什么是TICK? - 页 2








可能会有例外,比如说 "没有发现变化",但却收到了一个"√",但这是非常罕见的。

在没有价格变化的情况下收到 "嘀嗒 "声并不罕见,它预示着该货币对的MarketInfo的一些其他变化。












//| script program start function                                    |

    double oldBid, oldAsk, oldVolume, oldCheckSum, oldTickValue, oldSpread, oldMarginRequired;
    int oldTime;
    int tickValueChange;
    int checkSumCount = -2;
    double checkSum;

int start()

   oldBid = Bid;
   oldAsk = Ask;
   oldVolume = Volume[0];
   oldTime = Time[0];
   oldCheckSum         = GetCheckSum();
   oldTickValue         = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE);
   oldSpread             = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_SPREAD);  
   oldMarginRequired     = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MARGINREQUIRED);
   int bidChange, askChange, eitherChange, neitherChange, bothChange, tickCount, spreadChange, marginChange;


       if(oldVolume != Volume[0]) tickCount += 1;
       if(oldBid != Bid && oldAsk == Ask) bidChange += 1;
       if(oldAsk != Ask && oldBid == Bid) askChange += 1;   
       if(oldBid != Bid && oldAsk != Ask) bothChange += 1;
       if(oldBid == Bid && oldAsk == Ask && oldVolume != Volume[0]){
           if     (oldTickValue != MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE)) tickValueChange +=1;
           else if(oldSpread != MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_SPREAD)) spreadChange += 1;
           else if(oldMarginRequired != MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MARGINREQUIRED)) marginChange += 1;
           else neitherChange += 1;
                   " Bid Change              = " + bidChange + "\n" +
                   " Ask Change             = " + askChange + "\n" +
                   " Both Change            = " + bothChange + "\n" +
                   " MarketInfo Change  = " + checkSumCount + "\n" +
                      " TickValueChange     = " + tickValueChange + "\n" +
                      " Margin Change        = " + marginChange + "\n" +
                      " Spread Change        = " + spreadChange + "\n" +
                   " No Change              = " + neitherChange + "\n" +
                   //" Checksum           = " + checkSum + "\n" +
                   " Sum of above          = " + (bidChange + askChange + bothChange + spreadChange + neitherChange + checkSumCount +tickValueChange) + "\n" +
                   " Tick Volume            = " + tickCount);
        oldVolume = Volume[0];
        oldBid = Bid;
        oldAsk = Ask;


double    GetCheckSum(){

    checkSum =
   (100*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_LOW)) +
   (101*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_HIGH)) +
   //(102*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TIME)) +
   //(103*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_BID)) +
   //(104*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_ASK)) +
   (105*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_POINT)) +
   (106*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS)) +
   //(107*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_SPREAD)) +
   (108*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL)) +
   (109*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_LOTSIZE)) +
   //(110*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKVALUE)) +
   (111*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKSIZE)) +
   (112*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_SWAPLONG)) +
   (113*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_SWAPSHORT)) +
   (114*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STARTING)) +
   (115*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_EXPIRATION)) +
   (116*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TRADEALLOWED)) +
   (117*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT)) +
   (118*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_LOTSTEP)) +
   (119*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT)) +
   (120*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_SWAPTYPE)) +
   (121*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_PROFITCALCMODE)) +
   (122*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MARGINCALCMODE)) +
   (123*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MARGININIT)) +
   (124*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MARGINMAINTENANCE)) +
   (125*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MARGINHEDGED)) +
   //(126*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MARGINREQUIRED)) +

    if(checkSum != oldCheckSum) checkSumCount += 1;
    oldCheckSum = checkSum;

在有价格变化 或没有价格变化的情况下收到的Ticks,Tick数=成交量。









在无休止的循环中过度调用Marketinfo()会被经纪商视为垃圾邮件 吗?

什么不会 被认为是垃圾邮件?







// script
int start(){
   int startTime = GetTickCount();  
   for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++){   
      int spread = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD);  
   int endTime = GetTickCount();   
   Print("Time to collect 10000 instances of data = " + (endTime -startTime) + " milliseconds");  
   startTime = GetTickCount();  
   OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, 1, Ask, 0, 0, 0 , "", 0, 0, CLR_NONE);
   endTime = GetTickCount();   
   Print("Time to send one order to Server = " + (endTime -startTime) + " milliseconds");  
2008.10.27 16:32:37 Test GBPJPY,M15: Time to send one order to Server = 531 milliseconds
2008.10.27 16:32:37 Test GBPJPY,M15: open #8556064 buy 1.00 GBPJPY at 144.77 ok
2008.10.27 16:32:37 Test GBPJPY,M15: Time to collect 10000 instances of data = 438 milliseconds

菲--很抱歉再次打开这个话题 :-)








MODE_TICKVALUE 16 以存款货币为单位的滴答值。
MODE_TICKSIZE 17 以报价货币计算的滴答大小。



10000 MODE_LOTSIZE 基础货币的手数。
0.1 MODE_TICKVALUE 以入金货币计算的滴答值。
0.00001 MODE_TICKSIZE 以报价货币计算的滴答大小。


如果您愿意,请将上面的 "tick "替换为 "pip"。


该经纪人使用迷你手作为标准尺寸 -- MODE_LOTSIZE

他们使用3/5位的价格 -- MODE_TICKSIZE

其中一个 "点 "的价值是0.10美元 -- MODE_TICKVALUE




10000 MODE_LOTSIZE 以基础货币计算的手数。
0.080262 MODE_TICKVALUE 以存款货币计算的滴答值。
0.00001 MODE_TICKSIZE 以报价货币计算的票数大小。





PositionValueChange = PriceChangeInPips *MarketInfo( OrderSymbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE) * OrderLots();


