HFT Pro 是一款高频交易智能交易系统,利用价格行为和复杂的挂单管理以及严格的止损来实现持续的权益增长。
请阅读 用户指南 ,了解如何使用 HFT Pro 的信息。 信号和群聊: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/conorstephenson HFT Pro v2.0+经过重新设计,更易于使用!
v2.0+ 改进了策略实施。 交易水平现在显示在图表上,可以清楚地看到专家何时进入交易。 在几秒钟内打开和关闭交易。 先进的挂单和止损管理。 一次最多可开立 2 笔交易。 可选的对冲逻辑。 - HFT Pro可以跟随价格或同时进行双方交易以增加利润。 先进的资金管理功能动态增加交易规模,以更快地实现利润目标。 紧止损。 - 低回撤。 广泛传播和防滑保护。 多种警报和公平/时间限制功能。 - 时间限制对于高频交易专家来说至关重要。 仅贸易新闻过滤器。 交互式图表面板,带有用于由 HFT Pro 管理的手动订单的买入和卖出按钮。 可用于帮助交易者
Sorgo EA - 交易算法基于价格失衡时回归平均值的概念。没有特殊的条件,没有有毒的方法,没有漂亮的历史图表。易于理解的交易,独特的算法,其任务是在今天产生结果。 监测 (.set) : https://www.mql5.com/ru/signals/1930463 MetaTrader 4 版本 : https://www.mql5.com/ru/market/product/93740 参数: https://www.mql5.com/ru/blogs/post/758300
一些特点 内置新闻过滤器,提供各种自定义选项。 所有交易都有止损保护,不会为了漂亮的图表和恢复的希望而累积损失.. 不使用与特殊交易条件(点差、滑点、交易水平..)相关的方法。 自定义选项允许您更改风险和收益的组合。您可以选择自己的交易模式。 职位描述 Sorgo EA 在一个位置可打开一到三个订单(取决于您的设置)。它们之间的距离取决于市场条件,通常每个仓位的距离都不同。每个订单都有止损和止盈。SL 是自动计算的,也取决于特定的市场条件。平仓不取决于盈利或亏损水平,而是取决于是否存在平仓模式
多功能符号和时间范围兼容性:使用“终极道具交易者”交易任何符号并选择任何时间范围。 这种卓越的适应性确保您可以实现交易投资组合多元化,并抓住各种金融工具和时间范围内的机会。
精确的基于趋势的交易:“终极自营交易者”建立在细致的趋势分析的基础上。 通过将当前市场价格与之前的收盘价进行比较,该策略使您能够做出数据驱动的决策,准确而自信地捕捉短期市场趋势。
周末和隔夜交易:能够在周末和整个延长交易时间内进行交易,从而获得无与伦比的优势。 这一独特的功能可确保您与市场保持联系,永远不会错过潜在的机会,即使在标准交易时段之外也是如此。
高级风险管理:通过可定制的止损 (SL) 订单和智能追踪止损保护您的资金。 这些强大的风险管理工具会自动适应不断变化的市场条件,在保护您的投资的同时优化回报。
专为自营交易公司量身定制:“终极自营交易者”经过精心设计,可满足自营交易公司的独特需求。 它提供了一个全面的解决方案,无缝集成多种功能,以最大限度
Full presentation and user guide here. 要免费在模拟或真实帐户上测试机器人3天,请通过MQL5上的聊天与我联系,并请求您的拷贝。
请看 Order Flow Analytics PRO,这是一款为您执行市场流动性分析(tape reading)的机器人,无需使用图形指标。 我们的机器人使用 Times And Sales 和订单簿中的信息创建各种工具,这些工具可以结合使用或交替使用,以直观且易于理解的方式自动化操作,即使对于初学者也是如此。 这些工具包括以下内容: 价格区间内买家和卖家的比较: 从一天开始的激进订单。 基于用户定义的最近交易数量的激进订单。 订单簿中未成交的被动订单。 从一天开始的被动订单的更新。 基于用户定义的最近交易数量的被动订单的更新。 大型参与者在订单簿中快速下单并迅速撤回的瞬时订单。 每秒的速度平均值: 激进订单的短期平均值。 激进订单的长期平均值。 短期和长期激进订单平均值的比较。 被动订单的短期平均值。 被动订单的长期平均值。 更新的激进订单的短期和长期平均值的比较。 每秒的成交量平均值: 激进订单的短期平均值。
EA 交易的机制是一种自动交易系统,它使用网格交易策略在货币市场上运行。 网格策略涉及在图表上的特定价格水平上双向(买入和卖出)开设多个挂单(限价单)。 随着市场走势,EA 希望达到一定数量的利润点,然后关闭订单。 下面我更详细地描述 EA 的机制: 手数和资金管理配置: EA 允许您确定初始手数 ( Lot ) 或启用资金管理 ( UseMM ) 以根据您的账户余额调整手数。 网格配置(网格): 您可以启用网格级别的自动计算(AutoCal)或为网格大小(GridSetArray)和止盈(TP_SetArray)设置特定值。 可以根据与初始入场价格的距离为交易定义不同的网格和止盈水平。 入学条件: EA 具有多种入场条件,包括: 移动平均线(MA)。 商品通道指数(CCI)。 布林线(Bollinger Bands)。 一目均衡云(Ichimoku Cloud)。 随机振荡器(Stochastic Oscillator)。 移动平均收敛分歧 (MACD)。 相对强弱指数(RSI)。 您可以启用或禁用每个输入条件并配置其参数。 运行管理: EA 根据入场条件以所需方向(买入或卖出)打
