MT4版本: MT5版本:
“Pyramid EA”是一种为 MetaTrader 平台精心设计的先进交易算法,旨在精确而严格地驾驭复杂的金融市场。 其核心在于复杂的风险管理策略与动态手数大小机制相结合,使交易者能够利用有利的市场条件,同时防范潜在风险。
风险管理金字塔: “金字塔 EA”采用金字塔式的风险管理方法,其中初始交易规模代表金字塔的底部。 当交易朝着期望的方向发展时,就会战略性地增加额外的头寸,每个头寸都会经过计算增加手数。 该策略最大限度地提高利润潜力,同时保持风险敞口的受控水平。
动态批量大小: EA 根据市场波动性、账户余额和风险承受能力等预定义标准动态调整手数大小。 当市场状况与预定义参数一致时,“金字塔 EA”会智能地增加手数以抓住机会,确保交易资金的最佳利用。
自适应交易逻辑: 利用先进的技术指标和价格行为分析,EA 可以实时调整其交易逻辑以适应当
Vertex IA 专家顾问 Vertex IA 是一个高度先进的 MetaTrader 5 专家顾问 (EA),设计用于交易 EUR/SGD 和 GBP/CAD 货币对。此 EA 使用剥头皮策略,擅长识别和利用外汇市场中的小幅价格波动。 主要特点: 剥头皮策略 :Vertex IA 专注于快速交易,旨在最大化市场小幅波动中的利润机会。非常适合偏好动态和灵活交易方式的交易者。 可选的网格模式 :除了剥头皮策略,Vertex IA 还提供网格交易模式。此功能对希望多样化其策略并在不同价格水平管理交易的交易者特别有用。 人工智能 :Vertex IA 的策略基于使用神经网络进行的独特计算,以分析和预测市场走势。这增加了市场行为的智能性和适应性。 一致的性能 :在过去 5 年中,Vertex IA 证明了其在各种市场条件下有效和盈利的能力。历史性能图片显示了 EA 随时间推移的稳定性和有效性。 中长期设计 :虽然在短期交易中也很高效,但 Vertex IA 被设计为中长期策略的可靠工具。这使其适合希望构建稳健和可持续投资组合的交易者。 性能图片: 年度表现 :详细的图表显示了 Vertex
这是一款功能强大的智能交易系统,用于在 MT5 平台上交易 GOLD XAUUSD,最低存款额为 100 美元,准确性和性能令人印象深刻。 该 EA 就像猎人一样,分析价格走势、力度和趋势,耐心等待最佳时机,从而极其有效地开展工作。 该 EA 的策略基于价格行为、智能货币概念(SMC)和斐波纳契,可寻找最大的运动趋势并抓住最佳机会。
始终安全: 本 EA 非常安全,不使用网格、马丁格尔或对冲策略。每笔交易只有一次进场机会,并有严格的止损保护。
请注意专家 XAUUSD 和 GOLD 之间的区别: XAUUSD 基于 Metatrader5 本身的指标。The GOLD 基于开发人员自己的指标。
主要功能 交易代码: GOLD 或 XAUUSD。 该 EA 不断分析价格走势,一旦发现最佳机会,就会发送一个有限订单,从而建立头寸。 每个仓位从一开始就设定了固定目标和固定止损。
交易手数也是根据输入内容自动计算和确定的。 请注意: 该 “专家 ”生成的条目很少,因此,为了充分发挥其性能,我建议将其与其他 “专家 ”结合使用。
Al Brooks 的价格行动: 该 EA 可
我们的产品目前正在打折。我们不是唯一的,但我们是最好的。 您是在黄金市场寻找新机会的投资者吗? 您是否需要一个可靠且智能的工具来帮助您掌握交易? 不要再深入! 探索 Hunter Plus for Gold,这是一款革命性的交易机器人,旨在最大限度地提高您的利润,同时最大限度地降低风险。
智能风险管理 有了 Hunter Plus for Gold,止损风险不再是问题。 该机器人配备了反应性止损,只有在检测到趋势发生重大变化时才会进行干预。 这可确保您安全退出,并获得至少 1% 的未平仓头寸收益。 因此,您的投资可以免受不可预见的波动的影响。
复杂的分析和强大的策略 Hunter Plus for Gold 使用多个时间段以及四个专有指标来组合开仓前的一组条件。 这种方法可确保强大且准确的性能,降低错误输入的风险并最大化盈利机会。
易于使用且有效 我们的交易机器人被设计为易于使用。 您无需成为交易专家即可使用它。 只需点击几下,您就可以配置您的机器人并让它为您工作。 凭借其先进的智能,它能够适应市场状况,为您提供流畅且有利可图的交易体验。
充满信心地掌控黄金市场 不要让
你好交易者,我根据我之前的几个策略,严格设计了具有真实结果的Mystical AI,其智慧和智能无可挑剔,工具,使其适应外汇市场,因此它适应机器学习的人工智能,即 ,AI会读取参数,然后参考我的策略,然后它会学习,使条目质量更好,它还有一个节点,你可以在其中恢复仓位,你会发现的另一个创新之处是,一切都 会以虚拟的方式封装,即不会有数据发送到止损、止盈等服务器,非常人性化
专为 Metatrader 设计,完全智能且自我管理
其中最主要的两件事是我设计了 extractFeatures 和 trainModel 函数,这将负责设计蜡烛、解构 Slippage 并学习它如何移动以适应 Spread。
PureMath EA 不假装成它不是的东西。这个EA不使用任何反正看不到未来的人工智能(AI)或可以在历史数据上训练并拥有漂亮回测结果的神经网络,因为它们已经知道未来的数据。这个EA仅基于纯数学算法——这就是EA名称的由来。PureMath EA 将超越市场上基于神经网络学习或AI机器人的大多数甚至全部EA。这个EA基于经过验证的趋势检测突破策略,在长期甚至较短时间内都有足够高的胜率。这个EA只进行 少量交易 ,所以 不要指望在第一天就进行交易 ,这个EA会非常仔细地选择进入点。 获取您的免费演示版并尝试运行一些回测,以查看此EA的表现。在截图部分,您可以找到一些对Fusion Markets ZERO账户的回测结果。
支持 所有主要货币对 在 H1 上,但推荐使用: EURUSD
功能: - 无网格,无马丁格尔 - 无AI或神经网络或伪历史回测阅读器 - 纯数学 - 可配置的手数或动态手数计算 - 可配置仅开多单或空单或两者 - 低回撤 - 低最低存款 - 默认设置200美元就够了 - 默认设置有效(不需要设置文件)
推荐的最佳表现设置: 图表: EURUSD H1
I made to trade on gold can use for long term and scalp, This robot is reversals big trend small trend and side way there are 3 mode : -High risk mode work well on side way but use more balance. -Medium risk mode work on short trend following. Features: 1. Risk Sniper ( MODE ) - High Risk = Open Trade with no trend direction. - Medium Risk = Open Trade follow Up & Down Trend.
EA Hiloseven é baseado em 2 médias móveis simples, máximas e mínimas dos últimos 7 períodos. MODO TENDÊNCIA: Compra no fechamento da vela acima da média das máximas. Fecha a negociação com stoploss ou fechamento da vela abaixo da máxima de 7 períodos. A venda ocorre de maneira inversa. MODO CONTRA TENDÊNCIA: Compra no fechamento da vela abaixo da média das mínimas. Fecha a negociação com stoploss ou fechamento da vela acima da mínima de 7 períodos. A venda ocorre de maneira inversa. -----------
MACD Expert Advisor for MetaTrader 5 Introduction: The MACD Expert Advisor for MetaTrader 5 is an automated trading tool designed to capitalize on market trends by utilizing the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicator. This EA places trades based on specific conditions: when the MACD line crosses above or below the signal line, triggering buy or sell signals, respectively. By automating the process, the EA ensures efficient trade management according to predefined MACD-based strat
