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如何 购买 自动交易或指标

虚拟 主机运行您的EA
想要在市场 赚钱 吗?
如何介绍 用于流通销售的产品

付费的MetaTrader 4 交易实用工具 - 20

icon 以下是可在MetaTrader 4中简化外汇交易的交易程序。将鼠标悬停在下面列表中的工具上,阅读它的描述和用途。
G Labs Trade Manager
Garry James Goodchild
Trade manager  Auto calculates % risk per trade  Manual lot size input  $ Risk amount  Displays profit to loss ratio  Shows value of stop loss and take profit in pips and dollars  Shows Balance equity and open profit and loss  On screen trade entry lines with entry stop loss and take profit . All with lots size , pip value dollar value and  price level of line  The value of these lines is also displayed in the panel  Buttons on panel for  Close Winners, Close all, Execute .  Trade panel has func
OneClick Close All MT4
Kyra Nickaline Watson-gordon
5 (2)
A utility to close all orders with one simple click at once. Various options are available to filter or select orders : Type of orders : Buy / Sell / Buy Limit / Sell Limit / Buy Stop / Sell Stop Symbol Selection : All / Chart Symbol / Custom Symbols. You can enter custom symbols separated by comma. (for example you can enter EURUSD,GBPUSD,AUDJPY) Order Open Type : Manual Opened / Opened by EA Magic Number : You can enter more than one magic number separated by comma. (for example you can enter
Details of each condition Type 1. Set no use Hedging Martingale, to open the order by yourself only through the push button. TP and SL follow setting. Set Setting_Hedging =false;     Use_Signal =false;  Type 2. Semi Auto Recovery Zone You have to open the order by yourself only through the push button. If in the wrong direction and Set true on Hedging Martingale, EA will fix the order with the zone system by use Hedging Martingale Set Setting_Hedging =true;     Use_Signal =false;  Type 3. Use
Мы должны терять в сделке как можно меньше и никогда не превышать лимит, который мы установим. Тогда вы забудете, что такое ликвидация, и увидите, что торговля станет намного приятнее. Ведь вы уже заранее знаете, что получив стоп-лосс, вы потеряете не больше N-ой суммы денег. И сумма эта должна быть такой, чтобы вы не тряслись над каждой сделкой, стирая пот со лба, а спокойно позволили рынку идти к вашим целям
顾问工具,用于将交易从一个MT5帐户或MT4帐户复制到另一个MT4帐户。 Demo-version can be downloaded   here . 您可以在净额结算和套期保值账户之间以任何组合复制头寸。 您可以通过仪器的名称和将被复制的位置的魔术数字来设置过滤器。 到目前为止,来源仅发送有关市场头寸的信息。 挂单在变成公开市场头寸时被处理. 在一个终端上,顾问以发送者模式(发送者)启动,在另一个终端上-在接收者模式(接收者)中启动。 终端必须在同一台服务器上工作,以便它们具有相同的共享数据文件夹,通过该文件夹交换数据。 安装程序 在发件人帐户的终端中,我们以发件人模式启动顾问,配置常规参数。 在接收器帐户的终端中,我们在接收器模式下启动顾问,为接收器配置常规参数和参数。 要复制MT4->MT5,请使用此产品作为发送者,另一个真实交易复制MT5产品作为接收者。 要复制MT5->MT4,请使用此产品作为接收方,另一个真实交易复制MT5产品作为发送方。 More detailed information in the  post .
Roman Kratochvil
Automatic set up of SL, PT and BE Every trader has to set their „trade/bussiness/transaction“ for maximum loss, set the profit and in time move SL on „lossless“ trade – BE By using EXPERT – the trader does not need to do this set up for every trade by himself. EXPERT does   this automatically. You have to set the amount of „pips“ for SL, Pt and after how many „pips“ in profit to move SL on BE. Enjoy your trading
Horizontal lines must be named by themselves. And the line will remain when the order is opened. Setting each type, the program will use only 1 type that has been set. Cannot be used together Type 1. Set no use Hedging Martingale, to open the order by yourself only through the push button. TP and SL follow setting.Set Setting_Hedging =false.     Use_HLine =false.      Set Setting_TrailingStop =false. if not use. Type 2. Semi Auto Recovery Zone You have to open the order by yourself only throu