EmaBB : MT5 专家顾问 概述: EmaBB 是 MT5 的先 进专家顾问,融合了高级定制功能,优化您的交易策略。它经过精心设计,能够开设多空双向 / 买入和卖出头寸,为您的交易活动提供灵活性和控制力。它完美地结合了指数移动平均线( EMA )、布林 带和先进的移动止损策略的力量,优化交易的进出点。 关 键特点 : 双重定位: § 能 够开设多空双向 / 买入和卖出头寸,根据您的交易偏好和市场状况进行定制 。 优化的手数管理: § 通 过 “ 手数 ” 参数控制您想要开 设的头寸大小,为您提供精确的风险管理 。 正面掉期控制: § 只有当日掉期 为 0 或正 值时才开仓,确保交易成本效益 。 动态获利和止损: § 以点数 设定自定义的获利和止损水平,保护您的交易免受市场波动的影响 。 适 应性移动止损: § 启 动可定制距离参数的移动止损,以动态保障利润 。 EMA 和布林 带整合: § 利用快速和慢速的 EMA 以及可 调整的布林带周期进行精细的市场分析和信号产生。 输入参数: § 多空双向 头寸:启用或禁用开设多空双向 / 买入或卖出头寸。 § 手数:确定开 仓的手数大小
准备好使用 Encrypter 2 EA 1.7 将您的交易提升到新的水平! 了解我们为进一步改善您的交易体验而添加的最新功能。 使用我们新的高级工具改善您的结果并进行更明智的交易。 特色功能: 强大的分析: 利用MACD、SAR等精英技术指标精准分析市场。 明智的决策: 评估市场状况并根据先进算法做出明智的决策。 自动操作: 当满足预定义条件时自动执行操作,无需持续的人工干预。 定制策略: 适应您的喜好,根据您独特的风格和财务目标调整策略。 高级风险管理: 通过平衡利润潜力与资本保全的智能系统来保护您的资本。 对冲没有问题: 与对冲策略兼容,让您能够灵活管理运营。 持续监控: 不断分析市场状况并实时自动调整。 可验证的结果: 它提供的结果经过广泛的回溯测试和 100% 质量的历史数据支持。 无压力交易: 让专家顾问自动进行交易,让您摆脱情绪压力。 更新和支持: 根据用户反馈和市场机会定期接收可提高性能的更新。 时刻准备着抓住市场机遇。 我们始终保持我们的 EA 与最新版本的交易平台兼容。 我们在这里为您服务。 更新修复错误并确保流畅的体验。 我们的支持团队致力于帮助您实现交易目标。
ICT Judas是一种具有颠覆性的交易策略,它基于(ICT Judas),利用亚洲交易时段独特的动态来识别随后的伦敦交易时段中的机会。在先进的人工智能技术和高水平计算的支持下,该策略在探测亚洲交易时段市场走势方向以及利用潜在市场逆转方面表现出色。默认情况下,它在US30上表现最佳。如果您想在其他货币对上进行测试,请询问我获取设置文件。
亚洲交易时段的洞察力:ICT Judas首先分析亚洲交易时段的市场行为。通过检查历史数据和市场情绪,它获取有关此期间市场走势方向的宝贵见解。
逆势交易:随着亚洲交易时段接近尾声并且其影响减弱,ICT Judas的力量开始发挥作用。它认识到市场更有可能在亚洲交易时段结束后改变方向,因此该策略定位于逆势交易。
最佳入场点:借助其先进的基于人工智能的技术,ICT Judas精确地确定交易的最佳入场点,确保您在最有
MultipleSymbolsTurtleStrategy 策略简介 进场: 1,如果没有持仓并且前一单突破失败出场,则价格突破 短周期(20)唐奇安通道上下轨进场 2,如果没有持仓,价格突破长周期(55)唐奇安通道上下轨进场 加仓: 1,间隔 ATR*AddCoef ficient 加仓一次,止损顺移2*ATR 2,最大持仓不超过MaxPositions 出场: 1,初始止损:进场后2*ATR止损 2,跟踪止损1:价格突破10周期唐奇安通道出场 3,跟踪止损2:价格回撤N*ATR出场 建议加载周期:D1 建议交易品种:GBPUSD|USDJPY|GBPJPY|XAUUSD 参数说明: - Trade Symbols = "GBPUSD|USDJPY|GBPJPY|XAUUSD"; - TimeFrame = PERIOD_D1; - MagicNumber = 15888093182; - Comment
FVG Sweep Pro is a trading system designed for the MetaTrader 5 platform. This EA is built on my Fair Value Gap Sweep indicator(the principle of sweeping fair value gaps). It executes trades under specific conditions such as time of day, gap size and other criteria fully customizable by the user.
For optimal operation, it is recommended to use these pairs with low spreads.