Looking for a Lower Risk EA? Look No Further and trade TWO Pairs at a time in a Partial Hedge Formation to better protect against market fluctuations and improve the win rate!!! See my results that show Low Drawdowns and High Sharpe Ratio! If you choose to not use the recommended brokers and settings, some optimization may be needed. A broker with low spreads or a Raw Account type is preferred for better results.
INTRODUCTORY PRICE!!! Please leave a review after testing live and contac
Tyrell Strategy 3 is a professional trading strategy based on the key concepts of Technical Analysis and developed by a team of traders and programmers with many years of experience.
The Expert Advisor operates by placing pending Buy Stop orders and has the aim of identifying the reversal phases and riding the new trend until it runs out. Tyrell Strategy 3 is equipped with several risk management systems, including a trailing stop that intervenes once the market order exceeds a specific prof
Hello everyone, let me introduce Martin D Climber. This EA (Expert Advisor) is designed to identify the best price to execute trades based on daily timeframes. The EA also features a 50-pip stop-loss, which we recommend for this strategy. It is highly recommended for the gold market. This EA has been backtested using "every tick with real tick," "random delay," and various brokers. We have configured the available settings to be optimal in managing market risks
Strategy on Nasdaq with 5-minute candles. It executes frequent trades on a daily basis. Profitable since 2018, it is a solid strategy, not based on martingale or Grid, its core is a combination of price action and indicators optimized for buying or selling. It operates with pending orders executed during moments of volatility. Its quality-price ratio is amazing By default, the robot opens one lot; be careful with the drawdown. One lot for an account of $100,000 generates an annual drawdown of 13
The following expert is based on the combination of 2 Moving Averages and 1 filter in order to find the optimal entry points when there are specific market conditions. This expert does not use dangerous strategies such as Martingale, grid, averaging, etc. This strategy has been widely tested with good results from 2010, where there have been a multitude of circumstances that the expert has been able to interpret and filter properly. Default parameters for "EUR / USD H1"
The Expert Advisor inco
Introducing CybeCore EA - a cutting-edge Forex trading advisor that utilizes an innovative strategy based on fully-transformers without decoders, operating on the foundation of the CyberVision EA advisor. What sets CybeCore EA apart from CyberVision EA is its ability to analyze data with unprecedented accuracy and speed, achieved through the application of advanced machine learning techniques. CybeCore EA employs a decoder-less architecture, significantly enhancing the efficiency of its trading
The following expert is based on the combination of 2 Moving Averages and 1 filter in order to find the optimal entry points when there are specific market conditions. This expert does not use dangerous strategies such as Martingale, grid, averaging, etc. This strategy has been widely tested with good results from 2010, where there have been a multitude of circumstances that the expert has been able to interpret and filter properly. Default parameters for "XAU/USD H1"
The Expert Advisor incorp
Only the first 5 copies will cost 50$ and then it will be converted to its original price. Deposit 500$ Profit 2500$+ in 1 Month Gold Trading. This robot works very well on gold. Gives good profit. Key Features: Very easy to use Working symbols: XAUUSD(GOLD) Working Timeframe: M1, M5, M30 All timeframe The minimum deposit $100, $500 Here you can adjust Lot Size, Auto lot, SL, TP, Trading Time, Profit pips, Percentage Equity, fixed ratio delta volume for lot size increasing with equity,
This strategy takes place in the first 20 to 60 minutes of the market opening as the markets are very volatile during this period. The currency pair price’s distance from the high or low price will indicate if you can enter a buy position or a sell position. You are advised to use this tester with caution. All the input variable are fairly simple optimize and try it out with different currency pairs and once comfortable use it in a real account. All the best.