Trading panel for manual trading. Has a fairly wide functionality. Allows you to automatically calculate the order size, open both market and pending orders. It has a wide range of options for closing orders, it is possible to partially close orders, close orders after reaching a certain profit or loss, separately close profitable and unprofitable, buy and sell, as well as pending orders. The panel also contains a simple implementation of a grid of pending orders, reverse and lock functions, tr
Annihilator DD
Sergei Reshetnikov
Вспомогательный советник. Советник сам не торгует. В тестере открывает сделки для демонстрации и возможности подбора настроек. Советник анализирует сделки по всему счету, находит самый убыточный ордер, со значением ( Minimum order LOSS ) и закрывает его с минимальной прибылью ( Minimal annihilation profit for closing ) за счет текущих прибыльных ордеров, минимальная прибыль для закрытия прибыльного ордера ( Minimum order PROFIT ). Советник может оставлять самые прибыльные ордера ( Saving prof
GIA Calculate Order
Ruddy De Jesus Saavedra
它將幫助您輕鬆快速地控制每個操作的風險。其創新的界面讓您可以立即計算手數和風險/回報比率。將您的操作保持在您想要的風險範圍內,避免交易中的糟糕時期。 線函數 - 在圖表上顯示開盤線、止損、獲利。使用此功能,您可以輕鬆了解下一個訂單的主要和最相關的特徵。   風險管理 - 風險計算功能會根據既定風險和止損大小計算您的下一個訂單的數量。 - 允許您設置任意大小的止損。 - 它允許建立風險/收益關係來計算獲利。 - 允許您設置是根據基本金額計算批次大小還是手動輸入批次大小。 - 允許您設置百分比風險。 [風險設置] 基礎金額:設置計算的基礎金額值。如果設置為 0,該工具將以賬戶餘額為基礎金額。 最大止損水平:以點為單位設置默認止損值。 風險/收益[1-X]:設置風險/收益比率(Take Profit to Stop Loss 比率)。 這允許您設置與損失相關的利潤大小。 例如 1 - 這意味著 TP = SL 的大小,2 - 這意味著 TP 是 SL 的兩倍。 [地段設置] 計算手數:設置是否需要根據設置的參數計算手數。 百分比風險(%):根據基礎金
GIA Organizer
Ruddy De Jesus Saavedra
如果您是在 Metatrader 圖表中擁有多個指標窗口的交易者之一,那麼此工具非常適合您。 管理器幫助您自動組織所有指標子窗口,盡可能保持圖表乾淨。現在,只需點擊幾下,您就可以在閒暇時查看您的指標。如果您不想再看到指標,只需隱藏所有指標,而無需刪除它們以供日後使用! - 標準化子窗口的高度 - 用於直接訪問指標的按鈕 - 最大化/最小化子窗口 - 隱藏快捷按鈕 - 明暗主題 如果您是在 Metatrader 圖表中擁有多個指標窗口的交易者之一,那麼此工具非常適合您。 管理器無疑會幫助您自動組織所有指標子窗口,使圖表盡可能乾淨。現在,只需點擊幾下,您就可以在閒暇時查看您的指標。如果您不想再看到指標,只需隱藏所有指標,而無需刪除它們以供日後使用!
GIA Symbol Changer
Ruddy De Jesus Saavedra
GIA Symbol Changer 將幫助您在同一窗口中更改符號和句號,防止您在平台上填滿窗口,避免因窗口過多而頭暈目眩,錯失良機。 Symbol Changer 簡化了這一切,並促進了您想要在單個窗口中分析或觀察的圖形的可視化。 特徵 - 更改符號。 - 變更期。 - 隱藏當前資產以外的資產中的對象。 - 顯示當前資產的對象。 - 調整當前資產規模。 - 在多個窗口中同步符號。 - 非常容易使用。 GIA Symbol Changer 將幫助您在同一窗口中更改符號和句號,防止您在平台上填滿窗口,避免因窗口過多而頭暈目眩,錯失良機。 Symbol Changer 簡化了這一切,並促進了您想要在單個窗口中分析或觀察的圖形的可視化。_________
这个工具将在您的手机上发送详细的通知,并在MT4终端上提醒您,一旦您想看到的蜡烛图出现在图表上。该通知包含符号、蜡烛图样和形成该图样的时间框架。 你需要将Metatrader 4 Mobile与你的Windows终端连接起来。以下是方法。 https://www.metatrader4.com/zh/trading-platform/help/setup/settings_notifications 可以检测的烛台形态列表。 三个白兵 三只黑乌鸦 看涨的三线击球 看跌的三条线罢工 三条内侧上升线 三条内侧下跌 三条外线上涨 三线外跌 早晨之星 傍晚之星 看涨被遗弃的婴儿 看跌被遗弃的婴儿 看涨的哈拉米 看跌哈拉米 看涨的吞噬 看跌吞噬 锤子 射击之星 反转锤子 悬挂的人 蜻蜓斗鸡 墓碑十字星 早晨的斗极星 晚间斗极星 穿透线 黑暗四叶草 看跌的踢球者 看涨踢球者 长下影线(长颈线在下侧)。 长上影线(长灯芯在上方)。 输入参数 当你启动该工具时,你将不得不设置一些输入参数。 EnableMobileNotifications: 启用移动通知(MT5终端的警报默认为激活)。 Sca
MSD Utility
Kevin Beltran Keena
Multi Strategy Dashboard Utility Some functions of the MSD Utility can only be used on the full version. Multi instrument and multi time frame scanner, with the best indicators.  Comes with an order management panel. The MSD Utility can be used for manual trading. Click on the '?' button on the dashboard to obtain information about the various elements of the MSD Utility. Uses ATR Take Profits, ATR Stop Losses and ATR Trailing Stops. Comes with an FX Currency Strength meter and a Market Session
Euro dollar lot size
Andrew Michael Sheffield
Pro-Wealth is a new business entity focused on helping others make a success of their Forex trading. Thus it makes only sense to help others use the correct lot size and start practicing the correct risk management. This utility is a very simple tool to show the lot size respective to one percent of their balance which should be entered by the user when attaching the utility to the EUR/USD chart.
