Sergey Ershov
Sergey Ershov
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Sergey Ershov
EUR/USD: Has the Market Gone Crazy? ● What happened in the market after the US Federal Reserve meeting can be called "the theater of the absurd". As expected, the regulator raised the key interest rate from 0.25% to 0.5% on Wednesday, March 16, for the first time since 2018...
Sergey Ershov
EUR/USD: Mega Event of the Week: US Federal Reserve Meeting ● As expected, the main event of the past week was Thursday, March 10th, thanks to the meeting of the European Central Bank. The interest rate was left at the same level of 0%, and this was no surprise to anyone...
Sergey Ershov
EUR/USD: The Fate of the Euro Is Decided in Ukraine ● Macro statistics were mixed last week. But few people pay attention to it at the moment. The dynamics of European currencies is determined by what is happening in Ukraine for the second week now...
Sergey Ershov
NordFX Brokerage company has summed up the performance of its clients' trade transactions in February 2022. The services of social trading, PAMM and CopyTrading, as well as the profit received by the company's IB-partners have also been assessed...
Sergey Ershov
The NordFX brokerage company started a new super lottery on March 1, which will give away 200 cash prizes of 250, 500 and 1,250 USD, as well as 2 two super prizes of 10,000 USD each. The total prize fund will be 100,000 USD...
Sergey Ershov
EUR/USD: War Is Not Only Blood, But Also Business ● The dynamics of European currencies is now determined by what is happening in Ukraine. You can forget about all kinds of macro-economic indicators for a while...
Sergey Ershov
EUR/USD: Waiting for War and Rate Hike ● The period from February 10 to 14 was unexpectedly stormy...
Sergey Ershov
EUR / USD : В ожидании войны и повышения ставки ● Отрезок с 10 по 14 февраля оказался неожиданно бурным. Панические настроения усердно разогревали ведущие СМИ, активно обсуждающие заявления мировых лидеров, в первую очередь Президента США, относительно возможного вторжения России в Украину...
Sergey Ershov
The Expert Council of the named the Affiliate Program of the brokerage company NordFX and its Social Trading Network as the best at the end of 2021. The Expert Council is a unique team of professionals headquartered in Hong Kong...
Sergey Ershov
EUR/USD: Tsunami Due to US Inflation ● Ancient Greeks began to declare a truce during the Olympic Games more than 2,800 years ago. It seems that the EUR/USD bulls and bears have decided to adopt this tradition during the current Winter Olympics in Beijing...
Sergey Ershov
EUR / USD : Цунами из-за инфляции в США ● Еще 2800 лет назад в Древней Греции начали объявлять перемирие на время Олимпийских Игр. Похоже, эту традицию решили перенять быки и медведи по EUR / USD на время нынешней Зимней Олимпиады в Пекине...
Sergey Ershov
EUR/USD: Another Surprise, from the ECB This Time ● It's hard to resist when you're attacked from both sides. The dollar received two powerful blows last week: one from the Bank of England, the second from the ECB, and could not resist them. The USD DXY index flew down...
Sergey Ershov
EUR / USD : Очередной сюрприз, теперь от ЕЦБ ● Трудно устоять, когда тебя атакуют сразу с двух сторон. На минувшей неделе доллар получил два мощных удара – один от Банка Англии, второй от ЕЦБ, и не устоял. Индекс USD DXY полетел вниз. Если 28 января он находился на уровне 97...
Sergey Ershov
NordFX brokerage company has summed up the performance of its clients' trade transactions in the first month of 2022. The services of social trading, PAMM and CopyTrading, as well as the profit received by the company's IB-partners have also been assessed...
Sergey Ershov
EUR/USD: Surprises from the US Federal Reserve ● The meeting of the US Federal Reserve FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) and the subsequent press conference of its management was certainly the main event of the last week...
Sergey Ershov
EUR / USD : Сюрпризы от ФРС США ● Главным событием прошедшей недели безусловно стало заседание FOMC ( Federal Open Market Committee ) ФРС США и последующая пресс-конференция его руководства...
Sergey Ershov
EUR/USD: FOMC Meeting: the Day the Markets Are Waiting For ● The main event not only of the next week, but of the whole month will certainly be the meeting of the FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) of the US Federal Reserve on January 26. Will the regulator raise interest rates now? Or in March...
Sergey Ershov
EUR / USD : Заседание FOMC – день, которого ждут рынки ● Главным событием не только следующей недели, но и всего месяца безусловно станет заседание FOMC ( Federal Open Market Committee ) ФРС США 26 января. Повысит ли регулятор процентную ставку уже сейчас? Или в марте...
Sergey Ershov
EUR/USD: Rumors That Drive the Markets ● The weather on the market is quite often determined by rumors which have very little to do with reality. Or nothing at all. But those who spread them can earn good money by speculating on them. Something similar seems to have happened last week...
Sergey Ershov
EUR / USD : Слухи, которые движут рынками ● Совсем нередко погоду на рынке определяют слухи, которые имеют к реальности очень слабое отношение. Или вообще никакого. Но те, кто их распускает, могут, спекулируя на них, зарабатывать неплохие деньги...