DOWNLOAD THE SETTINGS HERE!!! YouTube guide in installing the Demo version: Maximize your profits and minimize your consecutive losses: EA Features - Fix 40pips SL - Fix 400pips TP - Risk Reward Ratio 1:10 - Win Rate 20-33%/month - Drawdown 5-10%/month - Profit 3-20%/month - Breakeven Option - Trend Filter
This is a fully automatic EA, with a set and forget principle of operation. The system uses the Martingale strategy, and you should be aware that this type of strategy implies trading without a Stop Loss with increasing the lot size where the entire capital is exposed to loss. The EA has been backtested for 10 years and has shown good results without high DD. Classic martingale is not used, instead dynamic entry and exit is used when technical conditions are met, and positions are increased by a
Only the first 5 copies will cost 50$ and then it will be converted to its original price. Fx Filter Ai is an Expert Advisor designed specifically for trading currency pair EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, XAUUSD . Deposit $1000 in this robot and give profit up to $75,000 In 6Month. The operation is based on opening orders using the F orce Index and Moving Average indicator. This robot can perform well in the EURUSD. Use default setting value on this robot. Better Timeframe 1M, 5M, 15M, 30M. find the det
Swing Starter EA
NOTE: Use on H1 for best results! LAUNCH PROMO : We want to sell our products at an affordable price, so that more people can benefit from their potential. No urgency or hurry! However, to celebrate the launch of our first EA, we provide a 75% DISCOUNT! Take this chance: - 50$ for the first 10 COPIES Then, FINAL PRICE of 190 $ Feel Free to contact me for more information or questions: Also add me as a friend to receive faster supp
Only the first 5 copies will cost 50$ and then it will be converted to its original price. Currency Picker EA is one of the best Auto Trading robot in Currency, Commodity Stocks. It Gives Good Profit. Recommended Symbols: USOIL, LINKUSD, NZDJPY, EURUSD, EURNZD CADJPY. NZDCAD, NSDUSD, EURCAD, AUDUSD, BABA,,CHTR, XALUSD, AMGN, HD, MCD, CADJPY, AAPL,AMZN Ect.... Inputs: All instrument working well in this EA inp6_ProfitPips =30 All SL and TP= 0 inp12_PipsAway = -100 also You can Use your Preferr
Introducing FMC HFT SCALPING EA , the groundbreaking MQL5 expert advisor that's transforming the way you trade the financial markets! Developed by a team of experienced traders with trading experience of over 5 years. IMPORTANT! After the purchase please send me a private message to receive the installation manual and the setup instructions. ***Buy FMC HFT SCALPING ROBOT and get access to our free fmc price action book !*** Ask in private for more details OPEN YOUR DOOPRIME ACCOUNT : Click he
Overview: The trading robot is an software designed to operate on the EUR/USD currency pair. It is optimized for an H1 (one-hour) trading timeframe, suitable for traders looking for a balance between short-term and medium-term trading strategies. Technical Indicators Used: Relative Strength Index (RSI): The robot incorporates the RSI to measure the velocity and magnitude of directional price movements. It helps identify overbought or oversold conditions in the trading of an asset. Bollinger Band
Nidavellir is the expert adviser designed for night trade strategy and use know-well broker for devolopments . Nidavellir good works on many fx symbols with short time hold on positions . Nidavellir showed good results in 2020-2023 and No use dangerous methods, no martingale, no grid . Nidavellir strategy based on behavior and price movement for each symbols and ea can take profit easy .