货币强度交易面板 EA MT4 是适合任何初学者或专家交易者的创新解决方案!它将货币强度概念提升到一个全新的水平,因为它将它与价格行为相结合,并且可以应用于任何符号/货币对,除了通常的 8 种主要货币的 28 种组合。这意味着您可以交易任何货币对的强弱,包括所有货币、商品和加密货币(不是指数)。这是一款真正的突破性产品,通过使用彩色条形图,让您一眼就能清楚地了解 16/32 符号,从而直观地告知您任何对的 2 个部分的强度/弱点平衡,而无需破译复杂的强度线或直方图,就像在其他传统的货币强度解决方案中一样。 货币强度交易面板 EA MT4 也是您可以找到的最简单易用的 MT4 交易面板。它的所有选项和功能都集中在一个表面上,无需打开额外的窗户或面板。它是一个订单管理、风险计算器、部分关闭和帐户保护实用程序的合一,使用起来极其方便!通过使用 货币强度交易面板 EA MT4 ,您可以比传统的手动交易方法更快、更准确地进行多次交易,这让您有更多时间和更清晰的头脑专注于您的交易决策。 货币强度交易面板 EA MT4 也是一个很好的账户保护实用程序,它可以在达到账户止盈或止损净值后关闭所有未平
GIA Chart Account Info
Ruddy De Jesus Saavedra
它將幫助您控制您的交易和您的賬戶,就像繼續查看您的圖表一樣簡單。其創新的界面讓您可以查看當前交易中發生的情況並監控您的賬戶狀態。控制您的操作並避免交易中的糟糕時期。 參數: 符號設置   顯示符號標記:“真”顯示符號/“假”隱藏符號。   顯示期間戳:“真”顯示期間/“假”隱藏期間。 信息設置   Show current trade summary ?: 顯示當前圖表交易的數據塊。   Show general account summary ?:顯示賬戶的一般數據塊。   顯示當天的盈利能力?:顯示有關當天獲得的盈利能力的數據塊。 時鐘蠟燭設置   顯示時鐘?:顯示一個時鐘,指示當前週期關閉蠟燭圖的剩餘時間。   將時鐘放在蠟燭上?:“真”顯示蠟燭側面的時鐘/“假”顯示側面的時鐘。 數據表   一個名為 GIAChartAccountInfo 的文件   支持MT4   安裝在指標文件夾中   圖表內界面
The EA   closes market orders after a specified time interval   (put simply - by timer) after they are opened. Use this utility if you need to close a trade after a certain time. The EA has the following input parameters: Only current symbol   - if   true , the EA will close only the selected symbol's orders; if set to false - it will close any order of any symbol. Timeout   - time (in seconds), after which the EA closes the orders. This EA is simple and very easy to use, does not use up your CP
This Utility is created to close Open Trades on the go by filters. If you want any custom feature or want to remove something from this product for your personal use. Please send me a personal message, I'll be happy to do so for you. Buttons & their Tasks :  CLOSE ALL TRADES         : Close all open trades  CLOSE ALL BUY              : Close all Buy trades  CLOSE ALL SELL              : Close all Sell trades  CLOSE ALL PROFIT          : Close all trades that in Profit  CLOSE ALL LOSS       
The adviser picks up all positions on any currency pair and in any direction of the transaction, on any time frame: the opening of the transaction is done manually, the adviser is installed separately on any chart window. Closes 5 goals automatically configured by you, call points and volume. You can also set a stop loss, and at what target it will shift to the value you have chosen. There is still a "breakeven" in the setup, which allows you to shift the stop loss by the volume of points you ha
Exit strategy   is the key to success in Forex. But its hardly followed by any Forex trader leading to huge losses. Without a legitimate exit plan, as where to close with profit, when to close trade and exit, nobody can profit and most markets are loss-making. Considering the significance of money and trade management, we have few alternatives to deal with that: Handle just about all trades and risk your investment by combating apprehension and self-indulgence. That is certainly where almost all
Promining digital ea
Rene Taborete Repunte
PROMINING EA+Ai 是一个全自动算法交易系统,在 XAUUSD 黄金对中最有效。 系统采用多时间框架图进行交易,EA同步跟随趋势。 它是一个非常快速的剥头皮交易者,交易非常活跃。 它专门设计用于交易 XAUUSD 对。 加入我们的 MQL5 小组,我们在其中分享新的设置文件、升级和更新。 当您购买 Promining EA +Ai 机器人时,欢迎您加入私人小组,我们可以讨论 EA 的工作原理、文件集、指南和教程如何设置和配置。 推荐: 时间范围:M1, M15 和 H1 货币对:XAUUSD 设置:M1 的默认设置文件和 M15 的默认设置文件 , H1 手数:使用 0.01 手 2-3 周了解 EA 策略。 之后,您可以根据余额增加您的手数。 给出的 EA 设置文件有一个 martiangle 设置。 如果您想关闭 martiangle 设置,请私下联系我。
Программа работает на сочетании двух индикаторов.   Set _ Lot = 0.01 – значение объема лота Set _ TP = 100 – значение тейкпрофит в пунктах Set _ SL = 100 – значение стоплосс в пунктах Up _ Limit _ CCI = 100 – верхний предел CCI Down _ Limit _ CCI = -100 – нижний предел CCI Delta _ CCI = 25 – отклонение CCI от первой свечи Set _ Time _ Frame _ CCI = 15 – значение таймфрейма для расчета CCI Set _ Period _ CCI = 14 – значение периода для расчета CCI Set _ Price _ CCI = 0 – тип цены, по которому вед
Mr Proper
Ruslan Eybogln
Mr Proper is made for manual trading and is well suited for people who are engaged in scalping and not only. The idea was to make trading as easy as possible And in this adviser, I think that I did not do badly. There are 2 types of levels in the assistant at once. These are Zones and important levels from which the price often reacts. What is in it?  You can turn zones and levels on or off. Trailing is not as usual, trailing goes through bars. There is a breakeven. Stop loss and Take p
Details of each condition Type 1. Set no use Hedging Martingale, to open the order by yourself only through the push button. TP and SL follow setting. Set Setting_Hedging =false; Set Setting_TrailingStop =false; if not use. Type 2. Semi Auto Recovery Zone You have to open the order by yourself only through the push button. If in the wrong direction and Set true on Hedging Martingale, EA will fix the order with the zone system by use Hedging Martingale Set Setting_Hedging =true; Set Setting_Tra
Emergency Stop
MarketMRKT L.L.C.
