
As markets try frantically to parse Britain's exit from the European Union, they should look toward politicians, not just to central banks for the answer, experts told CNBC's "Squawk on the Street...
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Jiming Huang, 25 六月 2016, 08:17
“悟能,你看这只股票今天会涨吗?“ 最近经常看到一些交易培训机构带着学员去灵隐寺、武当山、峨眉山等一些寺院或道观。讲什么禅论交易法则,讲道文化。我想问我们是不是应该在电脑前放个佛主牌位,开盘之前先烧上一株香?或是三叩九拜,念经诵佛?或者请个大法师到公司,交易之前先问问师傅,该买哪只股票? 我个人不反对佛学和道家学说。我也曾研读过《金刚经》和《道德经》等类的书籍...
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[删除], 16 六月 2016, 12:59
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S...
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Jiming Huang, 16 六月 2016, 02:55
Janet Yellen has signalled that the US Federal Reserve will hold off raising rates this month, as she described Friday’s jobs report as disappointing and highlighted uncertainties ahead, including...
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Jiming Huang, 9 六月 2016, 01:49
Gold investors can stop worrying. Despite recent chatter, interest rate tinkering at the Federal Reserve is not driving the price of gold...
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Jiming Huang, 4 六月 2016, 03:44
非农前,加息预期,推高美指走势 投资李哥 2016/6/1 11:01 技术面: "昨日金价继周一在1211.15企稳收阳后,再此表现强势筑底形态,日线图macd收出中阳线,MA5有拐头迹象,MACD发生金叉,今日关注MA10阻力效果,如果突破后期有望试探1251.72,4小时图则显示当前价格已经站上布林中轨,并且macd表现为多头...
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weiliang Li, 1 六月 2016, 07:02 #黄金外汇
Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen said she expects interest rates to rise in "the coming months" if the US economy continued to improve...
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Jiming Huang, 31 五月 2016, 10:24
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Dashuai Liu, 28 五月 2016, 09:18
Stocks are indicated to start today's session in the green, which would follow the modestly lower close on Thursday and stronger gains earlier in the week...
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Jiming Huang, 28 五月 2016, 08:33
8 years of ultra-low interest rates and an avalanche of new financial regulations have driven bank profits off a cliff...
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Jiming Huang, 27 五月 2016, 09:29
In preparing the market for a summer interest rate hike, the Federal Reserve is actually girding itself for an economic downturn, Forester Value Fund Portfolio Manager Tom Forester, said Wednesday...
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Jiming Huang, 26 五月 2016, 09:28
国际油价有所走跌,而且大宗商品价格普遍下挫。前期受到中国经济反弹而大幅走高的钢铁类大宗商品价格今天跌幅进一步扩大。晚上如果油价继续下行,贵金属市场或受到拖累。此外,白银价格与非石油类大宗商品价格关联度要高于黄金,所以如果未来矿产类商品价格跌幅继续扩大,可能会拉低白银价格的运行。 美元指数下午反弹至95.35附近的阻力线,晚上可能继续走高,一旦有效突破95.35附近阻力线且向95...
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Dashuai Liu, 23 五月 2016, 12:49
The world’s biggest bank has agreed to buy a vault for gold and precious metals in London. But how many of these vaults are there, and how much gold do they hold, asks Claire Bates...
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Jiming Huang, 22 五月 2016, 09:53
纪要鹰派,美指大涨,黄金多头举步维艰 投资李哥 1074401350 2016/5/19 13:31 技术面: "昨日金价一直徘徊1280下方,FOMC公布以后,金价大幅下滑,最低触及1254.98,日线收盘价1260.3位于系统拐点下方,macd位于0轴下方,dif与dea走势看空,MA5与MA10指向布林中轨,偏空走势;...
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weiliang Li, 19 五月 2016, 08:56 #黄金外汇
WASHINGTON (AP) — Catching many investors off guard, the Federal Reserve made clear Wednesday that an interest rate hike in June is likely if the economy keeps improving...
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Jiming Huang, 19 五月 2016, 03:39
金价高位盘整,多头蓄势待发 投资李哥 2016/5/18 14:21 技术面: "金价一直高位震荡,并非等待空头来临,而是蓄势待发,日图周一收出宝剑线后,昨天再度企稳MA5上方,呈锤子阳线,macd站上0轴,布林中轨向上趋势,日内离上方阻力1292.84还有一定的空间;...
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weiliang Li, 18 五月 2016, 09:18 #黄金外汇
TOKYO, May 17 (Reuters) - A weekend gathering of G7 finance leaders may expose a rift on issues ranging from currency and fiscal policies within the close-knit group of advanced economies, dashing...
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Jiming Huang, 17 五月 2016, 07:48
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen didn’t rule out using negative rates in a future crisis but emphasized that they would be adopted as a last resort...
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Jiming Huang, 13 五月 2016, 02:19
法国商业银行(SocGen)全球固定收益策略师kit Juckes在分析报告中指出,美国库存疲软提振了油价,不过对零售销售数据的担忧使美股下挫。美国数据继续沉寂,使美债收益率下滑,10年通货膨胀保值债券收益率再次触及10个基点,从而持续大力打压美元。 复制并赚取 - https://www.share4you.com/zhs...
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Vasilii Apostolidi, 12 五月 2016, 21:14
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[删除], 11 五月 2016, 12:27