Introducing Tower Market Sky EA , the groundbreaking MQL5 expert advisor that's transforming the way you trade the EUR/USD and GBP/USD pairs! Developed by 2 experts creating algorithmic system in the world of trading. IMPORTANT! After the purchase please send me a private message to receive the installation manual and the setup instructions. Myfxbook Signal: members/Loldlm/tower-market-sky-ea/10895574
*Live Signal will be available soon* *Promotional Price: $687. The price will increase
Promotional Price: $368. The price will increase by $100 with every 10 purchases. Final price $1888 Features:
This unique strategy is based on ICT London Killzone. Very easy to install and use No Martingale, no Grid. Single Entry The order a lways has Stoploss and Takeprofit Low win rate, very high RR Recommended: risk per trade=0.5-1% Balance Pairs: GBPUSD (highly recommended), EURUSD Timeframe: Any timeframe (setting in parameters) Minimum deposit : $500 Account type (IMPORTANT) : Raw/Zer
经过长达一年的持续改进,4.5版本正式上线。请使用此版本,加载专用参数。 NEW WAY Scalper是一款可以交易多个货币对的夜间头皮EA,夜间头皮EA有非常久的历史,可以往前追溯到2012年甚至更早。这种策略长期有效,经久不衰,拥护者众多。我的团队经过长达两年的广泛、深入研究之后,在博采各家夜间头皮EA的长处的基础上,产生了New Way Scalper ,在直接货币对里,它最适合USDCHF,其次GBPUSD,其他EURUSD、USDCAD、EURGBP等等也有不错的表现。 下一个价格:599 美元。 这是详细的 用户手册 。如果您对EA设置不清楚,也可以在这里讨论: 加入公共讨论组 。 The signals 1,(2个货币对) : 点击这里 A. 下载best 2 Pairs参数 , B. 下载5 Pairs参数 。 NEW WAY Scalper,所有 货币对参数已经内置,在加载EA时,请注意面板上的信息,上面已经包含了注意事项,适合的外汇品种,Lot仓位建议,等等。EA内部包含
基于 供需 原理的 全自动顾问 。第一个提供 全自动供需顾问的公司。 交易 现在变得更加容易,让您可以完全控制自己的交易策略。 通过方便的图形交易面板。 您将获得包含超过 15,000 行代码的超高质量算法交易软件。
交易 Prop Firms 挑战并完成所有步骤成为合格交易者的最佳方式。
所有交易均自动进行和管理。只需 选择您的投入 ,坐下来看着您的利润增长。
选择 交易方向 (买入或卖出) 选择 您想要交易的时间范围 选择 您想要交易的区域类型 (宽、中、窄、超窄)
从 3 种资金管理选项 中进行选择 选择一位顾问,该顾问将在 盈利 或 亏损 交易数量达到后停止。 根据风险 或 ATR 选择止盈和止损赔率。 选择 看涨 或 看跌通道 内的交易区域。 选择 上限 和 下限 范围 如果您只想在一天中的特定时间进行交易,请选择 一个时间范围。 多种 追踪止损 和 盈亏平衡 功能可供选择
您可以查看三个较高时间范围内的区域。因此,如果您的时间范围为 30 分钟,则可以激活 1 小时、4 小时和每日供需区域。
EARLY BLACK FRIDAY! --> Buy Infinity Trader EA with -70% OFF and get a BONUS EA -> Intelly Trader EA (new EA developed 2024)! NOTE: Black Friday price: $147 ( Regular Price: $497) - The offer ends soon! Click here to learn more about Black Friday promotion and the BONUS EA! Infinity Trader EA Live Results: Infinity Trader EA seamlessly integrates the strengths of Chat GPT and Gemini AI , providing unparalleled market insights and in-depth fundamental ana
发现 Center EA 的创新之处: 探索我们最新产品的功能,这是著名的 Center 的增强版本,其 MT4 和 MT5 版本已经被近 10 万人下载。 这个专家顾问通过对不同市场阶段的深度分析,精确设计,以无与伦比的准确度检测趋势或其缺失。
突出其独特特点: Center 的进化引入了一种革命性的市场进入策略,专注于精确识别市场区域和阶段。 这种新方法通过准确适应明确的趋势环境和横盘市场来展示其有效性。
发现 Center EA 进化版的无限潜力,助您实现外汇目标。立即行动,改变现状。 加入越来越多的成功交易者社区,他们已经利用这一进化来改善他们的结果。 通过 Telegram 与我们联系,获取实时更新和策略!
在此下载所有可用设置 ,并注意它们会定期更新以保持领先市场。 寻找一个 卓越的 专家顾问? 发现我们为您准备的产品 !
信息: 我们通过上述提供的链接提供可下载的设置。 每个符号的资本分配应根据您的风险承受能力进行调整。 Center EA 的进化版默认比原始免费版本更为保守。 由于 EA 的特性,不需要新闻过滤器,实际上可以提升其性能。 时间框架在配置中
欢迎使用 LUNA 交易程序! 这是一款专门为 XAUUSD 设计的EA,请自行下载测试
———————————————— —————— Live Signal(mt4): Click here mt4: Click here ———————————————— ——————
特 点: 自动头寸调整: LUNA 根据您的账户规模和最大允许回撤调整手数。也可以选择自定义手数。 救援系统: 当损失达到一定水平时,LUNA 包含的救援系统会激活。此功能可以通过面板手动关闭。 简便安装: 安装过程简单,只需进行少量调整。 体验 LUNA,享受专业且高效的交易!