This application is a close all feature that will allow the user to close all open trades under the chart being used. For an example, if the application is attached to the pair being traded, it will only close those positions. So, if you need to close positions on pairs that is not associated with the active chart, you will need to add the Emergency Stop software to the chart of pairs that you are trading. **Please note: Data signals that are being sent from your computer, sometimes gets inte
The   Five Minutes Strategy   EA is designed for trading binary options. EURUSD on the five-minute period is strongly recommended. Trading is performed by the opening prices based on the signals of the   Five Minutes   indicator. It requires at least 100 bars in history to operate. Input Parameters Initial Deposit - initial deposit. Lot Value - lot size. Lot Type - lot type: Fixed - fixed. Variable - variable. Last Lot Value - last lot value (used in cases when the EA is reattached) Day lot typ
The   Rapid Strategy   Expert Advisor is designed for binary option trading.    M5 timeframe   with the 15-minute expiration is recommended. Available financial instruments: EURUSD, EURCHF, GBPUSD, GBPJPY, USDJPY and XAGUSD. Trading multiple financial symbols at a time is not recommended. The EA trades at Open prices based on the signals of the   Rapid   indicator. It requires at least 100 history bars. Input Parameters Experts Number - the number of expert advisors (corresponds to the number o
Watermark Symbol
Makarii Gubaydullin
图表上的水印:符号+时间帧/或您自己的文本 我的#1实用程序 :包括38+功能 /  如果您有任何问题 ,请与我联系 在指示器的设置中,您可以配置: 字体大小;文字颜色; 字体名称; 职位: 1=左上; 2=右上; 3=左下; 4=右下; 5=中心; 显示当前时间范围:开/关; 要删除的符号的前缀(n_AUDCAD-->AUDCAD); 要删除的符号的后缀(USD CAD pro-->USD CAD); 显示自定义文本:如果启用,将显示您自己的文本,如下所示: 自己的水印; 我的#1实用程序 :包括38+功能 /  如果您有任何问题 ,请与我联系 .....................................................
He is a very good tool, if you like him, he can be very effective to help you manage some of the orders, but not so effective every day, this depends on the market, to listen to my words, you need to open it every day, and then set a time to get up every day, he was like an alarm clock, let you every day have spirit, my products will only be released in MQL5, If you see him anywhere else, stay away from him
基于MT4的画线交易 辅助 EA。通过在图表上绘制趋势线和/或水平线实现开平仓等多种功能。 EA提供2种功能定义模式: 1.颜色标示模式。 2.文字说明模式。 颜色标示模式下, 默认颜色相应功能如下:                     Blue(蓝色):开仓BUY.                     Red(红色):开仓SELL.                     Yellow(黄色):平仓当前品种所有BUY订单。                     White(白色):平仓当前品种所有SELL订单。                     Lime: 平仓当前品种所有盈利的BUY订单。                     Aqua: 平仓当前品种所有盈利的SELL订单。         你可以在EA参数页修改设置你习惯并喜欢的颜色来实现相关功能. 文字说明模式:参数页输入预定义字符,在图表上添加 线条时,在该线的描述中输入与参数页相匹配的字符即实现相应功能。默认文字详见参数页。 图表中画线的数量不受限制,你可以在图表中不同位置添加多条相同功能的趋势线
This tool will help you hide your stoploss and takeprofit prices of all trades, it will manage them to close your trade when market price reached these levels. And it will replace all these StopLoss, TakeProfit levels for trades when you removed it, so you don't need to worry about missing your StopLoss, TakeProfit level when you remove it. It draw a button for you to control On/Off of working, you can see your SL,TP and modify it easy by the way turn Off the button, then drag your SL,TP price,
The tool will help you to hide your pending orders (buy/sell limit; buy/sell stop) To run it, you just need to add it on any chart (only 1 chart needed). So, when you make any pending order, it will remember that order (with price to open, lot number, symbol, your stop loss, take profit....) then, it will delete your pending order (hide it with broker). And it will make trade when market price reached the open price of your pending order, will all same parameters get from your old pending order.
