我寫script去呼叫它沒有任何問題,回傳的資訊都正確。但如果是寫在EA中的OnTick(), Tester就會回報
"2014.07.08 11:27:20 Core 3 2013.12.19 11:00:00 Failed to copy the values (EURCAD;) to the macd_buf array! Error (4806): "
請問是不是EA的程式需要特別改寫什麼? 會去Call它的上一層程式長的像下面這樣
謝謝. 請高手指教,
In case of the request to the inaccessible buffer, the error 4806 («The requested data was not found») will be generated.
我後來把IndicatorRelease(xx)拿掉就ok了, 可是其它讀indicator值的function還是有問題
string SymbolTA::getStochastic(string symbol, ENUM_TIMEFRAMES period=PERIOD_D1, int para1=5, int para2=3, int para3=3) { int stoHandle = iStochastic(symbol, period,para1,para2,para3,MODE_EMA,STO_LOWHIGH); double buf[]; string rStr; // 這道指令讓buffer順序顛倒, 最近的資料放在array的最前面 ArraySetAsSeries(buf,true); // read k int copied = CopyBuffer(stoHandle,0,0,2,buf); // read d //int copied = CopyBuffer(stoHandle,1,0,5,buf); if(copied<=0) { Print("Unable to copy the values of the indicator Stochastic. Error = ", GetLastError(),", copied =",copied); return ""; } if (buf[0] < buf[1]) { rStr = "-"; } if (buf[0] > buf[1]) { rStr = "+"; } rStr += ","+ DoubleToString(buf[0],1); //IndicatorRelease(stoHandle); return (rStr); }
int SymbolTA::getPDATRByPips(string symbol, ENUM_TIMEFRAMES period=PERIOD_D1, int para1 = 20) { int symbol_digits = (int)SymbolInfoInteger(symbol,SYMBOL_DIGITS); int ret = (int) (getPDATR(symbol,period,para1) * MathPow(10, symbol_digits)); return ret; } double SymbolTA::getPDATR(string symbol, ENUM_TIMEFRAMES period=PERIOD_D1, int para1 = 20) { double buf []; int NumberOfValues = 2; int atr = iATR(symbol,PERIOD_D1,20); int copied; if (atr != INVALID_HANDLE) { // 這道指令讓buffer順序顛倒, 最近的資料放在array的最前面 ArraySetAsSeries(buf,true); copied = CopyBuffer(atr,0,0,NumberOfValues,buf); if(copied <= 0) { Print("Failed to copy the values ("+ symbol +";"+") to the atr_buf array! Error ("+ IntegerToString(GetLastError())+"): "); //IndicatorRelease(atr); return 1; } else { //IndicatorRelease(atr); return buf[1]; } } else { //IndicatorRelease(atr); return 1; } //IndicatorRelease(atr); }
我寫script去呼叫它沒有任何問題,回傳的資訊都正確。但如果是寫在EA中的OnTick(), Tester就會回報
"2014.07.08 11:27:20 Core 3 2013.12.19 11:00:00 Failed to copy the values (EURCAD;) to the macd_buf array! Error (4806): "
請問是不是EA的程式需要特別改寫什麼? 會去Call它的上一層程式長的像下面這樣
謝謝. 請高手指教,