推荐: 货币对:XAUUSD(黄金兑美元) 交易周期:H1(1小时周期)
GoldenTrend Master MT5:终极趋势跟踪外汇交易专家顾问 概览: 介绍GoldenTrend Master MT5,这是寻求在动态外汇市场中精确可靠的交易工具的投资者的必备工具。凭借其强大的趋势跟踪算法,这款专家顾问(EA)确保您在最小化风险的同时,捕捉最佳盈利机会。 真实账户信号: 主要特点: 趋势跟踪策略: GoldenTrend Master MT5采用坚固的趋势跟踪算法,确保您始终与市场趋势同行。它识别最强势的趋势并相应进行交易,最大化您的盈利潜力。 智能止损(SL): 每笔交易都配备了仅对单个蜡烛图有效的精确止损。这种紧密的风险控制确保您的损失最小化,帮助您为未来的交易保留资本。 智能移动止损: EA具有先进的移动止损机制,可自动将止损调整至关键水平(1R、2R、3R等)。这一功能允许您在市场向您有利的方向移动时锁定利润,无需手动干预即可优化回报。 不持有亏损仓位: 如果交易与初步分析相反,GoldenTrend Master会立即触发止损并退出,确保您不会遭受长时间的资金
向您介绍Panda Robot News Trader EA:外汇新闻交易的革命! 您是否曾想象过以前所未有的便捷和高效进行外汇新闻交易?来认识Vestor Panda News Trader吧!这款尖端的专家顾问(EA)是您深入新闻事件、利用经济公告触发的市场动态的绝佳工具,配备了两种动态策略。 策略1:新闻事件前设置买入停止和卖出停止订单 想象一下,在重大新闻公告前的几刻,在当前价格的两侧设置陷阱,准备行动。这正是这一策略所做的。它在新闻发布前将买入停止和卖出停止订单放置在预定的距离上。无论新闻使市场飙升还是暴跌,您的头寸都准备好捕捉这一波动。一旦为某一事件设置了参数,EA就会不知疲倦地处理每次发生的那个事件——您无需再动一指。每个订单都配备了指定的止损和获利点,快速有效地调整您的风险和回报。这种方法非常适合那些希望从快速新闻驱动的价格波动中迅速获利的人。 策略2:分析并在新闻发布后交易 新闻发布后的交易采取更加衡量的方法。新闻发布后,该策略分析数据,让EA根据实际数字与预测的对比做出交易决定。如果新闻好于或差于预期,EA将开始行动,使您的交易与基本市场情绪保
这是一款功能强大的智能交易系统,用于在 MT5 平台上交易 XAUUSD,最低存款额为 100 美元,准确性和性能令人印象深刻。 该 EA 就像猎人一样,分析价格走势、力度和趋势,耐心等待最佳时机,从而极其有效地开展工作。 该 EA 的策略基于价格行为、智能货币概念(SMC)和斐波纳契,可寻找最大的运动趋势并抓住最佳机会。
始终安全: 本 EA 非常安全,不使用网格、马丁格尔或对冲策略。每笔交易只有一次进场机会,并有严格的止损保护。
主要功能 交易代码: XAUUSD 或 GOLD。 该 EA 不断分析价格走势,一旦发现最佳机会,就会发送一个有限订单,从而建立头寸。 交易手数也是根据输入内容自动计算和确定的。 请注意: 该 “专家 ”生成的条目很少,因此,为了充分发挥其性能,我建议将其与其他 “专家 ”结合使用。
如何安装 下载此 EA、 确保所有货币对(XAUUSD)都在 Market Watch 中(Ctrl+M)、 将 XAUUSD 图表放在 H1 时间框架上、 将此 EA 放置在 XAUUSD 图表上、 检查并调整参数,如下图所示、 单击 "确定 "激活、 完成!
购买后联系我,获取1个免费的EA(适用于2个交易账户)。 用AI Chess Player解锁您的外汇交易潜力! 进入外汇交易的前沿,使用AI Chess Player,这款终极的专家顾问旨在主导GBPUSD市场的M5时间框架。这不仅仅是一个交易软件——它是您的战略伙伴,精心设计以精准和精湛的方式掌握市场波动。 为什么选择AI Chess Player? 证明成功: 利用稳定盈利和风险管理的经验。 革命性方法: 使用最先进的AI技术,在最大化利润的同时将风险降至最低。 轻松整合: 开箱即用,AI Chess Player非常适合初学者和有经验的交易者。 可定制设置: 轻松调整EA以匹配您的个人交易风格和偏好,达到最佳效果。 关键推荐: 货币对: GBPUSD 时间框架: M5 最低存款: 无最低存款要求 账户类型: ECN、Raw或Razor,拥有非常低的点差 用户友好且可适应: AI Chess Player设计为用户友好,使启动变得轻而易举。虽然它已优化为无需任何调整即可运行,但我们鼓励您进行实验和调整设置,以适应您的交易策略并最大化您的成功。 提升您的交易水平: 不要错过提升交易
Unleash your trading potential with the Eightcap Gold EA for XAUUSD on the H1 timeframe, a game-changing tool designed to catapult your profitability to new heights. Crafted over the past three years and powered by live market data from Eightcap servers, this EA features 53 expertly optimized strategies, each meticulously refined to give you an edge in trading gold. Why the Eightcap Gold EA? Unmatched Profitability: Starting with an initial deposit of just $10,000, this EA generates a staggerin
Gold Top-Down Analysis EA; analyzing the overall market environment and economic conditions first before zooming in to the lower timeframe for entry. Starting from the big picture DAILY and then narrowing down to 1 HOUR and take the entry in 1M or 5M timeframe This EA adapt to changing market conditions, continuously monitoring macroeconomic indicators and sector performance, and adjust the trading strategies to capitalize on emerging trends Gold Top-Down Analysis EA does not use any risky trad
MT4 Version:
BTC Sunrise is a fully automatic robot for BTCUSD/BTCUSDT The robot applies a scalping strategy with high volatility optimized for Bitcoin. The advisor's algorithm uses market strength and recurrency to place orders between the NY market close and the Oceania market open. Orders are settled with take profit, stop loss, and Expert Advisor settings are optimized for brokers with spreads within 25USD. Slight optimization of input paramet
Cybele: The Less is More Do you ever think, if you really need to open many positions to make mo ney? Or have you ever thought that it could be better to open one position to make $80 instead of opening 80 positions to make $80. Which is better for you? In the first trading approach you take the risk only one time in a good quality trade setup. In the second approach, you take the risk 80 times in low quality trade setups. The most professional traders prefer the first approach and they patie
隆重介紹 Price Action Gold EA,這是一款漸進式顧問,改變您交易黃金(外匯市場上最受歡迎的工具)的方式!
