如何开始使用MT5,一个总结 ! - 页 5



在本系列的第三篇文章中,我们将看到要放弃的5个 习惯,以拥有一个成功的MQL5编码生涯。
Better Programmer (Part 03): Give Up doing these 5 things to become a successful MQL5 Programmer
Better Programmer (Part 03): Give Up doing these 5 things to become a successful MQL5 Programmer
  • www.mql5.com
This is the must-read article for anyone wanting to improve their programming career. This article series is aimed at making you the best programmer you can possibly be, no matter how experienced you are. The discussed ideas work for MQL5 programming newbies as well as professionals.


Better Programmer (Part 04): How to become a faster developer
Better Programmer (Part 04): How to become a faster developer
  • www.mql5.com
Every developer wants to be able to write code faster, and being able to code faster and effective is not some kind of special ability that only a few people are born with. It's a skill that can be learned by every coder, regardless of years of experience on the keyboard.



本文是上一部分 的延伸文章,如果你还没有,可以考虑先阅读一下。

Better programmer (Part 05): How to become a faster developer
Better programmer (Part 05): How to become a faster developer
  • www.mql5.com
Every developer wants to be able to write code faster, and being able to code faster and effective is not some kind of special ability that only a few people are born with. It's a skill that can be learned, that is what I'm trying to teach in this article.



Better Programmer (Part 06): 9 habits that lead to effective coding
Better Programmer (Part 06): 9 habits that lead to effective coding
  • www.mql5.com
It's not always all about writing the code that leads to effective coding. There are certain habits that I have found in my experience that lead to effective coding. We are going to discuss some of them in detail in this article. This is a must-read article for every programmer who wants to improve their ability to write complex algorithms with less hassle.


自由职业 是MQL5中值得讨论的领域之一,因为许多开发人员希望通过他们的编码能力来赚钱,而其他人也喜欢挑战和经验。这些都是我和其他人在自由职业方面成功和不成功的经验所整理出来的观点。通过分享这些经验,本文旨在改善任何人在成为更好的程序员的道路上的自由职业。在这篇文章中,你会看到什么对我和其他人有用,什么没有用,只是为了让你对你的独立旅程有一个洞察力。
Better Programmer (Part 07): Notes on becoming a successful freelance developer
Better Programmer (Part 07): Notes on becoming a successful freelance developer
  • www.mql5.com
Do you wish to become a successful Freelance developer on MQL5? If the answer is yes, this article is right for you.




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MetaTrader 5 Web Platform
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