AutoOrderModifyEAPro: A Vital Aid for Forex Traders, Both Manual and System-based Catering to the diverse needs of forex traders, whether engaged in manual or system-based trading, AutoOrderModifyEAPro emerges as a pivotal tool in this intricate landscape. The tool's efficacy is most evident in scenarios such as: Enhancing EA Strategies: Addressing the common dilemma of lacking Trailing and/or Break Even mechanisms in otherwise promising EAs. Streamlining Position Management: Overcoming the hass
在使用智能交易的时候,可能需要针对多个品种进行交易,如果手动去把品种一个个打开,会很繁琐,所以我们开发了这个小工具,可以帮你一次性打开列表式所有的品种,只需要1秒时间。 在使用智能交易的时候,可能需要针对多个品种进行交易,如果手动去把品种一个个打开,会很繁琐,所以我们开发了这个小工具,可以帮你一次性打开列表式所有的品种,只需要1秒时间。 在使用智能交易的时候,可能需要针对多个品种进行交易,如果手动去把品种一个个打开,会很繁琐,所以我们开发了这个小工具,可以帮你一次性打开列表式所有的品种,只需要1秒时间。 在使用智能交易的时候,可能需要针对多个品种进行交易,如果手动去把品种一个个打开,会很繁琐,所以我们开发了这个小工具,可以帮你一次性打开列表式所有的品种,只需要1秒时间。
Manage your deals
Fawwaz Abdulmantaser Salim Albaker
Hi Dear Friends ,   As i told you ,,, today i produce the management EA to managing your trades and with closing instruments used to closing tow kind of trades.. the profitable trades and losable trades .. u can try it for free for 2 days ,, it is worth every cent ..  now .. you do not need to keep tracing your deals.... let the EA do it for you automatically...  for any inquires contact me directly in my contacts shown on my profile after adding me .. best regards  Fawaz A. Al-baker 
Информер предназначен для получения информации о состоянии счета (номер, баланс, эквити) через Телеграм канал. Для работы необходимо создать канал и взять токен который указывается в настройках эксперта вместе с именем канала. Выбирается 2 временные отметки по которым отправляются отчеты в Телеграм. Данный инфрормер удобна для мониторинга счетов с работающими экспертами. Возможна отправка отчетов с разных счетов в один телеграм канал. Для запуска скопируйте в папку Experts, наличие файла Telegra
The  Silver Volatility Trend Line for MT4 is an EA that helps you trade using the trendlines, drawn on your chart. It basically allows you to send and manage orders using trend lines. It automatically calculates the True Range of your asset to allow you to send orders well calibrated with the market volatility. Take Profit and Stop Loss are calculated in number of True Range. You can do that for two different orders at the same time , so that you can trade two different kind of risk / profit rat
Customized Copy MT4
Kyra Nickaline Watson-gordon
Customized Copy is a Multi-Terminal visual trade copying utility that supports Metatrader4 and Metatrader5 for Trade Copying.  You can activate EA on 10 different PCs/VPS. On each PC/VPS can install on Unlimited Terminals. Specifications :     Real Time, Multi Terminal - Multi Account - MT4/MT5 trade copying (support over 50 accounts at same time)     All settings are input visually.     Visual display and modify of copy map and network     Each copy path can be used with different settings
The utility is convenient for closing trade operations when trade with two instruments. Should be Installed to Experts folder and launched as an Expert Advisor. After starting, Metatrader will indicate the device ID that is trying to connect. In Telegram, start/create the channel with the standard command /start Next, you need to enter a password that is assigned in the Expert Advisor field. If the password is correct, the Metatrader's comment will indicate that the password was successful,
使用內置算法幫助處理未結訂單的助手。允許您通過單擊主圖表窗口信息面板中的按鈕來打開買單或賣單。 交易中所需的頭寸量以三種方式計算: 自動,取決於天平的體積。 手動指定。 取決於每筆交易的風險水平和止損值。 止損可以通過三種方式指定: 一定數量的柱線(蠟燭圖)的最高或最低價格。 以點為單位指定止損的大小。 使用沿線設置止損功能。允許您使用圖表上的一條線提前設置所需的止損值,獲取更多信息並以設置的止損位開立交易。 開倉時,會創建一系列三個訂單,其中按指定比例將總手數除以一筆交易。 第一個訂單的止盈設置在止損水平。 第二個訂單的止盈設置在 SL / TP 比率水平。比例在設置中設置。 未為系列中的第三個訂單設置止盈。 開啟交易後,跟踪機制被激活,其設置可以提前設置。有兩種模式支持未結交易: 激進 - 在系列中的第二個訂單以指定的止盈與止損比率平倉後,止損移動到沒有損失的水平。 保守 - 在關閉系列中的第一個訂單且止盈等於止損水平後,止損移至沒有損失的水平。 功能說明 系列中最後一個訂單的追踪止損 在距價格指定距離的指定步長處啟用系列中最後一個訂單的追踪機制。 關閉所有訂單 它允許
Hello, boys and girls! Script allows you either to quickly save opened charts and then close all charts opened by visual tester mode or just faster close all charts. Feel free to take a look at video manual about how to use this script on my YouTube channel. Also, feel free to join my telegram channel , where time to time I publish some exclusive stuffs. Feel free to leave feedback and thoughts how to improve this script - I'd highly appreciate that. All the best.