One of the key features of FVG Sweep Pro is its risk management system. Users can specify their desired risk percent pe
This version is 30 usd
British Fakeout EA is a trading strategy for GBPUSD. Strategy aims to catch fake movements and make a profit from them. For this purpose, it opens lots, these lots can be made with Fixed, Martigale or Equity Based Lot calculation. You can adjust the distance between lots with the GRID DISTANCE option. Live Signal
-Recommended Time Frame: 4H -Currency: GBPUSD -Recommended fixed lots for 1000 USD is 0.02 -Recommended equity lots for 50x leverage = 200 -Recommended equit
Disclaimer : Keep in mind that seasonal patterns are not always reliable. Therefore, thoughtful risk management is crucial to minimize losses. Seasonal patterns in the financial world are like a well-guarded secret that successful investors use to their advantage. These patterns are recurring price movements that occur during specific periods or around special events. Additionally, there are also intraday patterns that repeat. For example, Uncle Ted from Forex Family suggests examining previou
The EA trades on two indicators iMA (Moving Average, MA) and one iRSI (Relative Strength Index, RSI). Decision on trade signals is only made when a new bar appears, while positions are trailed and closed (in case of profit) at every tick. An unconventional solution was applied: The Slow indicator averaging period is calculated as the Fast averaging period multiplied by two, while the RSI averaging period is always equal to the Fast averaging period. This reduces the number of par
The EA tries not to open more than two positions of each type (BUY and SELL). The following rule is used: if there is a position, then the next position of the same type can be opened no earlier than after Trade once in the "timeframe of checked elements" * number of seconds on the History: timeframe of checked elements timeframe.
Input Values Trade once in "timeframe of checked elements" - the minimum time interval, after which the second position can be opened (the parameter value
The Asian Range EUR/USD M5 Expert Advisor is a specialized automated trading tool designed for the forex market, focusing specifically on the EUR/USD pair and utilizing a 5-minute time frame. This EA has been carefully developed to operate based on the Asian range manipulation strategy, providing a unique methodology to capitalize on market conditions during this specific period. Key Features: Asian Range Manipulation Strategy: The EA is built on a strategy designed to capitalize on price fluct
Are you looking for a way to maximize your Forex trading profits without spending hours analyzing charts and market trends? Dark Avenger, Our robot is designed to take full advantage of market trends. Manual trading isn't simple or quick. It takes years of trials and error of trade forex accurately, This Dark Avenger robot is a years of our experience, hard work and real world testing rolled into a single piece of automated forex software. Place it in your forex terminal and you are done.
策略简介 多单进场条件: 1,价格在云层上方
2,chikouSpan_MostRecent > MathMax(senkouSpanA,senkouSpanB)
3,tenkanSen上穿kijunSen 多单出场条件: 1,tenkanSen下穿kijunSen 2,价格跌破云层跟踪止损 空单反之 推荐品种:USDJPY 周期:H1 参数说明 - magic number = 18857863182; //策略识别码 - order comment = " Ichimoku "; //订单注释 - lot mode = LOT_MODE_PCT_ACC; //仓位模式 - lots / money / percent = 1; // 1.0% 仓位风险 - stop loss points (0 = Trailing Stop) = 0; //默认跟踪止损
This EA is suitable for trading when the market is strong. In full auto mode There are no wasted open orders. By opening orders using buy stops and sell stops. The nature of the sideways graph does not respect the moving averages. If the price crosses the moving average in the other direction, the pending price will be deleted. . in semi-auto mode Will allow investors to define the zone they want to play in. When the price enters the zone where you want to sell and there is a reversal candlesti
Good community, this time I present to you the EA
Crash 1000 Range Premium .
Where does it come from with the Velas trend strategy?
accompanying it with the Stochastic indicator to level and make the Sniper input
It's simple to use.
It is used only for the Pair (Crash 1000) of Deriv.
is designed to hunt Trend's sails
is used in 1 Minute (M1) temporality
and it is modified as seen in the image
Lot 1
SL 5000000
TP 50000 To Hunt Bigger Candlestick Trends Making passiv
This EA has been developed, tested and traded live on NASDAQ H4 TF. Everything is ready for immediate use on real account. Very SIMPLE LONG ONLY STRATEGY with only FEW PARAMETERS. Strategy is based on the breakout of the BOLLINGER BANDS on the daily chart. It enters if volatility raise after some time of consolidation . It uses STOP pending orders with FIXED STOP LOSS and TAKE PROFIT. To catch more profits there is a TRAILING PROFIT function in the strategy. EA has been backtes
Good community,
On this occasion I present to you the version of, Boom Range Premium, which is the one that follows Crash Range premium
where it consists of operations of the pair Boom 1000 and Crash 1000,
This is the Boom 1000 version.
where you operate in the broker (Deriv) of synthetic indices!
The bot has a simple and easy-to-use strategy.
It has the Stochastic indicator, where at certain levels of the indicator
activate the range in trend candles!
It is used in a time frame
Get to know Our cutting-edge trading algorithm: The EA is currently working on 17 currency pairs on the H4 timeframe. Set files are provided in the comment sectio n, always use them! The recommended testing period is minimum 5 years since it is a long term EA.
The EA has been tested for 10 years with high quality tick data + variable spread + commision + swap, and stress tested with extreme settings is quant analyzer's Monte Carlo analysis. You can see the full portfolio analysis in the screens
Only 1 copies at the price of 99 USD. Last price 999 USD EURUSD ecn - is a trading algorithm designed for trading on ecn accounts or any other accounts with small margins and small spread!
EURUSD ecn trading strategy is based on historical axioms of breaking the daily price range.
