizing Automated Forex Trading ## Unleash the Power of Advanced Algorithms and Cutting-Edge Technology, Load the preset by right-clicking on the EA on your chart, selecting "Properties," and then "Load" to import the PRESET FILE .
In the fast-paced world of forex trading, staying ahead of the curve is not just an advantage—it's a necessity. Introducing the NeuroX Quantum Arbitrage EA, a state-of-the-art Expert Advisor that combines time-tested tradin
This EA script implements a triangular arbitrage strategy, which exploits price discrepancies between three related currency pairs (EURUSD, GBPUSD, and EURGBP). The strategy aims to profit from temporary mispricing in the market by simultaneously buying and selling the same currency pair through different routes. This approach is based on the law of one price, which states that in an efficient market, the price of a security should be the same across all markets. Importance: This strategy is imp
套利 刷单! 套利 刷单! 套利 刷单! 注意! 注意! 注意! :必须低成本低点平台才能刷单,请先复盘,然后模拟盘,请勿直接实盘自负盈亏,测试出适合的交易品种。 注意! 注意! 注意! :必须低成本低点平台才能刷单,请先复盘,然后模拟盘, 请勿直接实盘 自负盈亏 ,测试出适合的交易品种。 注意! 注意! 注意! :必须低成本低点平台才能刷单,请先复盘,然后模拟盘,请勿直接实盘 自负盈亏 ,测试出适合的交易品种。 建议货币对:黄金
主要参数对照表: typess-开仓方向 buy多,sell空 OPenTime 开仓时间 Distance_pips_STOP 顺势N微点挂顺势单 lots-开仓手数 tp_pips 止盈微点数 sl_pops 止损微点数 Profit_pips 盈利微点数启动移动止损 Reduced_profits 回踩微点数移动止损平仓 buchang 移动步长
Triangular Arbitrage Expert Advisor Maximize your trading potential with our advanced Triangular Arbitrage EA for MetaTrader 5. Designed for precision and efficiency, this EA identifies and exploits triangular arbitrage opportunities in the Forex market. Key features include: Automated Trading : Seamlessly opens and manages triangular arbitrage positions. Robust Algorithm : Efficiently scans for profitable opportunities, ensuring optimal trade execution. User-Friendly Settings : Easily customiza
Sure, here's a description:
Introducing the Arbitrage Forex Scalper Expert Advisor - your ultimate solution for precise and lightning-fast trading in the forex market. Designed with cutting-edge algorithmic technology, this expert advisor (EA) empowers traders with the ability to capitalize on micro price differentials across various currency pairs, effortlessly exploiting arbitrage opportunities.
Built upon years of meticulous research and development, the Arbitrage Forex Scalper EA operat
Pro Arbitrage EA trades based on Arbitrage Strategy. The strategy is like a scalping technology but on three cross currency pairs at the same time. Each trade basket involves three pairs (all open at the same time) and they will close at once when any desired profit reaches. The strategy has no SL technically because all opened currencies are hedged. SL can happen if high slippages on order execution on the broker side. So the strategy is one of the safest ones in the world.
Using the EA : U
This EA use Arbitrage for 4 pairs trading Supported currency pairs: EURUSD , GBPUSD, EURJPY, GBPJPY
Recommended timeframe: H1 Features: One Chart Setup: you only need one chart to trade all symbols
Multiple currency pairs support
Solid backtest and live performance
No need to adjust GMT
Very easy to use: just read 3 lines of instructions below How to install The EA must be attached to ONLY one H1 chart, EURUSD is recommended If your broker uses a suffix (e.g. EURUS
推荐货币对: XAU USD, 黄金 时间周期:任意(默认H4) 运行资金:建议 1000 美元以上 账户类型:无特殊要求,低点差效果更好 杠杆:无特殊要求 主要参数 typess-开仓方向 buy多,sell空 lots-开仓手数 tp_pips 止盈微点数 sl_pops 止损微点数 Profit_pips 盈利微点数启动移动止损 Reduced_profits 回踩微点数移动止损平仓 注意事项 EA 每天最多 6 个入场点,每次交易的手数最低为0.01手(手动修改即可)。 默认的参数为黄金品种。 建议使用 1000 美元以上的资金以提高风险抗性。 同时使用多个货币对会有风险叠加的可能,请注意。 此为MT5版本。MT5版本能更好的模拟市场环境。建议使用。
请注意,交易涉及风险,理解并有效管理这些风险非常重要。 尽可能使用低点差、低滑点平台
高频 套利 刷单! 高频 套利 刷单! 高频 套利 刷单! 注意! 注意! 注意! :必须低成本低点平台才能刷单,请先复盘,然后模拟盘,请勿直接实盘自负盈亏,测试出适合的交易品种。 注意! 注意! 注意! :必须低成本低点平台才能刷单,请先复盘,然后模拟盘, 请勿直接实盘 自负盈亏 ,测试出适合的交易品种。 注意! 注意! 注意! :必须低成本低点平台才能刷单,请先复盘,然后模拟盘,请勿直接实盘 自负盈亏 ,测试出适合的交易品种。 建议货币对:黄金
主要参数对照表: typess-开仓方向 buy多,sell空 Distance_pips_STOP 顺势N微点挂顺势单 lots-开仓手数 tp_pips 止盈微点数 sl_pops 止损微点数 Profit_pips 盈利微点数启动移动止损 Reduced_profits 回踩微点数移动止损平仓
发现新的波段交易策略 - 适用于AUDUSD.s等货币对 策略亮点 : 专门设计的趋势指示图像 :我们的策略提供了一个独特的图形界面,帮助交易者识别和利用市场波动。 回测验证 :鼓励交易者对AUDUSD.s等货币对进行回测,验证我们策略的有效性。 灵活的时间框架 :默认推荐在15分钟(M15)时间框架下交易,但我们也提供定制服务,以满足特殊需求。 风险控制 :对于大额交易者,我们提供个性化的风险管理咨询,确保您的资金安全。 为什么选择我们的波段交易策略? 超过200次的成功回测案例。 易于理解和应用,适合不同水平的交易者。 提供实时支持和策略调整建议。 立即体验我们的波段交易策略 ,并探索其潜力!如有特殊需求或疑问,欢迎随时联系我们进行讨论和数据定制。