Excellent spread indicator. Reflects the spread on each bar as it is. It should be remembered that the spread is displayed at the time of the bar opening. Therefore, the most correct information will be on the minute bars. Spread is one of the basic forex concepts that any trader should know. If explained clearly, you can describe such an example. The trader buys the EUR / USD pair at the rate of 1.1000. However, he immediately goes into negative territory, for example, by 10 points, as if he bo
Price Action Trade Panel EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (2)
价格行为交易面板 MT4 根据指定(默认为 8 个)过去蜡烛的纯价格行为数据计算任何符号/工具的买入/卖出力量水平平衡。通过监控指标面板上可用的 32 个符号/工具的价格行为,这将为您提供最接近的市场情绪。超过 60% 的买入/卖出力量水平为买入/卖出特定符号(使用默认设置)提供了相当稳固的水平。价格行为交易面板 MT4 有 3 种计算模式,可用于标准、快速或缓慢接近价格行为,还提供可调整数量的价格行为蜡烛,以便更清晰或更平滑地适应实时变动。 价格行为交易面板 MT4 也是您可以找到的最简单易用的 MT4 交易面板。它的所有选项和功能都集中在一个表面上,无需打开额外的窗户或面板。它是一个订单管理、风险计算器、部分关闭和帐户保护实用程序的合一,使用起来极其方便!通过使用价格行为交易面板 MT4,您可以比传统的手动交易方法更快、更准确地进行交易,这让您有更多的时间和更清晰的头脑专注于您的交易决策。价格行为交易面板 MT4 也是一个很好的账户保护实用程序,它可以在达到账户止盈或止损净值后关闭所有未平仓交易、删除所有挂单并关闭所有带有任何 EA 的终端图表。 提示 :您可以在您的模拟账户中
The CandleStick Factory is a tool that allow you to perform a   market scan   and search any candlestick pattern that you already created. The   lite version  can be downloaded here :  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/75622 You can perform a quick search in the current chart (500 bars will be scanned), or save your custom candlestick patterns, and search in different Symbols/Timeframes that you can select in the settings tab, the scan can be scheduled every 1, 5 or 10 minutes by updating t
Just drop this script in any chart and it will automatically open a chart for every order you have open in terminal. You can choose the timeframe to open when you load this script. This is a smart script, so if there is already a chart open for symbol of an open order, this will not open another chart. Also, if you have 10 orders of the same symbol opened, this will open just one chart for that symbol.
Chart Analysis Tool
Isaac Montesinos Valdes
-   Go up one more level with the most important Tools to Analyze the Market, such as drawing Horizontal and Dynamic Lines, Zones, Ratios, Trap Level Strategy, Impulse Projection, Bar Information with precision, automatic drawing of the most important Opening Levels (Open Day , Open Week, Open Month, Open Year), floating boxes on the chart where we can see the Countdown of each bar, the Spread and ATR indicator, an independent Panel with buttons for all options and shows the symbol, Time Frame
Fast MT4 Copier
Hans Alexander Nolawon Djurberg
Fast / Reliable / Multi Functions / Simple To use local MT4 to MT4 | MT4 to MT5 platform copier , it will copy all your Master account orders into any Slave accounts very fast , no delay, Also it supports any kind of orders/ExpertAdvisors such as Buy / Sell / BuyStop / SellStop / BuyLimit / SellLimit / Smart Partial Closing / opened in Hedge mode / opened in Martingale mode / Modifying Pending orders / Modifying StopLoss-TakeProfit .using it is simple , Just drop the EA on Master account which y
This is a simple yet really handy assistant. It is useful if you want to close all positions on the market when a definite sum of the free margin is reached. Just place the assistant on a free chart and set a closing amount. All positions of all symbols will be closed when this amount is reached. At that, you don't have to sit by the monitor waiting for a good moment. The EA will do it for you.
Main features: I nforming via telegram buttons content and closing orders for one of the pairs or all necessary orders.  Alert and information buttons to the telegram window when the specified percentage of profit is reached for each pair, or for two at once. The telegrams "sleep" while no profit we need, when a profit is reached, a menu of 5 buttons appears, in each button the profit will be displayed both in currency and in %%. When you click on the button, the direction of orders for this pa
Smart Channel M4
Vahidreza Heidar Gholami
The trend in the market can be predicted using trend lines but the problem is you don’t know where exactly the price is going to touch the trend line where you can put your pending orders on. Smart Channel Expert Advisor makes it possible to put an advanced channel around the price data, which can be configured to handle placing orders, opening and closing positions, managing risk per trade, spread, slippage, and trailing stop-loss and take-profit automatically. Features Money Management (Calcul