Why EURUSD ecn belongs to safe trading systems?! - each order has a short fixed Stop Loss
- the EA will not open an order if the trading account conditions do not match the recommendations (if orders are not
DarkMagic EA set files updated weekly on Telegram. Setfiles Optimised on ICMarketsEU-Demo ( The Optimization will chance from Broker to Broker for best results use ICMarketsEu-Demo when testing my files) https://t.me/n3oNpLoXBankerEa
This EA is a Trend Trading EA based on different indicators. Works With Prop Firm either Challenge or Funded. Only Selling 10 at this Price 99.99$
-It has indicators that can be chosen on inputs ( RSI, EMA,MFI, High/Low Timeframe); - This EA uses Low/High with
Introducing a powerful and user-friendly trading tool designed to supercharge your trading capabilities through a grid strategy.
Crafted for dedicated traders seeking a high-quality tool to execute their trades, this EA offers a range of features and options to enhance your trading experience.
Here's a breakdown of the key inputs and functionalities:
1. **Starting Lot Size:** Define your initial lot size to kickstart your trading cycle.
2. ** Multiplier :** Tailor your lot size for
Smart Grid is MT5 expert advisor that uses improved grid strategy to make profit. It works on any currency pair and any time frame. When deciding on what type of market you want to trade, you can chose between two trading modes: MODE 1 - works better for trending markets MODE 2 - works better for non trending markets. This EA comes with three built in functions that can be turned ON or OFF by the user: Maximize profit function - it will increase lot size if price goes in wanted
This was an old idea that now became reality. We've been often asked how is the win rate of our trading systems. Well, the win rate is a statistical variable which depends on the R:R ratio plus any edge that can be obtained by filtering and execution. Given this Expert Advisor tries to identify the predominant trend and execute trades properly, You are given the choice to set the Win Rate You like most and when running a back test You can check how It will be respected in the results metrics. As
egold24 Algo outperforms the competition, delivering unmatched accuracy rates of 80% Accuracy in the bullion trading market. Experience the power of fully automated trading without manual intervention.
The eGold24 Algo MT5 is specially designed for Gold. We decided to include this EA in our offering after extensive testing . eGold Algo and works perfectly with the XAUUSD, GOLD, XAUEUR pairs.eGold Robot has been created for all traders who like to Trade in Gold and includes additional a functi
AfriBold Trend Expert Advisor Professional Trend-Following Buy Trading with Low Risk Parameters
The AfriBold Expert Advisor is a powerful trading tool that can help you safely generate trades from the forex market. It is a trend-following expert advisor that takes buy trades with low risk parameters. The AfriBold Expert Advisor uses a variety of technical indicators to identify trending markets and potential trading opportunities. It then uses a sophisticated risk management system to ensure t
Goldminer AI 是一种复杂而新颖的算法,结合了人工智能和传统技术分析来预测市场走势。它具有革命性的恢复模式,将每次进入的订单分割为多个较小的交易,并逐个关闭,通过其他交易获得的利润逐一结算。它提供了动态交易策略,能够根据您的账户规模进行调整,集成了最新的 Prop 公司交易功能,并通过 回撤限制器 和高度可定制的风险管理系统确保安全性。 此专家顾问(Expert Advisor)使用递归神经网络,特别是长短期记忆(LSTM)单元,训练数据来自技术分析指标。通过这种方法,EA 能够学习哪些指标对未来价格走势最相关,并根据这些指标做出反应。此外,LSTM 网络特别适合时间序列分析,因为它们能够同时考虑短期和长期的历史数据。 注意:这是一个 限时促销 :此 EA 仅出售 10 份中的 1 份 ,当前价格。下一个价格: $899 此 EA 的价格将迅速上涨,以限制使用该系统进行交易的用户数量。 实时信号: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2125362 重要: 购买产品后,请通过 PM 直接联系我们以获取更多信息和附加内容。
功能 动态手数调整:
XAUUSD M1 HEDGE 真实账户监控 **Analytico - 您在MQL5自动交易中的新伙伴!** 您曾经想象过拥有一个交易助手,不仅能够识别市场上最佳的交易机会,而且还能像没有其他助手那样适应并保护您的资本吗?这就是Analytico,这款EA将改善您的交易体验!