简介和说明 Ronin 是一款基于不同资产间金融套利数学原理的外汇交易机器人。Ronin 的主要目的是在保持盈亏平衡/盈利的情况下执行大量交易,以赚取最大金额的佣金回扣,即经纪人向其合作伙伴提供的佣金。
外汇介绍经纪人(IBs)从其推荐客户的每笔交易中获得固定或可变佣金(又称回扣)。外汇经纪商有不同类型的合作伙伴佣金结构,最常见的类型是每手佣金(Commission per lot),即每手固定的回扣。
下面列出了专家顾问的不同特点: 套利。 止损和止盈。 低缩水。 兼容多种货币交易。 配置非常简单。 交易账户应符合以下要求: 每个符号的平均最大点差为 20。(点差越大,利润越小)。点差可变。 低滑点和快速执行速度。 无最低余额。(EA 可使用最小手数操作)。 输入 Magic Number: 专家的神奇数字。 Trade commission per lot: 如果经纪人对每笔交易收取费用,则应将此输入设置为每手佣金的值。 Trade volume: 固定的交易量。 Triangle count: 同时开仓的最大套利三角形数量。 策略
如前所述,Ronin 是一个普通
The robot uses the logic of triangular arbitration. To work it, you need to choose a triangle of currency pairs, for example EURUSD_GBPUSD_EURGBP. The robot compares the basic cross-pair with its artificial analogue and trades towards the lag of quotations. The lag is calculated for each of the three currency pairs. The difference in quotations (spread) can be set in the settings. The adviser is multi currency, as it can trade at once with several triangles of currency pairs. The list of cross-
Arbitrage Robot IND/WIN or DOL/WDO
This arbitrage robot works with WIN and WDO assets from the Brazilian Stock Exchange.
The EA compares the best bid and ask (BID and ASK) of the "full" Index (IND) and compares it with the mini-index (WIN) and, if there is a gap between them, the difference in Ticks stipulated in the robot parameters, it opens a trade.
It does the same analysis with DOL and WDO.
It is necessary to insert the robot in the WIN or WDO chart and it will automa
Strategy description can be seen in the attached video( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzN1fEZmc40 ).
This hedging strategy strictly follows what is presented in the video.
The strategy works on any pair of forex, crypto, indices and other derivatives.
Through the settings, you can customize the size of lots, add pairs for operation, and profit and loss points.
The distance between sell and buy orders must be configured according to the number of decimal places of the pairs that will be
A triangular arbitrage strategy exploits inefficiencies between three related currency pairs, placing offsetting transactions which cancel each other for a net profit when the inefficiency is resolved. A deal involves three trades, exchanging the initial currency for a second, the second currency for a third, and the third currency for the initial. With the third trade, the arbitrageur locks in a zero-risk profit from the discrepancy that exists when the market cross exchange rate is not aligned
Trade like a time traveler thanks to latency arbitrage Everyone knows that the best way to make money in the markets is by knowing the future. Have you ever wished to know the future price of something in advance? Even if it were just a few days, hours, or minutes ahead? What if it were possible to know it but with less than a second of advance notice? That's precisely what the PZ Latency Arbitrage EA robot does. PZ Latency Arbitrage EA is your personal time machine: but it can only travel into
The EA uses 4 strategies, each strategy uses joint work on several currencies at the same time. The EA uses 4 stages of control and order tracking for a step-by-step profit capture. Trading is carried out in a pair for several currencies at the same time, trading is also carried out in a group of several strategies, for example: the advisor opens orders simultaneously for two or more pairs and closes upon reaching a certain profit in% of the current or user balance. The EA does not use Marti
The EA uses 6 strategies. Trading is carried out in a pair of several currencies at the same time, for example, the EA opens orders simultaneously for two or more pairs and closes when a certain profit is reached.
The EA trades many major currency pairs. Attention! This EA is only for "hedging" accounts. Monitoring : https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/author/profi_mql Detailed description of important parameters and download set files here: https://www.mql5.com/ru/blogs/post/727816 МetaТrade
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平均值大致以零为中心,但有时会严重偏离该值。低于零的平均值意味着买入 EURUSD、卖出 EURGBP 并用 GBPUSD 对冲可能获利。同样,高于零的平均值意味着卖出 EURUSD、买入 EURGBP 并用 GBPUSD 对冲可能获利。如果合并的交易成本小于差异,则可以进行交易并
MetaTrader 市场 - 在您的交易程序端可以直接使用为交易者提供的自动交易和技术指标。
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