MB Trading Futures, Inc.
MBTrading- Demo Server

MB Trading Futures, Inc.
MBT MetaTrader 4
D:\Program Files ( x86)\MetaTrader\MBT MetaTrader 4
/ reports/ MarketInfo_MB Trading Futures, Inc._. txt
2009.07.15 16:47:49

Report for EURUSD

1.39775     MODE_LOW                Low day price. 
1.41344     MODE_HIGH               High day price. 
2009.07.15 16:47:48     MODE_TIME               The last incoming tick time ( last known server time). 
1.41044     MODE_BID                Last incoming bid price. For the current symbol, it is stored in the predefined variable Bid 
1.41054     MODE_ASK                Last incoming ask price. For the current symbol, it is stored in the predefined variable Ask 
0.00001     MODE_POINT              Point size in the quote currency. For the current symbol, it is stored in the predefined variable Point 
5     MODE_DIGITS             Count of digits after decimal point in the symbol prices. For the current symbol, it is stored in the predefined variable Digits 
10     MODE_SPREAD             Spread value in points. 
0     MODE_STOPLEVEL          Stop level in points. 
10000     MODE_LOTSIZE            Lot size in the base currency. 
0.1     MODE_TICKVALUE          Tick value in the deposit currency. 
0.00001     MODE_TICKSIZE           Tick size in the quote currency. 
-0.6     MODE_SWAPLONG           Swap of the long position. 
-2.4     MODE_SWAPSHORT          Swap of the short position. 
0     MODE_STARTING           Market starting date ( usually used for futures). 
0     MODE_EXPIRATION         Market expiration date ( usually used for futures).
1     MODE_TRADEALLOWED       Trade is allowed for the symbol. 
0.1     MODE_MINLOT             Minimum permitted amount of a lot. 
0.1     MODE_LOTSTEP            Step for changing lots. 
10000     MODE_MAXLOT             Maximum permitted amount of a lot. 
2     MODE_SWAPTYPE           Swap calculation method. 0 - in points; 1 - in the symbol base currency; 2 - by interest; 3 - in the margin currency.
0     MODE_PROFITCALCMODE     Profit calculation mode. 0 - Forex; 1 - CFD; 2 - Futures. 
0     MODE_MARGINCALCMODE     Margin calculation mode. 0 - Forex; 1 - CFD; 2 - Futures; 3 - CFD for indices.
0     MODE_MARGININIT         Initial margin requirements for 1 lot. 
0     MODE_MARGINMAINTENANCE  Margin to maintain open positions calculated for 1 lot.
0     MODE_MARGINHEDGED       Hedged margin calculated for 1 lot. 
141.05     MODE_MARGINREQUIRED     Free margin required to open 1 lot for buying. 
0     MODE_FREEZELEVEL        Order freeze level in points. If the execution price lies within the range defined by the freeze level, the order cannot be modified, cancelled or closed. 

Report for GBPAUD
2.04     MODE_LOW                Low day price. 
2.06095     MODE_HIGH               High day price. 
2009.07.15 16:47:42     MODE_TIME               The last incoming tick time (last known server time). 
2.04538     MODE_BID                Last incoming bid price. For the current symbol, it is stored in the predefined variable Bid 
2.04588     MODE_ASK                Last incoming ask price. For the current symbol, it is stored in the predefined variable Ask 
0.00001     MODE_POINT              Point size in the quote currency. For the current symbol, it is stored in the predefined variable Point 
5     MODE_DIGITS             Count of digits after decimal point in the symbol prices. For the current symbol, it is stored in the predefined variable Digits 
50     MODE_SPREAD             Spread value in points. 
0     MODE_STOPLEVEL          Stop level in points. 
10000     MODE_LOTSIZE            Lot size in the base currency. 
0.080262     MODE_TICKVALUE          Tick value in the deposit currency. 
0.00001     MODE_TICKSIZE           Tick size in the quote currency. 
-1.47     MODE_SWAPLONG           Swap of the long position. 
-3.65     MODE_SWAPSHORT          Swap of the short position. 
0     MODE_STARTING           Market starting date (usually used for futures). 
0     MODE_EXPIRATION         Market expiration date (usually used for futures).
1     MODE_TRADEALLOWED       Trade is allowed for the symbol. 
0.1     MODE_MINLOT             Minimum permitted amount of a lot. 
0.1     MODE_LOTSTEP            Step for changing lots. 
10000     MODE_MAXLOT             Maximum permitted amount of a lot. 
2     MODE_SWAPTYPE           Swap calculation method. 0 - in points; 1 - in the symbol base currency; 2 - by interest; 3 - in the margin currency.
0     MODE_PROFITCALCMODE     Profit calculation mode. 0 - Forex; 1 - CFD; 2 - Futures. 
0     MODE_MARGINCALCMODE     Margin calculation mode. 0 - Forex; 1 - CFD; 2 - Futures; 3 - CFD for indices.
0     MODE_MARGININIT         Initial margin requirements for 1 lot. 
0     MODE_MARGINMAINTENANCE  Margin to maintain open positions calculated for 1 lot.
0     MODE_MARGINHEDGED       Hedged margin calculated for 1 lot. 
164.21     MODE_MARGINREQUIRED     Free margin required to open 1 lot for buying. 
0     MODE_FREEZELEVEL        Order freeze level in points. If the execution price lies within the range defined by the freeze level, the order cannot be modified, cancelled or closed.