**成功的三大支柱:方向、成交量和速度** Analytico不留任何事情交给机会。它基于三个基本原则运作:市场方向、交易成交量和价格波动的速度。这些支柱确保您的交易进入准确和及时,最大程度地提高了成功的机会。
**无马丁格尔的仓位恢复系统** 我们知道市场可能是不可预测的。当一个仓位朝您的反方向发展时,Analytico将使用无马丁格尔的仓位恢复系统采取行动。它不会加倍下注,而是采用智能方法来打破平局,以减少损失并重新获得控制。
**降低风险和资本保护** 第一优先级是保护您的资本。Analytico密切监控每日降低风险,最小化持仓交易或掉期。它迅速做出决策,以保持您的资金安全,因为我们知道资本保值至关重要。
**推出促销 - 根据需求定
Optimus PrimeX:提升您的NASDAQ交易体验! 释放Optimus PrimeX的力量,这是一款精心设计的NASDAQ交易机器人,旨在横扫金融市场的动态领域。建立在趋势跟随策略的基础上,并融入了人工智能偏置,该专家顾问旨在利用NASDAQ指数的长期看涨特性。 跨时间框架的战略分析 Optimus PrimeX在4小时、12小时、日线和周线的时间框架上进行全面分析,利用人工智能识别最佳买入机会,同时谨慎考虑用户设定的风险参数。人工智能驱动的方法确保了战略和知情的交易体验。 有关此机器人的构成和其能够执行的详细信息,请阅读此文章 >> https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/754937 风险友好交易与用户控制 默认情况下,Optimus PrimeX采用风险友好的方法,在最多四笔交易中风险约为账户余额的10%。例如,如果您的账户余额为$1000,那么每笔交易的风险就为$25。这四笔交易的时间框架基于4小时、12小时、日线和周线的策略。 可定制的专家顾问输入 Optimus PrimeX为用户提供可定制的输入,允许根据个人偏好进行微调。诸如sta
Dynamic grid M5 expert for those who have grid systems as their favorite. Relatively very simple algorithm that can trade on most common Forex majors and minors on any time frame. There are no guarantees that the algorithm lives up to high expectations or that any positive historical results achieved in the strategy tester guarantee the same in the live/demo future trading. Traded time frame and symbol Any time frame Forex majors and minors Characteristic features Volume (lots)
用我们的超级移动平均专家顾问提升您的交易! 您准备好把您的交易推向下一个水平了吗?移动平均是全球交易者最喜欢的工具之一,现在,我们已经将它提升到一个新水平!我们的专家顾问旨在通过整合三种最流行的移动平均方法来增强您的交易策略: 交叉信号:当价格穿越移动平均线时获得警报。 双重交叉:当两个移动平均线相交时获得信号。 三重交叉:观察三个移动平均线的交叉生成的信号。 我们用户友好的专家顾问结合了不同时间段的多个指标,非常适合各种交易风格,如超短线交易、日内交易或摆动交易。 但这还不是全部!此专家顾问还配备了附加功能,例如风险管理、时间过滤、基于其他五个指标进行交易筛选以及控制您的账户回撤。 我们的使命是为您提供一款多功能的专家顾问,可以满足您所有的交易需求。不要错过这个优化您交易策略并最大化利润的机会!
NDX 100 Swing EA We lower prices!
This expert advisor trades the Nasdaq 100 index. The strategy buys dips by taking profit from bullish trends. The investment is long term (Swing). It uses the RSI daily indicator as a signal to open operations, the management of operations, the level of risk and capital management is carried out based on probability calculations based on statistics. To achieve this, this project has been in development for more than 5 years, during which large amounts of dat
算法边缘 EA DE40/Tec100 Algo Edge Trail EA 和 Mega Boost 买入/卖出版本的链接:Laden Sie Handelsroboter(EA 顾问)“Algo Edge”,适用于 MetaTrader 5,im MetaTrader 市场 (mql5.com) 自学习 EA 只需在图表上设置 EA 并开始无设置优化。 DE40、US30、Tec100、US500 等等。 多功能 EA 交易无需任何更改即可与每个 Indize 进行交易。 推荐 M1 EA 可以与每个经纪商进行交易。 M1 高、M30 中、H1 低 风险 功能: inp1_=机器人工作时间 inp_2 和 inp_4 VolumePercent = 机器人将增加每 1000$ 手数以将其删除,将 VolumePercent 设置为 0.00(外汇每 1000$ 增加手数 0.01 手)(每 1000$ 手数增加 Indizes 1 手)。 inp_2 和 Inp_4 止损 = 最后烛芯低点 inp_14BEPoffset 和 inp_15 = 盈亏平衡功能 300 点以上 inp_
PROP GT Expert Advisor is specially designed for passing the Prop Firms challenge and further trading while adhering all rules and maintaining specified drawdown limits. Signal: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2208147 Customer chat: https://t.me/+hg7lZGrtFSdiNGQ1 PLEASE PAY ATTENTION BEFORE TESTING!!! Symbol: EURUSD Timeframe: H1 Model: Every tick It is important for the Expert Advisor to operate in the correct time zone, so before testing, you should correctly set the GMT parameter. How to
Nice Trade Bot 是一個 EA 系統,可以自動分析和識別圖表上的高概率交易入場價格區域,並向用戶的頻道或 Telegram 群組發送即時通知。 買賣數據顯示訂單入場價格、止損和目標利潤的詳細信息。 持續更新並使用多個時間框架,與美元相關的商品產品效率最高,例如:黃金、石油、加密貨幣…… 安裝和使用極其簡單,只需輸入通道或組信息並拖放到圖表窗口中即可。 適用於所有時間範圍。 獲勝率高達 70% 的買賣數據以及 Nice Trade Bot 分析的止損訂單將提高您的交易效率。 使用 Nice Trade Bot 讓交易更簡單並節省更多時間。 一次激活最多 5 次購買並永久使用。我們建議您在使用前查看演示和演示,以便在做出決定時獲得更多價值。 感謝各位交易者的合作,請在此給我們留下評論或評論。
The price is 45 USD for a short time for promotional purposes, the next price will be 300 USD
Fair Value Gap Judge EA uses a special calculation formula between price differences and thus determines whether the parity is above or below the required price. It does not use the MA and RSI system, instead it detects sudden fomo SELLs and BUYs in prices. In this way, it enters trade only when there are HIGH opportunities.
