Mouteki-Demark trend new - MetaTrader 4脚本
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- 5713
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- 已发布:
- 2008.09.26 06:43
- 已更新:
- 2014.04.21 14:53
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extern int showBars=200; // if showBars= 0 so the indicator will be shown for all the chart extern int LevDP=2; // Demar Pint Levels; 2 = central bar will be higher (lower) then 2 bars on the left side and 2 bars on the right one. extern int qSteps=1; // number of steps/ no more than 3 extern int BackStep=0; // number of staps back extern int startBar=0; // ifstartBar=0 so we have recommendation for the current bar, if 1 - for possible next bar extern bool TrendLine=true; // false = no trend lines extern bool HorizontLine=true; // true = break levels extern bool ChannelLine=false; // true = channels which is parallel with trend lines extern bool TakeLines=true; // true = take profit lines extern bool Comments=true; // true = comments extern int Trend=0; // 1 = for UpTrendLines only, -1 = for DownTrendLines only, 0 = for all TrendLines
Mouteki-Demark trend new
由MetaQuotes Ltd译自英文