憑藉我們自 2004 年以來的交易和編程經驗,價格行動黃金 EA 旨在改變您的交易路徑。
在創建價格行動黃金 EA 時,我們放棄了所有風險策略,例如網格、鞅、贏回損失等。
顧問的策略是經典交易,基於對價格行為(模式)的分析。 每個訂單都有固定的停損 價格將會上漲。 最終價格 1250 美元 您支付一次即可獲得終身 EA + 免費更新。 在顧問設定中您可以找到靈活的風險管理功能。 將每 1K 帳戶餘額的自動手數從 0.01 更改為 1.0,您可以將風險從最小調整到最大。 這將允許顧問根據帳戶利潤的增長按比例增加手數。 透過最小手數,您可以按照 PROP 公司的條款進行交易。 僅使用對沖帳戶。 時間範圍:H1 最低存款:0.01 手 300 美元 任何具有最小點差或浮動點差且點後兩位數字的經紀商。 問我哪些經紀人最適合顧問。
Price Action Gold 參數:
Magic number -唯一订单号 Trailing Profit(poin
Rise N Shine: Unleashing the Power of Algorithms Far surpassing the limitations of ordinary Expert Advisors (EAs), Rise N Shine is a meticulously crafted algorithmic powerhouse designed to deliver consistent profitability across a wide range of market conditions. Developed by a quantitative trader with a proven track record (9 years of fund management), Rise N Shine leverages a proprietary trading algorithm backed by rigorous backtesting to navigate market complexities with unpa
塞勒斯EA是一种剃头刀,从卷起时间前一小时到卷起时间后一小时进行交易。 在进行回测时,重要的是考虑您当地时间和GMT之间的时差。回测依赖于GMT时区来确定交易的开放和关闭。未考虑时差可能导致回测结果不准确。如果您无法找到您的GMT偏移时区,请通知我们,我们将很乐意帮助您。 概述 Cyrus EA是一种自动外汇交易机器人,利用趋势跟踪策略分析市场走势并执行交易。凭借其先进的算法和最先进的技术。 该机器人设计成在单个建议图表上有效运行,消除了为跨多个货币对进行交易而打开多个图表的需要。 时间框架:M5和M15 货币对:EURUSD,EURGBP,GBPUSD,USDCAD,EURCHF,EURCAD,AUDUSD,AUDCAD,GBPCHF,USDCHF,CADCHF 为货币管理的参数: MoneyMange RiskMode: Determines the risk management strategy for position sizing. InpLots: Fixed lot size for trades (e.g., 0.01 = 1 micro lot). Risk: R
Pro Arbitrage EA trades based on Arbitrage Strategy. The strategy is like a scalping technology but on three cross currency pairs at the same time. Each trade basket involves three pairs (all open at the same time) and they will close at once when any desired profit reaches. The strategy has no SL technically because all opened currencies are hedged. SL can happen if high slippages on order execution on the broker side. So the strategy is one of the safest ones in the world.
Using the EA : U
This trading method is inspired by Linda Bradford Raschkes 3 Little Indians pattern.
Put simply we anticipate price will approach a projected line that is based upon 2 previous fractals.
If 2 previous upper fractals occur we draw an upper line projected forward. If current price approaches this line we anticipate price will keep moving towards the line and breakthrough so we buy. If 2 previous lower fractals occur we draw a lower line projected forward. If current price approaches thi
This Expert Advisor can be used to "fish" for quick retracements that take place within a major trend. Different filters can be used to determine the overall trend direction. Before entering a trade the program then wait for price moves against the trend. The EA provides different user inputs for volume and trade management. You can decide to close all the trades at a specific point in time during the day or use the trade management options to finish the job. Make sure to download the EA now to
This EA adapt to changing market conditions, continuously monitoring macroeconomic indicators and sector performance, and adjust the trading strategies to capitalize on emerging trends
BTC Top-Down Analysis EA does not use any risky trading style, such as grid/martingale systems, but a rather simple Top-Down trading strategy based on Top-Down Analysis, This strategy is very effective for a volatile pair such as BTC, gold
Each trade has a TP and SL from the start, and the EA wi
Market Striker A very advanced trading system by using techniques of difference between prices, price movement, and the time in which the price moved from one point to another. The expert trades through the price movement relationship between the largest frames and the smallest frames, and it has a very complex time filter system. , and it is a very accurate expert.