Trend following pending orders  detect a group of orders opened by chart buttons and automatically follows market price. Once your STOP or LIMIT orders are activated  Trend following pending orders  immediately adds STOP LOSS and TAKE PROFITS . Optionally you can add rule for closing all market orders when sum or price will reach your profit or loss. You can also enable trailing stop loss and traling take profit to market orders. It is a very handy tool in cases where you want to catch the perf
Hans Alexander Nolawon Djurberg
It's a smart Investing.com utility signal analyzer on MT4 chart during 28 pairs ,It uses all technical and candlestick patterns for each pairs to analyze the final trend ,You can use it as base entry signal for each pairs, It's easy to use ,You must add the address ' https://www.investing.com/ ' in the list of allowed URL tab 'Advisors' , Added GlobalVariables for each pairs as buffer simulation to get data from any ExpertAdvasor for trading. Setup So to work with the server, you must add the U
It is a simple fully customizable trading panel. It allows you to perform the simple trading operations on a trading pair / symbol, on the chart where it was placed: Buy, Sell, Close trades. The parameters are set in the panel: Lot size, Stop loss in points, Take profit in points. Thus, the panel allows you to open / close positions as quickly as possible with preset parameters. The panel is fully customizable and can be multilingual. When the panel is resized, all elements are resized automatic
迈达克论坛交易记录复盘工具。 运行平台:MT4 迈达克论坛有很多优质的信号,如果你需要研究学习这些优质信号的交易轨迹,可以用这个工具进行复盘。 适用方法: 1、选择优质信号 2、选择“交易历史记录” 3、交易历史记录标签页右下角选择 导出至CSV历史,导出历史记录 4、将导出导出的CSV历史记录文件存放到MT4安装目录下的 \ MQL4\Files文件夹中。 5、运行程序,在参数表中输入历史文件名称,并点击确定。 6、软件自动在所选图表中绘出涉及到当前交易品种的交易痕迹。 说明: MT4,MT5信号均可在MT4上进行交易痕迹绘制。 多单蓝色显示,空单红色显示。止损红色表示,止盈蓝色表示。 在具体使用中有任何问题,可以联系我的微信gaoqing001
Wicks Trade Panel Premium  It's a Trade Panel include Order Management & Risk Management for serious trader. Especially for those traders who pay attention to important events like the CPI, NFP, and ADP. A one-of-a-kind faster technique to fix the Entry Price by simply pointing the mouse pointer at it. This is what I enjoy about it. Automatically closing 50% order size lots when setting TRUE on Breakeven Status. It's especially useful when trading on significant economic events like the CPI, NF
Cristof Alexander Ensslin
KlickTrader allows you to visualize your trade before you place it. Whether you want to Buy or Sell at market or as pending orders, see the deal levels (entry, SL and TP) before you risk it. You can move around the deal levels on the chart, while numbers for risk, potential profit and lotsize adjust automatically. You can klick on OrderType to easily rotate between Market, Stop, and Limit order. KlickTrader includes your choice between fixed lotsize and automatic lotsize calculation for easy mon
一个简单的交易助手,允许以所需的杠杆轻松买卖。它是为最终交易者或新手交易者创建的,并受到 eToro 或 Binary.com 等流行的基于网络的交易平台的启发。它具有一组实现不同杠杆选项的交易按钮,以及一个用于关闭所有交易的附加按钮。所有交易均根据所使用的杠杆设置止损。这对于从其他平台迁移到 Metatrader 的交易者特别有用。 直观的界面 对短期交易特别有用 使用键盘快捷键快速交易 资金管理变得容易 EA实行严格的杠杆控制机制,将防止损失超过账户资金。 使用键盘快捷键进行交易 Double B:按 B 两次,EA 将买入 双 S:按 S 两次,EA 将卖出 双 C:按 C 两次,EA 将关闭当前图表中的所有交易 输入参数 幻数:用于进行交易的幻数。 滑点:关闭交易时使用的期望滑点。 每笔交易的风险:每笔交易的风险以可用保证金的百分比表示。默认值为 5%。最大值为 100%。 手动点值:交易品种的点值。零意味着 EA 将自动计算它。 杠杆:使用键盘快捷键进行交易时使用的默认杠杆 支持 我很乐意提供免费产品,但鉴于我的时间有限,它们没有任何形式的支持。我很抱歉。 作者 A
Fibo + Elliott + CME The Expert Adviso r is designed as an assistant for manual trading. Ready-made trading system based on  Elliott waves   and Fibonacci retracement levels . It is simple and affordable. Display of the marking of Elliott waves (main or alternative option) on the chart. Construction of horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, a channel. Superposition of Fibonacci levels on waves 1, 3, 5, A Display data from CME (CME - Chicago Mercantile Exchange Chicago Mercantile Excha
News Panel MT4
Omar Alkassar
1 (1)
MetaTrader 新闻面板是一款在 MetaTrader 交易平台内显示经济日历数据的工具。该工具从外部来源(例如财经新闻网站或数据提供商)获取经济新闻和数据发布,并以易于阅读的格式显示它们。 该工具允许交易者按来源、时区、影响级别、货币和通知方式过滤新闻发布。它还包括一个刷新按钮,使用户能够手动更新数据并确保他们拥有最新的可用信息。 新闻面板安装和输入指南 如果您想获取有关 EA 的通知,请将我们的 URL 添加到 MT4/MT5 终端(参见屏幕截图)。 您必须将数据源的 URL 添加到选项 -> Expert Advisors ->“允许对列出的 URL 进行 WebRequest”,以便让新闻面板从源加载新闻数据     (参见屏幕截图)。 MT4版本     https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/77300 MT5版本     https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/77301 主要特点: 新闻载有完整的详细信息(解释、效果、频率等)。 随时手动刷新数据。 过滤要显示的新闻类型(影响、货币等)。
显示任何实时图表的交易/订单历史的通用指标,非常类似于策略测试器的可视化模式。它允许您检查任何特定交易品种的真实交易历史,以用于教育、改进、逆向工程或诊断目的。它可以与主密码和投资者密码一起成功使用。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 一些主要特点是: 方向分析 每笔交易的损益标签 可定制的颜色和尺寸 利润因子的计算 按工作日和一天中的时间划分的交易活动细分 输入参数 购买箭头:购买箭头的颜色 卖出箭头:卖出箭头的颜色 买入箭头大小:买入和卖出箭头的大小 Close Buy: 买单的关闭颜色 Close Sell:卖出订单的关闭颜色 关闭箭头大小:关闭订单箭头的大小 获胜交易线:显示盈利交易的线颜色 亏损交易线:显示亏损交易的线条颜色 买入线样式:长交易线样式 卖出线样式:短线交易线样式 买入线宽:显示多头交易的线的大小 卖线宽度:显示空头交易的线的大小 赢得贸易标签:盈利贸易标签的颜色 丢失贸易标签:丢失贸易标签的颜色 字体大小:图表标签的字体大小 支持 我很乐意提供免费产品,但鉴于我的时间有限,它们没有任何形式的支持。我很抱歉。 作
