Dear Mr Rosh,A question


Hi Rosh

We know the "Bars" can get the total number of the current chart

But I want to know the number of bars at visible chart only

How can I calculate the number of at visible chart ?

See the picture

Thank you very much !


Thank you very much !

I have old vision manual of MT4 Reference

There is no this function (WindowBarsPerChart) in it

Please give me the Website where can I dowload the newest Manual ?

This documentation is available in Help of MetaEditor too. What number of build of your MetaEditor? Type word WindowBarsPerChart in a source code, seek the position into one and press F1. You must get same Help about this function.

Thank you very much for help !

I know the HELP key can do this work

But a lot of Forex website have word file(MT4 Reference) for dowload

So many people including me have the old version (:


没办法, 要用新函数, 只好升级安装新软件.

再过几个月,MQL5就出来了, 到时候你还得换.