Market Striker designed to trade on real accounts and provides exceptional results . Market Striker blog and live signal after p
We present to you ShtencoNeuralLink - a revolutionary trading advisor with a unique idea that has been under development since 2022. ShtencoNeuralLink is based on a neural network, fully written in the MQL5 language. Its idea is absolutely new and has no analogues on the market, operating in completely different price and time coordinate systems, going beyond the classical Japanese candlesticks or bars. The heart of the advisor is a trainable neural network, whose weights are automatically selec
Initial price - $299, subsequent price - $399. Trinity MT5 - an advanced solution for automated trading!
Trinity MT5 is an automatic trading system based on the basic principle of Forex - return to the average price. The average price reversion principle works best on three currency pairs: AUDCAD, NZDCAD, AUDNZD. Live signal(2 years+) : After purchasing EA, be sure to write to me in private messages, I will send you the set files. The robot settings are
Introducing WRECK FEST – the fully automated expert advisor designed to elevate your trading game! WRECK FEST employs pure price action techniques, utilizing resistance and support levels without relying on indicators to identify lucrative trading patterns. This EA capitalizes on breakouts of the high and low formed at specific times, riding the trend until the trade is automatically closed with a built-in time filter. Engineered specifically for trading the USDJPY currency pair, WRECK FEST ens
The Golden Boy Evolution This robot features 10 preconfigured strategies and specializes in trading XAUSD within the H1 timeframe. Assigning a unique magic number is crucial for seamless operation, particularly when concurrently using the robot across multiple charts with distinct strategies. For optimal performance, a VPS or continuous operation of your computer 24/5 is recommended. With its user-friendly interface, the system ensures easy navigation and setup. While initially trained for XAUUS
Welcome to The EurUsd Prospector! The EurUsd Prospector is a sophisticated Expert Advisor (EA) designed to trade the EUR/USD pair on the H1 timeframe. This EA combines four distinct strategies into a robust portfolio, leveraging 15 different indicators such as Linear Regression, Bollinger Bands, and Heikin Ashi. These indicators help identify trends and set precise stop order levels, ensuring a disciplined approach to trading without employing risky techniques like martingale or grid strategies
Consistency is key. The Silver Bullet Crash 300 test showed steady growth over the last year. Tests showed more than 300% ROI for the last year. Pro's:
The software runs 24hours a day, 7days per week Fully Automated
No settings adjustments Tests showed Zero Losses in the last year Steady monthly growth in tests Cons:
Only for bigger accounts Uses a lot of equity during extreme market movements (Not Losses)
Minimum Requirements:
Account Size $10 000.00
Permanent Internet Access (VPS rec
Consistency is key. The Silver Bullet Dex 900 Down showed steady growth over the last year. Tests showed 140% - 280% and more per year (Depending on Account Size) Pro's:
The software runs 24hours a day, 7days per week Fully Automated
No settings adjustments Tests showed Zero Losses in the last year Steady monthly growth in tests Cons:
Only for bigger accounts Uses a lot of equity during extreme market movements (Not Losses)
Minimum Requirements:
Account Size $5 000.00
Permanent Internet A
US30 And US100 Top Down Analysis EA analyzing the overall market environment and economic conditions first before zooming in to the lower timeframe for entry. Starting from the big picture DAILY and then narrowing down to 1 HOUR and take the entry in 5M timeframe
This EA adapt to changing market conditions, continuously monitoring macroeconomic indicators and sector performance, and adjust the trading strategies to capitalize on emerging trends
US30 And US100 Top Down Analysis EA does not
Trader Assistant Pro is an automatic trading EA that helps you to manage risk and control orders and maximize your profit in multi-protection or trailing-stop rules. This EA is very useful for both scalpers and trend followers. It not only calculates the trade risk in line with your parameters, but also can assist in protecting and maximizing your potential profits, or minimizing losses, in real-time. With this EA, the only thing you have to do is to enter trades by your own strategy.