-It is suitable for all FX parities and stock market, but I do not recomm
Maarten Gale Ea includes the standard martingale strategy and the Reverse Martingale strategy. For the reverse martingale strategy, you just need to activate the Opposite mode. Unlike normal martingale, this system determines a take profit rate based on a percentage calculation, instead of opening hundreds of lots for small profits. It also includes the Auto Lot feature according to your account size and leverage ratio. In this way, you do not
The Expert Advisor is only designed for manual trading. The EA sets stop loss and take profit for positions and pending orders on the current symbol. It also has trailing stop and breakeven functions.
Input Parameters Stop loss - stop loss value; Take profit - take profit value; Close all if profit reached the x percent of balance or - close all positions once the total profit reaches x percent of balance; close all if profit reached the x profit amount in currency - close all position
Sometimes there is money to be made in simplicity! The DAX Bull works using a simple moving average both for short and long. It has an advanced order and trailing system which essentially helps in hitting those big wins. This bot is a trend bot and as such expect win rate to be around 40%, expect around 13-20 trades per month. As always, judge more on live signals and your own backtesting! If you have questions just message me on MQL5.
My main selling point as a EA creator? Brutal honesty.
News Scalper EA is an Expert Advisor for trading EURUSD - GBPUSD - XAUUSD pairs, positioning your positions during the news. Developed by an experienced trader with over 17 years of trading experience. Promotional price of only $100.00! The price increases after every update! News Scalper EA uses a news calendar from MQL5 and trades according to them. With sophisticated strategy and risk management, the EA protects your positions from larger losses! News Scalper EA lets you close the SL after th
Notes: 1. Martingale is a betting system. You just download this for entertainment purposes. 2. For MT4 version please contact via private message.
Strategy description 1. This bot uses supertrend indicator to decide entry and exit. 2. Every supertrend signal causes entry but exit if already in profit. You do not need to download the indicator. It is embedded in EA source code. 3. The bot works in both direction simultaneously(Hedging). 4. Trading decisions are based on candle closure. So thi
*** ATR ------- Moving Averages ------ RSI ***
MQLuxe C1 is a special MT5 Robot that is a fully automated trading system that doesn't require any special skills from you. Just fire up this EA and rest. You don't need to set up anything, EA will do everything for you. EA is adapted to work on small deposits. This trading strategy that combines ATR (Average True Range), Moving Averages, and RSI (Relative Strength Index) is a popular approach used by traders to identify potential trend c
This PORTFOLIO of 5 strategies has been developed, tested and traded live on GBPUSD M30 TF. Multiple EAs traded together will lead to a bigger profits and smoother equity curve. 5 not correlated EAs logics for GBPUSD M30 merged to a single strategy. Very SIMPLE STRATEGIES with only FEW PARAMETERS. Every trade has his own logic for STOP LOSS. To catch the profits every strategy uses different approach - some has TAKE PROFIT, some uses TIME BASED EXITS or PROFIT TRAILING. EA has been backtested
This PORTFOLIO of 5 strategies has been developed, tested and traded live on USDJPY H4 TF. Multiple EAs traded together will lead to a bigger profits and smoother equity curve. 5 not correlated EAs logics for USDJPY H4 merged to a single strategy. Very SIMPLE STRATEGIES with only FEW PARAMETERS. Every trade has his own logic for STOP LOSS. To catch the profits every strategy uses different approach - some has TAKE PROFIT, some uses TIME BASED EXITS or PROFIT TRAILING. EA has been backtested o
This PORTFOLIO of 5 strategies has been developed, tested and traded live on GOLD (XAUUSD) H1 TF. Multiple EAs traded together will lead to a bigger profits and smoother equity curve. 5 not correlated EAs logics for GOLD (XAUUSD) H1 merged to a single strategy. Very SIMPLE STRATEGIES with only FEW PARAMETERS. Every trade has his own logic for STOP LOSS. To catch the profits every strategy uses different approach - some has TAKE PROFIT, some uses TIME BASED EXITS or PROFIT TRAILING. EA has bee
This PORTFOLIO of 5 strategies has been developed, tested and traded live on GBPJPY M30 TF. Multiple EAs traded together will lead to a bigger profits and smoother equity curve. 5 not correlated EAs logics for GBPJPY M30 merged to a single strategy. Very SIMPLE STRATEGIES with only FEW PARAMETERS. Every trade has his own logic for STOP LOSS. To catch the profits every strategy uses different approach - some has TAKE PROFIT, some uses TIME BASED EXITS or PROFIT TRAILING. EA has been backtested
This PORTFOLIO of 5 strategies has been developed, tested and traded live on GOLD (XAUUSD) M30 TF. Multiple EAs traded together will lead to a bigger profits and smoother equity curve. 5 not correlated EAs logics for GOLD (XAUUSD) M30 merged to a single strategy. Very SIMPLE STRATEGIES with only FEW PARAMETERS. Every trade has his own logic for STOP LOSS. To catch the profits every strategy uses different approach - some has TAKE PROFIT, some uses TIME BASED EXITS or PROFIT TRAILING. EA has b
Unlock the next level of trading with DOWN Expert Advisor. At its core? It's signature "Defend, Attack & Protect System", ensuring your profits remain untouched. Tackle the market's unpredictability with our specialized Trend, Momentum, and Volatility filters. Juggling multiple trades? Our 5-pair Multi-Symbol Manager has got you covered. Elevate your trading experience with the unmatched prowess of DOWN MT5 Live Signals: Signal 1 Conservative Risk
***Buy DOWN MT5 and you could get the UP MT5
Algo Edge EA -DE40/ Tec100 EA working with high and low from last Candle. Self learning EA just set the EA on the Chart and Start no Settings optimization.