Layering MT4
Ahmed Alaaeldin Abdulrahman Ahmed Elherzawi
This tool is very helpful when trading and increasing the profits by placing certain trades (defined in the settings) with equal distances when you place Buy / Sell orders. It helps in securing the account by using the layering method. Once the price hits the first TP, the EA will move the SL to the entry level, then once the price hits the 2nd TP, the EA will move the price to the first TP level. All the TP and SL generated by the EA can be manually adjusted on the chart itself. It works on any
Level2Level MT4
Jose Daniel Stromberg Martinez
RELEASE PRICE - JUST 199$ Final price - 499$ For every 10 copies sold, price will increase 100$. This is an advanced semi automatic EA, that trades from level to level. How does it work? The user puts it the desired levels in settings that they want to trade from. When this is done, the levels appear on the graph. The levels is 5 support levels, 5 resistance levels and one neutral level. This EA trades only long over neutral and only short below neutral. On neutral, it trades both ways. Where
Sergii Povzaniuk
This trading tool will help You to place your orders faster , specify its parameters easier and control your risks more clearly. It allows You to use lines on a chart to set the entry price, stop loss, take profit for any order, considering the specified percentage of risk from the deposit or a fixed lot, and place it in one click. It automatically detects a broker’s commission and takes it into account during calculations. It also calculates available for new order funds based on already opene
This tool is for helping manual traders to automatically add TP, SL, and Trailing to opened orders. You can use One-Click-Trading button to add your orders and leave this tool to help you set Take Profit, Stop Loss, and Auto Trailing. Just open and leave orders to it. Method of Installation Drop the EA to a chart of any currency pair at any time frame. All open orders in the same MT4 terminal will be managed. Caution This tool is for manual trading account. If you have other EA running in the
This is a multi-currency converter script that can convert the currency of the account history to another currency and output it. Since it supports multiple currencies, it is possible to exchange USD, EUR mutual conversion, JPY, GBP, AUD, or other minor currencies. Currency Exchanger can be converted to other currencies immediately by executing it once, so anyone can easily exchange currency. Let Currency Exchanger do the tedious work! The exchange result from the account history can be output a
Local Trade Copier EA 是针对需要从外部来源执行交易信号或需要同时管理多个账户的个人交易者或账户经理的解决方案,无需 MAM 或 PAMM 账户。它可以从多达 8 个主帐户复制到无限的从帐户 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 100% 自托管 容易安装和使用 不使用安装程序、配置文件、服务器、内存管道或 DLL 1000 次激活可永久使用 EA 本地执行,无网络延迟 它实现了您需要的所有功能: 最多8个主账户和无限从属账户 适用于所有经纪人和 DD/NDD/ECN/STP 执行 适用于具有不同帐户货币的帐户 在真实账户和模拟账户之间工作不明显 支持主从账户中的符号名称后缀 按幻数和订单评论过滤 不会干扰其他交易 可选择复制 SL 和 TP 水平 可选择复制挂单 支持符号翻译 支持部分关闭 反向模式 灵活的交易规模: - 固定地段 - 乘数 - 成比例的 - 与乘数成比例 EA 可以使用投资者或任何账户的主密码复制交易。 如何将交易从一个主账户复制到一个或多个从账户 在源终端中安装 EA 将 EA 加载到任何图表并选择“MA
Set your Entry Stop-loss and Profit with Lot size calculator in one click. We designed this EA to calculate Lot size automatically based on Risk percentage on Account balance Reward options are alliable to  1:1 , 1:2 , 1:3 cancel not executed trader at one single click. Don't need to go to any position calculator or any lot size calculator get your lot size based on candle price action.
Deposit Load Info
Makarii Gubaydullin
Potential loss on all active and pending trades:  if SL levels will be reached (or the current floating loss if the SL level is not set) My   #1 Utility:  65+ features, including this indicator  |   Contact me  for any questions  |  MT5 version In the input settings   you can adjust: Calculateion method : account currency / pips / points / % of the balance Position on the chart:   bottom left / bottom right / top left / top right corner Font:   color, size and style Optionally you can include t
Description of Monitoring_ExpertAdvisor+Balance_Equity Indicator: Monitoring Expert Advisor is an indicator that analyzes your Account MT4 elaborating the archived operation data in the order history. It is sufficient to connect it to any open and empty graphic window. The orders in the account database are identified by the indicator of their MagicNumber, divided in groups based on their strategy (Expert Advisor) to calculate complex efficiency   Objectives: It has the main objective of monitor

学习如何在MetaTrader AppStore上购买EA交易,MetaTrader平台的应用程序商店。