Turnaround Titan : A dynamic MQL5 expert advisor driven by the ebb and flow of inflation and economic growth. Our strategy centers on the cyclical nature of money, drawing it inexorably toward global powerhouses. We exclusively focus on index trading, with a keen eye on prestigious benchmarks like the S&P500, Nasdaq100, US30, UK100 and DE40. Key Features : Stable Performance : Since the 2008 financial crisis, Turnaround Tuesday has consistently delivered stable results. With an impressive win ra
Expert Advisor (EA) that utilizes the basic EMA Distance strategy along with RSI for take profit, and employs support and resistance levels from the Zigzag indicator as stop-loss and take-profit points, you can follow these guidelines: Dow Theory Strategy : This involves analyzing trends using the Dow Theory principles, mainly focusing on identifying primary trends (bullish or bearish) and secondary trends (corrections). You'll need to implement rules for identifying these trends based on price
概要 資金管理、トレーリングストップ、ポジション管理ができる トレンドフォローEAです。
特徴 一般的なトレンドの方向にポジションを開くことに基づいたトレンドフォロー戦略です。 テイクプロフィット注文とストップロス注文を使用してリスクを管理し、利益を確保します。
また、 EA はトレーリング ストップを採用し、価格が取引に有利に動くにつれてストップロスを動的に調整します。 ※スクリーンショットの模様は、フォワードテスト最適化の様子やフォワードテスト後の資産状況を載せています。 EAを稼働させる上での注意事項 当サイトでご提供しているEAは、利用者の収益を保証するものではありません。 当サイトで掲載しているロジック、損益シミュレーションと同じ結果になることを保証するものでもありません。利用者の環境等で結果が異なることもございます。 実際にEAを利用するか中止するかの判断は、必ずご自身で決定してください。
Forex Market is very dynamic. Whatever strategy you used to trade the market will always face its ups and downs. What I learn from my experience, we have to embrace drawdown as part of our trading life and try our best to manage it, growing the account while waiting the drawdown decreasing over time. So the key is : - Ideal capital to cover the drawdown until a certain max percentage of the balance. - Grow profit to cover the drawdown while waiting the drawdown of that pair is decreasing. - Limi
Introducing the Pullback Trading Robot, your ultimate solution for navigating the dynamic world of trading with precision and confidence. Designed to excel on higher timeframes, this sophisticated automated system harnesses the power of mean reversion strategies to thrive in weaker trending market conditions. Key Features: Mean Reversion Strategy: The Pullback Trading Robot utilizes a mean reversion strategy, strategically entering trades during market pullbacks to capitalize on price reversals.
GoDaekSun 是根據信號產生器做出交易決定後再根據現有的資金量調整下單的單量 設計目的希望所有參與交易的交易者,都能夠獲取合理的利潤
自適應的交易信號: 根據市場狀況自動調節信號產生的條件 簡單的設定方式: 只需簡單的設定即可. 多品種交易: 根據信號產生器做的交易 無華麗顯示面板: 將算力完全用在交易程序的計算 可以更高效續的執行工作 長期交易策略: 穩定的市場狀態時才會執行開單平倉 安全的風險控制: 在當前行情不例於持倉狀況時安全認損 不會早造成爆倉或是大量虧損 穩定的交易策略: 不存在高獲利比 交易過程穩定增加帳戶資金量 不參與高風險交易
使用時間框 M15 建議交易品種 EURUSD GBPUSD EURGBP(品種必須列在報價清單上) 單一品種啟動資金使用1500美金即可運行 兩個品種建議使用3000美金 正式版可以交易多品種 購買或是測試可以聯繫我取得適當
GoNewBig 是根據信號產生器做出交易決定後再根據現有的資金量調整下單的單量 設計目的希望所有參與交易的交易者,都能夠獲取合理的利潤
自適應的交易信號: 根據市場狀況自動調節信號產生的條件 簡單的設定方式: 只需簡單的設定即可. 多品種交易: 根據信號產生器做交易 無華麗顯示面板: 將算力完全用在交易程序的計算 可以更高效續的執行工作 短期交易策略: 每周幾乎都會執行開單或是平倉 單品種年度交易約有一千筆 非常適合操盤或是代理人推薦給終端使用 安全的風險控制: 在當前行情不例於持倉狀況時安全認損 不會早造成爆倉或是大量虧損
使用時間框 H1 建議交易品種 EURUSD GBPUSD EURGBP(品種必須列在報價清單上) 單一品種啟動資金使用1500美金即可運行 兩個品種建議使用3000美金 正式版可以交易多品種 購買或是測試可以聯繫我取得適當的參數
BELLA EA is designed to capitalize on price breakout strategies by placing orders at key levels (highs/lows) to capture trends in the forex market. This approach aims to exploit rapid price movements to generate profits. The EA quickly opens positions and captures profits, minimizing losses. It also features a trailing stop mechanism, a smart tool for partial closure of profitable trades. Experienced traders can use this powerful EA to optimize their strategies and improve trading performance.
Description des paramètres :
Doushoku samourai est un robot trading adapté pour du trading semi-automatisé. Il utilise une moyenne mobile pour déterminer les ordres qu'il doit passer. Si le prix actuel est au-dessus de la moyenne mobile, il achète. Si le prix actuel est en-dessous de la moyenne mobile, il vend. Le calcul du take-profit (ou target) est déterminée en points (0.1 PIP).
Il est le résultat de la différence entre un prix choisi nb bougies dans le passé et le prix de la dernière b
Трендовый советник с применением мартингейла. Входные параметры: Advisor's identifier - magic номер Multiplier (martingale) - множитель лота после убыточных сделок Maximum deposit utilization % - максимальный размер задействованного депозита в процентах Profit - Количество пунктов профита Stop Loss - Количество пунктов убытка Calculation period
OPTIMIZE BEFORE USE THIS USES WEIGHTED AVERAGES. In the heart of Wall Street, amidst the bustling trading floors and towering skyscrapers, a seasoned trader Neural Edge HFT was constantly seeking an edge in the fast-paced world of high-frequency trading (HFT). Faced with relentless competition and ever-evolving markets, Neural Edge HFT embarked on a journey of innovation and exploration to develop a groundbreaking solution that would revolutionize HFT strategies with neural networks
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