AUD/USD, EUR/USD, DE40, US30, Tec100 and much more. Multifunctional Expert Advisor can trade with every Forex Pair or Indize. EA can Trade with every Broker. M1 high, M30 medium, H1 low Risk. Functions: For other Indize example US30: Change the Robot Worktime in Europe to 16:30-21:30
-inp1_ =Robot Worktime inp_2 and inp_4 VolumePercent
Prop Masters EA for GBPUSD H1 Chart: The Epitome of Precision and Performance Embark on a revolutionary trading journey with Prop Masters EA, meticulously engineered for the GBPUSD H1 chart. Dive into the financial currents with a formidable win rate of 96% and a prudent risk management system maintaining a maximum drawdown of just 2.6%. With over 4600+ trades since March 2021, this expert advisor is a testament to consistency and
Algo Edge EA This EA only BUY download the second EA for SELL and Run it both. -DE40/ Tec100 Self learning EA just set the EA on the Chart and Start no Settings optimization.
AUD/USD, EUR/USD, DE40, US30, Tec100 and much more. Multifunctional Expert Advisor can trade with every Forex Pair or Indize. EA can Trade with every Broker. M1 high, M30 medium, H1 low Risk. Functions: For other Indize example US30: Change the Robot Worktime in Europe to 16:30-21:30.
-inp1_ =Robot Worktime inp_2 and
Dow Jones US30 NY Scalper is an EA designed for scalping during the New York markets open. This means that the EA will only place a maximum of 0-2 trades per day. With that being said, the EA does not utilize any grid, martingale, or topping-up strategies. Each trade has a strict Stop Loss and Take Profit in place. As shown in the backtesting results, there will be losing days or weeks, but the EA manages to recover and generate profits over time. The extent of the drawdown depends on your chose
Good community, this time I introduce you to the bot
Volatility 75 Sniperr ,
It has the strategy of a stochastic taking sales/sell at certain points
of the stochastic accompanying 2 moving averages of 21 periods and 50 periods making trading easier.
It's very easy to use,
the parameters leave as the bot comes,
only the recommended lot of 0.05 is modified
Stoploss 2000000
Take Profit 50000
recommended account balance of 500USD depending on the lot that is handled in the bot
Our team - @Supremacy_Lab - are glad to introduce our first product - EA_Supremacy_NT - a unique technical solution for day trading, scalping, and trend following.
EA_Supremacy_NT is a non-trading version of our core automated advisor, that will be released later. It is a truly innovative product that is based on an unconventional approach to market data processing. The underlying algorithm allows traders to reap the maximum possible profit from short-term price movements. The system uses a s
Algo Edge EA This EA only SELL download the second EA for BUY and Run it both. -DE40/ Tec100 Self learning EA just set the EA on the Chart and Start no Settings optimization.
AUD/USD, EUR/USD, DE40, US30, Tec100 and much more. Multifunctional Expert Advisor can trade with every Forex Pair or Indize. EA can Trade with every Broker. M1 high, M30 medium, H1 low Risk. Functions: For other Indize example US30: Change the Robot Worktime in Europe to 16:30-21:30.
-inp1_ =Robot Worktime inp_2 and
The promotional price is valid only for a few days. Solution is a neural network system trained on quant data, using complex methods such as hedges, average systems, automatic adjustment to market volatility and automatic hedging of positions in the event of unexpected market data (news). you can also adjust the risk level in the input tabs of the EA in money management ( Default is MEDIUM ). The EA automatically adjusts to the Lot size of the deposit and uses a progressive curve ( compound int
The robot can trade on any time frame, on any currency pair, on several currency pairs, and on any number of digits. It does not interfere with manual trading or the trading of other advisors. It only works with its own orders and provides all the necessary information about them as needed. GT Challenge EA is a fully automated trading robot. It trades 24/5 without news filter. It is easy to setup with default settings and It works with most broker. Please test in a demo account first for at le
FAST AVERAGE SETTINGS FastPeriod : The number of bars used to calculate the fast moving average. FastShift : The shift for the fast moving average. FastAverageMode : The method used to calculate the fast moving average (e.g., simple, exponential). FastAppliedPrice : The price type (close, open, high, low) used for the fast moving average calculation. SLOW AVERAGE SETTINGS SlowPeriod : The number of bars used to calculate the slow moving average. SlowShift : The shift for the slow moving average.
This is a classic range breakout system that wotks in any markets. Is great for Forex and future indices that has an accumulation in the beginning of the trade session. BIRDBOX BoxStartHour (int) : Defines the start hour for the trading box period, set at 9:00 AM server time. This marks the beginning of the period during which the strategy starts monitoring the market for trading signals. BoxEndHour (int): Sets the end hour for the trading box period, which is 10:00 AM server time. This time sig
Introducing the Ultimate EUR/USD Trading Bot: Are you ready to take your trading to the next level and unlock the full potential of the EUR/USD currency pair? Our cutting-edge EUR/USD trading bot is here to help you achieve your financial goals with ease and precision. Key Features: Advanced Algorithm : Our trading bot is powered by a state-of-the-art algorithm designed to analyze the EUR/USD market with unparalleled accuracy. It leverages historical data, technical indicators, and real-time mar
UPDATED AS OF 3.17.2024 WITH NEW QUALITY CONTROL UPDATE FOR PERFORMANCE VALIDATION! KAIJU X IS NOW 150.00 FOR A VERY SHORT TIME!!! GRAB YOUR COPY TODAY!!! WHEN YOU PURCHASE KAIJU X EA MESSAGE ME FOR ANOTHER SYSTEM OF YOUR CHOICE FROM MY OFFERINGS ABSOLUTELY FREE!! Introducing Kaiju X EA, a formidable force in the forex market, meticulously designed for the USDJPY H1 chart. This Expert Advisor harnesses the volatile nature of the Yen to deliver outstanding results, reminiscent of the mythical Ka
Are you looking to streamline and enhance your trading experience in the financial markets? Introducing Envirotades Pro, your advanced and fully automated trading companion. Envirotrades Pro is an expertly crafted trading robot designed to empower traders of all levels with precision, flexibility, and control in the ever-evolving world of financial trading.
Key Features:
1. Intelligent Trading Algorithms: Envirotrades employs sophisticated algorithms that are continually fine-tuned to adapt
Moon light drizzle an EA to approaches the realm of modularity. It is equipped with 3 moving averages, 1 RSI, and 1 ADX which each could be toggled on or off, or flipped for entering with trend or counter trend to try and find the optimal combination for each pair. The bot can be run in grid based mode, martingale mode, or scalping mode based on the user's desire. The EA also shines in the closing of trades territory, where it can be set up to calculate profits and losses based on multiple diffe
介绍 One Gold EA,这是 Meta Trader 平台上一种先进的黄金交易机器人,旨在帮助交易者进行高级市场分析。我们的专有技术利用神经网络和数据驱动算法来分析历史和实时黄金市场数据,提供有助于决策的见解。与传统的手动策略不同,One Gold EA 以最少的干预运行,简化了交易流程并旨在降低相关风险。虽然使用先进的神经插件可以增强机器人的分析能力,但需要注意的是,与任何交易工具一样,One Gold EA 并不保证盈利。然而,它被设计为具有通过提供更明智和数据支持的见解来提高交易绩效的潜力。One Gold EA 持续监控黄金市场,以检测人类交易者可能难以发现的模式和趋势。该系统能够适应各种市场条件,提供更一致的交易方法,尤其是在黄金交易等高度波动的环境中。无论您是经验丰富的交易员还是市场新手,One Gold EA 都旨在通过提供全面的市场分析和减少手动工作量来支持您的决策过程。虽然 One Gold EA 旨在简化交易体验,但将机器人与深思熟虑的交易计划和适当的风险管理策略结合使用至关重要。我们相信我们的技术有潜力为交易员提供支持,但鼓励负责任地使用和持续监控结果以获
FVG EA PRO is a must-have smart money concept EA, highly customizable and using advanced techniques of FVG "Fair Value Gap" and market structure to capture high probability trades. It is highly configurable, you can build various strategies based on market structure and FVG as entry criteria. FVG EA PRO can be used to trade Kill Zones and Silver Bullet Windows. It is fully compatible with swing trade strategies. It contains all the functionalities needed by any successful traders to automa
利用主要股指的开盘波动,并从市场开盘突破时的突然波动中获利。 这些策略的目标只是从市场在开盘时朝一个方向快速而猛烈移动的日子中受益,并控制这种变化。 如果市场开盘疲软且没有方向,EA 会锁定对冲损失并等待市场决定方向,然后再平仓。 股指对冲 EA 会在开盘前分析区间,并寻找理想的可交易距离,以便在市场开盘后朝任一方向快速波动时尝试兑现。 该策略适用于任何股票指数,如 DAX、DOW、NAS、S&P500 或 FTSE。 如果盘前区间太大或太小,它将跳过盘前价格走势并尝试突破最初的 5 分钟开盘区间。 此功能有助于在开盘时创造理想的交易条件,以避免在范围太窄的情况下出现拉锯,或者在范围太宽的情况下避免无法实现目标的可能性。 测试表明,理想的交易区间不低于 ADR 的 10%,且不高于 ADR 的 20%,以创造最大的机会在开盘时彻底突破并实现可实现的目标。
手册和策略说明在这里: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/754385/
EA 在开盘时进行 2 笔交易,如果成功,EA 会按照您选择的 R:R 比率在第一笔交易中获利,然后保护第二笔交易
EA介绍 该EA采用了有史以来最伟大的交易策略,并利用Darvas Break-out策略在时间上生存。
>> 链接: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/754436
拥有超过10年的编程和交易经验,我们开发了适用于大额账户和投资基金的产品。 EA Diamond Firms 将帮助您持续增加您的账户,具备智能的账户管理功能,以防止您的账户烧毁。 EA目标:
在长期内产生持续的利润(以月份和年份为单位) 仔细管理低回撤 用户友好的管理界面,即使对于没有经验的人也适用 账户保护,以防止多年内烧毁 MT4: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/106649?source=Site+Market+My+Products+Page
设置 货币对:EURUSD或具有0点差的货币对。 时间框架:M30或更高 经纪人:支持0点差的经纪人。 杠杆:任何。建议1:100或更高。
购买产品后,启用自动交易并添加以下链接以过滤新闻: 工
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